What If… Harry Potter

10 What if the Seventh Time’s the Charm?

Here's 20,060 words for you to enjoy this time.

“Please! Let me try one more time!” I pleaded to the cloaked figure holding the scythe.

The figure somehow gave me a skeptical look with eyeless sockets in his skull.

“I know the secret now! I can do this!” I promised.

The rattling sigh from the lipless mouth made me laugh internally. The figure swiped at the air beside me and created a portal.

“Thanks! You won't regret this!” I said and hugged the figure.

I wasn't surprised it was just a skeleton under the cloak. The bony hand hugging me back was an odd feeling, though. It gave the phrase 'being embraced by death' a whole new meaning.

“I won't be seeing you for a very long time!” I said and let the figure go, then I jumped through the portal.

You say that every time, Master. The figure's disembodied voice said in my head as the portal closed.


Six times. Six times I had tried this and six times I had failed. Six times I did my best to make a special someone happy. Six times I had failed to do so. Six times I died and each time it was more difficult to convince him to send me back for one more try. This time, I really did know the secret.

I had stumbled upon it during my last trip through my life. I never imagined the difference that it could cause if I did something unthinkable. Something that was going to change everything.


I became self-aware at the exact same time I had every other time. I was four and had just had my arm broken and I was huddled up in my cupboard. It was the moment that I realized who I was and who I would never be, because of my relatives. I had just sworn that I would never become a Dursley and my magic had settled inside myself.

After that, I went through the motions and did my best to never bring attention to the fact that I knew exactly what was going on around me. I could never let them know, or anyone else for that matter, that I was a wizard. No accidental magic for this guy. Nope. Not one little twitch. Even when I was a little older and went to school, not one incident happened to bring attention to myself.


The day I turned eleven, I did my chores and cooked breakfast, just like every morning, and went to the door to wait for the mail after eating my half-portion of food. It made my relatives never question why I had established the pattern years ago, because it was just for this moment.

I grabbed the normal letters and ran into the kitchen, placed the mail beside Uncle Vernon's plate, and then ran away. He huffed in satisfaction as I retreated and went outside to 'get out of their way for a while'. The difference this time was that I grabbed my Hogwarts letter on the way by. I had written my reply months ago and it was worded very specifically.

I went right outside to the owl perched on the hedge by the edge of the walk and bribed the thing with a fried piece of meat. “The bacon's a little crispy. It was the only way I could get it for you. I hope you don't mind.”

“Hoot.” The owl replied and took its time as it chewed it all up and then swallowed.

“Only give this to McGonagall, please.” I said and tied the tiny letter to its leg. “Fly safe.”

The owl gave me a pointed look, nodded slightly, and took off.

I didn't stand there like an idiot and watched the owl fly away. I went down the street and went to the little park. This early in the morning, I could get some exercising in to keep my strength and stamina up before the other neighborhood kids showed up and I would have to leave. I never gave Dudley and his gang a free chance to find me. I was much too smart to allow that.


Minerva McGonagall stared at the tiny and perfectly written letter. She had been surprised when the school owl had pretty much assaulted her to get her to read the thing instead of putting it on the stacks of replies like it was supposed to. She didn't realize that bacon was an excellent bribe, even when overcooked.

“Why in the world can I not show this to Albus?” Minerva asked herself as she read the first few lines. When it specifically told her to check the address where the invitation letter was sent, she had gasped at 'The Cupboard under the Stairs' address.

“He should to know that the savior of our world is being mistreated.” Minerva said and then read the rest of the letter. She finished it and sighed as she closed her eyes. She dropped the letter onto the desk and rested her head in her hands. “He already knows and did nothing.”

Now she was in a precarious position. Albus had specifically told her to report to him if this particular response arrived. She hadn't realized at the time that Albus knew that she might not get a response, which was odd for the headmaster, and now she knew why. He knew Harry was being mistreated.

Minerva sat back in her chair and stared at the letter, because it specifically requested her to visit and no other professor or errand boy would be accepted. If anyone else showed up, the invitation to the school would be burned and the student would not attend. Her instincts were screaming at her to accept and warred with her devotion to the school and the headmaster.

Her mind argued to tell the headmaster about the knowledge the letter contained. Someone raised by muggles shouldn't know those things about the workings of the school or about Albus being the one to place the boy there with his relatives.

Minerva made her decision and folded the letter up before she tucked it into her robes. She couldn't take the chance that Albus would wave off her concerns and would send someone else to pick up the boy for his first introduction into the wizarding world. With her luck, he would send Hagrid because he wasn't anywhere near as busy as any of the other staff getting ready for the new school year.

“Very well, Mr. Potter. I'll keep your acceptance a secret for now.” Minerva said and picked a date for a week later to go to meet him. She also marked down that she received a response and then buried it at the bottom of the stack of responses.


I hadn't felt anxious at all as I waited each day for a week for Professor McGonagall to either send me a notice when she would appear or to just show up. I knew wizards were daft and never considered other people's feelings about inconveniencing them. I made sure to always be near the house, doing chores outside and either in front of the house or on the side, to keep my eyes on the street.

I heard a car backfiring half a street away and smiled. I knew that was someone apparating and thought about washing my hands and face off as I put the gardening tools back in the shed. I didn't want to tip off Aunt Petunia about knowing someone was coming, so I ran out to the front walk and waited. As soon as I saw Professor McGonagall come around the corner, I ran over to her.

“Are you feeling okay, miss? It's the beginning of August and you're wearing heavy winter clothing.” I said with a bright smile on my face.

Minerva looked startled at my words, then her face softened as she looked at my face. “Harry, you look just like your father.”

“I look dead?” I asked, unable to resist poking fun at her and seeing the shocked look on her face. I started to pat myself all over. “I know they starve me most days...”

Minerva sucked in a sharp breath. “No! Why would...”

“Dudley's super-fat and they need the food to stuff into his big belly and into my uncle's. There's not much left over for me.” I said and looked into her eyes. “Hey, wait! How do you know who I am?”

Minerva seemed to collect herself. “I am a professor at Hogwarts and you asked me to come here.”

“Oh!” I gasped and then looked down at my old and dirty clothing. “If I'd known you'd be coming, I might have put on my less dirty rags.”

Minerva's mouth opened and then seemed stuck in that position.

“You really should call or something before just showing up.” I said and then smiled. “Well, if you're here now, I guess we can go.”

“I... ah... your family. I need to speak to your family before...”

“Nope! They hate people like us.” I said and that startled her. “They aren't my family, either. They're just muggles I'm related to and forced to live with.”

Minerva blinked her eyes at me and looked speechless.

“We should go before the neighbors start talking about the two freaks standing on the sidewalk.” I said and took her hand. I led her back around the corner and down the side street. “How are we getting away? Flying? Magical horses? OH! Do you have a magic broom? You're a witch, right? You can fly on brooms!”

Minerva still looked speechless.

“Hey, wait! If witches fly on brooms, what do wizards fly on? Vacuums?” I asked, eagerly. “If we get to choose, I want a nice Hoover! Those things suck up dirt like magic!” I said and then laughed. “I just made a funny pun and I didn't mean to!”

Minerva came to a stop and I stopped walking when her arm didn't keep moving.

“We're leaving from here?” I asked and looked around to see that we were out of sight from everyone. “We have to go quick before someone comes. Where's your broom?”

Minerva took out her wand and I made an appreciative sound. She smiled and held her arm out as if hailing a taxi.

“Um, miss? Was that a spell? We're not flying.” I said with a confused look on my face. Playing around and teasing her was really giving me a great time.

There was a bang down the street and a large triple decker purple bus appeared and skidded around on the pavement before skidding to a stop in front of us with a guy standing just inside the open doorway.

“HOLY CRAP!” I yelled and saw Minerva struggling between berating me and being amused at my reaction. She chose berating.

“Language, young man.” Minerva admonished me.

“Sorry, miss.” I said and ducked my head.

“I've 'eard worse.” The conductor said. “Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard.”

“Two for Diagon Alley, please. One tea and one hot cocoa.” Minerva said and bought two tickets.

“I'll be right back wit yer beverages.” The man said and handed us each a toothbrush.

I didn't say anything until we sat down. “This is mine?” I asked in a whisper and stared at the brand new toothbrush. “But... but... it's not used. I'm never allowed to use one first.”

Minerva looked really sad. “Harry...”

“It's a trick, right? You're testing me.” I said and handed her the toothbrush. “I'm a good boy. I always listen and follow the rules.” I said proudly.

The conductor handed us our drinks and then told us to hold them tight for the start.

Minerva gasped and took the mug from me just in time as the bus took off and the beverages splashed over the sides and she avoided the hot liquids. “Did you just hand boiling hot liquid to a child for his first ride, before the bus started?” She asked and glared at the conductor.

The man flushed red from embarrassment. “Ah'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't realize...”

“Be more careful in the future.” Minerva ordered in her stern voice.

“Yessum! I'll be doin' jus' that, ma'am.” The man said and then he ran away as far as the inside of the bus would allow. It was at times like these that I was reminded that Minerva used to be a force to be reckoned with. Is a force to be reckoned with.

I almost laughed at myself, because I needed to keep my tenses appropriate.

The rest of the ride passed in silence and I drank the remains of the hot cocoa. It had cooled off with most of the contents on the couch and floor. The bus stopped at the Leaky Cauldron and we entered the dark and dreary bar and eatery. I took her hand and did my best to hide in Minerva's shadow as we passed through to the back of the building.

We entered the alley and I looked at everything anew as if I hadn't seen it all before. It wasn't that hard, because nearly everything had been destroyed the last time I had been through here. Seeing it all back and in peak condition was a surprise.

Minerva couldn't hide her smile as I rubbernecked my way down the alley towards Gringotts Bank. We entered the building and I nodded at the guards, which surprised both Minerva and the guards. We stood in line at a teller and waited for our turn, which was surprisingly quick to get to.

“Your business with the bank?” The teller asked, quite rudely.

“Mr. Potter would like to make a withdrawal from his account.” Minerva said with confidence.

The goblin stood on his chair and leaned over the counter to peer down at me. “Does Mr. Potter have his key?”

“I can honestly say that I have no idea where the key is. I only received my Hogwarts letter a week ago.” I said. I did not say that I didn't know I was a wizard until then, because I was sure that the goblins could detect a lie. “Plus, I live with hate-filled muggles and they never told me about any of this.”

Complete silence fell in the bank and everyone turned to look at me.

“Hi, everyone! That's right! The famous boy-who-lived grew up with abusive muggles! They beat me and starved me! I'm scrawny and way too small for a kid!” I nearly shouted and my words echoed off the walls. “The best part is that I've never received a healer check-up for all the injuries I've suffered as a kid or had any of my shots for wizard diseases!”

“Dear Merlin!” A woman gasped.

“Mr. Potter, I assure you that we will be taking care of your medical issues as soon as we are done with shopping today.” Minvera said with a flat voice and her lips were barely a thin line.

“Good luck trying to get me away from the muggles. Albus Dumbledore himself put me with them.” I said and everyone gasped. I smiled as I looked at the goblin. “Mr. Goblin sir, can I have a new key issued and any other keys nullified? I've not had my own key for the last eleven years.”

The goblin gave me a pointed look. “There has been movement on that account.”

“It wasn't by me, sir. I can swear an oath that I've never stepped foot in this bank in the same amount of time.”

