While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 584: Morning

"Good morning, dear."

Waking up as the morning sun started to cast its rays on my face through the few gaps between the logs that I failed to notice yesterday, the first thing I did was to just look down on my chest, where Eve's calm face was resting. 

For what seemed like an eternity, I could only watch at her delicate features. How her face was devoid of any stress, how her breasts were moving up and down according to her calm breath, her delicate fingers enclosed on my wrist that she used as a pillow…

Literally every single element of this moment was equal to heaven for me.

"Good morning, love."

Muttering her morning greeting, Eve changed her position on my chest, bringing her head just high enough for me to kiss her on the forehead.

"I would love to just cuddle with you like that, but we still have a lot of work to do today."

Raising my free hand to gently caress her cheek, I continued to rub her face for as long as it took Eve to properly cast aside her morning dizziness and wake up.

"Hello there."

Moving her body up, this dearest fiance of mine didn't care the tiniest bit how the blanket that we were sleeping under slid down the silk-like skin of her arms, revealing her delicious upper body right to my eyes.

"Oh boy, I just can't stop looking at you."

No matter how many times I saw it, her delicate skin and perfect proportions of every single part of her figure were always capable of instantly putting me into awe.

"Oh dear, didn't you say we have a lot of work?"

Ending her words just as a huge yawn hit her body, Eve brought her hands up, stretching her entire body as the said yawn escaped from her supple lips. But rather than using the momentum of the stretch to move up and properly start the day, Eve instead opted to fall back down on me. Grabbing my head with her arms, she pushed it against her soft bosom before hugging it with all her might.

"Let's just laze around for a little longer then."

Whispering those words right to my ear as if this was some sort of strange ASMR I had the chance to experience back on earth, Eve used her delicate fingers to caress the scalp of my head as her lips started to hum some kind of a calming sound.

Imprisoned right between her cleavage, hands and her own head, I could feel my hands instinctively moving up and locking Eve's waist in place as if the two of us were in some kind of close quarter fight. Now I also understood why married couples often used wrestling as the excuse in a situation when their kids happened upon them!

"Wakey wakey!"

At this point, I wasn't even surprised by this. Hearing Celleria's voice as she blasted the simple doors to our bedroom open was like a bucket full of cold water poured right down our heads.

"Did you seriously just came to wake us up? What would you if we were in the process of making love?"

As much as I hated to admit it, I knew that in this instance Celleria was right. With all the guesses I had about the lord, if we wanted to live here peacefully, then we had to prove that keeping us on his land would prove to be beneficial for both parties. But that didn't stop my already automatic reaction to her nagging!

"What would I do if you were fucking?"

Reiterating my sentence in a more direct way, Celleria only laughed quickly before putting her fists on her waist.

"Exactly the same? It wouldn't be the first time when I would see the two of them, and ever since the last time, I'm convinced that you wouldn't really care either!"

Bringing one of her hands up to point a finger at me, Celleria turned into the perfect illustration of annoying in my mind. The fact that I had no way of rebuking her words only made it worse!

"Eh, it's not like we really have any choice. You said it yourself, that we have a lot of work to do today."

Finally letting go of my head, Eve moved her body up once again, but this time her abdomen and legs actually followed the notion, bringing her back to the standing position. While staring at her perfect, naked body was an option, I knew that what the two girls said was sadly true. 

Moving up myself, I realised that due to how long and intensively we were going at it yesterday, even this prolonged session of cuddling wasn't enough to spark my fires up.

"I guess its time to start working."

Saying that rather to myself than to anyone else, stood up myself before grabbing the several pieces of cloth that usually served as my clothes. Only when I actually attempted to wear them, did I realise that during all the recent events, I still had to find a time to bother fixing it!

Full of holes, torn marks and marks of blood from all the fights that I took part in, those rugs were more likely to be used as bag for the trash in any other place, rather than an outfit for someone who almost reached the apex of the strength in the entire damned world!

"I guess I will try to hunt some beats with some good skins. We could use them to make some new clothes, and the leftovers could be used around the house…"

Muttering to myself as I started to form a plan in my head, I looked around the place that I build yesterday. 

It went without saying that although it could fill the role of a shelter, it was still far from actually turning into a proper mansion that I imagined my calm future with Eve in! Just from how all the floors were actually made from hardened earth, not to speak about perfectly naked wooden balls making up the walls, anyone else would never dare to call it nothing else but a damned shack rather than a house!

"Eve, I will bring quite a lot of animals to skin. I hope you are ready for the later part of the work!"

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