Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 65: Employee Training Program

TL: Etude

Jiang Qin’s singing echoed throughout the place.

And all Su Nai could think of was burying her head in her dinner plate.

Oh my, there are thousands of people in the cafeteria, and here you are, clapping and singing to me. What’s the difference between this and defecating in the street, aside from the cleanliness? At least the owner of Jiangnan Leather Factory left a wallet to cover wages before fleeing. But you, singing as a form of funding!

“Boss, can you please stop singing? I feel quite embarrassed…”

Jiang Qin stopped his song: “Did you feel the power I bestowed upon you?”

“I only felt death. Social death.” Su Nai couldn’t even raise her head.

“You’re still young, so concerned about face. Little do you know, face isn’t worth a penny.”

A trace of grievance flickered in Su Nai’s eyes: “Boss, you’re always so generous when approving funds for Dong Wenhao, giving 200 when he asks for 150. Why are you so stingy with me?”

Jiang Qin pulled out his wallet, withdrew all his money, a total of 527.80 yuan, and slapped it on the table: “As I always say, the project is in its infancy, funds are limited. Use my living expenses for now.”

“Ah? Living expenses? That’s not appropriate.”

Jiang Qin feigned a sigh: “I understand the principle of a boss just talking while the employee runs around. Just make do for now. This difficult period won’t last long, common prosperity is within reach.”

Holding the 500-plus yuan, Su Nai felt its weight like a mountain: “I understand, boss. I’ll make sure every cent is well spent.”

“Good, enjoy your meal. I’m going to get some sleep. Call me when the team is assembled.”

Jiang Qin patted his backside and left the cafeteria, forgetting he hadn’t had lunch yet.

Watching his retreating figure, Su Nai felt a touch of emotion. The boss wasn’t having an easy time either, still wearing the military training uniform from his freshman year.

“Su Nai!”

Lost in thought, she heard Jiang Qin running back from the door: “It’s too hot, give me fifty cents for an ice pop.”

“Ah, this…” With tears in her eyes, Su Nai handed him five yuan, “So pitiful, have something more expensive.”

“Thank you, you kind soul.”

Jiang Qin, clutching the five yuan, left the cafeteria for the supermarket and bought a small pudding. Eating it, he gazed at the artificial hill across the street, frowning deeply.

He asked for fifty cents but easily got five yuan…

His worries came true; the girl was too easygoing.

Setting a cap on employees’ financial requests wasn’t to make things difficult, but to make those with the power to request funds value this right.

A generous boss is a good person, but as the business starts, a policy of handing out money upon request will surely attract parasites. So, it’s crucial to strike the right balance.

Su Nai was undoubtedly a good employee, but she wasn’t like Dong Wenhao. Dong understood commissions, control, and how to split one sum of money into two, which is why Jiang Qin was generous with him.

But Su Nai was different.

Su Nai had professional skills but no clue about management.

The people she brought in might be as skilled as her, but not necessarily as diligent or honest. Some might even think of making a quick buck and leaving. If she couldn’t discern their intentions, what would happen once the team was formed and opportunists exploited loopholes?

A bit of coquetry, a show of pity, and fifty cents could turn into five yuan.

How could this be acceptable?

Jiang Qin, lacking technical knowledge, was unsure whether to approve the funds or not. In the end, he had to rely on Su Nai’s judgment. Thus, he needed to teach her to subconsciously learn control and discernment.

In his previous life, Jiang Qin had seen many technical staff fail in transitioning to management roles. They ended up either unemployed or changing careers, all because they couldn’t handle such issues.

Su Nai, a female programmer, would face a short career if she couldn’t learn to manage or balance the relationship between her subordinates and the boss. Her only outcome would be marriage and taking care of children.

Dong Wenhao, currently part of the literary club, couldn’t be openly poached, but since Su Nai was already his employee, Jiang Qin needed to lay the groundwork and pressure her to grow.

“Our boss is generous, just focus on your work, I’ll handle the funding request for you!” ×

“Our boss is stingy, is your funding request reasonable? Explain the reasons, I don’t want him ‘singing’ to me!” √

“Our boss is generous, just go ahead with this idea.” ×

“Our boss is stingy, will this even be effective? Write me a report, I don’t want to hear him complain about money.” √

However, this couldn’t be rushed. Letting Su Nai gradually adapt was fine. There was no need to push her to take charge so soon after the team’s formation.

Having finished his pudding, Jiang Qin threw the stick in the trash and returned to the dormitory for a nap. But as soon as he lay down, he received a call from Pang Hai.

“Boss, the second batch of advertising fans has arrived and has been handed over to the part-time club. Should we continue with the ground promotion?”

Jiang Qin thought for a moment: “Don’t rush. Finish distributing the flyers first, then hand out the fans.”

“Okay. Also, Wenhao is with me, he needs to talk to you.”

Then Dong Wenhao’s voice came through: “Boss, there’s a problem with the literary club. Do you want to come over?”

“East Campus? No, no, I’m not going to East Campus again.” Jiang Qin shuddered at the thought of Chu Siqi.

“It’s serious this time. Yao Yanling is holding a meeting in Classroom A, and I heard she might cancel the collaboration between the literary club and our website.”

Jiang Qin was puzzled: “So sudden? Why?”

Dong Wenhao hesitated: “I’m not quite sure myself. Boss, you should come and see.”

“A meeting to cancel our collaboration?”

“No, she’s gathering all the members for a meeting. I think she’ll officially announce the cancellation there.”

“Got it, I’ll be there.”

Jiang Qin hung up, borrowed a bicycle from his neighbor, and rode to East Campus.

Upon arriving at the main square, Dong Wenhao was already waiting under the scorching sun, waving at Jiang Qin. Though smiling, his expression was clearly anxious.

“What’s the situation?”

Dong Wenhao sighed: “Recently, several members with high acceptance rates suddenly stopped writing. I’ve urged them several times, but they keep giving excuses. I felt something was off, so I inquired privately and found out Yao Yanling had spoken to them in private.”

Jiang Qin found it unbelievable: “They stopped their part-time work just because she told them to? Are the members of your literary club that obedient?”

“The literary and debate clubs are organizing a city-level debate competition soon, and Yao Yanling is one of the judges for the preliminaries.”

“Oh, is it for credits and scholarships?”

“She didn’t say explicitly, but it seems so.”


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