Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 11 – A Flash of Exorcists and Voices

Unknown Location


Third Person Point of View

Raynare sighed.

"The mission isn't right now, it'll be held in a week or two, just do whatever you need to do to be ready before we start."

"Tch, so? Where does this guy live at?"

Losing his enthusiasm Darcel flopped back down on the destroyed chair.

"As far as we know, he lives somewhere in Japan in a small town called Kuoh."

Raynare paused to gauge the male's reaction, but he stared blankly at her.

"That place is also being governed by two heiresses of prominent clans of the Underworld a Gremory and Sitri. They're also little sisters to two of the four Satan's."

Darcel's grin reappeared.

"Heiresses and sisters to the Satans? How lucky of us, I get to kill the Red Dragon Emperor and restart the Great War when I kill those two."

Darcel summoned a darkened light spear and twirls it around his hand.

"This day just keeps on getting better…"

"So, we go in, kill the guy, and then the two devil bitches, and boom we're done!"

Raynare's group stared at Darcel in disbelief.

"What? No, we have to do this methodically, gain his trust— We can leave that to me since I'm good-looking enough— Hell, I'll just transform into a more innocent-looking human school girl. Lure him to a park or something and then kill him."

"Are you fucking crazy? That's going to take too long! We're the supernatural kill the cunts that see us and be done with it."

Darcel didn't like the slow way of doing things. He could use a smarter way, but that was currently clouded by the thought of fighting the Red Dragon Emperor.

"That's more of a clean-up than necessary, slow and steady will guarantee the success of this mission."

Raynare was astounded that this guy was able to accomplish so many successful target eliminations and assassinations without exposing the supernatural. It didn't make sense to her.

They argued back and forth about which way is the most effective and efficient. However, Darcel lost his cool and let out a burst of darkened light energy at Raynare and her group pushing them down by the force alone.


Darcel had slowly walked towards the group and grabbed Raynare's head to force her to look at him. He could feel her shaking and it made him laugh.

"You're already shaking this much due to such low pressure? How fucking weak are you?"

He let out a laugh again and threw her back into her group. Darcel turned around and canceled the pressure. He sat back down on the chair

"Get the fuck outta my sight."

Raynare's group quickly scampered off with a fuming Raynare after she regained her composure.

'That piece of fucking shit! I'll get him back when I get [Twilight Healing]! I'll be invincible by then… Just you fucking wait you man whore…'

Raynare was furious and already started planning her revenge after the humiliation she just endured.

"Fuck, I hope we don't get fucking killed because of that asshole…"

Mittelt grumbled, she admits that he's powerful but thought that he'd just brute force his way through this and didn't like it.

"We're out of options— The strong commands the weak… We have to just do what he wants, even if we gang up against him, we'll die in a heartbeat."

Kalawarna didn't like it either but her— Her group and the life they've chosen— Might makes right and anything else comes second.

It doesn't matter if you are a genius, if you can't back that up without any power then no one will listen to you. That's why she— They wanted to become stronger, so they can stand at the top and command anyone below them.

"Whatever let's just get a plan going just in case his dumbass compromises the mission."

They all left the area after agreeing to that.

With Darcel

"I get to fight a Red Dragon Emperor… Finally, I've been waiting for such a long time!"

Darcel always pursued strength, from the moment he fell, he acknowledges that there were beings that came to be that were just stronger than him.

That was the reason he fell— Jealousy, he was jealous of the Four Great Seraph's natural strength… The Ten Seraph's strength too… He found it unfair, he wasn't anywhere near the power he is now than he was before and during the Great War.

He also despised Azazel for being the first to pull out of the war, but he wasn't dumb... He could see that their numbers were the lowest so he reluctantly agreed to it but wanted to rejoin after getting more numbers for them.

But that didn't happen, the Great War ended not too long after and the three factions entered a Cold War of sorts— Skirmishes here and there, but nothing too big.

Darcel also had to admit to himself during that time that he lacked the strength to do anything. Therefore, he trained his ass off going from 2 pairs of wings to 8 by the time World War Two started. During the war, he and Kokabiel just wanted to kill. But unfortunately for them, one of the strongest exorcists of the time, Vasco Strada, also joined, almost ending their lives until a third party intervened.

It was Azrael, the Angel of Death, who easily forced Vasco Strada to flee; the human was strong, but compared to Azrael, he was nothing but an ant. Azrael took them with him and explained his plans to restart the Great War, but first, the two of them had to get stronger.

He basically told them they were weak and even if they tried to do it now, they would fail. So, he embarked on a killing spree. Darcel hunted down anyone and everyone, growing stronger after every life-threatening fight. He started to gain some notoriety in the supernatural world, but one day— He witnessed the fight between the two Dragon Emperors and was awed at the level of power and strength both wielders exuded.

Darcel wanted both of the wielders, so he hunted down Sacred Gear wielders too. However, not many of them gave him a serious fight, but he waited for the day he could fight them. He had only two goals after that, get stronger and fight a Dragon Emperor. He couldn't afford to die before then.

He didn't care if he did die in his fight against them. He just wanted to test his strength against the strongest... He challenged Azrael, but he was laughed at. Kokabiel accepted but got a beat down, as his fellow fallen were always, a pair of wings— Just a state of strength above him.

With Raynare's group

They had arrived at their own personal hideout and had sat down waiting for Raynare to return as she had stepped out to get something. Raynare eventually came back and looked satisfied.

"What's got you all happy?"

Dohnaseek asked, confused as to why her mood suddenly improved.

"Never mind that— So, what are our plans now?"

Kalawarna cut the male's questioning for later as he grumbled.

Raynare smiled.

"Well, that involves a certain new member of our group. We're gonna get back to her first and then invite her to Kuoh. We'll promise her a permanent residence in a random abandoned church we find."

"We'll use that excuse to lure both of them to the same location— Like killing two birds with one stone."

"The nun with the Sacred Gear [Twilight Healing]?"

The small blonde girl asked.

"I mean, she's pretty innocent and naïve, so it'll be easy."

"Exactly, her life is full of misfortune, so we can just take advantage of that and if Darcel continues with the just kill the Red Dragon Emperor approach, then so be it. We can just try extracting the Sacred Gear afterwards."

"But didn't Kokabiel say that it's going to be near impossible?"

Kalawarna was still apprehensive about that part, she wants strength but didn't want to die a stupid death trying to reach her goal.

"A dead body can't achieve a Balance Breaker state— Much less [Juggernaut Drive]. I see no problems doing it this way."

Raynare shrugged trying to reason with them.

"What if the Dragon refuses to let you use his power?"


Raynare fell silent not knowing how to answer.

"I'll leave that problem to when we get there, anyway, let's move out. We have more things to get prepared with."

Not arguing with their leader, they left their base of operations.

With Darcel

He had left his cramped abode and wandered to where he could feel Kokabiel's energy. He opened the doors and could see his fellow Fallen Angel sitting on a chair with a grin.

"Hmm? Oh, Darcel, were you informed about your newest mission?"

Kokabiel noticed his aura and turned to look at the fallen.

