Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 9 – Part 1 – Riser and A lot of training*

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household


Jin Skyward


Rias had just straddled me and told me to take her virginity… I— No, teenagers are hormone filled and their feelings take precedence when in high-stress situations. She probably was informed by both Sirzechs and her father about what Riser wants…

As a result, she is suffering through serious emotional turmoil at the moment... She has only recently begun to mature and change her ways. Expecting instant changes is foolish… I can relate to that after all. I sigh.


I snap my fingers and put her clothes back on, grab her shoulders and put a calming effect on her.

"Calm down, take deep breaths and tell me what's going on."

She was obviously shocked by this as she stares blankly at me. She comes out of her shocked state and starts to do what I instructed her to do. The girls have sat up on the bed and are staring worriedly at the crimson-haired girl.

"Haaah.... Huuuu…. I-I'm sorry… Jin… I…. What was I doing…? I…"

She takes in another deep breath and exhales.

"It's… My engagement with Riser Phenex… He wants to fast forward it and get married sooner… I was told by my father and brother, I protested but they said I couldn't. I lost my cool and did this…"

Rias looked ashamed of herself once she calmed down. Her eyes were on the ground— Er, my exposed stomach - but she was still thinking about something else.

"I see, so the marriage was supposed to… I would assume after you graduate, yes?"

She slowly nods.

"Now you're in distress and thought that if you lost your virginity, it would be annulled?"

Another weak nod from her.


I sigh, the girls that didn't know looked at her in pity.

"Yeah, fuck that chicken nugget nya."

Kuroka tries to lighten the mood but it doesn't work, only getting a weak smile from Rias.

Open~ Close~

Just then, the door opens and Grayfia steps through. Her maid outfit was back on... She had already changed into her nightgown earlier tonight.

"…Rias-oujou-sama, please come back to the Gremory home in the Underworld. Your father and brother are worried about you. I may have scolded you if you tried this with anyone else, but knowing Jin, he wouldn't do that if you're not his lover."


Rias turns to Grayfia but doesn't say anything. She gets up off me and apologizes.

"I'm sorry again, Jin."

She nods to Grayfia and stands beside her. Grayfia gives me a strained smile as she teleports both of them away.

"Akeno, I think you should join her, a bit of emotional support from her [Queen] and best friend?"

I see Akeno nod; she kisses me on the cheek and starts getting dressed.

"Yes, you're right. I'll get going then."

Once Akeno was finished getting dressed, she waved at us and teleported away.

"Arrange marriages are weird nya. Devils and their old ways, I'll never understand them nya."

Kuroka shakes her head as Shirone lies on her lap, appearing to drift back to sleep.

"So, that's still traditional in devil society? Poor Rias…"

Reni felt sorry for the young female devil, they've become good friends over the week, so she was genuinely worried about her.

"Devil birthrates are low, especially for pure devils. I can assume it's easier or the same for reincarnated devils. Their society is also based on the aristocracy period of humanity… So many of those types of traditions are still at play there, nobility rankings and arranging marriages between strong families."

"For strong new heirs to join the family and continue their bloodline, sometimes they'll fall in love, which is great! But most of the time it's a very dead marriage, they'll only do it out of necessity."

Reni shook her head seemingly not liking it.

"I would rather marry someone I love than out of necessity. Will you help her?"

She looks up at me, worried and concerned.

"Yeah, I was already planning to do that, and I am even more so now. I have an idea of what's going to happen, so, don't worry. It won't end like that."

Reni happily nods. Venelana was against it apparently, so it was a promise between Zeoticus and Lord Phenex. I will guess it's the anime cliché of going out for drinks and promising each other that one of their sons and daughters will get married in the future. Now it's here and they're keeping it…

I'm not sure if this is responsible or irresponsible on their part. They were drunk and put their children's futures on the line.

Sirzechs can only do so much for Rias since he essentially 'left' the family to become 'Lucifer'. Zeoticus is the head of the family so he has the say in the majority of things and his word is final. But knowing Sirzechs and his love for his little sister, he'll do something about it. So, the rating game…

"Alright, let's go back to sleep. We can't do much until Rias or Grayfia informs me of what's going to happen."

They agree and we all get back to our previous positions minus Akeno. So, I have my own ideas about what to do. Care to share your opinions?

[Go through the motions, don't cause a scene when Riser appears. However, since you have a level head, you probably won't, it just comes down to how Riser is feeling.]

Go through the motions? So, wait for their 'meeting' and let it happen, wait for Grayfia to announce the rating game, and then proceed from there.

[Yeah, basically.]

{How will you train them for that 1 week, Jin?}

Nah, not a week Albion, but 1 year, I'll be taking them into the pocket dimension and letting them run amok for an entire year. The goal is to get everyone else to Ultimate-class, and have Akeno reach Satan-class.

Knowing that Ingvild and Kuroka will be joining me, probably Grayfia too, I'll aim to get them to new power ranks too. The replica of my home will be there as well, so it won't matter too much.

[So, one year in there and…?]

Ten minutes outside, I'll still give them the week to train and master whatever else I teach them. Strategize more and let them get used to their powers. So, 1 year in, 10 minutes out. I do have other plans for the week off we'll get from Sona after all.

[Grigori and Sae, right?]

Yeah, that. I'll go to the Dimensional Gap with Ophis after my time with Rossweisse and Kyoto… She hasn't left the necklace in a bit… I wonder what she's up to. Then wrap up with meeting Suzaku.

{You're all set then, Jin.}

Yeah, I am. During the next year, I can also improve my relationship with everyone, including Gasper and Kiba. I need more male friends who aren't in a different realm altogether…

Next day


Rias called the Occult Research Club down to the clubroom during lunch, which also included myself and Ingvild. So far, she and Akeno have been absent from school. I would guess she was stressed and thinking about how to approach the situation when Riser came.

I had been conversing with Akeno using telepathy, if I used the rings' transceivers it would be too obvious and the teachers might make a fuss. She told me that yeah, she was worried and had been munching on snacks all throughout the morning…

It was lunchtime, so the Gremory peerage plus Ingvild and I were walking to the clubroom. Sona seemed to have an idea of what was going on and told us if we didn't make it back on time, she'd cover for us.

Long live the Sitri clan! Go So-tan!

Close~ Open~

Asia held my hand as we passed through the main entrance. She was nervous, we told her what happened and what to expect, everyone else was tense, including In who had grabbed onto my sleeve.

By using powers, I was able to calm Asia down, and her grip loosened a bit. We stepped through the final door, and I saw Rias, Akeno, and Grayfia there. I smile at them and they do back, except for Rias, who was still too focused on whatever she was thinking about.

I left the others to sit and walked over to Rias. I put a hand on her head.

"You'll be fine, keep a steady head and be logical about it. Keep your fighting spirit inside."

I stop as she smiles and nods. I take a seat between Asia and Ingvild. Shirone was waiting for me. When I did sit down, she sat on my lap, bringing out her cat ears and tail.


I gave her sweets per our usual agreement. Even now she's taking things in her own stride. Both Asia and Ingvild grip my sleeves again, both nervous about what's to come. Asia is also nervous about meeting another prominent clan of the Underworld.

Well, she was told about Riser, but it was a bit biased since some people didn't like what they heard about him. Mainly from Kuroka.

Akeno starts to pour everyone tea as we wait, I summon some snacks for us to eat, Kiba and Gasper were on the couch beside us silently waiting too. Even though he was nervous, Gasper kept his cool. The guy's come a long way since I first met him.


It's time. A magic circle of a bird appears near the room's door. From it comes out a person, a tall and handsome young man in his early 20s with short blond hair and dark blue eyes.

His outfit consists of a burgundy blazer with gold embroidery on the right with matching pants and black dress shoes. Underneath his open blazer is a white dress shirt that is not fully buttoned (just one button short), giving a slight view of his chest.

"Fuu, it's been a while since I came to the human world."

He starts to speak. The guy looks around the room and then smirks after finding Rias.

"My lovely Rias. I came to see you."

Rias is looking at him with her eyes half closed. It doesn't seem like she is welcoming this guy. But the guy doesn't seem to care and approaches Rias.

"Now then, Rias. Let's go and take a look at the ceremony hall. The date of the ceremony is decided so we need to check it before then."

What a hell of a guy… Just waltz right it and does what he wants...

The guy grabs Rias's arm. But stops when he sees me. He cocks a brow.

"And who might you be? A new member to your peerage?"

He looks at the two girls clinging on to me.

"I will assume those two are as well?"

"He is the Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor, the blonde woman beside him is part of Rias-Oujou-sama's peerage, the purple-haired girl is not."

Grayfia explains.

"Heeeeh? So, he's the famous Middleman, huh?"

He smirks at me.

"Doesn't look like much."

Despite knowing about me, he still spoke with an aura of confidence, spitting out some strange lines. I didn't react, I mean… It's pretty petty of him…

"But you flatter me, being here and all. I shall invite you to our wedding, take it as an invitation to the future heir of the Phenex clan. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Riser Phenex."

Hmmmm. I guess my own reputation is helping me here, he's probably wary about the one about Thor… That helps me, I guess. He's a lot more polite because of it, huh?

"He and the purple-haired female are here because they are attending Kuoh academy and are also part of Rias-oujou-sama's club."

