Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 3 – Chapter 2 – A Holy sword and Silence

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward



I was cut off by Rias shouting Kiba's name… He was severely injured, with many cuts and slashes around him, even missing an arm… Who the fuck? Kiba is a super devil you know! Who the hell overpowered him?

I quickly pick him up and heal him as well. Then I brought him to an unoccupied room and lay him down. His arm also grew back.

"He's fine Rias, I just healed him. But it'll take him time to wake up."

Did he drag himself all the way to my house? Where was he attacked? Who attacked him? How did they escape my... No, Nyarlathotep did she…? That's the only way! So, it's someone of importance that she's hiding… Shit!

After a few minutes Kiba woke up. I had put another more effective regeneration spell on him. It mostly healed his psyche and soul. Everyone else was there, I even expanded the room so we could all fit in there.

"President… Everyone…"

He muttered still tired.

"Kiba, you can tell us when you have more energy, we can—"

"No, it's fine… I can speak now."

He cut me off wanting to tell us what had happened to him.

"I had stepped out to get something in the shopping district. Gasper and I were missing an ingredient for our dinner so that's why I stepped out. It started to rain and when I was around the park someone in a robe attacked me."

"I think they were stray exorcists? They wielded… A holy sword, it's one that I hadn't seen before. It was crimson in color…"

"Crimson? Could it be?"


Everyone looked at me, Reni looked like she recognized what the sword was too.

"Galatine is one of the thirteen swords of the Knights of the Round Table, a band of knights led by the Legendary King, King Arthur of Camelot. It was owned by one of the knights of the Round Table and King Arthur's nephew, Sir Gawain."

"Considered to be the sister sword to both Excalibur and Arondight, the Holy-turned-Demon Sword of Sir Lancelot du Lac, Galatine possesses similar characteristics to both as a holy sword as well as a unique blade that can never be nicked."

"Also formally wielded by an exorcist called 'David Cerro'. He was a teacher of Freed Sellzen, the psycho exorcist that was meant to help Raynare but I killed him before he reached her."

"Wait… Does that mean…?"

Many of their eyes widen and I confirm Rias's question.

"Yeah, he's a natural wielder of a holy sword, whoever attacked Kiba. He's a lot more dangerous than the ones wielding the Excalibur pieces. Everyone needs to remain alert… I can't detect him."

Everyone looked at me in shock. Yeah, there are some people I'm not able to detect thanks to the other Outer God currently awake.

"Is the other one… Hiding them?"

"Yeah, she's definitely messing with me right now— Well it should be us. But, yeah, stay on high alert. I also felt some exorcist earlier today. I know them since I did complete a request for them before— Well for Heaven."

I turn to Rias.

"We're meeting them tomorrow, right?"

She nods.

"Yes, they have come here for a mission. They met with Sona before I spoke with her. We will be meeting them after school tomorrow."

Kiba Yuuto

I had walked to the shopping district to buy some ingredients that Gasper-kun and I were missing. Things have been quite hectic lately… The three years I— We spent in the [Pocket Dimension] Jin-senpai made, we— The Gremory group grew a lot in power.

Jin-senpai told Gasper-kun and I that we had reached the special status of 'Super Devil' though I trust his judgment… It still didn't feel real.

To be suddenly told that my raw power output was on par with the top 20 strongest in the world, as well as Satan Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, it seemed inconceivable. Almost like a fantasy fever dream.

In spite of being the [Knight] of Rias Gremory, my [King] and she formally referred to me as the Ace of the group... It seems like a long time ago. I feel like I've stagnated in strength. I haven't reached [Balance Break] state yet… The same for Gasper-kun, however…

I believe his potential to be higher than my own, his mastery over his Sacred Gear kept getting better… He also displayed an absurd amount of power that was different from the usual devil…


It was raining when I left the supermarket so I had an umbrella in my left hand as well as a bag of groceries in my right. It started slow and weak but eventually turned into a downpour. I have to hurry unless I let Gasper-kun starve… We do have some emergency snacks if he does get hungry.


I felt a sudden chill and looked to my right… Someone… Someone in a hood was standing there.


"A holy sword?!"

The figure dashed towards me. I had to throw away the bag I had as well as the umbrella I had. I quickly summoned my [Holy Eraser] demonic sword and clashed with the hooded individual.



"Who are you?!"

I asked, but the person didn't answer. But he also seemed equally surprised to see me parry his strike.

This person is strong… Add to the fact that his crimson holy blade didn't change once our blades clashed. It did not look like an Excalibur piece… Could it be another type of Holy sword? But what?

Clang! Clang!

The two of us disappeared, and our swords clashed against one another. Sparks were generated by the amount of force we were using. This is a problem, normal humans were still out and about even though it was nighttime… It was still relatively early!

I must end this quickly. It was what I thought, and I could see the cloaked individual thought the same thing. In order to do this, I decided to use all my current power.



When I unleashed my repressed aura, the hood the man was wearing partially blew off and his face was revealed…

"A foreigner?!"

The man had a brown skin tone and a rugged face, yellow-green hair, and sharp eyes. I also noticed that his arms had strange green tattoos on them.


I suddenly feel someone grab hold of my legs. When I look down, there were tree roots holding me in place? What the… Can this man control plants or roots? As I slashed at the roots with my sword, something deflected them— No, something stopped them?

<Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh, naughty boy, you must lose here, hehe.>

Who?! Who was that? A strange female voice resounded around the area.

"I, thank you, Goddess-sama."

The man said and dashed towards me. My hands were still free so I could fight back!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Slice! Ting! Ting!

Dammit! He suddenly became faster! Did he hold back earlier? Why? Why is this happening… Shit! Are these roots draining my energy…? I could feel myself getting slower and becoming more tired…

I summoned my [Flame Sword] and tried to burn the roots with the flames, but it was also blocked from reaching them.



I look at my side and the arm— The hand that was holding my [Flame Sword] had been cut. Dammit! Hold on, I can get through this! I didn't train for three years for nothing! Jin-senpai's efforts would be wasted!

I can't let down President! For I am the [Knight] of the Gremory called Rias!


I kept on swinging my sword in a desperate attempt at winning… This was so uncool… If Jin-senpai saw me he would say that, but would then train with me while making jokes and puns. Ah… Why am I thinking of him at this moment in time…

"Brilliant! I have never seen such a strong fighting spirit from someone before!"

After that, everything went black… Next thing I knew I was dragging myself through the streets of Kuoh towards Jin-senpai's house… But I also had no full memory of what had happened after I blacked out… When I reached the door, I fell against it.

I hoped that I had hit it loud enough so that they could hear…



Ahh… They heard me… Thank Satan… I finally lost consciousness again.

The next day

Kuoh Academy


Jin Skyward

The situation has been tense since last night, with a mysterious attacker that attacked Kiba. I have confirmed with Heaven and the Church that they are not involved with this stray exorcist nor do they know where the Holy Sword Galatine is.

Having a Seraph as a lover is quite convenient since I could just walk through the door in her room to reach her room in Heaven. I met with Michael that night and asked a few questions.

He seemed to not know anything about it, so I had him inform the church to be on the lookout for this individual if he had fled.

In the morning Kiba gave more details on what had happened. The man had a unique look, one I had never seen before. He could also use some kind of… Plant manipulation. Almost like [Wood Style] from Naruto, but a much weaker version from what I heard, but could drain energy, stamina, or both.

But I doubt that man went all out. For him to overpower Kiba who's a Super Devil… Nyarlathotep had a hand in this. Since he told us that a female voice came out of nowhere and stopped him from breaking free from the roots or vines that kept him in place.

Rias was tense, one of her servants and family members had been hurt quite badly, so she held off meeting up during lunch and decided to meet after school. She had actually gone to check up on Kiba just now.

"Yo, Jin. You look tense, what's up man?"

Kouta and Najima came up to me, seemingly worried. How considerate of them.

"Hmm? Nah nothing serious, I was just thinking of what to cook for dinner tonight."

"Pfft, seriously? Talk about making such a serious expression for the dumbest things."

The two of them laugh and I jokingly try to punch them. I see that Sona was waving at me, they follow my gaze and see that the school President was beckoning for me.

"Sorry, gotta jet."

"And his harem grows... Praise the harem king."

The two make an exaggerated box towards me and I smack them both on the head.


I ignore their protests and complaints and follow Sona. A few eyes were on us but we ignored them.

"Need something from me, Sona?"

"We'll continue in the student council room."

I nod and we silently walk there. We descended  the stairs and I passed Ingvild and her friends. Her friends started giggling at her and she blushed.

"Look at your boyfriend cheating with President Sona…"

"You're going to let this slide, In-chan…?"

"Go take your man back!"

Ingvild turned around slightly flustered and angry with them.

"Geez stop it, you guys!"

They only giggled at her more, then pulled her away while chatting about God knows what. Walking through the halls seems too weird. I spent three years in the [Pocket Dimension] with many people, and I wonder if they're having the same thoughts?

It was like a very long camping trip and now we're back to reality… I haven't eve—


Never mind, I was about to say I still hadn't received the text. I take my phone out and check it.

|I miss you.|

It was a text from Natsume. How cute, how adorable… She's become a lot more open and I love it. But she can still get flustered easily.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

What is this timing? I got a text from Suzaku, Rossweisse and Kunou. I opened up Suzaku's message first.

|Hi Jin, are you well? I seem to have found myself staring into the sky quite a lot lately... Perhaps my time in the [Pocket Dimension] seemed like a faraway dream. Say hi to Akeno for me.|

Looks like I wasn't the only one feeling like this, next up Rossweisse.

|I got drunk a few times there. I never did have a chance to apologize… Also for getting angry at you when the [Welsh Dragon] did that scandalous technique. So, we set the date for you to meet Granny at the end of the month, yes? She looks forward to it.|

Yeah, we did. I wonder what kind of character she has. She seemed like a strong woman from the brief time we had. I also had to take the reins when Rose got drunk in the last session of the [Pocket Dimension] while I admit I like the more honest Rose. However, I'll wait until she can do that while sober.

