Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 10 – Conversation, Dimensional Gap and Kyoto


Inside Jin's soul

Jin Skyward

It's been a while since I've been in here, even though I said I would frequently visit it… I didn't. Anyway, the scenery is still the same— The one I changed it to. I turn around and see the two Heavenly Dragons lying on the grass.


I call out to them; they both open their eyes.

[Oh, hey, Partner.]

Ddraig waves his tail at me.

{Good evening, Jin.}

Albion did the same thing.

"Yeah, sup, anyway Cúntóir called for me here, where is she?"

The two dragons shrug at my question.

[She was here not too long ago… But she left, she didn't say anything to us.]

"I am here."

I hear a familiar voice and turn around. It was Cúntóir.

{Speak of the devil…}

[And they shall appear.]

The two dragons' tail-five— High-tail, whatever!

"So, what did you want to talk about? Why in my soul?"

"I felt it would be more appropriate for this discussion to be… Face to face."

Cúntóir seems to fidget a bit, then starts taking deep breaths. She seemed to be readying herself.

"Jin… I want to talk ab—"

She was interrupted by a sound.


We all turn towards it and a vague shape of a human with blonde hair and red eyes appeared.

W-What? Who the hell is this? Blonde hair… I saw it once after I killed Darcel. I could see Cúntóir frowning now, she… Didn't look like she liked this entity.

"Why are you here?"

She asked the figure. The figure laughs and shakes his head.

"I just wanted to meet Jin."

It replied to Cúntóir.

"Who are you?"

I couldn't wait any longer, so I asked...

"I am, well. Heavily involved with your 'incident' during your reincarnation, Jin Skyward."

[I knew! Our previous theory on… Another soul that mixed or merged with you was right!]

Ddraig exclaimed happily.

{It seems like it is…}

"Is what Ddraig saying true?"

The new soul nods.

"Yes, when you reincarnated, our souls merged."

It chuckles.

"Your soul and one of my fragments merged with yours. Once it did, the rest vanished and was absorbed by you. My previous partner must have panicked even with the ones in their possession."

Soul… Fragment? So, mine and this entity's soul merged… Cúntóir was standing there looking speechless and unable to say anything.

"I will not divulge my identity to you, you may already have figured it out, if not, then you soon will."

I could see it smile.

"The dreams and the voices will become more frequent as the days, weeks and months pass by. Many of them are from my own, some from your previous self."

"Jin, let me warn you about so— Ahhh!!"

The figure falls to the ground clutching its head. What? What happened? Warn me? Warn me about what?

"That piece of work… Haha…"

The figure got up as he laughed to himself.

"He's preventing me now? How sly of him."

He looks back at me

"Azathoth is preventing me from telling you. How cruel of him. I cannot divulge the future to you anymore. He will prevent me if I do, and it may also extend to you if you try to look into the future."

The soul crosses its arm.

"Tell me, Jin. Didn't you find it strange that you only saw two futures?"


Now that he mentions it… I did find it odd, but I didn't really question it at the time. Did Azathoth do something about it…?

"I saw two…"

"I see, did you notice how those two futures didn't align or come to be with the current future you produced?"

"I mean… I kind of chalked it up to the futures I didn't see, or my past actions changed them into a new future."

I reasoned with it.

"Yes, that makes sense, however, my first point still stands that you only saw TWO and not MULTIPLE futures. It's like Azathoth is preventing you. Why?"

The figure scoffs.

"What happened to letting you be the freest being in the Omniverse? Guess that was a lie."

The figure looks at Cúntóir.


"It is not a lie!"

She shouts at the figure, Cúntóir seems like she lost her cool.

"Jin is the freest being in the Omniverse, nothing ties him to anything!"

"Except Azathoth, right? And my own past, right? AND HIS PAST, RIGHT?"

The figure quipped back.


Cúntóir didn't say a word, just glared at him.

"You know everything about Jin, his past, his present, and his future. Yet, you don't say anything."

"I'm being limited by Azathoth! I would like to but I physically cannot! You experienced it yourself just now!"

"Heh, perhaps, but there are things you can do, can't you?"

Cúntóir flinches at his question, only confirming it. The figure shakes his head.

"Your 'can't' can mean two things Cúntóir. One, you can't physically as you said. Two, you don't want to tell Jin, as to why? Who knows what goes on in your head?"


"Is it for his character development? You and I know he suffered quite a bit, but by normal human standards, nothing too tragic. Apart from dying at the age of 26, he had a whole life in front of him."

I couldn't help but stare at Cúntóir, she sees this and looks horrified, she averts her eyes from me… So, what that soul is saying is true? Most people wouldn't look away if you're lying… But some natural-born liars can stare you in the eye while lying.

Cúntóir seems like a being that's bad at lying. To me anyway. Cúntóir starts to stare at the ground sadly.

"Perhaps what I said between us from before may be true? That you yourself may be Azathoth trying to fool Jin and play buddy-buddy with him."

"I am not!"

She glares at the figure again.

"How would you know? You may have erased your own memory or just flat out keeping silent on the fact that she is Azathoth?"

The figure remains calm as it keeps talking. It turns to me

"Can you really trust her?"

He asks me. I… I have so far, I mean I never really— Well, maybe when I first found out about it, but she's proved time and time again to be helping me, even if she couldn't…. Or wouldn't answer me about certain topics or questions.

The fact that Cúntóir is also staying silent right now and not answering the figure puts her on the grounds of being a suspicious individual… What do I do?


I look up and see the figure had punched me, it wasn't hard but it had enough force to draw my attention back to it.

"Also, stop being trying to be Mr. Perfect and get rid of that hero complex of yours. You're taking that part of your personality from me. While you were a kind person in your past life, you didn't have that hero complex. It belongs to me. Also, stop shouldering everything, you idiot."

I was a bit stunned, now I was being lectured? Do I have a hero complex? ... I don't think I do… The Akeno and Kuroka thing were just coincidences. I wanted to help Akeno, fine, the same with Kuroka… But everything else can be chalked up to canon…

"You have a harem— Multiple lovers, share some of your burdens with them! Even if you won't reveal yourself being a reincarnated being yet, share everything else, the fact that you're an Outer God for one."

It sighs.

"Look, Jin, the thing that Cúntóir said about the 'incident' was really an accident, this wasn't planned by Azathoth, the merging thing, it was pure coincidence."

"One last thing."

The figure turns away from us and looks at the background. It looks at the mountain range and the other views.

"My previous partner… She's looking for me, she's probably already pin-pointed this world— My— Our souls."

"I do not know when she will appear, maybe Azathoth or the other Outer God may interfere with her arrival, but I can promise you… She will appear eventually, be it now, the next few days, weeks, months, or years. She will, she's that stubborn."

She, so this soul's previous partner was a she.

"What does she look like?"

I asked but I knew if he didn't tell me who he was, there was no chance of him telling me what she looked like or who she was, but I wanted to try— Even if futile.

"Haha, well, how about a hint instead. You already know I won't tell you."

I guessed as much, but a hint is appreciated.

"Blue and Gold, and a very… 'Scorching' personality."

The figure let out another laugh, amused at its own wordplay. Scorching personality…? What the hell does that mean? Like literal scorch? Or rowdy and all that…? Blue and gold…. That doesn't narrow shit down, blue what? Skin? Hair? Eyes? Clothing? Same with gold… Ugh.

"That's all from me, Jin. I may appear again, farewell."

The soul vanished. We all stood there, with more questions than answers… Well the two dragons and I were confused, Cúntóir probably knows everything like the soul said.

"So, my soul merged with that individual."

[I do wonder who the 'Partner' the soul mentioned is though.]

{The 'Partner' is also a woman. She has blue and gold… But that is too vague.}

"Right, blue what? Hair? Eyes? Clothes? The same with gold, it's too vague of a hint."

[The soul that merged with you too… Who was it? The voice sounded male, with blonde hair and red eyes… Could it be Gilgamesh?]

{Good guess, but I doubt Gilgamesh and Jin's personalities mix well… It did say he had a hero complex.}

{I would also like to add that this 'Partner' looking for Jin must be powerful, she can apparently explore the multiverse at will, that isn't something easy to do.}

Yeah, she can… Blue, gold, 'scorching' personality and can transverse the multiverse…? Is it… No, I can't be sure… If it is… Then the soul that merged with me is… Oh, god…

I shake my head, I'll consider it as an option until I can get more dreams and voices, I won't completely rule it out.

[Partner? Seems like you came to a conclusion.]

{Yes, care to share, Jin?}

"I'm not completely sure about it…. So I'll keep it as an open option."

[Partner? C'mon tell us.]

"She may be a dragon."

{[A dragon?]}

The two seemed confused… I'll let them figure it out themselves. But I do hope I'm wrong…

"Figure it out yourselves, go through my memories and you'll probably know who I'm talking about."

I sigh and look at Cúntóir who looks guilty.

[Cúntóir knows, care to share?]

All our attention went to her, as she stood there blankly staring at us.

"I… I'm being prevented— Physically, please believe me!"

She desperately tells us— Begging us even.

"Are you really?"

"I am… You… You must meet the requirements that Azathoth set in order to gain additional information through dreams and voices. That is how I was designed by Azathoth!"

"What about what the soul said… Are you—"

"No! I'm not Azathoth! I was created by Azathoth, you gave me a name and I evolved. This personality I have is from you!"

She really felt upset. Even here, I could tell from her emotions, well— I didn't really need to use a skill, her face and body language say it all. I sigh and scratch my head.

"Alright, Cúntóir, let's say I believe you."