Grayfia adds. Riser snorts and shakes Rias a little bit.

"Riser, let go of me."

"Like I have said many times over, I am not interested in getting married to you or this engagement."

"Hah! As if you or I had any choice in the matter, our parents decided this before we were born. It can't be stopped, Rias. So, just accept it, and let's get this over with."

Riser continues as he lets go of her.

"You are well aware with our low population, how difficult it is for pure devils… And reincarnated devils to give birth to new devils. That's why the evil piece system was created, to try to solve it. Our marriage is to keep the pure blood of the devil race intact, to not be tainted by the reincarnated humans."

"Two of our houses are well-known, we hold a high seat in the devil hierarchy. It only makes sense for us to introduce new life into this world. It is ideal for our re-population!"

After Riser was finished with his small speech, Rias sighs.

"I do not care; I wish to marry the person I love."

She looks at him in disdain

"And it's quite clear I don't feel that way about you."

Riser starts to laugh at her.

"And I already said that doesn't matter! Grow up Rias! Look at the bigger picture! This is heavily dependent on our race! Don't you care? Do you want us, devils, to become extinct?! Such petty reasons for not marrying are why you're still a child, Rias Gremory."

Rias is clearly pissed off by that last remark but holds her temper.

"I acknowledge your reasons, Riser; I do not want my clan or the devil race to become extinct."

Riser looks happy but was shot down again.

"However, I still stand by what I said."

"If you won't listen to reason Rias…"

Riser erupts into flames!

"I'll be forced to kill your servants, club members, and forcefully drag you back to the Underworld."

The two of them glare at each other, but Rias does not show off her power. Grayfia steps on the ground as her aura fills the room. Both of them freeze as they look at the 'Strongest Queen'.

"Ojou-sama, Riser-sama, please calm down. If both of you were to continue, then I won't be quiet about it. For Sirzechs-sama's honor, I won't hold back."

Rias and Riser both make a serious face after hearing Grayfia-san's quiet and intense voice. It seems like they're still quite scared of her. Riser calms the flames around his body and sighs while shaking his head.

"Even I would be scared to hear that from the 'Strongest Queen'... I definitely wouldn't want to fight the people from Sirzechs-sama's group, which is known to be made up of monsters."

"Master, Sirzechs-sama, and those from the House of Phenex knew it would turn out like this. To tell you the truth this was to be the last discussion meeting. Everyone knew that it wouldn't be solved, so they decided to make a last resort."

"Last resort? What do you mean, Grayfia?"

"Ojou-sama, if you wish to push your opinion further, how about you settle it by having a Rating Game against Riser-sama?"


Rias becomes speechless hearing Grayfia. She seems to be very shocked. Grayfia-san continues her explanation.

"Just as you know, Ojou-sama, only mature-aged Devils can participate in official Rating Games. But if it's an unofficial match between pure-blood Devils, even immature Devils can participate. However, in this case—"

"When it involves the family and household problems."

Rias continues to talk while she sighs.

"In other words, Father and the others decided to have a game as a last resort if I was to decline, right? ... Just how far are they intending to interfere with my life to feel satisfied...!"

Rias is really ticked off. She's starting to lose her cool, but still trying her damnedest not to.

"Then Ojou-sama, you are saying you would also decline to participate in the game?"

"No, I won't, since this is a chance. Alright then. Let's settle this with a game, Riser."

Riser smirks after Rias's provocative words.

"Hee, so you're accepting it. I don't mind. But I'm already a matured Devil and I have already participated in the official game. Right now, I have won most of the games. Even so, you still want to play, Rias?"

"Yes, If I win… This marriage and engagement are annulled."

"And if Riser wins, we're getting married immediately and start the re-population of the devil race!"

The two glare at each other intensely.

"Understood. I, Grayfia, have confirmed both sides' opinions. I will be in charge of the game between the two households. Is that okay?"



Rias and Riser both agree to Grayfia's approval.

"Understood. I will inform the two households then."

Grayfia turns and walks into the backroom. Riser turns to us and smirks.

"This is all of your servants, Rias?"

Rias looks strangely at Riser and nods. He lets out a chuckle and snaps his fingers. As he did so, a magic circle appeared on the floor, and shadows appeared from it. One by one Riser's peerage appears from it. Ravel and I make eye contact, we stare at each other for a few seconds until she averts her gaze. I don't think anyone else has seen this...

"Well, these are my cute servants."

From it, fifteen people emerged... An entire set.

"Do you seriously think you'll win? We have experience after all."

"We will. We have our own ace."

Everyone knew who she was referring to, and it was me. Flattery won't get you anywhere Ms. Heiress!

"Quality over Quantity Riser, my servants are worth more than two pieces of yours."

Riser scoffs again. Grayfia comes out of the room.

"The Rating game will be held in a week's time from now. Please prepare yourselves until then."

"Enjoy your time until then, Rias. You'll be a housewife and pregnant all year round when it's all over."

Riser turns to me and bows. But I could feel that he hated it…

"My apologies for the unsightly manner, Middleman."

He nods at me and teleports away with his peerage. He's weirdly humble and polite to me. Maybe he was warned by his father? Who knows… Maybe older brother? I again shrug. He also skipped having tea, guess it got a little too heated.

Rias finally collapses back on her chair as she heaves a sigh of relief. I go over to her and pat her head.

"Well done, you…somewhat kept your cool."

We chuckle—

"Anyway, I'll be helping you guys for the next week."

"Yes, we'll be relying on you even more then."

"Heh, I have better plans…"

I turn to everyone and grin.

"Prepare yourselves, this will be pure spartan training. Jin style."

"Ohh ~ I know where this is going ~"

Akeno giggles as Kiba, Gasper, and Rias were confused.

"Tomorrow morning, be here early. Like, 5 a.m. early."

They nod.

"Alright, let's finish today and get ready for a long week…"

After school

I'm making my way to the student council. I told Rias I would tell Sona on her behalf since she's been looking like she wants to talk to me. The fact that she had things to prepare made her more than happy for me to do this.

They have no idea that we'll be spending an entire year training, but I'll leave that as a surprise for tomorrow.

I knock on the door and Saji opens it, he lets me in without a fuss.

"Jin? What can I do for you?"

Sona looks up from her desk, and so do the rest.

"Just came here to tell you that Rias— The Occult Research Club will be gone for a week starting tomorrow."

She asks why, and I explain what happened to her, and she nods.

"I see… That makes sense, very well. I shall create a leave of absence for you all. But why is Rias not the one telling me this?"

"She's busy, I told them to prepare a lot since I'll be the one training them. Well, I have been but it's going to become more difficult."

"I see."

When I'm about to leave, she stops me.

"Jin, wait. I have some questions for you."

"I'm all ears, Sona, what's up?"

"Are you human?"

She squints her eyes at me.

"No, I mean, that much is obvious at this point, right?"

Sona nods her head as she fixes her glasses.

"Then, what are you?"

I shake my head.

"That's classified for now, Sona. If you wish to know, become closer friends with me."

"I understand. But what about your past?"

I explain to her the fake story I told everyone else so far. Sona seemed suspicious of it all, but nodded along.

"I see, thank you for answering my questions, Jin. You can leave now."

"Cool beans."

I walk past Saji—

"Hey, you got someone in this room who likes you, keep an eye out."

He seemed surprised but nods.

"Well, see you guys around."

I wave to them as I leave.

Next day

4 a.m.

I was still in my home, as I was cooking a bunch of food, for myself, Ingvild, Kuroka, and potentially Grayfia.


A very sad and clingy Reni had been— Well, latched onto me since last night after I told her what my real plan was.

"Reni… I told you, in reality, we'll be away for 10 minutes max…"

"But you still get to spend a full year with everyone else…"

She was moping, clearly unhappy and upset that I hadn't initially invited her to go to the [Pocket Dimension]. I did so when she got upset last night. But for some reason, she had defiantly declined my invitations.

"I also invited you… C'mon Reni."

I stop cooking for a bit and turn to her. I pick her up and hug her.

"Why won't you come then?"

"I… I promised to help Shigune and Natsume today… Natsume said she had something to show me…"

Ah… She's probably going to show her Sylph.

"It can't be helped then… I'll bring you three there in the future, how's that sound? We'll be there for a year as well…"


She straightens out and looks at me excitedly.


She starts to hug me tighter and shower me in kisses as I turn back to cook… This woman, never a dull moment.

"I love you."

"Hehe, I love you too, Jin."

"Food nya…"

Kuroka was still tired. She and Shirone were leaning against each other. Asia was holding onto Ingvild as she was still tired too. We waited by the field near the Occult Research Club. Kiba and Gasper were already there, Akeno was hugging me, and Rias was the last one.

"Sorry for the wait!"

We hear her voice and turn to her… What on God's green earth is that? She was carrying a giant bag on her back. What does she have in there? All that for a week…?

"Why do you need all that?"

I point at the stupidly huge bag on her.

"Essentials for the week?"

She asks me like I am stupid. I shake my head.

"Whatever, let's teleport where you want to start. I have something else in mind. I won't explain, I'll leave it as a surprise."

She doesn't question it and nods; we gather around Rias and we teleport away.