Finally, Kunou… I wonder what it's about?

|Hi, Jin! Did something happen between you and mother? She seemed to be lost in thought a lot these days. I've also been training here as well! I can't wait to show you my progress!|

Yasaka and I have talked quite a lot since I asked her that question. However, she hadn't brought it up yet, she acted like her usual self and I also teased her back a few times. Honestly, I want to bring it up, but I'll wait until she is ready, because she is the one who needs to be ready to have that talk.

"We're here."

Once I heard Sona's voice, I put away my phone. I'll reply to them later.

"Sup, Saji."


I greet him and he nods to me. The guy has a grin on his face. Did he get together with…? Who knows I'll know soon enough.


"Take a seat, Jin. Let's play a casual game of chess."

I nod and sit down at the same table where we once played chess. We immediately start playing. I'll try winning without Cúntóir's help and see where that leads.

"So, I heard from Rias that Kiba Yuuto-kun was attacked last night?"

"Yeah, they're someone I can't detect because of… Interferences, but I have my own eyes and ears throughout Kuoh right now."

I created the nano flies, millions of them. I have them all over Kuoh right now, I have eyes and ears everywhere, if they see the person that has the same appearance as who Kiba described I can confront them directly.

"Is that so? Can they be trusted? Check."

"Yeah, you could say I personally created them, like the android fairy I made for your sister and Sirzechs."

"I see, checkmate."

Fuck, I don't think I did too badly. I look at the board and chuckle.

"I heard some exorcist came to visit you?"

I snap my fingers and reset the board. Sona nods and starts moving her pieces again. Cúntóir, you're a lifesaver at times.

Cúntóir: Answer: Only at times? Haaa….

You're becoming more and more human, it's weird, but I also welcome it. I make my move too.

"Yes, there were three of them, however, the oldest and most powerful was the one who did most of the talking. She was a pleasant woman."

Yeah, she is, leave it to Griselda to do the talking. It'll be a lot smoother. Irina isn't the smartest but she can keep a calm head. Xenovia is more of a fists now, talk later kind of lady. I wonder how much stronger they got… I'll see them later today.

If and IF Kiba asks them to spar, I don't think he lost his cool when he saw the Holy sword last night. Good on him

"Hmm, I probably know them, they were all women, right? Check."

"….Yes, they were… You know them? From your requests as the Middleman?"

"Yeah, Heaven had once asked me to do a job for them. Well I had more requests in the past from them, but yeah, I travelled to the Vatican for that one. Even fought their strongest exorcist."

"I will assume you won. Check."

"Yeah, well it was a request from him, so I had to try a bit, don't want to look like an ass, you know? Checkmate."


Aye, I won against her without Cúntóir, go me. I guess I'm not that stupid after all!

"Don't worry about it, Sona, they won't cause trouble, even the one that has a high chance of doing so, I'll take care of it."

"Then I leave it to you, Jin. However, we, the Sitri group are here for support."

"I know, I know; I'll ask for help from Sona-sama if needed. You got Mr. Dragon King over there too."

Saji looked quite proud of himself and puffed his chest, only to be smacked by one of the female peerage members.

I had left the student council room, Sona and I had played six chess games in total. I won three games and she won three as well. I'm a lot more surprised at myself. How did I manage that without using Cúntóir? Did I play chess in my past life? Maybe… If I did, I didn't have as tough of a time with Sona.

There were a few minutes left of lunch so I hurried back to my classroom. I was joined by Ingvild on the way back.

"Jin… You heard the rumors circulating around about you?"


No, I haven't heard any rumors, what are they? I tilt my head at her.

"Rumors say that you're two-timing your girlfriend with Akeno."

I facepalm, maybe I should just start saying I want a harem or something... No, that's dumb, it's the human world. While some are open to 'harems' because of anime and such, many still look at polyamorous relationships as, well, wrong or at least weird.

"Rumors are rumors, you know the truth so I don't care much."

I lean in close to her.

"You're also part of that 'affair', aren't you?"

I pull away and we both laugh, yeah whatever, like I care about their opinion of me. I only care if they make my 'normal' life a hassle. If they start 'bullying' me I'll take action, but for now. It's like a fart in the wind, it's gross but not life-ending.

We kept on talking until we reached our classroom, we had more eyes on us than ever… They won't add Ingvild to this crap, right?

After School

Rias and Akeno headed first to the Occult Research Club. I could feel the auras of those three in the clubroom already. I left to pick up Shirone and Asia with Ingvild. We were going to see Kiba but he had already left.

His aura was also present in the clubroom. He's not being an irrational asshole, thank you past me for dealing with that!

"...Jin-senpai, do you know the people who are coming?"

"Yep, I already met them. The older one who I think is the 'leader' is level-headed and can be trusted. We'll have an easy time talking to them."

I see Shirone nod beside me. Asia was messing around with her ring. They've used it a lot, but she was messing around with the storage or inventory function. She was testing its limits, putting random school items into them, taking them out and such.

"And the other two?"

"Hmm… One's uh, interesting? She has her heart in the right place but is… Just above average in smarts, but she has good judgment… Most of the time. The other, haaa… I hope she doesn't do what I think she'll do, she's a bit… Hard-headed. I'll deal with her, so don't worry."

Yeah, if Xenovia threatens Asia… I'm sorry but I'll be defending my new girlfriend… Well as in two years new, but that's beside the point. Yeah, Asia can defend herself, but I can't let it slide, even if you end up in my harem in the future.

We finally reach the last door and I push it open. Once through, everyone looks at us and smiles. There was clear tension in the room. The three see me and smile, well, two of them did. Xenovia just gave me her usual blank look.

I already told them last night to behave so Asia and Shirone can't sit on my lap for this meeting. So, they did last night, as much as they could.

Everyone took their seats; I took mine beside Ingvild and Shirone. Unfortunately, Asia had to sit somewhere else. Once seated Akeno poured everyone tea.

"Oh! Tea made by a devil, thank you, amen!"

The devils cringe at Irina's amen and I let out a snort, getting a light slap from Ingvild.

"Shall we start then?"

Griselda nods at Rias's question.

"I am Rias Gremory, as you know and this is my peerage… Over there is… Well, Jin, you already know him."

They nod. Hey! At least give me a proper introduction!

"I am Griselda Quarta, an exorcist from the church. These two are trainees I am in charge of, as well as fellow exorcists in training. Irina and Xenovia."

"Recently the Holy-swords Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen."

Quite a few devils' eyes widened when this was mentioned. I don't blame them; they're supposed to be safe, so they did a great job. Can you feel my sarcasm?

"Three of them were stolen months apart, well, one was, the two I'll assume were recent and close enough to each other."

Griselda nods at what I said. However, I am surprised they didn't act sooner... At the time, only one of them was missing. The other two were still in their possession.

"Hmm, let me guess. Excalibur Nightmare, Rapidly and Transparency are the ones missing?"

Griselda nods sadly, didn't we up the security on them? How the hell… Well, maybe back then I could say 'who can do this?' However, knowing Azrael, Avezza, and Nyarlathotep's existence, it is possible.

"Excalibur Ruler is missing, but I more or less know who has it, so Mimic and Destruction are with these two?"

I conclude and gesture to Xenovia and Irina. They seemed surprised but Griselda answered for them but was interrupted by Irina.

"As expected of Boss Jin!"

Irina answered enthusiastically, E-Excuse me? Boss Jin? Where in the world did you come up with that? We met once you know!

{You also motivated them that one meeting.}


Ddraig, shut up. In any case... I checked them out and they're both Middle-class, so it beats them being Low-class. I was hoping for High-class, but this is fine. Fighting will lead to their defeat by Kiba.

Griselda lightly smacks Irina and nods at me.

"Yes, that's correct, we currently possess Mimic, Destruction, and Blessing, however, Blessing is stored in an even more secure location."

I could see Asia was confused beside me, the same with Ingvild.

"Excalibur doesn't exist."

They look at me.

"The original was broken long ago, and so were born Excalibur Destruction, Mimic, Rapidly Nightmare, Transparency, Blessing, and Ruler. If all seven are merged, the original Excalibur can be re-made again."

"They were broken and re-made into the seven pieces using alchemy. The church HAD six of them, while Ruler was lost along the way."

Griselda smiled at me and the two— Asia and Ingvild nodded along.

"Anyway, who does the church think stole the pieces? Surely not Grigori. I've been there many times myself and I have not once felt any pieces there."

"Originally, they thought that Grigori was involved, but that has changed. We believe it is a group of rogue fallen led by Kokabiel… We are also led to believe… The Angel of Death is their true leader, Azrael."

Azrael, finally he's been mentioned. I haven't… That's useless to think about, if Kokabiel and Azrael are working together, that means Nyarlathotep is also hiding him. Everyone in the club seemed quite surprised. It's not every day that the Angel of Death is mentioned.

"We are led to believe he's somewhere in this town, as we have sent priests, exorcists to this town and they kept getting killed."

Xenovia gets up and glares at Rias.

"Our request… No. Our order is to tell the devils not to interfere in the battle between us and the fallen angels for the Excaliburs. In other words, we came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident."

Rias stared at Xenovia with no change in emotion. She looked back at Griselda, who was holding her head.

"Xenovia, sit."

Griselda glared at the girl and she flinched. She reluctantly did so.

"While Jin has made a lot of the hate subside on all sides, many still can't let go of the grudge that has been around for many years. Many of the Church's higher-ups don't trust devils or fallen angels."

"We were told to use force, if necessary, but upon seeing Jin… I do not believe the devils have anything to do with this. I will also take his word for the fallen."