"Yeah— Is it true that the Red Dragon Emperor awakened?"

He asked with a hint of excitement.

"Hah! Yes, he has. You can trust Raynare, she's working as a spy for us with the pretext of still being loyal to Azazel and Shemhazai. She has definitely seen that lizard around Grigori."

"And the two heiresses? If true then our dream will finally come to fruition."

"Yes… A few other fallen have mysteriously disappeared upon entering said town. My guess is it's due to the Red Dragon Emperor, perhaps he was hired by the Satans to protect their sisters? Regardless— He only dealt with low ranking Fallen Angels."

Kokabiel stared directly into Darcel's eyes.

"I trust your power and strength Darcel, you will get this mission done, no?"

"Heh, of course— Even if it means dying in the process, I have always wanted to fight one of the Dragon Emperors… Since I first saw them all those years ago."

Darcel's bloodlust and fighting spirit slowly started to leak from him, making Kokabiel grin.

"Good, our end goal is restarting the war by any means necessary— Now go and prepare."

Kokabiel dismissed him and Darcel turned to leave.

'That shit got even stronger…'

Darcel mused as he left the room.

Once Darcel was out of the room Kokabiel got up from his seat and made his way to a balcony.

"You're not the only one who's gotten stronger Darcel…"

Kokabiel grinned and let his black wings out. Twelve jet-black-feathered wings grew from his back

"I'm the same strength— No I'm stronger than Azazel… I haven't been slacking off like that fool."

He retracts his wings.

Azrael is another monster... I was only exposed to his power once, but I'm certain that he stands at the top of the power hierarchy in our world. The top ten strongest even."

Kokabiel shivered at the thought of the raw power he felt.

"Ten pairs of wings… 20 wings in total."

He sighed.

"How in living fuck does someone reach that level of power? He's on par or even stronger than those two so-called Super Devils that's for sure."

"It doesn't matter how many fools stand against Azrael— They're all maggots in his eyes, they'll perish beneath him."

Next Day

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

Another day… Another day to be God damn alone! Everyone except for Ingvild and I are left at home. We had just finished eating breakfast and the girls went off to do their own thing. Grayfia had left for the Underworld to help Sirzechs with more of his work.

I did give her the android fairy to her for the guy, so I'll have an extra favor starting today. Akeno and Kuroka had left for the ORC as Rias had wanted them to train today, I have to commend her for sticking with it before I officially started with them.

I did see both Kuroka and Akeno giggling between themselves, but it felt more foreboding than anything. I wished Koneko good luck as I had a gut feeling it would involve her somehow.

Lavinia left for Grigori as she got a text late last night from Natsume saying they were going to be on another mission, much like their last one. She was pouty since she wanted to spend today with me lazing around. I had promised to spoil her when she got back so that was a motivator.

Ophis had slipped back into the necklace to continue her reading after I restocked her sweets supply, she has started to show— No that's not the right word… Imitate? She expresses her emotions in her own way. She still feels like a robot doing them but it's a step forward in the right direction…

So, Ingvild and I are left here, me watching TV. She is stuck on that laptop probably writing more of her song or browsing for items to fill her room up. I did give her a card yesterday.


Jin Skyward

"What in all twelve shits is happening…"

I had woken up earlier than usual and found Reni had sneaked into my room at night. She said she'd try sleeping in her room for the night. She was dressed in an unbuttoned shirt and panties. My shoulder was lightly licked and sucked by Akeno, which was covered in saliva, and to my surprise, Kuroka had fallen out of bed but was still asleep.

How did she not wake up from falling? I looked at the Nekoshou in disbelief, I turned my attention to Reni Is that the only thing she wears to sleep? And finally to Akeno. The way she's moving her tongue makes me wonder what the hell she's dreaming about…

I shake my head at those thoughts. Okay, time to get up... I made Lavinia float and got up. I placed Kuroka back on my bed and carried Reni back into her room. She cuddled right back into me with a contented smile. By acting cute while asleep, I can see why those who are threatened feel threatened. I smirked.

I opened the door to her room and placed Reni on her bed while also covering her up.


Cúntóir: Answer: 7:11 a.m.

I nod and leave her room, I briefly stop by In's room to check how she's doing— I didn't enter her room mind you. I could see that she was still asleep and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen-dining room.

As usual, I was greeted by a female devil maid's butt.


I blurted out as I saw it. In response, Grayfia turned around, saw where I was looking, and looked at me disappointedly.


"You're slowly turning into an open pervert. Have some tact."

She scolded me and turned back to making breakfast. Ugh… She's right, but something about her makes that part of me turn into that. I chuckled

"Sorry, sorry. I can't help it since I have a Devil in a French Maid's outfit."

I make my way beside her and started to help out. I notice she was sporting a small blush; she also didn't correct me on the 'my devil maid' part, progress is progress. I mentally fist pump.

"So, what's for breakfast today?"

I looked at the things she had prepared and they looked pretty interesting to me, foreign if I have to describe them. She smiled.

"Seeing as how whenever you prepare breakfast for us— No, most meals for us, it's usually some dish around the world. So, I decided to follow suit and found a breakfast recipe that originates from Israel, it's called the Shakshuka."

She continued to work on the dish as she spoke to me.

"Shakshuka is a North African and Middle Eastern dish consisting of poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce. It's very easy to prepare. Its cooking time is about thirty minutes."

She explained. I had gotten Grayfia a smartphone and tablet and she was currently using the tablet for the recipe.

I took a look at it and saw the ingredients as 42 tablespoons of olive oil, 27 medium onions diced, 27 red bell pepper seeded and diced, 84 garlic cloves chopped, 42 teaspoons of paprika, 27 cumin, 5.25-ounce chili powder, 27 28-ounce can whole peeled tomatoes, 126 large eggs, salt, and paper, 27 small bunch fresh cilantro chopped and finally 27 small fresh parsley chopped.

"Grayfia… What is up with this amount of ingredients."

I was a bit shocked, I quickly looked up the recipe myself and it didn't contain this amount.

"There are seven of us, you, myself, Akeno, Kuroka, Lavinia, Ingvild, and Ophis. I also took into account Kuroka's gluttonous stomach."

RIP Kuroka…

{Fat Cat.}

[It's called Thicc, Albion. Learn the new terms you cretin.]

"Alright then, let's get to work."

I rolled up my non-existent sleeves and got started helping Grayfia with the prep and cooking. We talked briefly about what we had planned for the day.

Once everyone had woken up and were seated, I put their breakfast in front of them, bowls of Shakshuka.

"Oh! This looks delicious, what is it nya?"

Kuroka was visibly drooling while asking the question. Prompting me to explain what it is, and added that it was Grayfia who picked it. Everyone looked eager to try it and dug in.

"Not bad, I should look into traveling to Israel to find some local cuisines."

Though I'm not sure of the current state and situation of the country, so I'll need to look into that. The rest of the girls nodded in approval at the food Grayfia made.

"Training again today, Akeno?"


She tiredly sighed.

"It's not the worst as I can take the time to master the things I currently know."

She nudges Kuroka and the two grin at each other.