A certain Gremory Lodge

We had arrived at the foot of a mountain; trees surround us in every direction.

"Alright, I'll meet you guys at the top."

I look at Kuroka and Ingvild.

"That includes both of you."

I snap my fingers and put weights on everyone, an appropriate amount for all of them.

"Wh-What are these?"

Gasper asks as he struggles to get up.

"Weights, they all have your overall power in mind, they will change as you get stronger. So, the stronger you are, the heavier they get. Anyway, go up the hill like that. I'll be waiting at the top."

No one complains, as they all looked quite determined. I leave them and teleport to the top.

[Aren't you intending to train too, Partner?]

I will. I am waiting for them after all. I start doing one-handed push-ups as I wait for them.

Around fifty minutes later they all start to arrive one by one, Kuroka, Ingvild, Shirone, and Akeno were the first ones there. Kuroka and Ingvild were having a pleasant chat, Shirone and Akeno were struggling a little, a little bit of sweat but not much.

Next were Gasper, Kiba, and Asia, not too far from them was Rias. She had improved her magic and everything that revolved around it, but her physical body needed to be improved, I take note of that.

"Food nya…"

Kuroka and Ingvild came up to me, the cat girl started to beg for food. I summon some snacks for her and she happily eats them.

"How was it?"

Ingvild smiles and shakes her head.

"It was fine, a little tough but manageable."

She turns to the rest as they sat there panting.

"They may need to rest for a little bit."

"Mmm ~ Jin, how cruel of you ~"

Akeno had come up to me and hugged me from behind.

"You like seeing us in pain, don't you? ~"

How is she even turning this sexual?! Even Ingvild was awkwardly chuckling beside me.

"No, but… That can be done for you tonight."

"Oh ~ I look forward to it ~"

Maybe I shouldn't have said that as Ingvild had looked away with a blush.

"Alright you lot, rest up before we get started. I'll explain what I have planned."

I summon some water bottles in front of all of them, they take them and start to drink. With my hand raised, I create the [Pocket Dimension]. I explain what this is, and how long we'll be here for. I also remove the weights from them.

Rias turns to Akeno.

"Is this how you got so strong so quickly?"

Akeno giggles and nods at her King.

"Not just me, Rias. But Shirone-chan and Asia-chan, as well as Jin's lovers ~"

Rias looks at both Asia and Shirone, she squints her eyes and notices that yes, they were a lot stronger than she saw last time…

"How did I not notice…?"

It's probably because you were too engrossed by the Riser thing.

Clap! Clap!

"Anyway, we'll be spending a year here, ten minutes will only pass by outside."

I snap my fingers again and create a replica of my house, adding in a few other things, like a giant open bath that was separated by sex.

"We'll spend daylight so around, 12 hours a day or maybe more training and fighting monsters, mastering your powers and techniques. The other, is for strategizing with your king and team play. The rest will be resting. I can stop the monsters from spawning so don't worry about it when it's at night."

I add a day-night cycle to the pocket dimension, it's daylight right now.

"In a few minutes, I'll start letting the monsters spawn. Rest up while you can, if you want you can fly over and put your things inside the house."

They nodded and flew to the house. However, Asia and Shirone didn't, as they simply kept them in their rings. Akeno had already done that prior to the climb up.

"What will you guys do?"



My phone rings and I pick it up. It was Grayfia.

"Jin? May I be teleported to it?"

She asks and I oblige, I teleport Grayfia in here. I put my phone away.

"Yo, glad you could make it."

She nods as she watches the Gremory peerage coming back.

"So, like I said, what will you guys do? You can train or help them. Or you can do both, you have a year in here after all.

"I'll train Shirone and Asia for the first two or three months nya, after that I'll start training to nya."

"Mmm, I'll help Asia too after that I'll start training as well."

Ingvild agreed with Kuroka, I turn to Grayfia as she nods.

"If Oujou-sama wishes for help or guidance I will provide them for her. This extends to her family. But yes, I agree with Kuroka and Ingvild, I shall start my own training after that."

The Gremory peerage re-joins us, so I'll continue my explanation on how the monster's ranks and power work. As they grow so will they too.

"So, don't let your guard down and be on your toes. Looks like you're all ready, let's start then."

I snap my fingers and monsters start to appear in the distance.

"I'll be here to help, if you can't fight something, don't be ashamed to run away or team up with someone. Push yourselves to the limit, see where you are right now, and go beyond that, alright?!"

"Yes, sir!"

They all dash towards the monsters, Ingvild and Kuroka joining them. I stop Rias as she was about to fly off.

"Rias, at night, you can focus on reading strategy and tactic books. I'll join you if you want."

She looks at me a bit surprised and nods.

"Alright, go ahead."

She releases her wings and flies away.

Third Person Point of View

With Akeno

"Ufufufu, dance for me ~"

Akeno Himejima flew towards a large group of monsters, she has no idea what they were, but to her…they were fodder for her to get stronger.

Crackle! Zap! Boom!!

She summoned a giant magic circle and out came her [Holy Lightning]. Once the dust settled, the group of monsters were no more-dead, obliterated out of existence.

"Ufufufu ~ nothing will get in my way ~"

Akeno flew around doing the same thing to groups of monsters until she came across something that would need more than one hit to kill.

"Ara ara ~ aren't you big and tough looking?"

She touches her cheek with her hand. In front of the Gremory [Queen] was a monster that was 24 meters tall with grey skin, red eyes, and white hair.

"A Goliath…"

Jin had appeared beside Akeno surprising her a tiny bit.

"A Goliath?"

She repeats Jin's comment.

'Yeah, the one from Danmachi… This thing appeared on the 17th floor in the tower of Babel in Orario, I didn't think it would appear here… Who am I kidding? Anything can… Maybe Dio Brando is next since I'm trying to teach Grayfia time manipulation…'

"Yeah, it's tough so keep your guard up. It's the same rank as you too."

As Akeno listened to Jin's explanation, she adopted a serious expression. Akeno's power surged as she decided to use her maximum power output. Clouds started to appear above them; the amount began to increase rapidly. Lightning and thunder start to appear from the clouds. They slowly dance around in the sky.

Tskkkkk!! Crackle!!! Crackle!!!! Tsksksksk!!!!

'She's using that?'

Jin smirked as he knew what was coming.

Akeno gathers the lightning that was above them around her right hand, she starts to shape it…


Zttttkkkkkk!!! Booom!!!!

An enormous yellow Dragon made out of lightning and thunder with holy properties emerges from the clouds. It hovers above Akeno as she smiles and licks her lips.

"Vanish with the roar of Holy Lightning…"

She tilts her hand up as the dragon made of lightning flies back up into the clouds. She makes a quick motion as she brings her hand down.


The Holy Lightning Dragon quickly comes back down and consumes everything below it. The Goliath had no time to react. It roars as it comes down on it.


Moments before the attack

"W-What is that…? Akeno?!"

Rias stared at the enormous dragon that appeared out of nowhere after clouds started appearing in the sky.


Grayfia stared in awe at what was happening. The rest of the peerage were also shocked, they were waiting in bated breath for whatever was to come.


When the attack was over, crackles of lightning echoed around them. The Goliath? Gone, dead—erased.

"Haah… Haah… Hehe… That took a bit more demonic energy than I thought…"

Akeno was panting as she floated over to Jin. Jin hugged Akeno and supported her.

"Nicely done, that was one hell of a show."

"Mmm ~ praise me ~"

Jin did just that, he also healed her, including her demonic pool.


She was a bit pouty about it.

"Haha, I can do that tonight, Akeno. Just focus on getting stronger for now."

"Fine! You better pay me back in full!"

She winked and flew away.

"Haah, that woman, I swear."

Jin smiled as he watched her disappear into the distance.

With Asia, Shirone, and Kuroka

"Wow nya, I didn't expect that…"

Kuroka looks up—

"The clouds are also starting to disappear…"

"Akeno-senpai…. Is scary."

Shirone mutters, Asia was still too shocked to say anything. Kuroka picks up Asia as she dodges an attack from humanoid lions they were fighting.

"Asia nya, don't zone out!"

Kuroka tells the nun who she was carrying.

"I-I'm sorry!"

Kuroka stops and lets Asia down, Shirone was fighting some of the humanoid lions in her 'base' form, punching and dodging. The humanoid lions didn't stand a chance, as she also covered herself in touki.

Kuroka joins in as the two Nekomata sisters work in sync, repealing and killing the monsters. Suddenly, one humanoid lion snuck up behind Asia, and the nun, sensing the creature behind her dodged the attack quickly.

"I'm sorry!"

She covers herself in touki, raises her hand, and—

Slap! Bam!

As she slaps the monster, the humanoid monster flies across the area, crashes to the ground, and dies. The two sisters were finished with their fight as they giggled at Asia.

"That never gets old."

Shirone walks over to Asia, Kuroka agreeing with her.

"Yeah nya, she apologizes before killing them nya."

This was a common occurrence, especially the first time she was brought here. She was forced to fight— To hurt others, she didn't want to, she didn't like doing it… But she had to. In order to get stronger and not get hurt herself.

As a result, Asia always wanted to end it quickly.

"One punch woman."

Shirone calls Asia.

"You mean, One slap woman."

Kuroka corrects her as they giggle, Asia hiding behind her hands as she covered her face in embarrassment.