She still seemed upset, but I wasn't sure if I could trust her word right now.

"What can you tell me right now? With what requirements I meet right now, tell me everything that you can."


"Nyarlathotep is the Outer God that's been interfering with you."

[Wait, what?!]

{Nyarlathotep… I see…}

Nyarlathotep? The Bat God of L'gy'hx, The Black Demon, The Crawling Chaos, and The Faceless God…why would he want to mess with me?

"What? Why? Why would he— It, want to mess with me?"

I'm a nobody, well… Was a nobody…


Cúntóir corrects us.


The three of us asked confused.

Nyarlathotep is a she? Who cares! I want to know why! I shake my head.

"No, I don't care what's between her legs, I want to know why she wants to mess with me? For what reason?"

She nods.

"I do not know her reasons, however, I can… Reveal Azathoth's reason for reincarnating souls."

"Go on."

"Azathoth, for many years— Millennia has been choosing random souls to reincarnate… For what reason? To find an heir… A new… Replacement for himself, he has been awake for too long and wishes to go back to sleep."

"He just wants to go back to sleep? What?"

"Jin, you are aware of his titles, yes?"

Well, yeah… The Blind Idiot God, Nuclear Chaos, Lord of All, Sleeping Chaos, and Blind Dreamer…

"Yeah, I do, he has a few…"

She nods and continues.

"You are the first to break the cycle. Azathoth has put his 'faith' in you now. You must evolve at all costs. The previous souls he chose were at random… He did not care if you were a complete degenerate who would violate anyone or a saint that helped save the world. He needed souls to reincarnate and replace him."

"Once you evolve, he will contact you— Pass his seat onto you and sleep. For how long? I myself do not know."

"If he chose your soul to reincarnate, then you were chosen. What you did after that, that, was up to you, however, he has set goals and requirements. You are not the first to be reincarnated in this world— The other souls were reincarnated in alternative timelines."

"Azathoth has reincarnated many souls in different worlds and universes, the Draconic Deus was just one of them, it's the random world he chose to reincarnate you into."

"The other souls, they did whatever they wanted, they had full control of their lives. Many reached the power of Dragon Gods or True Dragons, a few reaching Universal destroying power, but none had evolved into an Outer God."

"Each and every single one of those souls was given a 'system'. They were all different from one another, but the goal was to help them get strong enough to evolve. But in the end, they all were corrupted in a way."

"It didn't matter if they were already a degenerate or a saint, as I previously mentioned, somewhere down the line, the power got to them— They started to become insane. Azathoth didn't care at first, however, he did care about them evolving, none did, so he acted."

"He erased their existence."

"So, there's no chance of other Reincarnators being alive right now?"

I didn't want to end up like that… Even if I didn't ask for any of this.

"No, none. Once you fail to evolve and meet expectations, they are erased with nothing left."

[We're fine being told this… Right?]

"Yes. I already revealed some information to Jin, he died at the age of 26, however, he has not met the requirements yet to receive more information."

[Damn, Partner.]

Ddraig turns to me—

[You got mixed up in one hell of a thing…]

I couldn't help but agree with him, this was a bigger deal than I initially thought.

"As I stated before, Jin was chosen at random. Essentially, he floated too close to Azathoth's domain and was chosen that way. The incident— The merging of two souls was also just a coincidence."

"You have done things slightly differently so far, Jin…. Soon you will reach a crossroads. How you react and what actions you take will determine your own future. I am being prevented from telling you right now, so I cannot say what or when it will happen."

She sighs heavily.

"Time is coming to an end, Jin. You will wake up soon."

She walks up to me and hugs me.

"What the soul said earlier… Or whatever Azathoth wants to do to you, please… Even if you only believe what I'm about to say right now— I am on your side, I always will."

Her tone… Sounds genuine, but I'll need to think about all this crap that was thrown at me just now. I sigh again.

"Alright, Cúntóir. I'll mull it over, thanks for telling me— Us."

She smiles sadly at me and disappears.

"See you guys."

The two dragons put their tails up.

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward


That was one hell of a way to spend my night. I reached the Outer God status, so I should be fine for now, right? The fact that Nyarlathotep is the one messing with my life is also annoying. Why? Is she bored or something?

God… Why is everything so heavy and stuffy? As I was looking at the ceiling, I then looked forward. I was met with someone's ass. Great. I use my powers and get a bird's eye view… Everyone is here, when did some of them even sneak in?

Bah! I was too distracted by what had transpired within me. Let's chalk it up to that. I re-focused on what was in front of me. Everyone was sleeping in my bed with me, thanks to my bedroom's increased size. Reni, Kuroka, Akeno, Grayfia, Ingvild, Asia, Shirone and Rias were all there.

The ass in front of me belonged to Shirone. A full house, I couldn't help but laugh on the inside. Using my bird's eye view, I check the time on the clock.

It's 8 a.m. I'm surprised that Grayfia isn't up yet. I gently let Shirone down and got out of the other girls' grasp. I leave the room and wash myself up in the bathroom.

I go downstairs and go into the kitchen, I better start breakfast then… Quick and simple, but filling. I decide to make the Shakshuka again, I'll just use my abilities to speed up the cooking process.

"Haah… Another long day."


I had noticed Grayfia come downstairs but I wanted to see what she would do… So, just tapping me on the shoulder? I turn around and greet her.

"Hey, good morning, mind helping me with this?"

When I point out that she has almost finished three meals, she nods.


We quickly give each other a kiss as she stands beside me and starts to help. But she stops as she stares at the counter… Thinking about something, she eventually turns to me and smiles.

"Would you like an early morning fellatio?"

She asks, I was a bit shocked by her offer…

A morning blowjob, tempting, even if it's the weekend I still have a lot planned today. Heck, I might not be home today since Yasaka might offer for Rose and I to stay the night.

"Tempting, but I'll have to pass for today… Actually, Grayfia I might not be able to come home today. I might come home tomorrow instead. If I forget to mention it to everyone can you tell them for me?"

She looks a bit surprised, but nods and continues preparing breakfast.

"Is it because of the date and Kyoto?"

"Yeah, Shirone probably told everyone in passing… I'll guess only a few remembered."

I could see her smile beside me.

We were nearly done making breakfast when a few of the girls had woken up and had started to congregate in the dining room or living room. Oh, right. I turn around and make the dining table even larger, as well as the dining room.

Since there are more women now, I gotta start expanding my house little by little. A few were surprised, but quickly recovered.

A few girls… Kuroka and Rias pointed out our blatant flirting, but to my surprise, Grayfia didn't shy away from it. She usually would, but probably since she's become mine, she doesn't care anymore.

She's acting like… A long-time wife, it's like we've been married for years. She corrects some of the things I had done. Gives me tools and utensils without saying a word. I'm sure these things would help me with what I was doing.

An occasional pinch here and there when I start to mess with the food, ingredients or utensils. Yeah, almost like reining me in, which was amusing, to say the least.

"They're still flirting nya…"

Kuroka sounded a bit jealous behind us.

"I've never seen this side of Grayfia… It's almost, unreal— Like I'm dreaming."

Rias sounded genuinely surprised as I heard Akeno giggling.

"She's always been… Strict, stoic and… Haah… Nothing like this…"

She continues as the other girls add their own opinions on the matter.

During Breakfast


Rias was quite happy with breakfast. Even a Japanophile like her could enjoy other types of food, so I was happy with that.

"I'm glad then."

I continue to eat my share, along with everyone else, for a few of them, this was their first time eating this.

"Oh, right, by the way. I'll be gone all day, I might not be able to come home… So you know, just a heads-up."

Once I said that they all stopped eating and looked at me like I had three heads.

"I also can't bring anyone else with me. I'll be heading to the Dimensional Gap with Ophis during the morning and from noon onwards I'll be in Kyoto… For an outing and meeting up with the West Youkai faction leader, Yasaka."


Rias asked, confused.

Oh right, she never met her yet. After all, Ophis has mostly been in my necklace.

"Ophis is the Dragon God of Infinity. She's much more powerful than the two Heavenly Dragons— Even the God of the Bible feared her. Jin says she's tied for first place in the world's top strongest."

Akeno explained as Rias' eyes widen in shock.

"W-Where is she now?"

She asked and Akeno points to the necklace around my neck.

"She's in there, she sometimes comes out… However, we haven't seen her in a while, I wonder what she's been up to."

Akeno stops eating and puts a hand on her cheek.

"Ophis does things at her own pace nya, so you really can't predict what she does nya."

Kuroka adds in and keeps eating, leave it up to a glutton…she and Shigune would get along quite well.

"Oh, yes, Jin is also a Human Dragon God hybrid… But we don't think he is anymore. He hasn't told us yet."

Yet, yeah, I haven't told them yet… Even if I say I'm a 'God' they'll just think 'Yeah, a Dragon God, silly!' I need time to fully explain it to them, wait. Do they even know what the Outer Gods are?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, this world does not have that information

Yeah, it'll take a while to explain it then… I'll do it soon. The 'truth', huh?

"Are you heading to Asgard to pick up your date, Jin-senpai?"

Shirone asks as the girls stare at me, a small smile flashes on her face.

"Jin! Didn't you just get Natsume, Grayfia, Ingvild, and Gabriel?"

Reni lightly glares at me, the other girls looking quite shocked. A few eyes go to Ingvild as she blushes, looks down, and continues eating her food.

"He just wants more nya."

Kuroka snickers.

"I'm just going on an outing with her. I also need to meet up with Yasaka and Kunou to give them their rings and enchant their clothes."

