While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 65: I would use some help!


Before answering my question like the good kids I hoped those randoms to be, they looked towards Ayda first. It seemed that the fact that I was with her have yet to spread amongst those who followed her lead in this world.

"It's okay. Tell him everything you know."

Whispering gently from her resting place, Ayda forced herself to move her head up and down a bit to make sure those young people would notice her words.

"Herbs! I brought herbs!"

Even after Ayda's approval, I had no other choice but to wait a bit more to get my answers. Just as one of the newcomers was opening his mouth to explain the situation, another voice entered the fray before a young woman stormed the room while flailing a small, leather package in her hand.

"What the heck are you waiting for? Pass it on!"

At this point, I would have to be stupid not to notice that the girl who was currently tending to Ayda's wounds appeared to be the leader of the entire group. Be it just the part that entered the building or the commander of the entire unit that came to our rescue, it didn't matter almost at all for now.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?"

Pushing the matter of learning the news for later, I pulled out the package from the reckless girl that brought it here before passing it to the girl kneeling in front of Ayda.

"I don't know who you are so I will let that slide… But yes, I'm pretty proficient when it comes to healing."

Taking over the leather bag, the girl quickly undid the strings that held it together before taking a loot inside. After a moment of hesitation, she picked up several small containers before opening them all up. With her hands moving at a rate that I could barely follow, some of the powders, oils and leaves ended up on top of a single bandage that she cut from the one I used to stop Ayda's bleeding.

While watching how the girl was destroying this piece of art that my treatment was turned out to be quite painful, as long as it would increase Ayda's chances of survival then I would be happy with it. But with my beloved situation now already under control, it was finally the time for me to start carrying about my own wound.

But before that, I still wanted to hear an explanation for about what the heck was going out around us!

"Okay then. You!"

Pointing my hand at the same guy that was about to speak before, I smiled gently.

"I saw you attempting to say something. I will take the answer to my previous question now. What the hell is going on?!"

Despite a wide smile decorating my face, my tone remained cold. With Ayda's injuries weighing on my soul, my own injury influenced my physical state. Both of them combined into a pretty sorry state I was currently at. And it was most likely this state of my presence that made a hint of fear appear in the aura of the guy I pointed out.

"Sir… I don't know how much you know so far so it's kind of hard to explain…"

Seeing how troubled this young ally of Ayda was, I could only shake my head in disbelief. If that was the level of allies that my sweetheart could call forth, then unless they were insane in terms of fighting, they would seem like a wrong investment of efforts for me.

"All we know is that we lowered our guard too much. They somehow managed to put a tracker on us, resulting in the entire situation. I know we should've noticed it when they found us for the first time, but I stupidly assumed they just lucked out. So well, to put things in short words, all we know is that the two of us are fervently chased by the wizards."

Giving a little bit of background information like how this was actually a second attempt at our lives, I looked at the young man in front of me with expectation clearly visible in my eyes. If he couldn't learn where to start from everything I said already, his recounts would be useless from the get-go.

"Sir, they are not chasing you. Or rather, Wizards are not chasing you and master in particular. They basically declared a war against the entire witch society!"

Finally, something that made sense. All the way to this point I essentially gave up on trying to uncover what was the motive of wizards to go for such lengths to kill us. While there was the option of their wish to get rid of all the true mages or anyone who had a potential to become one, given Ayda's statement during the fight about the wizards having a true mage on their side, this one single reason that made any sense for me suddenly turned invalid.

Obviously, if it was a complete declaration of war against the entire group, then everything would suddenly make sense. Without such a huge cause, it was simply hard for me to imagine the wizards going for such great lengths and investing so much of their strength and manpower just to bother two unimportant beings!


Before I could even realise it, the girl that tended to Ayda's wounds proved that her self-confident words weren't empty claims. With my beloved complexity already improving by leaps and bounds, she even managed to move from lying position to a sitting one. Just the fact that her voice was loud enough for me to notice was enough to give the testimony of Ayda's follower skill.

"I know, I know. I need to take care of my own wound. But for that, let me rely on my own means to do so."

Smiling gently to the girl, I took a look outside the broken window. Just as expected, the fighting ceased a long while ago, with the entire area bustling with people of all ages. By straining my eyes a bit I even managed to notice a huge, wooden cage with people inside it.

A proof that the fight was truly over already.

"Before I go, do you think you could hold this place for a while? I'm not sure how hard it will be for me to return."

Taking a quick look towards Ayda, I could see how quickly her recovery was going. Sadly, without even a single bandage stopping my wound for bleeding, I could only guess how bad my general look was. And as little as I cared for appearances, it would cause a huge uproar if I were to appear like that in public, especially with how my entire popularity was built on the graves of my damned family!

"We will manage. Now that we know what we are up against, I hope we will be able to count on your help. I'm sorry I need to burden you with my own problems, but I don't really have any other choice."

Taking a quick look at Ayda's face, I felt as if there was something deeper to her words outside of what anyone could outright understand. Sadly, the stinging of my own wound was starting to get too annoying for me to try to uncover the hidden meaning behind Ayda's words.

"Don't you even dare to think about it like that. I will be going now. Feel free to use whatever weapon I will leave here to secure this place. I will try to bring some more back when I return, but I can't guarantee anything."

Smiling to my beloved I finally returned to the place where I was originally uncovering gift after gift for Ayda. Taking a quick look at the people watching my actions with curiosity, I put a focused look on my face before crossing my fingers in some strange ways a few times. Only once this part of my act was done did I dare to step through the doors and let the system transport me right back to my basement.

As stupid as it was to openly reveal my ability to move like that, I didn't really have any other choice. I couldn't risk Ayda moving anywhere far, and a single look outside of the window before only ascertained me that no other building within the area had any doors remaining in place.

But debating over whether returning to earth out in the open was smart or not could wait. For now, there was something else that I had to do.

Using the shirt that I was wearing to clean the blood from my face, I quickly took it off my back before replacing it with a fresh shirt. Only then did I move towards the basement doors before pushing them open. Running through the open space between the basement at the cap that covered it, I finally managed to escape the sanctum of the mansion. And then…

"Pavlo! Where the heck are you?! I would use some help asap here!"

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