More monsters appeared and charged them.

"We need to—"

Don!!!! Booooomm!!!

Before Kuroka could continue, Asia had punched the ground in front of them, destroying everything in front of them, including the monsters.

"Ahhh!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Asia looked in front of her, horrified at what she did.

"Or not, never mind nya…"

Kuroka looked at the destroyed environment in front of her.

'That silly title might become all too real in the future…'

Kuroka's gaze was on Asia as she shook her head.

"Asia-senpai, you'll really be a 'One Punch Woman' in the future… Amazing."

Shirone looked in awe at the nun.

"Auuuuu…. I don't want that kind of title…"

Asia was happy with the praise, but wanted to be known more for her healing and supportive capabilities…not for defeating people with one punch.


"Well, we have more to deal with, get ready nya."

Shirone and Kuroka got ready, Asia wanting to be a support, so she hung back this time.

With Kiba and Gasper

Slash! Wack! Shing!

Kiba had slashed through another monster, Gasper supported him by freezing them in place with his Sacred Gear.

"We work well together, Gasper-kun."

Kiba pats Gasper on the shoulder.

"Y-Yes! I think so too, Kiba-senpai!"

Gasper liked the praise, it encouraged him even more.


Multiple medium-sized monsters appeared in front of the duo.

Its body is primarily green and has a thin, cream-colored section between its head, thorax, and abdomen. Its reptilian head has two narrow, triangular eyes and three blunt horns extending from its forehead. Its arms end in large, white scythes.

Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back. While these wings do allow the monster to fly, it rarely does so. The monster's thighs have large, upward-pointing spikes. The feet of this creature are tall and almost extend past its thighs. They are rounded and conical, with three small white claws on each foot.

"Oh? Scythers? Didn't expect to see this here."

Jin appeared beside Kiba and Gasper.

"Careful you two, these things can fly, and their claws are sharp, they're natural-born hunters and can adapt easily."

The two are a bit surprised but nod.

"Gasper, support me."

Kiba told his junior.


Gasper responded, turned into a bat, and flew up. Kiba summoned the demonic sword [Flame Sword] from his Sacred Gear [Sword Birth].

The group of Scythers rushed Kiba, they swiped and slashed at him. Since they ranged from Middle-class to High-class, Kiba had a hard time keeping up with them all. Gasper focused on those who were clearly above them in power and frozen them instead.

Clang! Ssssshhhkkkk!!!

Kiba parried the Scythers slashes, summoning another demonic sword [Flame Delete] an ice sword that can freeze flames. Two swords of opposite elements. He started to dual-wield them and rushed the Scyther in front of him.


Slash! Slash! Cut!


The Scyther tried to fly away but was frozen by Gasper first and then by Kiba's ice. He rushed the Scyther and cut it in half with his flame sword.

Clang! Clang!

He parried the other Scythers who were now enraged as Kiba had just killed their brethren. Gasper landed back on the ground and started to control Kiba's shadow, causing tentacles to appear from them and bind the Scythers attacking him.

Seeing this as a chance, Kiba hit them with ice from his flame delete, he de-summons that sword and summoned another called [Holy Eraser] he quickly dodges and weaves between the monsters, slicing and dicing them.

Pah! Shahhhh!!

With their teamwork, they killed all the Scythers that were attacking them.

"Haah… Haah… Good job, Gasper-kun."

Kiba panted, he was injured a bit, with each kill, they got stronger, so they could easily kill higher-ranked monsters.

"Y-Yes! You too Senpai!"

Jin had watched everything go down and landed on the ground.

"Good job you two."

He threw some healing slime on them as they recovered from their injuries.

"Keep it up. You're getting stronger slowly, push yourself but don't be reckless about it."

""Yes, sir!""

They answered in unison. Jin nodded to them; he gave them each two small tablets.

"Use that to replenish your demonic pool once they're nearly consumed. The other one is simply healing slime condensed as a pill."

"Thank you Jin-senpai."

They thanked him again as he disappeared. Kiba gave Gasper his two pills as they summoned their wings and flew away to fight more.

With Rias and Grayfia

"Oujou-sama, concentrate."

Grayfia watched and instructed Rias as she tried to form her [Power of Destruction] into a small sword.

Rias had her eyes closed as she concentrated on doing just that. In the meantime, Grayfia killed anything that came close to them. Rias wanted to focus on creating a [Power of Destruction] sword before killing anything. If she got that down… Then she can make them easily in the future.

While she isn't a sword user, it will come in handy with opponents she can't fight with her fists or at a distance. This is because they had an ability that could counter that.

Shhhhhhhhh!!!!! Fwooooommm!!!

The [Power of Destruction] in front of Rias had shaped into a medium-length sword. But it took her around three minutes of uninterrupted concentration to produce it.

"Well done, Oujou-sama."

"A sword made out of Power of Destruction, huh?"

Jin had appeared beside Grayfia as Rias finished creating the sword.

"You want to learn swordsmanship, Rias?"

"Just a little bit. But I want to use them like how Onii-sama uses his, but… Well, they look like swords…"

She blushes as she gives us her explanation. What an otaku, what are you trying to recreate? The Gates of Babylon by Gilgamesh? Jin grinned at Rias as she became even redder.

"I see, well you can ask Kiba or your brother's [Knight] for that kind of training. All I do is swing a sword around and hope for the best."

Cúntóir: Answer: You already learned how to use a sword not too long ago.

'Oh wow, you're alive? Where have you been?'

Cúntóir had been mostly silent, Jin had no idea why. He as previously mentioned tried asking but she deflected any attempts at finding out.

'And the silent treatment, alright. My bad.'

"Yes, that was the plan…"

Crkcrk! Shhhhhk! Freeze!

Grayfia and Jin pointed behind them and froze the two monsters who were coming up behind to attack.

"So, now you're planning to try and kill these things with that?"

She nods at his question.

"I see, good luck."

Jin flew up and watched from a distance. Just then a scream is heard beside the two, they turn and see 12-meter-tall Minotaur's had appeared. There were quite a few of them.

"Please be careful, Oujou-sama."

Grayfia had used her [Time Skip] and appeared beside a Minotaur. She covered her fist with demonic ice and punched it in the gut, making the thing explode. She repeated this process a few times, leaving only one alive. She bows to Rias.

"Please, go ahead."

"Pfft, talk about being efficient."

Jin chuckles to himself as Grayfia had done all that to make Rias practice easier.

"Well, nothing wrong with that."

Rias nods and prepares her sword in a basic stance. She tries to copy Kiba's movement, while they were sloppy and amateurish, she successfully struck the Minotaur, thanks to her weapon being purely made of [Power of Destruction], it cleanly sliced— No it destroyed the Minotaur's arm.

It howled in pain after its arm was obliterated.

"…I can't slice anything; they just get destroyed… Haah…"

Rias understood it was a bit of a stupid move… So she decided to abandon it. She created two condensed balls of [Power of Destruction] and launched them towards the Minotaur, killing it.

"Back to the drawing board then."

She sighs as Grayfia followed her.

"It's a learning experience, Rias. Don't mind."

Jin had flown back down and patted her on the shoulder.


She nods and started to think of a different way of using her [Power of Destruction].

With Ingvild

Ingvild hurled another sharp blade of water in the direction of the monsters that came her way. The monsters were obviously killed since they were sliced into pieces.


She stared down the monsters that were in front of her, she initially wanted to help Asia, but they were completely different in terms of abilities and types. She was mostly offensive with a few supportive abilities, like a small healing spell with her water magic, Asia mostly relied on her healing powers, apart from knowing touki that helps her evade capture…

Asia didn't like hurting other people or beings. Another monster came from behind Ingvild, she summons an arm made out of water and grabbed it. She touched the side of its face and filled its head with water— Making it explode.

"That was brutal."

Ingvild turns around and finds Jin smiling at her.

"Yo, how's it going?"

"It's fine, I was just thinking of ways to use my demonic power… I have yet to use my Sacred Gear, there aren't any pools of water, or I haven't come across Draconic-type enemies yet…"

"Ahh… Yeah, let me change that for tomorrow, sorry about that In."

Jin apologizes but she shakes her head.

"No, it's fine. Thank you, Jin."

"Hmm, how about a friendly spar with something I created a while ago?"

Jin suggested and that made Ingvild tilt her head.

"I don't mind…but will it be, okay?"

Jin waved her off saying it was fine.

"He's always been in your shadow, protecting you after all."

This further confused the girl.


Jin said a name and something left her shadow, a shadow insectoid appeared and kneeled in front of Jin.

"I know I said I'd make the lakes, rivers, and puddles of water tomorrow, but since I want to see how you fair against Beru right now…"

He snaps his fingers and many small lakes and pools of water appeared.

"Beru, having a sparring match with her, hold back, you know her power ranking right now, right?"

The shadow nods.

"Good. Just match it or be just one rank above it."

Beru stood up, and nodded at the girl and waited for further instructions.

"Alright, In, are you ready?"

Ingvild's body tensed up as she stared down at the shadowy being in front of her. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Yes I am."

"I'll be the arbiter."

He flew up into the sky

"You two ready? Alright, begin!"