"Hmm, yeah master the things you know now and then learn new techniques down the line."

Observing the two, I am in awe of their interaction. Why do I have the feeling that Shirone is in for a heck of a day? I mentally wish the girl good luck.

"What was that quote I heard before?"

I take a sip of my food.

"Ah yes, it's: I fear not a man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who practiced one kick 10,000 times."

I turn to look at Akeno.

"It's quite self-explanatory."

She smiles and nods.

"Hmm I see, I'll do the same then, and I'll force Shirone to do it with me as well nya."

"I'll be leaving for the Underworld as you already know."

"I'll be heading to Grigori for the mission ~"

Lavinia tried to be cheery but was obviously a bit annoyed by it.

Ophis didn't say anything, but kept eating her food, even though she usually does the same three things. Eat, read and get pets. She sometimes likes to sleep on the couch or in the necklace.

Flashback End

Jin Skyward

"That reminds me… School's starting soon, are you ready?"

I turn to Ingvild who had stopped typing and was staring at me.

"I am, but I am a little nervous… I haven't exactly had much contact outside everyone here for the past one hundred years, but I am looking forward to it."

"It'll be fine, Akeno and I will be there. I'll ask her to try to get you into the same class as us if you're that worried."

"Yes, I appreciate it, Jin."

She asks and becomes silent for a few seconds

"Now that I think about it… What should my last name be? I would rather not go with Leviathan since it'll make Rias Gremory and the Sitri Heiress suspicious of me…"

Right, I was planning on talking to her about that eventually. She does come from a well-known family in the Underworld, but her own existence is also an unknown apart from the few that know.

"How about Skyward?"

I jokingly suggest.

She turns to look at me with a small blush

"I… That's…"

She's taking that too seriously, I did say it in a way that I was joking, right? I didn't expect this response

"Er— Ingvild, I was just joking…"

She looks back at me unamused puffing her cheeks.


"Haha… How about Kyrie? Ingvild Kyrie? Like your Sacred Gear, it's still undiscovered by the supernatural at large."

The girl ponders for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, I like it, I'll stick with that then."


Ingvild and I look beside me as a magic circle just appeared.


A male voice called out.

"Michael? Is something wrong?"

Oh no, is it about Gabriel again? I haven't heard from the Seraph for a while after all…

"Oh, it's nothing too serious… I'm just here to request your help with something. I'm in my office if you could teleport here soon."

"Oh sure, I'll be there in a second."

Once I said that the circle disappeared. I turn to Ingvild.

"Wanna come with me?"

The girl shook her head

"I still want to order some stuff and work on my song… But I promise to go to your next request!"

She sounded a bit panicked after she said the last part. I chuckle at her and pat her head.

"Alright In, that's a promise."

She nods and I teleport away.


Sixth Heaven

When I teleported into Heaven and into Michael's office I was greeted by the sight of Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel in the room. They turned to look at me when they felt my presence.

"Yo, you needed me for something?"

I wave at them.



Gabriel bear-hugged me interrupting Michael's greeting towards me, causing the Seraph to awkwardly smile at his sister.

I return the hug and pet her head

"Hey Gabriel, it's been a while."

I turn back to Michael.

"You were saying?"

Uriel beside him also had a complicated expression on him, he was still probably too sure about me but kept silent

"Yes… I have a request— More aimed at the Church… A recent incident has been happening."

"Does it have anything to do with the Excalibur pieces?"

I said interrupting him, he stared at me a bit surprised.

"Y-Yes, I assume Azazel's Slash/Dog team informed you?"

"Yep, we're buddy-buddy after all."

"Yes… I would like you to accompany some exorcists to the place where three of the Excalibur pieces are being held at."

"Only three? What about the rest? I heard two were missing."

I already knew about this but wanted to hear it from the angel's mouth.

"Yes, we have Excalibur Destruction, Mimic, and Blessing in our possession. Rapidly, Nightmare and Transparency are currently unknown, as well as Ruler as it was lost soon after its creation."

The Seraph explains. Then my suspicions on Arthur having Ruler might be accurate then…

"Alright, where are they at?"

I agree with his request as I'm also interested in seeing the swords for myself. I can recreate the original Excalibur, whether it was in DxD, Fate Franchise, or in another universe.

"They're currently in the Vatican, where we first met. Also, may I ask who specifically told you this intel, Jin?"

"I see, hmm? Oh, it was Lavinia, the female magician of Slash/Dog, she's part of my harem."

"I see."

Uriel looked mortified at the mention of the word harem. He looked at me, Gabriel, and then back at Michael. The leader of Heaven could only smile at his brother, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"I shall accompany you… Along with Gabriel. I will introduce you to the exorcists. Once that's done, I will leave you to it."

Uriel decided to put that problem for later, to which Gabriel cheered beside me.

"I'll also stay with you after brother leaves!"

She declared. The other two didn't try to argue, it seems like they already tried from the looks of things.

"I'm fine with that."

I pat the female Seraph beside me. Gabriel and I joined Uriel's side and he teleported us to the Vatican.

Italy, Rome

Vatican City

Undisclosed location

We teleported directly into a room where it seemed a few people were gathered. As I look around, some of them are chatting, some are training, and others are just wandering around.

When they noticed the circle appear and two of the Seraphs appear they panicked. They quickly gathered in front of us and kneeled.

"Uriel-sama! Gabriel-sama! It is our pleasure to be blessed by your presence, how may we be of service?"

One of the exorcists greets us and asks how we are, and the rest reply with 'It was a blessing to meet them' and the like. Uriel creates a paper made out of light.

"Inform these exorcists to meet us here."

The man takes the piece of paper and reads the names on it. He nods and turns to his fellow peers and tells them the names of the people on the list. The group of exorcists, along with the leader, hurriedly left the room.

I felt a few eyes look at me in surprise as I was teleported to the place with the two angels. Despite that, they did not question it, probably out of shock and being told of a new request.

"Aren't they efficient?"

I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, how're the necklaces treating you guys? Did Mike give the rest to the 10 Seraphs?"

I could see Uriel's eye twitch when I called Michael, Mike.

"Y-Yes, the necklaces have been distributed to the rest of my fellow brothers and sisters, however, we haven't used them much… As we have been alive for a long time without sinning. But these will be useful for the future, so I will give you my thanks, Jin."

Talk about being stiff.

"Is that so? Glad it can help you guys then."

The conversation between the two of us die since Uriel isn't too keen on speaking with me yet.

"Jin! How have you been? Do anything fun?"

It was Gabriel this time to ask her question.

"It's been fine, just lazing around, doing my own thing, the usual you know? Well, the school year is starting soon so I have that to deal with. I'm in my last year of it though."

Both of them became shocked when I said this.

"Huh? Why do you guys look so surprised?"

"I was led to believe you were older."

He eyed me from head to toe, making me chuckle.

"I'm only 17 years old you know; I'll be 18 soon enough though."

I'm going to be 18 soon? When's my birthday actually?

Cúntóir: Answer: … August 20

Oh, thanks I guess… August 20 is my date of birth? I'll trust Cúntóir then.