"Rings? Clothes?"

Rias was still out of the loop so I explained things to her, again, she was surprised by all this.

"Those aren't just for show?"

She shakes her head, Akeno whispers something into her ear and she blushes.

"I'll get a headache with all the surprises I'm getting…"

She says as she rubs her forehead.

"Don't worry about it, I'll make one for you before I leave for the day. Also, don't forget to bring the clothes you wish to have enchanted."

She nods as we all continue eating our breakfast.

"Does that include bra and panties?"

Rias asks as she stops eating to stare at me. A few heads also turn my way.

"Uh, no. Just your normal clothes will be fine."

If they can't get past their clothes… Why do your bra and panties need it? The room falls silent again, as we continue to eat breakfast, the girls would sometimes start a more light-hearted conversation…

After breakfast

I was in the living room with Rias as I made her ring. The gemstone was made out of Almandine Garnet (Pyrope) the same color as her [Power of Destruction] and hair. It had all the upgrades.

Rias wanted to start with her clothes earlier… There were a lot, I thought it would never end, as expected of a rich devil, so many clothes… Hell, I would say she had more than the girls combined. I give the ring to Rias as she smiles and puts it on.

"Thank you, Jin."

She gives me a hug; I also hug her back.

"I will be training with my peerage again down at the training facility. We already know how the time dilation works so we'll be trying it out."

She explains I was wondering why they didn't use it before, so they were… Scared? I did warn them about what would happen if they mess up using it.

"Gasper and Kiba moved into a new house a few blocks down. It was overhauled last night. Jin, Akeno told me about your houses… Defenses, can you…?"

"Yeah sure, I'll upgrade it when I come back. You're like a training maniac now."

"The year we spent there was quite fruitful after all. I wish to gain better control with my powers. My peerage also feels the same. We may not climb up in power rankings… But it will still provide useful training."

"Just because Riser is no longer a threat to me, doesn't mean there aren't others out there… My dream is also becoming a much more reachable goal too."

She nods, hugs me again, and goes off.

Reni had returned to Grigori to fetch Natsume and Shigune. She wants to train them in the training facility too. I guess Reni doesn't want to fall behind the others. The same can be said for Ingvild and Kuroka, but they'll be helping Asia and Shirone, so it's understandable.

But she won't be there for too long, she's going out with her friends. Grayfia had gone back to the Gremory territory as she's supervising Millicas, she's no longer Sirzechs Maid and [Queen], but she's still an employee of the Gremory.

Apparently, the young guy got excited seeing how his aunt and her peerage got so powerful, it motivated him.


The necklace glowed around my neck and Ophis came out. She may have heard me earlier so it makes sense for her to come out.


It was like she looked a bit different... Her face... Had more expression. She was relaxed? Refreshed? Alive? Something like that. I could feel her emotions right now and she just felt like it.

"You heard me during breakfast, right?"

She nods at my question.

"Right, we'll be there from now and until noon… Ideally. If it goes over time, it's fine. I'll just need to explain why. Anyway, are you ready?"

She again nods and so we teleported away.

Dimensional Gap

We had teleported into the Dimensional Gap and it's as funky as ever. We look around for a bit, I locate Irene's location. She's not mobile so we may be resting right now. I'm more surprised that she isn't zooming around the place.

I also feel something coming from a certain part of the Dimensional Gap, I wonder what they're up to? I'll leave it for another time, those magicians are probably doing stupid experiments.

"Did, you locate her?"

I feel a tug on my sleeve as Ophis asks me a question. Did she become a little more vocal? I still need to gauge her actions and feelings; I can't assume things too quickly.

"Yeah, I did."

I pick up Ophis and decided to carry her bridal style, she seemed a bit surprised but didn't mind.

She relaxes her body and cuddles into it, laying her head on my chest. Yes, she was relaxed— Even more so than earlier. A smile on her face.

"Let's fly to her instead then."


She wholeheartedly agreed, what is this? She's acting adorable right now, it's not even acting or mimicking the others, she's genuinely doing this on her own!

Praise the books she read and whatever else happened to her since the last time I saw her!


I decided to start flying towards where Irene was at a moderate speed. Ophis and I liked this feeling right now, so we'll take our time getting there.

Ophis may have started to understand emotions and feelings when she started to feed me food, maybe the mimicking did it? I'm not entirely sure, I'll ask her at a different time…

Rub~ Rub~ Rub~


Ophis had begun rubbing herself against me— Her head against my chest. I didn't get it, but she was happy about it so I didn't stop her.

"What are you doing?"

"Your, lovers do this. Can I?"

Ahh, I see, she wants to copy them but also wants to find out why they do it. I see no problem with it rub yourself against me all you want!

"Sure, go ahead."

With my permission, she did so.

"Does, it bother you? Is, it bad?"

I shake my head, indicating it was fine. She smiles, nods, and continues doing so.

I increased my speed a little and after a few minutes I could see Irene's dragon form in the distance, there was some ground where she was at.


She notices us as she turns her head towards us, she transforms into her human form as I land with Ophis.

"Hey there, Irene. We're here like I promised."

I wave to her as she looks at me in amusement. I can understand why, it's Ophis… That's a bit obvious, she was still happily clinging onto me and it doesn't seem like she'll stop. I finally put the Dragon God down and she looked quite annoyed, she tried to cling onto me as a last-ditch effort.

"Ophis, you have to let go, I have to talk to Irene about something."

I explained, she, after a full minute reluctantly did so.

"How have you been? Still 'Zoom Zoom Iyaaan. Zoom Zoom Iyaaan-ing' around the Dimensional Gap?"

When I asked, Irene turned red like her hair and looked mortified at me, she had the look of 'How do you know about that?!' but I just grinned at her slightly annoying her.

"Zoom Zoom Iyaaan?"

Ophis repeated the phrase as she tilted her head in confusion.

"It is nothing, Ophis."

Irene wanted to move the conversation along. She looks at Ophis and nods.

"You have had some quite substantial growth, Ophis. One almost never recognized you."

The two silently stared at each other, both neutral looks on their faces. Eventually, Ophis nods.

"I, have read and seen many things because of Jin."

"You too, Jin."

Irene nods at Ophis and directs the comment at me too.

"Haha, yeah… A few things happened and now I'm here. I'm still learning and not done yet though. Ophis has been showing more genuine emotions on her part, I think that's a good thing."

I won't be repeating myself to Irene like a broken record so I'll just say that. She seems to understand and doesn't push it, which you got to appreciate.

"Jin, how do you want to do this?"

Irene crossed her arms and had a serious expression on her. So, we're finally getting to that, huh? But would a fight be necessary? Irene did say just to show her if I'm capable of what I said from a month back— Which was to be able to help her with her burdens.

Can I protect this place along with her? This world? The answer is obvious on my part, but to her— I am nothing but the 'Red Dragon Emperor' while nothing to scoff at, it isn't too significant in her eyes.

She may have seen many Red Dragon Emperor's during her long life, but I have no way of confirming that. Unless I ask her, I might in the future, if she's willing to share.

"We either fight or find another way to show my proof…"

"How about comparing our auras for a start?"

It seems simple enough, and should give her a vague idea of my raw power, but to what extent will I use? Full power Dragon God? Full Power Universal?

Seeing as how she's a 'True Dragon' which is more or less the same as a 'Dragon God' I might as well just use that, it's what I've been using so far after all. So, I agreed.

Cúntóir: Answer: Covering the vicinity within with Aura and mana sealing barrier.

"Sure, I don't mind."

She nods and decided to go first. Irene stood there still with her arms crossed as she stared directly at me. Ophis had walked away from us and was watching silently.

A powerful red aura covers her body as the area around her starts to crack and be destroyed, she slowly produced more and more until the area around us was shaking wildly, it almost seemed like an earthquake was being produced in the Dimensional Gap.

The air and wind around her were being sucked in, while the space around her had 'cracks' and 'fissures', if I was a normal being I would probably be on the ground or worse— Dead by now from her aura alone. It was nothing to scoff at, she truly deserved to be at the top of the world.

Irene kept her calm and elegant manner, never once blinking and taking her eyes off me. I couldn't help but smile, she used it all, truly fitting of her titles 'Dragon of Dragons (DxD), 'True Red Dragon God Emperor', and 'Dragon of Dreams and Illusions'.

Irene is prideful like usual dragons, but she hasn't shown it to me with all the times we interacted, maybe she's a weirdo like me? I do have my own pride but I don't really get bothered by people acting all mighty and haughty. I believe actions speak louder than words— Thanks to a certain incident.

But she had elegance, unlike many dragons who seek power and nothing else, although there are more exceptions since not all dragons are alike. She stood there waiting for my response, I better get to it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing aura and mana suppression seals.

Cúntóir: Answer: Power Output: Dragon God 100%.

Rumble! Rumble! Shake! Shake!


Irene's eyes widen at the sudden change in power from me. Unlike her, I didn't want to slowly ramp it up, I just let it all out, the full power of a Dragon God at her. The area around me also started to crack and fissure, I stood there with a neutral expression as she had a small grin on her, and we stare at each other for a few minutes.

Until she stops producing hers, I did the same. I put back my suppression seals and changed my power back to 1% Dragon God.


She calls out my name, I tilt my head at her.

"Are you a Dragon God?"

Yeah, I expected that. I mean, who wouldn't? She certainly isn't dumb, but it seems like she wants to hear it from my own mouth. She already suspects—no, she knows I am.

"Well, I was a Human Dragon God Hybrid, but yes, I am a Dragon God in a way, of what? Who knows, Lust?"