Beru immediately rushed Ingvild, this catching the girl off guard, she jumps backwards and sends out blades of water towards the insectoid.

Slap! Slap!

Beru deflected the attacks with simple slaps. Alarmed, Ingvild summons hands made out of water and holds Beru in place. The insectoid stops and looks at Ingvild, and immediately breaks free from its watery hands.


Beru blinks beside Ingvild, the girl hadn't caught up with his speed yet, she looked alarmed and scanned for him, she finally locates him beside her. Beru held back his arm and punched Ingvild, the female hybrid managed to put up a defensive barrier in time and reduced the damage taken.

But she was still launched away with great force.


She let out a pained yelp, Beru looked horrified and look back towards Jin. Who sighs and gave him the okay, Beru wanted to fight but didn't want to incur the wrath of his Liege.

Ingvild caught herself and recovered.

"Haah… This is the first time I've been on the defensive…"

It was a learning experience for her. This time she wanted to try using her Sacred Gear, feeling the pools of water around her, she gathered them all into the sky.


Jin looked up at the amount of water she had gathered and Jin was impressed. Those lakes he made were quite deep, so being able to empty them was quite a feat.

Beru immediately rushed towards Ingvild before she could finish what she was doing. Sensing him nearby, Ingvild sends the giant amounts of water crashing down on Beru.

Booooom!!!!! Kshhhhhhh!!!!


Beru was crushed by the water as he was also swept away. Jin stood there smiling, but Ingvild was panting quite a bit and Beru had recovered from being swept away.

"Haah… I need more training with this thing…"

With the power to control Dragons and the Sea itself, she controlled a couple of small— Okay, large pools of water, and it was her first time doing so, that's impressive in itself.

"Okay, stop."

Beru nodded and went back into Ingvild's shadow. Jin had started to walk towards Ingvild.

"So, first impressions on the Sacred Gear? I'll try to summon more Dragon-like creatures starting tomorrow."

"Hard… Are Sacred Gears that hard to control?"

Jin healed her up and restored her stamina and demonic pool.

"Yeah, Sacred Gears also respond to their wielder's desires and will, the stronger they are, the more their Sacred gear shapes to suit them. I don't know what you desire out of your Sacred Gear but focus on that when using it. It will surely respond to it."

Ingvild nods and thanks Jin.

"So, motivated again?"

Ingvild giggled and nodded.

"Alright, Purple-Haired Diva."

Slap! Jiggle!

Jin slaps her butt.

"Go and get them!"


Ingvild yelped as she covered her behind while lightly glaring at Jin.

"Not the right time, mister!"

She scolds him with a smile and runs away.

"Not the right time? And not why did you do that?"

Jin shook his head.

'Progress is progress…'


Jin Skyward

The first day of training them went smoothly, everyone is slowly growing stronger, and there's already a lot of progress in one day… I'll get them to reach the peak of Ultimate-class first… After that, I'll have them hone and master their current techniques.

If they can't control their own powers then they're a danger to themselves and others. So, this should be fine. If I see that they've mastered them… Then yeah, I can start spawning monsters again.

Grayfia and the girls had offered to cook dinner. It was around 6 p.m. now and I decided it was time to unwind for the day. We all decided to go to the open bath at the same time later. After that everyone is free to do what they want…

The guys— Us, we were just relaxing, I had already prepared the table so we really didn't have much to do.

The girls with Grayfia's guidance were having fun while cooking, even the serious maid can have fun with girls younger than her. A calm and pleasant smile on her face this evening…


I turn and see Gasper looking at me.

"What's up?"

"Can we just pick any room we want, right?"

I nod to him.

"O-Okay, just making sure."

"Why so nervous Gasper? Just try relaxing until dinner, you don't need to do much right now. While I said that every day will be a fight for your life, it will stop once you guys Reach Ultimate-class."

They looked a bit surprised, so I explain why.

"I see… That makes sense, we did get a chance to get a bit stronger in your training facility, we also had time to get used to our powers… But here we can grow strong quickly, so our powers can get a bit unstable if we can't properly control them."

Kiba nods to himself.

"Yeah, I'll be here to help so don't worry too much, especially you Gasper."


Still stuttering a little but is making good progress, he no longer hides in boxes or uses the paper bag. We talk about random things while also checking out videos on both Youtube and DeviTube until we had dinner.


"So, everyone had great progress today. We'll be going at a steady pace from now on, I don't want anyone collapsing from overwork after all. Also, there will be days that won't just consist of fighting the monsters."

I tell them what I told Kiba and Gasper.

"Yes, that makes sense."

Rias agreed with me while elegantly eating… I can't eat like that, way too… Restrictive. But if the time calls for it, I guess I have to, huh?

"So, we're free after this, senpai?"

Shirone asks.

"Yeah, well, Rias asked for all of us to go to the open bath together, so after that, you can do what you want."

"It's fine, isn't it? A way to celebrate our first day of training, we have a year here after all."

The girls agreed so Shirone shrugged and continued eating.

Open bath

We have finished having dinner and the three of us guys were relaxing in the open bath. Gasper was swimming around; he also brought some rubber ducks with him. He was quite happy with himself right now.

"You like swimming, Gasper?"

He stops and nods.

"I wish I had a bigger bath so I could do this…"

He sighs as he starts to daydream about it. Hmm, maybe I can do that as a present for him? When they win the Rating game…

"I added some relaxing effects in the water here, do you feel your muscle fatigue going away?"

The two stop to consider it and nod.

"Yes, actually… I hadn't noticed since I've been so relaxed."

Kiba seemed amazed by it.

"I can sleep easy tonight…"

Gasper started to float facing up, he seemed way too relaxed…

Splash! Splash!


"A-Akeno?! Don't touch me there!"

Seems like the girls had arrived…we don't really need to do much so we entered the male's side earlier and had been relaxing. The girls recently arrived and the commotion already started…sounds like Akeno is being touchy with Rias.

"President Rias… Vice President Akeno… Enemy of flat chested women…."

I could hear Shirone mutter. She seemed quite defeated by that fact.

"Ahahaha… They seem like they're having fun… I'll get going…"

Kiba felt awkward so he said he'd leave.

"I-I-I'll get going too…"

Gasper was blushing and quickly left after Kiba… Seriously? C'mon guys, what the hell?!

"Haaaah, I'm alone!"

I let out a defeated sigh, I was hoping to talk about random guy crap with them.

[Damn virgins.]

Oi be nice.

"Jin? Did Gasper-kun and Kiba-kun leave?"

I heard Akeno asking through the bamboo wall that separated the bath.

"Huh? Yeah, they did, they couldn't handle the girl's talk so they left."

They all giggled.

"Then why not join us?"

I hear some splashing—

"You guys don't mind, right?"

They all started to answer they didn't mind, so I got the okay to change sides.

"Come over ~ hurry ~"

"Sure thing."

I had gotten out of the bath, and went back and around to enter through the girl's side… I could have teleported or jumped over, but this seemed a bit more…. Appropriate, I guess.

When I went through the entrance, I was greeted by the sight of the girl… All varied body types and bust sizes.


I could help but say, this made a few of them giggle at me. Akeno beckons me to sit beside them, I oblige as I make my way to the open bath, I step down and take a seat between Kuroka and Akeno. Everyone was staring at me.


I asked, but they didn't answer though.

Lime start


Akeno calls out to me.

"Hmm? What's up?"

I turn to her as she had a grin on her… Oh, boy.

"Do you want an orgy right now?"


Caw! Caw! Caw!

The whole area fell silent, an otherworldly crow somehow managed to appear out of nowhere and start cawing. I turn to look at the other girls, they're obviously blushing messes. I sigh and bonk Akeno on the head.

"What in the world are you even saying? Akeno, time and place…"

"You're not honest, Jin."

She grins.

"Your thing is though."

She points at my crotch. I look down, and a tower had formed. All eyes were on it when she informed the rest, they became redder.

"…Haah, fine. No, since it's just a threesome if it's the three of us. The girls are also uncomfortable, so stop."

"Well, how about it, girls?"

Akeno asks them, Asia doesn't say anything but lowers herself further into the bath. Shirone just shook her head, the rest were still blushing. Ingvild just gave Akeno a strained smile, since she's already used to this.

"You guys are no fun. Fine!"

Akeno looks at Kuroka and grins Akeno grabs the towel and pulls it off and flings it to the side.


Flop! Flop!


I didn't stop her, why? I don't know… Maybe I was secretly wanting this? Heh. My member was fully exposed and erect.

Again, it became silent, they were staring at it. All of them are now staring at it, for some, it's their first time, for others… Well it's not. I feel Kuroka grab my shaft and Akeno my tip. They start to knead and stroke it.

The girls watching intently. Even the usually strict Grayfia was staring at the act being done without blinking.


I let out a satisfied sigh, making the two doing this giggle. I am not into exhibitionism… Probably. They're all women I'm interested in… Yeah… It doesn't count.

"Hehe, he's into it nya."

I feel Kuroka grip my member tighter as she starts to pump it faster.

"Mmm-mmm, he is ~"

Akeno also leaned down to start licking the tip, increasing my pleasure. She turns to the side and stares at her King in the eye and smirks.


Rias's face was the same color as her hair, crimson. She tries to avert her eyes, but we make contact… No, I was looking at her lips and she notices it and turns even redder.

