When Fantasy Glitches

Chapter 17: Touring Takerth Academy

Stepping out of the carriage, Magnus was greeted by a massive wall encircling the grounds of Takerth Academy. The wall stood tall, its surface smooth and nearly without seams, giving off an otherworldly vibe as if it weren't crafted by human hands.

Could they have used magic to build it?

"Hey kid, try not to get too caught up in your head when we get inside. This place is ridiculously big, and getting lost is easy. Trust me on that. Oh, and whatever you do, keep your hands off the wall. Rumor has it; that it's laced with sensory magic. Make the wrong move, and we'll have the academy's security unit on us in no time." Magnus's attention snapped back from the wall due to the warning.

He hurried after Gerald, who was already making his way to the academy's entrance, not far from where they'd been dropped off. As they moved, Magnus observed their eerily empty surroundings.

It struck him as odd that there were no people in sight.

"So, why's it so quiet around here?" Magnus inquired, which prompted Gerald to explain.

Arlcliff City was split into three parts: the Outer City, the Lower City, and the Upper City.

When they first saw Arlcliff City from afar, Magnus noticed numerous buildings outside the city walls, sprawling along a vast river that branched out across the land. That area was referred to as the Outer City, connected to Arlcliff City itself through various roads.

This Outer City was mostly home to traveling merchants, farmers, and other occupants who didn't plan to stay for long.

Arlcliff City was built atop a massive hill, with the Lower City spread out on its slopes. This is where everyday life buzzed; from the garrison to the Major General's Villa, all of it was nestled within this area.

Whether it was small shops or sprawling marketplaces, they all found their place in the Lower City.

The Upper City, on the other hand, sat at the hill's peak in Arlcliff's heart. It was the domain of Takerth Academy, the City Hall, and the lavish residences of the nobility. It was akin to the affluent districts back on Earth.

"Honestly, the Upper City is not my cup of tea. It's all exclusive stores and noble gatherings. You won't find a decent bar for kilometers, and let me tell you, the people here could really use some loosening up." Gerald's face twisted with distaste as he vented about the Upper City.

Listening to him, Magnus recalled their previous conversation about the nobility at the bandit camp.

"You're not a fan of nobles, huh?" Magnus remarked as they continued their walk. Gerald responded with a noncommittal shrug and a few choice words.

"There's not much to be fond of. Were it not for the military's backing within the upper rings of nobility, we'd have been torn apart by them ages ago." Upon reaching the academy's entrance, they were welcomed by towering open metal gates and halted by a group of armed guards, standing ready.

They were better armored compared to the guards that normally patrolled around the garrison, though they were still a far cry from the city gate guards Magnus saw when they first arrived at Arlcliff. As they were halted, Magnus sneaked a peek through the gate of Takerth Academy, only to find the grounds were eerily deserted.

"Sir Gerald, back to help with the classes?" One of the guards stepped up and asked, earning a nod from Gerald.

"Yeah, but this time I've got a guest with me on the Major General’s orders." The mention of Arbarth’s title had the guards snapping to attention, especially the one chatting with Gerald.

"Got it. Give me a second to check." The guard hurried through the open gate toward Takerth Academy. But then something strange happened. The moment his foot crossed the threshold separating the outside from the academy grounds, he just vanished.

"Whoa, what the hell? Where did he go?" Magnus couldn't believe his eyes and rubbed them in disbelief. But it was true—the guard had completely disappeared. Seeing his baffled look, the other guards burst into laughter.

"It cracks us up every time," one of them managed to say between laughs. Magnus, still puzzled, watched as another one of the guards took a moment to clarify.

"He's actually still there. Takerth Academy is encircled by an illusion barrier. We're not sure how it's done, but from the outside, everything you see about the academy is a trick. It even blocks sound. So, unless you’re inside looking out, there's no way to tell what's actually going on in there."

Ah, so it's kind of like a magical version of a one-way mirror, huh? No wonder I didn't see anyone when I peeked through the gate. But man, this place is massive; the barrier must be enormous to wrap around the whole academy. I guess it makes sense, though. This is one of the Ten Great Magic Academies, so crazy security measures like this are probably common.

But it does make me curious about how magic actually works here. Do they rely on grimoires or spell books, or is it more about chanting? Maybe they even use wands or staffs? With a barrier like this, magic can't just limited to elemental stuff.

Magnus couldn't stop these thoughts from buzzing in his head, and soon enough, the guard, who had left earlier, came back.

"Apologies for the delay. I've contacted the Vice Headmaster, and it seems everything's already been sorted out by the Major General. We'll need to check your mark as usual and remember, he has to stay with you. If he wanders off, it could lead to him getting into trouble."

“You hear that, kid? Stay close; no exploring on your own.” Magnus nodded at him. He didn’t need Gerald to spell it out for him. After reading so many fantasy stories, he was well aware of the chaos that could unfold in places like this brimming with magic users.

All the students here are nobles, if my memory serves me right. Being sent by the Major General has its perks, but it would probably be best not to stress-test the little backing I have here if possible. Plus, it’s not like I’m in any position to fight; gaining knowledge is my main goal right now.