I let out a little chuckle at the throwaway title the girls once gave me.


She looked confused, I did say 'was', so I'm alluding to her, I'm something different. Irene seems like an individual who won't freak out at every little thing I reveal to her, nor does she seem like an individual who'll ask too many questions.

"Yeah, 'was', but I have no idea if the Dimensional Gap can take 1% of my current 'species' power. So, I powered down to a Dragon God."

"…I do not sense you lying to me, Jin. However, you may have the raw power. But can you use it properly? A little sparring match seems appropriate."

She suggests, I can see where she's coming from and I'm more or less onboard with it but… I can just do the same thing to her as I did with Raynare and her group… That should be proof enough that I'm capable… Right?

"No need, Irene."

She looks puzzled and I point my palm at her.

"I can always win like this."

I stripped her powers from her. I closed my palm and brought it back to me, I opened it up again and a small glowing red dragon head floated on my palm. Irene looks shocked, but she started to sweat as she started to feel around her body.

"W-What did you do?"

She asked still quite shocked. I don't blame her, I just took away her powers, rendering her as powerful as a newborn human baby. Anyone would freak out at that.

"I took away your powers, all of it is in here."

I gesture to the dragon's head on my palm.

"You feel it, don't you? How powerless you are right now… How it feels to be weak… Like a human— A normal human that hasn't touched upon the supernatural— Learned magic. Just a regular human being."

"It's a strange feeling, doesn't it? Don't worry though I'll give this back. I was just demonstrating what I'm capable of, this is fine, right?"

She nods, while frowning at me, I nod and give back her powers. The dragon's head goes back into her, she looks quite relieved as she confirmed her powers were back.

"Yes, it was strange. I couldn't transform back into a dragon; I couldn't produce wings and use my powers…is that what it feels like to be 'human'? Or to be that powerless? I do not remember such a feeling, perhaps I was born with my powers and was meant to stay at the top?"

"Maybe, but who knows? You and Ophis didn't just start existing… Maybe someone stronger created the two of you? Or maybe the 'worlds will' did just create you two— to be protectors in a way."

I don't think I can do that to Outer Gods… At least not yet, I need to evolve like Cúntóir said… Actually I've been meaning to ask her something…

Hey Cúntóir, I have a question. She didn't respond, maybe she's waiting for me to continue? So, the list you showed me way back then… It didn't include 'Outer Gods' as a rank. Does that mean I can't change my harem's race/species or their potential to 'Outer Gods'?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, your current limit is being able to change potentials, create things and beings at the peak of Omniversal powers. Outer Gods are beyond that— But they still in a way have a hierarchy, Azathoth stands at the top. Once you evolve, then you can.

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new Outer Gods is 'a big deal' after all, you are the first after a long time. If you just started to create new ones without proper knowledge or experience, it could prove disastrous.

Can't you just help me? You know, regulate powers and stuff.

Cúntóir: Answer: I can and it is possible, however, I am a guide for you, Jin. I can't always do things for you. You have started to take steps towards that, while I regulate your seals and power output, you have been creating the barriers yourself at times now. The same with the house upgrades.

Cúntóir: Answer: With my point earlier, while in his initial letter it said you stood as his equal… You as of now are slightly below. If Azathoth is 1. You are 1.5, the rest of the Outer Gods are below you, however, they have more experience in the usage of their powers, you do not.

Because I haven't bothered much with them?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes. You WERE only a REGULAR human before you were chosen, after all. You have the raw power but not the experience. I can give you 'knowledge' in how to do things, like the sword styles and fighting styles you have used. It will be up to you to use them.

Yeah, while I was excited on using 'powers' and 'abilities' it still felt strange, I mostly use them as a convenience tool… Making food, money, and other things. I find it hard to just change my mind set to well, whatever mindset I'm supposed to have.

Hell at times I forget I'm an Outer God that can do anything. I sometimes need to remind myself— Well that was how it was initially, I've started to think and act like one… Well, kind of. Ddraig's been the one that's so insistent about it.

Hey, do the three O's exist? I've been wondering about that for a while too…

Cúntóir: Answer: If you are referring to Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence, then they are pure works of fiction created by humans, so no, they do not exist.

Cúntóir: Answer: An Outer God is powerful, but they need to be active and find things out themselves. Just like how Nyarlathotep found out what Azathoth was doing— That's how she started following it and knew about you.

"Jin? Is something wrong?"

I felt Irene touch my shoulder, I probably just spaced out again.

"Yeah, sorry was speaking to Ddraig about something. Anyway, the power I used I already used once before. I can use it on regular Gods too, so anyone can be a target."

"I see… Well, it seems you did not lie to me back then, Jin. However, how can you stay in the Dimensional Gap and help me? Do you not have a life to live, surely your lovers are not keen on letting you stay here?"

That's true, they wouldn't be, I also wouldn't be. But I still have the barrier up around us… So, I'll just use that to my advantage. I can make more shadows!

"It's fine, Irene, I already have plans for that. Hey, want to move into the necklace like Ophis? They are separated after all."

"Why? I'm perfectly fine here, and I mentioned before, I am the protector so I must spend my days here."

Ophis walks over to us and looks at Irene.

"It, is fun being around Jin."

Irene didn't expect Ophis of all beings to try to advocate for her to move.

"If you do, you can explore the human world like Ophis, experience new things, doesn't it get lonely being here by yourself? I mean, I would think that's why Ophis would sometimes leave this place to explore every now and again."

"…I still need to be here, if I leave, who will protect it? The threats of otherworldly beings are still present…it won't ever change. While I am interested in your offer, I simply cannot."

"I can just make beings stronger than you and have them protect the Dimensional Gap. Like this, Igris."

I smile at her and call out my shadow's name, Igris is with me at all times, while I keep Beru in Ingvild's shadow, he did say he found it an honor in protecting her. Igris appears beside me as he kneels.

"My King."

He greets me and I remove the aura and mana suppression seals from him.


Once I did, his true power started to leak from him, Ophis has already seen me create Igris, she more or less knows how powerful he is, the exception is Irene. When I turn back to her, her eyes were wide as saucers.

"As you can see, he's quite powerful, however, he won't be the one I assign here…"

I will be making new shadows now, with being in here and having my barrier, it's prime opportunity to make new shadows. I put back the seals on Igris.

"I am aware of other worlds, realms, and universes, Irene. The multiverse— The omniverse is very much real. I am also aware of the dangers it holds. I can easily rid of them, the only exception, for now, are the ones from my 'species', I do not know if I can kill them— Or if they can be killed at all."

"I plan on creating more beings like Igris, I have another one… But he's somewhere else right now."

"With this, wouldn't you agree that the Dimensional Gap— The world would be quite safe, no?"

Ophis goes over to Irene and tugs on her clothes, the Dragon of Dreams looks at her confused.

"I, am sorry."

Irene blankly stares at Ophis, not sure on how to respond. She probably didn't expect to get an apology out of the blue from the Dragon God.

"I, didn't understand my actions before. But after… Reading and learning, I, categorize my actions as, annoying and immature. So, I am sorry."

Ophis stares at Irene with conviction, I would say this was rare but, even just today she's shown more emotions than I would have thought. Irene lets out an exaggerated sigh and nods.

"It is fine, Ophis, I forgive you."

She puts her hand on her head and smiles at the Dragon God of Infinity.

"No one ever stops growing, not me nor you. Even if we can't grow in power… We will in something else."

She turns back to me and sighs again.

"Jin, allow me to think of this decision first. Do what you must."

I nod and turn to my side, Igris was still kneeling there patiently and silently waiting. How loyal, though with all my shadows and whatever I create in the future, that's the number one priority to me, they will be one hundred percent loyal to me, and have zero chance of betraying me.

'Cúntóir, make these that I have in mind.'

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new beings… Processing images… Appointing power levels…

Cúntóir: Answer: Creation of multiple new beings complete.

Fwoooooooshhhhh Boooooooom!!!!!!!

The ground in front of me explode in a black and purple mist, and multiple new shadows slowly rose from the ground, once they were finished, they proceeded to kneel or bow in front of me.

I look at the new shadows I had created, from left, to right they went like this: Greed, Kaisel, Tank, Iron, Jima, Kamish, and finally Bellion.

Their powers were running freely so I put the same aura and mana suppression seals on them. Once that was done, I nod to myself. I finally turn back to the two dragons as they were looking at the new beings in front of them intently.

"I'm done. Let me introduce them to you, starting from the left is Greed… He's based on a human I once knew, Kaisel is a wyvern, Tank is a former Ice bear, Iron… Is another human I once knew so I based his appearance vaguely on him, Jima is a giant Naga I once saw."

I turn to the last two, they were the ones I was planning on leaving here.

"The Dragon is Kamish— The Dragon of Calamity. Right now, he's in his smaller form, but in his true form he's slightly bigger than you, Irene."

The two were intrigued by the new dragon as they stared at him questioningly.

"The Dragon of Calamity? Quite a title you gave him."

She mused.

"Yes, it is, but I believe it will be fitting. The one beside him is Bellion, truthfully, I don't know what he is— But he is without a doubt, the strongest shadow here. Even if they are in the same power ranking, I believe he would win most of their matches if I gave them the okay."

I more or less do know how he came to be in… His original universe and body, but I won't divulge that information to them.

The two are even more surprised, the huge humanoid, shadow warrior with two pairs of black wings on his back, jagged black armor, blank white eyes, and glowing purple skin. He also carries a massive blade that looks like a centipede, which he wields both like a whip and a sword.