[Look at you! Your reputation is helping you out here, huh?]

I guess it is, I think I made the right call being the middleman. This is because a lot of the crap and misunderstandings in Canon can be quelled with my presence and actions.

Wait…. If they have a natural wielder… Then he's not the one using the pieces, then who is? Another stray exorcist? Great, more enemies.

"Actually, this may be a bit more complicated than you think."

I interrupt them and everyone looks at me. Rias seems to understand what I mean. I nod at her and let her continue.

"Last night, my [Knight] Kiba Yuuto was attacked by a hooded individual that could wield a Holy sword."

"We did n—"

Xenovia starts but was cut off by Rias.

"They were male with yellow-green hair. He could also manipulate… Plants or wood."

"….I have never heard of such a description from any of our own… Perhaps they may be a rogue? Possibly working for Azrael."

Fuck, another dead end.


The room falls silent, everyone thinking of the new situation that has been told to us.

"Then I want to propose something."

They all look at me.

"Let's work together. Devil and Exorcists. We can speed things up that way. You got the middleman here to oversee it all. Of course, I'll lend a hand too."

I also have beef to settle with Azrael, maybe I can meet Nyarlathotep this way.

Xenovia didn't like the idea, but the other two seemed fine with it. I can't blame her for her narrow way of thinking, she was taught that devils were evil, probably since childhood. Then I come in trying to unite everyone.

"I see no problems with that…"

"Yes, I don't mind co-operating to rid of this problem from my territory."

Rias and Griselda are in agreement; Rias will probably tell Sona what happened here, and Sona will also probably cooperate. The two get up and shake hands.

"Good, good! Peace, harmony, and all that sweet jazz!"

Xenovia gets up and stares at Asia… Oh, boy here we go… Everyone looks at her confused.

"When I saw you earlier, I thought maybe it was you. Are you the 'Witch' Asia Argento? I never expected to meet you in a place like this."

Xenovia said. Asia's body froze after she was called 'Witch'. That word is something painful to Asia. Irina seemed like she noticed as well and stared at Asia.

"Are you the rumored 'Witch'? The former holy-maiden? You are said to have the power to heal devils and fallen angels, right? I heard that you were sent somewhere after getting exiled, but I never thought you became a devil."

Asia stared at her with a frown but hadn't said anything.

"It's okay. I won't tell the higher-ups what I saw here, so rest assured. People who were around the 'Holy-maiden Asia' will also get shocked as well."


Asia made a perplexed expression at Irina's words.

"But to become a devil. The one who was called a 'Holy-maiden'. You fell to the lowest place you could. Do you still believe in our God?"

"Xenovia. There's no way that she, who became a devil, still believes in God."

Irina said it with an amazed face.

"No, I can smell the 'belief' from her. It might be an abstract way of saying it. But I'm sensitive to these things. There are people who betray the teachings and still have guilt within them because they couldn't forget the teachings. I can feel something similar coming from her."

Xenovia said it sharply, and Irina stared at Asia with even more interest.

"Is that true? Asia-san, you still believe in God even if you have turned into a devil?"

Asia replied to that question with a sad expression,

"...I just can't put it aside. I believed in it for my whole life..."

Hearing that, Xenovia took her sword out from the cloth and pointed it at Asia.

"Is that so? Then we should cut you down right now. I can cut you in the name of God. Even if you have sinned, our God will forgive you."

"Xenovia that's eno—"


"I suggest you put that sword down, Xenovia."

I cut off Griselda as she tried to stop her junior, I read that many times in the novel, and I've seen that many times in the anime. But after spending so much time with Asia, seeing her like this… It pissed me off.

So, I let out a bit of my aura at her and stared at her coldly. You don't say those things to her, ever.


Xenovia flinched as her body trembled. She put her sword away and turned away. So, I stopped using my aura.

"Anyway, we sho—"

"If I may interrupt."

I started but Kiba stopped me… So he's planning to have a match then?

"Let's have a sparring match then. If you're that fired up to put down a comrade of mine."

"Who are you?"

Kiba smiled at Xenovia's question.

"I'm your senpai, though I apparently was a failure."

Rias tried to stop Kiba but I put a hand out, the same to Griselda, Xenovia agreed, so the two left, I look at Irina and gestured for her to follow them, she gave me a strained smile and did so.

"It'll be good for them, I know those two will ask me to fight them down the line, to evaluate how much they progressed. Also, this can be therapeutic for Kiba."

"….Alright, stop them if it goes too far, Jin."

"I trust in your judgment, Jin."

Both Rias and Griselda agreed, and we all stepped out to join them.

So, why am I also fighting? I expected them to fight me afterwards… Kiba battles them, wins I heal them, then they'll fight me… Something like that.

Everyone was ready and had swords out… I feel a bit out of place, I'll use one then. I summoned the [Grand Chariot], and they looked surprised.

"Jin… What is that?"

Akeno asked as everyone listened in.

"A new Longinus I created called [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot], don't worry I won't use its [Balance Break]."

They gave me weird expressions as the area fell silent. Yes, it's weird that I just 'created' a new Longinus… Just get used to it already.

"....Jin-senpai you can't just say that you made a new Sacred Gear and move on."

"I can, Shirone and I will. Come on we got a psycho crow to catch, let's get jiggy!"

I haven't used this thing since fighting Tobio, but I did upgrade it a few times. This is because it can obtain a [Breakdown the Beast] eventually, it's basically the equivalent of [Juggernaut Drive] from the two Heavenly Dragons.

"Alright, you all ready?"

I asked them and they nodded.

"Let's start then!"


Kiba quickly dashed in front of Xenovia surprising her with his speed. Kiba summoned his [Holy Eraser] and slashed towards Xenovia, the girl barely got her Excalibur Destruction out and parried the attack but she was sent backwards.

I appear in front of Irina and she let out a cute 'Eep!'

"Looks like it's you and me, Irina, show me how much you improved!"

"Yes, boss Jin!"

She took out Excalibur Mimic and changed it into a Katana!

Ting! Ting!

Irina swung her sword at me and I parried it.

"Ora ora!"

Is that a JoJo reference? Doubt it, she was using quite a bit of her strength to hack and slash at me. However, I do not have a benchmark for her strength. Therefore, I am unsure of how much weaker her previous strikes were.


I sent a slash her way, with a speed she could follow, but her reaction time wasn't up to par and it hit her! Well, she managed to partially block it with her sword.


Irina struggled to slow down the speed at which she was being pushed back by my strike. Xenovia immediately jumped back beside her as Kiba jumped backwards beside me.

"Your thoughts, Kiba?"

"I expected my demonic sword to be outmatched because of the wielder I fought last night; however, she is weak."

Ouch, dude, talk about putting salt in an open wound. This obviously ticked off Xenovia as she looked at him with a glare that could kill. She collected herself and sprinted towards Kiba. Irina did the same but towards me.

Clang! Clang!

The two girls moved in sync and our swords parried their slashes. Their power wasn't high enough that our clashes would create any sort of pressure, sparks, or shockwave. I look forward to training them.


Kiba let out a frustrated sigh... No, it was a disappointed sigh, this guy... Haha. He gained a serious look and slashed once; that slash reverberated through the air sending Xenovia's sword high into the sky.

"Wha— Ugh!"

Once her sword was out of her hands, Kiba dismissed his demonic sword and punched Xenovia in the gut. The girl keeled over clutching her stomach. The sword fell loudly beside her, she was unable to do anything… Only clutching her stomach in pain.

I followed suit and grabbed the sword out of Irina's grasp, surprising her. I point both my swords towards her neck.

"I guess that's checkmate on both our sides."


Kiba seemed satisfied with himself and began to walk away... He was still pissed at losing to that guy from before.


"I am fine, President, I will go home early today. I'm sorry. It seems my injuries from the previous night may still be affecting me."

He told Rias, bowed, and teleported away. Yeah, she didn't believe him but didn't stop him either, she just defeatedly sighed and let him be.

I walk over to Xenovia and put a hand on her shoulder and healed her. Once she was healed, she got up and grabbed her sword again, I also handed the sword I took from Irina back to her.

"You two improved quite a bit if I had to compare it… You two were Low-class in terms of Devil rankings when I first met you two, now you're both Middle-class, it's an impressive jump in a short time."

"Unfortunately for you, Kiba jumped up in strength even more. You would need to be at least Satan-class to keep up with him."

"….He wasn't taking me seriously?"

"If he did, you would be dead and that wouldn't be good for me or the factions."


Xenovia wasn't happy about it as she grits her teeth in frustration. Irina wasn't too bothered, in fact, she looked quite happy with herself.

"C'mon Xenovia! Boss said we improved a lot!"

"I still lost."

She was quite harsh on herself. She also could have used Durandal but didn't, does she consider it her trump card? Well, she is a natural wielder after all… That makes two. The unknown male wielder and Xenovia.

Galatine and Durandal, how vexing. Leaving those thoughts for now I walk over to Griselda with Xenovia and Irina.

"Do you guys have a place to stay while you're in town?"

"Ara? Are you offering your place up for us, Jin-san?"

I nod. I would rather not have them out in the streets begging for food or losing their funds in the… Stupidest of ways. Who even falls for obvious scams in this day and age? When I look at Xenovia and Irina, I can sort of understand.

Irina tilts her head confused about why I glanced at her, Xenovia was still grumbling to herself.

"Then we'll take you up on that offer, Jin-san. We'll be in your care."

She bows, and the other two follow suit. Irina had to make Xenovia do it. She probably didn't want to live in the same house as devils... Don't worry Xenovia you'll have a complete 180 turn in personality soon.

"You guys don't mind, right?"

I turn to the girls who lived with me and they shake their heads, good. But it's my house, so even if they refuse, I have the final say.