Magnus watched in silence as Gerald extended his hand toward the guard, who then drew a peculiar, flat crystal from his belt. As the guard hovered it above Gerald’s palm, a mark began to glow with a vivid yellow light, growing brighter by the second.

Describing it wasn’t straightforward; the mark resembled a four-pointed star with a square nestled at its heart, crafting an eight-pointed emblem. The design was intricate, filled with geometric patterns that reminded Magnus of complex architecture.

Lifting his eyes, Magnus observed the entrance of Takerth Academy, noting the same emblem etched above the doorway of the Central Building, though there it was a tangible, physical object.

Ah, that makes sense. It’s the academy’s emblem.

Shortly after, the flat crystal responded to Gerald’s emblem, lighting up. With that, the guard withdrew the device.

“Ok, you're clear to enter the academy; sorry for the hassle,” the guard said, with Gerald brushing off the apology. He signaled Magnus to come along, and the guards resumed their posts.

Staying close to Gerald, Magnus followed him as they both stepped onto the academy grounds. The moment they crossed the threshold, Magnus felt as if he had stepped into a whole new world.

Suddenly, people materialized out of nowhere—thousands of them—and based on their uniforms, it was clear they were students. Some sat on benches, engaged in conversations, while others meandered about with unusual books in hand, heading toward various buildings scattered across the campus.

The uniforms seemed to come in two types: one was relaxed, featuring a shawl draped over the shoulders, complemented by a striking black and gold color scheme. The other was clearly designed for activity, simpler in gray and white, without any additional adornments, regardless of whether it was worn by boys or girls.

Wow, it's been ages since I've felt this kind of vibe. It's like my school during off-hours, though it also dredges up some not-so-great memories.

"So, does this place match what you imagined?" Gerald asked, observing Magnus as he took in his surroundings.

"Well, kind of? I knew it was an academy for nobles, so I expected it to be a bit more posh," Magnus admitted. The magic barriers and odd outfits aside, the place looked surprisingly ordinary at first glance.

Gerald chuckled and said, "Well, they're all brats right now, even if they're nobility. Besides that, the real reason things seem so peaceful is because they're all on equal footing socially. Why make enemies when you can make connections, right? If you're looking for fancy, though, the dorms are something else. They're like little palaces, funded by the nobles and overseen by the academy. They even managed to get permission to bring personal servants there. I can't show you those on this tour, though; they are off-limits to visitors and non-staff. But forget about that for now. Let's take a look around."

Gerald then led Magnus on an extensive tour of Takerth Academy, which lasted over an hour. This place had everything, and that was no exaggeration.

The first location Gerald took him to was a colossal library that spanned four levels, dwarfing the one back at the Major General's Villa.

From the outside, it blended seamlessly with the academy's overall design, but stepping inside was like entering another realm. The interior boasted an elegant mix of white and dark gray marble, complemented by various polished woods. The library was home to over a million books, an overwhelming sight to behold.

Yet, despite the constant stream of students borrowing and returning books, every single one was still in its rightful place. Seeing that, Magnus had a thought.

Wow, being the librarian of this place must be a nightmare.

Next up was the cafeteria, matching the library's grandeur in architecture. It screamed a level of luxury, that Magnus assumed the nobles were accustomed to. The menu was so high-end that Magnus couldn't even guess how to pronounce half of the stuff listed on it.

As they continued the tour, it felt as though they were ticking off the locations on an unseen checklist. The academy had it all: both indoor and outdoor pools, and even a shop exclusively for students and staff of Adept level or higher, which they sadly had to skip since Magnus wasn't a student.

The only area Magnus hadn’t gotten to really see was the dorms, which were also off-limits.

After touring the main attractions, they ended up at a stadium-sized structure, an architectural marvel that didn't quite fit into any specific era. Positioned to the far right of the main building, it featured four entrances pointing in all cardinal directions, with flags bearing the Takerth Academy emblem fluttering above it.

“This place is massive. What’s it used for?” Magnus asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Well, it’s mainly for classes or various academy events,” Gerald shared, his voice trailing off.

“But I’ve heard that some students get permission to-”

Gerald's words were abruptly interrupted by a girl's flat, slightly annoyed voice coming from behind them.

"You again. I can't understand why they keep inviting you to train us." As Magnus turned around, he spotted the girl from whom the voice had originated. Her maroon hair cascading to her waist was the first thing he saw, clashing ever so slightly with her sharp, rose-like eyes.

He had never seen someone so unnaturally vibrant in his life.

Next, he noticed her icy glare directed at Gerald, and her attire matched the gray and white uniforms he had seen before.

“Oh? I was wondering which one of you was running late. Did you finally get over what happened during our last meeting?” While speaking, Gerald had an absolutely irritating smile on his face. Whether it be Magnus or the girl, both of them felt the urge to punch him just seeing that grin.

"Whatever." She quickly lost the energy to engage with Gerald and shifted her attention to Magnus, immediately spotting his lack of uniform and narrowing her eyes.

"And may I ask who you are?" she inquired.

"Magnus Wright, just here for a tour," he replied casually, his eyes wandering back to her hair. Something about her felt oddly familiar.

