When doctors have a simulated operating room

Chapter 210

The girl was slightly startled.

Yes, don't cry!

Don't cry at this time!

Now Liu Luo is the only one left!

I am the closest person to Liu Luo, and I am the only one who can think of where Liu Luo usually goes!

Yes, Su Xiaoxiao!

You have to calm down!

Think carefully about where Liu Luo can go?

If he wants to commit suicide...where will he go? !

Su Xiaoxiao gradually stopped crying, forced herself to calm down, and then stood there thinking.

Zhang Yi and Bai Tang didn't disturb her either.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi's cell phone rang.

It was a call from Lu Jing.

"Hey, Director Lu? Have you found the person?"

"No, I heard from the monitoring room that the patient left through the back door of the hospital. He left the back door of the hospital at 8:07 in the morning!

Let's put it this way. Considering that the patient is suffering from uremia, it is suspected that he has depression or suicidal tendencies.

You should call the police first and see if they can help find him.

Don't delay and cause a tragedy."

"Don't worry, Director Lu, Chen Fang has already called the police."

"That's good. You must find the patient and don't let him get into trouble. "

"Understood, we will try our best to find him."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi turned to look at Su Xiaoxiao and said:

"The surveillance shows that he left the back door of the hospital at 8:07.

It is now 8:45, nearly 40 minutes.

He should not have gone far, right? Think about where he could go? ? "

Su Xiaoxiao murmured:

"8:07? ? "

"Let me think... calm down! I have to think about it carefully..."

Her eyes kept searching back and forth on Liu Luo's bed.

As if she wanted to find something on the bed.

Then, she took out the letter in her hand and read it.

Suddenly, she raised her head: "I thought of it! Hometown! Could it be hometown?

Liu Luo's grandparents are buried in his hometown. Liu Luo...could he miss his grandparents?"

"Hometown? Do you mean he wants to die in front of his grandparents' grave?"

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, it's possible! I'll go to Liu Luo's hometown now! Or go to the station to try my luck and see if I can find Liu Luo waiting for the bus."

Just when Su Xiaoxiao was about to go to Liu Luo's hometown alone.

After calling the police, Chen Fang came in and urged several people:

"Go to the police station quickly. The police said that if there is really a patient with depression or terminal illness, let's go to the police station and check the road surveillance directly."

After Chen Fang reminded Zhang Yi, it suddenly dawned on him!

Yes, it's enough to go to the police station to check the road surveillance directly!

He really forgot it in a hurry just now.

It's better to watch the surveillance directly than to expect Su Xiaoxiao to remember it.

Soon, Zhang Yi, Chen Fang and Liu Luo's only family member Su Xiaoxiao rushed to the nearest police station.

And Zhang Yi also posted Liu Luo's suicide note in the hospital group.

He also notified the hospital staff to stop any suspicious patients or patients with suicidal tendencies.

For a while, the news that the hospital lost a patient and that the patient had suicidal tendencies spread.

In less than ten minutes, the news reached Qian Zhenggang's ears.

The lost patient in the hospital wanted to commit suicide?

This is a big deal!

It involves the responsibility and reputation of the hospital.

Qian Zhenggang quickly called Zhang Yi.

He asked Zhang Yi to try his best to bring the patient back, or persuade him to stop committing suicide.

Zhang Yi said that he would do his best.

On the way to the police station, Su Xiaoxiao's eyes were red all the time.

Or rather, her eyes had never been dry this morning.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly said:

"Liu Luo, this bastard, just gave up on me...

Because of a mother who didn't want him... He not only wanted to give up his own life, but also wanted to give up on me...

Is it worth it? Is he worth it?!"

Zhang Yi and Chen Fang looked at each other, and they didn't know how to comfort her.

Liu Luo should have heard all the conversations in the corridor last night.

Every word Liu Luo's mother said was like a knife stabbing Liu Luo's heart.

It made Liu Luo, who was already suffering from uremia, lose hope of living again.

It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Zhang Yi felt that no child would not yearn for fatherly and motherly love.

Perhaps Liu Luo's heart was not hatred, but too much love and desire.

When he heard his mother so decisively deny him and abandon him,

After that, he was completely disappointed.

Disappointed with the world...

Imagine that a little boy lost his father at the age of fourteen, and his only mother who he could rely on suddenly disappeared and ignored him.

Two years later, he still heard from relatives that she had remarried...

Then he heard from relatives that she had given birth to a younger brother...

Then there was a younger sister...

Zhang Yi thought that if it were him, he might not be as strong as Liu Luo.


Zhang Yi felt so sorry for the boy when he thought about it.

Suddenly, the car stopped steadily.

Chen Fang glanced at the police station not far away and said:

"You guys go quickly, I'll park the car and come right away."


Zhang Yi and Su Xiaoxiao walked quickly into the service hall of the police station.

After explaining the reason to the police, they didn't hesitate and immediately started to retrieve the road surveillance outside the back door of the Municipal People's Hospital.

"I left through the back door at 8:07."

"Yes, that's right."

"Here, here! I saw Liu Luo, zoom in on the lower right corner!"

Su Xiaoxiao excitedly pointed at a man in a white short-sleeved shirt in the lower right corner of the screen.

"That's him, I recognize this shirt, I bought it for him!"

Everyone was searching for Liu Luo's picture intently.

After Liu Luo came out of the back door, he first walked across Yuchang Street, then turned right at an intersection and went to Huailin Road.

"Where is Liu Luo going? It doesn't look like he's going to the station to go back home?" Su Xiaoxiao whispered.

The police officer who was checking the surveillance said:

"The route doesn't look like going to the station, and there is no scene that meets the conditions for suicide in front of Huailin Road.

Unless he wanted to get into the traffic, but if he wanted to get into the traffic, he would have done so as soon as he left the hospital, and he wouldn't have to walk so far to Huailin Road.

And it's impossible to jump off the building, because he would have jumped off the building in the hospital."

The pictures fast-forwarded page by page, and it was almost an hour since Liu Luo left the hospital.

In an hour, many accidents really happened!

Suddenly, a policeman next to him poked his head out and said:

"Huailin Road? Is Huailin Road heading south or north? If it's heading south, there is a scene that meets the conditions for suicide."


"Look for surveillance cameras near Yulin Bridge? My home is on Huailin Road, which is the only way to Yulin Bridge.

I remember encountering two or three cases before, all of which were people who jumped into the river and died at Yulin Bridge."

The policeman's words instantly reminded Su Xiaoxiao of something!

She exclaimed:

"Yes, yes, yes! Yulin Bridge, quickly find the surveillance near Yulin Bridge!

I remember Liu Luo told me that his father drowned while swimming in the river!

So Liu Luo is particularly afraid of water and can't swim at all!"

When the police officer who was adjusting the surveillance heard it, he searched the surveillance video and directed the auxiliary police next to him:

"You come to adjust the surveillance to find people, I will go to the vicinity of Yulin Bridge with them first.

Remember, you must keep a close eye on this person's walking path and call me to report at any time!"


The police's approach saves a lot of time.

In order to prevent Liu Luo from really jumping into the river to commit suicide, the police officer went to the most likely place of the incident to save people.

At the same time, he asked his colleagues to keep a close eye on the path and report at any time.

The two hurriedly followed the police out of the police station, and Chen Fang just happened to come over.

The three got in the car, and in the car, Zhang Yi decided to call the emergency department.

Ask them to send a car to the vicinity of Yulin Bridge in advance.

If we really encounter Liu Luo jumping into the river to commit suicide, maybe there is still a chance to rescue him earlier!

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