What If… Harry Potter

07 What if Harry was pure evil and no one knew? Part 2

Here's part two with 59,125 words.

The day of the first task was a stupendous day for the wizarding world. The ministry needed to recover from the public thrashing they were receiving for letting things get so out of hand, so in their infinite wisdom (stupidity), they sold tickets and added extra stands for anyone wanting to attend. They made a fortune.

The small stadium intended for just the students of three schools had been expanded to be one of the biggest the world had ever seen. It was nearly half of the size of the Quiddich World Cup stadium and had just as many protections and security features. It also had squads of Aurors spread around to protect the people from several of the champions.

The champion's tent was huge and several Aurors were stationed there for two specific reasons. Both wore shackles on their arms and legs. Both were also amazed that they were outside and breathing fresh air as well. The other champions started to arrive and I walked into the tent behind them.

I was six feet tall and no one could look at me and call me a boy, though I could tell some of them wanted to. I was only fourteen after all. To say that the atmosphere was tense was an understatement.

“I can't believe we have to go through with this.” The Minister of Magic said.

“You can refuse to compete and leave whenever you want.” One of the new judges said as they entered the tent. “Your magic will be forfeited and you'll lose your job as the minister.”

The minister grumbled and didn't go anywhere.

“As you can see, one of your number has failed to show.” Another judge said. “As soon as the cannon sounds, he will lose his magic.”


A slight wave of magic washed over us and the judges nodded.

“Fenrir Greyback is no longer magical.”

“Oh, thank god!” A man's voice said and everyone turned to look at him. “I'm Remus Lupin and that monster bit me as a child. He will be dead in an hour. Muggles can't survive the infection.”

“How do you know that?” Deloris Umbridge asked.

“I wasn't the only one he bit and tried to recruit as a child.” Remus said and everyone fell silent.

“Well, that's one burden of the wizarding world that's taken care of.” One of the judges said. “Who knew it would be so easy to get rid of people by making them champions?”

I raised my hand. “I did.”

Everyone in the tent looked at me with surprise on their faces.

“I warned Dumbledumb about putting my name in the Goblet of Fire. The dangers champions face is bad enough. Him trying to draw enemies out by making me a public figure and associated with the tournament is as stupid as it is illogical.”

“Is that true, Albus?” Amelia Bones asked.

Albus remained silent. He knew if he spoke, some of the people there would know if he lied.

“He won't say anything because there are too many witnesses. He can't obliviate you all without it looking suspicious.” Severus Snape said.

Albus sighed. “Really, Severus?”

“We're being forced to compete in a death tournament. What do you want me to do?” The sneering man asked.

“Maintain your oaths to me and the school.” Albus said as a warning.

“Ooo, this should be good.” I said and both men looked at me with scowls on their faces. “What? I'm waiting to see which one of you loses their magic first. With loyalty oaths in play, one of you will violate them. You have to in order to compete. When that happens, it breaks the Goblet's rule about interfering with a champion and your oaths.”

Albus sighed and rubbed his face and Severus cursed. Bellatrix and Sirius barked similar laughs. The others were too stunned to react.

It took a couple of minutes before one of the judges recovered. “In any case, we will be drawing lots. There will be no team-ups for this task as this is an individual competition for greatness. Reach into this bag and pull out a disc with a number on it. That will be the order in which you compete.” He held up a large bag. “Ladies first.”

Deloris smiled at everyone and started to reach, then she received an elbow in the side and was pushed out of the way.

“He said Ladies first.” Bellatrix spat and reached into the bag to pull out number eleven. She cackled as she stepped back, because she knew that going close to last would be the best. Whatever they were facing would be tired from fighting the others.

Madame Maxine went next and pulled number two. Amelia went next and pulled out number eight. Delores glared at Bellatrix and pulled out number four. The men were next and pulled various numbers. It wasn't until Albus pulled a seven and Severus pulled a three that there was a flash of light.

