Will I Always Be Weak?

Chapter 11. Beauty

"Ughh," I moan.

My left eye was burning and my head throbbed. I awoke on a bed of grass. I was too sore to move, so I just laid there, observing the ecosystem around me. Small animals were using basic skills to just barely survive, and on the other hand, there were larger animals who used their skills to hunt their prey. Small bugs who knew no better climbed over my body, thinking of it as a rock. The small birds flew down, swiping some of these bugs and dropping them into their nests. The animals that knew better stayed away from me, my presence being that threatening.

" I guess the strong rule over the weak in this word too." 

I started to get up, and I realized that my hands were covered in blood. When I looked down, I saw something alarming... My body had changed again! I rubbed my hand over my chest and then down to my stomach. I had dark purple vines wrapping all around me, and my outfit was also amazing! I had a tight top that was a purplish black; it shined in the moonlight, giving off a lovely glow. It also had a design that represented the vines on my body. My bottom went down to my feet; it shared the same characteristics as the top but with the benefit of a purple flower belt holding it up. Throughout the top and bottom, beautiful purple flowers were blossoming out of both of them.

I seemed to have grown another inch or two, and my horns seemed longer. My tail now had streaks of purple in it and shined a soft glow. My hair had no changes, as far as I could tell. I looked at my hands and decided that I needed to wash them off, I remembered passing a peaceful, shallow river on the way here. As I began to move towards the river, I noticed that everywhere I stepped left behind a tiny patch of flowers on the ground. I admired the flowers for a second and began to move forward again. I took a few steps and started to feel lightheaded. I placed my hand on a nearby tree to steady myself, and to my surprise, the place where I put my hand left behind flowers as well.

"Wow," I say silently

My body went through huge changes while I was asleep, and clearly, I wasn't fully recovered yet. I wanted to rinse my hands off, so I called my cow flower to come carry me. As the cow blossomed and reappeared, I was surprised to find that it had changed as well. Its purple body now had slight black streaks moving throughout it as if they were vines, and the same vines I had wrapped around it as well. The parts of its spiritual body that made contact had also left flowers behind. So it was not just me who went through this change but also my flowers; they now seemed to really be alive. 

"Take me to the river."

The cow heard my words and picked me up with a body it made using vines. I had found out that my flowers share my vision and thought, so since I knew where the river was so did my flowers The cow trotted along, leaving a path of flowers, and I began to notice the flowers decay after a short amount of time, but they were still so beautiful. Once we reached the river, I asked the cow to put me down. It lowered its vine body and I stepped off.

"Thank you," I say to my flower, smiling

"Moooo," it replied

I waddled towards the river and washed the blood from my hands. As I looked into the river, a beautiful girl's reflection stared back. It was me; I was so cute! My face was perfectly shaped and my nose wasn't too big or too small; my eyes were decently big. Oh, my eyes... They're amazing! The eyes I was looking at glowed a dim purple and in my left eye I had a star-shaped pupil; my other one was a vertical slit. I didn't notice but my ears were long; these ears reminded me of elf ears but were a little shorter. They had a sharp end to them, and I'll say it, they looked good on me. The last thing I noticed was my skin; it was so smooth and was a fresh peach; I wasn't discoloured at all! I look at my cow flower and grin.

"I'm a beauty!"

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