"Akeno-senpai…. Nee-sama…. Perverts…."

Shirone muttered but kept watching, Asia almost seemed fascinated by the whole thing, since I don't think she's blinked since this started…

Lick~ Lick~ Stroke~ Stroke~

Kuroka grabs my hand and forcefully makes me grope her, I start to knead her breast as she lets out sweet moans. With my other hand, I bring it behind Akeno and grope her ass.


This caused her to moan, making her suck and lick my tip even harder and faster. I was starting to lose myself and forget the rest of the girls…but this was interrupted.

Grayfia stands up, surprising us all. Looks like everyone was focused on the act that was happening… Shit, it Grayfia pissed? Her bangs were covering her face so I couldn't tell from her expression…

I could tell she wasn't mad… More like… Excited? I used my emotion-detecting ability. She starts to slowly walk over, she goes on her knees and grabs Kuroka, bringing her down to her and Akeno's level.

Oh my god, she isn't going…?!?

She looks at Akeno and Kuroka, they communicated silently and they nod. Akeno stops licking my tip and starts to lick my length, Kuroka lets go of my member as she starts to kiss and lick my balls.

Grayfia blushes as she swallows the head of my member.

"…..Holy crap….!"

A triple blowjob!!!!!! I didn't expect my maid to do this for me!!! I could see everyone else eye's widening, they probably didn't expect Grayfia of all people to join in!!!!

Lick~ Suck~ Chu~

The three women worked together—in sync to pleasure me. They were increasing their speed and force… I won't last long at this rate.

"Jhin… How is et…?"

Kuroka asks while still sucking my balls.

"Mmlllehh, yesh, Jhin…"

Akeno finishes licking me and looks at me seductively.

"How ish et…?"

Grayfia kisses my tip—

"Am…. I doing okay, Jin?"

She asked worriedly. I pat her head.

"Yeah… All three of you are doing great… I'm nearly there."

When they heard me say that, they re-doubled their efforts.

Lick~ Suck~ Lick~ Suck~

Yeah, no… I'm a goner… Three different mouths pleasuring one member, it's one hell of an experience, I'll tell you that…

"Fuck, I'm cumming…."

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

I ejaculated into Grayfia's mouth. She had prior warning but didn't pull away on time.


She tried to swallow it all but couldn't. She pulled away and let my member's seed shoot everywhere. It covered their faces, hair, and chest. The other girls' eyes widen even more as they see a male's ejaculation for the first time.

"Hya ~"

Akeno closed an eye and yelped happily.

"It's here nya!"

Kuroka was also quite happy with herself.


Grayfia sat there, dumbfounded at the amount that she had seen erupt from me.

"Do they normally release this much…?"

She asked no one in particular.

"Hmm, I think Jin's just different."

Akeno added her two cents.

"He is, he kept cumming on and in me for six hours straight, wasn't even tired nya."

My member was still quite hard but I should end it here, otherwise, it'll escalate.

"Alright, shows over…"

I clean my member with magic and summon a towel around it.

"I had originally wanted to talk normally to you guys… But it turned out like this, haha…"

I look at Akeno and Kuroka.

"We'll continue this tonight."

I turn my gaze to Grayfia

"Feel free to join if you want."

"….That is fine for me, for now…"

Grayfia mutters quietly and I nod.

"I'll get out first then. See you guys…"

The two girls began to lick the semen on them, in a way cleaning themselves up…

Lime end

Later on the night

"Haah…what a way to end the night…"

It had been a few hours since then, Like I promised Akeno and Kuroka, we did it in another room since a few girls wanted to sleep with me. I made a time dilution barrier and we went at it for four hours.

I plan on going to sleep soon, but I had to keep my promise to Rias, we were going to read some books…but I'm sure it'll turn into reading Light novels together or something…

I locate her aura and follow it. I will assume this is the room she picked for the year. I open the door and see Rias there, fake glasses and reading a book.

It was a book about strategies and tactics, she's diligent. She looks up to see who it was and blushes as she sees me, but she still waves for me to come to her. I sit beside her as she closes her book. She leans on me as we go silent.

"Sorry about earlier… I got caught up in the moment…"

She lightly hits me.

"Don't bring it up… Pervert."

"Haha… Sorry."

"Did you…you know…"

"Yeah, we just finished, 4 hours in total. They're knocked out right now."

Rias nods and gives me a strained smile.


I start as Rias looks at me.

"Why are you so against marrying Riser?"

I already knew the answer, but wanted to hear it again.

She sighs and says.

"Because I'm a Gremory."

"Yes, you are."

She lightly glares at me but continues.

"Not what I meant, Jin. I'm a Devil from the House of Gremory, and that name will follow me to wherever I go."

"Do you hate it?"

She shakes her head.

"I feel proud of it. However, this is also something that is a burden to me. Everyone looks at me as Rias from the Gremory."

"I can't have them look at me simply as Rias. That's why I'm enjoying my life in the human world. They don't know about the Gremory the Devil."

"Everyone looks at me for who I am. I really like that feeling. I never felt something like this in the Devils' society. The only time I can enjoy my life as myself is when I'm in the human world."

Rias has a distant look. She also has very sad eyes.

In a way I can relate, the giant unknown with my past, especially my name I can't remember… My identity in a way. I mean, I'm proud of the name I have now, Jin— Jin Skyward, as strange as it sounds… It's a bit comforting to know I have an identity.

In this world, wherever I go, I am known and called Jin Skyward. Nothing else. Rias has been spending her life while carrying the name of Gremory on her back. That will be the same from now on, even more so when she's become a matured Devil.

She also has her brother to match, a genius, a super devil, and a Satan. Even her nephew Millicas, he's a little monster. He will pass her sooner or later unless I help her.

"I want to be with someone who will love me as Rias without the fact that I'm a Gremory. That's my small dream I have…"

"Unfortunately, Riser only looks at me as Rias from the Gremory. And he loves me as Rias from the Gremory. That's why I hate it. But still, the pride of being a Gremory is very important."

"My feelings may be complicated, but I want to cherish this small dream I have."

So, Rias wants to be loved as 'Rias' and not as 'Rias Gremory' by the opposite sex… That's what you call a maiden's feelings, huh?

I chuckle as she looks at me with a small frown. I look at her and smile.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that from me. To me, you are Rias, simply Rias. In Ireland—well maybe I'm just weird but I never cared too much about surnames or last names."

"I take people's identities as their first name or nicknames we call each other. So, I like Rias. You, and just you, whether you were a devil or a normal human girl, I'm sure we would have become friends regardless of circumstances."

"We had a rough start but, we're working through that now. Especially in the coming year here. So, chin up, Rias."

She blushes after my little tirade in explaining my own feelings.

"Anyway, with my help… Your victory is assured. Again, well done in keeping your cool with Riser today. That 'chicken nugget' really got to your nerves, huh?"

We laugh at each other after I tell her that Kuroka was the one who called Riser that.

"Don't worry too much Rias, once this is all over… You'll have your life to find that person. The person who will fall for you and sees you just as 'Rias'. For now, work on yourself, powers, and leadership."

I pat her on the head one last time.

"I'll get going then, seems like you were already hard at it… So I kind of interrupted you, my bad."

She smiles at me and shakes her head.

"No, it's fine… Thank you, Jin."

I open the door and leave.

3 months later

Jin Skyward


Three months passed, I made a chair and was watching everyone train or kill monsters. Everyone has drastically improved…

[I am the stor—]


Rias with her power and control of her [Power of Destruction], it went up drastically since the night we spoke to each other. She's also been a lot happier; I more or less know why. I just need to wait until the Rating Game and…

Everyone else was quite aware of the change and blamed it on me, it wasn't a bad change so I'm not complaining.

Akeno had reached the peak of Ultimate-class, which was great, she also worked on her control and the strength of her abilities. Especially her [Holy Lightning] and [Fallen Angel Mode], in her [Fallen Angel mode] she can last up to three days in it without having any problems. It's been great seeing her improve these last three months.

I also started her training in anti-healing around a month ago. She will be the ace this time around, Riser's healing and regeneration will mean nothing when she learns this and adds it to her [Holy Lightning], it will be lethal…

Kuroka, Ingvild, and Grayfia had said they'd wait after three months to join in but changed their minds around a week after we started. They could see these guys improving at a rapid rate, so they didn't want to be left behind.

Kiba is becoming a near all-rounder, but when he utilizes his [Knights] speed then he can speed blitz anyone in High-class as he's nearly reached the peak of it. A few more weeks or a month and he'll break through, his swordsmanship has also improved, since I made more monsters that can use swords and have different styles appear, per his request.

He'll be ready to take on any swordsman in the future with this.

Asia has also drastically improved, she's like a little Tsunade now, she's near the peak of High-class too… Her control in touki has become exceptional, the same can be said for her Twilight Healing. She could heal allies from a distance and make it AOE healing too, she can also pick and choose who to heal, whether they be allies or enemies.

Her touki improved dramatically thanks to spending time with Shirone and Kuroka. She can easily shatter the ground with minimal touki used, until three months ago as she needed to cover her whole body to do it.

Hell, she can shatter the ground around her once she releases her touki… Just shows how much she improved. While Asia doesn't like hurting people or anything at all… She has come to an understanding that, it's necessary for self-defense.

