Will of The Force (Star Wars / Worm)

Chapter 2

Hey, nice to see such great reception for this fic! As I said, I'll be posting the first five chapters one every day, after that, it will be only once a week.

Also, I really don't have a beta for this story, so I apologize for any mistakes I didn't catch. I do my best to correct them before posting but, sometimes, I just miss things. (If anyone is interested in being a Beta, plz PM me.)

Yeah, right now Anakin is in a very strange place, he want's to be better and he's actively trying to not use the dark side of the force, the only problem is, he has been Darth Vader for so long that he doesn't even realisse when he's crossing the line.

To him, breaking someone's mind with the force would be using the dark side, but he has been so entrenched in it that he doesn't register the difference when it's subtle. Killing the Emperor and showing his love for Luke was a step away from the Dark Side, but it wasn't the whole path, far from it.

He has been killing for so long, has slain so many that he finds it hard to value the life of strangers, even when he knows he should. He also has been Darth Vader for so long that he just doesn't know how to be subtle, how to hide. At this point, the idea that he has to fear someone, to wear a mask or hide his identity just doesn't occur to him.

For a few chapters, he will be trying to stay away from killing but, for him, that means using more Mind Tricks / Domination. He knows it's ilegal, but really, he doesn't actually care. He has been using it his entire life, both as a Jedi and Sith and it's such minor part of his power he just doesn't register how feared masters are.


Still holding on to the kid, Anakin felt oddly protective as he considered the destroyed street.

Turning his head, he saw a white and blue vehicle approaching them, making an incredibly aggravating amount of noise. The vehicle stopped a little away from their location and two men stepped out, but it didn't seem to be with the bounty hunters, so he dismissed them from his mind.

Starting to walk away, he considered what to do with the kid. Apparently, she couldn't return home… Was it some kind of Force vision or something completely different?

"Sir, are you alright? What about the girl?" Yelled the newcomer making Anakin turn towards them.

The two men were holding some kind of primitive weapons in front of them with a little more practice than the usual stormtrooper, probably the local law enforcement.

"We are well, I have already eliminated the danger," he told them in a serious voice, only for both uniformed officers to freeze and trade glances.

Reacting fast, they retreated behind their vehicle, pointing their weapons at him with very steady arms while hiding behind the vehicle's doors.

For a second, Anakin thought they were gonna try to arrest him and wondered what to do, it has been so long since he had to worry about repercussions from the law.

Then the officers looked at the destroyed street, some of the dead mercenaries still bleeding all around it. "Yeah, nope, get in the fucking car, Walinsky."

"Oh, thank God!" The second office breathed out, scrambling inside the vehicle.

Anakin watched with some amusement as the vehicle retreated, smashing its way back from where it came. Who would have guessed, sensible law enforcement?

When he was young, he had always wondered why people were so stupid as to shoot at Jedi with blasters… and then he had grown, he had fallen, and he had no longer wondered, just accepted that the majority of people, be they bandits, slavers or rebels were just that dumb, why else would they shot blasters at Darth Vader.

Shaking his head, Anakin watched the car drive away for a second longer before turning away. With a force blast, he moved some rubble out of the way, cleaning a path away from the street.

Just as he was about to leave, he thought about his situation, he no longer had the support of the empire, or the Jedi temple, he no longer had a way to get anything he needed, and the planet seemed to be really primitive.

What were the chances that he’d get access to blasters again anytime soon? Anakin didn’t exactly like blasters, but he didn’t disdain them like his former teacher either, and they could have a lot of useful materials.

Lifting a hand, he used the force to gather every weapon in the street, ripping them out of hands or from below the rubble until he was left with a huge pile of equipment at his side.

It was probably also filled with trackers, but he could get rid of them later, and it wasn’t like he even had a place to hide. Feeling the kid’s arm gripping his shirt, Anakin looked down at her again, seeing her wide eyes as he kept the devices suspended in the air with the force.

“Ah, yes, it does attract attention doesn’t it?” He wondered out loud, and the girl nodded slowly.

After a quick look around, he found a more or less intact vehicle his power had only overturned, extending a hand; he settled it back in the street and, with barely an effort, unlocked the back door, pushing his newly acquired weapons there.

A second later, the girl was in the passage seat and Anakin himself was sitting behind the steering wheel, he had no experience driving something like this, but pedals were pedals everywhere in the galaxy, he’d figure it out.

Laying a hand against the ignition, he felt for the opening in the force before turning on the car using telekinesis. He started driving slowly, testing the car’s capabilities. Once he was certain of how things worked, he pushed down on the pedal and turned the wheel.