The goblin seemed to relax and smiled. “For a small fee, we can do a full accounting.”

“How small is small?” I asked.

The goblin chuckled. “Most wizards just agree and don't ask.”

I had to smile. “I'm not like most wizards.”

“No, you are not, Mr. Potter.” The goblin said. “It's ten galleons and the results will be sent to you. If you will wait in the waiting area, a new key will be issued.”

“As long as it's different than the others. You can catch anyone trying to use the old ones as thieves.”

Gasps game from everyone in the bank, the goblins and Minerva included.

The goblin clerk gave me a large tooth bearing smile. “Thank you for the permission, Mr. Potter.”

“May your gold always overflow your loot sack.” I said and walked over to the waiting area and sat down. It was then that I realized I was alone and everyone was staring at me, especially Minerva. Oops. A bit too much sucking-up, I think. “I'm sorry, did I say it wrong?” I asked, nervously. “I read it in a book...” ...in one possible future. I finished in my head.

No one said anything, then almost as one, they all went back to their own business. The goblin gave me an odd look before he hopped down from his chair and went through a door behind the counter.

Minerva walked over to me and sat beside me. “What book was that?”

“One with fairy tales and fantastic stories!” I said, truthfully and excitedly. “One story was about these three brothers and...”

Minerva sat there and listened attentively as I told her about the Deathly Hallows. She didn't even ask me how I had read about it if I was always at home with the muggles.

The goblin clerk came over to us sometime later and handed me a brass key on a chain. “Do not lose this one, Mr. Potter.” He said with a knowing smile.

“I'll do my best not to.” I said and hung it over my neck.

“I believe I'll stay here for this part.” Minerva said and gave me a pointed look. “Do not dilly-dally.”

I gave her an innocent look and she laughed softly.

“Just try to hurry, please.” Minerva said and shooed me away.

The goblin chuckled and we went over to the back door where the carts were. We climbed into the first available one and we took off like the Knight Bus. There were only two speeds, full and stop.

Being the adrenaline and speed junkie I was, I yelled and hollered with happiness as we zoomed up and down hills and around breakneck turns. The goblin had a huge smile on his face for the whole trip down to the vault, probably because everyone usually complained about the ride.

We stopped in front of my vault and we climbed out and went over to the thing. I handed the key over and the door opened to reveal piles and piles of stacked coins.

I smiled when I saw it and then looked at the goblin. “I have to ask. How did they get stacked so nicely? Did one of you do all that work?”

The goblin laughed. “We used to do it by hand for years until one of our spell workers came up with the organizer.” He said and pointed. “Grab a handful and step back, then throw them into the vault on the floor.”

I did so and stared as the gold coins filtered themselves and rejoined the stacks.

“You see? Much easier than dong it by hand.”

My smile grew into a grin. “You mean I can jump in and roll around on the gold and it'll fix itself?”

“It's your gold. You can do what you want with it.” The goblin said.

I reached in and took a single gold coin and handed it to him. “Want to go for a swim with me?”

The goblin laughed and pocketed the coin. “You are a very strange wizard, Mr. Potter.”

“On three.” I said and took a couple steps back. “One... two... three!”

The two of us leapt into the piles of gold coins and the rattle and crash of all that gold was very loud in the vault. It had worked, though. The two of us rolled around and had a bit of fun wrecking all those nice stacks for several minutes.

The goblin handed me a bag that could hold twice as much as it looked like it could. I shoved a dozen handfuls of gold coins into it, then added silver sickles and bronze knuts before we stepped back out. We watched as the entire mass of gold seemed to shiver and then it shuffled itself and reformed into the stacks and stacks it had been before.

“Yep, that was cool.” I said with a grin on my face and tied the bag to my waist.

The goblin laughed and locked the door before handing me the key. We climbed back into the cart and the ride back was just as fun as the ride down had been. When the goblin and I stepped out of the cart area through the door, Minerva saw my windswept hair and my flushed cheeks.

“Yes, I'm glad I didn't go.” Minerva said and stood. “Come along. We have a lot to do today.”

“Yes, miss.” I said and nodded to the goblin before I walked over to her and took her hand.

Minerva looked surprised for only a moment, then she smiled warmly at me and led me from the bank.


“Merlin's Beard!” The head healer said as he looked over my diagnostic spell results.

“Is it the many broken bones or the malnourishment that's surprising you?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Harry!” Minerva gasped.

“I was just wondering.” I said with a shrug. “I've never had a full exam before, remember?”

“I hope you're prepared for what's going to happen next.” The head healer said.

“You need to bring the pretty nurse back in here before I take my clothes off again.” I joked and neither of them laughed.

“If we're lucky, we can get a lot of these things fixed before you start school.” He said.

“In three and a half weeks?” I asked, surprised.

“Yes, we'll put you under with a sleeping draught, just so you're not suffering during the bone regrowth. We can deal with a lot of the other issues while we've got you unconscious, too.”

“If you can make me grow taller and put some meat on my bones, I'm all for it!” I said with a grin. “I won't have to see my relatives again until next year! Woohoo!”

“Harry, you shouldn't be happy about all of this.” Minerva said.

“Why not? You're the one that has to send them a note that I'm gone to school early.” I said and smiled. “Just don't mention, magic, healing, use an owl, or go in person. You'll be fine! Vernon hasn't dug out the old shotgun in years.”

Minerva groaned and rubbed her face.

“Can you do something about my eyes, too? I haven't seen anyone else wearing glasses.” I said.

“That's because of your curse scar. It's affecting your visual perception.” The healer responded.

“Can't you cut it off and heal it or something?” I asked and both he and Minerva looked shocked. “Is that a no?”

“I would need to consult...”

“Hey, I'm going to be unconscious for over three weeks. Have fun with it.” I said and laid back down. “Can we start now? I'd like to get this going as soon as possible.”

“Y-yes, I... yes. All right. Let's get you prepped and then I'll get the other healers in here and we'll start work right away.”

“Thanks.” I said with a smile.


I groggily opened my eyes and everything was blurry. “Well, it was worth a shot.”

“Mr. Potter.” A woman's voice said as someone leaned over the bed. “How do you feel?”

“Hello, Miss Blurry. I feel blind without my glasses.” I responded.

She laughed. “Just a moment.”

I felt something slide onto my face and everything snapped into sharp focus for the first time, ever. “Holy crap! I can see!”

“We've given you your actual prescription and not those junk glasses.” The woman said and smiled at me. “They also have a light sticking charm on them to keep them on your face.”

“Sweet.” I said and sat up to look around. “I just remembered I'm in the future! What year is this?”

The woman laughed. “It's still the same year, silly! Just three weeks later.”

“Really?” I looked around, skeptical. “Should I feel fine after everything?”

The woman touched my arm. “I'm glad you do, Mr. Potter. The work was quite extensive.”

“I know.” I said and reached up to rub the lightning bolt scar. “Did they try to cut the thing off?”

“No, after several consultations and a visit from your magical guardian...”

“My godfather Sirius Black was here?” I asked.

She gasped and lost all the color from her face. “You... no... why would...”

“If it wasn't him, who did you talk to?” I asked.

It took her a minute to recover from the shock. “Albus Dumbledore.”

“How did someone that's never visited me as a kid, become my magical guardian?” I asked and she had wide eyes. “No one ever told me they changed it. Wait, how did they change it? That's not supposed to happen, is it?”

The woman looked speechless.

“Can anyone just show up and claim to be my magical guardian without proof?” I asked and she didn't respond. “That's good to know. Thanks for protecting me while I was unconscious.” I looked around for my things. “Where are my belongings?”

“In the cabinet. Your trunk is on the bottom.” She said.

I hopped off of the bed and went to the cabinet and pulled out the pants and shirt from my school uniform. Once I was dressed, I checked for my key. It was gone. “Call an Auror! My vault key has been stolen!”

The woman gasped and started to leave, then she stopped and gave me a strange look. “Your magical guardian took it.”

“Albus bloody Dumbledore is NOT my magical guardian!” I shouted and the door to the room opened.

“Harry, why are you shouting?” Minerva asked.

“The headmaster stole my new vault key!”

“Harry, you're only eleven. He took it to keep it safe for you.” Minerva said.

“If that's true then why didn't you offer to take it before they put me to sleep?” I asked her in as accusing a tone as possible and she looked sad. “Exactly! You get my key back right now or I'm refusing to go to Hogwarts!”

“Harry, don't overreact.” Minerva said.

I grabbed my trunk and picked up one end before I dragged it across the room. “I need to get an owl to send to the bank and cancel whatever he's done to my account the last three weeks.” I said and looked at the healer. “I expect a full reimbursement of the charges for letting someone rob me while you had me incapacitated!”

“That... that's not how it works.”

“Then I hope you're ready for a great story in the newspaper about how you let the headmaster of a school rob the Boy-Who-Lived.” I spat at her and walked out of the room with Minerva right behind me.

“Harry, you can't just threaten people...”

“It wasn't a threat.” I said and dragged my trunk behind me. “The goblins are going to be angry at me for having another key stolen! Do you know how embarrassing that's going to be?”

Minerva didn't respond and followed me to the stairs.

I stopped and pointed to my trunk. She sighed and cast the Locomotor charm on it and attached it to me. I walked down the stairs and the trunk floated behind me. We went out through the lobby and she had to cancel the spell before we stepped out into London. I dragged the trunk out through the display window and took out my wand to hail the Knight Bus.

A short, quiet, and bumpy ride later, we were at the Leaky Cauldron and I dropped my trunk in front of Tom the barman.

“I need a small room until September first, please.” I said and Tom looked at Minerva. “No, I asked for the room, not her.”

“Son, I can't rent a room to...”

“I am not your son! I'm Harry Potter!” I nearly shouted and everyone in the pub stopped what they were doing to look over at me. “Are you refusing me service and kicking me out onto the street?”

Tom flushed red from embarrassment. “It... it's against the law to rent to underage children without an adult's approval.”

I barked a laugh. “I guess that means you're not an adult!” I said and picked up my trunk end and walked towards the back door. “Good luck having anyone else stay here. Once everyone hears that you won't let the savior of the wizarding world stay here!”

“Wait!” Tom gasped.

I ignored him and Minerva's words to him as I went out to the back door. I had to stand on the trunk to reach the right bricks and tapped them with my wand. I hopped off and picked up the trunk end again and dragged my trunk with loud scraping sounds across the cobblestone road that was Diagon Alley.

Everyone stared at me as I passed them and no one tried to help me or asked me what was going on. That was typical behavior, so I shouldn't have been surprised. I was definitely doing a lot of wear and tear on my trunk. I couldn't do anything about that yet, either. I went to the bank and looked at the set of steps.

I sighed and looked at one of the guards. “I request help carrying my trunk up the steps. Is a silver sickle for each of you enough payment to assist me in this endeavour?”

The goblin guards exchanged looks and then looked at me. They nodded and walked down the steps, took a handle each, and carried it up the set of steps. They placed it exactly at the top and no further.

I walked up the steps and handed them two silver sickles each. “One for the assistance and one for lowering yourselves to assisting a wizard.”

The goblins gave me tooth bearing grins and nodded.

I picked up one end of my trunk and dragged it inside. The lines were a bit longer than last time, so I chose the one farthest from the door and sat down on my trunk to wait. I would scrape the trunk on the floor each time I moved forward and it made the wizards wince each time. The goblins didn't flinch at all.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Minerva asked as she came over to me.