"I'll be 18 around August 20. By the way, why haven't you visited me as of late, Gabriel?"

I glance at the Seraph. The Seraph doesn't say anything, blushes, and turns away.

"I was just busy with my assignments and responsibilities as a Seraph…"

I partially believe that some of it was true, but I more or less understand that she's just experiencing new types of emotions and I won't push her on it.

"I see, well like I said before, you're free to come and visit anytime."

I start patting her on the head again as she fidgets on the spot. I could see Uriel standing beside us awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say.

Sometime later the exorcists arrive. To my own surprise, it was Griselda followed by Xenovia, Irina, and… Dulio? Now that was unexpected. Dulio? Isn't he usually just traveling around the world to find dishes to try? Even though he had a deeper reason for it.

When Griselda and I made eye contact her eyes widen and I gave her an awkward smile. I could also see the two other girls recognize me when they get closer. When they got near to us they knelt down.

"Greetings, Uriel-sama and Gabriel-sama. How may we be of service?"

Griselda asks.

"Mmm, this man here, Jin."

Uriel gestures to me.

"Is the Middleman of the three factions. You may have heard of his existence in recent times. He will be providing help with the request that the Church requested not too long ago."

The four of them stand up.

"Understood, Uriel-sama."

Griselda answers and turns to me

"We meet again, young man— No, Jin, was it?"

She smiles at me.

"Yeah, been a while."

Much to both Gabriel and Uriel's surprise.

"You two know each other?"

Gabriel asks and I nod.

"Kind of? I came to the Vatican for a bit of sightseeing and I met this woman and the other two girls behind her. Coincidentally I met Michael that night."

I explain to the Seraphs and they nod.

"It seems that you lied, 'I'm not anyone suspicious', huh?"

Uriel coughs gaining our attention.

"I will leave this request to you Jin."

Uriel looks at Gabriel.

"You be safe now, sister."

She nods at us both and teleports.

"Bye Uriel!"

Gabriel waves to the Seraph as she blips out of there. I turn back to Griselda.

"I really was sightseeing back then, well, during the day at least. I just got lucky that big Mikey showed up."

"B-Big M-Mikey?"

Xenovia stuttered in disbelief that I would call a Seraph but such an absurd nickname.

"Well, anyway, lead the way. Miss…"

"Griselda, Griselda Quarta."

She introduces herself she gestures to the blue-haired girl

"She's Xenovia Quarta, the one beside her is Irina Shidou and the male beside them is Dulio Gesualdo."


Dulio greeted me cheerfully while taking a bit of something he pulled out of his pocket.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Jin and I'm the middleman to the three factions— Hopefully to more factions and pantheons in the future."

Griselda nods.

"Xenovia and Irina, lead the way."

The two girls nod and start walking away as we follow suit.

We start walking, Gabriel in front of me, Griselda to my left, and Dulio to my right.

"Jin, why did you decide to become a middleman? It sounds like it takes a lot of work."

She inspects me from head to toe.

"You also seem young."

"Well, I am only 17, so yes, I am young… But as to why I decided to become the middleman—"

Gabriel decided to interrupt me and answer instead.

"Michael said that brother Azazel told him in Grigori that the reason why Jin became the middleman was to meet women from all factions and pantheons so he could gather a harem!"

She happily explained. The two older exorcists blankly stare at me until Dulio burst into laughter and Griselda chuckled.

"That's your reason?"

Dulio pats my back hard.

"I can't fault you for that, man, you at least have a goal!"

"That's… Quite a reason to do this…."

The older woman mused.

"Ugh, damn that Ash Crow, I'll get him back for this… But yes, I won't lie. That is my main reason, peace is— Or will be just an added bonus. I'll have a harder time getting my plans done if there's conflict."

I make a mental note of the betrayal of that crow.

"While your way of going about getting peace in a very convoluted way, it's still a fine goal to work towards and I don't see anything wrong about it."

"Heck yeah man, peace means I can be even more lazy and find more food around the world! I support you in this!"

This guy is kind down to the bone; I can see why he's so likable.

"I appreciate it, Dulio."

Dulio looks back at me with a grin.

"By the way, when did you get involved with the supernatural?"

This question catches the attention of everyone, including the two trainees in front of us, though they were still listening earlier.

"Hmm? Oh that, well…"

I proceed to tell them a bullshit tale much like I did with Grayfia, and they nodded along. The part about awakening a Sacred Gear wasn't skipped but I didn't specify which one.

"You have a Sacred Gear, huh? Yeah, that definitely will pull you into the supernatural eventually, whether you like it or no…"

Dulio's expression saddens, probably remembering his own past and comrades that he's lost over the years.

"Yeah, it's inevitable so I just decided to jump right into it."

It didn't take us long to get to a small clearing and a sort of magic circle was carved into the ground.

"Jin's Sacred Gear is the [Boosted Gear]! He's the Red Dragon Emperor for this generation!"

Gabriel happily adds making everyone freeze.

"The Red Dragon Emperor?"

Xenovia and Irina whispered to each other eyes wide open staring at me.

"I see, so the Red Dragon has finally awakened. I didn't expect that, Jin."

Griselda commented and Dulio nodded along. I sigh and walk over to Gabriel who was oblivious as to how I felt about being revealed like that. I light chop her head, making the Seraph stare at me in shock.

"Gabriel while I appreciate you adding your own bits about me, don't reveal my status as the Red Dragon Emperor, yet, okay?"

I lightly scold the Seraph, but she appears to visibly deflate and look to the ground. I start patting her head.

"It's still a secret only a few beings know, so keep it a secret, okay? When I formally announce my awakening then you can freely do it for me. But until then, it's a secret."

My patting apparently worked as she looked back at me with a small smile.


She hugs me, still feeling a bit shocked by my scolding. I hug her back to comfort her a bit. You're making me feel guilty here, Gabriel jeez… Don't look so damn sad about that. I turn to look at everyone and they were staring at us slack-jawed.

Gabriel also pulls herself away from our hug and looks around.

"Why's everyone staring at us?"

Never change, Gabriel, never change. This has to be the purest form of the word 'innocence' in a human body, she's way too oblivious as to why they're staring at us. Dulio awkwardly rubbed the back of his head and chuckles.

"Well, let's get on that teleportation circle, then, shall we?"

Everyone agreed still a bit shocked at what they just learned and witnessed.


Vatican City

We were seemingly teleported underground. Cúntóir how far underground are we?

Cúntóir: Answer: 200 meters underground or 656 feet underground.

Jesus Christ.

"We're pretty far underground, huh?"

"You can tell?"

Griselda was a bit surprised that I had any idea how far we were.

"Yeah, around like 200m or 656ft, right?"

She nodded and we started to walk forward again. This time however Gabriel decided she wanted to explore ahead so she flew past the girls.

"Gabriel, don't get lost now!"


Not really taking heed of my advice and just goes ahead of us making me sigh.

After a little bit of silence Dulio speaks up.

"So, even a Seraph isn't safe from your grasps, huh?"

"To think a Seraph may have fallen in love with a human… A human that wants to gather a harem."

