What If… Harry Potter

16 What if Harry had the polyjuice potion accident in second year?

Again, I went a little overboard. I only intended 6,000 to 8,000 words and ended up with 15,030. I added a blurb at the end with another 140 words to tie up the loose ends.

The three friends gathered around the cauldron in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and stared down at the green snot-looking substance called polyjuice potion.

“Has everyone got the hairs from the people they want to become?” Hermione asked as she dished up three cups for them to use.

“Yep!” Ron said. “I plucked it right from Crabbe's head at supper and he didn't even notice.”

“I nicked mine from Goyle's robes this morning.” Harry said.

“Good.” Hermione said and handed them each a cup of the awful smelling liquid. “I got mine from Millicent Bulstrode's hairbrush.”

“I can't believe we're actually doing this.” Ron whispered as he added the hair to his cup. He shook it slightly and the color went from greenish to greyish looking.

“Well, it's this or kidnapping. Which do you think is easier?” Hermione asked and added the hair she had. After a quick shake of her cup, her portion went from greenish to brownish.

“This is.” Harry said and added the hair he had. The potion went from greenish to yellowish. “Well, bottom's up!”

The three of them took long drinks from their cups and almost gagged at the taste. Their faces turned to a greenish color that was similar to the potion left in the cauldron and each of them slapped a hand over their mouths.

“I'm going to be sick!” Hermione gasped and ran into the closest stall.

“Me, too!” Ron exclaimed and went into the next one.

Harry didn't say anything and ran into the third stall. Unlike the other two, he refused to actually throw up what he just swallowed. He still gagged and choked for a minute or two, though. He felt himself grow slightly and felt itchy all over for some reason. He also felt a lot of pressure from his lower back and lifted his shirt to look.

To his utter shock, a thin hairless tail grew out of the bone just above his butt and went down to the floor, then bright orange fur with grey stripes grew out of it. His cheeks twitched as whiskers grew out of them and he groaned as his ears shifted and moved to near the top of his head. His hearing increased to the point that it was almost painful.

“I feel so tall.” A slightly different female voice than Hermione's said from the first stall. “We better change into the stolen Slytherin robes.”

“Good idea!” A different male voice to Ron's said.

Harry didn't say anything and reached up to touch the sides of his face, only to stop and stare at the pawed hands he now had. He felt agitated now and suddenly large grey claws slicked out of his fingertips and thumbs. He gasped at the sight and felt nervous about them... and the claws slowly pulled back and disappeared again.

“Come on, mate! We're ready to go to the Slytherin common room.” Altered Ron said as he knocked on Harry's stall.

“Um... I think... you better go on without me.” Harry's slightly deeper voice said.

“Harry? What's wrong?” Changed Hermione asked.

“N-nothing. I'm fine.” Harry lied.

Hermione sighed and took out her wand. She knew Harry always lied when he said he was fine. A second later, the stall door opened and she and Ron stared at the human-shaped anthropomorphic cat person in front of them.

“Oh, Harry.” Hermione said, sadly. “There's a reason that polyjuice is never used for cross-species transformations. It always goes wrong.”

“That figures.” Harry said, dejectedly.

Ron started to grin and reached in to try and pet him.

Harry hissed at him and smacked his hand away. “You are NOT petting me, Ron!”

“Why not? You know you'll like it.” Ron pouted a little and the mischievous look on Crabbe's face was really weird to see.

Harry just glared at him and Ron sighed with resignation.

“We need to get you to the hospital wing.” Hermione said.

“Not looking like that, you're not.” Harry pointed out and waved at her face.

“Oh, right.” Hermione said and doubt filled her face.

“You need to complete the plan, change back, and then we can go to the hospital wing.” Harry said. “Just be careful.”

Hermione nodded. “We'll need to leave the Slytherin common room in about 45 minutes. That should give us enough time to get back here before we change.”

“Good luck.” Harry said and closed the stall door. He waited until he heard his two friends leave before he sat down on the toilet. He let out a yelp as he sat on his tail and jumped back to his feet. “Bloody hell that hurt!” He exclaimed and his tail moved around to his front so he could stroke it and try to soothe the pain.

Moaning Myrtle floated through the stall's wall and smiled at him. “You have a very pretty tail.”

“Uh... t-thanks, Myrtle.” Harry said awkwardly.

Moaning Myrtle giggled and her hand lightly brushed his ear, which made it feel cold. “I really want to scratch you there.”

Harry was a bit surprised by that admission and his ears stood up straighter.

“Aww! You look so cute like that!” Moaning Myrtle gushed.

Harry really hoped that his blush couldn't be seen on his fur-covered face. No one had ever called him cute before.


Ron and Hermione's investigation in the Slytherin's common room was successful and they escaped before they started changing back. They had Malfoy admit that he wasn't the Heir of Slytherin and he didn't know who it was, despite his public boasts of claiming that he did. His constant mudblood comments were quite annoying, especially for Hermione. Luckily, Millicent usually had a frown on her face, so she wasn't discovered.

The altered pair of Hermione and Ron went back to the abandoned bathroom on the second floor and changed back into their Griffindor robes. When the polyjuice potion wore off and they reformed back to their normal selves, they knocked on the stall Harry was in. The door opened and they watched as his eyes focused on them and the pupil reduced to a thin slit.

“Harry, take off your glasses.” Hermione suggested, because she knew cats saw differently than humans did and the glasses were possibly interfering with his eyesight.

Harry awkwardly did so and he blinked his eyes at her, as if shocked. “Wow, you're really pretty!”

Hermione caught her breath and a brilliantly bright blush appeared on her face. “H-H-Harry...”

“You're really hairy now, Harry.” Ron joked.

Harry ignored him. “I didn't realize how bad my eyesight was until now.”

“But, you wear glasses. Didn't you have them checked by an eye doctor and...” Hermione started to say and Harry stepped out of the stall.

“My aunt bought these from the discount bin at the pharmacy.” Harry said and looked at the glasses in his pawed hand. He felt angry at them for not working right and he crushed then before he tossed them into the trash.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped and then she sighed. “I suppose they are trash if you couldn't see while wearing them.”

“Yeah.” Harry said and held a pawed hand out to her. “Can you take me to the hospital wing?”

“O-of course.” Hermione said and slid her hand into his. She shivered slightly and looked into his eyes. “This feels weird and nice at the same time.”

Harry smiled and walked over to the bathroom's door with her. “See you later, Myrtle. Thanks for keeping me company.”

“You're always welcome to visit me in my toilet, Harry.” Moaning Myrtle said, quite suggestively.

Harry nodded and opened the door for Hermione and they went out into the hallway, still hand in hand.

Ron followed closely behind them. “I think she really likes you, Harry.”

Harry's ears twitched as he turned his head and looked pointedly at Hermione. “I really like her, too.”

Hermione knew he actually meant her and not Myrtle and her bright blush filled her face again and flowed down her neck. She bit her bottom lip and kept her eyes locked onto his as she slightly nodded.

Harry gave her a smile that was both odd looking and cute, thanks to his cat-like fur-covered features, and Hermione smiled back. They looked forward again when they reached the end of the hallway and went down the stairs. It didn't take them long to reach the hospital wing and as soon as they stepped through the doors, Madam Pomfrey let out a gasp.

“Good heavens! What happened to you?” Madam Pomfrey asked and rushed over to them.

Harry and Hermione exchanged pointed looks and then Hermione nodded.

“It was a polyjuice potion accident.” Harry admitted. “I thought I added a human hair and it was a cat hair instead.”

Madam Pomfrey startled slightly, then she saw their hands clasped together. She let out a sigh and shook her head. “You foolish children. No matter how tempted you are to experience things from each other's perspective, you're too young to resort to polyjuice to change from boyfriend and girlfriend into girlfriend and boyfriend.”

Harry's, Hermione's and Ron's mouths dropped open at her words.

“I suggest that after this incident, you won't be so foolish in the future?” Madam Pomfrey asked them and they didn't react. “Will you at least wait until you're older to try this again?”

Hermione was the only one to recover enough from her shock to nod and Madam Pomfrey nodded back.

“Take your boyfriend over to bed number one and have him change into this.” Madam Pomfrey said and handed her a hospital gown. “I'll need to examine him thoroughly to see how much of him has been altered.”

Hermione took the gown and led Harry over to the first bed in the row.

“As for you.” Madam Pomfrey said to Ron. “You can go to your Head of House and let Professor McGonagall know that one of her lions will be staying with me for a while.”


“You won't be any help just standing here.” Madam Pomfrey said. “Go on.”

Ron looked over at Harry taking off his clothes and sighed, because he would have to admit what had been going on. He turned around and walked out of the hospital wing to head to McGonagall's office. He was halfway there before he realized what Madam Pomfrey had said in the hospital wing and he stumbled before he caught himself.

Harry and Hermione are boyfriend and girlfriend! Ron thought in surprise. When did that happen?


Hermione's blush didn't lessen as Harry-Cat divested himself of his clothing. He went right down to his underwear and then he made a distressed sound in the back of his throat.

“It's all right, Mister Potter.” Madam Pomfrey said. “I suspect your physiology has adopted a more cat-like than human-like appearance in all aspects.”