“I'm checking to see what the thief did with my key.” I said just in time, as my turn was next. “Mr. Goblin, sir. My vault key was stolen by someone claiming to be my magical guardian while I was in the hospital. Has anyone tried to access my vault in the last three weeks? If they have, everything done was illegal and not authorized by me or my actual magical guardian.”

The goblin had a feral grin on his face. “We've been waiting for you to arrive, Mr. Potter.”

“Oh, and I never received that accounting for my vault, either. I suspect the thief stole my key after he stole the vault accounting.”

“We know.” The goblin said. “We suspected something was wrong when you asked for that, because we do it monthly and you should have received an accounting statement the week before on your birthday. We added several tracking charms and discovered that you have a mail-redirect ward on your name for anything not school related.”

I sighed at finally getting confirmation after all these years. I had never asked before and I was trying something different for this time around. “How much for a curse breaker to stop that ward? What about all the years of mail I've had stolen from Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, etcetera, etcetera?”

“You need not worry about that. The thief's vaults are paying for it, the massive fine for robbing you, and compensation for over a decade of using your accounts.” The goblin said.

“Okay. Wow.” I said and stared at him. “Did anything else happen?”

“Unfortunately, we were unable to do more than fine him, thanks to legislation he introduced a decade ago about not arresting heads of other government departments. He should have been arrested and thrown into the dungeons for the rest of his life.”

I sighed again. “So, what now?”

“Here is your key back.” The goblin said. “We confiscated it after the thief tried to replace the funds he has been funnelling from yours into other vaults.”

“I hope you fined him for that, too.” I said and accepted the key to hang around my neck.

The goblin smiled and nodded.

“I'm glad.” I said. “Can I have a new accounting sent to me? I'm not sure where I'm staying until September first, though. Tom won't rent to me because an adult didn't approve of it.”

“You have an adult right behind you.” The goblin said.

“She works for the thief and won't defy him.” I said and Minerva gasped. “Say, can you arrange for me to stay somewhere until school starts? For a small fee, of course.”

The goblin chuckled. “I believe I would be happy to.”

“Thank you.” I said with a smile.

I was soon renting a room for a week with one of the bank's human employees. She adored children and had four of her own that were now grown and out on their own. Her salt-and-pepper hair was starting to let her show her age, too.

Minerva hadn't been happy that I refused to go back to the Dursleys and I had cost the headmaster a lot of gold coins. She reluctantly left me on the woman's doorstep and apparated away. I took advantage of her absence and went to the Owlery to buy Hedwig once more. I wasn't about to let her go to someone else.

That last week of the summer was one of the best I had ever had as a kid. The woman was mothering and also respectful of my personal space, which was the perfect balance. She made sure I was fed and clothed properly, beamed a smile at me whenever she caught me reading my schoolbooks and practising spells with my wand, and hugged me and tucked me into bed every night.

What she didn't know was that I had been going into Diagon Alley every day while she was at work and I bought tons of books. It was surprisingly cheap to get a trunk enchanted with an expanded space inside to hold my growing library and to be lightweight, so I had two nice backpacks enchanted as well.

On the morning of September first, she took the morning off of work and brought me to Kings Cross Station. I had tried to tell her I could get there on my own and she just laughed, hugged me, and helped me carry the trunk up Diagon Alley and into the Leaky Cauldron.

After we arrived on Platform Nine and Three Quarters through the public floo, she put the trunk down and stuck Hedwig's cage on top of it before she knelt in front of me.

“Now, Harry.” She said and straightened my messy hair with no discernible change. “Make sure you have friends, have a good time, and learn everything that you can.”

I wasn't sure why I was letting her fuss over me like this. “Miss, I can't thank you enough for...”

She put a finger on my lips to stop me. “How many times have I told you to call me Sally?”

“Just today?” I asked and she laughed.

“You are a delight, Harry.” Sally said and leaned in to kiss my forehead. “You'd best get on the train and get a good seat.”

I couldn't stop my blush, even though I wasn't really eleven. “Sally...”

Sally stood up and smiled at me as she put her hands on my shoulders. “Be safe and take care, okay? Promise me.”

I looked up into her sincere eyes. “I promise.”

“You're a good boy, Harry.” Sally said and hugged me.

I hugged her back and held her for a few moments, then I let her go. I stood back and picked up the end of the trunk and started to walk away, then I stopped and went back. “I just had a neat thought.”

“I'm way too old for you, young man.” Sally joked and I laughed.

“No, I... I was just thinking.” I said and looked into her eyes again. “I really liked having you taking care of me like a real mom would.”

Sally's face went sad and I dropped the trunk to reach up to cup the sides of her face.

“Please, don't cry. I've moved past that loss.” I reassured her and she smiled, so I let her face go. “I need somewhere to stay during the summers, because I don't want to go back to my relatives. Do you think I could keep renting a room from you?”

“Harry, I... I would love to. It's just...”

“It's okay. I'll have my magical guardian give you permission and it'll all be legal and everything.”

Sally looked surprised. “I... well... it really has been nice having you over.”

“Then it's settled.” I said and gave her a quick hug, grabbed the end of my trunk, and started to walk away again. “See you next summer!”

Sally waved at me and I waved back before I dragged the trunk onto the train. I went right to the compartment I had the last time near the front of the train and used the levitation charm on the trunk to put it in the overhead rack. I wasn't worried about the underage magic thing here. There were too many witches and wizards around casting spells to pick mine out of it, even with the trace on me.

I slipped off my backpack and sat down to get comfortable as I waited. I had surprised myself how differently this time had started out. The things I had done this time had only been little things I had accomplished at different times during the last few times I had lived through my life. This was the first time I had piled nearly everything into the short time before going to Hogwarts and it had worked spectacularly.

Now I just had to sit back and let certain things play out with little tweaks here and there. It had taken me four tries to get this part perfect and not have any massive consequences or changes to future events. The only thing it changed were the main people involved.

As before, I was pretty much left alone by everyone boarding the train. I had arrived early enough to ensure that I was in place for a certain event to happen before a particular redheaded Weasley made his appearance, unlike that first time when he arrived first. I kept my eye on the platform through the window and chuckled when a gaggle of redheads rushed onto the platform with only a couple of minutes to spare.

They barely got everyone's trunk onto the train when the whistle blew to let everyone know the train was departing. The choo-chooing of the engine started and everyone hung out of the windows to wave. I leaned out as well and saw Sally was still there and she waved to me, so I blew her a kiss and she burst out laughing.

I was happy to have made her laugh and closed the window before I sat down again. I turned away from the window and crossed my legs in a figure four position and held my ankle with a hand and my knee with the other. It was the best pose to show that I was unarmed and would need a moment to uncross my legs to be threatening.

A short time later, the door to my compartment opened and a familiar bushy haired girl was there and looked me all over instantly. “Excuse me, have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one.”

“Unless the toad has hands, he wouldn't have opened my door as well as you have.” I said with a smile.

Her mouth opened slightly, then she tilted her head slightly at me. “Why are you sitting like that?”

“It's the best way to support large tomes. The spines need bracing and the space in the middle lets me open them without causing damage.” I said and her face lit right up.

She stepped inside and closed the door, then sat down opposite me. She didn't see me flick my wand at the door to lock it. “I wanted to buy a tome the last time I was at the bookstore and it was just too expensive after everything else I had to buy.”

I gave her a knowing smile. “Had to buy?”

She blushed a little. “Well, there's just so many interesting things to read about! I missed out attending last year by about a month. I've only tried a few small spells on my own but they've all worked for me.”

“I only got to practice this last week and everything's worked for me, too.” I uncrossed my legs and leaned forward with my hand out for her to shake. “I'm Harry.”

She smiled at me and shook my hand. “I'm Hermione.”

I gave her the same tilted head expression that she gave me before. “Your mum's into Shakespeare?”

Hermione beamed a smile. “She loves it!”

I pointed up at my trunk. “Her name's Hedwig.” I said, because it was another classical name.

Hermione looked and saw the large snowy white owl in her cage. “Oh! She's beautiful!”

“Hoot.” Hedwig said, smugly.

“I think she agrees with you.” I said with a laugh and Hermione joined me.

The door of the compartment rattled and we both turned to see a redheaded boy trying to enter.

“It must be stuck!” I shouted. “You need to find somewhere else to sit! Sorry!”

Ron gave me an odd look, then walked away.

“He seemed determined.” Hermione said.

“Yeah, he's probably a fan I didn't want.” I said and sat back in the seat.

“What do you mean?” Hermione asked.

I moved my bangs out of the way to show off my scar.

“Blimey! You're Harry Potter!” Hermione gasped, then she covered her mouth. “I'm sorry. That wasn't appropriate.”

I chuckled. “You're not bowing and praising me for something I did as a baby, so it's okay.”

Hermione gave me a surprised look. “People really do that?”

“Yep. Random people I've met out in London while shopping with my muggle aunt. She really railed against me for it and I went without food for three days the last time it happened.”

Hermione gasped and stood before she sat down beside me. “Harry, I'm so sorry.”

I took her hand and held it. “Thank you.”

Hermione looked down at her hand and then back at my face. “You're holding my hand.”

“Empirical evidence has not eluded you. Congratulations.” I said with a snooty voice.

Hermione's eyes went wide for a moment, then she burst out laughing. I laughed, too. We were soon up to our noses in one of the many large tomes from my trunk library.

A short time later, there was another rattle at the compartment door and a blond boy was there trying to get in.

“This compartment's taken and the door's stuck closed! Go find somewhere else to sit!” I shouted.

Draco gave me an odd look for another few moments, eerily similar to Ron's look, then stomped away.

“You'd swear there's no other compartments on this train for them to use.” I commented.

“Are you sure the door's stuck? I got in easily.” Hermione said.

“That's because it wasn't locked before.” I said with a grin.

Hermione looked surprised for a second and then she laughed.

We were back in the book for about half an hour before there was a knock on the door. I handed Hermione my half of the book support and went to the door and used my wand to unlock it.

“Hello?” I asked as I opened the door.

“H-h-hi.” Neville said. “I was just...” His eyes went to Hermione.

“Oh! I completely forgot to keep searching!” Hermione exclaimed.

“Well, there's no helping it now.” I said and pulled Neville into the compartment and shut the door, then waved my wand at the thing to lock it. “Have a seat.”

Neville looked scared.

“Relax. When the train stops, the whole thing is checked. If your frog is anywhere on it, they'll get it back to you.” I said and he relaxed. “We're just reading up on ancient Egyptian curses. You're welcome to join us.”

“Ah... n-no thanks.” Neville said. “I don't like scary stuff like that.”

“What do you like?” Hermione asked.

“I... ah... p-plants. I like plants.” Neville said, nervously.

“Really?” I asked and he nodded. “That's cool. I've been gardening since I was five.”

“R-really?” Neville asked with wide eyes.

“Yep! I won the neighbourhood's Rose Bush Competition two years in a row!”

Neville gave me a genuine smile.

“I think I have a book you can borrow. Just give me a second.” I said and levitated my trunk down, moved Hedwig's cage, and opened the trunk.

Hermione made a whimpering sound at the expanded space and all of the books inside.

“I already told you that you can come visit whenever you want.” I said and climbed down inside. “Now, where was... oh, right. Bottom shelf in the unsorted piles.” I bent down and carefully pulled out a thick book. I climbed back out of the trunk and closed it to hand the book to Neville. “I grabbed that and a pile of other books the last time I was in Knockturn Alley.”

