When I Start Changing My Character’s Scumbag Status, Strange Things Started Happening To Me

The Planned Date with My Neighbor Next Door (1st Part)

Doorbell ringing 3x

"Ughh... Just give me 5 more minutes."

I groaned inwardly as the doorbell shattered the morning calm, disrupting the peace that had settled over my room. With a tired sigh, I glanced at the clock on the wall. 8:00 AM. It was early for a weekend, especially after the events of yesterday that left me feeling drained and in need of rest.

Dragging myself out of bed, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stumbled towards the door, my movements sluggish and uncoordinated. My mind raced with thoughts of who could possibly be visiting at this hour. A delivery guy, perhaps? Or maybe a neighbor with an early morning request?

As I reached for the doorknob, my tired mind was jolted awake by the sound of a familiar voice.

"Hey, Ryo-kun, are you ready to go?"

It was Misaki, standing on the other side of the threshold, her presence a welcome surprise amidst the haze of morning lethargy. I blinked, momentarily taken aback by her unexpected visit.

Taking in her appearance, I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly she exuded a casual charm that was perfect for a day out. Misaki wore a simple yet stylish ensemble, a loose-fitting blouse in soft pastel hues that complemented her complexion. Paired with a comfortable pair of jeans and sneakers, she radiated an air of laid-back elegance that suited her perfectly.

"Oh, shoot. I haven't even changed yet."

I just remembered. Today was the day Misaki had planned our date. I hadn't been given any details about where or when we were meeting, so her showing up at my place was unexpected.

"I'll just get dressed real quick. It won't take long. Mind waiting for me?" I asked.

"I can wait here, Ryo-kun, no matter how long it takes. I just want to be with you," she replied sweetly.

"Thanks. It won't take long." I said, closing the door gently and hurrying to get ready.

I went for a quick shower, cringing as the cold water hit me. Fortunately, I was able to lower the temperature to a more manageable level, thanks to the shower's temperature function.

Rummaging through my drawer, I pondered the best outfit for the occasion.

"Hmmmm... T-shirts feel too casual today." I thought aloud, sifting through my neatly folded clothes. "Maybe a polo shirt will work. It's a safe choice, I guess." With a shrug, I chose a conventional light-colored polo shirt, with jeans below, preferring simplicity over the complexity of personal style.

After a quick change, I straightened my collar, hoping I looked decent enough. With one last glance in the mirror, I grabbed my wallet and keys to my apartment, then headed for the door.

Swinging it open, I found Misaki waiting patiently in the hallway, a soft smile gracing her lips. Her presence warmed the space, easing any nerves I had about our upcoming date.

"Hey." I greeted her, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "Sorry for the delay. Ready to go?"

Misaki's eyes lit up with anticipation as she nodded, her enthusiasm infectious.




Next stop, Akisha Stop. Next stop, Akisha Stop.

As the bus trundled along the familiar route, I found myself lost in the rhythm of the morning commute, the gentle sway of the vehicle lulling me into a state of quiet contemplation. Peering out the window, I watched as the city streets came to life with the hustle and bustle of early morning activity.

The sun had had already risen up above the clear, blue sky, shining its bright, golden glow all over the urban landscape. Tall buildings loomed on either side, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the vibrant energy of the awakening city. Pedestrians hurried along the sidewalks, their faces obscured by their hats and umbrellas against the brilliant morning.

"Amusement park huh."

The amusement park the Misaki mentioned is located not too far away to he city, but it still needs a transportation in order to reach the place. I heard it was a bit popular place, and today is a weekend, I'm sure there'll be a lot of people that's present in there.

I take a look at the window once again. The scenery began to change. From the confines of the city center, rolling hills and lush greenery stretched out as far as the eye could see, a welcome respite from the concrete jungle of the metropolis. Trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling softly in the morning air.

As I was absorbed at the beauty of the greenery scene, I take a glance at Misaki that's seated beside me. Her eyes sparkled with unbridled excitement, her smile lighting up the entire bus with its infectious warmth. 

"What's got you in such high spirits, Misaki?" Curiosity piqued, I couldn't resist asking.

"Oh, Ryo-kun." she replied, her voice tinged with affection, her attention suddenly shift to me. "I'm just thrilled to be spending the whole day with you, that's all." 

As Misaki's words washed over me, a warmth spread through my chest, mingled with a touch of embarrassment at her unexpected affection. Misaki hadn't been mentioned much in the game other than her first appearance, let alone the old Ryosuke and their close relationship for who knows how long, and yet here she was, growing close to me. It got me thinking about what kind of event would lead to the old Ryosuke becoming close to his neighbor? But I'm going to put that aside for now.


"I'm quite excited on going to the amusement park."

"Is this your first time visiting these types of places, Ryo-kun?"

"Yeah. I've always wanted to go there, but it would look stupid if I were the only one."

"Then you don't have to worry since you've got me to go to one!"

I smiled at her response.Misaki and I fell into an easy conversation, to kill some of a bit of time. Then, the amusement park loomed closer with each passing moment, its colorful attractions visible through the windows as we drew nearer. The ferries wheel and the roller-coaster can be seen from our distance as the excitement of the day ahead filled the air.

"Wow, there's so many people here!" Misaki remarked, her eyes wide with excitement as we entered the bustling amusement park. Her joy was evident, almost infectious, as she soaked in the sights and sounds around us. It was as if she was seeing the place for the first time, and her enthusiasm filled the air.

She's just like a kid. That's pretty cute I thought. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction. Before I knew it, I found myself caught up in the whirlwind of energy that surrounded her. The laughter of children, the vibrant colors of the attractions, the smell of cotton candy lingering in the air – any adult would feel like a child in this environment.

"What are you waiting for, Ryo-kun? Let's try one of their fun ride!" she said as she excitedly pulls my hand. This is going to be a long day.

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