“Oh!” Hermione gasped.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked, confused.

“The genitalia of male cats doesn't appear until they are... ahem... aroused.” Hermione said, her face bright red again.

“Wh-what? Really?” Harry asked, surprised.

“I doubt you'll even need to wear underwear in the immediate future.” Madam Pomfrey said.

“O-okay.” Harry said and gathered his Griffindor courage as he pulled his underwear down and saw a slightly bulging tuff of fur instead of what he had expected. “Hey! It's really gone!”

Madam Pomfrey chuckled. “It's not gone, just hidden.”

“That's a relief.” Harry said and then looked worried. “How am I supposed to pee without my willy sticking out?”

Hermione let out a girlish giggle and then slapped a hand over her mouth.

Madam Pomfrey chuckled again. “We'll get to that later, Mr. Potter. Put on the gown and lay down.”

Harry took the gown from Hermione and slipped it on, then he went to sit on the bed and stopped. “What do I do with this?” He asked and his tail swished out for them to see. “I sat on it before and it really hurt.”

Madam Pomfrey looked thoughtful for a moment, then she took out her wand and levitated the next bed over to them and put it close to the first bed with just enough space between them for his needs. Harry understood right away and sat over the space to put his tail down between the beds, then he turned and laid down across the foot of both beds to let his tail hang down. It swished happily and Harry smiled.

Madam Pomfrey nodded at the successful improvisation. “Miss Granger, pull over a chair and you can hold his hand to keep him calm while I check him over.”

Hermione did so and sat down by Harry's head and they grasped hands once more. They both were a little anxious as Madam Pomfrey pretty much poked and prodded Harry all over and then used her wand judiciously to cast several lengthy spells over everything she could see.

“I have good news and not so good news.” Madam Pomfrey said, her voice guarded. “The good news is that I should be able to reverse the potion accident in a couple of weeks and remove most of the physical alterations.”

“What's the bad news?” Harry asked.

Madam Pomfrey sighed. “The not so good news is that I can detect some dark magic residue and it could cause some complications. I'll need to consult with St. Mungo's and they might have a different opinion about how easy it will be to reverse.”

Harry let out a whine sound and Hermione put her other hand on the top of his head and scratched him between his ears. He closed his eyes and started to purr for her as she rubbed his ears and pet him. It felt really good and he calmed right down.

“Miss Granger, I believe you will be a great help to Mister Potter over the next few weeks as we deal with this problem.” Madam Pomfrey said and Hermione nodded. “You can both rest here for now and change into some pyjamas.”

Two sets appeared on one of the beds and the healer stood.

“I'll floo call the hospital and try to see who's available.” Madam Pomfrey said and went to her office.

Hermione stopped scratching Harry's head and his purring slowed after a few seconds and stopped. “Let's get changed.”

“Okay.” Harry said and sat up, then stood. He pulled off the hospital gown and then froze as Hermione blushed a deep red again, made a squeak sound, and she quickly turned around. “What is it?”

“N-nothing.” Hermione said, a bit loudly. “Just... just get dressed!”

Harry shrugged and picked up the pyjama bottoms. When he started to bend over to put a foot into them, he saw a fairly long and barbed reddish colored protrusion sticking out of the fluff ball where his willy should have been. He reached down to touch it and it felt both weird and familiar. There was no loose skin around it like a normal penis, either.

“At least it's still the same length when it's sticking out hard like that.” Harry commented and Hermione made another squeak sound. “Are you okay, Hermione?”

“Y-y-yes, Harry. I'm f-fine.” Hermione stammered.

Harry dressed and didn't pull his pyjamas all the way up, because his tail was in the way. “I'll turn around for you, too.”

“Th-thanks.” Hermione said and she turned to see Harry had kept his word and was facing the other way. She quickly took off her robes and put on the pyjamas. “Okay.”

Harry turned back to smile at her. “Thanks for staying here, Hermione. This is all scary and...”

“Harry, you're my best friend. Of course I'm going to stay with you.” Hermione said.

Harry's ears twitched and he let out a soft purr as he smiled. “You're my best friend, too.”

Hermione looked into his emerald green eyes. “I thought Ron was.”

“He's my best mate and that's not the same thing.” Harry said and her eyes widened. “I don't sit and talk with him about things. When we hang out, we usually just play chess or he talks about Quiddich.”

Hermione raised her eyebrows. “That doesn't sound much like a best mate.”

Harry chuckled. “Hermione, boys don't hang around each other to talk. We do stuff and talk about that or talk about doing other stuff. That's it. It's not that complicated.”

Hermione had to smile at that. “That part I believe.”

Harry laughed and waved at the beds. “Left or right?”

“Which side do you usually sleep on?” Hermione asked. “On your body, I mean. Not the bed.”

“On my left. I'm right handed and usually leave it free to grab my glasses or my wand.”

“Then you take that bed, because there's no way you're sleeping on your back with that thing sticking out of your spine.” Hermione said and pointed to the left bed.

Harry nodded and climbed on, made sure his tail was out of the way, then carefully laid down on his left side near the edge of the bed. Hermione climbed onto the other bed and she turned onto her right side and rested her head on the pillow.

“I think I'm going to really like sleeping this way if I get to see you the whole time.” Harry admitted.

Hermione's blush returned. “H-Harry, you... why are you so... forward?”

“I dunno.” Harry said and shrugged his right shoulder. “It just seems easier to talk to you when we're alone.”

“It's because a male cat's personality is much bolder when around a female they like.” Madam Pomfrey said as she came out of her office. She carried a potion vial and stopped beside Harry's bed as she uncorked it. “I was advised to get you to drink this. It's a neutralizing potion and should absorb any residual polyjuice that might still be in your system.”

Harry made a sniffing sound and gave her a skeptical look. “What aren't you telling me about it?”

“How do you know she's hiding something?” Hermione asked, curious.

“I can smell the potion and it doesn't smell awful.” Harry said.

“Oh.” Hermione nodded. “That's a dead giveaway there's something wrong with it. All potions are supposed to taste awful to stop people from becoming addicted to them.”

Madam Pomfrey took a breath and sighed. “It has a sedative added to let you sleep.”

It was Hermione's turn to give her a skeptical look. “Don't healers have to give a magical oath to do no harm to their patients?”

Madam Pomfrey looked guilty now. “It's for his own good to be asleep.”

Harry heard the slight warble in her voice. “Really?” He asked and sat up to stare at her with his much larger eyes. “Why didn't you do anything with how starved I was when I first came here to the castle?”

Hermione sucked in a sharp breath. “Harry, you... why...”

“My relatives didn't feed me properly. Ever.” Harry said. “They still don't.”

“Oh, Harry.” Hermione whispered and looked to be on the verge of crying.

“I told the headmaster how my relatives treat me and begged to stay at the castle last summer. He said no and sent me back there.” Harry admitted.

Madam Pomfrey opened her mouth to say something. Nothing came out. She closed her mouth and turned away.

“You knew, didn't you?” Hermione asked. “You must have seen it the first time Harry was brought here to the hospital wing. You had to know and you didn't say anything or helped him.” She accused. “Why? Why would you let him suffer for so long, even after he fought Professor Quirrell and saved the Philosopher's Stone last year?”

Madam Pomfrey put the cork back on the potion bottle and went back into her office without saying a word.

“Do you think she contacted anyone like she claims she did?” Harry asked and laid back down.

Hermione looked surprised and then she held a hand out to him. Harry reached out a pawed hand and took hold of her hand.

“I think we had both better be careful about her from now on.” Hermione said.

Just then, Professor McGonagall walked through the open doors of the hospital wing. She almost skidded to a stop when she saw Harry-Cat. “Oh, dear.”

Harry didn't bother to sit up again or tried to turn to look at her. “Madam Pomfrey is in her office. She's having an... Hermione? What is it called when someone's mind is conflicted?”

“An attack of conscience.” Hermione said.

“Yeah, that.” Harry said. “If we're lucky, maybe Professor McGonagall will have one, too.”

Hermione smiled and nodded.

“What are you two talking about?” Minerva asked them.

“Nothing, Professor.” Harry said with a chuckle. “We were just wondering why we keep expecting an adult to care about us when it's never actually happened before.”

Minerva frowned and walked over to stand at the foot of both beds. “Mister Potter, you are a member of my House. We are family and...”

“My family kept me in a cupboard for ten years and they beat and starved me, Professor.” Harry said and both Minerva and Hermione gasped. “They also abuse me verbally and make my life hell, just like Griffindor House.”

“Mister Potter!” Minerva said, angrily. “No one in MY house would do such a...”

“Haven't you heard, Professor? I'm the Heir of Slytherin. I'm a parselmouth and can speak to snakes. The WHOLE school is talking about me, casting spells at me, and hounding me every... single... day!” Harry said and he finally sat up to glare at her. “You COMPLETELY ignore me whenever I come to you with my problems and you ALWAYS punish me and my friends unfairly!”

“I... I... do not.” Minerva said, softly.

“You took 150 points off of me in first year for being out after curfew! Everyone in Griffindor hated me for that!”

“I only took 50 points from you.” Minerva said.

“Oh, no. My friends were there with me, so I was to blame. It was always me. Me, me, me.” Harry spat. “Have you ever... EVER... taken 50 points off of anyone else? At all? At any time in the history of you being a teacher?”