Xenovia and Irina were wolfing down their food. I had made dinner with Grayfia and Akeno, Irina made her typical 'Food made by two devils! Amen!' making the girls cringe. But in the end, she ended up liking it.

The same for Xenovia. Griselda was eating it quite… Elegantly? No, she's just being normal about it, but I can tell by her eyes and her emotions that she quite liked it. Kiba was at his home with Gasper. I'm glad he isn't wandering around Kuoh trying to look for the suspect.

I sent him a text of my nano flies and he seemed satisfied with it. 'If Jin-senpai has that many then, I will stand by.' I swear that guy is low-key gay and has a thing for me…

"To think you have gathered this many... As well as…"

Griselda stopped eating and commented on how many women are around me. She also looked to my right side… Gabriel was there, the three of them were quite shocked to see a Seraph here. They knew of our friendly relationship from back then, but it's obviously changed.

Gabriel cutely tilted her head and waved at her then continued eating.

"Yeah, a lot of things happened after all."

"I've never eaten something so delicious, thank you, God! Amen!"

When Irina finally lost it, she cried out in a loud voice and thanked the dead God, causing the devils to cringe again. I can't get enough of that…

So, earlier Akeno told me she wanted to wash my back, so I'm making my way to the bathroom in the second floor, the same floor where our bedrooms are. I let out a yawn since I had been lazily relaxing with Ingvild and Asia on my bed.

The rest of them were downstairs. The 'Church Duo' as I dubbed them, Irina and Xenovia were in an unoccupied room I assigned them to. They've been in there since dinner, they had taken a bath earlier, I made sure of it to avoid any incidents.


I finally reached the door and slide it open. I took my clothes off and put them in a basket. I open the next door to go into the actual bathroom.



I did say I wanted to avoid the 'ecchi incidents' that are all too famous for in anime. Unfortunately, I can't avoid them all... Haaaa... I had walked into Griselda Quarta, partially naked but still wearing a towel.

We stood there staring at each other before I broke the silence.

"My bad, Akeno told me she would be here. I'll go and wait."

I turn to leave and she grabs my arm. I turn back and see her grinning… This woman, I would like to think you wouldn't fall once you reincarnated as an angel...

"It's fine, Jin-san. Let us bathe together, Akeno-san will join us as well."

Is this really okay? I am fine with whatever, I don't mind. Just then the door slid open again, this time Akeno came in with Asia in tow. When did she wake up? While I was relaxing with Ingvild and Asia, they both fell asleep.

"Oh hey, I got here a bit earlier than you."

"Ara~ Griselda-san is also here~"

"Sorry to intrude, however, I was here first, so I don't mind all of you joining me."

Akeno nodded and took her towel off. She washed herself and entered the bath… Yeah, that won't fit all of us, time to expand this place. This was meant to be a normal-sized bath in the first place. I snap my fingers; the room and the bathtub grew in size.

Do I even need to snap my fingers? I can just think of it, right? Whatever. Asia quickly did the same thing and joined Akeno as well as Griselda, who I assume already washed herself before I came in.

Akeno… What happened to washing me…? I shake my head, wash myself and go with them. Asia and Akeno quickly join my side making Griselda chuckle. If she joins… Then we'll have the cougar team expand!

"Ara, it seems Jin was thinking of something lewd… Perhaps the famous 'cougar team' he made up?"

I turn to Akeno and look at her in horror…. Woman! How the hell do you know these things?! I hear Asia start to mumble to herself, so I turn to see her cupping her breasts looking discouraged.

"….They can grow bigger…. President said they can… If I wish hard enough… Devils… Desires… Bigger breasts…"

Asia… You really don't need to worry about that! All size makes the wood rise! Small, medium, or large, I love 'em all!


Griselda calls out to the nun beside me and she looks up temporarily stopping her muttering.

"I'm sorry for what my junior did earlier, what she did was out of line. I'm sorry, please accept my apologies."

Griselda bows towards Asia, she obviously got flustered. While I didn't mention it earlier, Griselda is counted in the top 5 strongest female exorcists currently. When she reincarnates, I wonder how much more powerful she'll be?

My guess would be 6 or 8 since Dulio will have 10 wings in total.

"P-Please don't bow to me, Griselda-san! I-I already got over it… It really didn't bother me that much… So there's no need to apologize."

As kind, as usual, I pat her on the head and she smiles.

"You heard her yourself, don't worry about it much. I also lost my cool, so my bad too."

"It was only natural you would react like that… Even I know Xenovia stepped out of line, she pointed a sword at one of your lovers."

Right, well it's in the past. She definitely won't repeat that. The rest of the bath was in a lighter tone, it seemed Griselda was trying to find the right time to apologize to Asia after what she saw earlier today.

All that's left is to wrap up this event and have Xenovia apologize herself! Shouldn't be too hard.

It was Sunday and a few of us— Myself, Shirone, Asia, Kiba, and Saji were together. The church exorcist went on their own investigation.

Right now, we were wandering the streets of Kuoh looking for any signs of Kokabiel or the guy who attacked Kiba. My nano flies hadn't seen or detected him at all. He's been quite cautious since his run-in with Kiba.

Kiba said that the guy looked surprised that he could fend him off, so I'm guessing that the guy who attacked Kiba didn't expect him to be that strong…good thing I spent three years in there then.

Logically, that would mean he must be wary of the rest of us, if he does know the rest of us… He may be waiting for backup… The new exorcist that will wield the Excalibur pieces, Valper, Kokabiel, and Azrael… Maybe even Avezza and her Divine Beasts.

"Man… We've run into nothing so far… Can we eat lunch soon?"

Saji had his arms around the back of his head while half-heartedly glancing to his sides. I would like to end this soon to man, but shit is beyond my control. It also pisses me off.

"I'm also quite hungry myself…"


"Okay, okay, let's get over there then."

I relent and point to a family restaurant. We make our way there; I pay for everyone's meal. I had Saji give me his order and I got both our food, he secured seats for us. I could sense everyone else in different parts of Kuoh still looking.

We were finished and went back to searching.

"But I have to ask, what does this have to do with, you, Kiba. How are you even related to Excalibur?"

Saji asked the Gremory [Knight] as he looked back at him with a sad smile.

"I knew this would eventually come. I don't mind sharing my past, let's find a more private place to talk."

So Kiba led us to the park where I had my date with Raynare, it had not many people here right now, even though it was Sunday, strange. Once everyone was seated, he took a deep breath and began.

Kiba then started to talk about his past after everyone readied themselves. The project that the Catholic Church planned secretly. The Holy Sword Project. The test to make lots of people who can use holy swords was taking place in a certain institute.

There were boys and girls who had talents at using swords and were possessors of Sacred Gears. Day after day, they were going through inhuman experiments. They were being experimented on and had their rights of freedom taken away.

They weren't treated as humans and their lives were ignored. But they had a dream. To live on. They were forced to believe that they were loved by God, and they were just waiting for 'that day' to come. They believed that they would become special beings.

They believed that they could become people who could wield holy swords. But the result was 'disposal'. Kiba and his comrades couldn't use the holy swords.

"...Everyone died. They were killed. Killed by those who serve God. No one saved us. Just because we couldn't use the holy swords."

"Other boys and girls were put under poisonous gas while still alive. They put poisonous gas on us while saying 'amen'. We vomited blood and suffered on the floor. Even so, we were seeking help from God."

Kiba told us his story. We listened to him silently. Kiba somehow managed to escape from the laboratory, but the poisonous gas had already infected him. Apart from certain people, the test subjects who had lower abilities than average were all disposed of because they weren't needed.

Kiba who managed to escape met Rias who came to observe Italy as he was dying. And now he was here.

"I want to accomplish my comrades' regrets. No, I don't want to make their deaths be in vain. I need to keep on living in their place, and I have to prove that I am stronger than Excalibur."

He chuckled and looked at me with a content smile.

"But, I realized a few months back… No, Jin-senpai in a way made me realize the path I was going wasn't the right one. He asked me who was really responsible for mine and my comrade's pain and suffering?"

"It certainly wasn't the sword's fault… Inanimate objects that did not have feelings or the will of their own, so… I changed and directed that anger at the main source, the man who caused it all…. Valper Galilei, the Genocide Archbishop."

"Day by day, each new training session. My hatred for the swords subsided, now my anger and hatred focused on that man."

Once he was done telling us his sad, Asia was crying and holding on to me, Shirone just looked sad… She probably knew this to some extent and then there's Saji he—

"Uoooooooooooo!!! Kibaaa!!!"

Saji was hugging himself, bawling his eyes out, I don't blame you, man. Kiba had a hell of a sad life before becoming Rias's [Knight].

"Kiba! It must have been horrible! It must have been painful! Damn it! There isn't any God or hope in this world! Right now, I feel so much sympathy for you! Yeah, it's a horrible story! I understand why you hold a grudge against those people from the church and Excalibur!"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't like you before because you were a good-looking guy… But it's different now! I will also help!"

"But before that, we have to destroy Excalibur! I will also work hard! You also have to live on! Don't ever betray Rias-senpai who saved you!"

His heart was always in the right place, also his reason for helping Sona was admirable, he—

"Okay! It's a good time! I want you guys to hear my story! You guys should know about me if we are working together!"

Saji seemed a bit shy, then said it with glittering eyes.

"My dream is to… Make President Sona... Pregnant and marry her! But, you know... Making a girl pregnant and marrying her is hard for an unpopular guy like me. There aren't any girls that I can make pregnant, to begin with… But I will one day make her pregnant and marry her..."

Huh? Wait he's still pursuing Sona? I had a feeling he had a girlfriend now… My man if you do and she finds out and doesn't like sharing… Rest in peace, Saji Genshirou. Everyone else laughed awkwardly at Saji after his confession.


He fell down, being called a pervert by Shirone. Being called that by her… It was a one-hit kill. Chin up man… She's a closet pervert too, don't worry about it.