“ARGH!” Severus yelled and fell to the ground. His body curled up and he shivered as his magic was sucked out. He lifted his head slightly to glare at Albus, cursed once more, then his eyes lost their light and he slumped to the ground, dead.

“You oathed him with his life?!?” Amelia asked, angrily.

Albus sighed and didn't bother to nod. The result was right there in front of them.

I stepped forward and pulled out number twelve. “It looks like I'm last.” I said and showed everyone.

“Don't worry, Potter! I'll leave enough of whatever it is to chew you up and spit you out!” Bellatrix shouted and then laughed.

“Shut your trap, you crazy bitch!” Sirius spat. “That's my godson you're threatening!”

“He's also your competitor! Let's see what happens to you when you have to fight the boy you swore to protect! Ha ha haha!” Bellatrix cackled.

Sirius' face lost all of its regained color and he ducked his head. He took a number and didn't even look at it. The rest of them took numbers and the bag was soon empty.

“You'll be called to appear when your number comes up.” One of the judges said. “Do your best and give everyone that's watching from the stands a great show.”

“I guarantee it!” Bellatrix said and no one doubted her.

The champions stood there without saying anything for several minutes. No one wanted to mention the body on the ground and ignored it. Except for me.

“If no one else is going to, I will.” I said and went over to the body and cast several cleaning charms on the clothing before searching them. I pulled out several potions and tossed them at the feet of the Aurors guarding Sirius and Bellatrix. “You people are idiots.” I said to the judges and removed a second wand from inside Snape's robes to add to the pile of potions. “Is cheating actually allowed? Can we bring more than the one wand you claimed we were allowed to have?”

Several of the champions looked uncomfortable, as did all of the judges.

“No one checked anyone? No detection spells or anything?” I asked and looked at Amelia Bones. “Are all of your Aurors really this incompetent?”

“No, I tried to get them to check everyone and not just the champions.” Amelia said and looked right at the Minister. “Someone overrode my orders.”

“Really?” I asked and then grinned. “Thank you, Minister.”

“For what?” Rufus asked.

“For losing so quickly.” I said as the cannon sounded.

Igor Karkaroff stepped out of the tent and the Minister of Magic let out a howl of pain as he dropped to his knees and lost his magic as it was ripped from him.

“Allowing certain champions to cheat is considered interfering with the other champions.” I said with a chuckle.

A moment later, Cornelius Fudge and Deloris Umbridge collapsed and their magic was taken as well.

“The field is clearing even quicker than I suspected it would.” I added, to everyone's surprise.

After a couple of minutes, there was a distinctive roar and a cheer from the crowd.

Albus groaned and shook his head. “Igor was just eliminated from the tournament. He lost his wand arm and his wand.”

“Is it the wards of the school giving you that information or do you have monitoring charms on the arena?” I asked, curious.

“That's unethical.” Amelia Bones said.

“It's not illegal, nor is it cheating.” Remus said and glanced at me.

“Only if it interferes with a champion.” I said and then smirked. “Does not telling us how it's done count as interfering?”

Albus groaned and told us what spells he used. The cannon sounded and Madame Maxime left the tent. He also kept us informed about her progress. “I can't relay anything when it's my turn or afterwards.”

I walked over to the pile of potions and picked one to transfigure into a bowl of water. I brought it back and grinned. “Just use this as the focus.”

Dumbledore gave me a glare for a second and then transferred the focus from his glasses to the bowl of water.

I cast stillness on it and set it down on the ground before I enlarged it and everyone had a good look at the arena. “Thank you, headmaster.”

He didn't respond and everyone watched as Madame Maxine expertly cast distraction spells on the dragon that she had to get past to grab a golden egg from the rack of twelve behind it. She managed it without getting roasted or losing a limb.

“Sirius Black, you're next.” A judge said into the tent without showing his face. “Release him and give him his wand as he leaves the tent. If he resists, stun him.”

“He's kidding right? Why would I resist?” Sirius asked. “I got to watch Snivellus die painfully! This is the best day of my life!”

I had to laugh at him, as did Bellatrix.

