Why are you special?

068: Wanda’s Walk

Wanda wiggles as she walks. And to me, she's hugely naked. Well… nude. There’s no shame or embarrassment in her: I made sure of that. I'm leading, but Blindsight is also all around, so I get a nice view. Two, really, as one of me is watching her pregnancy. The baby's doing fine, just barely big enough to be visible… as is mine. Someone paying really close attention might see our baby bumps. Most the people we pass certainly don't. Surprisingly few catcalls… but she certainly gets groped.

One man we pass by (dresses in brown rags… I wonder where they're getting the cloth… no animals…) slaps her rear… and practically faints when she smiles, reaches into his pants and does… something. I am not a hundred percent sure what, but I can smell that she somehow set him off in under ten seconds of contact. What's particularly odd is that she went in behind him… eh, whatever.

A second grabs at her front, and she slides her hand down the front of his worn-out drawstring pants to caress him. His face quickly flushes as she gets him off with her hand, and then she kisses him on the cheek as he pulls his hand away, wet with Wanda's milk. We haven't drained her jumbo jugs yet.

Another, apparently encouraged by the prior, moves in to kiss her… Wanda grabs him in close with one hand, slides his pants down with another, and quietly mounts him right there as she sticks her tongue down his throat. I pause long enough for her to get him off, and he lies there exposed as we continue on our way… Wanda's illusion holds, but I can hear the guy being dragged away for indecent exposure after we round a corner.

She leaves a string of men behind in similar sorry states - but with smiles on their faces - as we work our way to the gate. Guarding the gate is a pair of muscular men who eye Wanda closely and then jump slightly as they raise their eyebrows. Yep, they see.

“You need to pay the toll…” the first speaks, a lecherous grin on his face.

Wanda smiles and wiggles, yeah, she knows this game, “Oh no! My money is all packed away… but you seem to be packing….”

Actually, if anything, their bulges are below average around Wanda. But I'll let her have her fun.

“We can help you out, yes…” the second adds, “If you'll help us with a little swelling…” obviously, they're not great at dialog. But everyone involved knows how they want this to end, and all three even want the same thing, so….

“Oh no!” Wanda is being overly theatrical. Yeah, she knows what's what, “Let me see!”

Both guards pull down their trousers, and yes, they're already at full attention… at about three inches, but it's enough for Wanda.

“Those need treatment right away! Here…” Wanda wraps her fat, pillowy lips around one, and begins sucking, pausing momentarily to bounce her buttocks and whisper, “You can get the other end…” to the other guard.

He doesn't need to be told twice, and starts humping her honeypot, his hips slapping her hiney loudly. Taking pity on Wanda, I hit both guards with a quick Polymorph Any Object spell, making them both into themselves, but with “minor cosmetic changes” to give them poles that will actually satisfy my pet; nice nine inch long ones, and proportionally as big around.

Wanda is apparently so distracting that they don't notice… Wanda does, though, and shoots me a smile around the now massive meat lollipop she's sucking. I watch the roast, her massive milk makers resting on the ground as she lets herself fall into pleasure, the two strangers pounding her on both ends.

The guards don't last long, one spewing seed down Wanda's throat - and she swallows her salty snack - the other pumping baby batter into her bakery… which is currently occupied, so they won't be having a child from this.

The two guards quickly dress back up - which doesn't take long, as they really only took their pants down a bit - and Wanda Waves as we all move on… the ten feet to my gate.  Which is part of why there's two guards in the gate itself, out of view of the twenty on top.

My summons, of course, let us through without a word.  Absolutely obedient minions make things easy.

Wanda and David look around like they've found another world as they go through the gate… which, I suppose they have, in a sense. LED lights in the ceiling, vandal-resistant cameras, electric gates… yeah, it’s like nothing they've ever seen. Oscar hasn't either, but he's lacking a sense of wonder.  Buttercup my familiar is in amulet form, and thus expressionless… but I can feel her wonder across the empathic link.

Alfred, of course, has seen similar things, coming from the same world. He does, however, ask about it, “So how's this a Druid spell?”

I chuckle, “It's not. I'm not a Druid.”

Alfred considers, “What are you, then?”

I notice David and Wanda paying close attention. Oscar doesn't seem to care. “A full answer is… complicated. That said, I have a blessing from one of the pantheon here,” myself at the moment, previously Death, “that lets me do things not normally possible.  Including calling for you and building…” I gesture at everything around us.

Alfred considers that for a moment, “So…you've basically got a blank check to do anything you want, backed by a deity? What'd you do to get that?”

Well… “Not anythjng I did, and not quite a blank check…” I consider: We're in my fortress, Wanda I can trust because I wrote her, David is sworn to me quite deeply, Oscar is MINE in a very real way as a construct I made, while Buttercup and Alfred are class features… eh, I can trust them with this, “... but it can be leveraged into something very close. I get to select my own class features from a very large list, including from creature abilities within certain limits. Combinatorial synthesis produced results both ridiculously flexible and ridiculously powerful.”

Alfred pauses a moment to think about that, and Wanda steps in with, “What’s a class?”

Ah, right, that was the real reason I didn't want to tell them… questions upon questions, “OK, so… bear with me… people in this set of planes become stronger as they overcome challenges, mostly combat. This is known, yes?”

David looks thoughtful as Wanda rolls her eyes, “It's called exercise.”

I chuckle, “Not just strength: Arcane casters figure out new spells, Divine casters can channel better prayers, trappers get better at hiding and pick up tricks, and so on.”

Wanda seems mildly annoyed, “It's called practice.”

I smile, “Indeed. But actual progress from your experience comes in increments called ‘levels’ and thematically linked packages called ‘classes’. Like… there are no casters who hit a limit on how long they can hold a plain detect Magic spell at two and a half minutes. Two minutes? Sure. Three minutes? Also present. Two and a half? Zilch. Oh, a caster can drop the spell at that point, sure, but Detect Magic, the spell, comes in increments of one minute, based on the strength of the mage casting it, which comes in counting numbers only.”

Wanda thinks, “Seems a bit out there, but you've never steered me wrong before, and you can certainly do things nobody else can.”

As far as you know, “Right. And part of my blessing lets me design my own class with no regard for thematically linking things. So I have abilities from dedicated divine casters, arcane casters, hybrid fighters and casters, trappers, monsters… lots of those… and not just found here. Oh, and please don't spread it around, OK? I know what I am seen doing will become public knowledge, but if too much gets out, someone might figure out how to untangle my defenses, and I really don’t want to die.”

Wanda laughs, “Sure. Nobody would believe me anyway.”

David though, “I think I'm more concerned with someone else getting the same blessing….”

I shrug, “That's actually not properly possible due to the ‘why’ of Divine Blessings. They're unique abilities to prove that the holder speaks on behalf of a deity, and there are rules about their re-use. No one else can have it for as long as I hold it, although theoretically there are circumstances that would let me extend it to another somewhat….”

Alfred perks up at that, “So you could copy your build onto me?”

Heh, “Not really. You don't have levels per se, the circumstances would require killing you, my sponsor would need to be willing to ‘pay’ for it, and it would take a lot of effort for me to set up the circumstances,” Specifically I'd need to combine Complete Reversion from Spheres of Power with Reincarnate or the Cyclic version… there is actually a third party metamagic feat for it, although I don't have it… but I do have two floating feats, so I could get it, “And I'd need to spend a lot of time with you beforehand to school you on how to use it well.”

And I'd rather not create a monster I can't put down, thank you: I trust myself not to go power mad, but I'm not sure how common I am.

“Anyway, we're here: Wanda, this is your milking bench….”

She looks….

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