"…..No indecent thoughts."

"Eh? Why me?"

Shirone pinched me, I swear these girls are mind readers… First Grayfia, Akeno, and now Shirone… It won't be long until all of them…

We did not find anything that day. It's frustrating.

A few days later

After School

We had gathered in the park, myself, Saji, Shirone, Asia, Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina. Rias, Akeno, and Griselda were nearby doing their own search, while the Sitri peerage did their own. Since Saji was assigned to our group a few days back we kept it.

Every day after school we searched many places within Kuoh to find well, anything. No luck. Maybe we should expand the search radius, not just to Kuoh but beyond, but would they even hide there? It's not impossible.

"Fuuu… No progress today, huh?"

Saji said as if he lost interest. Saji was the one who was most eager to do this. This guy is truly a nice guy. Our first meeting wasn't the best, but we get along fine now. You can say that he's the Sitri group's version of me, a bit weaker in terms of power though, but he has potential. I was thinking like that, but Kiba who was walking in front of us stopped his feet.

"Shirone. Asia."

The both of them nod and get ready, Shirone goes into a stance and Asia enchants everyone except me.

"Eh? Eh? What's happening?"

Saji was confused and looked at Kiba, the girls, and then me.

"Above us!"

I shouted, everyone looked up and a priest with dark blue hair with white tips was falling down with a long sword!

"I spy me a group of devils!!!"


Kiba took out a demonic sword and parried the blow from the priest.

"Who are you?"

It's a person I haven't seen before… Another new existence? Like the one Kiba fought? No… This, this guy must be the replacement for Freed!

"You, you replaced Freed, didn't you?"

The man twirled and gave us a nasty smile.

"Bingo! Wow! Middleman-kun is smart!"

This guy was holding Excalibur Rapidly and to top it off her was Ultimate-class… Where the hell are these guys popping from? First, the guy who fought Kiba, and now this nut job.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kousuke… Just Kousuke. Teehee!"

After his introduction, he did the stupid magical girl pose and lightly hit his head, psychos everywhere.


Something that looked like a skinny black hand left Saji's hand and headed for Kousuke. On his hand, there was a cute-looking deformed lizard face equipped. The line was coming from its mouth. Then that skinny hand was the tongue of the lizard!

It was his Sacred Gear… Well one of them since he only has one right now. [Absorption Line] one of four parts of Vritra's Sacred Gears. He'll get the rest from Grigori sooner or later.

"Such a pain!"

Kousuke tried to knock it away with his holy sword, but the lizard's tongue changed its direction and went downwards. It stuck onto Kousuke's right foot, and it started to swirl around his leg. Kousuke tried to cut the tongue off with his swords, but it went past as if the tongue didn't have any physical form.

"You can't cut it down that easily, you weirdo! Do it Kiba!"

"Thank you!"

Kiba rushed in quickly! He was going towards Kousuke with two demonic swords.

"Chi! So, it's not only the [Holy Eraser], I see! Having multiple demonic swords. Are you the possessor of [Sword Birth], perhaps? Wow. You are guilty of having a rare Sacred Gear, you know!"

Kousuke seemed like he was enjoying it, which was the opposite of what he was saying. So, he was like Freed too! A crazed battle freak.

"But. Normal demonic swords can't put up a challenge against… My Excalibur-chan."

But to his surprise, Kiba's swords parried the sword. His eyes widen in surprise, but his smile got even wider.

"Interesting! Very interesting! As expected of a group being trained by Middleman-chan!"

Kachin!!! Ting!!! Clang!!!

The two of them clashed, the strength they exuded made sparks come out of their blades, even with demonic swords Kiba looked like he had the upper hand, with the help of Saji's [Absorption Line] draining Kousuke's powers… He has an even bigger advantage.

"You guys help him; I'll keep an eye out if anyone else comes to help him."

Shirone and Asia nod and dash towards Kiba. Much like her older sister, Shirone shot an Aura bullet towards the priest.

"Chii! Even more scummy devils!"

Cold air suddenly surrounded the man, he grinned and shot icicle shards towards Asia and Shirone! Kiba had jumped out of the way and dodged the attack too.

"Kyahahaha! You seriously don't believe I only relied on my Excalibur-chan, right?!"

"Yuuto! Koneko! Asia!"

Looks like Rias, Akeno, and Griselda had arrived. Xenovia and Irina came out of their stupor when they heard her voice, seems like they froze when they felt Kousuke's aura and power. Ultimate-class psycho priests and two trainees Middle-Class Exorcists?

If they froze up to Griselda who's the same power as this guy, it makes sense. They get to where I am and ready themselves.


"It's him!"

The man that Kiba had fought suddenly arrived at the battlefield. He had the sword Galatine ready by his side, someone else also arrived with him…


Kiba roared so loud that the glass on the park's lights shattered, surprising even me.

"My, I didn't think I was that famous and loved. How do you do, devils? A wonderful evening, no?"

"Ajamu, Kousuke, we retreat for now."

Valper had the appearance of a short, bespectacled elderly man with gray hair, a mustache, and black eyes, who wore a priest outfit. He also ordered the newly named Ajamu, the one who attacked Kiba to retreat.


Kousuke agreed but still didn't like it, he 'used' something on the Excalibur and cut the line from Saji. He grinned at us.

"I played along for too long, my bad. I'll play more with you all next time. Shouldn't be too long though."

Valper disappeared, and the two priests start to run away.

"Oh no, you don't!"

Xenovia shouted as she took out her own Excalibur and chased the two down.

"We're going after them, Irina!"

"Eh? Uh yes!"

A bit flustered, Irina agreed with what Xenovia said and ran after her.

"You two, stop!"

Griselda shouted but they didn't listen, she shook her head and dashed after them.

Wait hold up lady! I prepare myself to run after them, but Griselda looked back at me shaking her head. What the hell does that mean?

"Leave this to us, Jin-san!"

You don't stand a chance! That guy, Ajamu. He's at least at Super Devil in terms of strength… I felt even more blood from Azrael coming from him than ever before! Did that crow give him more blood than the past cryptids? How'd he even survive?

I felt uneasy.

Jima, into her shadow. Help them if they're in danger. Once I said that a shadow grunted as he left my shadow and went into Griselda. He should keep them safe.

"Those two are strong. The man named Kousuke, the one who wielded Excalibur Rapidly is at least Ultimate-class. The one who attacked Kiba named Ajamu is at least a Super Devil, or Low God-class."

"Wha— How?!"

"Azrael, from what Cúntóir told me, she and I felt very high amounts of blood coming from him. I would also assume the Cryptids I killed in Spain and as well as numerous Cryptids that team Slash/Dog from Grigori killed had Azrael's blood in them, making them stronger."


Sona was confused, yeah, she doesn't know. But now's now the time for that. I need them to prepare, they're definitely in Kuoh… Somewhere, being hidden by Nyarlathotep.

"I'll tell you a different time, Sona. Both of you need to get prepared, something big is going to happen. I think Azrael and Kokabiel may want to restart the Great War by killing the two of you."


"Why? What would he— They gain from that?!"

"Some beings are not content with peace, they only feel alive when war, fighting, and blood are shed. You'll meet them soon, maybe even tonight. Don't let your guards down."

Later that night

Everyone was tense in my home, I had sent Kaisel to scout the areas beyond Kuoh, I had turned him invisible, obviously, otherwise that would have caused a panic. He didn't find anything so he returned to my shadow.

Sona had started to put a barrier around the academy, as much as I think that's good… It's useless, I'm sorry Sona, you may be High-class but the beings you'll be facing are a lot stronger than that.

Ingvild, Reni, and I were the ones left here. Kiba had disappeared, and probably ran after Ajamu and Kousuke, hopefully, Jima helped them if they did catch up. Griselda is also powerful so I'm not too worried.

Thud! Thud! Rumble! Rumble!

The three of us go outside and see… Kousuke slamming himself against my barrier and Kokabiel was in the sky, floating. Kousuke had a huge grin plastered on his face, slamming his body and slashing at the barrier around my home.

"Let me innnn Middleman-kun!!!!!!!!"

This guy was insane, his head was starting to bleed, where the hell did you find this guy, Valper?

"How do you do, Red Dragon Emperor? You already know me, Kokabiel. Tonight, we celebrate, why you may ask? Because… War…. War will start!"

"I am also here on behalf of my partner and boss, Azrael, the Angel of Death. Oh, this too."

A giant sickening grin spreads across his face. He throws a body towards us, it was Irina! She goes through the barrier and I caught her… She was alive, she wasn't that badly hurt all things considered.

Regardless, I healed her, and the pained expression on her softened.

"Tonight! A full-scale assault on Kuoh will take place!! Enjoy your time before then, Red Dragon Emperor, Devils! Kuhahahah!"

He appeared near Kousuke and they both vanish.

Shit, that's not good, innocent people will be dragged into this. I put some regeneration spell and healing spell on Irina, she won't be too useful for this so I snap my fingers and let her sleep in her room in my home.

I grab the two girls and teleport us to the Academy where both Peerages were at.

I had gathered everyone up and told them what Kokabiel told me. They looked mortified, so Sona went around the place double-checking and making the barrier stronger.

I had quickly left the academy and went in search for Jima… I went in the general direction of where they chased the priests…. There! He was in some sort of prison… Or trap sealing him in it.

Cúntóir: Answer: A sort of sealing technique Outer Gods can use. You are able to use this to hide beings or things from other Outer Gods. Nyarlathotep is quite skilled with it so even I had trouble finding it.

Are you kidding me? Dispel this for me, Cúntóir. She did so, freeing Jima.

'Forgive me, my liege. I was suddenly trapped in this spell and could not help your comrades nor could I communicate with you.'

Cúntóir: Answer: It also prevents any type of communication; it is no surprise he could not.

