When Fantasy Glitches

Chapter 41: The Mask

What to do? That was the question on Magnus's mind.

I mean, he said he'd give me tangible assets, which I assume includes stuff like money, right? But it's not like I really need it. I mean, I already managed to order my clothes, plus I live in the dorms, so that's two things checked off. And the academy cafeteria feeds students for free. More importantly, is any amount of money worth getting roped into some political power struggle?

But of course, Magnus also had to acknowledge the fact that he didn't have many allies in this world, despite having an abundance of enemies.

His one potential ally was the Major General, but they hadn't even met face-to-face yet, so it was hard to gauge where he stood with him. On the other hand, there was Zeth and whatever group he was working for, both of which clearly wanted him dead. Not to mention the unseen mastermind who had sent Basker after him.

So in the end, turning him down would help me dodge one issue, but I would still have to deal with a bunch of others. On the other hand, if I accept his offer, Luden may be able to help me deal with everything else, especially since he's part of a mage noble family and seems to have a lot of influence...

As these thoughts swirled in his head, Magnus grew frustrated with himself.

Dammit, I know I said I didn't plan on laying too low, but now I'm sort of wishing I did. How did I attract so much attention so fast when I was just trying to mind my business?"

Battling his inner turmoil, Magnus glanced at Luden's outstretched hand. He stared at it for a brief moment before finally deciding to speak.

"I—" He began, but before he could even utter a word, the carriage jerked to a halt.

"Oh, it seems we've arrived," Luden noted, peering out the window. They had reached the Upper City, stopping at a corner by a tall, three-story building. The entrance featured stairs hugged by intricately carved statues, leading directly to the second floor, which served as the main entrance. From the ground, one could only gaze through the glass on the first floor, allowing one to see the various people inside enjoying their meals.

Ivy neatly climbed the stone walls, and banners with the restaurant's emblem fluttered in the breeze.

A small gathering, he says...

By now, Magnus was starting to become numb to the lavish displays of the nobility.

"Hmm, alright, then Magnus. I can tell you're about to turn me down, so how about a secondary offer, a trial run of sorts?" Luden suddenly said, bringing Magnus's attention back to him as they continued to sit in the carriage.

"What do you mean?" Magnus inquired.

"I'm not usually one to negotiate. If someone declines my initial offer, I typically move on to find someone else who will accept it. The only reason I haven't done that with you is because my instincts are telling me that having you by my side is the best possible choice. However, it's also clear to me that even though you have a definite goal, you're unsure about what you really want," Luden explained, pulling his hand back.

"I don't know what I want? What does that mean?" Magnus repeated, his confusion evident, but Luden shook his head as he replied.

"I can't tell you that; you need to figure it out yourself. Meanwhile, I have another proposal for you. How about joining my faction anonymously instead of making it public? You'd use a false name and persona. That way, nothing gets traced back to you, and you can dodge all the worries that have been racing through your mind." As he spoke, Luden raised his hand, giving Magnus a brief glimpse of an emerald-colored ring on his pointer finger.

The ring shone slightly as an object began to materialize as if made of light, right above it. As the materialization ended, the object regained its sense of gravity and fell into Luden's hands. Once the light had fully vanished, Magnus saw that the object in question was a mask. The mask appeared light and seemed to be crafted from a blend of dark metal and mesh.

Oddly enough, despite not being worn and there still being daylight out, the eyeholes were pitch black, impenetrable to sight.

"The Rilhawks are a mage family steeped in various mystical trades. That, of course, includes runemiths, capable of making us special magical artifices, just like this mask," Luden spoke while handing the mask over to Magnus.

Magnus examined the mask closely and asked, "Is this what you meant by a trial run?"

Luden nodded as he elaborated.

"Yes, while wearing this mask, you will officially be a member of my faction. As such, you will receive all the benefits I mentioned and more. However, when you are not wearing this mask, you're just Magnus. We'll remain friendly in public; however, I will not offer you my assistance."

Hearing this, Magnus felt the term "trial run" was spot-on. Luden was essentially separating the Magnus that was useful to him from the one that was hesitant. Honestly, he hadn't expected him to propose such an idea; it took him by surprise. As Magnus considered the offer, though, he decided it would be best to ask as many questions as he could before he came to a decision.

"If I agree to your offer, can I leave your faction whenever I want just by choosing not to wear the mask?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, if I have need of your help but you decide to ignore my calls and don't dawn the mask, I'll take that as your final decision and won't press any further. But in the future, if you officially join us, you'll be part of my faction until we reach my goal," Luden answered, his tone direct and unwavering.

His words left no space for misunderstanding. If Magnus had to guess, even if he went to beg Luden for help, if he wasn't wearing the mask, even Luden wouldn't budge at all—such was the price of him having to compromise on his initial offer.

"Oh, and you don't need to worry about your identity being revealed. This mask has been expertly crafted by one of the top runic smiths in my family, at my personal request. It’s so well-made that not even an Archmage could see through it with a casual glance, much less a Master-level mage," Luden added, indicating the mask for Magnus to examine closer.

On the surface, the mask looked ordinary, but inside it was lined with finely etched runes, so detailed that Magnus struggled to make out the individual lines.