The car’s tires screamed on the road as it did a 180 turn, the noise oddly satisfying to his ears. At his side, the girl pressed herself against the seat, but he wasn’t worried, he had always had a talent for driving.

The car could only move at very slow speeds, Anakin didn’t even have to use the force to drive between the other vehicles and cars, his natural reflexes more than enough with the slow speed.

Having to drive with the tires on the ground was a novel experience, but he got used to it with only a few close calls. The girl’s screams and desperate scrambling to put on a belt was entirely unnecessary.

Driving through the city, Anakin quickly made his way away from the center and towards the almost abandoned docks. He’d need at least some time to establish himself, to think about his options and build the necessary hardware, which means he’d have to be left alone at least for a week or so.

Thinking about it, it was his experience that there were two ways of making sure people left you alone. As Vader, people simply didn’t dare bother, question or even follow his movements.

Even here, in this backwards planet, he had already read about it in his quick search. S class threats were left alone as long as they didn’t cause too much trouble. From weak things like Nilbog and the machine army, to mysterious beings like this Sleeper, the governments simply choose to leave them alone.

Unfortunately, he really didn’t want to go with that option, no matter how tempting it was, it really was far too close to the way he acted as Vader and he was trying to avoid simply going back to the dark side.

So, the second way it was, as a poor slave, he too had been left alone… mostly, and it was for the simple reason that he was unimportant, beneath notice, even if people saw him, they’d just ignore it.

He really didn’t like to think about his time on Tatooine, to the point that he had seriously considered using it as target practice instead of Alderaan, but it had taught him how to survive without attracting attention, and that there was an entire caste of people others simply dismissed from their mind.

Faster than he expected, the city turned into slums and abandoned buildings, filled with the usual homeless of such industrial cities. In Tatooine, such people wouldn't survive either dying from thirst or killed by bandits, but they weren't uncommon in places where the basics were really accessible.

Letting the force guide him, he eventually found a storage building without anyone inside. Smashing the breaks, his car slid to a stop in front of the wide entrance and Anakin used the force to lift the IP opening before driving inside and letting it drop back down.

"I don't wanna die, please, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die!" The kid quietly repeated, her eyes shut tightly and her hands clutching desperately at the car.

Anakin was… mildly offended, did she actually think he'd crash the car? At that speed? By the Force, even if he did crash, he was more than capable of protecting them both.

"We've already stopped," he finally sighed and informed the girl, causing her to release another sequel of surprise, Anakin just gave her a strange look. "I find your lack of faith disturbing."

Shaking his head, he got out of the vehicle and looked at the place, it was dirty, filled with spider webs and discard yeah, several places were stained with things he'd rather not think about, but he couldn't sense anyone in the nearby buildings and, considering everything, it was better than expected.

At the other side of the car, the girl opened the door and almost threw herself out, breathing hard and nearly collapsing to her knees, but she gathered herself at the last minute and potted at him.

"Disturbing? You're disturbing! Your entire family is disturbing!" Red faced, she stomped away from him to sit on top of an empty crate left behind.

For a second, Anakin just stared at the girl's outburst without knowing what to do. With a sigh, he approached her and stopped only a few steps away. "... You were never in any danger, I wouldn't hit anything under such slow speed and, even if I did, I'm easily capable of protecting the both of us."

"... I couldn't see the numbers, I tried asking and it was just… broken," the girl almost whispered, drawing her feet closer to her chest in an attempt of finding comfort.

Anakin didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to offer comfort, perhaps once he had, but not now.

Awkwardly looking around, he eventually took a step close to the girl, offering her a hand; she just looked at it and then turned to his face. "I'm thirsty."

Closing his hand into a fist, he let his arm fall down and looked around the building for any signs of water, he didn't find any.

Damn, he really was a failure at this, he should really have spent some time thanking the force that Luke was raised by his brother, and Leia in Alderaan, he'd probably have killed them if they remained with him.

Stepping away, he looked at the car and the broken door. "Will you remain safe here for an hour?"

"Eighty-two point three eight six four percent chance that I'll stay safe here," the girl answered almost automatically and then jumped out of her crate and grabbed his arm. "Don't leave me alone!"

“...Very well. We’ll walk then,” Anakin said after a short pause, he could use the car, making sure to drive slower, but the thing was heavily damaged from the fight, and it would attract a lot of attention. Since the girl would come with him, he didn’t need to be fast.

