Why must I be a woman? (WMW)

Chapter 4 – Changing the war before I’m even reincarnated

"So how is this a good thing for me?" I'm really excited about how the magic tea can make my cheat even cheat-ier.

"This has two pieces of good news. Because you naturally cultivated to the second layer for your soul then you can have a second blessing. But this blessing must be connected to the original in some way. The other layer of purer soul energy is independent and not only can you get an entirely new blessing but it can be of higher grade too." With a snort of pride, she lifted her head and look in my direction, waiting for my look of awe, but this just made me want to give her head-pats.

That is awesome, so I'm not improving my cheat but getting a whole new one on the side!?

"That would make life on this world so much easier to survive! Thank you, Cassandra." I step forward and hug her to express my gratitude for helping me, and maybe to feel that amazing body in my arms.

"Y-you're welcome, it's also due to your own luck and accumulated karma throughout your many lives." She blushes slightly as she answers, but doesn't push me away. Oh~ do I have a chance here?

"Then please choose your blessings, I can then prepare you for departure." I let her go so as to not make things awkward but I stand close to her. I have already got an idea of what I want.

"If one of the blessings has to have something to do with my first blessing the most logical is to do something to my semen. The first blessing would let cure the Taint through sex but some women might not be willing or have lovers... then can you make my semen have the ability to remove the Taint? But also have other abilities like healing and increase physical or magical strength." A look at her and she nods in affirmation.

"I have had similar blessing bestowals and such skills also exist in this world. I will make you have the choice between normal, blessed, healing, purifying, physical and magical semen. They all boost something in the body. Healing boosts the body's natural healing and even has beautifying effects while purifying works on boosting resistance to curses and poisons." She then looks at me with a mischievous look, "And when using any but normal semen you are sterile. And as a perk I made each type of semen taste different. It will be random but none will taste bad by female standards of sexual expectation."

I feel a little awkward at the thought of being seen through as I was hoping to have a safety function for fertility.

"Then for the new blessing, my idea is a store! I wanted that first but I was willing to put aside for my love-life and dignity as a man." Who doesn't know the OP-ness of the system store!

"A store?" A cute tilt of her head makes it clear she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Yes, I want a blessing that allows me to turn something valuable in the world into a unique currency. This currency can only be used by my blessing to buy things from the blessing. I honestly am surprised this hasn't been done to connect blessed across worlds to exchange and barter. The deities can even use this blessing to issue tasks and let us decide if we want to accept and reward us with this currency too." As my explanation progresses I see her little mouth slowly open in astonishment before fully dropping in shock at the idea.

I am all too aware of the importance of what I just described and its military and strategic benefits. It's confusing that nobody considered opening a trade route between the blessed and now that it's being proposed, I'm confident it will change the tides of the war.

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