"...It's fine, return for now."

He did so and I went back to the academy. I felt uneasy now.

When I got back Reni and Ingvild approached me.

"Jin. I'll go put up barriers around Kuoh."

"No. Hell no! I'm not taking any chances, Reni."

I won't budge on this, I won't let you go alone out there, even if you're a Dragon God in power, that's too risky!

"I'll go with Reni then."

Ingvild joins Reni's side…I still can't do it… A High-Tier God-class and a Dragon God-class… Maybe… They have Iron too… Omniversal… It should be fine… Shit, they look like they won't budge…

"I have Iron-chan with me too… We'll be fine, Jin. Please."

"...….Fine. But do it quickly and come back immediately, otherwise, I'm personally and literally going to turn this city upside looking for you."

The two of them smile at me and fly away. I touch the ground and teleport all normal humans of Kuoh into a separate dimension, while also putting them all into a deep sleep.

"I evacuated all the town citizens that were normal human beings, they're in a separate dimension. They're safe."

They looked a bit bewildered but nodded. Akeno and Grayfia come back to us.

"Rias, President Sona, Grayfia and I just finished contacting both Satan Lucifer and Satan Leviathan. Reinforcements will arrive in an hour… However, Leviathan-sama will be coming here herself, personally, in a few minutes."

"She seemed…. Angry."

Angry would be an understatement Grayfia… Knowing her little sister was in danger she'd wipe out Japan itself.

"I see, good work Akeno and thank you, Grayfia."

Sona put a hand on her head seemingly both embarrassed and frustrated, but in the end, she sighed and went away. She said to leave the barrier around Kuoh to her and her peerage, the Gremory, and my group will be doing the fighting.

"Jin-senpai, good luck! Everyone else too!"

Saji also wished me and everyone else well as he ran after Sona.

"All we need to do now is wait nya."

"Uwaaaa….. War…. I don't want it…"

Gasper seemed nervous, everyone did. War isn't something you could just spot willy-nilly, Kokabiel and Azrael were serious about this. Kiba, Xenovia, and Griselda were still not here either… But I could feel their auras rushing towards the academy.


Suddenly Kokabiel and a woman in a lab coat appeared…from Reni and the Slash/Dog girl's description, that woman is Avezza. Underneath them was also something strange.

In the middle of the school field, there were four swords that were releasing extreme lights while floating. Having the swords at the center, there was a suspicious-looking magic circle spread in the whole school field. There was an old man located in the middle of the magic circle. Valper Galilei, That geezer. He was going to fuse them...

"I'm going to make the four Excaliburs into one."

Valper said it as if he found it amusing.

"Valper. How much longer will it take for the Excaliburs to merge?"

Kokabiel who had the moon as a background. He was sitting on a chair up now… In the sky while looking down on us... Was it the power of a Fallen Angel that was making the chair float? He was crossing his legs confidently.

"It won't even take 5 minutes, Kokabiel."

"Is that so? I will leave it to you."

Kokabiel moved his eyes from Valper to Rias and then me.

"Is Sirzechs coming? Or is it Serafall? Or will the middleman personally stop me?"

"In the places of Onii-sama and Leviathan-sama, we..."

Swish! Bannnnnngggggggggg!!!!!

After the sound of the wind, there was a sound of an explosion that echoed throughout the area! The sound came from the place where the gym is. No, where the gym WAS. There wasn't even a trace of it! Did it get blown away?

"Boring. Well, that's okay. It will be entertaining."

Kokabiel wiped out the gym with a pillar of light, talk about flexing… It's much bigger than what was described or what I have seen… This guy was Satan-class, no, True Satan-class! Wasn't he just Ultimate-class last time? Did Azrael give him more blood?

"Whatever. It's time… Start it, Avezza."

"Hehe, of course, my babies have been waiting for this… For a long time."

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Shiiiingg!!! Shiiiingg!!!

Multiple magic circles appeared all around the town of Kuoh, four also appeared inside the school…

"While I made four perfected Divine Beasts, the rest should be around True Satan-class. These babies in this school should range from Low to High God-class."


I turn around and see Xenovia, Kiba, and Griselda coming towards us. They finally made it.

"Ahh, more ants to kill. Very well."


The Four Divine Beasts were summoned around the school, three of them were big, and three of them were the size of Big Ben! The clock tower in the United Kingdom. That's 96 meters tall! Only one was human-sized!

One Divine Beast was some sort of Godzilla rip-off, the other was a giant bee, almost like Beedrill from Pokémon, the third was like a bunny that looked like from the anime Blood-C it looked creepy as fuck, and finally the last one…. It… It looked like Kibutsuji Muzan!

All of them let out powerful auras that shook the entire school, the other monsters that appeared were rampaging across the town of Kuoh. I have to reverse time on the town to repair the damages after this is all over…

It can't be helped then. This is a preview of what's to come for the both of you! Get ready, Ddraig I'll be doing this first with you!

[Wait, what?! What's happening?!]

"All of you, focus on the Four Divine Beasts, I have someone else for the other beasts that are rampaging around Kuoh. Ddraig get out here, Boosted Gear!"

I summoned the [Boosted Gear] normally this technique is only achievable in the future, but screw the rules I can bypass them! I don't need my Diabolos Dragon God form.

I hold my right hand and arm up high

"Come! Welsh Dragon, Red Dragon of Domination, Y Ddraig Goch!"



The gauntlet in my hand burst forth with a bright red and light energy, it swallowed up the whole school— No the whole town of Kuoh, a pillar of red and green light!

When the light died down an enormous shadow was covering the academy.


Everyone was speechless, above us, was the Red Dragon of Domination in the flesh. Alive-summoned into the world.

[Fuhahahahaha! I am alive!]

"Take care of those dumb monsters around Kuoh, Ddraig! We'll deal with the rest here."

[Hell yeah! On it, partner!]

Zooooooooom!! Booom! Booom!

Ddraig let out a hearty laugh and flew away while destroying cryptids all over town.

"To be able to summon the [Welsh Dragon] into our realm, you're quite an interesting individual, Red Dragon Emperor."

Kokabiel had a huge grin on him. Two more people joined the battlefield, it was Ajamu and Kousuke.

"I'm here old man! Are you done?! "

Kousuke ran towards Valper followed by Ajamu who had his crimson sword Galatine ready.

"…It's complete."

Valper's said in a calm tone. Then the four Excaliburs that were placed in the center of the school field started giving out incredible amounts of light. Kokabiel started applauding.

"The four Excaliburs are going to become one."

It started giving out divine light that spread throughout the school field. I stared at the center of the school field; I saw that the four Excaliburs were put on top of each other. Excalibur that was originally one. It was split into seven, but four of them were going to become one. When the bright lights were gone, there was one holy sword at the center of the field giving out a blue-white aura.

"Because of the light created by the Excalibur when it turned into one, the spell on the ground is also complete. This town will collapse within 20 minutes. The only way to dispel it is by beating Kokabiel."

"Use the Excalibur in the circle. It shall be the last entertainment. Fight while using the fused Excalibur."

"Yeah yeah. Geez. My Boss sure uses people recklessly. But but! It's like I'm so honored to use the Excalibur-chan that has become super wonderful! Something like that? Uhehehe! It will make killing these bats easier!"

Kousuke put on a crazy smile while holding the Excalibur located at the center of the school field. So, he could use it. He did have the factor that he got from Valper. Xenovia then spoke to Kiba.

"Rias Gremory's [Knight]. If the cooperation is still valid, let us destroy that Excalibur together."

"I have no quarrels with it."

Xenovia laughed fearlessly at Kiba's words.

"Good, it won't be a problem if I collect the 'fragment' of the Excalibur that is acting as the core of it. Since Kousuke is wielding it, that is a holy sword but it isn't a holy sword. Even if it's a holy sword, it's the same as any other weapon. It changes depending on the person using it. That is a sword of heresy."

Someone was laughing at the duo's conversation. It was Valper.

"Valper Galilei. I am a survivor of the 'Holy-sword Project'. No. I am the one who was killed by you to be more precise. I have continued living by being reincarnated into a Devil."

Kiba said calmly to Valper. But his eyes were filled with flames of hatred. Depending on Valper's answer it might become an explosive situation.

"Hoooo? The survivor of that project. This is such a misfortune. To meet you in a far east country like this. I feel like it's fate. Fufufu."

What a disgusting way of laughing.

"You see. I like holy swords. I like them so much that they come out in my dreams. Possibly because my heart was fascinated by the legend of Excalibur since I was a child. That's why when I found out that I can't use Excalibur I went into despair."

Valper suddenly started talking about his life. A story about the geezer's past.

"I held admiration for those who can wield it because I couldn't. That feeling became so powerful that I started an experiment to create those who can use them. Then it was complete. It's thanks to you and the others."

"What? Complete? You killed all of us when you deemed it a failure."

Kiba lifted his eyebrows seemingly in doubt. But Valper shook his head.

"I realized that there was an essential factor needed to wield holy swords. So, I used the numerical value of the 'factors' to investigate its capability."

"Most of the test subjects had the 'elements' but they didn't have the numerical value needed to wield the Excalibur. Then I reached a conclusion. Is there a way to take out the elements and gather them?"

"I see. I understand now. The thing that is put inside the holy-sword wielders when they received a blessing is..."

Xenovia seemed like she learned the truth and grit her teeth hatefully.

Valper continued to talk,

"That's right holy sword wielder girl. We take out the holy elements from those who have them and crystallize them. Just like this."

Valper took out an orb that was giving out light. It was a shiny orb. It has a holy aura in it.

"With this, the research on holy sword wielders improved. Even so, those fools from the Church banished me for heresy and took away my reports on the research."

"By looking at you, I see that the project was succeeded by someone. That Michael. He made me look like a criminal and this is the result?"

