Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

023 : Show Your True Colors Ba!

Lin Mian Mian was tossed to the bed, again.

And like some fluffy rabbit, Lin Mian Mian only bounced to the ultra-soft emperor's bed lightly not harming him to the least. The fluffy rabbit was surprised when he was tossed out like a sack so it took him time to realize what is going on. The moment when his thoughts had finally chased to the current events, the wolf is already topping aboard.

Yan JinLong's plan of making General Kong Wen jealous had backfired. He never thought that all of the people that would cause a scene, it is Lin Mian Main who would take the lead. After all, not all could offend the emperor unless they have the guts to do it. So Lin Mian Mian must have the courage to provoke the emperor to the extent of making him act irrationally.

Also, the emperor made a mistake on this part. He never knew that Lin Mian Mian and Kong Wen's relationship is just that of a sibling than lovers. And when Lin Mian Mian said that he treated Kong Wen as 'more than friends', he meant that Kong Wen is like a family to him. The original Lin Mian Mian had treated Kong Wen as part of his extended family, thus, making the general as his elder brother.

It's just that the emperor's mind is filled with twists and turns that the only thing he concluded is that Lin Mian Mian had favored Kong Wen than him. That, if he was given a chance to choose whom he can marry, there's no doubt that he will choose the general. This is the reason why Yan JinLong suddenly got mad and carried his wife to his nest to show that he is the 'perfect' husband.

Lin Mian Mian also did not expect that he would be able to break the emperor's fuse. He thought that he'll just joke around for a while as revenge for the goods the emperor consumed (including him), and would just play safe after playing around. It's just that he overestimated the emperor's bottom line causing him to trigger the buzzer that ended him up being in a cage again underneath the huge man.

They both miscalculated the situation ba!

However, even though the both of them had committed some sort of mistake, why does it look like Lin Mian Mian did not gain anything at all? Why does it feel like after all the events, Yan JinLong still holds the upper hand? Well, of course, if one can see their position right now, Yan JinLong is indeed at the 'top'.

Captured animals will always struggle, as well as the 'captured' Lin Mian Mian. He no longer cares about face and instead flails his legs and arms around like a kid in a tantrum. After all, Yan JinLong is all well aware of his true character. His fine and gentle jade acting has long been discovered as fake by the emperor since the sun started rising on the east and setting on the west.

On the other hand, while the cute and adorable wife is doing his best to escape, the tyrant Yan JinLong is actually pressing the person down on the bed with his body. However, he's not really putting his weight down because he knows how heavy his body is. Only a quarter of his body weight is enough to injure Lin Mian Mian so he is very careful in this aspect.

Yan JinLong rested on Lin Mian Mian's chest, his arms propping up to support his head. He leisurely watched the face of the struggling wife, seeing small beads of sweat forming on the skin. Though, this did not made him feel disgusted, instead he has the urge to lick those sweat dry. He wondered if those water beads also taste sweet like his lips.

If ever Lin Mian Mian knows what he is thinking, he will eventually call the police hotline of all the different countries just to report this pervert ba!

After some time, Lin Mian Mian finally realized that his struggle is worthless from the emperor's hold. He quickly quieted down, breathing in some air to quench his thirst of air. His face is still red from all the flailing around making his face look like blushing. Seeing this scenery, Yan JinLong could not help but to steal a tofu. Lin Mian Mian harrumphed as he pouted.

This emperor is really so brazen ah!

"Done?" Yan JinLong asked, his voice suddenly becoming hoarse. There is an obvious lust on his tone.

Well, the food has been served on the plate yet he can't touch it. He took all the force of the universe to control his urge to go 'bang-bang' but only made it up to the extent of doing nothing more than 'kissing'. However, it doesn't mean that he can't stop his titan junior to go stand up. Lin Mian Mian could feel the bulge rubbing on his thighs almost making him want to just kick it there until it cracks broken.

Lin Mian Mian did not answer the question and only continued his pouting. He crossed his arms while looking away, giving the emperor the silent treatment. Though, Yan JinLong is the least pissed. Actually, he thought these bulging cheeks of his pouting wife looks cute. He can't help but to give it a poke.

Or a bite.