Griselda adds, both making Irina and Xenovia look back at her in horror, making me chuckle at their reaction.

"Who knows? Gabriel is still exploring that emotion of hers, but I am open for any woman to join— Regardless of their species or race. I only have one rule for myself. We have to like— Or love each other. If it's any other reason than that then I may have to reject them."

"So, if Gabriel does say she likes me, then I am more than happy to let her join. She is quite naïve, adding to her cuteness. I asked her before what her definition of love is, I also told her mine, they were quite different. I have yet to ask her again what her definition of love is since that day."

I smile.

"Though, while it's subtly I can definitely see It has begun to change."

"So, you're okay in taking anyone as long as they love— If both of you share the same feelings of love?"

"Pretty much and I can tell if they're real or not, whether if it's just a passing crush or if it will grow from there to actual blooming love. Regardless, I am open to friendship too, not all women I meet will be in my harem."

"Hmmm, this may be presumptuous of me but, I feel like you're lying to yourself and us. We have known each other for just a few minutes— But I think most women you meet will fall for you. Call it a hunch from an older woman."

"A hunch, huh?"

I scan Griselda's body and facial expression— My observation making her sport a small blush.

"Well, I guess I'll trust you on that, Griselda."

"Are you serious about any species or race?"

Xenovia asks from in front of me.

"I find it hard to believe."

She turns back and gives me a hard glare. Right, she's still closed-minded right now… I mentally sigh

"Yes, I am serious. I will love any woman from any race or being. Right now, I have three women that are officially part of my harem right now. A hybrid between two beings of the three factions, a human magician and a youkai."

Xenovia looks at me mortified.

"I also have a pure devil, another hybrid, and a dragon I'm working towards. As I said, I'll love them all and equally."

I'm already quite fond of them, if they leave my life suddenly right now, I wouldn't know what I would do.

"How can you get them to get along? I mean some still have some bad blood for other species."

Dulio makes a good point, but I haven't seen the girls fight at all— Well seriously at the very least.

"They haven't fought so far so I don't know, but I'll deal with it when the time comes. But I would like them to at least be on good terms with each other, so there won't be much unnecessary drama in it."

The woman I'll have will range in age and maturity, the younger— More so the teenagers will be more emotional and default to their emotional reactions rather than the older ones. I will have to be their emotional pillar during those times.

I find myself questioning my real age at times— I certainly don't act like a teen most of the time, but I still do since I've regressed back to being 17, even though I can't remember the exact details. I have a feeling that I didn't die as a horny teenager.

"Hmmm…then how about the main wife? Someone has to control everyone in the harem, yes? Do you have that… I guess 'Alpha' is the one who calls the shots per se?"

Griselda asks, these guys are asking really hard questions to answer.

"An Alpha? Hmmm…"

Do I have an alpha? I mean if we go by who joined first then Akeno would fit that description… Though I don't see her wanting to manage my entire harem, she can already tell it's going to be massive and all she wants is to be with me. The same can be said for Kuroka and Lavinia.

Grayfia maybe? I can see her taking a leader-type ship role when she joins, Ophis would be a no and definitely not Ingvild as I think I can see her just like Akeno and Lavinia. As for future harem members… One comes to mind but I won't mention her name yet…

"I guess the hybrid who was my first girlfriend and harem member? But I don't think she would want to be in that kind of role— Most of my girls don't have that kind of drive as far as I can see… But like I said earlier I'll love them equally so as long as they get on well, I don't see a need for an 'alpha' of sorts."

"So, no definitive answer yet, then?"

She asks and I nod.

"Legally, you will need to have an official wife. I pray for you when that time comes."

"Point taken."

Xenovia finally speaks up again.

"How? How can you love something that's not part of your species— Your race?"

"What does their race or species have to do with anything? I fall in love with their personality and how they are in general. I won't lie that their beauty will also factor in, but some people— Beings out there may look gorgeous but can be so damn disgustingly ugly on the inside."

I pause and look at Xenovia.

"I mean, take you, for example, you're a beautiful young teenager, but right now— You spouting all this and that isn't exactly attractive, not including romance or what have you."

She frowns at this but doesn't say anything, I could see Irina nodding along to what I was saying, and Xenovia caught on and gave her friend a glare.

"Didn't God say to love everyone around us? I'm just taking that from a literal standpoint. Even if one day someone in my harem becomes blind, deaf, get an incurable disease or even cancer— I'll find a cure 'or make it myself, once I commit to that person, I won't stop at anything."

"Hybrid— An outcast— Orphan— I don't care about any of that. If I fall in love with you and if you feel the same then it's already game over and things are set in stone then."


I got a bit passionate there and left them staring at me.

"Haha… Sounds a bit cheesy but I like it, man, definitely a keeper, even if you're gonna be some kind of Harem King in the future."

Dulio presents a fist in front of me and I fist bump with him.

I guess adding orphans hit a note with him, I could also Griselda smiling beside me, as well as Irina. The only one who had a complicated expression was Xenovia, which she'll grow into eventually. It'll just take a little bit more time.

"But… Man why do you sound so… I don't know, desperate for love and affection?"


I also want to know why that is, Dulio. Maybe it has something to do with those weird memories— Voices I heard from before?


[--hy—…-ov---ays---...nd---...f.. —ime]

I can't even start to try to decipher what the fuck those even mean. Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: … I do not know.

Not very convincing there you know, or are you perhaps just avoiding answering anything that has anything to do with my past?

Cúntóir: Answer: …No.

Whatever. Hey, how about you two?

[Hmm? Well, ppy seems like happy, or something along those lines.]

{ime might refer to time, but for the rest, I do not know, sorry about that, Jin.}

[Yeah, they're a bit too vague, Partner.]

Well, at least you guys are giving me something, unlike someone else… Anyway, so something like this?


[--hy—…-ov---ays---...nd---...f.. —time]

[Oh! Yone is maybe everyone? And ile maybe… Mile?]

{It could be smile, seeing as how happy came before it.}

[True, true.]

Nice, nice, you guys are actually useful for one!


I'm joking geez, anyway, something like this then.


[--hy—…-ov---ays---...nd---...f.. —time]

Well, we can slowly decipher this over time. I won't mention that the voice did not sound like me… That second one is feminine too, I wonder from whom?

"I don't know man; I'm just compelled to spread the love I guess?"

I'll just give them a fake answer as I don't know myself…

"If you say so."

He just shrugged and didn't push the topic any further.

Not too long after we make it into a large room, covered with symbols of the churches around its walls, in the middle were the two pieces of the seven Excalibur pieces.

Gabriel had already arrived and was staring at the three swords fascinated. I walk over beside the angel and start patting her, causing her to giggle. The others joined us while looking around the room too.

"So, these are the Excalibur pieces? Not bad."

They're not bad but not good either, they're just a fraction of what the real thing could do. I would also like to see how it could compare to other Excalibur's too…

"Not bad? Jeez man, what kind of things do you want to see to impress you."

Dulio shook his head.

"Eh, I guess swords that can destroy universes?"

I shrug and they look at me weirdly.