Minerva closed her mouth and didn't respond.

“I came to you several times for help last year and you dismissed me and everything I said. You never once tried to check if what I told you about was true, did you? You completely ignored everything, even when you saw the proof!” Harry said, angrily. “Even now, when the entire school is accusing me of petrifying people, you haven't ONCE tried to squash the rumors, or told people I'm innocent, or even asked people to stop cursing me in the hallways!”

“It... it's not that bad. I haven't heard anything about...” Minerva started to say.

“That's because no one wants to tell you what's going on! Do you really think anyone is going to come to you to snitch about them or their friends cursing me? Are you that...” Harry stopped ranting and looked at Hermione. “What word do I need?”

“Ignorant.” Hermione said.

“Yeah, you're ignorant. You believe you're right and no lowly student, especially me, can convince you that YOU... ARE... WRONG!” Harry yelled and Minerva winced. “I had hoped that when you gave that speech during first year about the houses being like our families, that you were exaggerating. Well, you weren't. My housemates are HORRIBLE people, just like my HORRIBLE muggle relatives!”

“Harry, calm down.” Hermione said as she moved close to try and reach for his head.

“No!” Harry said and ducked and rolled across his bed and landed in a crouch on the floor. “I HATE being a Griffindor! I don't want to act brave and be strong anymore! I'm tired of having to pretend that I'm happy! I have to watch my back all the time BECAUSE NO ONE WILL HELP ME STOP EVERYONE FROM PICKING ON MEE-EEEEEEEE!”

Minerva and Hermione had to cover their ears as Harry's last word changed into a cat howl.

A short red beam flew across the hospital wing and hit Harry right in the face. He was cut off mid-howl and dropped to the floor, unconscious.

“It seems I was a bit late in arriving.” Albus Dumbledore said as he walked over to Minerva. “Thank you for sending young Mister Weasley to get me.”

“You're the reason Harry is like this.” Hermione said and Albus turned to look at her. “He said he told you what it was like to live with his relatives and you keep sending him back there.”

Albus gave her a placating smile. “A child's view of unfairness is quite different than those of an adult.”

“Really?” Hermione asked and he nodded. “How would you like to live in a cupboard for ten years? To be starved? To have everyone hate you?”

Albus didn't even try to respond to that.

“Are you going to be like Professor McGonagall and say it wasn't that bad because you never heard about it?” Hermione asked, pointedly. “Because you did hear about it and you still ignored it.”

Albus let out a sigh. “Miss Granger, you're too young to understand that...”

“I have an IQ of 150 and understand everything perfectly, headmaster.” Hermione said and the old man didn't react. “I can put it into perspective for you, if you want.”

Albus nodded, since he had no idea what she was talking about.

“There are almost seven billion muggles on the planet.” Hermione said and Minerva caught her breath as she put a hand over her heart. “I am one of the nine million smartest ones.”

“That isn't really saying much, Miss Granger.” Albus said in an attempt to dismiss her fact.

“That's probably because you are among the people with only average intelligence and still don't understand the implication of my statement.”

“Miss Granger!” Minerva gasped.

“The other aspect is the nine million people like Crabbe, Goyle, and unfortunately Ron, that have below average intelligence.”

“Miss Granger, it is not nice to disparage your peers in such a manner.” Albus said to distract her.

“Why not? You do it all the time.” Hermione said and Albus looked surprised. “How many times have you dismissed others in your lifetime, because you believed that they were beneath your notice or didn't deserve your attention? Or worse, that you were avoiding their questions like you are avoiding mine?”

Albus let out a sigh. “Miss Granger...”

“Yes? Another diversion? What would you like to talk about instead of my best friend that is still face down on the floor and that no one is doing anything about while you try to justify how you allow his relatives to treat him so horribly?”

Albus closed his eyes briefly and then used his wand to levitate Harry up off of the floor and onto the bed.

“NOT ON HIS TAIL!” Hermione yelled and both Minerva and Albus jerked in surprise.

Harry dropped his full weight down onto the bed and the three of them saw his tail kink badly as he landed.

“NO!” Hermione lunged for him and rolled him off of his damaged tail. “Oh, no! It looks broken!”

“Poppy!” Minerva shouted and Madam Pomfrey came out of her office. “Mister Potter's tail was damaged and...”

“I can't do anything to fix it.” Madam Pomfrey said. “I'm a healer, not a magizoologist.”

“Can you at least look at it?” Minerva asked.

Madam Pomfrey did. “It looks broken.”

“Please fix it, Poppy.” Albus said.

“I already told you that I can't.” Madam Pomfrey said. “The spells and potions used to mend bones and muscles in creatures is different than those used in witches and wizards.”

“I'll fetch Hagrid.” Minerva offered.

“He can't cast magic and he doesn't have a wand.” Hermione said. “How is he going to fix Harry's tail?”

“The old fashioned way, I suppose.” Minerva said and looked at Harry's crooked tail. “It won't be pleasant.”

“Then we are not letting Hagrid touch him.” Hermione said. “Madam Pomfrey? Can you call a magizoologist that can cast healing spells?”

Madam Pomfrey started to nod before she looked at Albus. She paused and waited for him to say yes or no. When he sighed and nodded, she nodded as well.

“Then do so immediately!” Hermione ordered. “Harry might wake up at any moment and he's going to be screaming in pain!”

Madam Pomfrey walked back into her office.

“Headmaster? Are you going to admit that you intentionally allow Harry to be abused by his relatives and have never done anything to stop it?” Hermione asked him.

Albus was quite tempted to stun her, too.

“I recognize that look. All of my teachers in school had it when I corrected their mistakes.” Hermione said, quite pointedly. “They never liked it when they were wrong and I told them that they were.”

“Miss Granger, we are in a crisis right now and...”

“...you are still ignoring Harry's well being and his needs. You honestly don't care that he's partially transformed into a cat and that he's hurt.” Hermione said. “Does his happiness mean nothing to you?”

“Miss Granger, I wanted nothing more than to give Harry a normal childhood.” Albus said.

“Well, you failed spectacularly with that.” Hermione said. “You heard what he said, didn't you? He hates who he is, he hates his relatives, and he hates Griffindor.”

“Harry is just suffering trauma from his transformation and...”

“...he's acting bolder because of that and he's not hiding how he feels anymore.” Hermione said. “How does that make you feel, headmaster? That your normal childhood plan actually turned Harry into an emotional mess that hates everything?”

Albus sighed. “He was supposed to be humble and grateful to be a part of the wizarding world.”

“Yes, he was. At first. Then he was verbally assaulted during every potions class by a professor that hates him. Then he was almost killed several times by another professor. Then was completely ignored several times by his Head of House and you when he asked for help. Would you still be grateful to be here if you were treated like that?” Hermione asked. “Well? Would you, headmaster?”

Albus refused to answer, because if he did, he would have to change everything about Harry's experiences at school and he didn't want to do that. Not yet, anyway. Harry needed to be tempered to become the best possible sacrifice for the wizarding world when it was time.

The headmaster's eyes went to the young boy's forehead to look at the lightning bolt scar... and stopped breathing because the scar was gone. His eyes almost bulged as he stared at the slightly furred forehead that should have had a mark, or a patch, or some sign that the cursed scar was still there.

Albus stepped forward towards Harry's bed and took out his wand again.

“Albus? What are you doing?” Minerva asked.

Albus ignored her and waved his wand at Harry's forehead and the result of the spell was not what he wanted to see at all. If he felt the spell's results properly, then there was still a taint of dark magic inside Harry's head, only it was distorted because of the polyjuiced flesh.

“It sounds like a very interesting case, Madam Pomfrey.” An excited man's voice said from Pomfrey's office. “Please show me the way.”

“The patient is this way, Mister Scamander.” Madam Pomfrey said and led a grey-haired man out of her office and over to the first bed.

“Oh, the poor thing.” Newt said and put his suitcase down. “By the main orange coloring and greyish stripes, I'd say he's been crossed with a Tabby cat.” He said and opened the case and stepped down into it. “Let me see... tabby, tabby... ah! Here it is.”

Hermione watched in fascination as the man climbed back out of his suitcase with a vial of purple fluid in his hand. “Mister Scamander? What is that potion?”

Newt turned to look at her and smiled. “It's a pain relief and mending potion specifically brewed for felines. I just have to use a couple of quick spells on that tail and splint it before I can spell this right into his stomach.”

“Will that work, Mister Scamander?” Hermione asked.

“Of course it will, and please call me Newt.” Newt said and turned to Harry. He muttered under his breath as he worked and the sound of a snap echoed in the hospital wing. The tail was now straight and two pieces of wood appeared out of nothing and light cords wrapped around them and the tail.

A moment later, the potion in the vial disappeared with a flick of Newt's wand and Harry's slightly tense body went almost boneless.

“Yes, it's taking effect well. That's good.” Newt said and looked at Poppy. “Could you show me the results of all your scans and tests, please?”

“Of course.” Madam Pomfrey said and led him back into her office.

“I believe you can leave, now that a competent adult has shown up and actually knows what he's doing.” Hermione said to Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore.