"Well, I am not the one who started it. This Emperor asked the lady a question yet the lady refused to answer. I am just simply mad, that's all," Yan JinLong said it in a voice as if he was the one being wronged. One can easily imagine a dog drooping its ears while looking up with two cute large eyes.

Still, Lin Mian Mian refused to raise the white flag.

In reality, the reason why Lin Mian Mian is acting like spoiled young master is that he did not want to admit that it is his fault. If only he did not provoke the emperor, he would have been in a much better position. It was just a joke that is meant to give the emperor a light blow. Who would expect that Yan JinLong would take it seriously bringing him to this predicament right after?

If only he behaved on that time, Lin Mian Mian would still be sitting on that position while chatting some nonsense to the people. Lu Mao is also serving them some good food and tea so it was fine. But because of that one stupid remark, he is here... under the emperor, which is to his opinion is his least favorite place.

Seeing that the wife did not intend to answer his question again, Yan JinLong decided to dare the fate and destiny and poked at those cheeks. A few weeks ago, this cheek only has a few meat and thin. But now, it seems that the cheeks also collected some fats from all the food Lin Mian Mian consumed creating a slight smooth bulge. Yan JinLong liked the sensation so he repeated the poking as if the 'thing' that he is poking is a non-living creature.

Lin Mian Mian, the one that is being poked, could not help but to have an urge to bite the poking hand. When the feeling is there and the other person seems to give him the chance to do it, Lin Mian Mian finally released the annoyed expression from the deepest part of his chest and turned around to catch and bite the hand. Unfortunately, Yan JinLong already noticed his plan so he only needed to rise his forefinger up high to avoid the crazy bite.

Seeing the cute furious look, Yan JinLong chuckled.

"Finally, you looked at me," he smiled. "Aiya, I should be the one giving punishment. Why am I the one being punished instead?"

"Get off of me," Lin Mian Mian scoffed.

"And now you are commanding me? Mian Mian, have you forgotten your position?" Yan JinLong muttered the words of the emperor but his tone is very playful. No one will ever get serious by that kind of tone.

Lin Mian Mian wanted to say 'well, aside from being literally under you, I don't know anything else', but he felt that he will only trigger more flags if ever he say that so he decided to shut up. Yan JinLong chuckled again, very delighted to the expression his wife releasing. He used his one hand to softly caress the cinnabar under his left eye. The pinkish color seems to appear brighter than usual.

"It's okay to show it..." Yan JinLong suddenly said.

"Show what...?" Lin Mian Mian repeated the question out of habit.

"Your true colors," Yan JinLong affirmed.

[A/N: *singing* I seeee your trueee coloooorss.... that's why I love youuuuuu.... *ahem* I just got caught up hahhahahaa]

Lin Mian Mian's skull suddenly went numb. What does he mean? Does the emperor know about his bloody red cinnabar? But that cannot be right. Even though Yan JinLong is already very aware of his plan on leaving the palace, it is impossible for him to know about this great secret. After all, Lin Mian Mian is very diligent in applying the make-up. Even when sleeping, Lin Mian Mian never erases the paint just to hide its color.

He only takes the paint off during bath time, or when the color is starting to fade and needed a replacement. It's impossible for the emperor to know it unless he is peeking on him on the bath. Well, Yan JinLong will no doubt do that brazen act but recently the emperor is away to prepare for the upcoming war. He has no time to act like a fuccboi like he usually does.

Lin Mian Mian calmed to clear his mind. Yan JinLong has no way knowing about his cinnabar unless one of his servants betrayed him, which is not possible to happen. So he decided to probe more on whatever the emperor is saying to know what he meant. Lin Mian Mian showed a rather smiling face that is not a smile at all.

"W-what do y-you mean?" Damn! Why did he stutter? It almost shows as if he has been hiding a secret that has leaked.

"Hmmm?" Yan JinLong can clearly see the unease on his wife's eyes.

He adjusted his position to at least give Lin Mian Main some freedom before kissing his forehead. He then moved to the side, scooping the wife into his arms. He pressed the wife on his chest, caressing the silk smooth hair of Lin Mian Mian. He is very gentle on his movements as if Lin Mian Main is some glass figurine that might get broken if he touches him carelessly.

"What I'm saying is to just show who you are, there's no use in hiding your true self," Yan JinLong answered the question after a few minutes. Hearing this, Lin Mian Mian eased a little. At least he is still safe!