This is even more so if you choose to hurt someone close to her— Her peerage, she considers family or the girls of my harem. She won't hesitate you give you the touki-powered-nun-slap.

Apart from that? Our relationship has… Advanced, she's started to sleep in the same bed as me recently. She's still quite innocent though, so nothing dramatic happened, she just started asking to sit on my lap like Shirone, with little more hugs every now and again.

You know, baby steps.

Gasper… Oh boy, this guy has started to come out of his shell for real. While he could mostly use his shadows as a form of support back three months ago, he can now attack with them. Sharp tentacles and blades made out of shadow, and attack you from there now.

While it's not at the level of Tobio, it's a big improvement from him. He can create even more bats now and use them for reconnaissance. He's usually paired with Kiba so they use it quite frequently. His demonic pool also improved, like everyone else's.

He started to learn how to use elements from Akeno and has started to use fire and wind with no problems at all. He also received hand-to-hand combat training from Shirone, Kuroka, and I, he's almost a natural once he got used to it.

I also helped him work on his confidence, he's become less scared and timid, with everyone here. He can hold a proper conversation with all of us, he's still a bit nervous around Grayfia… I mean who wouldn't be? As for anyone else outside? That remains to be seen once we leave in 9 months.

His control of his Sacred Gear also became better. He can freeze an enemy in place for a full ten minutes now. But I didn't push Gasper too much with it…he may need one last push, I'll go rescue Valerie soon, to put the guy's mind at peace.

Grayfia…how do I put this? Shot through the roof? I guess, she's near peak Satan-class along with Kuroka and Ingvild. I taught her Ice-make magic and she's been slowly getting better at it, she found it strange to do the pose… You know, have an open palm and put your fist on it, but got used to it quickly.

I showed her some moves from Gray, Leon, and Ultear from Fairy Tail, and she's strangely enough nearly copied all their moves. She has her own unique ones so I think it was worth showing her it. She can also use living magic on the ice magic, she's copied Reni's Ice dolls… While not on the same level of destructive force, it's quite impressive.

Her time manipulation has also become a lot better. She can stop time for around 7 hours straight before she starts to become dizzy, she can also do the same thing as Gasper, freeze objects or individuals, not just the entire space. So, she's also been giving Gasper advice on the use of his Sacred Gear.

She can also Time-skip like no bodies business, it's almost second nature to her at this point. If you don't know how the technique works, you're more or less dead.

Kuroka also improved her Senjutsu, Youjutsu, and Kasha, her touki also improved as she trained Shirone and Asia in it. She hasn't grown a new tail yet, but I believe she's close… The same with Shirone.

Ingvild also improved quite a bit, since she, Kuroka, and Grayfia are near peak Satan-class now. Due to her constant use, she now has a larger demonic pool. I had originally intended to find the [Sea Serpent of the End] relic so she can start using it... But that's dumb. I told her I'd unlock it personally for her.

I'll be doing that tonight.


I could see Rias happily smiling at the dead monster she just obliterated with her [Power of Destruction], her creation speed of her [Power of Destruction] has become very fast as of late, perhaps she's a late blooming genius? Nah, it's her hard work.


We had finished dinner and a bath, everyone was just relaxing and unwinding for the night.


The door to my room opens. I was just relaxing in bed reading a random obscure manga I found. I look up and see that Shirone and Asia have come into my room.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

They didn't answer me but crawled onto my bed and cuddle up to me.

"Haha, want some cuddle time then?"

I dismiss my book as I cuddle with the two.

Shirone had made her cat ears and tail appear.


She cutely looks up at me and I start to pet her head and scratch her chin. Asia is still quite shy but is making progress, the fact that she's doing this is proof enough.

"You too, Asia."

I pull her closer to me as she shyly nods.


"By the way, you two made those noodles tonight, right?"

They nod.

"Yeah, they tasted great, looks like getting training from Grayfia in cooking has been worth it, huh?"

These two have been taking cooking classes with Grayfia at night— Or during the day when they ask me. I don't mind, while training is important— Relaxation is also important. I don't want any of them collapsing after all.

I wonder when the great cook-off will start? Akeno, Kuroka, and Reni started it. These two have joined… Ingvild hasn't made much effort in cooking, but she's asked me about what kind of food I like, I'm not picky so I can't really give her an exact answer.

"Yes, I'm glad you liked it, Jin-senpai."

Shirone smiles as Asia nods furiously.

"Yeah, can't wait to taste your dishes more in the future."

They both give me a smile as we continue to relax and wait for the rest to join.

2 months later

Two more months have passed, we've been in here for five months in total. I was sitting on a new bench and table I made, sometimes some of them would join me here to take a break.


Ingvild comes over as she sighs and wipes some sweat off her forehead.

"Hey, good work."

I summon a water bottle and give it to her. She happily takes it and starts drinking it immediately. She takes a seat beside me and leans her body onto mine and her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her and pull her close.

"So, how's it going today? Any new improvement?"

"It's fine… The usual please."

She sighs and mutters. I chuckle and oblige.

In the last two months, Ingvild has… Increased her intimacy with me. 'The usual' is just me spoiling her for a bit. I got closer to everyone, and they did the same. The girls are like literal sisters now… Both Kiba and Gasper rely on me too, in a way, I've become the Gremory peerage's pillar.

I don't mind, we talk a lot about random stuff, but they still avoid the topic of girls which I'm fine with. We mostly talk about shows and movies we're into, strategies, tactics, and our futures.


I hadn't done anything and In cutely complains.

"Yeah, yeah, one moment."

I turn around and open my arms, she smiles and hugs me as she clings to me. I turn back to the front and she straddles me, we sit there face to face, her smiling tiredly at me.

"Pet me."

She whispers into my ear and I oblige.

"You really become needy during these times, huh?"

She doesn't respond but just puts her face on my neck and closes her eyes. The same has happened to the other girls. I've become even closer with them, they've started to compete in cooking more and more, over the last two months… I've only managed to cook, I would say… Like four times?

Most of the time it's Grayfia plus someone else that wants some guidance in cooking. Now with her help, the food ends up great so I have no problems… But I would probably eat it even if it's a flop, you know, to save hurting their feelings.

Rias, is hesitant, maybe because of our relationship reset? I'm not entirely sure, but the most we've done is the reading sessions at night, we start off with strategy and tactic books… But end up reading Light Novels or Manga instead. Nothing too serious though, we just sit beside each other… She just leans her head on me.

Honestly… Ingvild seems like she'll confess soon, as to when? I have no idea. But I look forward to it.

Apart from that… I had a lot of sex with Akeno and Kuroka. It's not every night but it is most nights, we literally named an empty room the sex room… Yeah, real original. But I also have advanced my relationship with Grayfia… While we didn't have sex yet…

She has, well, given me a couple of blowjobs since that night five months back. She's gotten a lot better at it too…I feel like she's been enticing me lately, whenever we're close to each other…when I'm behind her—I feel like she's rubbing her ass on me to turn me on.

When I confronted her about it, she obviously denied it, so I didn't push it, but yeah… Grayfia like this… Is quite erotic. She even erotically sucked on my fingers a few times, much like what Shirone did back then…

I've got to tame my Maid, and not have her go wild… I also notice they become a lot more submissive in bed with me, normally they're not like that. But I guess I change a bit during sex? More aggressive maybe?

Stretch ~ Squeeze ~

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel Ingvild stretching my cheeks. I look at her as she's puffing her cheeks.

"Focus on me… We rarely get times like this…"

She cutely huffs and I laugh.

"Alright, my bad…. Sheesh, you're all getting better at finding out when I'm thinking of other women… It's almost scary."

"It's just our intuition…"

She closes her eyes back up and cuddles back into me. Is that how that stuff works? Well, I'm not a woman so I'll just trust them on this one.

"Jin! Join us in the bath!"

Ingvild pulls my hand as she, Rias, and Akeno were going to take bath first… I oblige and let them have their way.

"Senpai, do you like butts or breasts more?"

Shirone had asked me a strange question as she sat on my lap, everyone was staring at me, including Kiba and Gasper waiting for my response.

"What kind of question is that?!"

I groaned as they all laughed at me.

"Butt Dragon Emperor nya!"

Kuroka snorts.

"Breast Dragon Emperor!"

Rias adds.


The two Heavenly Dragons within me cry out in despair.

I'm sorry, the both of you… I couldn't avoid those titles.


{Jin… Why…}

"Just settle it with rock paper and scissors… Come on already…"

Rias and Akeno were competing on who could cook tonight. The two of them were great at making traditional Japanese dishes.

Rias because she's a giant Japanophile and Akeno because— Well, she was born and raised here. Her natural talent for making them was evident.

"Okay… So, we'll start with this…"

We look over to see Ingvild starting to cook with Grayfia.



The two complain but are ultimately shut down by Grayfia as they started to cook. Seemed like Ingvild had started to join in the cooking battle… Things have been heating up. Kuroka tried to cook Chinese dumplings before… They didn't end well. Gasper and Kiba passed out when they tried it, I'm thankful for my immunity otherwise I would have been K.O'd




Grayfia was currently giving me a blowjob and Rias walked in. We all stare silently at each other.