“Miss Granger, you have been nothing but insulting to us.” Minerva said. “I think you need to serve a few detentions to understand that you can't talk to your professors that way.”

Hermione huffed. “You want me to spend time with you when you haven't spent any time at all with anyone in your own House since I've attended Hogwarts?” She asked and Minerva looked both angry and sad at the same time. “I think you're the one that deserves the detention, Professor. Perhaps you can learn to do your job and actually look after the students in your House instead of ignoring them.”

“That is quite enough, Miss Granger.” Albus said sternly and his grandfatherly countenance disappeared. “You will no longer take out your anger over this situation on the teachers or myself. We are not to be spoken to in such a way.”

“It's your job to...” Hermione started to say.

“We are your professors, not your parents.” Albus interrupted her. “We do not have to coddle you, take care of you, or even answer your questions that do not concern anything except your studies. You will either respect our authority or you will be removed from this school.”

Hermione looked surprised. “You... you...”

“You are being a disruption and...”

“HOW DARE YOU!” Hermione yelled and jumped to her feet. “Every day I get called a MUDBLOOD! Every day I get teased! Every day I'm bullied! Every day NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT!”

“What is going on out here?” Newt asked and ran out of the office.

“I'M BEING A DISRUPTION!” Hermione yelled. “Unlike the pureblood bigots they allow to bully, curse, and torment all of the muggleborns in this school, I'M THE ONE that's causing a disruption!”

“Is this true?” Newt asked the other two adults.

“Of course not.” Albus said. “It's merely schoolchildren acting out and...”

“YOU HYPOCRITE!” Hermione shouted at the top of her lungs. “You're supposed to be the champion of the downtrodden! The champion of good! The leader of the light!” She said and started to cry. “I became a Griffindor because I admired you!”

Albus was surprised by that admission.

“I was so wrong! All you do is sit in your big fancy chair at the head table and never lift a finger or say a word against anyone that's actually in the wrong. You and the professors punish the victims, because it's easier than punishing all of the bullies or getting rid of them.” Hermione said. “You're even worse than the muggle teachers, because you have magic and you still do absolutely nothing to stop the bullying! And you can! You easily can, AND YOU DO NOTHING AT ALL BECAUSE YOU DONT CARE ABOUT US AT ALL!”

Albus shot a stunning spell at her and she dropped to the floor, unconscious. “Something is very wrong here.”

“Yes, it is.” Newt said. “Shall I call the school governors or the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?”

“Excuse me?” Albus asked, once again surprised.

“Obviously, something has been going on inside Hogwarts for years if that calm and stable young lady could yell and scold the two of you like she was your mother and you were her misbehaving children.” Newt said. “In fact, I think I might have the Ministry declare a creature emergency.”

“No!” Albus gasped and turned his wand towards Newt.

Newt was an old hand at that and he had known Albus for a very long time. He stepped to the side and flicked his fingers under the wand's tip. The stunning spell went up into the ceiling and then Newt's hand gripped the wrist that held the wand. He plucked the wand from the older man's grasp and Albus looked shocked.

“This is not your wand.” Newt said with a knowing smile. “It's Grindelwald's.”

“Newt, you need to give that back to me.” Albus said and reached for it with his free hand.

“No, I don't think so. You attacked me and I have a witness.” Newt said and noticed the surprised look on Minerva's face. He sighed and cast a stunning spell at Albus with the new wand. The headmaster collapsed to the floor and Newt let his wrist go. “Excuse me for a moment.” He said to Minerva before he picked Hermione up and laid her in the bed beside Harry. “I need to use Poppy's floo.”

Minerva didn't say anything and just stared at the old man that had collapsed on the cold stone floor. She tried to justify in her head why Albus would ever try to stun someone for wanting to help the school.


Scandal At Hogwarts!
By Rita Skeeter

It has come to this reporter's attention than the illustrious headmaster at our beloved school Hogwarts had to subdue two students. This might not normally cause any alarm among you, since Albus Dumbledore is a much revered figure in our society. Unfortunately, the identity of one of the students is the Boy-Who-Lived himself, Harry Potter!

That's right, dear readers! Harry Potter was involved in a potions accident and was being treated in the hospital wing when the headmaster showed up to interrogate him. Yes, it's true. I have sworn statements from the other victim and Madam Pomfrey herself that the confrontation between the headmaster and the savior of the wizarding world had turned into a shouting match that the headmaster ended by stunning the injured young boy.

Newt Scamander was also a witness to the second shouting match between Albus Dumbledore and the second victim, Miss Harmony Grover. Even the second hand accounting shocked me to my core, ladies and gentlemen. The accusations thrown about were both world shattering and very enlightening!

Ministry Aurors and members of the Department of Magical Creatures were called in and they were as shocked as I was, because they had two cases to investigate! One was the mysterious petrification of several students and the other, surprisingly, was Harry Potter himself. His potion accident has turned him into a cat person!

Everyone knows that polyjuice potion is never to be used for cross-species transformations and it was quite unfortunate that he had mistakenly added a feline hair to his dose instead of his girlfriend's. The lasting effects are quite pronounced and I was unable to obtain a photo. I do have his physical description, so sit back and enjoy hearing the tale about Harry Potter's new tail!


“She can really turn a phrase.” Hermione said after she read the article out loud.

Harry let out a huff that changed into a hacking cough that Hermione helped him with and slapped his back several times. Harry made a gagging sound and quickly turned away from her to throw up another hairball into the bucket beside his bed.

“You really need to stop grooming yourself, Harry.” Hermione said. “How many hairballs have you...”

“Too many.” Harry interrupted and stuck out his tongue and started licking his forearm.

Hermione sighed and slapped his hand.

“Ow.” Harry said and then realized what he was doing. “Oh. Thanks.”

Hermione reached up and scratched him behind his ear, which made Harry lean into her hand and he started to purr. She didn't really know why she liked that he only responding to her that way, though. If anyone else even looked like they wanted to touch Harry or pet him, he would hiss and threaten to scratch them.

If Harry had been cat-sized, that threat wouldn't be much of a concern. However, he was four and a half feet tall and his inch long retractable claws could do some serious damage if he ever attacked for real.

Hermione ran her hand down the back of his head a couple of times and then folded up the newspaper. “I can't believe they didn't arrest the headmaster.” Hermione said.

“What did the paper say about that?” Harry asked.

“It said he was so focused on trying to protect the other students that he forgot that he was supposed to contact the Ministry as soon as a student was petrified.” Hermione said with a shake of her head. “He didn't even lose his position as Chief Warlock, even though he admitted he broke the law.”

Harry didn't know what he could do to make her feel better, so he let his instincts take over. He turned her towards him as he leaned close, then he rubbed his cheek on hers.

“H-Harry, what...” Hermione started to ask and paused when Harry let out a very loud purr and then he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his cheek on hers several times.

Hermione couldn't stop her blush as her friend that had been turned into a cat, scent-marked her and claimed her as his. She was sure that Harry didn't realize what he was doing, or what it meant. She ignored that thought and hugged him back to let him do it as much as he wanted, because it felt really nice.

Harry felt like he was in heaven as he rubbed his face on Hermione's, because the more he did it, the more she smelled like him. The more she smelled like him, the more she was his. He did her right cheek ten times before he felt satisfied and leaned his head back. He took several quick sniffs and nodded before he started on her left cheek.

“Harry.” Hermione whispered and her heart started to bead faster as Harry marked her. She had seen the look in his emerald green eyes when he finished with her right cheek and realized that he actually did know what he was doing.

Harry finished the tenth rub and leaned back to look deep into her eyes. “Mine.”

Hermione blushed again. “H-Harry, you... we...”

Harry moved his pawed hands up to her face and the rough softness of the pads made Hermione shiver and her heart beat even faster. “Mine.”

Hermione would never admit that she was very flattered that he had chosen her. “I'm only thirteen.”

Harry moved his pawed hands to hold them between them as Hermione held him in a hug. He quickly counted in his head and smiled. “It's okay, Hermione. I'm 84.”

Hermione laughed and hugged him close as Harry purred.

“I suspect you would have only half the same span.” Newt Scamander said and walked over to them. “You're only half-cat.”

“That's 42.” Hermione said and squinted her eyes for a moment as she eased her hold on Harry. “Why does that number sound familiar?”

“It's the answer to the Life equation.” Harry responded.

“The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy!” Hermione gasped. “I love that book!”

Harry smiled. “It was the only one the librarian at school would let a delinquent like me read.”

Hermione's happy face changed to a frown. “You're not a delinquent, Harry.”

Harry wiggled his pawed fingers at her. Hermione let him out of the hug to hold his pawed hands with hers.

“I came over to tell you that I've consulted with an actual healer and we can start on the proper treatments as soon as you want.” Newt said.

“Will I go back to normal afterwards?” Harry asked and both Hermione and Newt knew that was not something Harry wanted. After talking to him for the last few days, being normal was what his abusive aunt and uncle desperately wanted to beat into him.

“This treatment really will be difficult with the dark magic inside of you.” Newt admitted. He wasn't going to lie to the boy.

“My scar.” Harry said and one of his pawed hands touched his forehead. Hermione pulled him into a hug and held him.

