While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 595: Covering the tracks

With how the split happened right in front of me, one could say that I had the absolute view of what was happening. 

And it was truly terrifying.

Looking forward, each one of my eyes was only capable of seeing the half of the world, with a huge yet thin wall of flames separating the two sights from merging into a single, three dimensional one. 

"This is not looking good…"

Both Gerwazy and Otto were obviously dead. From the very moment, this wrath of heavens in form of an extremely thick flame descended, nothing had any chance to remain off their bodies. It was just like in one moment, the man stood before me while the woman whimpered on the ground, still shocked by that attack of someone who she most likely considered an ally, and in the next, it was the fire that stole their position. 

Taking a look around, I could see that the illusion that still partially covered Makay's fortress, was now completely gone. Initially, I only checked it out as a form of making sure that all my enemies were now gone, but once my eyes laid on it, the situation took a turn for worse. 

Because what this illusion was covering, was not the peaceful state in the fortress, but the fact that there was no more of the said fortress to speak off!

Rather than majestically spreading over a huge hill in the distance, its foundation was now gone, replaced with nothing but a huge depression in the ground. Only once I scanned the area with my energy vision, did I realise that there was still a fight going on in the depths of the ravine that replaced the once-proud hill!

"This definitely does not look so good…"

For now, the forces that were clashing far below the natural level of the ground failed to take notice of what I just did. Maybe it was the illusion preventing them from noticing it, maybe they were just too immersed in their own fight. Either way, there was no denying that this new battle that I just took notice off, wasn't any less fierce than what happened on my level!

As if the apocalypse class spells were common for them, I could see the huge scars on their battlefield, left by the forces as powerful as what I just cast myself. The only difference was in fact, that rather than releasing this immensely compacted and condensed energy freely into the world, the spells that I could see flashing far below my feet, were actually condensed to the point of not leaving all that much marks on the world around them!

This meant that the first spell that started the fight, the one that turned a hill into a pit, was either some kind of mistake or just an attack on an even greater scale. No matter which option was the right one, it still gave me hopes.

If it was just a mistake, then one could draw a conclusion that the forces fighting below me were actually quite conscious about destroying their surroundings. Given all he events that lead me to this moment, I could guess that this entire battle was nothing short of simple territorial dispute, with one side aiming at taking over the lands of the other. Be it caused by the prestige, moral, private or greater reasons, it could still all boil to the fact that both sides saw a certain value in the lands they were fighting for, hence neither one was willing to intentionally destroy something he wanted to take over.

On the other hand, if this was the doing of some greater spell, than it simply meant that although the attacking side was capable of casting the same class of spells as I just did, they required far more preparations to be made in advance while sustaining far greater sacrifices for doing so! If the second part wasn't the case, then I would already notice someone attempting to shoot yet another spell of this magnitude!

Either way, be it due to deeper reasons or the skill disparity, I didn't really have to worry about anything. That is, for as long as no one would notice me!

Pulling back from the edge of the ravine from which I observed the ongoing fight, I started making my way over to the wall of fire. WIth how it was still standing, it was only a matter of time before someone powerful enough would get curious about it, instantly diving into the search for further clues!

"I need to cover my tracks up… Somehow…"

Faced against the possible monsters that would go after someone wielding the power that I just manifested, I couldn't even guess what skills or means they would use to trace the origin of the magic they saw. Maybe the already managed to plant a tracking spell on me? Maybe their noses could pick up some kind of distinctive smell that would lead them right back to my place? Or maybe they had some artefact that would point out my general direction?

WIth how attempting to cover all the possible ways of tracking the roots of this apocalyptic class spell to me would be nothing short of madness, I decided to go with an initially riskier, but ultimately far safer route. 

Taking my time to gather the same kind of energy that I just used in my hands, I tensed my legs, only to jump with all my force forward. Headed towards the ravine, in one moment I could see the lush plants that covered the foothold of the former hill, only to set my sights at the group of six men gang attacking the figure that I could only recognise as lord Makay himself. 

Before they would even bother to look up, I used small shockwave to turn mid-air, allowing myself to fall right at the former level of the ground into the hole, only to shoot yet another doomsday class spell from my hands!

Using the recoil of this attack, aimed at nothing else but the very first wall that was leftover from the initial attack, I instantly flew outside of the view of the people below, dashing right into the depths of the forest. Given how busy they were with each other, the chances that they noticed me were nigh. 

And right now, anyone who would bother to track those spells of mine would arrive at the scene where great powers clashed. Given how human's mind worked, once they would be given the simple explanation for this wall of fire splitting the world in half, those who would like to pursue its creator, would most likely just take the easy way out and assume it was just a product of the currently ongoing fight!

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