"Well, it's that Angel we are talking about. Even if he takes the elements out from the test subjects, he wouldn't go as far as to kill them. That part would make him more human than me. Kukukuku."

Valper laughed pleasantly. To create holy sword users artificially, it required a sacrifice. So Kiba and Xenovia were victims of the project started by Valper.

"...You killed my comrades and took out the elements needed to wield the holy swords?"

"That's right. This orb is from back then. I have used three of them on Kousuke though. This is the last one."

"Hyahahahaha! Other guys besides me died because their bodies couldn't synchronize with the elements! Hmmmmm. If I think like that, that makes me special."

If it was just like Kousuke said, then the other ones who stole the Excalibur died.

"...Valper Galilei. How many lives have you sacrificed for your greed and experiments..."

Kiba's hands were shaking and there was an aura of anger coming out of his body. What an incredible intensity.

"Hm. If you say that, then I will give this orb to you. My research has reached the stage where it is possible to mass produce them in the right environment."

"First of all, I will destroy this town with Kokabiel. Next, I will gather the legendary holy swords stored around the world. Then I will mass produce holy-sword wielders and start a war against Michael and the Vatican with the combined Excaliburs."

"I'm going to show the result of my research to those foolish Angels and their followers who have convicted me."

that was the reason why Kokabiel and Valper teamed up. Both of them had hatred towards the Angels. Both of them sought war. A match made in heaven you could say.

Valper threw away the orb as if he had lost interest in it. It rolled on the ground and went to Kiba's foot. Kiba leaned down silently and picked it up. He patted the orb sadly, lovingly, and dearly.


There was a tear on Kiba's cheek. His expression was filled with sadness and anger. Then it happened. The orb that Kiba held started giving out shallow lights. The lights started to spread and they eventually covered the whole school field.

From the ground, there were lights coming out and it started to form a shape. Then it formed into a proper shape. It took the shape of people. There were boys and girls who were giving out blue-white lights and they were surrounding Kiba. Were they perhaps...

"The various powers that are present on this battlefield made the spirits within the orbs appear."

Akeno muttered.

The Demonic-swords, holy-swords, Devils and Fallen-Angels, Cryptids, Divine Beasts and the two Dragons here, Ddraig and I. Everything was present here. So, it was not weird for this to happen.

They looked at Kiba with a dear and sad expression.

"Everyone! I-I!"

Yeah, they were also the ones who were involved in the 'Holy-sword project'. They were the ones who were disposed of.

"...I have always… Always thought about it. Was it all right that I was the only one that survived... There were those who had more dreams than me. There were those who wanted to live more than me. Is it all right that I am the only one to have a peaceful life..."

Then one boy's spirit smiled and it seemed like he wanted to say something. He was moving his lips, I understood what he said so I translated.

"'Don't worry about us anymore. You are alive at least'. That's what they are saying."

There were tears coming out from both of his eyes because it seemed like their thoughts reached him. Then the spirits of boys and girls started to move their lips in a rhythm. They were singing…

"…The sacred song."

Asia finished my thought out loud.

They were singing the sacred song... Kiba started to sing while shedding tears. When they were going through the painful experiment, this was the only thing they obtained to keep their hopes and dreams. This was the only support they had to continue living during their harsh life. Kiba and his comrades had the smiles of innocent children.

Their bodies started to glow blue-white. Those lights were getting brighter, with Kiba in the center.

[We were no good alone.]

[We didn't have enough elements to wield the holy swords. But…]

[It will be okay if we are together.]

Originally the sacred song was supposed to make Devils suffer. There were different types of powers in this place, it wasn't painful for them. Instead, it had a warm feeling. Something warm that was thinking about friends and comrades…

[You have to accept the holy sword.]

[It's not scary.]

[Even if God is watching.]

[Our hearts are always…]


Their spirits went up into the heaven and they turned into a big light that fell down to Kiba.

"Ha… Hahahaha!"

I started to laugh loudly; a few heads turn toward me. I had a giant grin on me.



"The [Knight] has reached it! Sacred Gears change and evolve while using the feelings of their current wielders! That's right! Kiba Yuuto! You reached your [Balance Break]!!!"

The light that split the abyss night looked as if it was giving blessings to Kiba.

Kiba Yuuto

I had escaped from the hellish nightmare I was subjected to; I was running through a forest when I finally collapsed of exhausting as well as the poison running through my body. When I got out of the forest, I met her… A High-class devil.

"What do you desire?"

The crimson-haired girl asked me while she held me. I was on the verge of death and I mumbled one word… 'Help' I wanted to live, I wanted to avenge my comrades… My friends… My family…

"To live as a devil. That was the wish of my master, and also my wish. I thought that it was fine. But... I couldn't forget my hatred towards the Excaliburs and my comrades' vengeance... No, I could have forgotten about it. I…"

I have the best comrades now. Jin-senpai, Koneko-chan, Gasper-kun, Asia-chan and Akeno-san. They helped me, who was driven by vengeance. I thought about it while searching for the holy-sword wielders.

They are comrades who would help me. I thought that 'Isn't this already enough for me?' But if my former comrades' spirits are wishing for their vengeance, I can't let go of my demonic swords that carry their hatred. But my thoughts were just released.

[Don't worry about us. At least you live.]

My former comrades weren't wishing for me to deliver their vengeance. They weren't wishing for it, they wanted me to live on….

"But it's not like everything is solved."

Yes, it hasn't ended. I have to take this piece of human garbage down right here, there will be a repetition of the incident that happened to us. I won't let it happen!

"Valper Galilei. As long as I don't kill you, there will be those who will suffer the same fate as us."

"Hmph. It's been said for a long time that research always comes with sacrifices. Haven't you realized that yet?"

You're too far gone to see any reasoning!

"Kiba!!!! It's time to move forward! Cut down your past, Valper, and those two psychos with your powers!"


"Kiba-senpai, let's keep getting stronger together!"


"Do it Yuuto! Finish— No, surpass Excalibur and forge a new path in your life, live for me, your King, Rias Gremory as you are my [Knight]! You certainly won't be beaten by a phony Excalibur!"

"Kiba-kun! Fight! As a close friend of Jin, you can overcome anything!"

President… Akeno-san…

"Senpai… Do you best."

"Fight! Kiba-san!"

Koneko-chan… Asia-chan…

Everyone else in Jin-senpai's harem cheered me on too…. I'm really blessed with new friends and comrades….


Drip ~ Drip ~

I'm crying again…. Jin-senpai will surely make fun of me… I'm being so uncool right now… I ignore the crazy ramblings of the crazy Kousuke… I wipe my tears away and looked forward with brand-new determination.

"…..I will become a sword."

My comrades. My comrades who have merged with my spirit. Let us overcome it together. The feelings we couldn't say back then! The wishes we couldn't fulfill back then! Right now, right here!

"I shall become the sword of Rias Gremory and my comrades! Please respond to my feelings now! [Sword-Rebirth]!!!!!"

My Sacred Gear and the spirits of my comrades mixed. It started to align and formed a shape. The demonic power and the holy power were combining.

Yes…. This feeling… My Sacred Gear…. My comrades are telling me— This sword was giving out an aura of both demonic and holy properties.

"Balance Breaker [Sword of Betrayer]!!!! This sword has received both the powers of light and demonic powers, have a taste of it, Kousuke!!!!!"

I ran towards Kousuke with all I had while also using the trait of [Knight] my 'God-speed' will evolve!



He couldn't react on time and I pierce his stomach. He forcefully pulls himself away and holds his wound with one hand.

"Ack… A sword that has both properties…? Impossible! Don't fuck with me!!!!!!!"

Kousuke lunged back at me, ignoring the amount of blood coming out of his wound.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

"Why?! Why isn't it hitting?! This is the fused Excalibur why can't I hit you?!?!?"

Kousuke started to use his ice abilities too, he infused the Excalibur with ice! While also launching ice attacks at me.

"Diee!!!!!! Shitty deviiillllllllll!!!!!!!!!"



Valper was shocked, even Kousuke…. That sword….


Xenovia had joined me in my fight with Kousuke, she was wielding another Holy Sword! Durandal!? It's a sword that is so famous that it is on par with Excalibur. Why does she have it?


"You were not the wielder of the Excalibur!?"

Not just Valper, even Kokabiel couldn't hide his astonishment.

"Wrong. I was originally the wielder of Durandal. I was also chosen as the holder of the Excalibur. That's all."

Xenovia made a stance with Durandal. Two-sword style along with the Excalibur.

"Absurd! According to my research, we haven't reached the stage where someone can wield Durandal!?"

"Of course. Even in the Vatican, they haven't made someone who can wield Durandal artificially."

"Then why!?"

"Unlike those common artificial holy sword wielders like Irina, I'm a natural-born wielder."

Valper became speechless at her words. Unlike us, Xenovia was someone who was blessed to naturally wield the holy sword.

"Yuuto Kiba, let's end this."

I nod at Xenovia.


Kousuke was suddenly rooted to the ground… Those chains… Jin-senpai!

Xenovia and I dashed towards Kousuke who slashed his sword at us. I went faster and destroyed the sword in one strike— Putting all my strength into it. Kousuke was sliced in half, as well as everything in front of me.

I hope I didn't hit anyone from the Sitri group… Xenovia followed up and cut him horizontally.

"…..Fuck…. Everything…."

Kousuke, the wielder of the Fused Excalibur died. Cut into four by Xenovia Quarta and I.

"So, there was another natural wielder…"

The man named Ajamu had been watching idly as he pointed his sword at us.

"Well met, Durandal wielder. I am the wielder of Galatine. For two natural-born wielders to be in one place… Quite peculiar."

"Leave him to me, Yuuto Kiba. You have Valper to deal with."


Jin Skyward

Kousuke is down, all that's left is the Divine Beasts… Ddraig has been busy killing everything else, not many left… This should be over soon.

