While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 52: Do you think its possible?

The night came surprisingly fast. Maybe it was just my warped perception of time, maybe the heat of the battle or maybe just how I immersed myself in making love with Ayda. No matter the reason, once my mind properly cleared out, the sun no longer cast its rays through the window of our room.

"You are not sleeping yet?"

Her body wrapped around my side was a source of strangely soothing warmth. For this girl, the entire day had to look quite strange. From a hot session of love interrupted by an invasion, through a surprisingly short fight and right back to another dose of steamy mating.

Looking down on her sweaty face, I could see nothing but her starry eyes gazing right back at me. There was no hint of annoyance in those big windows of her soul. As far as I could tell from just looking, the one thing present in her eyes was an overwhelming sea of affection.

"No. Not yet. And thanks for putting up with my unreasonable situation."

Moving the hand on which she was resting a bit, I pulled Ayda a bit closer to my skin, as if attempting to embrace her with just a half of my body. Reacting to my movements, the girl only fixed her position, bringing her head even higher on my shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about it. I'm glad I could be of any help to you. While I don't want you to take everything from now on for granted…"

Escaping with her eyes to the side, Ayda covered her mouth with her left hand. After a few moments she took to consider her next words, her pupils moved up as she looked at me with the standard, mischievous smile of hers.

"... you are still my hero. How could I stop myself from snuggling you up when I saw you in such a bad shape back then?"

Suddenly raising on her elbows, Ayda moved on top of me. With her breasts hanging down from her body as her nipples rubbed around my skin, I kept my eyes glued to her face. Not because I was too shy or too virgin to adore the beauty of her body. Her eyes were just that much more alluring than the intricacies of her soft skin.

"It gladdens me to hear that."

With her face once again rubbing lovingly against the skin of my chest, a silence ensued. For a moment, we were just enjoying each other's presence, instead of constantly bothering ourselves with solving the problems. Those struggles that we sooner or later had to face, could wait.

But sadly, they didn't end up waiting for long to get our attention once again.

"Hey… I don't want to push you, but what do you want to do next?"

Not even moving her face from atop my chest, Ayda asked.

"Well… I would lie if I were to say I have some kind of grand plan for everything I do. But there is some stuff that I need to take care of. Do you remember the time when I said I was confused with the time? This situation is soon coming to an end. More or less, in about a single day from now, I will no longer be able to suddenly change as I did back in that fight. If I go to my homeworld… All the time that I will spend in my home, will pass in this world just as well."

I already told Ayda about being from another world. Revealing just a little bit more about the intricacies of my otherworldly travels wouldn't change anything for the worse, but would let her be more aware of my situation.

The time that I spent wandering through different worlds had one, a great impact on my way of thinking. No longer did I suffer from the coloniser's disease that made me think that people on earth were better. With several different people in all kinds of worlds that I visited proving that they were just as smart if not actually smarter than the people I learned from in my homeworld, I was no longer arrogant enough to dismiss the potential that Ayda's brain holds.

"Wait, if it's like that… Just one more question, do you get to choose in what place you appear in either of the worlds? I mean, if that were to be your wish, could you move back to your home and return, but appear in a different place when compared to where you left this place from?"

Raising on her elbows, Ayda once again exposed the beauty of her chest to my sight… But the seriousness visible in her eyes and almost tangible in her aura made me unable to even think about looking at the beauty right in front of my face.

"Not really. While there might be a way to do it, I never really bothered with it. So far, while I can leave any foreign world to me from literally any place I would want, I always ended up appearing in the same spot that I moved out from."

Thinking about this now, it seemed that my shot at letting Ayda on the secrets of my abilities seemed to already prove to be a great hit. What I took for granted before, she questioned it, allowing me to see both the pros but also the drawbacks of the situation.

And that made me think about one really dangerous element appearing from combining the end of the time freeze and my obligation to appear in the same place I came from.

Didn't that make setting traps aimed at killing me on the spot way too easy? Didn't that mean that if anyone going after my life would just need to wait for me to leave the world before preparing my death in advance?

"I can feel what you are thinking. That means you realised it yourself."

Lowering her head back on my chest, Ayda took a few breaths before asking.

"Right now, you are returning to this place to meet with me and uncover the secrets of the magic, both witchcraft and wizardry. Given how I can teach you anything you want about witchcraft, don't you think it would be better if I just moved to your world instead of endangering you by making you come here? Or rather…"

For a moment, Ayda turned silent, as if something stopped her from ending her sentence. For this slightest time, I could sense a hint of fear in her aura before it vanished as quickly as it appeared in the first place.

"Do you think… Gulp… it would be possible for me to move in to your world?"

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