Newt nodded. “The polyjuice changed where it was and how it's interacting with the rest of your body, just like it's interfering with your ability to do magic.”

Harry sighed. “I can barely feel anything from my wand.”

“Don't worry, Mister Potter. We'll get you back to being a full wizard as soon as we can.”

“Thanks, Mister Scamander.” Harry said and his voice held disbelief.

Newt didn't bother reminding the boy to call him Newt.

“What about the Aurors in the school?” Hermione asked and motioned to the folded paper on the bed. “There was no mention of them still being here in the school.”

“They've already completed their investigation and didn't find anything.” Newt said.

Harry's ears perked up at that and his tail fluffed out a little. “What? How?”

“They used magic to trace through the school where the victims were found and...”

“No, you don't understand. How did they investigate everything and they didn't talk to me or Hermione?” Harry asked. “We were there for a lot of it.”

“There were other witnesses.” Newt said. “I'm sure they talked to them and...”

Harry's ears dropped and he glared at the man as he barely stopped himself from hissing.

“Are you going to justify them ignoring the primary witness and the target of everyone in the school, Mister Scamander?” Hermione asked. “This sounds like the headmaster is interfering again.”

Newt sighed. “It was recommended that you both were too upset by the situation to be reliable witnesses.”

“Oh? By who? The two or three people that are trying to mitigate the damage to the school's reputation and trying to keep me hidden?” Harry asked.

Newt didn't bother answering verbally and nodded.

“We were starting to trust you, sir. You seemed competent and we had hoped that you would have Harry's best interest at heart and not Hogwarts!” Hermione said, scathingly.

“I do have his interests at heart, Miss Granger.” Newt said with a sigh.

“If that was true, then why have we been isolated from the rest of the school?” Hermione asked. “I'm not even allowed to go to classes and our homework is piling up!”

Newt looked from her to Harry and back to her. “I'm afraid that's Mister Potter's fault.”

“WHAT?!?” Harry and Hermione gasped.

“Cats produce pheromones when they are in... ah... a certain state. Their chosen... partner... is also affected to some degree.” Newt said. “You are both very adamant that Harry be protected as much as possible. Anyone that says anything at all against him is immediately attacked.”

“That's not...” Hermione stopped talking and thought about this conversation specifically. “You're wrong, Mister Scamander. It's not protecting Harry, it's the injustice. Things have always been against Harry. Like he said, it's always about him. The rumors, the incidents, everything.”

“I have heard that.” Newt said.

“Yes, and guess what? No one has done anything at all to change it. I've tried asking for help from muggle nurses, muggle teachers, and even the neighbours.” Harry admitted.

Hermione nodded, because Harry had told her everything, just so she wouldn't be surprised when he mentioned something surprising.

“They always say they are going to look into it and it never happens. No one visits. No one asks me anything. No one ever CARES!” Harry shouted.

“Harry.” Hermione whispered.

Harry ducked his head a little and snuggled into her arms. “No one talked to me after I killed Quirrell last year. No one helped me when I was starving and being beaten.”

“No one ever talks to the victims after they are almost killed.” Hermione said in a soft voice. “Isn't that funny, Mister Scamander? No one wants to know what actually happened, because then they have to admit their own guilt. They can't have their authority questioned and cover everything up.”

“They could be protecting you from the consequences of the truth getting out.” Newt offered.

“Why? We always suffer the consequences.” Harry said and dug his nose into the crook of Hermione's neck. “We are bullied, verbally and physically, just because of who we are. I've had more curses said to me this year than when I'm at home with my horrible muggle relatives, and that's saying something.”

“This place is really horrible.” Hermione said and held Harry tightly. “Unfortunately, we have to stay and complete our education. If we don't, they snap our wands and ban us from entering the wizarding world.”

Newt stood there and looked at the two young people as they clutched to each other. He knew the girl's protective instincts were heightened by Harry's pheromones... and that was the key. They were heightened, not created out of nothing. The boy needed someone to help him.

“I think I need to make a few floo calls.” Newt said and handed them a small rack of four potion vials. “In order, please. Every half hour.”

“I'll try to not throw up this time.” Harry said and accepted them.

“I've been trying to stop his grooming with conditioning.” Hermione said. “It's not quite working.”

Newt had to smile when he realized why. “It's because Harry doesn't really see it as punishment when you admonish him. He knows you care about him and appreciates it instead.”

Hermione blushed a little at Harry's nod and started to pet him. He purred and closed his eyes.

Newt left them there like that and went to Madam Pomfrey's office. He really did have a few calls to make and one of them might be a very important one, if it worked out. It all depended on if his wife Tina was okay with a bit of an adventure.


“What the hell is this garbage?” Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, asked her senior Auror and pointed to the very short report on her desk.

“That's the report about the incidents at Hogwarts.” Kingsley Shacklebolt responded.

“No, that is a SUMMARY of what SHOULD be in a report!” Amelia spat and stood up. “I had a very interesting call from the medical expert at the school...”

“Madam Pomfrey's witness statement is attached to the report.” Kingsley said.

“SHUT UP!” Amelia shouted and the tall black man winced. “That's NOT who I am referring to!”

Kingsley was tempted to ask who she meant and stayed silent. He knew she was going to tell him.

“The magizoologist that is taking care of the investigation's target had some pointed things to say about how you didn't do your job!”

Kingsley held in his sigh. He should have known that the platitudes that Albus gave him about everything being handled, were a little less than the truth. “The target was sequestered and...”

“I know all about why and who told you to not talk to the Boy-Who-Lived!” Amelia almost yelled, then she did. “HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT I WOULD ACCEPT THAT YOU IGNORED ASKING MISTER POTTER, THE MAIN WITNESS, ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!?”

Kingsley didn't really have an answer for that. He had known Amelia held a grudge against Dumbledore about letting most of her brother's family be murdered in the last war. He had just thought he could get in and out of the school, ruffle the least amount of feathers, and to get on with the important things.

“I have trusted you for years, Shacklebolt.” Amelia said and glared at him. “This is the first time you have disappointed me so spectacularly.”

“Madam Bones...”

“I did NOT give you permission to SPEAK!” Amelia shouted and he closed his mouth. “Your mishandling of the savior of the wizarding world's case wasn't bad enough, you also completely ignored the dangers the school poses to the rest of the students!”

Kingsley kept his mouth shut. Again, he regretted taking the headmaster's word that things were being taken care of and would be resolved soon.

“Pushing aside the petrifications that you completely ignored, you were told by no less than ten students how they were being attacked in the hallways, both with spells and defaming words.” Amelia said.

Kingsley knew this was going to be bad for him. They had not been mentioned in his report.

“I would have let it go if the reports had ONLY been about the Slytherins being the aggressors.”

Oh, damn. Kingsley thought and he couldn't keep his reaction off of his face.

“Yes, it was such a surprise to discover that members of my old House of Hufflepuff have been shooting spells at the Boy-Who-Lived, and even tried on numerous occasions to knock him down the stairs because he is a parselmouth.” Amelia said, her face red from anger and embarrassment.

Kingsley managed to hold in his sigh. He knew he was screwed now.

“I've already sent a howler to my niece for her participation in the campaign against Mister Potter and sent one to Professor Sprout for allowing her students to harass an innocent boy!” Amelia said and took a moment to calm down. “I expect they will be the highlight of the next article being printed in the Daily Prophet about how incompetent the DMLE is and how their Aurors ignored the suffering of the students they were specifically sent there to protect!”

Yes, I am definitely screwed. Kingsley thought.

“You are hereby suspended... without pay... until YOU are fully investigated.” Amelia said and smiled at the man's wince. “I fully expect it to take at least a month or more.”

“Madam Bones...”

“I hope breaking my trust was worth covering up the Crimes of Albus Dumbledore.” Amelia spat at him. “Hand over your robes and badge and get out of my sight!”

Kingsley took off his badge and put it on her desk, then he shrugged out of his robes and laid them on the visitor's chair.

“By the way, you are still employed at the Ministry of Magic. I will not accept your resignation to get out of your punishment and you cannot be hired or take another job.” Amelia said with a vindictive smile.

“Understood.” Kingsley said and left her office. No one said anything to him, because they had all heard him being reamed about not doing his job.

“Robards! Scrimgeour! Get your asses in here NOW!” Amelia shouted.

Both men ran into her office and the door shut behind them. Ten minutes later, Scrimgeour came out with a Senior Auror badge on his chest and both men looked happy and determined. They left the Auror offices quickly and everyone knew they had just been given Kingsley's assignments.


Harry woke up when he felt tiny fingers lightly stroke the end of his tail. It had been slowly shrinking over the last week and he wasn't sure if he was happy about that or not. He had apparently adjusted to having the thing and could even move it when he wanted. The same with his ears. He concentrated on them and heard two different soft breaths of air be released near him. One was from his Hermione and the other one he didn't recognize.

“I didn't mean to wake you.” A breathy voice whispered.

Harry turned his head from where it was buried in Hermione's hair to see a tiny blonde girl that stood beside his bed with his tail in her hands.

“I'm here for the interview and couldn't resist touching such a cute tail.” The girl said and her tiny fingers didn't stop as she lightly pet him.

Harry wasn't sure why he was okay with her touching him, especially since his usual reaction was anger and a feeling that he needed to defend what was his. “The Quibbler?”

