What's wrong with me promoting my girlfriend as a diva?

Chapter 80

The result of Qiao Sheng's crazy search on the computer was borne out.

The reason for his search was that even in two parallel worlds, the development of human beings was basically the same, and there must be geniuses similar to Morikawa Aoi.

As expected, he really found several.

And they also covered several professional fields.

He directly saved the videos, and when someone asked about it in the future, he could use these videos to explain.

I, Qiao Sheng, am such a genius.

It took four months to find out that I have a god-level talent. I just want to ask if you are afraid.

After leaving his workstation, Qiao Sheng came to Lin Moxue's office.

The office door was open, and Qiao Sheng poked his head in. Lin Moxue was lying on the desk in a daze.

There was a tablet on the desk, and she was sliding her finger slowly.

Seeing Qiao Sheng, Lin Moxue instantly jumped up from the table and waved to him: "Qiao Sheng, come here quickly, it's time to play your role as a music director."

Qiao Sheng didn't understand why, so he walked over and sat down, and took the tablet handed over by Lin Moxue.

It turned out to be a resume.

After this period of development, the wind that Xueqiu Entertainment had already gone bankrupt had already been reversed in the industry.

Now, it is no longer an entertainment company on the verge of bankruptcy. Instead, it has become a hot company because of Lin Yixiang's comeback and the rapid rise of new singer Adu.

After seeing the recruitment information posted by Lin Moxue before, many people sent their resumes to Lin Moxue's email with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

The positions applied for are also varied, including agents, assistants, clerks, singers and actors.

After Yang Lihuan joined the company, the first thing she did was to ask Lin Moxue to continue recruiting.

Lin Moxue had recruited once before, but no one applied.

She wanted to refuse, but the company's human resources department was empty. Facing Yang Lihuan's serious expression, she could only take the job.

There were many resumes downloaded from the mailbox, and even loan company advertisements pretending to be resumes.

As Qiao Sheng expected, they were basically people with very little experience and nothing good to see.

After looking at a few of them, he put the tablet back on the table: "What did you call me when I came in?"

"Just now?" Lin Moxue asked suspiciously.

"Yes, just now."

"Qiao Sheng?"

Qiao Sheng shook his head.

"Music director?" Lin Moxue looked puzzled.

Qiao Sheng said seriously: "Yes, you called me the music director, not the human resources director. I can't do the job of selecting resumes."

Seeing Qiao Sheng standing up and about to leave, Lin Moxue hurriedly called him: "Hey, wait a minute."

Lin Moxue pushed the tablet back to Qiao Sheng and said: "I know, you don't need to look at the front, look at the back, there are singers."

Qiao Sheng sat down again and turned to the back, and it was indeed some singers' information.

The singers' resumes are more abundant, not only with personal information, but also with their singing videos.

Some who have appeared on some local programs directly put the singing clips in.

Some original ones recorded their own demos and put them in the resume.

These are all okay, all relatively normal.

The most terrifying thing is...

"What is this!" Qiao Sheng's expression on his face was as if he had eaten shit after watching another video.

In the video just now, a middle-aged man stood upside down against the wall at home, singing while washing his hair.

Big brother, your talent is suitable for the talent show. Our small company is not worthy of you.

Swipe away, next one.

The name, photo, and personal profile are all normal. After clicking on the video... . . . . .

A middle-aged woman with heavy makeup appeared on the screen.

"Have you started recording?"

"It has started."

The next is a performance of ghosts and wolves howling, coupled with the enchanting figure of the big sister. In order to save his eyes, Qiao Sheng immediately turned off the video after hearing one sentence.

Lin Moxue saw Qiao Sheng's look of despair, slapped the table with both hands, and laughed so hard that he fell backwards.

After five consecutive videos of this kind of eye-catching, Qiao Sheng learned his lesson.

These are all "precious talents", and the personal profile cannot describe one ten-thousandth of their amazing performances.

She chose to skip the resume and watch the video directly.

As he flipped through the pages, harsh and unpleasant songs rang out from time to time in Lin Moxue's office.

I saw another video of a man playing guitar and singing. He played the guitar well, but the tune was off the mark.

Just as Qiao Sheng was about to leave, he heard Yang Yue's voice coming from the door.


Boss, is Qiao Sheng singing again? "

Hearing this, Qiao Sheng turned back with a sullen face.

When Yang Yue saw that he was holding a tablet, the unpleasant singing sound came from the tablet, and he apologized embarrassedly.

"Sorry, sorry, I am blind, oh no, I am deaf."

Yang Yue left with a big laugh, and Lin Moxue was already curled up in the office with laughter.

"No, boss, as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and our company attracts this kind of stuff, what are you happy about?"

"No." Lin Moxue wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Look, there are normal ones behind."

"It's better to be like this. "

Qiao Sheng glared at her fiercely and continued to scroll the tablet.

It was indeed as Lin Moxue said, not all resumes were meant to rape his ears and eyes.

After these resumes that were too hard to look at, there were some relatively normal video profiles.

There were singers who had been singing in bars for many years, and there were also college students who graduated from music colleges.

What surprised Qiao Sheng the most was that he saw Liao Feng's resume.

"Liao Feng?" Qiao Sheng looked at Lin Moxue in confusion.

Lin Moxue nodded: "I was also surprised when I first saw it."

Qiao Sheng clicked on the video, which was Liao Feng's performance on the "Singer" program.

He closed the video after listening to a few sentences.

He had seen Liao Feng's performance on the show, and overall it was okay, worthy of his former title of rookie king.

There was also a video of Liao Feng's self-introduction.

The video showed Liao Feng's handsome face. Qiao Sheng looked at Liao Feng, who looked a little different from himself, and couldn't help but say: "Why is his condition so bad? "

Liao Feng looked a little decadent, with a face full of stubble, and the whole person looked haggard and vicissitudes, like a patient who had not recovered from a long illness.

Liao Feng did have a serious illness.

Heart disease.

"Leaders of Snowball Entertainment, I guess you all know me, so I won't beat around the bush. I hope to join your company."

Qiao Sheng liked his straightforward attitude.

Compared to other people who started bragging about how great they were, Liao Feng's opening remarks seemed sincere and honest.

Then Liao Feng began to introduce his current and previous situation.

Qiao Sheng was actually very clear about Liao Feng's current situation. When he was on Earth, he had seen many similar situations to him.

His situation was different from Du Ziteng's. Du Ziteng was unpopular before his debut, while Liao Feng had experienced the feeling of standing at the top.

Once vicissitudes The sea is not water, and the Wushan Mountains are not clouds.

This poem is particularly appropriate to describe him.

He was indeed popular before, even a household name, but after being hidden, his popularity has long disappeared.

His return to the "Singer" program, as he expected, did arouse the memories of some old fans.

At this time, if he had a company behind him to hype him up, his cold rice would not only be able to return to its previous color, fragrance and taste, but at least the overnight meal would still be sweet.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

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