While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 63: Wounds

Pushing away her own opponent with a directed wave fo repulsion, Ayda shouted to me before focusing her attention on the fight once again. With our time running low, we had to get rid of those two fuckers!


Shouting right in my face, the acolyte of the wizard faction probably hoped that raising his voice would make me scared or something. But as rowdy as I am, I decided not to follow his orders.

Pushing all my weight forward while axing one of his legs, I managed to throw both of us at the floor. With my fall cushioned by the body of the opponent, I finally managed to put him in a position of perfect control.

Even though I was in the middle of the room, lying down on the floor like that made me a target too small for the archers outside to get the proper angle. And given this relative freedom of movement, I did something that I never expected to use in a fight.

I sank my teeth into the side of the man's throat!


But it wasn't his pained voice that resounded. Clenching my jaws and pulling my head away from the man's throat, I could feel a sweet, metallic taste rushing in my mouth as I looked towards the source of the sound.

And what I saw, made me stunned.

Even though she was cornering her opponent properly, right now, Ayda's chest was unnaturally pushed to the front. And only when she fell to the ground did a black arrow sticking from her back revealed itself to my eyes.


Unable to comprehend what happened, unable to accept the fact that another person that I grew to care about was in lethal danger, my body momentarily froze. And the whimpering man below me wasn't willing to let go of this chance.

With my body no longer pinning him perfectly to the ground, he pushed my chest away, forcing the two of us into what would look like some gay cow-rider position. But instead of whispering sweet reassurances of how he loved me or how tight my asshole was, the man swung his sword right at my face.

The difference between close-quarter-combat and half-distance. In the latter, a sword was one of the most versatile and dangerous weapons in the hands of a skilled user. And this truth was just proven to me.

Pulling my entire self to the back as soon as I noticed what was about to happen, I still felt a sudden chill across my entire face. Then, this chill exploded with a mixture of warmth and extreme pain, one I have yet to suffer in my life!


With my emotions taking the advantage of the moment, even my instincts couldn't resist. Steered by nothing but the hate mixed with my survival instinct amped to maximum, I simply moved the magic. Rather than shaping it to anything that was similar to what I already managed to ever produce, I simply disturbed its flow in the area, forcing it to take the shape I wanted with just the sheer will of mine.

And just like that, the man who just dared to put a scar on my face, had his head squashed by a suddenly appearing immense force!


Dropping all the caution outside the window, I rushed towards the lifeless body of the girl. Using the currents of magic to tear the other opponent into pieces on my way there, I fell to my knees.

"Don't you dare die on me, don't you dare…"

With the tears from my eyes mixing with the warm blood trickling from the wound, I saw how ugly Ayda's wound was. With the arrow's wooden part broken pretty closed to the puncture, a lot of tiny splitters already scattered all over Ayda's back. With her breathing rugged, it was clear she wasn't in a good state.

But I still had no time to take good care of her, no matter how urgent it was. With my fit of emotions passing after the deaths of the two attackers sapped my strength, I knew I would be no longer capable of miraculously turning the situation around.

Thankfully, I had all the tools I needed to end this fight right away.

Ignoring the pain in my wound, I jumped towards the pile of Ayda's gifts. With the torn bag already giving me a hint of where to look for the stuff I desired, it took me only a moment to pull out the ultimate dream of any young man.

A damned Rocket Propelled Grenade, or in other words, Rpg.

Honestly, I couldn't tell what the Baskars thought when I ordered it. Maybe they expected me to create some fireworks? Or maybe go on a private crusade against Sarate family? Either way, what mattered now, was that without even precisely aiming, I turned the new weapon of mine towards the broken window. As reckless as standing up was right now, I simply poured all my energy into the repulsion.

As I stood up, three arrows came my way. Thankfully, the powerful pressure of my witchcraft was more than enough to keep them away from me. But now, I finally had my target. Directing the front of the weapon towards the first place where the arrow came from, I pressed the trigger.


Escaping from the cold embrace of the guiding tube, the projectile proved that grenades could achieve high velocity as well. By the time the roof of a nearby building exploded in a sea of flames, I was barely halfway through reloading!

Two more shots to the nearby roofs and one more to a small group gathering at the plaza at the foot of the Inn, and the fight finally came to an end. Or rather, the fighting on my part. Because by the time I sent the last grenade into the crowd of enemies, I had no other choice but to notice that they were actually fighting with someone else!

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