The girl nodded. “My father is the editor.”

Harry nodded and very reluctantly eased his hold on Hermione. She had been snuggled into his soft fur for their afternoon nap and it was always the best feeling in the world to him, no matter how many times they did it.

Hermione let out a slight sound of distress at the loss of Harry's extra warmth before she hugged herself and went right back to sleep.

“I wish I had a Harry-Cat to cuddle like that. It looks so comfortable.” The girl whispered and kept petting his tail.

Harry had to smile at that because he agreed wholeheartedly. “Let's go over there.” He whispered and nodded at the far side of the hospital wing where a small table and a modified chair was for him to do homework. The two of them walked over there and Harry made sure to stick his tail through the hole in the chair and sat down.

The girl pulled a privacy curtain closed around them and sat down across from him. She pulled out a notepad and set it on the table, took out a yellowish colored quill, and licked the tip. Harry wasn't sure why he liked seeing her little tongue move like that. He had been noticing a lot of odd things since he had become part cat and this was just one more neat thing.

The girl stood the quill up on the notepad and it stayed there, to Harry's surprise. “Cub-Reporter Luna Lovegood, correspondent to Hogwarts Castle. This is the interview of Harry Potter, furthermore to be referred to as Harry-Cat.”

Harry's eyes widened slightly as the quill wrote out everything she said.

“So, Harry-Cat, the public wants to know the truth.” Luna said with a dreamy smile. “Why didn't you use a Kneazle's fur instead? Being crossed with a normal cat must be frustrating in comparison.”

Harry was surprised by the question, because that was not what he had expected. “Wh-what?”

“That's a typical reaction, since normal cats are not very smart and understanding the question might take you a minute. A Kneazle is specifically bred for intelligence and its magical heritage. They are independent, have aggressive tendencies, can detect suspicious and untrustworthy people, and can lead the person that owns them to their house, even if they've never been there before.”

Harry was stunned by the deluge of information and didn't respond.

“They are classified as a Triple X magical creature and will attack anything that threatens what's theirs.” Luna said and then gained a thoughtful look. “Actually, considering the witness reports and how you have acted since you were changed, perhaps the tabby cat was a quarter or even a half Kneazle.”

Harry's mouth dropped open at her words.

“Yes, I believe the evidence clearly shows muted Kneazle-like tendencies, which means your disappointment about your situation must be reducing already.” Luna said with a nod and smiled at him. “With that new information, I must change my opening question. Harry-Cat, are the hairballs from grooming as hard to get up as it is for all medium length haired and long haired cats?”

Right at that moment, Harry had that same feeling in his stomach and proceeded to prove to the girl exactly how hard it was to get a hairball up.

“Oh, dear.” Luna said and reached across the small table to rub Harry's head and one of his ears. “I didn't expect a demonstration, Harry-Cat. I need to pause the interview to write out what that was like to witness and then we can proceed.”

Harry could only nod and closed his eyes in both disgust at the large hairball on the desk and pleasure at the feeling of Luna's little hand gently caressing his ear. He still didn't know why he wasn't hissing or getting angry at her for doing it, though. Hermione was the only one allowed to touch him like that.

Luna used a normal quill to write out the addendum to the article with her personal observation. When she was done, she took her wand from above her ear and waved it at the hairball. It floated over to the garbage can and dropped into it.

“You can open your eyes now, Harry-Cat.” Luna said and Harry did so. “I apologize for causing you distress like that. My next question shouldn't cause a similar reaction. Can I continue with the interview?”

Harry nodded and didn't tell her to stop rubbing his ear. He could feel a purr bubbling in his throat and fought to not let it out, because he thought only Hermione could make him purr.

“How has your balance been? With the tail, it should be exceptional. Your running speed should have increased a lot, too.”

Harry hadn't tried to do much of anything since being sequestered in the hospital wing and he felt a little guilty about that. He also felt like he needed to get out and explore things and to find some good perching spots to observe things. He couldn't explain why he kept thinking about the Snitch from the last Quiddich game.

“Actually...” Harry started and then told Luna what he had been thinking and feeling.

Luna nodded along and asked several pertinent questions about his body and Harry answered everything, even when Luna asked about his privates. He didn't know why he wasn't embarrassed about admitting his size hadn't changed and that he didn't wear underwear because it wasn't needed.

“Thank you for being so candid, Harry-Cat. This was a great interview and I expect the next issue of the Quibbler is going to sell out.” Luna said and looked at the dicta-quill. “This concludes the interview of Harry-Cat by Luna Lovegood, Hogwarts Cub-Reporter.”

The quill stopped writing and Luna lifted it from the notepad and put both things into a pocket that should not have let them fit.

“I really enjoyed talking to you, Harry-Cat. Thank you for not laughing at me or picking on me for being weird.”

Harry jerked slightly and immediately sat up straight and his ears perked right up. Luna's hand on his ear slipped off and he hadn't realized he had been leaning down so close to her to let her do it.

“What did you say?” Harry asked.

“Oh, it's nothing. Just the nargles having a bit of fun at my expense.”

Harry's eyes squinted and his ears rotated and flattened. If there was one thing he hated, it was getting picked on for being different. Dudley and his gang had been encouraged by his own aunt and uncle to do it as much as possible.

“Can you tell me the names of the nargles, Luna?” Harry asked.

“I don't know.” Luna said and her dreamy smile faded a little. “No one's ever asked me before.”

Harry's hand-paw reached for her hand that had been rubbing his ear. He bent his head back down and lifted her hand to place it behind his ear. “I'm a little itchy and I like being scratched right there.”

Luna's smile sprang back to full intensity as her little fingers dug right into the spot and Harry didn't fight the purr this time. The rumble was so loud that it echoed off of the privacy curtain.

Harry waited for a minute before he spoke. “I'm interested in nargles, Luna. I need the names of the biggest ones.”

Luna's smile didn't waver. “Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe, and Lisa Turpin.”

Harry let out a stuttering purr and Luna giggled. “You're doing a great job scratching.”

“Th-thank you.” Luna said and blushed a little as she slowed her fingers and her hand slid down the side of his face. She wasn't sure why she had told him about the nargles. “What are you going to do now?”

“Nothing much.” Harry said and rubbed his face on her hand, which made Luna blush more. “I might let some of my cat instincts out and do a bit of hunting later.”

“That's good. You can't let your new skills go to waste.” Luna commented. “What are you going to hunt?”

Harry gave her a predatory smile and showed off his pointed teeth. “Maybe a nargle or two.”


Third year student Cho Chang laughed at what her friend Marietta had said about their latest prank on the first year oddity that was Loony Lovegood. With their friend Lisa Turpin from inside the first year target's dorm room, they could pretty much do whatever they wanted and no one would trace it back to them.

The trio had left the Great Hall after supper and were in a great mood until they reached the hallway in the second floor corridor.

“Rrrrrraaawwwrrrr! HISSSSS!” Echoed off the stone walls and scared the hell out of them.

“AHHH!” The three girls yelled and turned to run, only to skid to a stop.

A crouched figure wearing plain pyjamas was in the hallway and blocked their path. It let out a low growl that sent cold sweat down the spines of the three terrified girls. “I... smell... NARGLES!”

The three girls screamed as the figure leapt at them. They fell down and cried as long black claws tore at their robes and shredded their pockets. Their wands, several coins, and various items hit the floor. Cho, Marietta, and Lisa huddled and hugged each other as they cried and the furred creature bent down and sniffed at the items. It deftly grabbed two of the items, a pair of earrings, and put them into its pockets.

The creature slowly stood up in a hunched posture and the three girls saw the angry fur-covered face as it snarled at them. “Bullies!” It spat and hissed as it posed to strike. “Thieves!”

“No!” Cho shouted. “We... we found them... and...”

“LIARS!” The creature yelled and started to swipe at them.

“Stop.” A soft voice said from down the hall.

The creature's claws stopped right in front of Cho's face and the tips of the claws dimpled her cheek. The smell of urine quickly filled the hallway.

“Loony! Call off your monster!” Lisa exclaimed.

“You are going to get it when we're back in the dorm.” Marietta added.

“Foooood!” The creature growled loudly and the three girls paled.

Luna walked over to them and put a hand on the creature's arm and moved it away from Cho's face. “They would taste terrible and might make you sick.”

The creature huffed and stepped back. To the surprise of the three girls, the thing wrapped its furry arms around Luna from behind and nuzzled into her neck before it started to purr. Luna giggled and hugged the arms as she pet them. After a moment, it handed over her earrings.

“Keep hunting for you?” It asked in a scary growl.

Luna looked thoughtful for several seconds. “Can you get into the dorms?”

The creature let her go before it walked over to the stone wall of the hallway and shocked the girls as it used its claws and climbed up to the high ceiling. When it reached the top, it let go, flipped over, and landed in a crouch on its feet.

Luna lightly clapped and it stalked over to her. It hugged her from behind once more and then its large tongue slipped out of its mouth and licked her cheek. She shivered at the oddly nice sensation of having a huge cat-like tongue lick her skin.

“The... the alarms...” Cho whispered.

“They only register humans.” Luna pointed out and pet the creature's arms.