"I'm sorry! I should have knocked!"

Rias looked mortified as she apologizes and leaves.


"Now that's just awkward."

I chuckle, but Grayfia continues on with what she was doing without losing stride.

"Oh! Hey, give me a warning next ti— Ah crap…"

Splurt ~

"Pull dammit!! Pull!!! Nyaaa!!!"

Kuroka screams. They were currently playing tug of war with me. Everyone else was on the other team while I was on my own. I wasn't sure if I should let them win or not…

"If we don't win, no more lewd things with you, mister!"

Akeno threatened as Kuroka and Grayfia nodded along with her statement.

What the hell?! Am I meant to lose then?! That's unreasonable! I mean, I can survive without it, but can they? Should I turn this into an experiment?

[Okay, now you're just being cruel.]

I was joking! Jeez Louise Ddraig, you should know my humor by now.


They screamed together. I let go of the rope and they all stumble back… Haah… Might as well lose.

"We WON!!!!!!!!"

Rias screamed, there was no punishment, but I did have to cook dinner tonight and had to cook whatever they wanted…that's what they were so excited about…

Is my food really that good…?

Never in my life, I would think I would see Gasper and Kiba being chased around by a dildo with legs…but life can be unexpected in these types of situations…

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Jin-senpai!! Help!!!!!!!!!"

Gasper begged as I watch with squinted eyes. Kiba also gave me a pleading look but I wanted to see how they'd deal with this… They're running away more of because out of sheer shock, and not because they can't take this thing on.


I turn to my side and see another scene like the previous… Ingvild and Rias were being chased by E.T, Grayfia found him adorable, the same with Shirone and Asia… But those two were utterly horrified, hence the running and screaming.


Ingvild was practically begging with her eyes… I just sympathetically waved at them…

And so, that's how seven months of our lives passed by. They trained, grew closer to me and each other, and had fun while being in here…

7 months later

The Gremory peerage's 1-year training session ends today. They all reached the peak of Ultimate-class a few months back, I've mostly had them train and hone their current magic and abilities. When we leave, they'll have the week left to do what they want.

I advised them to keep training or do some strategies for the Rating Game. But it'll be up to them, so it's not really my say at that point.

Asia, Shirone, and Kuroka are what I would say… Masters to touki, they have pushed it to their current limit and are monsters. Asia has literally become 'One Slap Woman' she still doesn't like hurting anyone or anything, but as previously mentioned she will defend herself or others if needed.

Asia focused on mastering her Sacred Gear [Twilight Healing] once she and Kuroka thought her touki was in a good place. She can instantly heal anyone from a simple touch and her AOE healing and distance healing are much faster. It'll take around five seconds to heal a lethal wound.

She can also shoot them as projectiles, the healing speed is the same as before the one-year training. The projectiles are also fast and passed by objects… So she can heal through walls this way.

Shirone concentrated on her Senjutsu and Kasha. Around 4 months back, Shirone could start using her [Shirone Mode].

In this second mode, Shirone is able to make her body mature, appearing similar to her older sister temporarily by gathering the natural Ki around her and syncing it with her touki. In [Shirone Mode], she is granted full access to her Nekomata powers, letting her use moves such as Kasha and becoming the power of purification itself.

When she first used it, it was quite taxing and she couldn't maintain it for too long. She can, however, stay in that form for around three months at a time. She has also gotten her fourth tail, just two behind Kuroka.

Kuroka has reached Low Tier God-class along with Ingvild and Grayfia, they're one tier below Reni, I wonder how she'll respond once she finds out? Kuroka practiced all three, Senjutsu, Youjutsu, and Kasha, she has become a near master at it all

Kiba has improved a lot since reaching the peak of Ultimate-class. His speed has become his most lethal weapon I started to dub it his 'God-speed' since if he added his [Knight] trait he becomes even faster.

He has also started to use his previous master's move called 'Sandanzuki' a technique used by the famous Okita Souji. He uses them on many weak monsters to quickly rid of them.

He hasn't achieved Balance Breaker yet nor gotten his second Sacred Gear [Blade Black smith], maybe when the Kokabiel events start he will.

Gasper has improved a lot as well. In terms of his Sacred Gear, he can freeze objects or beings for a maximum of three hours, this includes multiple targets. If he just targets an entire area, then 5 hours. I don't know why it's easier for him that way… But hey it is what it is, I guess.

He can summon multiple bats from his darkness and extend his Sacred Gears powers there too, so he can cover a wider range if he wishes. His other abilities have improved too, including his elemental magic and hand-to-hand combat.

Akeno… Well, she reached the peak of Satan-class, her [Holy Lightning] has become a lethal weapon for her… I wonder if she's even more proficient in it than Baraqiel. She can stay in her [Fallen Angel Mode] for around four full months. She's also fully mastered her [Holy Lightning Dragon] as well.

She jokingly said it was due to receiving a dragon's seed for a full year. Kuroka strangely agreed with her since she… Also has a weird new power that includes a dragon technique. I wonder why it didn't give them… I don't know… Outer God properties or something… But won't question it, Cúntóir probably helped me in that regard.

I showed her my [Lightning Flame Dragon Mode] a few months back and she decided to try copying it… So, she developed her own [Holy Demonic Lightning Mode] which was a surprise to say the least. She, in a way, becomes a 'slayer' like from Fairy tail, she can eat and consume any and all types of Lightning, excluding that, came from Gods or Goddesses… For now.

When she does, she can replenish her demonic pool and stamina which is useful. She says she wants to try doing for more elements, I don't know how she'll pull it off but, I'll provide her help if she asks.

In her [Holy Demonic Lightning Mode] her physical and magical attacks are multiplied by sixfold. With her improvement in hand-to-hand combat, she's a big threat in that form. Akeno has officially become a 12-winged Fallen Angel or devil. I can't wait to show Azazel or Baraqiel, they'll be quite shocked.

She also mastered the Anti-healing magic that I started teaching her months ago, she can apply it to magical or physical attacks. With her new powers and mastered forms… She is the current Ace of the Gremory Peerage, without a doubt.

Ingvild can use her clans [Sea Serpent of the End] since I outright unlocked it for her, fuck that relic it can go suck it. As I promised, I created more pools of water, mini lakes, and rivers so she could help train her Sacred Gear and Clan's ability easier.

I also made more Dragon-type enemies appear for her, she has become quite proficient at using her Sacred Gear. However, she only has used it a handful of times, even though I added Dragons to be able to appear, they were still quite rare. But she took advantage of it, spending almost hours on a single target or groups of dragons. She even asked everyone to leave them to her if they encounter them, they were happy to hear her request.

Rias… She's become powerful, her control and the strength of her [Power of Destruction] has gone up a lot. She can use the 'Spirit Gun' and 'Kamehameha' while using her [Power of Destruction] as a source… So she was quite happy with herself when she achieved those. She mostly focused on that, increasing her power and efficiency in using them

Her speed at creating her normal [Power of Destruction] attacks are near instantaneous, she barely consumes any demonic energy from them, but her Spirit Gun, she dubbed [Destruction Gun] for some reason but she didn't name the [Power of Destruction] Kamehameha.

She also studied up on strategies and tactics at night before she went to sleep. I would join her… We would last for about thirty minutes in reading and discussing those, then we would switch to Light Novels or Manga…

We have become closer, if that wasn't proof enough, she sits on my lap when we do read at night… But that's about it, she's given me looks of wanting to do more, but I think she thinks she needs to resolve the Riser issue first before taking steps in that direction.

I'm fine with that, we still get along great, our previous hiccup is all but been forgotten at this point…

Finally, Grayfia. Like Ingvild and Kuroka, she reached Low Tier God-class. Her ability to manipulate time is remarkable. Like Gasper, she can 'freeze' objects or beings in place for an indefinite amount of time.

She can stop time in a large area for over twenty-four hours straight and not be bothered by it. Her 'Ice make' magic has also become power, as has her ability to create living beings from ice. She can create Ice Dragons that rival Ultimate-class beings, just like her Ice dolls.

Grayfia is basically Dio Brando, Sakuya Izayoi, Ultear, Hit, and Esdeath combined into one being. It's quite weird…she even stopped my sperm mid-air once and examined it… That… That was a weird experience.

And so that's the result in the 1-year training session, they've all become strong, and the Rating Game between Rias and Riser will be a cakewalk for them.


"So! Our time here has come to an end. You all persevered throughout the year and showed tremendous growth. I'll cancel the pocket dimension soon. Once I do, only ten minutes will have passed outside."

"You still have the week before the match begins! So, use that how you want. The last few months here were dedicated to mastering and honing your current powers, if you so wish, you may try making new techniques or attacks. But a week isn't enough time to perfect it."

They nod and Rias speaks up.

"We'll be going over strategies and tactics as well as simulating some team play while we stay in the Gremory lodge."

"I see, good luck with that. Now, don't get complacent or let your new power get to your head. If you underestimate them, they may come out on top of you and that will be your downfall."

"Yes, sir!"

They didn't need to answer it like that but whatever. I nod and destroy the pocket dimension, before this little gathering I had them rest up for a few hours, so they're well rested right now.

"We'll be going back then, if you need assistance just contact me like usual."

They nod as we waved to them and teleport back home.

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