"Maybe in dreamland, there are strong swords out there but— What you just described there is just fantasy."

I grin.

"Fantasy, huh?"

I put my hand in front of Excalibur Destruction.

"What are you doing?"

Griselda asks a bit worried. But Gabriel shook her hand and place a hand on her arm, making the exorcist relax.

"Just watch."

I proceeded to make an exact replica of the sword. When it appeared in the air, I grabbed it.

"Tada! Another Excalibur Destruction!"

I announce sarcastically, I glance to my sides and see them slack-jawed again, with the exception of Gabriel who was giggling.

I start waving the thing around.

"Damn this thing is light… Maybe I should just make the original Excalibur then."

I sigh a bit disappointed with the thing.

"W-W-What do you mean make the original Excalibur?!"

Irina half-shout half blurts out at me.

"Did I stutter? I mean what I mean, but I won't since that would be a bit too much."

I crush the sword out of existence.

"Ahhh! The sword!"

Again, Irina shouted before Xenovia corrected her and pointed at Blessing stuff in the stands.

"Oh, right…"

She sheepishly chuckled.

"You just keep on adding more mysteries to yourself, Jin."

Griselda finally comments after witnessing the scene in front of her while Gabriel happily nodded along.

"Well, anyway, I have a job to do."

I raise my hand up and cover the area in invisible tripwires, I then make two small devices shaped like TV remote controls and throw them towards Griselda and Dulio.

They both catch them.

"What are they?"

"I covered this area with tripwires that will alert those things when someone comes in here with intentions of stealing these things."

I look around.

"You and anyone touching you will be instantly teleported here when that happens, you will have a 5-second window before the teleportation occurs."

They both nod and thank me, we fall into a brief bout of silence as my request is done.

"So, anyway I think I'm done here…"

I start to slide away when Dulio calls out to me.

"Jin, wait."

I stop and turn around.

"Hmm? What's up? Need something?"

Everyone is staring at us, Dulio with a more serious-looking expression on him.

"I'd like to make a request, can we spar?"

He asks surprisingly his fellow exorcists.

"What brought this on Dulio? You're usually way too lazy to do that unless you get an order from the higher-ups."

Griselda was confused at the sudden request.

I wait for him to respond as I usually don't just randomly fight people, Sairaorg was the exception since he's pretty noble and asked me to fight sincerely without any other objectives. Vali's case was well— A request so I couldn't really refuse, I look forward to the day he finds out my Sacred Gear. Only for Ddraig and I to turn around and say no.

[I'll definitely morb during it.]

{…What the fuck?}

How about I add Tiamat to the harem just to torture you?



Albion was cackling at the fellow heavenly dragon.

"I'm just interested that's all, 17 years old, The Red Dragon Emperor, and can create— No replicate? The Excalibur pieces, who wouldn't want to try fighting against someone like that? Please?"

Dulio explained his reasoning, I can understand where he's coming from…


I look at Griselda and Gabriel. Gabriel still a little bit oblivious just smiles back at me, Griselda just shrugged, so she's leaving the decision up to me. I look back at the man.

"Sure thing, I got time."

"Nice, thanks!"

He claps his hand and starts to run away.

"He didn't even tell me where to go to."

I look at the girls and ask them.

"Do you know?"

Thankfully Griselda nods and we all follow her back.

It didn't take us long to get back to the teleportation circle and Griselda lead Gabriel and I to one of their sparring rooms/training facilities. It's standard, with a few pieces of equipment to use for working out, and some training dummies for both physical and magical uses.

The room seemed to have been cleared of people recently, perhaps due to Dulio's request. It would be hard to refuse the guy due to his personality and status as the current strongest exorcist.

"Took you long enough!"

He shouts waving at us from the opposite side of the room. I decided to walk over to the opposite side of Dulio, the spectators obviously watch by the sidelines.

"Good luck, Jin!"

Gabriel cheered for me, making me a tad bit happy.

Third Person Point of View

With Spectators

"Boss, who do you think will win?"

Irina asked Griselda.

The sister in question lightly karate chopped Irina on the head making the girl wince

"It's Sister Griselda to you, young lady, to answer your question… I believe Dulio will win. We know his strength, his mastery over his Sacred Gear [Zenith Tempest], and his achievements. He isn't called the strongest exorcist for no reason, after all."

"While I don't have a clue on Jin's strength, he's also quite young. He does have the [Boosted Gear], he personally said he awakened his Sacred Gear since he was 7, so he will also be experienced… But apart from owning a Mid-Tier Longinus Sacred Gear, we compare that to Zenith Tempest which is a High-Tier, and the second-strongest Longinus from the original 13? The cards are just stacked against him."

Gabriel listened to Griselda's points, while she agrees with a lot of them, Gabriel thinks they were understating Jin too much and she didn't like the feeling.

"Jin… While I personally don't know much about Jin's power and him as a whole… I think you are underestimating him a bit too much."

"Gabriel-sama… My apologies."

Griselda wasn't too sure in how to answer to her superiors' remarks. Gabriel shakes her head

"No, it's fine. You made valid points… Maybe I'm just biased."

Griselda smiled at the Seraph

'A young woman in love is quite scary…'

She stared back at both boys.

'Love… Huh?'

With Jin and Dulio

"Ready, Jin?"

Dulio asked while getting into a stance.

"Any time!"

The two stood still staring each other down, neither moving a muscle as they waited for each other to make a move.

Dulio smiled and large chunks of ice flew towards Jin, Dulio during their stare-down hand froze the air around Jin and turned those frozen water into icicle shards. Jin does minimal movement and dodges the attack; however, Dulio predicted this and had summoned some lightning above him and struck down on where Jin stood.

Jin skillfully dodges this too, as he jumped backwards.

"Got you!"

When Jin landed on the ground, ice had appeared and froze him in place.

"Oh? Quite creative of you."

Jin was impressed by Dulio's mastery over his Sacred Gear. Dulio didn't let Jin continue as he encased him in ice.

With Spectators

"And that's Dulio's win."

Griselda was expecting a bit more from the new Red Dragon Emperor, perhaps she was expecting too much?

"That was quick!"

Irina shouted.

"All that confidence, and for what?"

Xenovia was irritated for some reason; she didn't know why.


With Jin and Dulio

"I guess that's—"


"What the—"

Dulio was blasted backwards by the pressure that had appeared after Jin broke the ice, he was encased in.

"Damn, dude."

Dulio looked back at Jin standing there with a grin.

"That was good, but not good enough."

Jin beckoned Dulio with his hand


Dulio for some reason felt adrenaline start pumping through him.

'Heh, I had a hunch that it wasn't that easy!'

"Alright, Jin! Here I come!"

Dulio announced as he covered his legs with wind and dashed forward, increasing his speed by several folds.

This made Dulio look like he teleported beside Jin as he sent a punch covered in lightning towards his head. Jin casually looks at the man, surprising him and as well as stopping his attack. Dulio jumped backwards in disbelief.

'Damn… What the heck was that?!'

