Why must I be a woman? (WMW)

Chapter 9 – A lesson on levels and their practical uses

I looked around for a way down quickly, I didn't want to miss out on my first bath being a shared one if I could help it.

Below me was a steep drop to a rocky ground covered in a mixture of moss, grass, and flowers. It was a beautiful sight that could be described as therapeutic, but it wasn't soft enough to protect me from falling.

A meter or two ahead were some trees that looked like a huge dandelion with the trunk of a palm tree. They were around 7 or 8 meters tall and looked soft enough to land on but that wouldn't solve the problem as a dozen-meter drop would become an 8-meter one instead.

I might be able to make that jump but I was barefoot and a young child now, plus the ground was solid and uneven rock. There's a high chance my feet would be badly injured by that fall.

"Let's try this skill then, 'Succubus Claws!'. Do I say it out lou- Woah!" At that moment I felt that same vibration but much weaker flowing up my arm and to my nails. The vibration was so weak I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't focusing on them.

My nails started to ache like they were sore and a second or two later they became sharper and grew a centimetre in length. The roots also felt thicker and more stable, I tried pushing down but I barely felt the pressure at the nail's matrix. "Now let's see how sharp this is."

I reach out and try to press against the wall to see how tough they are but when I applied pressure, I reached my nails' limits really quickly. I pulled my hand away and found a very small scratch, "Well that definitely won't work." I sighed as I watched the hot lady unstrapping the corset, she was almost done.

I doubt even 10 seconds passed when I felt the minute vibrations in my hand disappear and my nails return.

I sighed in relief instead of disappointment this time; if I had tried my luck and broken my back because my skill deactivated before I got anywhere near the floor, I might have ended up dying less than an hour after waking up here. Not including the time I collapsed though.

I suddenly felt like laughing at my own stupidity as I picked up my spear; I put it aside when I was testing my 'Succubus Claws' skill. I try to stab the wall, the resistance I felt wasn't very strong. I was sure I could use it to break my fall.

I then stepped forward and let myself drop off the side of the cliff with my spear held in a thrusting motion towards the cliff. I made sure to do this quickly so as not to leave myself with time to feel any fear creep in.

I then waited till I fell halfway down and stabbed my spear forward and held on tight. My arms were yanked so hard I felt my shoulders click and a short scream of pain made its way out of my throat, I forgot I was in a child's body now and not in my old well-conditioned one from before my death.

'I have to get used to this body as soon as possible and remember its limits instinctively or I'm going to get killed in a dumb way in the future.' I thought as I looked down and there were only a couple of meters to a large boulder a little on the left. I swung my legs back and forth to aim for the large rock which made the spear slowly dislodge. With one strong tug as my legs swung, the blade slid out of the wall along with a chunk of rock and earth.

I fell in a parabolic fashion, landing safely on the rock. From there I slowly crawled down, the rock itself was a couple of meters tall and twice as large in diameter. It was covered in moss and a white flower that was like a lily but in the centre was what looked to be a bulb made of amber or honey.

Once I made my way down, I couldn't help but feel vulnerable with how naked I was. Then I felt the reassuring weight of both my spears swinging as I walked and felt not only emboldened but even a sense of freedom and exhilaration from being in the open, 'no wonder nudists and exhibitionists exist. I might not be up for stuff like that, but I might be joining the naturism movement.'

I walked down to the river, passing large dandelion-coconut trees and other odd plants. One that stood out to me was a tree that looked like it was in fact made up of many small, blue flowers intertwined.

When I reached the river and was about to carry out my plan I froze, feeling something wasn't right. Concentrating on my surroundings, I couldn't pinpoint the problem until I realised the issue was my body. The weak, almost non-existent vibration was occurring and it was travelling to my ears and feet.

The part that made me feel that something was off was the response I got from the skill I was using. It felt like I was being told that something I would want to know is there.

I couldn't figure it out and this skill cancelled even quicker than the previous one, not lasting more than 5 seconds. I figured I should listen to that odd feeling and move further upstream. I walked for a hundred meters or so while making sure to avoid any insects or small animals. I didn't want anything poisonous near me after all.

I then stepped out of the treeline and saw the river; it was just as wide and incredible are I remember it being from the higher vantage point I had. I was also surprised to see that the river was quite shallow and very calm, the current was slow and steady.

As I was about to step in, I remembered something I was told by a friend who liked to swim, 'Never trust the depth you see. The clearer a river, the less you can be sure of just how deep it really is so don't do anything stupid.'

I knew it couldn't be too deep near the riverbank since the hot babe was bathing too but I shouldn't push my luck and go too deep either.

I step into the water and let a sigh of satisfaction from feeling the water washing across my calves. The water was cold, but I wasn't bothered by it; another thing to add to the list of things to check at another time. I walked into the water as I used my spear to check the depth, reaching a point where it was just past my nipples.

The cold water on them made me shiver and cock throb just as much as the sensation of the water on my nipples did.

At this water level, my erection was not clearly visible so long as I kept disturbing the water. I then returned to the shore and hid my spear and money behind a rock and covered it in some mud. It must have rained recently since my feet were muddy the entire time since I reached the ground. I then returned to the river at the same depth as before.

My erection was starting to ache and make me impatient, so I went down river only to realise the lady had been at the exact spot I was planning to appear. 'Maybe that was the feeling I got that made me make my way upriver?'

I then walked up boldly, approaching her to say hi. I felt my already achingly stiff manhood pulse and harden further when I saw her.

She had purple hair and eyes, her long hair was held up in a bun that made people's eyes intoxicated with her slender, graceful neck and shoulders. She was rather tall from what I could see, surely close to 180cm in size, her other parts were also impressively big.

Her chest stood out proud with unexpectedly cute, pale pink nipples. Her stomach was flat and toned, the only slight traces of fat were on the side of her hips but that just made her look like she would feel so comfortable to cuddle. Her ass was by far the most attention-grabbing with how wide her irresistible hips were. Her butt looked soft enough to sleep on and never want to use pillows again, it jiggled with every step she took but the way it held its shape spoke of hours of dedication to keeping them so fuckable.

Anything beneath that was sadly below the water, especially since I'm a leg man myself, but I am not exaggerating when I say the thighs that showed as she moved looked like they would feel better than most women's holes.

Looking down to make sure my erection was under the waterline, I started walking towards those thighs.

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