This being was stronger than the 'Dragon of Calamity'? They initially didn't believe it, but the way Bellion holds himself— The way he stood, the aura of confidence. It made them believe just a little bit more.

"Jin… You do realize you made seven beings stronger than Ophis and I… You just destroyed the balance of our world."

Irene, points out the obvious, of course, I'm aware, truthfully, I believe I already destroyed the balance around a month ago— Simply by being reincarnated here, also the fact I made Igris and Beru before these seven.

"Yeah, but I already destroyed it by simply existing, as well as making Beru and Igris at the start of the month…"

I also powered up individuals to power rankings that they're not meant to be at right now. I think we're beyond that point, Irene. I also influenced other beings of this world after I interacted with them. Sairaorg, Millicas, Dulio, Irina, Xenovia, Griselda, Rias and her peerage as well as many more…

There is no stopping it, changes are happening… I was also told about Nyarlathotep, she already messed with the world too. So, it was fucked the moment I was reincarnated.

But… I'm not done, I want to create something other than 'Shadows', I want to create new life— A bona fide new being with actual flesh, a heartbeat… Its own thoughts and feelings. But they will still remain loyal to me, but will also question me.

A new subordinate perhaps? While they'll be in the same power ranking as the shadows, I can't exactly change it any further due to my current limitations…

"I'm not done, Irene. I'm creating one more new life— Not a shadow but an actual new being."

I glance at her as she looked a bit surprised, the same with Ophis. I turn to a different side and sigh.

Cúntóir, if you would.

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new life… Processing image… Appointing power level…

Cúntóir: Answer: Creation of new life complete.

Fwshhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Rumble! Rumble!

From the ground— A magic circle appears and from it rose the newly created being. The Dimensional Gap didn't react like this when I made the shadows… Is creating actual life that much of a bigger deal?

The shadows I have are more or less dead— I do call them shadow soldiers after all.

A beautiful young woman with glowing red eyes, pale skin, long flowing black hair, purple lips, a perfect hourglass figure, a large bust, and insectile hands and feet. She also wore greenish-black armor that left her upper cleavage and shoulders exposed.

If I'm going to continue with modeling my new creations from the Solo Leveling world… I might as name them the same too. I smile at the figure in front of me as she kneels in front of me.

"My creator and master."

She says as she looks at the ground. I quickly put on the aura and mana suppression seals on her.

"You name is… Querehsha. 'Queen of Insects' and 'Monarch of Plagues'."


Once I named her, her aura bust forth as a wide grin appeared on her, and she was smiling— I could feel she was insanely happy that she was named and given titles. She called me her 'Creator' and 'Master' after all…. Is she a Yandere?

I walk over to her and touch her head. Time to add a few things… Zero chance of being mind-controlled, will also be loyal to my lovers/harem, to be kind and caring to them, I don't want them being hostile to each other. I modeled her after the original, so she'll treat others she sees or I see as an enemy like how she usually would…

I look at my left hand's middle finger, she and future subordinates of mine need a place to stay. I create a new ring, the 'ring' part is made of different animals and insects, they're small in size, so many could be fit on there.

The gemstone, for her, is dark green with a small red gem in the center. Within this ring, will be a different pocket dimension— Much like the Dimensional gaps of my necklace, this pocket dimension will change itself to whatever or whoever is residing within and to whatever they desire.

It is also infinite much like the necklace Dimensional Gap.

"Querehsha, this is your home."

I inform her as she nods and goes into it.

'I will call for you when you're needed.'

I tell her telepathically.

'Yes, master.'

"So, did you make your decision yet, Irene?"

I turn back to the two dragons who were still looking at me. Irene shakes her head, she hasn't made it yet, well yeah, I kind of didn't wait too long for her too.

"I see, well, when you do, I'll be leaving Bellion and Kamish here."

The two shadows nod at me.

"Both of them will be protecting this place if and when you do accept my proposal. I doubt anything can get past them."

Anything that's below and Outer God, that is.

"I shall contact you in your dreams once I made my decision, Jin."

"Very well, Irene."

I make a gesture and all the shadows present go back into my shadow. I go over to Ophis and touch her shoulders.

"We'll get going then, I still have some plans after this."

I cancel the barrier around us.

"Yes, goodbye, for now, Ophis, Jin. I will contact you like I said when I make my decision. Thank you."

Ophis and I both nod and teleport away.

Japan, Kuoh

Once Ophis and I arrive back at my house, she beckons me to her. I oblige and crouch down, she suddenly hugs me. I wasn't expecting this… Is this her way of thanking me? Maybe?

"Uh… Ophis?"

"Jin, thank you?"

She said it in more of a question. She shakes her head.

"I, can't articulate my feelings right now… But…  As Lavinia Reni told you."

She points at me and then at herself.


After she said that, she went back into the necklace.


I wasn't expecting that, not at all… Forever, huh? So, she wants to stay with me forever? I mean, that's great! But a bit sudden…haha, well I already more or less accepted her. I wonder if she'll tell me in another way soon.

Well, whatever. I check the time and it's nearing noon… I should get going, I quickly check to see if everyone is still here and they are. They're all busy down at the training facility, hard at work.

Nine Realms


Once I teleport to Asgard, I was again by the edge. I walk up to the Valkyrie guards and greet them; I tell them I was meeting with someone. They nod and let me through. As per usual, the streets are busy and everyone was doing their usual business.

I check a certain spot and a certain kangaroo-man was nowhere to be seen, his spot was already replaced by someone else. I wonder what happened to him.

As I walk towards our meeting spot, I could see a few individuals glancing at a certain Valkyrie who was dressed up in different clothing, fidgeting to herself. She was standing by the restaurant we had eaten at before.

She was wearing a black and white patterned shirt, with a black jacket, her skirt was a blue denim skirt and dark blue heels and dark blue timberland boots. She stood there as she started to twirl the ends of her hair as she waited for me.

I walk over to her and wave, she sees me and stiffens. I laugh as I join her.

"Hey, Rose, you ready to go? You look great by the way."

She trots over to meet me halfway as she sighs in relief.

"Th-Thank you, and yes I'm ready."

I nod and offer her my hand; she looks at it for a few seconds and shyly holds it. Rossweisse looks in front of us and she had a look of panic. I follow her gaze and I see two Valkyries that I knew staring at us.

Helmwige and Brynhildr, I will assume that the other Valkyries that were with them knew Rose. They were looking at us in shock.

"Ahhh!!!!! Rossweisse is holding hands with J—"

Helmwige begins but I teleport us away.

Japan, Kyoto.

I had teleported us not too far from the barrier that separated Kyoto and Urakyoto, Rossweisse was still blushing as she had been seen by her colleagues.

"Are you alright, Rose?"

She nods to my question but kept blushing.

"Alright so, like I mentioned before, we'll be going to meet up with Yasaka and her daughter Kunou since I have some business with them, sorry about that."

"It's fine, Jin."

"Alright then, to the youkai castle before we go on our date!"

I start to walk forward as I feel Rossweisse tighten her grip on my hand.

"It's an outing between friends!"



Rossweisse looks out at the scenery of the youkai city. She was clearly in awe as she keeps darting her head around to look at more of it.

"Pretty amazing, huh? It's even better at night. Let's check it then."

She nods beside me; I gently pull her away and we start to walk through the streets of the city.

"Hi, Jin!"

"Hey, Middleman-kun!"

"Buy something from us, Jin-san!"

As the two of us go through the streets, I'm greeted by everyone it was nice to know they're all doing well, Rossweisse was a bit surprised by my popularity among the west youkai residents.

"What did you do to get so popular?"

I chuckle at her question and tell her that I just helped some of the residents around when I first came here. I didn't think much of it, but apparently, it meant quite a bit to this community. We also help a few youkai's on our way to the castle, it was on our way and it didn't take too long.

Rossweisse seemed happy with it, especially being thanked by all of them. The youkai children I helped before also saw me, they waved at me and said they were busy training. I could tell they got a little stronger too, can't wait to see their progress in the future.

"You seem curious about them."

Rose's gaze lingered a little longer after she saw me waving to the little youkai kids. I tell her what happened and she seemed happy with it.

"Look at you being a role model."

She giggled. I doubt it, I'm not a person you should look up to. It didn't take long for us to reach the castle— Yasaka's home. We were met by the two tengu guards.

"Hey, I'm here to meet up with Yasaka, she— We set up the meeting through… Text."

They both chuckle at me.

"Jin-san, you don't need to explain your reasons for coming here, as far as Yasaka-sama and Kunou-hime are concerned, you're more than welcomed here."

"Yes, even the youkai here welcomes you with open arms."

That's nice to know, I nod at them, snap my fingers and give them some snacks and a drink.

"Is that so? Then thank you."

Rossweisse and I walk past them and they thank me for the food and drink.

We enter their home and I locate where they were. Rossweisse got over the hand-holding thing pretty quickly or she hasn't really noticed, either way, we kept walking holding hands.

We arrived in the room they were in; it was the same one where I first met Yasaka. Well, I wanted to surprise them so I just opened the door without knocking. Once I did, they both turn to see me with Rose. They both gained a surprised look, but quickly smiled, Kunou jumped up and ran over to me.


She shouts as she hugs me. I let go of Rossweisse's hand as I pick Kunou up and hug her. She giggles into my arms, Yasaka also comes over to us.

"Welcome, Jin. I wasn't expecting the sudden visit."

She looks at Rossweisse and nods to her.