Neville stared at the cover. “The Most Dangerous Unclassified Plants That Look Common.”

“You were in the... ahem... bad alley?” Hermione asked.

“It's fine if you're there with adult supervision and in the early mornings. It's the afternoons, evenings, and nighttime when it's really dangerous. That's when the vampires, werewolves, imps, and hags come out.” I said. “The stores open are limited because of that, too. Not a lot of early risers there.”

Neville and Hermione stared at me.

“I only went twice.” I said in my defense and they didn't react. “Oh, look! Books! Reading!”

Hermione and Neville exchanged glances before Neville shrugged and sat across from Hermione. I sat beside her and resumed control over my half of the heavy book burden. She gave me a small smile and then we buried our noses back in the book and started whispering about the cool tombs.

Ron tried twice more to get in and Draco tried once more. They both left frustrated after me shouting at them that the door was still stuck. Neville gave me and Hermione questioning looks, so we let him into the joke about the door only being unlocked for her and him to enter. He laughed, too.


The three of us were already dressed in our uniforms, so when the train stopped, we left our things on the train and walked over to the giant man waving and calling for first years. I had been really tempted to take the carriages, just for the heck of it, then decided staying with Hermione and Neville was the better choice. I wasn't going to mess things up this time.

Ron joined the three of us in the boat to cross the Black Lake and kept trying to talk to me and convince me that he was my best mate. I ignored him completely and only responded to Neville or Hermione when they talked. This continued on up the stairs until we came to a stop and were greeted by Minerva McGonagall. Her glare could stop a raging Hippogriff.

I barely paid attention as she gave us the normal speech about the houses and things. I almost blurted out how that was all lies, because the house always treated you badly if you didn't quite fit everyone's definition of what a house member is supposed to be like. Instead, I made sure I always kept Hermione and Neville beside me, despite Ron's pathetic attempts to push them out of the way.

The thing is, despite my efforts in other times, the school needed the Griffindor Golden Trio. They needed the focus, the notoriety, and something to keep them entertained and interesting. So, in my deviousness, I had decided that there would be a Golden Trio this time as well, except that Neville was going to be the third member.

I would use all the tips and tricks I had learned during my other tries to reinforce Neville's confidence years earlier than I had before. It had worked for everything else I had done so far. Just the little changes I had already done for him and our friendship were already paying off, because he was actively helping me keep Hermione protected.

“So, it's true? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.” Draco said pompously as he walked over to me. The other waiting kids started whispering and discussing me.

“Actually, I'm the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry Potter took a vacation from reality and I'm here to gain all the attention he doesn't really want.” I said and Hermione snorted and covered up her laugh. “Although, I've already made two great friends that he's going to want to keep when everything settles down, once people stop staring at the proof I've saved the world.”

A lot of the kids made surprised sounds as I turned around and showed it off.

“Yeah, here it is! The famous scar!” I said and jumped a little to let everyone get a good look. “I'm sorry I didn't bring any autographed photos for all of my fans. I left them in my other pants!”

That made a few of them laugh.

“Seriously, though. If anyone did write to me before, I apologize that I never wrote back. The headmaster stole all my mail as I was growing up with abusive muggles.” I said and all of the girls gasped. “I'm trying to get the goblins to recover all my things from my fake magical guardian and I hope that includes my missing mail.”

They all fell silent at my words.

“I'll be going through it all and I'm going to write back to anyone that I can. If I can't get my mail, I'll be releasing another article in the newspaper and apologizing publicly to let everyone know how sorry I am that the mail was lost.”

“That's really nice of you.” A strawberry blonde girl said.

I looked over at her and smiled, because I recognized Susan Bones, and she blushed a little. “I just want to do what's right. They sent me letters in the hopes I would respond and I feel really bad that they went unanswered for all this time.”

“Your sentiment is appreciated, Mr. Potter.” Minerva said from behind me.

I turned around to smile at her. “Should I put your name at the top of the list, Madam McGonagall?”

A few people laughed under their breaths.

“I'm sure you will be able to fit me into your busy schedule, Mr Potter.” Minerva said with a slight smile. “Form a line and follow me, everyone.”

We followed her into the Great Hall and the sorting proceeded in exactly the same manner as the other six times, even with Hermione and Neville going into Griffindor before me.

“Harry Potter.” Minerva said, which was not the way she called the other students with last name first.

“Thanks for getting me even more attention, madam.” I said sincerely and she raised her eyebrows. I put on the hat and the thing laughed in my head.

I'm sure you're going to get it right this time, Mr. Potter.

Thanks, Francis. How's shelf life? I asked.

The same old, same old. Francis thought to me.

Yeah, that sucks. I thought back. Do you want a friend to talk to? It'll take me about four months to make her. I stumbled across Dumblebum's old journal for animate objects on my third run through.

Francis laughed. Dumblebum? Really?

I'm sorry, I didn't have a lot of time to make up a great pun. I thought with a smile.

Francis laughed again. Well, I suppose having someone else around will relieve the boredom.

Great! I'll nick one of Hermione's hats next week. Her brain bleeds off tons of extra thoughts. I replied.

Francis nodded mentally. I know! I actually felt that girl's mind positively crackling with energy!

She's definitely one of a kind. I thought. So, go ahead and make the announcement. I've got work to do.

Francis mentally shook his head. If you weren't so forthright in your efforts to make everything work out for the best, I'd put you in Slytherin just to spite you. He thought and then spoke out loud. “Better be... Griffindor!”

The Griffindors completely lost it and celebrated by yelling, jumping up and down, and chanting my name. They did it every single time, even when I try to stop them, so I let them continue and sat between Hermione and Neville.

“What did you talk about?” Hermione asked.

“About how brilliant a certain witch is and how lucky Neville and I are for having such a great friend.” I said.

Hermione opened her mouth to respond, then huffed. “If you don't want to tell me, that's fine.”

I smiled at her and took her hand. “I did tell you. He said your mind is crackling with energy.”

Hermione blinked her eyes at me for a moment, then she blushed and looked away.

“I... I think... he's right.” Neville said and blushed himself. “I can't believe I said that out loud.”

I chuckled and pat his back. “You see? You even made Neville say it. It has to be true.”

Hermione didn't say anything and just nodded.

Ron was sorted and tried to butt in between Neville and me. We both told him he can sit with his brothers until he calmed down. Well, I told him and Neville nodded. I had a lot of work to do to build up his confidence.

Dumbledore made his pre-meal announcements and I let Hermione's hand go to start eating when the food appeared. She gave her warm hand a look, gave me a look, then she blushed again and started eating, too.

The after-meal announcements were the same as always and we were led to the Griffindor Tower and told the password. I didn't wait for Percy to finish talking before I grabbed Neville's arm and ran ahead to the top of the stairs and we claimed the first two beds beside the shared bathroom. We quickly switched our trunks from where they were just in time.

The other three boys entered the dorm room and Ron gave us pointed looks.

“I need to be as close to the bathroom as possible.” I said and Neville nodded. “At least you get the one closest to the door.”

Ron looked at the bed beside where he stood and saw that mine was across the room beside the bathroom door. “Neville, switch with me.”

“He can't. We just said we can't be far from it.” I explained. “Do you really want one of us walking all the way across the dorm room several times a night to use the bathroom?”

“No.” “No.” Seamus and Dean said at the same time and started unpacking.

“Sleeping in a strange bed is going to be hard enough.” Neville said and the other two boys nodded.

“Harry's my best mate! I gotta bunk next to him!” Ron exclaimed and the others rolled their eyes.

“I already told you. I'm not Harry. I'm the Boy-Who-Lived.” I said with a straight face and Seamus and Dean chuckled. “I'll let you know when Harry shows up. I swear.”

Ron gave me a pointed look. When I didn't say anything else, he sat on his bed with a huff.

“Neville, check our retreat and see what it's like.” I said and he hopped up and went into the bathroom.

“It's huge!” Neville said and both Dean and Seamus walked over to look.

“He's right. Multiple showers and everything. It's pretty cool.” Dean said. “It's almost like the one back at my old school's soccer pitch.”

“Oh! Who are you rooting for the championship this year? My money's on Manchester United.” I said and started to unpack.

“Not on your life! It's Liverpool all the way,” Dean said as he launched into his favorite team and the best scoring players.


I altered the first flying lesson we had and grabbed Neville before he got more than a foot from the ground. That meant no showing off by me or Malfoy and no Quiddich team for me. I didn't need the fame from being the youngest seeker in a century, anyway. Just being who I was, was enough.

Also, it meant that I had tons of free time for researching spells and helping both Hermione and Neville to get better at the practical parts of the schoolwork, since it was something they both lacked in at first.

I also played dumb in Snape's class, despite having decades of answering the man's stupid questions. I did not want him to start wondering where I learned it all if I answered expertly. I successfully employed my Dudley School Defense in potions class by performing perfectly below average.

As someone who was supposed to have grown up not knowing about the wizarding world, and the articles in the newspapers claiming the same thing, I couldn't show off at all. Boy, did those articles blow up in Dumbledore's face, especially when everyone learned he was my fake guardian and had put me with abusive muggles and stole my vault key.

St. Mungo's actually did refund my money for the treatment given to me, for facilitating Dumbledore stealing my key without checking if he was actually my legal guardian. I published a thank you to them for their honesty and for the apology, which brought my public image up a lot. I also included a copy of my medical scans and everyone found out what I had gone through with my relatives.

Let me tell you, the searching looks I got after that was made public, sure changed a lot of people's opinions of me. They were starting to see me for who I was and not as the Boy-Who-Lived. I wasn't a pampered prince or lived in a castle, which is what everyone thought. Now they knew that I lived in a muggle neighbourhood and was bullied and abused.

I had been hugged so many times by Hermione that by her birthday, I gave her a present and joked that I was getting a permanent imprint of her arms around me. It made her blush and she tried to let me go... and I held on. I whispered into her ear that I wasn't complaining and was just letting her know that she was becoming a part of me.

That made Hermione blush really hard and she let me go, grabbed her unopened gift, and ran up the stairs to the girl's dorms. We didn't see her again until the next morning. When she came down for breakfast, she sat right next to me and whispered that she loved the book and had read the whole thing in one sitting.

That made me laugh and I gave her a tight hug. “Never change, Hermione. Never change.”

Hermione smiled at me and nodded.


Time moved on and I let things play out, right up until Ron started berating Hermione for trying to help him in class on Halloween day. I rounded on him and caught Hermione's arm when she tried to rush past me.

“You're such a lazy bum, Ron!” I shouted for everyone to hear. “Hermione was trying to let you complete the assignment and not have homework! How ungrateful are you to spit in her face for it?!?”

Ron's face flushed red in embarrassment.

“You made a girl cry because she did it before you! Why aren't you angry at me for that, too? Or angry at the professor for trying to teach you? Huh? HUH?”

Hermione stared at me and I put my arm around her shoulders.

“Come on, Hermione, Neville. We need some space away from the redheaded bully.” I said and turned away from Ron's angry face. “Maybe if he's not looking at us, he might realize that you can't make friends with people if you're yelling at their other friends all the time.”

I led my two friends away from him and the others in the class avoided him as well.