“Easy hunt.” The creature growled and the three girls on the floor hugged each other tighter.

“We're going to tell!” Marietta said. “You can't have that... thing... in a school!”

Luna smiled. “All manner of creatures are allowed as pets and familiars. Owls, cats, rats, spiders, snakes, toads, puffiskins, doxys, pixies, devil's snare, and even giant dogs.”

The creature purred and nuzzled her neck again. Luna let out another giggle and reached up to rub the creature's face. The tail the girls didn't notice before came out from behind it and wrapped around Luna's waist.

“I look forward to you telling the teachers and prefects exactly why I needed a magnificent creature to help me.” Luna said to them.

“We... we won't tell.” Cho said.

“Cho!” Marietta gasped.

“I don't want to be killed in my sleep!” Cho spat at her.

“I think the meanest nargle is right. Let's all go to Professor Flitwick and get this settled.” Luna said.

“You're not making me go anywhere!” Marietta nearly shouted.

“Give the nargle a hand.” Luna said and let the creature's face and arms go.

“NO!” The three girls shouted.

The creature ignored the shouts and grabbed Marietta and Lisa by their collars and lifted them as if they weighed nothing.

“STOP! Please put them down!” Cho begged.

“Professor Flitwick's office is this way.” Luna said and waved in the right direction. “I'll get your things.”

The creature walked with the two struggling girls and Cho thought about not following. It growled at her and she sighed and followed. Luna picked up their wands and things before she followed as well. It was a bit funny to her that they hadn't tried to grab them or cast a spell.


The glare on Hermione's face when Harry finally came back from using the bathroom, for two whole hours, was epic. It lost some of the intensity when the small form of Luna came out from behind his back.

“It was Harry-Cat's idea to let me borrow him from you.” Luna said, a bit shamelessly.

“Borrow him?” Hermione asked.

“I had some nargles to hunt down and scare into not bullying Luna anymore.” Harry said and climbed onto the bed on his side. He was only slightly surprised when Luna climbed right up onto the bed with him and laid down behind him.

Luna was almost completely hidden from sight and her right hand lightly caressed the back of his head for a moment before she started petting his tail like she had when she had woken him up from his nap.

“What happened?” Hermione asked with squinted eyes.

Harry told her about the whole thing, even making Cho pee herself.

“They have a month's detentions, even after they ratted out the others that stole Luna's things.” Harry said, a bit proudly. “They all have to pitch in to pay for the repairs and replacements for her books, clothes, shoes, trunk, and her personal things.”

Hermione stared at him and didn't know what to say. All she could think about was that she would have loved to have Harry do that to her bullies back in muggle school. Harry saw the look on her face and held a pawed-hand out to her. She took it and hugged it to her chest.

“Me, too.” Harry whispered. “Me, too.”


“Well, Mister Potter. I think we've done as much as we can.” Newt said and the specialist from St. Mungo's beside him nodded. It had been a month of treatments and spells and they had been almost completely successful.

Harry looked down at his hands and they were back to normal. Mostly. His fingernails were black and he still had his retractable claws. He also had his cat ears that were nestled and almost hidden in his messy hair, which was no longer black. It was the same soft orange color as his polyjuiced state and even had light grey streaks in it. It kinda looked cool, actually.

“What about my tail?” Harry asked as it flicked with annoyance behind him. At least it still had fur and wasn't just skin or looked like a rat's tail.

“We felt it wouldn't benefit you to have it removed.” The specialist said. “The nerve clusters are tied directly into your balance sense. If we severed that, you would be as clumsy as a metamorph trying to increase their height beyond their body's natural growth.”

Harry sighed. “What am I supposed to do with it?”

“You have two options.” Newt said. “It is prehensile, so you can hang it down and keep it down your pant leg or tuck it between your legs.”

“Not on your life!” Harry said. “I've sat on it a few times already and it hurts every bloody time!”

“Language.” Hermione and Luna said at the same time.

Newt smiled at them, because they had become a constant presence during Harry's treatment. “The other... and apparently best option... is to wear it like a belt.”

“It is quite comfortable worn like that.” Luna said and Hermione gave her a pointed look. “You should try it. His hugs get even better if he hugs you with it at the same time.”

“Excuse me?” Hermione asked and looked at Harry.

“Then again, his arms are no longer silky smooth with his lovely fur. Some extensive experimentation should be conducted.” Luna said with a dreamy smile. “Creature research really is quite fascinating.”

“I believe so, too.” Newt smiled widely at her. “Thank you again for correcting my assumption that he was a full tabby cat. It changed the treatments just enough to undo a lot of the damage that could have remained permanent.”

“Oh, it was nothing, Newt. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes are needed to see what's right in front of you.” Luna said, magnanimously.

“Like nargles.” Harry whispered and Luna smiled warmly at him.

“I'm just glad that your scar is still gone and you don't need glasses anymore.” Hermione said.

Harry shivered, and not in a good way, when he remembered waking up after that procedure. He had apparently died during one of the treatments to siphon off the dark magic that was interfering with his magic and being changed back into a wizard.

“At least Professor McGonagall agreed to take me to get a new wand.” Harry said. “My old one barely works for me anymore.”

As if Harry saying her name was a summons, the hospital doors opened and in walked Professor Minerva McGonagall, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, and a man wearing a green bowler hat and green robes.

“As you can see, Minister Fudge, Mister Potter has been almost completely changed back.” Albus said in a jovial tone.

Minerva frowned at the qualification, because she knew he had said it that way on purpose.

“Oh, dear.” Minister Fudge said and looked at Harry's messy orange hair and the flicking tail. “I see. I see.”

“What do you see?” Minerva asked with squinted eyes.

“It might have been a potions accident or it might have been intentional.” Fudge said. “At this point, if it can't be reversed further, then there's nothing I can do.”

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

“It is against the law for half-creatures to own a wand.” Fudge said.

Nearly everyone in the room made surprised sounds, even Newt and Luna, and they were almost never surprised by anything.

“Cornelius, please be reasonable. Harry wasn't always a half-creature.” Albus said.

Fudge shook his head. “I'm sorry, Albus. The ministry has already made two exceptions on your behalf with the half-giant groundskeeper and the werewolf. We both know how the first worked out.”

Albus let out a sigh. “Hagrid was proven innocent of that.”

“No, he was found not guilty. That's completely different.” Fudge said. “In fact, I may have to take him again if there are any more petrifications.”

“The aurors haven't found anything.” Albus responded.

“You have blocked them from doing any proper investigations inside the castle, despite them not being your contact inside the ministry. This whole situation is all on your head.” Fudge accused him.

Albus didn't bother trying to defend himself.

“So, it really was you that's stopped anyone from asking what actually happened here in school.” Harry said into the silence. He looked at Minerva. “If I'm not allowed to own a wand, what does that mean about me attending Hogwarts?”

“No!” Hermione gasped and lunged at Harry to hug him tightly. “You can't kick him out! You can't! YOU CAN'T!”

“Miss Granger.” Minerva said and sighed. “He can't perform spells without a wand. He can't even take the exams to pass the year.”

“You can't send him back to his abusive relatives!” Hermione spat. “They already starve him and beat him for being a wizard! What do you think they are going to do to him if he goes there looking like this?!?”

That made the color drain from nearly everyone's faces.

“He has to go back to Privet Drive. It's the safest place for him.” Albus argued.

“No, it isn't.” Luna said in a flat tone. Her normal dreamy smile was completely gone. “They will kill him.”

Albus didn't even look at her. “They are his family. They would never harm...”

“You listen here, you barmy old bastard!” Hermione shouted, to everyone's shock. “You've done nothing to make Harry's life better and you've known for years he's been abused! You've NEVER helped him! You NEVER listen! YOU NEVER CARED!”

“Hermione, calm down.” Harry said, halfheartedly.

Hermione glanced at him and saw his sad face. “Harry, if they are so insistent on ignoring the abuse of the savior of the wizarding world, what do you think they are going to do for a normal wizard?”

“Nothing.” Harry said. “They will always do nothing.”

“Exactly.” Hermione said and looked at the adults around her. “I hope you're happy now. I hope you are all going to enjoy exactly what's going to happen next.”

“What do you mean?” Minerva asked.

“You have no right to ask me that.” Hermione said with a grin. “None at all.”

“I am your Professor and Head of House...” Minerva started to say.

“You are NOTHING TO ME!” Hermione yelled. “Do you understand? Can you get it into your thick skull that anything you say means absolutely nothing? They are not even platitudes. All you do is open your mouth and nothing comes out.”

“That is enough, Miss Granger.” Albus said, sternly. “I believe banning you from the hospital wing will be a fitting punishment.”

Hermione pointed her finger at him. “You see? YOU ALL SEE? He just banned me from ever getting any healing! Not from just seeing Harry, not from annoying Madam Pomfrey by ordering her to keep doing her job like she's supposed to, he is DENYING a student BASIC MEDICAL CARE!”

Albus saw the accusing looks on Harry's and Luna's faces. He let out another sigh and opened his mouth to counter his words.

“I don't believe you need to say anything else, headmaster. We all know how you really feel about the students that are supposedly under your care.” Hermione said with satisfaction. “You don't have to bother threatening to kick me out anymore. You will have my withdrawal notice on your desk right after I walk over to Harry's work table in the corner.”