"Hi-hiding? I'm not hiding myself!" Lin Mian Mian quickly recovered, though he still stuttered. That notion gave him a bit fright so obviously it will take him time to calm down.

Yan JinLong chuckled again, kissing him on the cheeks this time.

"Err-Mian, Err-Mian, you can fool the eyes of a mortal, not the all seeing eye of the god. You already know what I mean," Yan JinLong said, making eye contact with his wife.

Lin Mian Mian wanted to look away but his position was locked in place. He has no choice but to look at those deep eyes that seem to bring him to a world the emperor only knows. Yan JinLong also loved to stare at Lin Mian Mian's eyes, those caramel-looking irises that always reminded him the golden wheat field. Both are looking at each other, only seeing the opposite and nothing else.

Lin Mian Mian might not able to understand what the emperor is saying but he is sure that it has to do with his personality. He knows that the previous Lin Mian Mian is a frail and delicate person that one flick is enough to crumble him. The emperor must have seen an interesting strength hidden deep that made him hooked.

In this understanding, Lin Mian Mian is half-right. Indeed, Yan JinLong realized that this frail looking young man is not a weak person like what people describe him. He might be as fragile as a glass but the courage that was incased inside the glass globe is far better than a tiger. This trait had brought a good combination that not all could achieve.

Will Yan JinLong feel disappointed with this? Of course, no! Even though he like the weak submissive type of a person that will urge him to protect that certain individual, it doesn't mean that he hated the delicate but dangerous type. Actually, he is happier to know that Lin Mian Mian is not someone that can easily be trampled on. His bravery is worth a gold medal!

Yan JinLong grew up as one of the legitimate child of the emperor, like how his brothers are. He knows the competition inside the harem, and it is not an easy game of toss coin. His mother, the Empress Dowager, is a naturally brave lady that managed to find her position on the top by fighting over the crown. If she is weak and fearful, she would never become the Mother of the Empire.

Lin Mian Mian is also the same. If he were weak, no matter what kind of protection Yan JinLong will give, if he can't protect his self then everything would be useless. If that happens, Yan JinLong would rather not have Lin Mian Mian as his empress since that position carried a huge responsibility and danger. Of course, the concubines will never stop aiming the crown unless the Emperor of the Empire dies.

But since Lin Mian Mian is the image of the a cat but the heart is a tiger type, then he has no worries. He can still feel at ease especially now that he will be going to the war. Yan JinLong already has a bad premonition about leaving Lin Mian Mian alone so he already prepared some precautions. Of course, this excludes the personal protection the Empress Dowager will give Lin Mian Mian after Yan JinLong leaves.

After the long stare, Yan JinLong sighed in relief as he pulled the wife into his embrace. And since Lin Mian Mian knows that rejecting the beast is impossible so he just let the fuccboi do it. Well, it seems that Yan JinLong is already satisfied enough to hug him now so he also relaxed. Feeling the wife at ease, Yan JinLong could not help but to smile.

"After a few days, I will be leaving. The trouble on the borders seems to be getting worst each day," the emperor suddenly muttered. His one hand gently patted the back of his wife as if trying to make him sleep. He inhaled the scent of his wife as if trying to imprint the scent in his memory forever.

"General Lin... your father also died on protecting the empire. And I..."

Yan JinLong knows that the reason why General Lin died is because the old man protected him from the incoming arrow. If only he managed to detect that coming attack, General Lin would never use his body as the shield to protect the leader. The enemies on that time seems to be stronger than the usual rendering his men in turmoil. Though, they won the war, they also lost a general.

The emperor stopped his patting and proceeded to caressing the soft hair. He made his hand comb the strands that never tangled on the way. Lin Mian Mian closed his eyes as he listened to the emperor talk, feeling a bit warm inside his chest. There is this kind of stirring on his heart that want to embrace the emperor all of the sudden. Of course, Lin Mian Main is not brazen enough to execute it without asking.

"... I might not come back-"

"Jin!" Lin Mian Mian called out. "You will come back!"

Yan JinLong suddenly felt a tug on his chest. He looks down and found his wife clutching his collars while looking up. The eyes that he saw is different from the lazy haze Lin Mian MIan often shows. This time, there's a hint of objection and slight anger. If Lin Mian Mian is an animal, he might be growling right now.