"The runes inside will change your voice and even let you alter how you appear to others through perceptual distortion. The only thing you need to watch out for is the mask getting damaged, although measures have been taken to prevent just that," Luden explained.

Magnus turned the mask over in his hands, weighing Luden's words and the mask’s significance, before he finally made up his mind.

"Man, I might regret this, but alright, I'll take your offer. Just don't be disappointed if I don't match the image of me you've built up in your head," Magnus said as he lifted the mask to his face.

"Oh, I think you'll fit the part just fine," Luden responded, watching as Magnus's entire look transformed under the mask's influence. His original hair and clothes disappeared, replaced by a dark hood and leather attire tucked underneath. Having been given the chance to change his appearance, Magnus opted for the classic rogue style.

"This is going to take some getting used to," Magnus admitted, his voice now deeper and more monotone. As long as he behaved unlike his usual self, he was confident no one would recognize him.

Interestingly, Magnus couldn't see the mask on his face at all. It was as if his vision was completely unobstructed. While he adjusted to the mask, Luden opened the carriage door and stepped out, with Magnus trailing just behind him.

"Since I've announced the creation of my faction, I've been invited to this gathering, along with any faction members I choose to bring. There will be other factions and their leaders here, so I'll handle the talking. Your job is to stay close and act the part, got it?"

Adapting to his new voice, Magnus replied, "Understood."

"Good, let's head inside," Luden said.

Luden and Magnus climbed the stairs of the restaurant as night enveloped the Upper City in a tranquil air. A guard-like man promptly opened the door with a respectful nod as they approached. Reaching the counter, they were greeted by an elderly attendant.

"Welcome to the Silver Chalice. Do you have a reservation?" the attendant inquired.

"Yes, I'm Luden Rilhawk," Luden responded.

The attendant skimmed through a list, his finger tracing down the names until it paused.

"Ah, I see. In that case, please follow me to the fourth floor." The attendant led them to a staircase to the side of the counter. It directly bypassed the third floor, allowing them to arrive on the fourth. Unlike the other floors, this one consisted of just a hallway with only one set of doors leading to the sole room on this level.

"The gathering is right through there. Now, if you would excuse me, I'll be on my way," the attendant said, excusing himself promptly. He had clearly been instructed to respect the event's privacy.

Luden didn't hesitate as he approached the doors. Opening them, he stepped into the room, and Magnus, who was behind him, felt the atmosphere shift as all eyes landed on the two of them. The room radiated a cozy vibe, bathed in the soft, warm glow of three chandeliers.

The room was set up with various seating arrangements, including private areas for each faction, an unmanned bar open to everyone, and a large table that served as the main gathering spot. Magnus scanned the room without recognizing many faces, mostly because he wasn't familiar with the other students at Takerth Academy.

Plus, most of the attendees, like Luden, weren't in their usual school uniforms. It was a bit easier to spot the knights, though, since a lot of them wore swords on their hips. Magnus continued to look around until he caught sight of a young woman with maroon hair.

Oh, Seraline is here too? I wonder if she's a faction leader or just a part of one.

"Ah, you've made it, Luden. I'm glad you decided to come. And who do we have here? A member of your faction?" The first to greet them was a young man with dark hair slicked back, looking to be about Luden's age.

"Absolutely, how could I miss it after your invitation, Zilen? And, yes, this is Cain, a member of my faction. Please excuse his mask; he’s covering some scars he’d prefer to keep hidden." Luden lied as naturally as breathing.

"That-" Zilen started to respond but was cut off by another voice, mocking and annoyed.

"Tch, we wait all this time for him to show up, and he only brings one person? And a mask-wearing freak, no less? What a joke." Magnus turned towards the voice, spotting a rough-looking man in the corner, surrounded by three others who were likely members of his faction.

He stood out with visible scars marking his face and body. His weapon, a type of battle axe, was wrapped up and propped against his side, while long, dark brown hair cascaded down his back. He shot Luden a glare filled with pure contempt, making no effort to conceal his disdain.

"Resir, there's no need to—" Zilen started to speak but got cut off by another voice.

"No, the muscle freak has a point. We all agreed to meet with our factions, and he shows up with just one person? We've essentially been waiting around for nothing." The arrogance was palpable in the voice of a black-haired young man who spoke up next. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he lounged on a long couch surrounded by four faction members. His demeanor was starkly different from Luden's.

He was dressed extravagantly, adorned with his family’s crest—a bold, golden dragon—emblazoned across his back. It matched perfectly with his bright golden eyes, which contrasted with Magnus's amber ones.

I was wondering when I was finally going to come across a young master. Honestly, it took longer than I thought it would. That aside, I'm starting to understand what Luden meant by ego. If these guys weren't the leaders of their own factions, they would be a pain in the ass to have as members.

Magnus counted a total of six different factions in the room, including Luden and those who had spoken up. Each leader seemed to have brought three or four people, but the two remaining factions stayed silent, merely watching the events unfold. As the two young men voiced their concerns, Luden stood silently, unaffected. It wasn't until they finished that he spoke up, addressing Zilen.