Dulio had broken out in a weird cold sweat when he made eye contact with Jin. Every cell in his body was screaming at him right now to run. But he shook that thought away

'I can't back down now.'

"Alright, let's try that again!"

Dulio disappeared and reappeared in front of Jin, sending out the same punch towards the boy, Jin casually dodged it. Dulio continued his assault, meanwhile, he had formed small tornados made out of fire and ice, both on a collison course towards Jin.

Jin dodged one more punch from Dulio and crossed his arms, confusing Dulio. Jin flicked his fingers and destroyed the forming tornados much to Dulio's surprise, this made the exorcist laugh out loud.



Jin answered back and sent out a flick towards Dulio's chest, the man reacted on time and blocked it— But was sent flying backwards again and crashing into the wall on the other side of the room.

"Ahhh! That's gonna hurt tomorrow…"

Dulio had recovered fast but was clearly in pain as he patted his back while slightly leaning forward.

"Don't worry, I can heal you."

Dulio shook his head.

"Great, you can beat me up and then heal me."

He said sarcastically.

"Alright man, let me put out a bit more power."

'I can't win if I half-ass this.'

Dulio summoned multiple elements beside him and launched them at Jin, he also joined the projectiles and continued his close combat assault. Jin dodges all of it easily, but he noticed a small shift around them.


Multiple circles of magic appeared around Jin, different elements appearing on them.

"That's just normal magic, man."

Dulio created a thundercloud behind each magic circle and lightning crackled from them, he also added the same tornados from before.

"It's over!"

All attacks that Dulio fired at Jin. The youth only responded to Dulio with a smile.


With Spectators


Irina was speechless, and so was Xenovia. They watched the attack Dulio had created and had seemingly obliterated the youth.

"That was… A bit too much, what if he killed him?"


Griselda muttered, she was stunned at how hard he was fighting, she has never seen him this serious in a long time. Griselda looked at the Seraph beside her, much to her surprise Gabriel was smiling.


She muttered; the other two trainees looked over as well, only to find the same scene.

"It's fine, Jin is okay."

Gabriel trusted Jin. She had already confirmed her feelings a few days ago— This right now was just pure trust she put in him.

Everyone looked back at the scene in front of them, in even more shock.

With Jin and Dulio

"I like it, very creative."

Jin's voice didn't sound any different— Much to his shock, it's the same tone as it had been an hour ago…

Dulio stood there in incredulous, he had put quite a bit of power and thought into that attack and it still did nothing?

'He really is a monster… Geez…'

"My turn." Jin disappeared from where he stood.

Dulio couldn't comprehend what was going on, he didn't even see or sense Jin. But what he did feel were… Fingers poking him at specific spots on his body! His head, neck, right shoulder, right hand, left knee, right foot, hip on the right side, and finally…

"My hair…"

Dulio felt a bit of his hair missing as he touched the spot. It was a very small amount, but he still felt it.

Jin appeared in front of Dulio and let the hair fall out of his hands.

"Did you count?"

He asked, this question caused Dulio to fall on his ass.

"Haha… Man what in the world are you?"

Dulio shook his head in disbelief of it all.

"Seven? If you count my hair then eight… I couldn't follow you, it's like you stopped existing and just poked me at different places."

Jin smiled.

"I just went really fast; you just couldn't comprehend it."

Jin put his hand out for the man and he accepted.

"I lose, no I surrender If I can't keep up with that then there's no point in continuing."

Dulio shook his head; he didn't want to be exhausted or bed-bound by tomorrow.

Jin Skyward

Dulio and I walked back to the spectators; the exorcists were flabbergasted at what just happened.


Gabriel bear-hugged me again.

"You won! I knew you could!"

"Hehe, thanks, Gabriel."

I turn to the rest of them.

"We should go now; we spent a bit more time than was necessary."

I look at Dulio and nod at him.

"That was fun, man, let's have a spar again."

Dulio chuckled and gave us a strained smile.

"Maybe when I get a bit stronger…"

He had sat on the ground and waved me off.

"See you around, Griselda."

I look at the Irina and Xenovia

"You two as well, Nova, Rina."

I teleported out of there leaving the girls stunned that I called by weird nicknames.


Sixth Heaven

Michael's office

"Yo! We're back."

I greet Michael with a peace sign and let Gabriel go, though she didn't want to and clung to me. Michael looked up and smiled.

"I would assume it went well?"

"Yep, without a hitch, I have returned your lil sis back. I did have to scold her a bit though, hehe."

Michael looked a bit shocked

"S-Scold her?"

"Yeah, anyway, where are the other pieces of Excalibur?"

I asked him since I wasn't too sure where they would be located.

"Hmm? Oh, they're at different parts of the world, they already have very high security, but with two being stolen already I have put a word in to increase it even further."

"I see..."

I guess it's fine...

"Oh, Michael! Dulio and Jin fought! And Jin won!"

Michael looked at me shocked.

"W-Why would you two fight?"

He was confused, I could see why.

"He asked me to spar, we did and I won. He was pretty good too."

I shrugged; it was nothing serious. Michael sighed.

"You really are a rising star in the supernatural world, Jin. Whether you see that yourself or not… You will definitely make big changes in the future."

Oh, I know Mikey, I know.

"Is that so? I'll try not to stand out too much— Nah that's probably beyond the point of repair."

I chuckled and so did Michael.

"I should get going."

I pat Gabriel on the head.

"Come visit anytime, alright?"

As I said that she refused to let go of me, making Michael smile awkwardly at his sister.

"We'll see each other soon, don't worry too much Gabriel."

She looked up at me and I boop her gently on the nose, causing the Seraph to blush and let go of me.


She nodded cutely and I left.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

That should be a good motivator to all of them, they should be a bit stronger than their canon counterparts. I don't know who's stronger on the enemy's side after all.

"Welcome back!"

Ingvild's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, I'm back. It went pretty well."

I summon a bottle of water and sit down beside her.

Third Person Point of View

With Griselda


Griselda was shocked, she didn't know how to react. She had seen Dulio throughout the years and how powerful he was. But he was easily beaten by someone younger than him, but he looked satisfied and even more eager to get stronger.

She looked over at her trainees and they also had the same look— The look of wanting to get even stronger than they are— No, more than they had planned.

"You just saw one of the strongest exorcists in history be beaten that easily. Do you want to get stronger?"

She asked them.

"Double— No triple our training Boss!"

Irina said determined, Xenovia didn't voice her thoughts but nodded along to Irina's.

She saw strength she couldn't comprehend— She acknowledges she's an idiot but was smart enough to understand what just happened. So, with one thing in mind, she set her sights on it.

Strength, even more strength than she had planned.

So, she could be acknowledged by that boy— No, man. She wanted to stand as his equal, no matter how long it took.

Unfortunately for Xenovia, that would be near impossible as Jin wasn't a normal existence, to begin with, his fate… Changed once his reincarnation started.

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

"Is anyone else back yet?"

I couldn't sense anyone else in the building.


She looked a bit irritated. Oh, no food.

"I'll go make something real quick, one second."

I thought In knew how to cook? I shrug and get on with making lunch for us.