"Hehe, yeah… I have some personal business with the both of you, actually. I was going on a date with Rossweisse here, but I wanted to get this done first. It's selfish of me, I know. I'm sorry again Rose."

"I-It's fine, Jin! I already told you jeez…"

She didn't try denying the date part, perhaps a bit too flustered?

"Ara ara, quite bold of you to bring another potential wife to meet another, no?"

Rossweisse goes red as Yasaka giggles at her.

"Ahahaha… Anyway, this is Rossweisse. A Valkyrie and Odin's personal bodyguard. You already know since I told you earlier, but this is Yasaka, the leader of the West Youkai faction and her daughter Kunou."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yasaka-sama."

Rossweisse bows to her while still blushing.

"You too, Rossweisse-san. What business do you have with us, Jin?"

She greets her and turns back to me.


I proceed to summon two rings, and all three look at them in wonder. The gems are in the shape of a fox's head, made out of yellow diamond. I tell the two of them that it's theirs and what they can do. They gained a surprised look, I put the one for Kunou.

"Thank you, Jin!"

She was quite happy with it. I let her down as I take Yasaka's hand and slip it on her finger.

"Ara ara~ is this your way of proposing, Jin?"

I chuckled, maybe one day, but for now. It's a safety precaution.

"It's just to protect the ones dear to me, Yasaka. That includes the both of you."

Yasaka smiles as she leans her body onto me, her breasts were on my chest. She looks up at me and puts her finger on my lips.

"I'll wait for you to really propose to me then, Jin~"

She winks as she gets off me.

"So, we're skipping the dating part and straight to marriage?"

I ask while chuckling.

"Huhu~ I've lived long enough, Jin. I have no quarrels with skipping that part of relationships~"

She winks again—

"Especially for you~"

"Hmm~ would you like to stay here again after your date with Rose-chan?~"

I suspected this much from her, thankfully I told everyone else I might not come home today. Is she planning on coming onto during the open bath again?

"We would love to!"

Rossweisse answered. I didn't expect her to, hell— She looked almost excited, we all stare at her in surprise. She, noticing our stares makes her blush again as she tries to give her reasoning.

"I-I-I-I want to experience the nightlife of Kyoto and Urakyoto! That's why I said yes."

She looks at me.

"J-Jin! You're fine with it, right?!"

"Oh, yeah sure, I already told everyone else I might not get home today."

I grin at Yasaka.

"I half expected this after all. So, yeah, we'll stay. Thanks for the offer, Yasaka."

Yasaka steps towards me again and kisses me on the cheek.

"Good luck on your date~"

I'll just…move on.

"Oh right."

I tell her about the enchantment thing and asked if I could enchant both of their clothing. Yasaka smiles, as she grabs my hand and makes me grope her right breast.

…Soft, but that's not why I wanted to do this. I decided to enchant her current clothing. I try to pry my hands off her but she has a tight grip on it. I sigh and beckon Kunou over, I touch her shoulder and enchant her clothes.

"You've had your fun, right?"

I could see that Rossweisse was dumbfounded by all that she's seen Yasaka do. I wouldn't blame her, she's quite aggressive towards me. She's also the leader so you know, you expect them to act with a bit of professionalism.

"Hyaan~ don't grope me too hard, Jin~"


She fake moans and teases me. I chop her on the head with my free hand and finally take my hand away as she lets me.

"Will you be doing the same thing to Rose-Chan?"

Yasaka asks as Rossweisse blushes again. At this rate, she'll become a bloody tomato at how much she's blushing today.

"Don't tease her too much, anyway, we'll get going. We'll be back by tonight. Thanks again, Yasaka."

I touch her left cheek and give her a warm smile. She blushes hard at this… Success! Teased her back, she's quite bad when it's done back to her. I feel Kunou hug my leg and she thanks me again for the ring. I nod one last time and teleport away with Rossweisse.

Japan, Kyoto

"Alright, I'll take you around to spots I've been and I think you'll like them."

I had grabbed Rossweisse's hand after we teleported. She didn't seem to mind as she gripped mine back.

"Okay, let's go!"

She seemed quite excited so off we went.

Kinkaku-ji Temple

We had arrived at the Kinkaku-ji temple, even at this time of the year, there were still quite a bit of tourists here.

"There are so many people here…"

She mutters as she looks around. We were walking around hand in hand as we look at the surrounding scenery and the temple itself. I give her a brief rundown on its history and other little facts about it.

"You seem quite knowledgeable about Japan, Jin."

"Blame the Otaku side of me. Once I moved here, well… I was quite excited, especially the first time I came here."

I take out my phone and ask Rose if she wants to take a quick selfie, she blushes and agrees. We both make a peace sign as I took the picture.

"Heh, two, huh?"

Since I was taking the selfie, I only had one peace sign up, Rossweisse used both her hands.

"Is something wrong with that?"

She huffed at me as we both laughed.

We had left the area and went to buy some quick street food, we bought some Takoyaki and rice crackers. The rice crackers were shaped like fish, they tasted quite good too, street food hits different at different times of the day… Well that's what I believe.

Buy them at night and you'll feel warm and full. Morning? Dunno never had any, are there even any? Afternoon? Well, right now we're just hungry so not much of an opinion on them.

"They're good…"


Thousand Torii Gates

"So many…"

Rossweisse poked at every red torii gate she touched, a few locals giggling at her. I could feel some supernatural beings here but they were part of the West youkai faction. Once they saw me, they lowered their guard, I gave them some refreshments and went on our way.

We kept walking through them and come across a rowdy group of tourists. They seemed drunk and were being a bit noisy. It was obvious other tourists were getting annoyed by them and even the locals. Hell, some other tourists were apologizing on their behalf…

I check where they were from… Ah crap, they're Irish. C'mon guys you're better than this!


I call out to them; they turn around and stare at Rose and I.

"Eh? Who the fuck are you?"

The more belligerent of them answers. He walks right up to me and measures himself against me, I was a bit taller than him. Looks like he's trying to gauge if he could take me on in a fight. Now, I don't want to fight, especially a normal human… I would literally kill him.

So, I find a police officer and give him a little suggestion in his mind to go this way. I just need to buy some time.

"C'mon man, we're both Irish, you're making a fool out of yourself. Look around you, the locals aren't happy and so are other tourists."

I try the reasoning way first, his mates look around and could see some giving them light glares, the more reasonable one's nod.

"Sorry Folks!"

The brown-haired one says as he bows to them. His other mates join in, they were just intoxicated and weren't assholes, that's good. But the one in front of me didn't— Hell he seemed more pissed at his friends for apologizing. There's always that one person…

"Aye fuck man! Why the fuck are you apologizing for? We ain't done nothing wrong!"

Apart from being drunk in public and causing a scene? In a tourist spot might I add…

"Jin, we should just go…"

Rossweisse whispers to me as she tugs on my arm.


The guy pushes me, I didn't budge, further pissing him off. He cocks his arm back but then—


The police came, there were three of them in fact. The one who told him to stop grabbed his arm, while the other two asked the locals what happened.

Still drunk the man throws a punch at the officer, he ducks and starts to beat the man with the baton in his hands. He covers himself while screaming for his mates to back him up, but they did not.

His friends look between themselves and shrug, they go to the side and one of them apologizes to a local in broken Japanese, the local smiles at him and answers back in English.

"It is no problem, my friend. You were reasonable, he was not."

Eventually, the guy was cuffed and brought away, his friends went with him. The locals gave a good word in as they left.

"That was something, huh?"

I turn to Rossweisse as she sighs.

"Why did you get involved?"

"They were Irish, I couldn't let it go. It would look bad on us… At least his friends were reasonable, right?"

She nods at my reasoning but pinches my cheek… Oh, god another Grayfia, or is this a good thing?!

"L-Let's get going then…"

Rossweisse looked a bit happy about it though… So, mission success?

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

Rossweisse and I arrived at the bamboo forest where Yasaka, Kunou, and I saw the human guy propose to his girlfriend from before. I wonder how those two are?

"So many bamboos."

"Yeah, actually interesting story."

I tell her what happened to myself and two nine-tailed foxes.

"Really? I wonder what we'll see today…"

She sounded quite excited…did the last event rile her up or something? We go through the bamboo forest while making light chatter, the sun was slowly going down, and the sky was already orange. The lights around the forest started to come on, and a few— A lot of the tourists were starting to leave.

"There's one last place we should go, let's go there… I think the view will be pretty good."

Rossweisse nods beside me, we turn around to start walking towards the exit when—


We hear a moan and we both stop in our tracks. We look at each other not too sure if we heard that right, but again another moan resounded around the area. There was a couple having sex! I didn't think they would be this bold to try doing it in a popular area!

"Nyoo~ stop~"

"We should go…"

I tug on Rossweisse's hand and she turns crimson red once she's back to reality. She didn't answer me but lets me pull her out of the park…

As we left the bamboo forest and are back on the streets, I notice that Rossweisse had been hugging my arm instead of holding it. I go back through my memory and find that she started doing this around the time we got out of the Thousand Torii Gates.

I didn't mind so I kept my mouth shut. Our final destination was the Kyoto tower. I think Rossweisse would like to see the views from the telescopes up here, also hit up a few souvenir shops as well.

Kyoto Tower


She asks as she lets a keychain dangle beside her face. We had entered the previous 100-Yen shop from before, the one that I visited with Ingvild and Serafall. The '100-Yen Shop Valkyrie' strikes again… Well it's her first time but she'll get that title eventually…

"Rose, they're all 100 Yen."

"I know! But will this suit me? How about this? Or this?"