The Auror guarding him led him over to the tent exit and removed the shackles, then handed him his wand.

Sirius took in a sharp breath as his wand reconnected with him and he grinned. “Watch me go!” He exclaimed happily and ran down the tunnel to the arena. “You just watch me go!”

“He's actually having fun.” Amelia said with a shake of her head as the Auror left to go to the recovery tent to wait for the prisoner.

“Innocent men tend to enjoy freedom a lot more.” I said.

Amelia's head snapped around to stare at me. “Excuse me?”

“He didn't betray my parents. Albus Dumbledore and Peter Pettegrew did.”

Nearly everyone in the tent gasped while Dumbledore groaned in disappointment.

“Pettegrew is dead.” Amelia said.

“Well, technically.” I said and she gave me a stern look. “I've been harvesting his rat animagus form for potion ingredients for almost four years now. You wouldn't believe how lucrative the market for rat spleens and tails is when you have a practically unlimited supply to sell.”

“ExCUSE me?” Amelia spat.

“He's been legally dead for thirteen years. I could take him to Diagon Alley and dissect him while everyone watched and it's not a crime.”

Amelia opened her mouth and closed it several times because she didn't know what to say to that.

“I fed him some Draught of Living Death so he stays in a magical coma and doesn't feel a thing.”

“You really have Pettegrew?” Remus asked.

“Yep. I caught him about halfway through my first year at Hogwarts. He was pretending to be Ron Weasley's pet rat. He has a toe missing and everything.”

“Harry.” Amelia said when she finally figured out what to say. “You need to turn him in.”

“For what?” I asked.

Amelia blinked her eyes at him. “For... well... if he betrayed your parents...”

“So did Dumbledore. He was the Chief Warlock and stopped any and all proceedings concerning Sirius, my parents, me, and anyone else he wanted out of the way.”

“Harry, that's not what happened.” Albus said.

“Who cast the Fidelus Charm?” I asked and he closed his mouth. “You knew then that Pettigrew was the secret keeper and not Sirius. You kept quiet and sent an innocent man to prison without a trial, just so you could have me abused and tortured by my muggle uncle and cousin.”

Everyone was staring at Albus now.

“Harry, I had my reasons.” Albus said without any expression on his face.

“I know. Peter told me all about how you wanted a spy in Voldemort's camp. You just didn't care that you set up my parents to die for me to fulfill a prophecy that was completed when Voldemort was vanquished.” I said and everyone was shocked. “So, what kind of explanation are you going to give me now that you know I know the truth?”

Albus sighed and looked around at the accusing eyes. Of everyone in the wizarding world that he didn't want to know his secrets, this group was near the top. He glanced down at the dead bodies on the ground and realized that the rest of the people he didn't want to know were now dead.

“Harry, there are things that you are not aware of.” Albus said and glanced at Amelia's interested face.

“Do enlighten us all, Albus.” Amelia said, her voice cold.

The cannon went off and Albus sighed in relief. “I must go.”

We watched him leave and I saw a couple of angry faces on the others. It was only Amelia, Remus, Bellatrix and myself left.

“That man and his damn secrets.” Amelia said as she ground her teeth.

“He's probably thinking about Voldemort's Horcruxes and doesn't want anyone to know.” I said.

The reactions from everyone were interesting to watch, especially Bellatrix's face. She looked sick.

“How do you know that term?” Amelia asked.

“I remember when Voldemort came to kill me as a baby.” I said and she gasped. “He said he needed to make one more for a magical significant number, then cast the killing curse at me. He went poof when it was reflected and here I am.”

“He-who-must-not-be-named has horcuxes.” Amelia whispered.

“Had. I dealt with them a couple of years ago.” I said and she gasped again, as did Bellatrix.

“Harry, you... how could you...” Amelia started to mumble.

“Rituals, mostly.” I said and shrugged. “It wasn't that difficult once you knew what they were.”

“No.” Bellatrix whispered and tried to hug herself. The shackles stopped her. “Nonono.”

“You didn't tell Dumbledore?” Remus asked.

