While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 580: Opening up

"Eve… Seriously?"

There was no denying it that given how the two of us were finally free to enjoy the presence of each other, one might be surprised with how long we managed to hold ourselves back. Sadly, as alluring as my fiancee's proposition was, the weight of the matters that I wanted to discuss might potentially be simply too great to be put aside.

Not with even the slightest chance that Lord Makay hailed from the earth just like me!

"I'm joking, I'm joking… Obviously, if you are down, then I would be happy to help, but just seeing how tightly you separated the two of us from the rest of the world, I can tell that you are serious. So, what's on your mind?"

Raising the corners of her mouth, Eve approached me closely, forcing me to sit down before resting down on the ground herself and pulling my head right on top of her lap. Feeling her hands slowly caressing my hair as she started to hum some kind of nostalgic sound, I realised that with every second, the worries that started to plague me ever since I came to the realisation about the Makay's potential background, started to slowly fade away.

"If I'm not wrong, our lord is someone who came from the same world like I did. While I can't say that for sure, as those particular ways of thinking that caught my attention could develop independently in all sorts of places and situations…"


Suddenly leaning downwards, Eve blocked my mouth with her supple breasts. With how focused I was on talking, I didn't even realise that was the case before I started sucking on them due to the momentum of my lips!


Bringing her delicate hands towards my chin, Eve rose back to the natural position while gracing me with her lovely smile. Holding the bottom of my face with her graceful fingers, she forced me to look beyond her lovely bust, directly into her eyes.

"If you speak with the references that only you understand, I won't be able to get what you will try to say. Either make it simple enough for me to comprehend it, or tell the entire story."

There wasn't even a single tone or hint of annoyance in Eve's words. She just continued to smile at me with that gentle expression of hers, while her hands returned to her usual motion of rubbing the skin of the top of my head.

Given such choice, I decided that there was no point in detailing all the intricate history of humankind on earth that lead to the creation of specific schools of economy and sociopolitics. As much as I would love to elaborate about it, this topic wasn't something that I could derive in details from just the general knowledge and hearsays that I experienced back on earth. With that said, rather than presenting my lovely fiance with a flawed and incomplete picture of the events that gave birth to certain mindsets, I decided that going with the simplistic approach was more fitting for the current situation.

"Improving the wealth of the land by improving the wealth of the people inhabiting it. While we never dabbled all that much in the organisational, logistical part of the politics, it's actually the most important part of governing a territory. There is only so much one can win in the diplomatic game, so if you want to increase your wealth as the lord while keeping the land stable and prosperous, you need to focus on improving the situation of those who live under you."

Gathering all the knowledge about capitalism and democracy that my kid-self form earth could know, I had to continuously try to make sense of it myself before conveying the message to my woman. Speaking of which, feeling that my head was slowly starting to go numb from the pleasure that Eve's fingers were providing, I reached towards her hands before pulling them down to my chest. But rather than encouraging her to do anything else, I just kept them in my hold, enjoying the faint echo of her blood flowing through the small veins that occupied her palms.

"The general idea started with something called a free market. It happened during the time when a lot of inventions were appearing, with each and every single one of them capable of both improving people's lives, but also making enormous wealth for those who dared to invest in it. As the time passed, those who had wealth had to compete for the attention of their potential customers, making all those novelties cheaper and cheaper, only accelerating the rate at which everything continued to appear, cheapen out and become common possession even for the poor part of the country."

Reaching the endpoint of my explanation, my focus started to waver. Right now, Eve's full eyes, filled with curiosity and affection continued to lure my focus towards her beautiful face, surrounded by the storm of her blond hair.

"I can't really tell how it happened exactly, as I never paid that much interest to it, but with the time, people realised that by letting their subjects earn more, they would become richer and powerful themselves. And looking at how Makay treated us, I just can't help but feel like his attitude is nearly exactly the same of what you would experience from the local governor back in my town!"

Obviously, that story wasn't entirely true either. With democracy in place, everything was bound to deteriorate. Not because the system was inherently flawed, but because humans themselves were. After all, even a kid would admit that some people were more suited towards certain tasks, yet with the growth of wrongly understood free-speech and growing tolerance towards everything, adults of my world seemed to have problem with understanding something as simple.

Yet, as sad as it was that there wasn't any simple solution to this topic, it wasn't something that I had to bother myself in this world. With how anyone who would come with the idea of democracy in this universe, would only be met with common scorn and ridicule, rather than figuring out the ways to properly govern the people, I preferred to focus on the lovely figure above me.

"And that made you assume that the local lord is someone who learned those ideas by living in the same world that you did before coming to this place?"

Freeing her hands from my lovingly hold, Eve snuck them between her thighs and my back, prompting me up a bit. Now, sitting on my bottom with my hands supporting my weight from behind, she locked her arms around my neck before snuggling right on my lap.

Yet, as erotic as this position would be in any other scenario, I simply moved one of my hands to make sure she wouldn't slip to the side, before hugging her even tighter to my chest.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. And while I really don't want to burst our bubble of happiness that we can create here, I'm worried that the current situation won't let us enjoy it either. If I'm not wrong, this entire place will soon turn into a battlefield between the local lord and his neighbours."

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