What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 83: Peeking At Her Computer

“Why is this Classical Chinese? Huh? Why is it Classical Chinese?” Qiu Wuji grabbed Chu Ge’s collar in frustration. “This is clearly vernacular language, just with some parallel prose used for describing the scenery!”

Chu Ge also felt a bit troubled.

Calling it Classical Chinese is definitely not right. In fact, her writing style belongs to ancient vernacular, which is also the style of the Four Great Classical Novels. If you read “Journey to the West,” for example, the first chapter is filled with dizzying amounts of poetry and essays, but most of the narrative and dialogue are still quite vernacular. From today’s perspective, it can be considered as semi-classical, not quite reaching the level of Classical Chinese.

Chu Ge definitely didn’t have high expectations for this style, but he didn’t expect this result, which was why he let her post it.

He never expected it to be rejected and not even make it into the collection.

After all, he wasn’t an editor or a member of the review committee, and everyone has different standards for reviewing.

“In the end, it’s that overly embellished scenic parallel prose in the opening that’s too much. There’s no need to show off so fiercely. Just honestly describe the towering green mountains, and that’s it. You’re going on about ‘There is a poem describing this scenery,’ and ‘The river stretches endlessly, unknown to fishermen and woodcutters; the clouds and mist are deep’ It’s two to three hundred words of nonsense. It’s unnecessary I think, really unnecessary…”

Qiu Wuji bit her lower lip, her expression filled with sorrow and frustration. “I’ve thought about it for so long! This scenery is necessary as a backdrop. I’ve read thousands of years’ worth of storytelling, and they all write like this…”

“Umm, you’ve been reading for thousands of years…” Chu Ge scratched his head, realizing that it’s not an easy task. Qiu Wuji’s writing style was based on her reading memory, developed over so many years, deeply ingrained. It’s not something that can be changed easily. Moreover, she hasn’t read many novels in this world, so she definitely can’t cover the foundation of thousands of years.

“By the way, didn’t you deliberately study my writing style before?”

“Huh? I went to read the story… isn’t the writing style just like that?” Qiu Wuji sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought. “And I also read so many Daoist scriptures and ancient texts…”

“You adapted to speaking quickly enough, why can’t you do the same with writing?”

“Speaking is different, it’s contextual. You can’t write like that in literature. You wouldn’t write the things you say in your group chat in a book, would you?”

Chu Ge: “…Fair point.”

Qiu Wuji felt wronged. “Do I really have to read books like crazy in order to grasp the essence of modern writing style?”

“Here’s an idea. If you don’t use your own style, but deliberately imitate someone else’s style, can you do that?”

“I can give it a try. Should I imitate yours?”

“For the novels you write, try imitating the style of a female novelist. In fact, they also emphasize beautiful writing, but everyone has their own way of achieving it. You can study it,” Chu Ge suggested. “If you want to imitate my style, then you should write in the male genre.”

“What are the main differences between male and female genres? Is it about the female protagonist and male protagonist?”

“It’s a difference in perspective and identification. There’s also a difference in stylistic orientation. Female-oriented genres focus more on emotions, while male-oriented genres focus more on action and achievements. Of course, it’s not a general rule. Female-oriented genres can have strong female protagonists in action-focused stories, and male-oriented genres can have romance-focused stories. However, the details are still different, including the perspective and mindset…”

Qiu Wuji’s head was spinning. “Stop, stop, stop…”

Chu Ge could only say, “Every profession may seem simple, but once you delve into it, there are many intricacies. That’s why they say ‘a different trade has different mountains.’ By the way, if you can’t even distinguish between male and female genres, are you sure you want to continue writing?”

Qiu Wuji pondered for a moment. “You have a detailed categorization here, targeting different readers. Over there… wait, what if I don’t publish here but take it back and publish it there for wider dissemination? With my influence, it will easily spread far and wide within a few days… I can also consult with experts in the study of books…”

Chu Ge’s mouth slowly fell open.