“A tour? Well, I can’t imagine it was very informative considering who was leading the way," she said.

“You little brat, you should speak respectfully about your trainer. Anyway, Magnus here is a soon-to-be student of this academy, so you might as well tell him your name. I doubt you two will be seeing much of each other considering he’s going to the Mage Course,” Gerald interjected, with a hint of reprimand in his voice.

At the mention of the Mage Course, the girl's expression changed.

"A mage? But I've never heard of the Wright Family before..." She looked him over again, this time with a mix of curiosity and skepticism, pausing when she noticed his hair color.

After a moment, though, she regained her poise, and her stance softened.

"I'm Seraline of the Sostenza Family, a student of the Knight Course," she introduced herself with a formal bow, catching Magnus by surprise. He nodded in response, unsure of how else to react.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, shall we head to the arena?" Gerald suggested, only to be swiftly denied.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Without missing a beat, Seraline spun around and headed for the arena by herself. Watching her leave, Gerald couldn't resist making a remark.

"She's so feisty, that one, even when she acts cold."

"How do you know her?" As he watched Seraline's retreating figure, Magnus asked Gerald, digging through his own memories for any clue.

"Ah, right. Do you remember when I mentioned I'm working as an assistant teacher here? That red-haired girl is in one of my classes. I'm handling the Knight Course, though, so you probably won't be in any of the classes I've been involved with."

Ah, that explains the different uniforms. The ones in white and grey are knight trainees, and the ones in black and gold are mage trainees. Since both mana cores and aura come from mana, I guess they're both considered magic, in a sense.

"Listen, I know she might be the first girl your age you've seen in a while, but you're staring a bit too much, don't you think?" Magnus snapped out of his daze upon hearing Gerald's words, realizing he was still looking in the direction Seraline had walked off in.

"Huh? Oh, no, I wasn't... It's just that she seemed really familiar. I can't shake the feeling I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't figure out where." It was puzzling since Magnus was certain he'd remember someone like Seraline if they had met.

"That's odd," Gerald commented, and after a moment, Magnus let out a sigh.

“Well, whatever, I’ll figure it out eventually; let's head in." The two of them made their way into the Academy Arena, where Magnus was left awestruck. He had already been caught off guard by the sheer size of this place from the outside, but it somehow looked even bigger on the inside.

The vast stretches of empty seats oozed a sense of grandeur, while the huge dirt field at the center appeared to leave plenty of space for any kind of event.

Off to one side, there was a hefty wooden rack filled with weapons. They were all made of wood—no real weapons, of course, but they still boasted quite an array. It had wooden swords, axes, halberds, great swords, hammers, and others Magnus couldn't immediately recall.

Nearby, a group of about thirty students in Knight Course uniforms was gathered, Seraline among them.

As soon as Gerald stepped onto the field, the students reacted in various ways. Some seemed irritated, others were openly hostile, and a few looked at him as if he were a monster from some kind of nightmare. Clearly, this wasn't the usual welcome a teacher would expect.

Without paying much attention to their stares, Gerald made his way to the front and picked up a hefty wooden sword from the rack, using it it as a pointer.

He then announced with authority, "Listen up, everyone! Your normal sparring instructor is busy today, so you're stuck with me again. I've heard some of you weren't too thrilled about sparring with me last time and complained to the Vice Headmaster. So, we're going to keep it simple today with one-on-one matches."

At this, many students breathed a sigh of relief, while Magnus could only wonder what had happened during the last session to make them feel this way.

"Any questions before we kick things off?" Gerald said as he scanned the crowd.

Only one hand went up, prompting Gerald to point at him and ask, "Ok, you, what's on your mind?"

"Who's he?" A student inquired, pointing towards Magnus, who'd been quietly observing by Gerald's side.

"Oh, him? Just ignore him. He's here getting a feel for the academy and will be joining the Mage Division soon." Magnus's introduction gave him the same curious look Selina had given him earlier.

Despite the mix of knights and mages at the academy, mages were definitely a rare sight, making Magnus a topic of interest. Two students at the back started murmuring to each other, eyeing Magnus's distinct blonde hair.

"Hey, do you see his hair? I wonder what family he could belong to."

"Wait, blonde hair, you don't think he could be...?"

They exchanged glances, then dismissed the thought, "No, that can't be right. Elves have been extinct for ages."

Some of the students started whispering to each other, but their chatter was quickly silenced by Gerald's commanding voice.

“Alright, cut the chatter! Time to see who's up first.” Gerald swept his gaze across the field, finally stopping on Seraline. A sly smile spread across his face, and she shot him a defiant look in return.

“Seraline, since you were the last one to arrive, you get to go first.” With a reluctant scowl, Seraline stepped forward, separating herself from the group, and moved towards the weapon rack. Her gaze darted from one weapon to another until it settled on a long wooden spear.

She grabbed the spear from the rack, swung it through the air, and jabbed it forward, feeling out its balance. As she did this, Magnus's eyes suddenly bulged in recognition.

That's it! That's where I remember her from! She was in some of the game's splash art!

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