Turning around, he started walking out, only to briefly stop as the kid grabbed his hand. With a quick glance down, he saw her eyes staring up at him with determination, as if challenging him to let go. It actually drew a smile out of him, a very small one.

They had to walk at least five blocks before finding anything open, but then the city started getting more active, with more and more people walking in the streets, most of them with the same general characteristics.

It made him and Dinah stand out, but nobody bothered them.

“Thank you, thank you for saving me,” the girl finally spoke, getting a nod out of him before continuing. “What’s your name?”

“… Anakin, I’m called Anakin Skywalker,” he answered, the words still feeling very strange coming out of his mouth. Seeing a building filled with various foods and other products, he pointed. “Can you sense if there will be any trouble in that store?”

“Ah… I- no, I can’t see anything if you’re involved, it just… says nothing right now,” She shook her head, the movement letting him see a smear on her cheek.

“Interesting,” bending down, he wiped a thumb over it, getting rid of the dirt. “You really cannot see anything about me. Will this extend to other… thinkers?”

“Don’t know,” Dinah shrugged, seeming strangely happy about things. “Probably? I’m just glad I don’t have to answer things around you.”

Together, they entered the store and Anakin started gathering things he thought he’d need, extra food and water, some cleaning supplies, it was strange to have to care about someone else, and he’d probably have to get a lot more things for comfort.

Comfort, now that was a strange thing to think about, when was the last time he had to worry about it? When he was with the Jedi? Before? No, it had probably been with Padme.

He started to feel the old pain of loss and nearly drowned it in anger and hate on instinct, only Dinah waving at him with some kind of can kept him from retreating into bad habits.

Perhaps this was why the force had guided him to her. Alone, he’d probably end up right where he left. Getting lost on the Dark Side was far too easy, much easier than facing his mistakes.

“Can I take it? Mom never lets me drink, says it’s unhealthy,” Dinah pleaded and Anakin let her. “Please?”

“Very well, are you done shopping?” he asked, considering his full cart.

“Yeah, I guess.”

Anakin started pushing the cart towards the door, only to be stopped by a young boy grabbing the cart and trying to push it back. “Hey, you can’t just leave like that! Insane asshole, if you can’t pay, you’re putting it all back or I’m calling someone.”

“I have already paid, including for the cart, remember?” Anakin told the boy, gently using force persuasion to change his mind.

“Ah, right, sorry about that sir, I guess I didn’t…” The boy said in a muddled state of mind. Releasing the cart, he stepped back and shook his head, with one last odd look at Anakin; he stepped back and returned inside. “What the… I could have sworn…?”

“What? You’re a Master too?” Dinah hurried to his side and asked.

“I’m a master of many things, child,” Anakin said, putting a hand protectively over her shoulder. “You’ll have to be more specific.”

“No, I mean, that!” She pointed back to the store. “I thought you’re going to pay, not just wave your hand! And master is a power classification.”

“Ah, yes,” he said, remembering reading about something in the portable device. “The power of the Force is limitless, but I must confess, I’m not the best at Force Persuasion, my power always allowed me to be… blunter.”

“Is that what you call your power?” Dinah asked, making sure to keep close to him as some men started following them. “Should I name my power? Is that something capes do?”

“The Force isn’t MY power,” he explained, briefly glancing behind him before turning the corner. “The Force is ever present, it is everywhere there’s life and it’s what binds us together. I’m merely capable of manipulating it.”

“Riiiight,” Dinah gave him an odd look, but Anakin didn’t mind, too busy flicking a trash can towards their followers fast enough to break a few bones, he aimed for their heads out of habit, but the men could have survived, maybe. “Kinda like God then?”

“Some have worshiped the Force, yes,” Anakin answered thinking about some Force cults he had destroyed.

“Really, you think you’re… a saint?” Finally, Dinah gave him a VERY dubious look.

There was a time such a thing would have irritated him more, it would have disturbed him. Anakin never understood how people could NOT feel the force when it was so clear to him. He almost smiled when he realized that time was long past.

“I suppose I can see how someone would doubt. I never did, the Force was always present, and my connection was so strong I could feel it in my every action. But, no, the Force is not a God and I’m not a saint for using it, everyone can use it, with enough training and the right mindset.”

“Could I use it then?” she asked, her voice filled with a fair amount of skepticism, but also some hope. “I don’t really like my power, and it would be nice to be able to defend myself, I could even go back home.”