"I'm afraid I'm late because I was handling family matters. That aside, if I remember correctly, the invite I received from Zilen didn't specify that I had to bring a minimum number of faction members, correct?" With the floor finally his, Zilen nodded in confirmation.

"That's right, I didn't mention that. Let's all just take a breath and relax, okay? This meeting is meant to be a peaceful one so we can discuss things and prevent any unnecessary fights down the line." Seeing Zilen's response and realizing no one else would challenge them, both Resir and the young man with the golden eyes backed down.



With tensions easing, Zilen breathed a sigh of relief. Luden then took a moment to sit on one of the long couches, motioning for Magnus to join him.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, we can start," Zilen announced, stepping to the front of the room to capture everyone's attention before launching into his speech. As he did, Luden leaned over to whisper to Magnus.

"I imagine your first impression was ruined because of that rowdy pair; you don’t have to pay them any mind. Our families have had quite a few bad encounters, so they tend to enjoy barking at me whenever they get the chance."

"I see," Magnus replied curtly, keeping his response brief as he tried to maintain his cool persona. Still, curiosity got the better of him.

"Are these all the factions in Takerth Academy?" he asked. Luden shook his head.

"No, there are plenty more. However, we're all in the same year, and we pose the greatest threats to one another. Therefore, it's best if we meet up like this and make agreements ahead of time, especially since the live examinations are coming up." Magnus's expression beneath his mask shifted subtly as he listened to Luden.

This Live Examination was a new concept to him, but luckily he didn’t need to ask for an explanation because Zilen had begun talking about it with everyone. From what he picked up, the Live Examination involved a series of competitive matches between students from different classes, organized in a tournament-style bracket. It was a biannual event, and the first one would kick off in around three weeks.

The aim wasn't to rank students but to give the professors and staff at the academy a sense of each student's capabilities. Nevertheless, students used these assessments to unofficially rank themselves, which sparked a competitive spirit among them. With so many classes and students in each year, these matches took up an entire week, and those ranked at or above the Adept level were not allowed to participate.

Today's gathering was mainly for open discussions, focusing on ensuring that factions didn't inflict too much harm on each other's members during these matches.

Since all the faction leaders here were in their first year, it was crucial for them to use this time to allow their factions to grow stronger. Any injuries they, or their members, have received now would only set them back. Moreover, conflicts within the academy were just a small part of the larger picture. Any slip-ups could directly impact a student's noble family or their backers.

So it could be said the real faction battles would come later; for now, maintaining a friendly environment was key.

As Magnus mulled over these points, Zilen wrapped up his speech.

"Alright then. I've reserved the fourth floor for the rest of the evening. Please use this as an opportunity to talk and build connections. The main goal here is for us all to get along, at least slightly. Food and drinks will be served shortly." As the mention of food reached his ears, Magnus suddenly realized he hadn't eaten all day. Earlier, Luden had all but dragged him off the street, causing him to miss the meal he had planned with Celia at the restaurant.

I swear, it makes no sense that you can forget that you’re hungry, only to suddenly feel hungry again when the mention of food is brought up.

But that’s exactly what happened. Magnus felt his hunger, which hadn’t been bothering him for a while, suddenly return with a vengeance.

Luden turned to him and said, “I just wanted to introduce you as part of the faction. Feel free to leave whenever you like. I’ll stick around for a bit longer,” before he stood up to discuss a few matters with Zilen.

A few minutes later, the doors swung open, and a stream of waiters and waitresses marched into the room, balancing trays piled high with a variety of dishes. Meats, soups, and even some odd sea creatures that looked out of this world to Magnus filled the trays.

The beverage selection was just as diverse, with cups overflowing with exotic alcoholic mixes and unknown juices. All these delights were quickly set down on the central table, turning it into an impromptu buffet ready for the taking.

Magnus's stomach growled, protesting the wait. Spotting a waitress with a tray that included what looked like steak and vegetables, he quickly caught her attention with a wave. She turned and approached with a friendly smile.

"Can I help you, sir?" she asked politely.

Pointing at the tray, Magnus responded, “Could I have that?”

The waitress seemed a bit surprised by Magnus's deep voice but kept her composure.

“Of course. Shall I get you a plate?” She offered, but Magnus shook his head.

"No, I was wondering if I could just take the whole tray with me."

The waitress paused, her eyes shifting from Magnus to the tray she was holding. Initially, her first reaction was, of course, to say no, but then she recalled the specific instructions they were given before starting their shift on the fourth floor.

The manager made it clear: every guest here is important, and we're to accommodate their requests as much as possible. So, letting someone take a tray of food should be fine, right?

After thinking it over for a moment, the waitress handed the tray to Magnus.

"Of course, here you go."

Magnus thanked her and then stood up to leave the restaurant. Wearing a mask made eating in public complicated. He had two options: stay and torture himself while watching others enjoy their meals, or take some food with him and eat elsewhere.

A few members of the other factions, including Seraline, noticed the individual referred to as 'Cain' leaving with a tray of food in hand. But given that Luden had described him as having scars and wanting to hide them, none of them questioned it.

Only Luden, who was aware of Magnus’s true identity, watched him leave while chuckling to himself.

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