Later that day at the Halloween feast, things played out almost like they had every other time, except it was Ron in the boy's bathroom and the troll had entered to kill him. Needless to say, I was right there with a trembling Neville and an infuriated Hermione.

During the fight, I did the whole hero thing and made a show of it, ensured Neville's wand was snapped, and jumped on the troll's back. I shoved my wand up the thing's nose like last time, only I cast Bombarda this time and mulched the thing's brain. It fell to the floor, dead, and I climbed off of it.

“Oh, my god!” Hermione screeched and tried to hug the life out of me.

“Blimey.” Neville said and stared at the thing. Ron had fainted and missed the whole event.

I discreetly cast dozens of stunners at the troll to 'clear my wand' of the dangerous spell while we waited for the teachers to find us.

A few minutes later, Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, and Snape entered the wrecked bathroom.

“WHAT is going on in here?” Minerva asked, her stern face set like stone as she glared at us.

“The Griffindor Golden Trio beat the troll and saved the life of a bully! I mean student!” I said confidently and tried to take a hero pose, except Hermione still had me in a death grip. “Um, this would look a lot more impressive if Hermione wasn't choking me.”

Neville couldn't stop his chuckle and then his face flushed red with embarrassment.

Minerva sighed, Flitwick looked about to laugh himself, and Snape looked constipated because he wasn't getting through my decades of reinforced Occlumency shields.

“Five points from each of you for going after a fully grown mountain troll.” Minerva said and then looked at the wreckage of the bathroom. “I also award Griffindor twenty points... for sheer dumb luck.”


Like all well-kept secrets, both the nickname I used for us and the details of the troll incident, were all over the castle the next day.

“The Golden Trio? Really?” Hermione asked me as the three of us sat down to supper in the Great Hall. “You couldn't come up with something a little more clever than that?”

“Hey, I'm the brawn in this relationship. You're the brains.” I said and she looked both pleased and embarrassed. “Besides, there are three of us. Neville was right there with us.”

Neville gave us an odd look. “What... what's my role?”

“That's easy to answer. You're the balance.” Hermione said and started loading up her plate with food. “You keep Mr. Brawn in check and you keep asking questions that I need to answer for you.”

“Hey! I do not need to be kept in check.” I said.

“Who keeps referring to himself as the Boy-Who-Lived?” Hermione asked as she switched plates with me and started loading that one up.

Neville leaned partway across the table to whisper. “He does that for Ron and Malfoy.”

Hernione gave me a pointed look.

“It keeps them at bay as they try to figure out how to get at Harry Potter with Boy-Who-Lived in the way and distracting them.”

“That... is really quite effective.” Hermione said and switched her full plate with Neville's empty one.

“It makes Dean and Seamus laugh, too.” I said and started eating, then stopped and looked at Hermione. “Thanks for loading our plates for us.”

“Someone had to do it while you were patting yourself on the back.” Hermione said and Neville laughed under his breath.

“You would think my hand would get sore from using it so much.” I said with a smile. “It hasn't yet.”

My two close friends were silent for a moment, then they both laughed.


The next day, Neville received a howler from his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. Neville winced as each word of her berating him for rushing into danger and putting the Longbottom family in jeopardy echoed across the Great Hall...

...and then her tone shifted and she congratulated him for proving he was as brave and full of courage as his father, said she was proud of him, and she would be by on the weekend to take him to buy a new wand. The letter tore itself up and disintegrated.

Neville was shocked, as were a lot of people that thought he wasn't much more than a squib.

“We told you.” I said to him and Hermione nodded.


More time passed and we started to investigate the third floor corridor and a few other clues, like the unsolved robbery at the bank. We talked to Hagrid and he really was the worst person to tell a secret to. He spilled about Nicolas Flamel and then told us to forget about it before ushering us out of his hut.

I already knew all about him and what we were after; but, neither Hermione nor Neville did. So, I helped things move along and we searched the library for the man's name and what he did. I did not remind Hermione of the large tome she had borrowed from the library weeks ago on my recommendation.

The Christmas holidays arrived and Hermione had to leave to go skiing with her parents. She assigned us tasks to complete, namely trying to somehow sneak into the Restricted Section of the library to keep searching. She gave us each a hug and wished us a Happy Christmas before she left.

“I think you're a bad influence on her.” I joked to Neville and he laughed under his breath.


Christmas Day was an early day for most of us staying in the castle. Presents were a great thing, especially one in particular that I had been waiting for. Neville and I had to wait for Ron to clear out of the dorm before we opened my presents. We both knew that he was jealous of our supposed wealth and I knew that if he saw the things I had gotten Neville, he would be fuming about it.

We happily tore into the gifts and thanked each other, then I opened the plain brown paper wrapped one. Neville whistled at the thing and told me what it was. I discreetly dispelled the tracking and mild compulsion charms cast on it and tried it on to show him he was right.

Meals were almost cozy for the holidays with the limited amount of people staying at the castle. Neville had begged off going home after telling his grandmother that he was investigating something important at the castle. Of course, this made Augusta Longbottom agree immediately and she even showed up at the castle for Christmas supper.

Dumbedore sat at the head of the table and talked to Minerva about Francis the Sorting Hat receiving an 'anonymous' gift of a witch's hat called Gwenneth the Blessed Hat. He had examined it and it was a brilliant piece of magic. Unfortunately, he had to leave the office when Francis asked to have Gwenneth stacked on top of him. Her moans were quite loud and unnerving, apparently.

I had to silence myself to cover my loud bark of laughter and Neville looked both amused and disturbed. Everyone else either laughed or hadn't heard the headmaster.

Later that night, I played Dumbledore's little game and 'found' the Mirror of Erised, told him what he wanted to hear, and left. It was moved to a new home and I knew exactly where. I couldn't go after it right now, though. It was too dangerous to mess with things yet and I wanted to make sure that certain events happened in the right order.

Otherwise, all my future knowledge went right out the window and would be useless.

Hermione came back from vacation and showed us the book she had taken from the library and gave me a significant look.

“You're the brains.” I reminded her with a shrug.

Hermione rolled her eyes at me and then smiled smugly.


The dragon egg event and smuggling the baby dragon out of the school, went nearly exactly as planned, except I had to bring Ron in as a temporary fourth member and had him contact his brother Charlie in Romania. I always regretted letting Draco Malfoy getting away with snitching on us, too. It had to happen for us to save the unicorns, so I let it go for now. I would get him back for it, though.


The rest of the school year passed with only minor and inconsequential things happening. When it was near the end of the year, Albus Dumbledore was called away to the Ministry of Magic. This was my chance. Ron was waiting for us in the common room and stood to block our way... and then begged to go along.

Hermione, Neville, and I exchanged looks, shrugged, and our trio gained another member. I was not surprised that the gauntlet was identical to the way it was before and we lost Neville from the group first and then Ron at the chess set. We made it through to the poison puzzle and it was just Hermione and me left. She quickly discerned the clue and handed me the little bottle.

“Harry, it has to be you.” Hermione said. “I'll take the other one and go back for Ron and Neville.”

I held the bottle and looked into her eyes. “You're the smartest witch I've ever met, Hermione.”

“Books and cleverness.” Hermione said and shook her head. “There are more important things... like friendship... and bravery.” She said and lightly touched my arm. “You really are a great wizard, Harry.”

I smiled warmly at her. “Only because of you.”

Hermione blushed. “Go. Go and be safe.”

“Try to send a message to Dumbledore or get another professor's attention.” I said and drank the potion. I felt the same cold fill me as the last six times. “You be safe, too.”

Hermione nodded and I opened the door and jumped through the flames without getting burned. The door slammed behind me and I walked down the steps.

“Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Potter.” Quirrell said as he saw me through the mirror's reflection.

“Not trying to keep up the fake stutter, then?” I asked.

“I honestly didn't expect to find anyone down here, so I didn't need it.” Quirrell said. “Now tell me how this mirror works! I can see myself with the stone and giving it to my master.”

“Use the boy.” A gravelly voice said.

“Potter! Come here!” Quirrell said and waved me over.

“Did your mother hate you or love squirrels? Or both?” I asked him and he looked shocked. “Add an 'S' to the front of your name and it spells 'squirrel' with an extra 'L' on the end.”

“Forget about that!” The gravelly voice spat.

“Right. Sorry, master.” Quirrell said. “Now, Potter. Tell me what you see.”

“An idiot possessing an even bigger idiot.” I said and stunned him with my wand, then did it again before he hit the floor. “I wonder does the possessing spirit get stunned as well?”

Neither of them answered.

“Yep, idiots.” I said and looked at the mirror. “Hey, can I have the stone? I don't think the world needs this idiot to get his hands on it.” I felt the stone drop into my pocket. “Thanks.” I said and sealed my pocket so only I could reach into it and took out the fake from my other pocket. “Time for the show.”

After casting the counter to the stunner spell twice, I looked down at the man as he woke up.

“Are you okay? You really shouldn't faint like that.” I said.

“Bah!” Quirrell grunted and climbed to his feet, saw the stone in my hand, and lunged for me.

I put up a great struggle, giving myself some great memories for Dumbledore to steal later, then I tossed Quirrell the stone to make him catch it. I grabbed Quirrell by the throat and he screamed, so I let him go to stare at my hands in pretend shock, then I grabbed him by the face. He soon stopped screaming and fell to the stone floor as Voldemort's spirit floated out of the crumbling body.

I always hate this part. I thought as I picked up the stone. Voldemort's spirit screamed and flew at me. I yelled in pain as he passed through me and I fell backwards onto the stone floor with the fake stone clutched in my hand. I didn't bother trying to fight becoming unconscious.

The meeting with Dumbledore in the hospital when I woke up the next day was exactly the same, except I asked about Neville, Hermione and Ron. Dumbledore didn't answer my questions about why Voldemort was after me, not that I expected him to. He was always a secretive old bastard that thought he always knew best. How utterly wrong he was, each and every time.

I was soon released from the hospital wing, since I was pretty much unhurt, and I ran through the castle to meet my friends. I found them in the Entrance Hall about to go eat. We exchanged greetings and Hermione gave me a choking hug that made me smile, then we entered the Great Hall and enjoyed the leaving feast.

It ended the same way with Dumbledore awarding last minute points and Griffindor won the house cup, except the point totals were slightly different, not that it changed the outcome. The next morning we were packed and on the train headed back to London.

I had sent a letter earlier in the year and told the Dursleys that I would no longer stay there or be their slave anymore. I also told them that they should rent my room to a homeless man that I could hope would murder them in their sleep.

Needless to say, I would never be welcomed back into their house ever again.

I met Sally on the platform and introduced her to my friends, which oddly now included Ron. His attitude had changed slightly after he learned we had saved him from the troll and then significantly after he helped us save a baby dragon from being put down and Hagrid being arrested.

“I'm very glad that he kept his word.” Sally said and hugged me.

“His word?” Hermione asked.

“He promised to make some great friends and to have fun.” Sally said and then squinted her eyes at me. “We're going to have to talk about the staying safe part that you almost completely ignored.”

“It's totally Hermione's fault! She's the brains!” I exclaimed and pointed at her head.

“Hey!” Hermione said and smacked my arm. She saw Neville and Ron nod and smacked them, too.

Sally gave us all a stern look, then she burst out laughing and gave them all hugs. “You lot better go find your families and the people picking you up.”

“Bye, Hermione.” I said and gave her a hug. “Write and tell me about your holiday.”