I get back and hand her some food, just some sandwiches I wiped up.

"I thought you knew how to cook, In?"

She was about to bite into her food when she stops midway and stared at me blankly, she slowly turned red.

"I-I-I forgot…"

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered.


Causing her to playfully push me away

"I'm not! I swear I'm not! I just forgot— Genuinely forgot!"

She huffed still embarrassed.

"Haha, I'm joking In. C'mon, let's eat."

We finished lunch and I cleaned the dishes with magic and we were just chilling on the couch again…

"Hmm, y'know what, one second. I'm going to the ORC to check up on their training."

I announce my intentions and Ingvild just nods her head not really paying attention. Meh. I turned myself invisible and I teleported to Kuoh Academy.

Kuoh, Kuoh Academy

When I teleported near the field, I could see everyone training, some more effective than others. I make my way to Kiba and he was practicing with a machine, he had a demonic sword out and was dodging the machine as it sent out power punches towards him. He would occasionally stop and let it hit him.

The machine's strength was set to Middle-class in power so he was definitely taking a beating when it did hit him, but he got up when it knocked him down and continued. A little bit reckless but will work for him in the long run.

He also had another dummy beside him, he mostly used it to attack, this time it had settings for how strong its defenses are. It was set to Ultimate-class and he wasn't making a dent on it, but he was giving it his all. One is on the right track; I won't need to keep an eye on him much then when I officially start. Maybe an actual spar partner every now and again will drastically help him improve.

I move on and join the Youkai sisters.


Shirone said tiredly.

"Please… Mercy…"

Her movements were slow and she literally looked exhausted.

"I love you Shirone and it pains me to see you like this…but for a friend of mine, I must do this nya."

Kuroka wiped a fake tear from her eye, only serving to annoy her little sister.

"Akeno-senpai… Nee-sama… Both are… Evil…"

Shirone punched one more time as a small air current rippled through the air. She looked up at the sky.

"Masked-man-san help…"

I never would have thought that Shirone would ask for me during such a trying time of her life— Day. I mentally prayed for her and left to go to another peerage member.

To my delight, I come across Akeno. She was taking what I said this morning to heart and was practicing her demonic elements as well as Holy Lightning. She was controlling the lightning after it left her, while the control was still very brief, it was there.

Akeno shot out another blast of Holy lightning and flicked her right hand to the left, the lightning changed course and hit the tree nearby.

"Yes, a success…"

She happily cheered to herself.

She did this a few more times with varying results, as well as mixing in demonic lightning and other elements. She just needs to keep this up, when I bring her and everyone else back into the pocket dimension, they can increase in raw power soon.

I moved to the final member of this peerage, their King and Heiress to the Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory.

…What is she doing?' I had arrived at where Rias was situated and she had been sitting down and meditating. While covering her entire body with the [Power of Destruction], this was quickly depleting her P.O.D, but it also slowly increased her control and demonic pool by a relatively large amount.

While reckless, it's improving her demonic pool by a large enough margin. Her control is also better as the drainage rate is significantly slower. I smiled See, you can do it if you try, Gremory.

Everyone already had ways of training, I guess I can spend my time teaching Akeno and Rias while tending to Kiba every now and again.

Satisfied with my quick walk-through of the club members I left back for my home.

Skyward household

"And done!"

I announce and flop back down on the couch. I feel Ingvild lean onto me and show her laptop screen to me.

"What do you think of these things?"

She asked, I take a look and it's all standard stuff, a desk, a few hangers, an extra table, and other bits and bobs.

"They seem fine, I can help with assembling them if you want."

"Yes, please and thank you in advance."

"You can order more you know; I can always make your room bigger."

She gained a thoughtful look when I mentioned increasing the space of her room.

"I forgot about that…"

She clicked on her Wishlist and scrolled down.

"How about this?"

"A Piano? It's not a grand piano… But just an electric piano, sure. I can also add some sound insulation in your room that only works when you play the piano."

"Are you fine with just that?"

She nodded.

"Alright, sure, order away!"

She giggled and ordered the piano as well. Suddenly my necklace glowed and Ophis appeared a bit disheveled.

"Are you okay? You look a bit… Roughed up."

"I, fell off the couch."

I looked at her confused, fell off the couch?

"Dimensional Gap, looks like living room, I fell asleep and fell off the couch.


I pat my lap.

"Care for a bit more?"

She nods and crawls onto the couch and laid her head on my lap. She quickly fell asleep, I decided to add a sound canceling barrier around her head so she wouldn't be woken up easily. To add the cherry on top I started petting her.


"Ahh fucking dammit."

I groaned causing Ingvild to giggle, I pulled out my phone and saw that Serafall was the one calling me. I answer the phone call.

"Hi, welcome to Chili's."


Serafall legitimately sounded confused.

"Jin? Are you okay?"

Tch, vine isn't a thing here, how boring.

"It's me, Sera, what's up?'

"Ah— Right, Jin! I'm going to Kyoto and Asgard tomorrow! Both of them want to meet the middleman, so… You know. Can you join me?"

"You're meeting the West Youkai Faction and Odin? Sure, I'm game."

I look over at Ingvild.

"Ingvild's coming with me, are you okay with that?"

"Oh, her? Sure! More the merrier!"

She sounded a bit disappointed when I mentioned bringing someone else along.

Ingvild looked at me a bit excited, she did promise to go with me on my next request.

"Anyway, meet me in the Sitri Territory around 9 a.m. Okay?"

"Sure, sure. Do you want me— Us to wear anything specific? Or can we just go there in whatever?"

"Well, anything is fine, just nothing too out there."

"Like your magical gear getup?"

I teased.

"That's my business attire, mister! Anyway! Just don't be late and wear anything that's sensible!"

She huffed and ended the call. I turn to Ingvild

"Looks like we're meeting Youkai and some Norse Gods tomorrow."

"I'm a bit excited… But I wonder why they want to meet those factions though…"

"Probably wanting to make more peace, I've been doing quite a few requests for the factions after all."

I look at Ophis.

"Maybe it'll extend to more factions and pantheons in the future."

"You're having a positive effect in the supernatural world— Almost like uniting it."


?!? What the fuck?!


?!?!?!? What is happening?! Whose voices are these?!


I felt Ingvild touch my shoulder forcing me out of my thoughts.

"H-Huh? Oh yeah, what's up?" I looked at Ingvild who was clearly worried about me. I just grabbed the girl and hugged her. I also noticed Ophis had woken up and had been holding onto my other arm, she also looked worried— Well in her way of showing it.


Ingvild was surprised by the sudden action I made on her.

"Just… Give me a moment."

What was that? I don't get it, it sounded feminine. She… She was calling out a name… Was it my name? Cúntóir? Worth a shot…

Cúntóir: Answer: …I do not know.

I sigh. She won't tell me why… Is she being limited? Who? The one who reincarnated me? Why?

"Let me stay like this for a little bit."

I also pull Ophis into the hug, surprising the Dragon God, but she accepted it regardless and quickly fell back asleep.


Ingvild looked more worried for me so she also hugged me back.

I need answers…


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