All of the adults watched as Hermione stood and she took two steps, paused, took two more, and turned around to look at everyone. She wasn't surprised to see Harry beside her and Luna beside him.

“Not one of you even thought about asking me to reconsider.” Hermione said with a smile. “I didn't really need the confirmation of how much you all don't care. Thanks, anyway.”

Harry took her hand and nodded to her. Hermione nodded back and the three of them went to the desk and Hermione wrote out the notice. They hid the fact that the three of them signed it. Hedwig showed up and tapped on the window. Harry went over to it and carried her over to the desk, attached the note, and she flew back out the window.

“I'll help you pack.” Harry said and the three of them walked by the adults that stood there and let them go.

“I know why I'm not trying to stop her from leaving. The people here treat her horribly.” Newt said and looked at Minerva. “Why are you letting her go?”

“She really is a disruption.” Minerva admitted. “Ever since the first day, she tried to answer every question before anyone else and never gave anyone else a chance.”

Newt looked at Madam Pomfrey.

“Trouble has been following her around her and her friends. She has been in here several times and the other two boys dozens more.” Pomfrey said.

Newt looked at Albus last. “Well, Headmaster? What's your excuse for not doing your best to keep an eager to learn and intelligent student at the school?”

Minerva and Pomfrey caught their breath.

“I believe her behavior since Harry was hurt speaks for itself.” Albus said.

Newt nodded and turned to the specialist. “Thank you, Healer Smethik. Please keep working on the samples we took from Harry to try and reverse the damage and I'll let you know my own progress after I do everything I can to consult with everyone else I know.”

“I look forward to it.” Healer Smethik said and shook Newt's hand. “Good luck.”

“You, too.” Newt said and looked at Minister Fudge. “I hope you're happy.”

“I told you, Mister Scamander. I have no choice. Part-creatures are not allowed to have a wand.” Fudge said. “I will not be known as the minister who broke the law and allowed a creature to use a wand.”

Newt shook his head at the man and looked at Albus. “You have made many mistakes in your life, Albus. It's about time that one of them came out.”

Albus frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I'm tempted to say you don't have the right to ask; but, I want you to know.” Newt smiled and walked around him before he opened the hospital wing's doors. “Luna Lovegood is the daughter of the Quibbler's editor. What do you think is going to happen to all of you when Harry Potter, the wizarding world's saviour, defeater of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, gives an exclusive interview about the life you condemned him to for ten years and never once did anything about it?”

Minerva sucked in a sharp breath and Albus paled.

“I'm going to assume that and his school years are going to take up most of the entire next edition, especially with how the school and Ministry of Magic are handling a young boy after his accident.” Newt said and shut the doors on their surprised faces.


The Ministry of Magic tried to get the next edition of the Quibbler banned from all public and private establishments, as well as people's homes. This would have normally worked if the magazine's distribution depended on a ministry approved delivery method like Owlpost or apparition. It didn't.

Xenophilius Lovegood lived near Ottery St. Catchpole and he had been getting the muggle newspaper at his house since he had built the place. The kid on a bicycle delivered the paper to him every day and Xeno knew that if he ever started a paper of his own, he just had to try it. He absolutely loved riding a bicycle when he eventually tried it, so that was how the magazines were delivered.

Newt had been right, too. The entire magazine was a Special Edition called The Life And Times of Harry-Cat Potter. The title alone caught everyone's attention because of the cat ears and tails on the letters. It really was quite stylish and an inventive use of calligraphy. Because of the blanket ban by the Ministry, it had given the thing legitimacy and it sold out everywhere in mere minutes.

Xeno had been swamped with owls for more. He had to make three full route deliveries on his bicycle that day and he couldn't have been prouder of the accomplishment.

Hogwarts was full of the magazines and nearly every student had a copy, even most of the Slytherins. A few of them didn't read it or wanted to, simply because it was about Harry Potter. They would regret that decision, because the very last article in the magazine told everyone how he had been refused to keep his wand and had to leave school.

No one had known he was already gone, not even the members of his House, Griffindor. The article also said that two of his friends quit as well and left with him. They claimed that if the wizarding world's saviour wasn't allowed to attend Hogwarts, then they wouldn't be attending, either.

The shock of how Harry had grown up had sent a ripple of sadness and shame through the people that had attacked him and bullied him. Those with a conscience, anyways. Draco Malfoy just laughed and called him a wimp. His friends laughed as well, just before twenty or so spells covered part of the Slytherin table and hit Malfoy, his friends, and a few of them students around him.

Before Professor Snape could give them all detentions for openly attacking his students, nearly half of the entire school's population stood, gave him a rude gesture, and left. That was shocking all by itself. However, ten minutes later, the same number of owls flew in through the Great Hall's windows and swarmed the Head Table and tried to give Dumbledore and McGonagall their notes.

They were all withdrawal notices.

“Albus, we can't afford to refund this much tuition.” Minerva whispered to him.

“Then don't. They chose to leave without finishing the year and we don't have to compensate them for that.” Albus said.

Minerva sighed and picked up several second and third year notes. “You know as well as I do that most of them paid in advance up to their OWLs and some even to their NEWTs.”

Albus wasn't sure what to say or do about that.

“We need to call a meeting with the school governors and...”

“I need to contemplate this.” Albus said and stood. He ignored the owls and walked out of the Great Hall with a blank face. He couldn't let anyone see how worried he was.

It had been bad enough that Albus had lost Harry Potter from Hogwarts because of Cornelius Fudge's manipulations to try and coerce a bribe from a school without any extra money. Then Albus had to approve refunding three fully paid students when they left. It had left the school's coffers quite low, and now they had nearly half of the students wanting to leave.


A month later in a nice house, deep inside a hidden forest near a private animal reserve, sat three young people.

“Oh, my god.” Hermione said and handed the Daily Prophet to Harry.

“HA!” Harry barked the laugh as he read the paper. “I can't believe it! They're closing Hogwarts!”

“Daddy said they are calling an emergency session of the Wizengamut to force the students to attend.” Luna said.

“It won't work.” Hermione responded.

“Why not?” Harry asked.

“They couldn't refund the tuition in the first place, so all that money has already been paid and spent. That means no more income to keep it running. If they try to charge the students to go back to school...”

“They'll probably burn the whole thing down.” Harry said with a smile.

“You shouldn't be happy about that.” Hermione said with her own smile.

“I'm part cat. I like seeing dancing flames and I could stare at them all day.” Harry said.

Hermione smirked at him and flicked her wand at the fireplace and cast Incendio. Harry's head whipped around to stare at the thing and the slits in his eyes widened into circles as they expanded to cover most of his pupils.

“You're so cute.” Luna said and reached up to scratch him behind the ear.

Harry let out a loud purr and practically melted from his chair and onto her lap. “I don't... purrrrr... know why that... purrrrr... still works.”

Luna and Hermione exchanged knowing looks.

“How are you kids getting along in your studies?” Tina Scamander asked as she entered the living room.

“I've already finished my Runes and Arithmancy assignments.” Hermione said and handed her tutor the two summary reports. “I can tackle the practicals this afternoon when we go to the lab.”

Tina smiled and nodded at her as she tucked the reports under her arm. “What about you two?”

“Potions and Defense for me.” Luna said and tapped Harry's shoulder.

Harry grabbed them from the table in front of them and also grabbed his two reports.

“Charms and Defense for Harry-Cat. He can borrow my wand for his practical.” Luna said and handed Tina the reports.

“I never knew... purrrr... that self-study... purrrr... could be so easy.” Harry said.

“Easy, is it?” Tina asked with the same knowing look that Hermione and Luna had exchanged earlier. “You have two pretty girls pretty much mauling you every time you do well.”

Luna giggled and Hermione smiled. Harry's tail flicked happily a few times before it landed on Hermione's lap and the tip slid down between her thighs just at the edge of her skirt. It didn't move anywhere else and stayed still.

“Harry.” Hermione said, her voice a little sharp. “I thought we agreed to no liberties until we're older.”

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Harry said, innocently.

Hermione's hand laid on her thigh and she gripped his tail gently. “I mean this.”

“Huh?” Harry lifted his head slightly and looked. “Hey, how did that get there?” He asked, his voice still full of innocence.

No one believed him.

The end of his tail flicked back and forth and Hermione caught her breath as the very soft and quite intentional caress on her inner thigh made her feel tingly.

“I swear it has a mind of its own.” Harry said with a grin.

...and that was why no one believed him.

Someone asked what would happen after this, so I wrote a quick blurb to handle it.

Ginny's odd behaviour was easily noticed at home with her brothers and mother around constantly, unlike the situation at school where no one noticed. Arthur Weasley was notified and they find the diary. They call Bill Weasley, curse breaker, and he tells them that it's a horcrux.

They call in Dumbledore and he deals with both the horcrux and Pettegrew (who reveals himself during the commotion and mentioning Voldemort a few times). It sets them on the horcrux hunt, and they handle it themselves (because no Harry, not realizing Harry's hand was involved because of his accident and causing everything) and it ends the prophecy.

With no Hogwarts, there's no tournament, no easily found Harry, and no powerful resurrection of Voldemort.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.