If you write a book in that world, are you trying to create your own world… This girl has some unique ideas…

“Let me give it a try first, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll figure something else out,” Qiu Wuji said somewhat sheepishly. “Hmm, I’ve stayed here long enough this time. Should I go back for a few days?”

Chu Ge listened to her inquiring tone and felt a small sense of satisfaction.

Well, he’s the head of the household!

Chu Ge didn’t insist and patted her shoulder. “Go and test it out. Although I’m not optimistic, I’m quite interested. I hope you succeed.”

Qiu Wuji didn’t say anything; she just stared straight at his hand.

Chu Ge awkwardly withdrew his hand.

Qiu Wuji pushed him towards the door. “Let’s go, I want to go back.”

Chu Ge suddenly remembered that she would first hide the clothes on the bed, and a thought flashed through his mind. He quickly said, “The name of your protagonist, it’s not quite meaningful in that world. How about changing one character?”

Qiu Wuji didn’t quite follow his train of thought and asked, “Change it to what?”

Chu Ge bent down and made a change in the document. He changed one character and said with a smile, “Chu Muqiu.”

(TL: Muqiu: “secretive autumn” or “mysterious autumn/wuji.”)

Then he turned his head and asked, “Is it good?”

Qiu Wuji stared at his smile, feeling something strange stirring in her heart, unable to put it into words.

Here goes Chu Ge, trying to charm Qiu Wuji again, always finding new ways to say things.


She turned her head to the side. “Alright, you can write your book. Let’s go, I’m leaving.”

Chu Ge reached out and grabbed her delicate hand. “In our world, at least a handshake is needed for a farewell.”

Qiu Wuji allowed him to hold her hand and he even rubbed it a couple of times, but she didn’t say anything.



Qiu Wuji went back.

Chu Ge stood in her room, looking at the computer that she had forgotten to shut down. He felt like Qiu Wuji’s return this time was a bit like fleeing in a hurry.

What’s the rush? I’m not going to lift your blanket.

Chu Ge sniffed the fragrance in his hand and his gaze fell on the computer document, deep in thought.

In his own setting, the way of writing in that world would definitely not reach the level of creation. It was far behind. Cultivators in that world could summon book spirits or utilize the characteristics of words to achieve certain magical effects, but that was the limit.

Even in the planned storyline, the heavenly realm of ascension couldn’t create the world through the way of writing. Such methods belonged to the highest creators, possessed either by the protagonist or the final boss-level characters, but they were not present in the setting of this book.

Qiu Wuji’s attempt to create nested worlds by going back should not succeed. She couldn’t surpass the limitations of the world.

So the issue of nested worlds could be set aside. What Chu Ge was really thinking about was that since he hadn’t written Qiu Wuji writing a book in his own story, what would it mean for her to go back and write a book and spread it throughout the world?

This would definitely have a certain impact and bring about changes to the world… but it shouldn’t affect the progress of the plot. Would there be any problems with this level of change?

This was also part of the testing.

Chu Ge wondered if Qiu Wuji had realized this… judging by her hasty departure, most likely not.

Chu Ge felt like an anxious parent.

Hmm… A parent should do what a parent does! Chu Ge looked around sneakily, then sat in front of the computer and opened Qiu Wuji’s hard drive and browser.

Let’s see which codes you were looking at last time and what weird things you’ve been searching for every day. Let Daddy take a look!

Hmm… some tabs are opened…

Chu Ge clicked to take a look and almost threw the mouse across the room.

Damn it, it turned out to be a video of an M-submissive man being whipped and trained!

No wonder her reaction that day wasn’t as intense as I imagined. Instead, she was looking at me strangely from head to toe… So that’s why! Although I didn’t get whipped back then! But this is not a good thing, damn it!

And I haven’t watched this kind of video either!

Chu Ge was so angry that he almost spat blood. He opened the group chat on his phone and said, “Who sent the M video to Lady Qiu? Step forward and meet your doom!”

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