She keeps changing keychains that were different in size and color. I don't… What?

[Partner, just pick them all and buy them all.]

"Let's just buy them all, Rose. I can afford them all. You look beautiful with anything, alright?"

I sigh as I scratch the back of my head, we've been in here for nearly ten minutes, so I wanted to hurry it up, she went over other things earlier too, is… Is she that poor? Does Odin pay her enough?

Wait, shit, was I being insensitive there?! I look back up at her in a panic. But I was greeted to her blushing instead.

[You called her beautiful in anything, she's as romantic as when you first flirted with Akeno, calling her princess.]


[You were bad at it! Now take that and make it times three with Rossweisse!]

"C'mon. I'll pay for them."

I grab the basket she had and hold her hand with my other. We went up to pay for them and make our way up to the observation deck. Rossweisse had recovered by then and was hurriedly walking around the room


She was looking through the telescopes and making cute noises. There was also another group up there with us, they were old ladies.

"Young man."

I turn to my side and see one of the old women speak to me.


"Is she your girlfriend?"

Straight to the point… Old people really don't beat around the bush, huh? I chuckle at her and shake my head.

"No, ma'am, but we are out on a date though."

The other old ladies join their friend and they started to giggle at each other.

"She's quite cute, treasure her now, you hear?"

She nudges me on the side as she grins at me.

"Ah, yes, I definitely will."

Are old people this noisy? I mean they don't mean any harm or ill will, but probably wanted to strike up a conversation… They leave me and go join Rossweisse, they start chatting, look over at me and start giggling again. Rossweisse was blushing up a storm as she listened in to the ladies' ramblings.

This lasts for another few minutes until they leave. They pass by me while wishing me luck.

"Good luck, Jin-kun~"

The old lady who spoke to me first somehow got my name and chuckled at me as she left. What in the world just happened? Whatever, I go over to Rossweisse as she stood by a telescope looking at the pillar in front of her as she thought about something. But before I reach her—


Hmm? Oh, it's the communication feature from the ring… Yasaka is calling me…

[Hey, Yasaka, is something wrong?]

[No, no, it's just that dinner will be ready soon, so if you and Rose-chan can come back soon, it would be appreciated…]

[Yeah, no problem, we're just about done.]

[Okay~ see you soon~]

After that, the transceiver disappeared. I walk over beside her.


I tap her on the shoulder and she looks up at me.

"Let's get going, dinner should be ready when we get back."

She nods as she holds my hand first, I shrug it off and we leave Kyoto tower.  We find an empty alley and teleport back outside of the barrier. I did say I would show Rose what the view was at night.

When we go through the barrier, Rossweisse pulls me with her to get a better look, her eyes sparkle as she looks below us— Urakyoto's nightlife was in full swing, everything was shining and we could hear shouts below us.

She again pulls me with her, wanting to check it out. Once we get down there, we were greeted again and a lot of the locals were hounding us to buy their things. But we had to decline since we hadn't eaten yet.

We eventually reach the castle and the tengu guards greet us, we greet them back and go into the castle. I lead Rossweisse to the dining room, when we get there, I push open the doors and we are greeted to a… Pretty big feast.

All sorts of food were on the table, Kunou was patting her seat beside her so I went and sat there. Rossweisse sat on my other side while Yasaka was at the head of the table.

"How was your date?"

Yasaka asks as she starts to eat, we also join in.

"It was great, eventful, but great!"

I tell Yasaka of what had transpired, and we all laughed back at how absurd some of the stuff that happened to us, this including Rossweisse.

"Great food, Yasaka."

I feel Kunou tug on my arm and I look at her, she looked quite excited.

"Mother and I cooked it all…"

Oh? I look back at Yasaka as she was smiling while sporting a small blush, I look back at Kunou waiting for some praise. I pat her head.

"Yeah, it's really good. Thank you, Kunou, Yasaka."

Happy with my praise she puffed out her chest and started eating again, Yasaka giggled at her daughter's antics.

"Well, Jin? You got to taste some of your future wife's cooking. I would say it was a success, no?"

I just smile at her without answering her question…

"Oh, yes, the open bath will be turned into a mixed one again tonight~ please do enjoy."

She winked at me, yeah, she's definitely going to be doing the same thing. The rest of the dinner was mostly Rossweisse and Yasaka talking about Kyoto and Urakyoto, and how Rose wants to come back and visit again, Yasaka was more than happy for her to. The two of them formed a weirdly close friendship in a short time.

Once dinner was over a kitsune maid led us to our rooms, I was given the same one from before and Rossweisse stayed in the room Serafall was in.

Once I was in my room, I summoned my phone and texted the girls in case they forgot or if Grayfia hadn't gotten around to telling them. I got an instant text back, some understanding, and Akeno in despair.

Kuroka then texted me saying she'll deal with it. I sigh, she really hates sleeping without me… I mean she was fine when she slept in her room that one time…

[You were still in the house though.]

Point taken. There was a Yukata in the corner of the room again, I go over and change into it. After a few minutes, I go back out, knock on Rose's door and she comes out, she had a light purple yukata on.

"Looking good."

"Thank you."

She smiles at me. I nod and begin to lead her to the open bath. Once we were there, she was hesitant to go in. I grab her hand and pull her in, making her even more flustered.

"I'll go on ahead."

I snap my fingers making the yukata disappear and leaving a bath towel wrapped around my waist. I could see Rossweisse was staring at me quite intently making me chuckle, she notices me watching her as she blushes and looks away. I finally go into the open bath; I wash myself quickly and sit in there waiting for everyone else.


What am I? An old man? Letting out a sigh like that.

[Well, if we take into account your soul's overall age, Mister 87 quintillion years old.]

Bite me, that means I have seniority on you. Heh.

[I shouldn't have said a thing…]

{It is your own fault.}

I close my eyes and wait for them to arrive.

Around two or three minutes later I hear them come out, I open my eyes and look at them. Rossweisse, Kunou and Yasaka. Kunou waves at me and I do the same, her mother pulls her to wash her first before coming in, much to her protest.

I wait for them and a few minutes later they were done. Yasaka being her bold self comes and sits on my right side, Kunou joins in as she sits on my lap. While hesitant, Rossweisse surprisingly sits to my left side.

Surrounded as per usual, nice. Now for some light-hearted conversa—

"Jin? How about we continue off from last time?"

I spoke too soon, I look at Yasaka as she had a mischievous smile stretched across her face. The two other females looked confused.

"Last time? Continue?"

Without warning, Yasaka pulls Kunou up from my lap and places her to her side. She grabs my arm and pulls me towards her, she pushes me down and straddles me.


Rose dropped the honorific of 'Sama' and became quick friends with 'San'. However, they were still quite shocked by what the youkai leader did. Kunou wasn't safe as she stared at her own mother in disbelief. Yasaka licked her lips teasingly.

"Haah… What are you doing?"

I had pushed myself up and was supporting myself with my elbows.

"Just a bit of skinship between future husband and wife? It's fine, no?"

A sly smile appears on her face as she slides her finger on my crotch area, of course, I react and that just makes her even happier.

"It seems at least Jin. Jr is quite happy with this skinship."

The other two blush even harder as both their eyes lock onto my growing bulge… I feel like I've been in a lot of compromising situations lately. I just sigh at this.

"Regardless of how my body reacts… This is a bit too far, right?"

She becomes a bit sheepish.

"Yasaka, I like you; I won't deny that. Let's just… Go a bit slower, okay?"

Her spirits dwindle as her ears droop. I sigh and straighten up a bit more, and I reposition her a bit, confusing her.


I take her lips, surprising her even more.


I force my tongue inside of her mouth, she responds in kind as she starts to lick back. I snake my arms behind her and grab both of her plump ass cheeks and start kneading them. This causes Yasaka to moan into our kiss.

I could feel her shiver as things got a bit too heated. I finally break the sloppy kiss and grin at her.

"That should satisfy you for a while, right?"

I ask her but she doesn't respond. She stares at me, no she stares past me in a daze. She was a blushing mess and she knew it. I pull her off me as I go back to where I was sitting. I put Yasaka back to where she was previously. Kunou rejoined me and sat on my lap. She was clearly trying to avoid a certain pot.

I pat Kunou with my other hand. I feel Rossweisse put her hand on top of my other, I glance at her as she doesn't say anything but looks at the water.

"Sorry about that you guys, Yasaka here got a bit… Rowdy."

Kunou giggles at me getting over the situation so quickly. Only Rose didn't reply to me.

"Ara ara~ you're quite aggressive aren't you, Jin? You tease~"

Yasaka comes out of her daze as she leans into me and lightly rubs herself against me. I let out another sigh and laughed.

"Maybe, but it worked against you."

We both laughed as the rest of the bath was a lot calmer. We just spoke about what had happened during our time apart, Kunou bragging about getting a bit stronger, she indeed got stronger, and some of her stats jumped up. I was proud of her.

The bath had ended around an hour ago but I couldn't sleep, I just feel restless. I don't know why…

[Partner, did you forget to give Rossweisse the ring and enchant her clothing?]

Okay! Maybe that's why, everything had been pretty rapid fire today, the talk with the soul, Cúntóir, Irene and the Dimensional gap, Kyoto and Rossweisse…

[Hey Partner, question. So, you've been actively utilizing your powers, but not abusing them, why?]

Why? I mean I can't do anything else unless I evolve, so I'm the last line of defense if Nyarlathotep decides to take an active role in messing with me. If she confronts me alone, great. I'll do something about her, she hasn't yet, so I won't.