“Why would I tell him?” I asked, feigning confusion. “I barely know the man that controlled my life from afar.”

Remus looked surprised, as did Amelia.

The cannon went off and Amelia sighed. “Albus was fast.”

“Good luck.” I said and lightly touched her shoulder. “If you want some free advice, disillusion yourself and cast a blasting hex across the arena.”

Amelia blinked her eyes at me for a moment and then shook her head. “Save it for your own task.”

“I have something much better to do when it's my turn.” I said with a crooked smile.

Amelia laughed softly and jogged out through the tent flap.

“Harry, are you sure giving advice like that was wise?” Remus asked.

“Why do you care?” I asked and he frowned. “Who abandoned their friends and hid himself after they were killed? Who ran away when his supposed best friend betrayed him and didn't even ask any questions? Who's been avoiding everyone until now?”

Remus paled and took a step back.

“Who didn't bother to look in on their best friend's baby when he was left all alone?” I asked and he shook his head. I looked him right in the eyes and laughed, which surprised him. “None of that matters now, though. You're a Tri-Wizard Champion! A skeevy, stinking werewolf is a champion.”

Remus winced and shied away from me. He didn't say anything for several minutes, then the cannon went off and it was his turn.

“Show the world what you do best, Moony.” I said encouragingly. “Good luck!”

Remus didn't look at me as he walked slowly out of the tent and down the tunnel to the arena.

“We're finally alone.” I said and turned to face Bellatrix.

She braced herself as if I was going to physically fight her and the Auror standing guard for her braced as well. He held his wand at his side, ready for something to happen.

“Well, not technically alone.” I said and waved at the bodies around the tent. “It's close enough, I suppose.”

“Is there something wrong with you?” The Auror asked.

“Not a thing.” I said and held my hands out in a placating gesture. The man relaxed and I shot him with two wandless stunners, one from each of my hands. He dropped to the ground like he was dead.

Bellatrix was shocked. She looked at me, at the unconscious guard, and back at me.

“My Bella.” I said and walked over to her.

Bella stiffened at her nickname and then caught her breath when I grabbed her shackles and pulled her arms out straight.

“You haven't lost hope, have you?” I whispered and took hold of her left wrist and pulled up her sleeve. The Dark Mark was nearly invisible. I winked at her and then I bent slightly as I licked her arm from her elbow to the wrist. The magical tattoo flared and grew darker as the snake in it moved slightly.

“How did you do that?” Bellatrix asked, her shock evident in the fact that she didn't react when her shackles dropped off and freed her.

“Easily.” I said and stepped close to her as I put my arms around her to hug her tenderly. “The baby I went to kill was no match for my superior soul.”

Bellatrix gasped and stared up at me. “My... my lord?” She asked, unsure. “Is... no, it can't be.” She said and fought her instincts to believe and tried to only see me as Harry Potter, the killer of her devotion.

I bent down to gently kiss her with several feather light kisses, then smashed my lips against hers and shoved my tongue into her mouth.

Bella moaned as I claimed her mouth and her arms tightened around me as her hands gripped the back of my jacket. She broke the kiss and her eyes were full of devotion. “My lord! You... how...”

I chuckled and summoned her wand from the unconscious guard. “How else? I'm the savior of the wizarding world. I'm Harry Potter.” I joked and handed over her wand.

Bella laughed and hugged me close. “I've missed you, my lord.”

“I've been working out how to get you out since I was old enough to walk.” I said and stepped back. “I have a plan for the end of the tournament. I need you to play along and be a good girl.”

“Anything for you, my lord.” Bella said and smiled.

“Don't attempt to escape and behave nicely. Try not to act too crazy, despite their expectations. I don't want them to double your guard.”

Bella cackled a laugh and nodded. “I'll be a model prisoner.”

“Thank you, Bella.” I said and gave her another kiss.

“My lord, do you have time to...”

“You know you won't be walking straight afterwards if I do.” I said and caressed her face. “The rules state that I can't physically interfere with a champion.”

