When Your Pain Becomes Mine

Chapter 161

Chapter 161: Chapter 161.

“What’s wrong, Labong!?”

Sun grabbed Labong and hugged him.

“Ruff! Ruff!”

However, Labong was barking continuously, only looking at one side of the alley.

She raised her head up and looked around. She soon saw a familiar sign on the street.

It was the Blue Rose Veterinary Hospital, Eunwoo’s hospital.

She saw Eunwoo through the window, and he was taking care of the injured animals.


Sun quickly tried to turn her body and moved her feet.

“Hey, Sun.”

At that moment, A familiar voice called her name.

She was surprised, turned around slowly, and looked at him. Eunwoo was smiling at her.

“Why are you just leaving without saying hello?”

“Sorry. You seemed busy.” Sun made up a story, feeling sorry for him.

“What’s that?” Eunwoo asked her, looking at the big bag that she was holding.

“No, it’s nothing.”

She was embarrassed and hid the bag behind her. However, she dropped one of Labong’s snacks that she was holding in her hand by accident.

She picked it up quickly, but Eunwoo already saw what it was.

“You can buy snacks here, too…”

“Haha, I know. There were some sales going on there. Haha.” She smiled awkwardly.

Looking at her steadily, Eunwoo started speaking. “Would you like to come in?”

“… Sure…”

She struggled to answer and went inside the clinic.

After a while, he handed out some snacks to Labong.

“Here it is. These are Labong’s snacks. They are healthy for Labong because they are organic.”

“Oh… that’s great. Here they are”

Sun tried to pay for them with her credit card.

Eunwoo smiled bitterly and took the card.

“You’re going to be uncomfortable if I don’t take it? Or… are you already uncomfortable?”

“No, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“I can see it on your face. It’s telling me that you’re uncomfortable.”

“No… it’s not…”

She didn’t know how to respond to him at this unexpected meeting.

When he made a transaction with her card, he returned it to her.

Sun awkwardly took her card, but Eunwoo held the card and didn’t let her take it.

Still looking at her eyes quietly, he started speaking with a stern voice.

“You’re uncomfortable because you found out how I think of you, right?”

Hearing his honest questions, she couldn’t say anything.

“Honestly, I liked you since I’ve met you for the first time since the moment that I saw you crying.”

His one phrase sent the two of them to Santiago instantly.

She recalled the moment when she was struggling to go up the Santiago church’s stairs.

The memory of Eunwoo at that moment was still so clear that when she wanted to give up everything, she would remember the memory of then Eunwoo came and talked to her.

Eunwoo started speaking again, looking at the Santiago Church’s picture on the wall.

“When you showed up here again like a miracle, I thought God was giving me another opportunity.”

Eunwoo recalled Sun, who ran into the clinic, holding Labong in her arms on a rainy day. The woman was trying to save Labong while she was soaked in the rain.

Silence laid down between the two.

“Dr. Park… I’m…” She called him, but she couldn’t say anything to him.

However, Eunwoo was able to read her mind.

“I’m just saying it. I wanted to tell you this at least once. Honestly.” Eunwoo said, smiling bitterly.

When he confirmed the time, he spoke again.

“I’m sorry I have to go. I have an appointment.”

Sun struggled and tried to say something, but she could only tell one word to him.


Sun involuntarily bid farewell to him and left the clinic.

She looked back several times because she was so sorry for him.

Eunwoo only watched her as she departed calmly.

“I’m so sorry that my mind is still the same…”

He slowly unfolded his fist and looked down at the stone in his hand. He grabbed the fist tightly again and stood up slowly from his seat.


In the conference room of the Lasung Hotel.

Gyeonhui and Ojae had come earlier and were waiting in the conference room nervously.

“What kind of person would he be…?” Ojae asked in wonder.

“I have no idea. I only know that the man is a Korean-American.”

“Does he know Chaekyeong?”

Gyeonhui nodded without saying anything.

“Who the hell are you…”

Gyeonhui was also wondering.

People from Silicon Valley always wanted to prove to themselves that they are different, so they have a lot of interviews and try to get famous.

However, the CEO of DNBM was different.

‘Knock, knock.’

At that moment, Chaekyeong came inside with the sound of knocking.

“You’re all here early.”

“Where is he, the CEO of DNBM?”

Gyeonhui asked instead of answering her.

“Just be patient. We still have some time left.” Chaekyeong said while smiling at him.

It was about 7 pm.

‘Knock, knock.’

“He’s here, exactly.”

Gyeonhui was grumpy and unsatisfied. He looked at Ojae and nodded.

When Geyonhui nodded at Ojae nodded with a stern face, Ojae started speaking.

“Come in.”

After a moment, the door opened, and a person came into the room.

“You might be a little surprised,” Chaekyeong said, enjoying this moment.

“Nice to meet you.”

They then heard someone speaking in fluent Korean.

Hearing a somewhat familiar voice, Gyeonhui anxiously turned his face to meet the man, and his face finally came into Gyeonhui’s view.

“You… you are…”

The man looking at Gyeonhui was the dog doctor, Eunwoo.

Then just follow me
When Sun came home, she plunked down on the couch. She was so exhausted.

Having not gone for a walk with Labong in a long time and carrying the heavy grocery bags made her tired, but it was mainly Eunwoo that caused her so much trouble.

“Honestly, I have liked you since I met you the first time since the moment that I saw you crying.”

While she recalled Eunwoo’s sincere confession again, she just closed her eyes again.

She tried to endure the pain by biting her lower lip, but it wasn’t easy.

“I’m so sorry…” Sun mumbled to the air.

No one would listen to her, but she felt like she had to do it; otherwise, her mind would burst.

At that moment, her cell phone rang, and it was Eunyoung.

When she quickly calmed herself down, she caught her breath and answered the phone slowly.


“What are you doing?”

“I’m home.”

“I knew you would be home.”


“The jerk, no, Mr. Woo called Ojae.”

“It seems something urgent came up. I was with Gyeonhui a while ago, but he’s gone.”

“Is that why he ruined my weekend too?”

“I’m sorry…”

“You’re so funny, why are you sorry? It’s not even your fault.”

Sun smiled awkwardly because Eunyoung was right.

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