[Why not make them— Your mates— Lovers— Harem, train more? Reni said she wants to get stronger and not fall behind.]

They all have their own obligations; I won't force them to train, some of them don't even have long life spans. Natsume and Shigune are some examples.

[Can't you just negate the aging effect in there? Actually, did you guys age up in that year's time?]

Well, we did celebrate our birthdays, so yes, we did age up. I didn't cancel it for that one time. I mean, can I?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Okay then. Okay, I can take some of them— Mainly the devils and anyone that has a longer life span than humans. Some won't agree to them, but I can try. However, as I mentioned in an earlier conversation in Grigori.

In order to make them immortal, I need their consent. I'm almost certain some will decline to become immortal... I can hear them saying that they want to live and die as a normal person. They're also not battle maniacs or training maniacs.

Unless I warn them about upcoming dangers, they won't take action. The Gremory peerage and everyone else is fine for now, they're all Ultimate-class and higher. Yes, I'm aware that power class is fodder in later times.

I already have that planned. Once my meeting with Suzaku is finished, I will take the Slash/Dog girls plus Suzaku into the pocket dimension and train them for a year. If all works out well, Reni will reach High-Tier God-class and this is all before the Kokabiel events!

I'm almost certain Azrael will show up. I'll aim to get the other three to Low God Class by then. After that, I'll try to take everyone in again for another year, and train them up. Get the ones in God-class to reach higher tiers and have Reni reach Dragon God status.

[I see, doesn't sound like a bad plan. But can you convince them?]

I will try my damn hardest? But being forceful isn't something I like doing. I will not force them into anything they do not want to do. So, that's already interfering with the pocket dimension thing. Even if I do, Nyarlathotep is still beyond Omniverse strength, I need to confront her, actually. Cúntóir locate her.

Cúntóir: Answer: Searching for Outer God 'Nyarlathotep'.

Cúntóir: Answer: Error, could not be found.

Great, fucking great. If she can hide Azrael, Kokabiel, and whoever the fuck she's helping and Cúntóir can't find them. What the fuck do I do?

Hey you used my Outer God powers, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, I did. Nyarlathotep is one of the first batches of Outer Gods Azathoth created, she has lived for a very long time. She is a master at hiding her own presence. Only Azathoth can find her with no difficulty.

Cúntóir: Answer: I located the other Outer Gods; however, they are still all asleep as I mentioned before.


I slam my head against the ground. FUCK. Evolve, evolve, what am I supposed to do to evolve?!

Slam! Slam! Slam!

[Partner, stop. You need to wait and reach those requirements that Azathoth set for you.]



I look up and see a concerned Rossweisse staring at me. I look down at the ground and see it was destroyed. I sigh and facepalm, I repair the ground and lay back down on my futon.

"Sorry, Rose. I was… Thinking about something and… Bickering with Ddraig."


Sorry man, be my scapegoat for now. I love you like a bro, Ddraig grumbled something and didn't say anything else. She comes over beside me and sits down.

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it?"

She comes over and sits beside me.

"It's fine, Rose… Actually I forgot to give you something earlier, I was going to go and give you it before Ddraig and I spoke.

I summon a new ring the gemstone was Silver Aura Quartz; I give the same upgrades to it and I slip it on for her. She stares at it.

"Thank you."

"I'll enchant your clothes tomorrow."

She nods as we both fall silent…um, isn't she going to head back to her room?

"I'll go back then…"

She finally speaks up and gets up. She reaches the door and turns back to look at me.

"Good night, Jin."

She closes the door and doesn't wait for my reply. I should have asked her to sleep with me… Not sexually obviously, fuck. I close my eyes still feeling restless, but I eventually fall asleep.

Another grand breakfast was waiting for us in the dining room. I had cleaned my room before I left and enchanted Rossweisse's other clothes earlier. We were both fine and it didn't feel awkward between us, she was actually in a better mood.

"Ara? Rose, did you get a ring too?"

Yasaka smiles at her new friend as she points to her ring.

"Y-Yes, Jin gave it to me last night."

"Ara ara~ a midnight rendezvous, how bold of you~"

She finishes teasing Rossweisse and turns to me.

"What are your plans now, Dear?"

Dear? Whatever, Akeno called me that before but she hasn't really… Only on occasion.

"I'll be taking Rossweisse back to Asgard after that? I'm not sure yet. I'll see what happened back home before deciding to do anything."

"But I do have something happening at the end of the month. I'll be meeting with one of the heads of the Five Principal Clans of Japan, the Himejima's."

"The current head is… Suzaku Himejima, yes?"

Yasaka smirks at me.


"You're interested in the female Himejima's?"

"Well, I am dating Akeno Himejima so, I guess?"

"So, you're also adding her… Cousin? My how brave of you."

I laugh and tell her what I did for Akeno's family and why I'm meeting with Suzaku.

"I see… And to be able to revive the dead…"

Yasaka seems to trail off. Is she thinking about her parents? Maybe deceased husband? Is he even dead? Maybe alive? Hey Cúntóir, is Kunou's biological father alive?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes

I see, then it's probably her parents. I wonder what happened between them, Yasaka hasn't mentioned him once. I'll ask her another time. The rest of the morning breakfast was a bit quieter, as Yasaka was mostly in her own thoughts.

"Goodbye, for now, Jin."

Like before, Yasaka will see me off with Rossweisse. Kunou was hugging my leg she didn't want me to leave. I feel bad about it… Maybe I should connect our homes? So, she can visit me any time she wants… The same with Yasaka.

Mmm, I'll look into it. I'll test it in a random unoccupied room when I get back. I bend down and hug Kunou back.

"I'll be heading out now Kunou, be good now."

I go over to Yasaka and kiss her on the cheek making her smile at me.

"I have an idea… I'll text you it later, if it works then you'll be seeing me quite regularly."

The two seemed confused but nodded. I rejoin Rossweisse as we begin to teleport away, Kunou comes back to me.


"I made my choice."

She says and lightly bites my leg. Umm… Did she just…?

"Ara ara~ that was quite bold of you, Kunou~"

Yasaka smiles at her daughter while placing a hand on her cheek. She winks at me and chuckles.

"I guess, you have two nine-tailed foxes for brides now, huh, Jin."

I awkwardly laugh as I teleport to Asgard.

Nine Realms


Once we teleported back to Asgard I insisted on bringing Rossweisse back home, we were still holding hands, so all eyes were on us. Quite a lot of the other Valkyries were completely dumbstruck by it.

As I didn't know where she lived, Rossweisse did all the leading. Once we arrived, we saw someone standing outside her door. Rose lets go of my hand and starts walking towards the woman.

There stood an elderly woman dressed in a deep blue robe. She has a fearless look, appears to be the same height as Rossweisse, has a healthy posture, and looks to have a slim figure overall.


Rosenweisse arrives by her and calls her...her grandmother... I see that's Göndul.

"Hello, Rose… I heard many rumors circulating around that you've been on a date…"

She says to her granddaughter as she looks at me.

"It looks like they held true."

She walks over to me and introduces herself.

"My name is Göndul. I am Rossweisse's grandmother. Pleased to make your acquaintance…?"

"Jin, Jin Skyward, it's a pleasure, ma'am."

She smiles and we shake hands. Rossweisse joins us blushing again.

"My, to think my own little Rose could get a date with the all-famous Middleman. I'm proud of you."

"Would you like to come into Rose's hou—"

"Absolutely not! My house is still a mess and Jin can't go in there yet!"

Rossweisse instantaneously denied her grandmother. She kept repeating 'no' to herself as she huffed beside her. Göndul sighs as she shakes her head.

"Then, we— YOU shall invite him over another time. I will be there because I wish to get to know this lovely young man more."


"No buts, Rose."

Göndul put her foot down and Rossweisse couldn't argue, she defeatedly agreed with her grandmother's wishes.

"Now, we shall talk about some things pertaining to this relationship, Rose."

Her grandmother grabs her hand as they go towards her home. When they got to the door they turn around, Rossweisse giving me an apologetic look.

"Jin-kun, forgive me for this, but we shall see you another time."

"Oh…yeah, don't worry about it…"

They both nod and go inside her home. That was…something, I didn't expect to meet her this soon… Rose's parents are still alive… I'll probably meet them down the line too…

1 week later


Jin Skyward

"This is…"

I was in my dream again. Finally! Did I hit a requirement or something? Whatever! I don't care I can finally get a bit more…


I turn around and see humanoid figures, a bed, the same window, and… Monitors and machines. This was definitely a hospital, that figure is me. There were some tubes going into me.

I watch the past 'me' sit there, looking at the window without moving. Eventually, another figure appears, it had a white lab coat, I will assume it's a doctor. They look like they're talking, and then the doctor gestures to my past 'self's' heart.

He touches the area around his heart and I could see my past 'self' smile sadly. I couldn't see my facial expressions, but the mouth was briefly shown. He nods towards the doctor, the doctor nods and disappears.

Suddenly the area around me becomes a lot more detailed, but no one else was in the room, his past 'self' was just alone in there.

Seems like my family didn't come to see me, bummer. Suddenly another figure appears. It didn't show any features, but the figure goes up to my past 'self' and hugs him.

'Is this… The guy that I heard the voices from? My past best friend? Did… Did we make up?'

That was the only conclusion I could come to right now… If it's true and we made up… That's great then. The two figures chat for a while before the other figure vanishes.

It didn't last any longer as everything disappeared….

Step ~ Step ~

I turn around and see a familiar face here.


"Hello, Jin… I've made my decision."

She looks at me seriously.


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