“You always were enthusiastic.” Bella giggled. “Perhaps... just a little preview?”

I chuckled at her playfulness that no one really got to see and undid my black jeans to open them and pulled my boxers down just enough for her to see.

“Oh, my.” Bella said and her hand grabbed hold of me and started stroking to get me hard. “Are you sure we don't have time?”

Just then the cannon sounded.

Bella cursed and glared at me. “Stupid cannon! I was just about to have fun!”

“Kiss me goodbye and go give the sheep a nice spectacle.” I said.

“Yes, my lord.” Bella said, winked at me and bent over to suck on the tip of my penis for a second. “Bye! See you soon!”

I laughed and she let me go before she jogged out through the tent opening. I went to the unconscious Auror and gave him the memory of releasing Bellatrix, revived him, and handed him the shackles. He nodded his thanks and left through the side flap to go to the receiving tent in the other part of the arena.

I watched the bowl of water and Bella's very funny show. They had to switch dragons twice to get fresh ones as a fair chance for all of the competitors. She transfigured a giant frilly pink dress and tossed it over the dragon. The dress wrapped around the dragon, tying its wings down to itself, then she waved her wand at a rock to make it into a gramophone.

Music started playing and Bella cast stinging hexes at the dragon to make it blast fire at her while she danced around. The fire just missed her every time and she held everyone enthralled as she defied death dozens of times.

When the song finally ended, she bowed and waved her wand at the dragon. The dress squeezed it and bent it down to make it bow as well, then Bella simply walked over to the golden eggs and took one. She left the dragon tied up and subdued and left the area and a very shocked audience.

I was laughing my ass off because she had literally given them a show to watch. “I'll reward you for that later.” I said and waited for the handlers to change the dragon again. The one Bella fought didn't seem to want to do anything except leave. Of course, they had saved the biggest and nastiest one for last, the Hungarian Horntail.

I waited until the cannon went off, making note of the handlers poking the dragon a few times to irritate it, then I shrunk the bowl and banished it to just outside the tent, so I could summon it in the receiving tent.

I walked out through the tent flap and down the tunnel to the arena. When I stepped out, the crowd cheered. I walked out to make sure everyone could see me and waved at them, then cast Sonorus on myself.

“Thank you for the warm welcome and to witness my utter triumph this day.” I said and looked at the angry dragon. I cast a translation spell of my own making on the audience and took a single step towards the dragon.

The dragon saw this and reared back slightly, ready to blast me if I got any closer.

“Oh, great and noble dragon.” I hissed in Parseltongue and the audience heard it in English. “I beg you to allow me to approach and express my apologies for the indignity you are suffering.”

The dragon grumbled for a moment and then spoke. “Tiny wingless beast, you may approach.”

The cheering crowd stopped dead and complete silence fell as everyone heard a dragon speak for the very first time.

“Thank you.” I said and bowed deeply, then very slowly walked up to it. I stopped ten feet away and the crowd seemed to be holding its collective breath as the dragon loomed over me. “You have suffered the travel here, distressed over your eggs being touched, and the irritating pokes from those insects that claim to be taking care of you.”

The dragon snorted and a bit of flame came out of its mouth. The crowd gasped and thought I was going to die.

“I offer you recompense for your misfortune and an apology.” I said and bowed again.

“I see nothing for you to give me, wingless beast.”

I smiled. “If I may reach for my belt?”

The dragon nodded and I pulled out my wizard money pouch.

“They will treat you as the queen you are with this treasure in your horde, noble dragon.” I said and tipped the pouch over.

Galleons upon galleons poured out. Everyone stared as more and more of them came out. Even the dragon was looking at me with interest. It knew that things could be bought with wingless beast coins. When the pile was waist high to me and over five feet wide, the coins stopped and I put the pouch back on my belt.

“One hundred thousand galleons is yours. All I ask is to pass and take a fake egg from the wall behind you.” I said.

“You are a strange wingless beast.” The dragon said and looked at all of the shiny gold coins. “You may pass in peace.”