“I don't know if I should.” Hernione said and crossed her arms.

I gave her my best 'sad puppy dog' look and she didn't look swayed at all. “I'll buy you another tome.”

“DEAL!” Hermione yelled and nearly choked me with a hug before she ran off to go find her parents.

“We'll write, too.” Neville promised and walked off to find his grandmother.

“Doubt it.” Ron said and rolled his eyes. “Later, Harry.”

“Bye.” I said and watched them go.

“He sure changed his attitude.” Sally said and picked up one end of the trunk and I grabbed the other. “Hedwig?”

“I sent her off ages ago. She's either already at the house or gone hunting. There's lots of good burrows for her to raid across the countryside before reaching home.”

Sally gave me an odd look and then she smiled.

It took me a minute to realize what I said. “Huh. I guess it is.”

Sally's smile widened and we left through the public floo to go to the Leaky Cauldron. After a quick walk through Diagon Alley and down a side street, we were there. Sally's house where I lived.

My home.


The summer was great because of my visits with Hermione and occasionally Neville. Even when I had to go to Diagon Alley and ensured that Lucius Malfoy gave Ginny the diary, it didn't lower my enjoyment. Because of the mess that the fight between Lucius and Arthur caused, I did quietly offer to pay for the Weasley's books. Molly tried to refuse at first, then I said I already got the full set for free. It wasn't fair if she had to buy five full sets of them.

When I argued that the twins could share a set, then said Ron could share mine with Neville and Hermione, it meant she only had to get two full sets on her own. She smiled at my frugal mind and agreed, so I paid for the sets and she bought the rest of the normal school necessities. I didn't tell her that I had bought all seven years of books from a couple years ago from her sons, Bill and Charlie.

I was not going to let my year mates suffer for Lockhart's incompetence.

I also figured I could get on a lot of people's good sides in about a month by providing copies of the real books needed for the OWL and NEWT students to pass their exams. Having access to Ron's older brothers had given me the idea and I also bought copies of their study guides. Luckily, they had the same books and were grateful to sell them to me and gave the extra money to their parents.

I felt bad that Ginny was going to be subjected to Riddle's influence for most of the year; but, if I didn't do it this way, I couldn't get to that one pivotal moment that was absolutely necessary for my success and survival this time. It was my best chance to ensure complete and utter victory.


Everything during the year happened the same way, except for two slightly different things, not counting the copies of books I gave to the OWL and NEWT students, that they were very grateful for.

The first difference was that I wasn't playing Quiddich and the rogue bludger had assaulted me in the stands. Luckily, I had expected the change and hopped on my new broom and zoomed away from the other spectators, to their shock.

The game came to a complete stop as I flew like a madman between players and then the hoops, as if I was chasing the snitch, then I waved to Hermione. She was ready to take out the bludger as I passed by the Griffindor stands and she blasted the thing into pieces for me.

“Merlin's saggy drawers, Harry!” The twins said at the same time as I landed on the field.

“Where did you learn to fly like that?” Oliver asked me.

“Fly like what?” I asked, pretending to be confused. “This is the first time I've used my new broom.”

The twins cursed and the girls on the team gave me particularly interested looks.

“Why didn't you try out for the team this year?” Oliver asked, looking frustrated.

“What for?” I asked back, still pretending to be confused.

“So we could have a winning team this year!” Oliver exclaimed.

I just shrugged before Hermione ran over to me and she hugged me tightly. “Nice shot, Hermione.”

“You were right! I just had to adjust to compensate for the wind resistance and lead the target!”

I hugged her back and nodded. “Let's get back to the stands and clear the field. Madam Hooch already has the replacement bludger.”

Hermione nodded and took my hand as we walked off the Quiddich pitch. Everyone stared at me, too.

The second difference was the dueling club after the first set of human petrifications. When Draco cast the serpent summoning spell at me and a deadly viper appeared between us, I simply stunned it and Draco didn't know what to do next. So, I stunned him as well and he dropped to the floor.

It gave me the match, to nearly everyone's surprise. I walked over to the snake and bent down to pick it up, then I jumped back when Snape's spell hit the thing and it burned up and disintegrated.

“Hey! You didn't have to kill it!” I spat at him.

“Idiot boy! That was a...” Snape started to say.

“A viper! I know! I'm not stupid.” I said. “It was innocent and should have been sent back where it came from, not destroyed!”

A lot of the students nodded in agreement.

“What if it had babies to take care of? Or was about to lay eggs?” I continued and the students nodded.

“I believe that's enough for today!” Lockhart said to try and get everyone's attention back on him. “This was a great first club meeting and I thank you all for coming. I hope to see you all next week.”

“No, thanks.” I said and stepped off the raised platform into another patented Hermione hug. “Certain professors apparently encourage his students to torture and kill innocent animals and to harm their opponents in what's supposed to be a friendly duel. I won't be a part of any club that allows that kind of behavior.”

“Yeah!” A bunch of students shouted and most of them followed my friends and I out of the Great Hall.


When Hermione was petrified, I stormed into the hospital wing with an angry Neville right behind me. Madam Pomfrey gave me a sad look and closed the curtain around Hermione's bed.

“She wouldn't have been out on her own without a reason, not after I warned her.” I said and looked at the mirror on the bedside table. “She must have suspected something and wanted to get proof.”

Neville could only nod and sat down on the other side of the bed.

I sat down and tried to take her hand, then felt the paper. “Nev!” I gasped in a harsh whisper and pulled out the piece of paper that Hermione had grasped in her hand. It was a copied page out of a book. “Look at this!”

Neville came around the bed and we both read it. His face paled and he went back over to the other side of the bed.

“Well, this explains Hagrid's roosters all being killed.” I said and read her notes. “Pipes. The basilisk must be using the pipes to move around the school.”

“How? Basilisks are supposed to be huge.” Neville responded.

“What rooms in the castle use bigger pipes than normal?” I asked and he sucked in a breath.

“Bathrooms!” Neville said. “A castle this old with so many bathrooms, the pipes under them must be huge!”

“Yeah, and who do we know that hangs out in a bathroom all the time?” I asked with a smile.

“Moaning Murtle!”

“Right. Let's go. We've got a ghost to talk to.” I said and we left at a fast walk after thanking Madam Pomfrey for letting us visit.


I had to wait for Lucius to get Dumbledore sacked to gain access to the headmaster's office. I was running out of time to change things and needed the hat's assistance. I looked at the gargoyle guard and smiled.

“Do you want me to stand here guessing passwords while students could be killed with the headmaster gone, or do you want me to fly around the castle to smash my way into the office through one of the large windows?”

The gargoyle seemed to stare at me, despite being stone, and started to slide aside.

“Thanks, Frank.” I said and it jumped completely out of the way. I ran up the stairs and opened the office door to see the portraits were all staring at me. “Hi, everyone. Don't mind me. I'm just doing my duty as the savior of the wizarding world.”

The portraits remained quiet, surprisingly.

I walked over to the shelf the sorting hat sat on and saw Gwenneth stacked on top of him. I carefully lifted her off and she let out a satisfied moan. “You really do like getting stacked a lot, don't you?”

“Just because I'm old and wrinkly, that doesn't mean I don't know my stuff.” Francis said.

“He... really does.” Gwenneth whispered.

“Don't worry, I'm only borrowing Francis for a minute and then I'll put you back together.”

“Good lad.” Francis said. “What can I help you with?”

I picked him up and put him on to let him see.

“Oho! I get it. Mind your head.” Francis said and the dull thunk of the sword hilt hitting the top of my skull echoed through the office.

“That hurts every damn time.” I said and took him off and drew the sword from inside him.

“OH MY!” Gwenneth gasped.

“That's right, darling. I've had that inside me for centuries.” Francis said.

“I love you!” Gwenneth shouted.

“I know you do.” Francis said, smugly. “Harry, put her back on me. She's all prepped.”

“If she didn't sound so cute, I might be reluctant about doing this.” I said and started to slowly slide her down on top of him. Her long and passionate moan filled the office, so I shoved her down the last few inches.

“AHHH!” Gwenneth yelled in pleasure and the cloth of her body trembled.

“I love you, too.” Francis said to her. “Thanks for that, Harry.”

“You're both welcome.” I said and walked over to the bright red phoenix on his perch as I took several candied peach slices from my pocket. “Hi, Fawkes.”

Fawkes almost took my fingers off as he quickly gobbled up the tasty treats and then he trilled happily.

“I need you to do something for me.” I said and smiled.


The encounter in the chamber was almost the same, except I left Neville and Ron to get the professors. I had also silenced and bound Lockhart and dragged him down the pipes and through the chamber. I brought Lockhart down to be eaten and not obliviated, since Ron hadn't broken his wand this time.

“Ginny!” I fake gasped and ran over to her with Lockhart dragging behind me.

“She won't wake.” Tom's voice said, then he did the same spiel about changing his focus from killing mudbloods to meeting me and wanting to find out how his future self had fallen to an average wizard.

“It's because I've never been an average wizard.” I said. “There's a reason I was marked as his equal.”

“What? I don't understand.” Tom said.

“Call your pet snake and let's get this over with.” I said without explaining.

“So eager to die. I look forward to seeing your cleaned bones on the floor.” Tom said and did the ridiculous password for the statue's mouth to open before he hissed that dinner was waiting for the snake and pointed at me.

Not one to pass up the perfect opportunity, I levitated Lockhart in front of me and hissed that it was true, I had brought her a nice meal, and I closed my eyes. The basilisk hissed thanks and bit Lockhart several times to soften him up and then swallowed him whole.

Tom stood there, completely stunned at what I had just done.

“Fawkes! Now!” I shouted and ducked.

Fawkes flashed into the chamber on top of the basilisk's head and quickly plucked out the giant snake's eyes. The phoenix trilled happily and I opened my eyes.

“Thanks, buddy!” I said and drew the sword from a conjured scabbard. “I'll bring you more treats when I'm done here.”

Fawkes trilled again and flamed away.

After a short and brutal fight that I totally dominated in, I shoved the Sword of Griffindor up through the basilisk's mouth and into its brain. Like always, I had the fang shoved deep into my forearm. The fang broke off, which meant the snake was malnourished. I sheathed the sword and pulled the fang from my arm.

“You fool! You may have killed the snake; but, you've also killed yourself!”

“No, I'm making myself more than his equal.” I said and took out a vial of phoenix tears. I poured a few drops onto the wound and it hissed and stung. I dropped to my knees in pain as the wound closed up and most of the poison was neutralized. I turned the sword over and stabbed the tip into my forehead, making the horcrux in my scar scream as it died.

I carefully poured several drops of tears onto my scar and then drank the rest of the vial. I knelt there and let the phoenix tears do their magic for several moments.

“No! How... you... you should have died!” Tom shouted.

“A lot of people say that.” I said and summoned the small black diary. “Just so you know, I should have been in Slytherin.” I said to his surprise and slammed the broken basilisk fang into the diary.


The office meeting happened almost the same, with the only difference being Neville and Augusta being there, both looking proud. Lucius left in a huff and I did the freeing Dobby trick again. When he tried to kill me and Dobby blasted him down the hallway, I added in a tripping jinx. The man tripped and fell and his head slammed into the wall with a dull crack from his neck.

“Oops.” I said and smiled as Dobby fainted.

The Aurors were called and I was questioned about where the elf went. I said that Lucius freed him and it was an accident. The man had tripped after he tried to kill me.