"Greed, Tank, Kaisel, and Jima, come."

The four shadows come out of my shadow.

"Take care of the Divine Beasts, don't let any of them live."

They all nod and disappear.


"Finally! Took you fucks long enough!"

Suddenly a giant magic circle appeared and robed… Mages came out of them… Those are magicians from the Khaos Brigade! They suddenly started launching attacks at everyone else.

"On your six! Those guys are High-class magicians, kill them, don't hold back!"

I order everyone else to move and they did. Rias started hitting them with her [Power of Destruction] Spirit gun, killing the ones hit instantly.

"I also ran out of use for you."


Kokabiel suddenly created a light spear and threw it at Valper, piercing him through his chest.

"….Heh… I expected this to happen sooner or later…. Can't even trust fallen angel…"

The last words of Valper were cynical, he took his last breath and died. Kiba stood there in shock.

Clang! Clang!

"Kiba! Help Xenovia, she's fighting someone that's a Super Devil like you."

"….! Yes!"

With his [Sword of Betrayer] in his hands he quickly dashed towards Ajamu and Xenovia, he will need to use everything he had to fight him on equal terms.

"Hmm, it seems like my babies are being eliminated quite quickly. I shall retreat for now, good luck, Kokabiel."

With that, Avezza vanished seemingly leaving the job to Kokabiel.


It's done. I look at all Four Divine Beasts and my Shadows had quickly killed them off. Kaisel had taken on the Beedrill Divine beast, the thing now was on the ground all burnt up, dead. Jima had taken on the Godzilla rip-off, it was cut in half and its head was pierced by Jima's trident.

Tank stood triumphantly on top of the bunny he had fought and killed; the bunny was shredded to pieces with Tank chewing on one of its arms. Greed had his arm through Muzan's stomach, while he had his head in his other hand. Looks like the knockoff Muzan was nothing to Greed.

Stay with them, kill them again if they somehow come back to life. The shadows nod and remain where they were.

"Ahhh… Everything's going awry, shit… Haaa… Where's boss when you need him?"

Kokabiel seemed a lot calmer than I would have thought… Does he have a trump card or something?

"Hmm, how about this then… So many great fighters here, I'm a lot more surprised at how much stronger the little sister of Lucifer is. You have my praise, bat."

Rias glared at Kokabiel's remark. Everyone else was busy killing off the mages who kept coming through the magic circle.

Shirone and Akeno had joined Kiba and Xenovia in fighting Ajamu, the guy was struggling now. Not only did he have to defend with his sword, but he also had to dodge senjutsu and lightning attacks from Shirone and Akeno.

When he tried to use his plant manipulation, Akeno burned them instantly… 'She' isn't interfering… Hell why hasn't she done anything so far? It's strange…

Another wicked smile spread across Kokabiel's face.

"Tell me, how can you lot keep fighting when the master you serve is long gone?"

"….What are you talking about?"

Rias was staring at Kokabiel with a frown. Everyone else quickly killed their enemies to listen to what the crow had to say.

"Fuhaha, fuhahahahahahahahahaha! That's right! I totally forgot! The truth wasn't revealed to you lower guys! Then I will tell you. In the war between the three sides, not only did the Four Great Satans die, but so did God!!"

"You've been serving a dead god for so many years! Do you not wonder why he hasn't answered any of your prayers?!"

Kokabiel kept on laughing like a maniac, he even started to clutch his stomach with how much he was laughing.

I see Asia fall to her knees with a look of despair. Griselda was beside her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"….Lies…. Those are lies….!!!"

Further away, Xenovia who was battling Ajamu had stopped, she had stood still looking at Kokabiel in disbelief. No, everyone was, even the magicians that were coming out of the magic circle… Even Ajamu.

"W-What? How can the God of the Bible be dead?"

Ajamu asked Kokabiel. The fallen angel just shrugged.

"Fuck if I know. Truth is, he's dead. Gone! Blip!

"...God doesn't exist….? God….. Is dead? Then the love we were giving him is…."

Kokabiel laughed at Asia's despair.

"That's right. It's normal that there is no love from God and no divine protection from him. God is gone already. Michael is certainly doing well. He's taking the place of God and is taking care of the angels and humans."

"Well, if the 'system' used by God is operating, then the prayer to God, the blessing of God, and exorcism would function. But if you compare it to the time God was present, the number of believers and miracles decreased."

"That Holy-demonic sword brat over there was able to create the Holy-demonic sword because the balance between God and the Satans broke."

"In reality, Holy and demonic powers cannot merge. If the ones who rule the power of Holy and demonic powers, God and the Satans, disappear, then lots of unique phenomena occur."

He still had a smirk on him as he let that fact sink in for everyone. The magicians in the air even looked at each other not too sure in what to do. It's Khaos brigade…. This— They will definitely spread this, they need to die.

"You, Red Dragon Emperor. You don't look surprised at all."

He cocked a brow at me and I shrug.

"I knew. Before I met up with Michael in Heaven, before becoming the Middleman, I already knew of his death. I have my ways of getting information."

"Fuhahaha! Interesting! So, that's why you do not look shocked."

He grins.

"Those Divine Beasts were certainly powerful in their own right! Those shadow beings you have were much more powerful than them! However, our 'Goddess' certainly has ways of making us stronger through Azrael!"

"I can easily kill all of you if I wish!"

So much bravado…. Where does he even get it from…



Ddraig had come back to us…. No, he had been blown back towards us.

"Ddraig, how did you get back here? No, who blew you away?"

"Hehehehahahaha! He's here!"

Kokabiel started to laugh maniacally again. He? Does he mean Azrael… So the one who launched Ddraig all the way back here was him? That's impressive.

"To be able to hit the [Welsh Dragon] with so much force to launch him back to Kuoh Academy."

Grayfia was in awe, and Ddraig gave her an awkward smile.

[Partner…. I took care of the monsters around Kuoh, but could only save one.]

Save one? What the hell are you talking about? He turned into a blue ball of light and came beside me, from the light was an injured Ingvild.


I quickly touch her and heal her… She wasn't in any life-threatening danger; her injuries weren't that bad. Ddraig…. Did you protect her…. Wait…. Where's Reni…?


The ball of light went inside me.

"Ddraig, where's Reni?"

I got no answer. Ddraig, I swear to all that is… Where is she? But I still got no answer.

"Huuu, so you're the Red Dragon Emperor, huh?"

Another voice came, I was holding Ingvild as her breathing had returned to normal, she was mostly sleeping now.

"Querehsha. Look after her."

Querehsha came out of the ring and stood defensively in front of Ingvild and the rest of my allies. I turned to the voice and it was another fallen.

"Azrael, glad you could join me… Hmmm? What's that?"

Azrael had a wide grin on him as he looked at me and tossed something…. A body…?

"Missing something, Red Dragon Emperor?"



The girls screamed as they watch her body come towards me, I jump up and catch her, and I held her close not wanting to let her go… Reni… She felt cold… There's a hole through her stomach… I touch it…

Cúntóir: Answer:  Lavinia Reni is alive, beginning the process of healing.


Cúntóir: Answer: Healing successful, her life is no longer in danger, Jin. Jin? Jin! Jin!!



'I'll put my trust in you, Jin.'


'My heart feels strange when I'm with you, it hurts and I get the butterflies in my stomach, every time you praise me…I can't describe how happy I get. Even sleeping with you back in that hotel was the best sleep I had in a very long time.'


'I mean it, Jin. I want to be with you. Forever. I wasn't too sure about my answer a month ago… But right now, I'm certain of my answer.'


'In the future…. When… I— We have that 'forever'…. Can we…?'


'Back then in Grigori… Now… Or the future, my answer will remain the same… Jin, I want to be with you forever…. Please?'

'Mmmm…together with Jin, forever. I love you…'




It's my got hurt because of me… Because of my negligence…



[Power Output: Outer God: 1%]

Akeno Himejima

"Fuhahahaha! Are are are? The Red Dragon Emperor has gone silent."

Kokabiel kept laughing after one of my best friends was seriously injured… She wasn't killed… I refused to believe that…. Jin… Jin!


Everyone else was shouting his name, he hasn't responded yet… He's been cradling Reni in his arms without saying a word. I can't see his expression at all.


Eh? C-Cúntóir?


Cúntóir seemed to be worried… Did something happen to Jin? What happ—

"All of you! Help me with this barrier! Any help with do! Please!"

I… Not everybody else…. The rest of Rias' Peerage, everyone else in Jin's harem… We were covered with some kind of… Aura… A shield…?


Cúntóir shouted at us. Jin's shadows had frozen on the spot, they looked unsure of what to do, but one by one they started to kneel from where they were… Even the new woman that came from his ring… Querehsha had a look of terror on her face, she started to kneel as well….

What is happ—


Jin got up, an ominous aura surrounding him…. What is this…. I'm scared…. Something… Is this… The power of an…. Outer God….? Jin held Reni protectively.

"It's the same feeling!"

Ingvild— No everyone else was shaking… But Ingvild was doing better than the rest of us.

"Jin!!! Jin!!! Please come out of it!!!

Jin still said nothing, he looked up at the two fallen as they had stopped laughing, a look of pure terror and panic on both their faces.

Jin opened then closed his right hand….


Kokabiel…. He…. Exploded…. Blood was everywhere…. Eh…? W-What happened….?

"He… He… Hasn't lost control! He's…."

Cúntóir couldn't find the words she was looking for, but she was clearly unsure of what to do… She was panicking like the rest of us… A supercomputer panicking…. It sounds funny when saying it…

"A calm and controlled rage."

We all look over at Grayfia who was helping Cúntóir maintain a barrier she had erected.

"Y-You!!! You're the same as my 'Goddess'!!!"

Azrael screamed at Jin… A slow realization dawning on him.

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