While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 600: Sawsan

"That was…"

Stunned by the sudden change of the situation, Makay couldn't even move an inch, worried that the back end of my staff would actually finish its attack. With how he saw how quickly I could change the direction from which the flames would appear, the option of continuing the fight was most likely outweighed by the imagination of having his balls scorched!

"Does that mean you will acknowledge my power?"

This fight was never a duel to the death in the first place. If that were to be the case, rather than coming up with some strange attacks and tactics, I would simply reveal the entirety of my power in an attempt to thwart the danger that Makay was right in its core!

"Yes, as much as I hate to admit it, you won."

With the confirmation coming directly from the Makay himself, I could finally remove the end of his staff from the proximity of Makay's family heirloom hanging below his belt. Only then did the lord finally managed to shake his shock out of his body, taking a few steps back as if the threat of my staff still weighed on his mind.

"And that should mean…"

Rather than finishing the sentence by myself, I went with the option of forcing the Makay to finish it for me. Doing so would stop him from trying to refute my words, depriving him of any chances of pointing out inconsistencies in my words.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't need to be so wary of me. Since I told I will let you be if you win, I won't pursue this matter any further. But there is one more thing that we need to talk about."

With all the tension, at last, dying out in Makay's body, his body visibly deflated as he sheathed his sword back and sat in the exact same place as before.

"Should I start acting worried?"

Given how little of my power I had to use to successfully challenge Makay's combat might, it was inevitable that I would feel good about myself. Given the situation, I just couldn't stop myself from stupidly acting like I did, risking that I would actually provoke the lord's anger.

"Not at all. You see, just like there are great places, interesting people and ingenious inventions in the areas you had to travel to reach this continent, even if you were to put them all together in one place, they would be far from challenging either the might, splendour or the enlightenment of Sawsan. That place… Is called the capital of immortals for a reason."

Suddenly starting a completely new topic, Makay instantly managed to irk my curiosity. Given how every little bit of information would move me a bit closer towards unveiling the truth about this entire world, even if something seemed to not be connected to this topic at all, I would still carefully listen to it in hopes that I somehow made a mistake in judging the value of the information.

"Capital of immortals? Is that some kind of ancient and legendary place, just like Troy back on earth?"

The main difference between this Sawsan city and the Troy most likely lied in the fact that while even the scientists of the times I hailed from still argued not only where that city was located but if it was even real in the first place, from the way in which Makay introduced that place of his, it was quite obvious that it still existed!

Be it in form of ruins that would offer its riches to those who were daring, or more likely a social centre for people that crossed the boundaries of mortality and reached the stage of actual immortality, visiting that place could still potentially offer me a treasury worth of information!

"You really know so little about this place, that I'm tempted to actually call you John Snowy…"

Even if I were to ignore this outdated and stupid pop culture reference that even I could understand, the exasperated sigh that Makay released as he said that was enough to convey the meaning of his words.

"Sawsan… Is a place where no immortal can harm another. Just by checking this point, it's a place where you can live your life in peace, as long as you ignore the constant political and economical struggles of all those locals and eartherners that live there. It is also the place where you can refine your arts and prepare yourself for the ascendance. To be quite frank, all those things are great, but there is one major point that makes that place so compelling."

Taking a deep breath, Makay pushed his hips forward, instantly losing the support of the ground below him and falling right into the crater, only to fly back in a calm manner while spreading his hands as wide as he could.

"Ascendance. Both for the daring mortals who reach that place and for those who prefer the safety of the process rather than its immense value in terms of one's cultivation. The first group quickly grows to be in love with the place where their life changed, forming the majority of the population, while those who turned immortal somewhere else, often find it a convenient place to set their advance camp at."

With a swing of his hand, Makay created a semi-seethrough image that revealed the location of this legendary city. Just like expected from the city of this world, it was located right on the verge of the danger zone, quickly explaining what all those immortals would need their forward base of operation for. 

But as bad as it might sound to live right beside one of the most dangerous places on earth since it was marked as a danger zone despite countless immortals allegedly living in the city right beside, there was an immensely important greater meaning behind this lethal-sounding name.

So far, the growth of my personal strength was relatively dampened by the lack of proper materials to further my personal prowess or craft weapons that would allow me to use my power more efficiently. I could even remember that the last time ever since I was excited over any item was all the way back when I obtained a slightly improved type of magical metal from combining countless resources produced by my private world!

But the danger zone beside immortal's city…

Wasn't that the best place to look for something that any gamer would call end-game crafting resources?

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