“Lying brat!” Snape spat at me.

“I'd show you the memory if I could!” I shouted back.

“Also a lie! I've been trying to look into your head since last year!” Snape said and several people gasped while Albus groaned.

“You knew.” Augusta said as she looked at Dumbledore.

“Of course he does. He does it, too.” I said and the same people gasped again. “What is it?”

“It's illegal to perform that particular spell to assault a student's developing mind.” The Head Auror said and she gave Albus a particularly pointed glare.

“It is? How do I testify and prove that the possessed Quirrell from last year and Snape did it every class and that the headmaster joined them assaulting me during meals?”

“That is a definite overreaction.” Albus said.

“Oh, sorry. It wasn't every meal, just whenever they were curious, which was nearly every meal. I swear they coordinated it and took turns.” I said and both Snape and Albus looked guilty.

“Mr. Potter.” The Head Auror said. “I believe you and I will be speaking to each other a lot over the next week.”

“I can't. We have exams and...”

“The exams are cancelled.” Minerva said. “The announcement will be made at supper.”

“How does that work?” I asked, curious.

“All students will be given an 'Acceptable' as a passing grade.” Minerva said, proudly.

“That's really going to suck for all the NEWT students wanting careers, since you're ruining their chances to meet any normal job standards.” I said and both Minerva and Albus lost the blood flow to their faces and paled. “The OWL students, too. Everyone knows you can't advance to NEWT level with only an Acceptable.”

It was quiet in the office for nearly thirty seconds.

“I believe we need to rethink our decision to reward the school by cancelling the exams.” Minerva whispered and everyone nodded.

Needless to say, I got away with it.


Two weeks later, the mandrake potion was done and everyone that was petrified had been treated with it. Neville, Ron and I sat at the Griffindor table for supper when there was a commotion at the entrance of the Great Hall.

This was it. The pivotal moment. I thought and leaned into the aisle to look at the entrance and there she was. I quickly hopped up as she started to run over to us and I braced for the crushing hug to come.

Hermione didn't disappoint me and squeezed me hard. Lifting all those books constantly made her really strong. She eased her hold on me and didn't let me go as she leaned back slightly.

I looked deep into her eyes and let her see how much I missed her, then I pulled her in close and kissed her. I was twelve and she was thirteen, so it wasn't a spectacular tongue lashing kiss and just me showing her how much I liked her.

Anyone that saw us were shocked at the display.

I broke the kiss and Hermione's face was bright red. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Yes!” Hermione squeaked and then she ducked her head down to hide her blush.

“Blimey!” Ron exclaimed.

“We knew you missed her, Harry.” Neville said. “We just didn't think you missed her that much.”

“None of us did.” Lavender said and looked at Hermione who was still trying to hide. “When do you think she'll show her face again?”

“Start of term next year.” I said and Hermione made a protesting noise. “Your birthday? Halloween?”

Neville and Ron started laughing, as did the other guys of our year and the girls from Hermione's dorm.

I gently pet her back to distract her. “I've already made your appointment to take the make-up exams with Professor McGonagall next month.” I said and she made a startled sound, so I moved my hand up and lightly stroked her hair. “Your parents said that they won't mind if I stay over and help you study.”

Hermione gasped and lifted her head up to stare at me. “You talked to them!”

“I did.” I said and her face went completely red again. “It's okay. I can be a complete gentleman.”

Neville and Ron burst out laughing again, as did a lot of other students around us.

“I'm not even going to bother defending myself.” I said and that made them all laugh harder.

Hermione smiled at me and we sat down to eat.


Before I left Hogwarts, I dealt with the horcrux that was in the Room of Requirement. Now that I had access to both basilisk venom and the Sword of Griffindor, my hunt was going to be a quick one. I knew where they all were, since I had hunted them down several times already. This was the first time I had managed to get everything to work right, however.

After helping Hermione study for a month, with all the extensive notes I had taken in classes for her, she passed all of her exams with Outstanding, the highest mark possible. She kissed me a dozen times for each passing mark while her parents, being the understanding people they were, let her. They didn't get angry at me for it, either.

I thanked them for allowing me to stay over, wished them luck and fun on their vacation, and then my hunt began. I got rid of the diary, the diadem, and my cursed scar at school, so that was three. The locket was at 12 Grimmauld Place and that meant it wasn't under a Fidelus charm yet. Getting that was as easy as telling Kreacher that I wanted to complete Master Regalus' task. I left the ruined locket with him, which made him quite happy.

Next was the ring at the Gaunt shack. That was easily solved by hiring a small excavator crew and they dug out a hole for adding the shack to the town's sewer system. While they were on break, I took a shovel and dug those last few feet, under the dangerous protective enchantments, and the ring box dropped right into the tunnel. One quick stab with the basilisk fang and it was done.

The last one was at Gringotts Bank. It took a bit of negotiating, because I wasn't there to steal anything. They were not inclined to give me access to someone else's vault, even a convicted death eater's, so we compromised. I got to stand just outside the Lestrange vault and handed over the basilisk fang to let the honored goblin stab the Hufflepuff cup. The unholy scream of the soul shard dying was music to the goblin's ears.

As a thank you, I gifted the basilisk fang to the bank. When they asked me where I got it, I told them the tale. By the end of it, the Director of the bank and the leader of the goblin nation, declared me a Warrior of Outstanding Valour. Sally was given a promotion for helping to raise such an accomplished warrior, and she gave me a Hermione Hug and a kiss on the forehead.

It didn't take long for the goblins and I to work out a deal to harvest the basilisk and we went into a very lucrative business together. They didn't even try to rob me, not after all the investments I had helped them with. Having future knowledge really was a great thing sometimes.

After a short break to rest, I decided that I wanted a nice calm third year. All I had to do was turn Peter Pettegrew over to the Head Auror of the DMLE, Amelia Bones. Switching him out for an actual rat that was transfigured to look like him was child's play. That rat would die of natural causes and Ron would never know that he had slept with a middle-aged man in the same bed for years, despite how funny the look on his face would have been if he knew.

The sheer amount of ruckus that calmly walking into the Ministry of Magic, with a bound and gagged Peter Pettegrew and his death eater Dark Mark on display, was a sight to see. The guards and workers were almost falling over themselves as I signed myself in for my appointment with Madam Bones.

Two Aurors tried to take Pettegrew from my custody before I reached the elevators, so I protested loudly and then used my wand to disarm them and cut open their sleeves. People screamed as two more death eaters were revealed and the two Aurors were quickly tackled by the guards.

“Good work, men.” I praised them and the guards grinned at me. “Bring them along, will you? Madam Bones will want to question them, too.”

We piled into the elevator and went to her office. A few Aurors in the bullpen tried to stop us and I showed them the exposed arms of our captives and explained what happened. They changed their attitude right away and escorted us to Amelia's office.

“You can't help showing off, can you?” Amelia asked me as I dropped Pettegrew on the floor in front of her desk.

“I am the Boy-Who-Lived. What else was I supposed to do?” I asked with an innocent smile.

Amelia snorted a laugh before she shook her head in disbelief. “All right, let's get this mess sorted.”

Sirius had a trial a month later and was released with all charges dropped while Peter and the Aurors were sent to Azkaban for thirty years. Peter had an additional twelve years added on for his evasion of facing his crimes, whch meant he was probably going to die in jail.

After the trials, I slipped a note to Amelia about Barty Crouch Senior and his son. She gave me an incredulous look and I gave her an innocent smile. She sighed and tucked the note into her pocket with a whispered promise to look into it. I whispered back about Deloris Umbridge and her supposed crimes.

“Please, just... go away for now.” Amelia said, which made me grin at her. “You're really leaving?”

“I hear Albania is nice this time of year.” I commented, kissed the back of her hand, and left.


“Dobby is finding nasty snake, Harry!” Dobby shouted and I ran over to him. He was sitting on the huge thing's head and the body was thrashing around to try and escape.

“Good work, buddy!” I said and pat his head, making the little house elf beam with pride. I took out the Sword of Griffindor and stabbed the snake right behind where Dobby sat.

The familiar scream of Voldemort's last soul piece dying, echoed in the forest as the snake died.

“Let's go home, Dobby.” I said and sheathed the sword before I vanished the snake's body. “If we hurry, we should make it just in time.”

“Dobby makes sure you not miss the school train! You need your Hermy!” Dobby shouted and grabbed onto me, then we vanished with a loud pop.


The train ride was uneventful, even when Draco showed up to attack me for killing his father. He and his henchmen tried cursing the silenced door and then the windows of the compartment, not realizing that I had cast Impervious and a Reflective Curse on them.

Draco screamed when his own spell hit him in the face, then he dropped dead and the school had one less third year student. The others in the compartment, mainly the Griffindors in my year, didn't find out what happened until the train came to a stop and we opened the door. Crabbe and Goyle had knocked themselves out, probably from reflected bludgeoning hexes.

“A glass shattering spell is really bad to hit someone in the face with, apparently.” A prefect said after checking the wand.

I hugged Hermione to stop her from seeing the mess. “Now we know why using certain spells on people is highly discouraged.”

“I'm pretty sure that's Malfoy, just from the blond hair and his two goons.” Ron said, identifying him. “Stupid git. Everyone knows the windows are spelled on the train.”

The others nodded and I didn't tell them that I had added a couple of my own spells.

“Come on, move along.” The prefect said and ushered us by the scene. “I've already sent for a professor.”

I led the others by and down the train car and off the train. We were all questioned later about it and we all said the same thing. Casting spells on the train always had consequences.


Third year passed by and it was so weird to not have anything at all happen. I had Dobby send an anonymous care package to Albus Dumbledore and it was filled with the horcrux information, how they were dealt with, and even had pictures as proof.

The people in the Department of Mysteries knew a lot of stuff, like taking images from memories and making them into photos. Amelia had introduced me to them when I told her I took care of Voldemort. In fact, the care package for Dumbledore was just a copy of the file, which also included my medical scan and a picture of the healed scar. That meant there was no more Voldemort.

I just hoped Dumbledore believed it.


The summer was great, because Dobby, Sally, and I went with Hermione and her parents on their vacation to Italy. It was a wonderful time, because I got to see Hermione in a bikini for the first time. She was always pretty and my mouth hung open when she dropped the wrap she wore. Hermione's blush couldn't cover her proud expression, however.

Sally reached over to close my mouth. “Down, boy.”

I blinked my eyes at her and then blushed myself. “Sorry, I... she's just so pretty and...”

“Harry!” Hermione gasped.

“I'm sorry for staring.” I said and walked over to her to hug her. “This is all new to me.”

“M-me, too.” Hermione said and leaned into me. “Since when did you have muscles?”

“I've had them since first year.” I said and her hands roamed up my arms. “I work out to keep them lean and strong for you.”

“For me?” Hermione squeaked and blushed again.

“Who else would I do it for?” I asked and gave her a kiss. “Do you want to go check out the water?”

“Yes!” Hermione exclaimed.

I let her out of the hug, took her hand, and walked with her down to the water's edge. We could still hear our families talking, though.

“I know they're only fourteen and it's only been a year that they've been dating; but, they look like they've been together forever.” Emma Granger said.

“Even with the awkward moments like this?” Sally asked.

“It proves they aren't rushing into it and are taking their time.” Emma said. “I'm very happy about that.”