This action made Yan JinLong wanted to cry but instead he showed a wide grin. This grin made the angry Mian Mian suddenly feel ashamed as he tried to hide his head down like a turtle. But the emperor is quick enough to catch that worried expression. He cupped the wife's face up and gave him a sweet short kiss.

"Err-Mian, the mouth says the other thing while the body is honest. This Emperor is really touched," Yan JinLong, teased.

"I-I am not w-worried at you at all!" Lin Mian Mian fought back after the kiss. "I-I am t-talking about m-my safety."

Yan JinLong only hums as he nod. "Okay, okay, I am excited. How about we do another round ah?"

"What another rou-"

Lin Mian Mian wanted to curse him ah! What do you mean by another round? Your mother is round! Your family is round! They have done it earlier, and now they are doing it again? How many shots does the emperor want each day so he will be satiated?

Yan JinLong only laughed heartily as he made them roll around. Now, they went back to their original position with Yan JinLong at the top and the adorable angry rabbit Lin Mian Mian at the bottom. Earlier, they are just talking seriously. Why does everything always end up in sex?

The emperor did not wait and kissed the wife immediately. He knows that Lin Mian Mian is weak with pleasure so just simply activating the pleasure button here and there is enough to arouse him. Of course, despite the control Lin Mian Mian has, his body is truly honest than the mouth so he reacted appropriately. He is even willing to just go down and do the 'bang bang' quickly.

It almost feels like their last copulation before a tragic event will happen.

After a moment, the silent room is filled with moaning noises and kisses. The two people that are half peeled from their clothes are wriggling on the bed, feeling the ecstasy of touch. One is domineering while the other is helpless, their combination made a good puzzle perfect. Nobody would even dare separating them if ever they saw them clung to each other like this.

Lin Mian Mian has still a little rationality left on the corner of his mind. He knows that if this continue, Yan JinLong will surely be able to enter on the sacred tunnel and he is afraid that that will happen. He used his weakened arms to push the other man up but his strength only managed to touch the hot skin. He is scalded by the emperor's hotness.

Hissss... sizzling hot ah!

He turned his head around as his consciousness slowly faded. Yan JinLong is already fingering him down and ready to enter the huge train express. Right just on time, Lin Mian Mian noticed the huge portrait on the wall that depicted the greatest joke in history. Suddenly, all the lust is swept away as his body felt a tickle. He tried to suppress the laugh but that little chuckle evolved to a laughing mess rendering the emperor confused.

Yan JinLong did not know the reason why his wife is laughing so he turned his head to where his wife is looking. Seeing a portrait, Yan JinLong's face quickly blackened as if he had seen the greatest nightmare of his life. Lin Mian Mian noticed the reaction that made him laugh more. This time, the happiness on his heart is much greater that a little more is enough to kill him.

Losing the momentum while on the peak, Yan JinLong gave up. He just moved to the other side of the bed and settled as he watched Lin Mian Mian laugh like forever. Seeing this happy face is not bad at all ah. He captured this moment on his very memory that he will never forget. Lin Mian Mian's laugh is really music to the ear!

After a few minutes, Lin Mian Mian had ceased laughing. That portrait will really kill him. Yan JinLong propped his head as he watch the wife breathing heavily, his face red from laughing. He just let Lin Mian Mian to calm down before talking.

"It seems that you liked it. Want me to give it to you?" Yan JinLong said.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Lin Mian Mian eyed him. He almost forgot his position as the concubine and treated Yan JinLong as one of his brothers. "That will surely kill me."

"Of course not, how could a mere picture kill you?" Yan JinLong wanted to instigate something. He thought, if Lin Mian Mian sees this funny picture of his every day and would be reminded by it whenever he sees him in person; Lin Mian Mian will subconsciously smile to him without reason. This kind of conditioning is pretty good since Lin Mian Mian will always smile and feel happy when he sees him.

Yan JinLong wanted to Pavlov Lin Mian Mian ah!

Lin Mian Mian wanted to retort, 'Well, if the original person can kill me every night, then his picture can also do it!’, but he is not courageous enough to test the emperor again so he closed his mouth tight.


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