While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 592: Immortal's apperance


That was all that I could say at this moment. There was no fucking way that this man just so happened to randomly say the next few lines from the song that originated from the earth just like that! And if he wasn't capable of doing it randomly, then the explanation could be only as simple as I was worried it really was.

"Do you really need to ask? It's it obvious? I'm from the earth, just like you!"

This kind of sentence managed to catch me off guard. No tricks, no schemes, just the obvious and outright admission to the simple fact. 

There was no denying one fact. As great as my current life with Eve was, ever since I was transported to this world, I always craved to met someone who could understand me. Someone who read the mangas played the games, hated the teachers and occasionally ran away from the lessons. Someone who would understand all the silly jokes, someone, who could by my very first friend from the earth.

But like always, the fate lady decided that rather than showering me with her grace, dumping a huge load of her shit would work out better!


All the nostalgia, all the feeling of craving for the simple, earthy talk, disappeared as soon as I raised my eyes at the smug smile that Otto was presenting. All at once, I realised that my urge to connect to someone who could truly understand the plight of being transported to another world, was nothing more but something like the childish memories one would have about the place he was raised, that would never appear as great as it was in one's dreams once he would return to pay it a visit!

"What and? Don't tell me that you are too dumb to understand the meaning behind those words!"

Hearing Otto's ridicule helped me to compose myself. Just like he said, the fact that he was from the earth not only struck the cords of my nostalgia but also meant one, extremely dangerous thing.

He most likely had a system of his own!

"Do you wish to say that you raped a girl under my protection just to use her for the system's sake? And you really thought you would be able to get away scot-free from doing so?"

In this moment, I realised that meeting someone from the earth didn't necessarily mean something good. While I already knew it in regards to Makay, there was a huge difference between those two situations. After all, I knew almost for a fact that Makay was powerful enough to smash me into a pancake with just a leisurely wave of a hand. On the other hand, I never ever considered Otto to be any form of a threat to me or the people close to me!

"Rape? Are you out of your mind? Or are you from the age before one could finally obtain the freedom to decide what gender they have?"

Turning his head to the side, Otto graced me with a wide yet pitiful smile, as if he was looking at some kind of barbarian that never experienced the wonders of civilisation.

"What the fuck do you mean?"

Asking those question, I expected to get some answers. But seeing how Otto actually stood up only to pull out a knife and create a huge hole in his trousers. As if that wasn't enough, he actually put his hands on the hole he just made, only to reveal that there was a chunk of meat missing from what my image of him down there would be if I ever bothered to think about it!

"See? I don't have a penis, to begin with, so how could I rape her? But looking at how you accused me of it, I guess she was really disappointed with my techniques!"

Openly laughing up at what was most likely the memory of her violating Celleria, I was slowly losing the willpower that kept me from outright killing that man who turned out to be a woman.

"Do you really think that showing me your cunt will make me forget about what you stole from her? I guess at least I will be able to properly call you a fucking whore instead of fucking bastard now."

Unwilling to keep up with this piece of shit in front of me, I openly brought up my entropy to my hands, showing that my words were not an empty threat.

"And did you really think I would come out to face someone clearly stronger than me without ample support to protect me?"

Bursting out with yet another dose of sarcastic laughter, Otto raised her hand and snapped her finger. 

In this one moment, all the notions of the fight happening around Makay's castle disappeared, as if they were never there, to begin with. In their place, a new figure appeared right beside the reverse trap of Otto, with his hands locked behind his back.

"Allow me to introduce you to my dear friend, protector and lover, a middle-ranking immortal, Gerwazy!"

Once again, the name used by Otto to call the man that appeared beside her, clearly showed that this man was a possessor of the system and most likely, someone from the earth just as well! After all, there was only one country and one language that I ever heard that could create such scrambles of characters and use them as names!

"Shut your crap, bitch."

In one instant, the newcomer proved that he wasn't really all that interested in Otto. Slapping her in a motion that I was barely able to notice, he quickly turned his attention to me.

"Let's cut the chase. Give up all the immortal blood that you amassed so far to me, and I won't take any actions against you or your family."

With a snap of his finger, Gerwazy caused a strange mist to rise up from the immobile body of Otto. Just a single look at that mist was enough for me to confirm that it was the part of the blood of Celleria that she was missing!

"I don't think you will believe me if I were to claim that I never had any, to begin with?"

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