“Perhaps you are using the force, but I’m not as certain anymore,” kneeling in front of the girl, Anakin put a hand on her shoulders and closed his eyes, trying to sense the force inside the girl, to learn how strong her connection was. “You have a slightly stronger connection than most sentients. Unfortunately, it’s probably not enough to truly sense it beyond unusual hunches or moments of stress.”

“I- alright, I guess I should have expected that,” Dinah said, lowering her head in disappointment.

Getting up, Anakin finally pushed the cart inside their abandoned building, using the force to lock the door behind them. Staring at the girl, he couldn’t help feeling something inside his chest.

Should he… his experience with the Dark Side was one guided by a madman, and fuelled by his grief, self-hate and anger, but, while all of its abilities were incredibly dangerous, not all of them were truly evil.

“There are ways to increase one’s sensitivity to the Force,” Anakin finally said, the words escaping his mouth before he could stop. Seeing the girl turn his way with hope in her eyes, he sighed, knowing he’d do it. “It will take time and preparation, and you’ll require training, but I’ll do it.”

The small missile that hit his legs and embraced him was entirely unexpected, even the force didn’t warn him. Slowly, he put a hand on top of her hair and offered what comfort he could.

Finally, when Dinah released him, he started organizing the place, using the force to push all the dust and trash into a corner before crushing it into a ball, then he started setting their things, Dinah would have to sleep in the car for now, but he had brought two blankets she could use.

Hopefully, they’d be better established in a few days and he could start looking for a home. In truth, Anakin wouldn’t have cared if he stayed in the building, he had spent weeks in far worse places and any time without his armor while not feeling pain was a luxury he didn’t think he’d ever get, but the girl would need a better place.

Eventually, they had the entire building in a semblance of organization, exhausted; Dinah ate some kind of packed ration and crawled inside the car’s backseat, snacking on the thing while watching him attentively.

Motioning towards the pile of weapons, Anakin used the force to make them float in front of it, closing his eyes in concentration; he felt all their pieces, the things keeping them in place.

Extending his hand, he slowly rotated it, unscrewing every bolt on the entire supply of blasters before, squeezing tightly; they seemed to explode in the air, separating into their components.

Behind him, he heard Dinah gasping in surprise, but he didn’t look back, just started analyzing what he had available, and thinking about what he’d be able to build. Slowly, he separated the parts into piles, with the ones closer to him being the most useful.

“What’re you doing?” Dinah asked from the car.

“An inventory, I wish to see what I need to acquire in order to build a geological compressor,” he explained, nodding in satisfaction as he found almost everything he’d need.

“What do you need Geology for?” Dinah got out of the car, her naked feet hitting the cold floor before she stepped on top of her shoes and walked closer, wrapped almost head to toe in a blue blanket. “Do you have enough?”

“You should be asleep,” Anakin frowned at her.

“Can’t, I-I never slept out before,” She confessed, blushing.

Anakin sighed, but motioned for her to come closer and sit in front of him. “A geological compressor is a device originally used to study geological conditions in a laboratory, conditions like pressure and heat.”

“Why do you need something like that?” Dinah said, taking advantage to sit against his legs and cover them with the blanket, her head lying against his body.

“It’s necessary to make a certain kind of synthetic crystal,” he explained, briefly looking down at her position before continuing to manipulate the equipment. “I do not NEED it, it is merely a tool, but I do feel somewhat vulnerable without it.”

“So, it’s a weapon? Is it cool?”

Anakin only paused for a second while remembering the first time he had seen one igniting, and the first time he had seen a fight between lightsabers.

Maul had not been a very powerful Sith, not by his or his Master’s standards at least, more a blunt instrument than a master, but it had been impressive to watch at the time.

Finally, he sat down, crossing his legs into a meditating position and letting the girl rest her head on them. “I certainly thought so in my youth.”

The girl didn’t ask any more questions, so Anakin just continued separating things. When he was done, he started using the force to mold the metal available in the correct shape, only to hear a grumble from under him, Dinah had fallen asleep.

Slowly, he lowered the equipment to the ground, deciding to continue his work in the morning. Instead, he lifted the girl from the cold floor and used his own hands to wrap the blanket around her before putting her gently into the soft seating of the car.

He stared at her for a second, feeling… strange, was he starting to bond with the girl? It was rare, but such things could happen fast if the force facilitated it, but the girl shouldn’t really be sensitive enough for that, not yet.

Sitting down, he closed his eyes and almost immediately fell into a trance, using the time available to meditate and try to balance himself. Tomorrow, he’d start building his equipment; it shouldn’t take more than a few days.


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics:   Reincarnated as Supergirl (SFW) / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

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