“I think they are, too.” Sally said.

I splashed Hermione and then tackled her in a hug. “I am.” I whispered in her ear.

“Me, too.” Hermione whispered back. “I don't want to ruin it by going too fast too soon.”

“You just don't want to give a younger man two heart attacks on the same day.” I joked and she laughed as she pushed me away and then splashed me.

“Is the great basilisk slayer afraid of little ol' me?” Hermione asked.

“Only of being lost in you.” I said and splashed her back. “I don't want to do anything else except be happy with you.”

Hermione blushed for a moment, then she smiled and stepped close. “How are you going to prove that to me?”

I smirked at her and kissed the tip of her nose. “I bought Flourish and Blotts for you. Happy Early Birthday, Hermione.”

Hermione stared at me as her mouth dropped open in shock.

I closed it for her and waited until she realized what it meant.

“IEEEEEE!” Hermione squealed in delight and jumped on me like a monkey, then she kissed me a dozen times before I could even move my lips. Once I did, we had a pretty heated snogging session right there in front of everyone.

“Oi! That's my daughter!” Dan Granger shouted.

Hermione broke the kiss, and not a trace of a blush could be found on her face. She glared at her father. “He bought me a bookstore, Dad!”

Dan jerked slightly at her tone, then he barked a laugh. “Okay, pumpkin! Continue on!”

“Thank you.” Hermione said smugly and then proceeded to do so.

We successfully ignored the laughter coming from Emma and Sally and kept making out.


With Lucius Malfoy dead, no one organized the retired death eaters into attacking the crowd after the Quiddich World Cup. It was a nice and peaceful after party, not including the thousands of drunken revellers. The article in the paper was pretty bland, except for everyone complaining that Ludo Bagman was a crook and a thief for paying his debts with Leprechaun Gold.


Fourth year at Hogwarts had the school host the Tri-Wizard Tournament once more.

It was pretty weird for me to sit in the audience with Hermione and only being a spectator. I had always been entered by someone, depending on who had managed to polyjuice themselves into working at the school and 'tricking' Dumbledore.

The best part was that Mad-Eye Moody was as crazy of a teacher as Barty Crouch had been while impersonating him. He had really captured the old Auror's personality perfectly.

I took Hermione to the Yule Ball and everyone in the school stared at her, because she had finally let everyone else see how gorgeous she was. It made Fleur Delacour jealous, which was saying something, because she was part Veela and not getting people's attention irked her a lot.

Neville had taken Hanna Abbot and Ron surprised everyone by asking Lavender to be his date, because she said yes. Of course, I made sure he had appropriate dress robes and not the third-hand frilly garbage that his mom had sent him. He protested about charity and I told him he would be working it off in the summer at Flourish and Blotts. He had agreed immediately.

Later that night, a very happy and danced out Hermione dragged me out of the Great Hall. I didn't protest at all, because if she wanted to go somewhere, we were going there. That somewhere was into the Room of Requirement and the bed that had appeared there.

“Hermione...” I started to say.

“I need you, Harry.” Hermione said and undid her dress. It dropped to the floor and my mouth dropped open. She wasn't wearing a bra and her panties were barely more than an idea. “You don't know how happy I am that you always react like that.” She purred and stepped close to kiss me.

As we made out, she stripped me off and she made an appreciative sound at my quite ready state.

“I'm on the pill and I've read all about this, so I'm ready.” Hermione whispered.

“For the first time in my life, I am going disagree with you.” I whispered back and she looked into my eyes. “Words on a page can never compare to loving you in real life.”

Hermione caught her breath and then blushed deeply. “H-H-Harry!”

“I've always loved you, Hermione Jean Granger.” I said and gently laid her down on the bed. “Let me show you just how much.”

Hermione nodded and her passionate moans were even cuter than Gwenneth the Blessed Hat's. By the time we finished that night, Hermione completely agreed with me.

A book just didn't do it justice.


Cedric Diggory won the tournament and everyone celebrated, especially Hufflepuff House. In fact, they were bigger party animals than the Griffindors. Apparently, being friendly and loyal made them all let loose more than anyone else in the school.

Hermione once again aced all of her exams, even if she didn't have the time turner to attend every class. Two of the electives were ridiculously easy to study for independently and she took full advantage of that. Of course, I did as well. I couldn't let her slack off. She always laughed when I claimed that, because she pretty much carried me through Ancient Runes and Arithmancy.


Ron kept his word and worked all summer at Flourish and Blotts to pay off the dress robes. He was surprisingly good at stocking shelves and putting the right products out on display, thanks to his strategic mind and chess playing skills. He had two pay raises by the summer's end and an offer to hire him permanently after his OWL exams. Both he and his mother Molly were ecstatic.

Hermione's parents were a little less than thrilled when I asked her father for her hand in marriage. Even with the stipulation that it was to be held off until we graduated from our seventh year, they thought we were still too young to be that committed so soon.

Hermione and I laughed when they tried to argue that we might meet someone else that we liked. I said I already bought the ring and everyone knew we were getting married anyway. When Emma asked to see it, she gasped and almost fainted at the two carat diamond.

“By the way, I'm rich.” I joked and Hermione laughed and kissed me.

“We are, Harry.” Hermione said and looked at her parents. “Harry is everything that I've ever looked for.”

“Just so you know, I'm doing all of this because I want to be happy for the rest of my life. I can only be that way with Hermione at my side and sharing that life. All we need is your blessing.” I said. “So, what do you say? Can you stand to have a celebrity for a son-in-law in under three years?”

Emma gave Dan a pointed look, then looked at Hermione. “I think we can plan the wedding of the century in so short a time.”

Hermione let out a happy squeal and tacked her mother with a tight hug.

“I'm not stupid enough to argue with her.” Dan said and held a hand out to me. “Welcome to the family, Harry.”

I shook his hand and grinned. “Thanks, Dad!”

“Don't push it.” Dan said and grinned back.


The fifth, sixth, and seventh years at Hogwarts passed by before we knew it.

Just as Emma had predicted, she and Hermione had just barely finished the preparations for the colossal wedding that everyone wanted to attend. We rented a farmer's unused field, that overlooked the Atlantic Ocean, and transformed it into an appropriate venue.

It had become an event of epic proportions and I was laughing my ass off as hundreds of hired staff made everything ready for the wedding party and the guests. Even with magic, you still needed skilled people to do the work. It was just too much chaos to not laugh at everything still getting done, despite the seemingly disorganized way they did it.

At the appropriate time, I stood beside Neville and Ron and across the aisle were Hanna and Lavender. I had tweaked the details of the wedding as a surprise and I was sure that our four friends were going to be shocked when the officiator spoke.

The wedding march song started and I turned to look at Hermione walking down the aisle. My jaw almost fell off at the sight of the most radiant woman to ever exist. Her face was flushed red as her father walked her up the aisle towards me.

Dan brought them to a stop and pushed my mouth closed for me. That made a lot of people in the massive audience laugh. He handed me his daughters hand, pretended to punch me in the face, then he sat down beside his wife Emma. Everyone applauded.

“Jealous bastards, the lot of them.” I whispered and Hermione laughed.

“We are gathered here to day to witness a momentous event.” The officiator said. “The marriage of two people that love each other deeply and are fully committed to their chosen mate for the rest of their lives.”

“Better you than me!” Ron joked and a bunch of people laughed.

“Harry Potter, Hermione Granger. Are you ready to take the next step in the journey of life together?”

“We are.” Hermione and I said together.

“Neville Longbottom, Hanna Abbot. Are you ready to take the next step in the journey of life together?”

“WHAT?!?” Several people yelled, including the two named.

“A simple answer would be preferable.” The officiator said with a smile.

“Harry, you didn't.” Neville said.

“Oops.” I said and he glared at me. “It's now or never.”

Neville looked over at Hanna's startled face and knew he was hooked. He walked around us and took her hand. Hanna beamed a smile at him and nodded as they spoke. “We are.”

“Ronald Weasley, Lavender Brown. Are you ready to take the next step in the journey of life together?” The officiator asked and several distinct Weasley shouts and screams of shock came from the audience.

Ron didn't need to be prompted any more than that as he walked around us and took Lavender's hand. Lavender was already crying as she nodded her head. “We are.”

Several house elves popped in and snapped their fingers to change Neville's and Ron's groomsman suits into tuxedo suits to match mine and they changed Hanna's and Lavender's bridesmaids dresses into their chosen wedding dresses.

“Oh, god!” Lavender gasped and stared down at the thing she only dreamed of ever wearing.

The rest of the ceremony passed by as if it didn't happen and I kissed Hermione as chaste as I could, despite my desire to snog the hell out of her. She must have seen it on my face because she blushed.

“Later.” I whispered and she nodded several times.

The entire crowd cheered for us and for the other two couples that just had a surprise wedding thrown at them.

The reception was a blast. With three weddings and couples to celebrate, it was almost completely out of control. It lasted well into the evening and I had had enough. I took Hermione's hand and went to the middle of the dance floor, Dobby popped in and handed me my broom, and I mounted it as I pulled Hermione onto my lap.

I cast Sonorus on myself. “We're off!”

The whole room cheered.

“Neville, Dobby has your honeymoon plans.” I said and Dobby popped in and handed them to him. “Ron...”

Another house elf popped in and handed them to Lavender.

“Never mind. Enjoy the gift!” I shouted and flew over everyone's heads. They applauded as we flew away.

“You just had to be dramatic.” Hermione said as I came in for a landing.

“How climactic would just using a portkey be?” I asked and she kissed me. “Are you ready for a month of sand, sea, and string bikinis?”

“I should be asking you that, Mr. Harry Potter.” Hermione said in her seductive voice.

“Oh, damn.” I said and had to adjust my pants.

Hermione 'helped' me by rubbing me a few times.

“S-stop... god...” I whispered.

Hermione pat it and kissed me again. “My dearest love.”

“My heart. My life. My joy.” I whispered and kissed her as I activated the portkey.


After years of pruning the pureblood laws, Hermione became the youngest Minister of Magic in history. Being the wife of the Boy-Who-Lived had only helped her gain the landslide in the polls. Her work for equal creature rights had skyrocketed her to become almost as famous as Harry Potter. That they had the same initials was just a bonus.

Hermione Jean Potter and Harry James Potter.

The both of them were recorded in history as the most influential couple of all time.


Harry Potter was at the ripe old age of 210 before he finally passed away in the arms of his beloved wife, Hermione Potter.

Welcome back, Master. Death said as Harry materialized in the white waiting area.

Harry gave him a huge grin as he devolved from his old man visage to become seventeen again. “I knew I forgot to do something this time.” He said and reached a hand out to his right.

Death watched as a very old Hermione faded into existence and then she devolved back into her seventeen year old self.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped as a teenaged Harry pulled her in close.

“I promised you all of eternity together, remember?” Harry said and kissed her.

“Mmmm.” Hermione moaned and then she jerked and broke the kiss. “Wait! You've been dead for almost two years!”

“It's been barely a moment for me to wait for you, my dearest love.” Harry said and walked over to Death with Hermione clutched in his arms. “I'm sorry, my friend. I didn't collect the Hallows.”

“On purpose.” Death said.

“Well, you know what they say. Seventh time's the charm.” Harry said and walked off with Hermione. They only made it a short ways before they faded away and moved on to their next great adventure.

Death couldn't stop his skull face from altering just enough to show a slight smile.

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