“You are very gracious, noble dragon. Thank you.” I said and bowed deeply, then slowly walked a very wide area around her nest and went to the wall. I grabbed the closest egg and showed it to her, then I walked over to the recovery tent. I stopped walking and looked back at her. “The spell will only last for another twenty minutes. You should tell the insects what you want before it wears off.”

The dragon nodded and I entered the tent to see shocked faces.

“Excuse me for a moment.” I said and went to the side of the tent to summon the bowl of water. I enlarged it and put it in the middle of the floor. “I want to see what the dragon handlers do with the dragon.”

We all watched in fascination as several of them looked extremely happy while two of them were eyeing the money pile. One of them thought they could gather it up and took out a sack to start.

“She's not going to like that.” I said with a chuckle.

We heard a loud roar when the man touched the gold and then the man's head and arm were bitten off and gone inside the dragon's mouth.

“Oh, no.” Amelia said and covered her mouth as a breath of dragon flame hit the other man beside the gold and he was rendered to a charred mass.

Thankfully, the dragon was smart and had aimed high enough to miss the pile of gold. The other handlers ran as the dragon turned towards them and let out a roar that shook the stadium. The dragon saw that no one else was going to take her gold and settled back down onto her nest.

“I assume everyone here completed the task?” I asked and glanced around to see several nods. A couple of them had slightly burned clothing while Sirius and Bellatrix both had huge smiles as they stared at me.

“None of us were as successful as you.” Madame Maxine said with approval in her voice. “Although, the prize to win is only a thousand galleons and you just spent a hundred thousand.”

“Who cares about the prize money?” I asked and she looked confused. “Even if I don't win, everyone is going to remember what I did in the tournament. My fame and notoriety is already pretty high. With what I just did, everyone in the wizarding world is going to know my name, and it's not because I'm the Boy-who-lived.”

“Well said!” Sirius said with a laugh. “I'm so proud of you, Harry.”

“Why?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“This is the best prank in the history of the world!” Sirius said. “I don't even care how you got everyone's names into the Goblet! This is fantastic!”

“He laughed for three whole days when he found out it was you.” Bellatrix said with a warm smile.

“You're kidding.” I said and she shook her head. “I guess I shouldn't be surprised.”

Sirius laughed. “I'd say you're your father's son, except James would never have pulled this stunt off. It's too epic for smaller minds! You're awesome, Harry! Totally awesome!”

“I think you have a genuine fan.” Amelia said with a smile. “When I leave here today with him, I'll start the proper proceedings.”

“For what?” Sirius asked.

“You're innocent.” Amelia said and gave me a stern look. “Harry found Pettegrew.”

“WHAT?!?” Sirius yelled. “He's still alive?”

“Harry's been harvesting him for rat parts and kept healing him.” Amelia said.

Sirius gave me a strange look for a moment, then he burst out laughing. He laughed and laughed for several minutes until he started to cry. “Harry... thank you, Harry. Thank you.”

“I would have tried to get you out before, but...” I said and nodded to Dumbledore. “You know.”

“Yes. I wondered why the chief warlock, my supposed friend and compatriot, let me go to prison without a trial.” Sirius said. “Remus filled me in on that part.”

“We didn't get to Pettigrew yet.” Remus said.

“You're talking to him?” I asked Sirius, a little surprised.

“Only because I couldn't yell without getting into trouble.” Sirius said with a grin.

“The judges are preparing the scores.” Albus said and a large scoreboard appeared in front of the judges. It showed the champions still in the running and their scores.

I wasn't surprised to see that the five dead champions weren't listed. I was surprised when I scored the highest.

“It was an impressive piece of magic.” Albus said as an explanation.

“No, it was them capitalizing on my fame like you 'suggested' they do.” I said and he didn't deny it. “I'm not stupid, you know.”

“Harry, I... I did what I did because...”

“...you're a manipulative old bastard that can't leave well enough alone.” I said and he sighed. “Do you know what my life would have been like if you had just not interfered? I would have been raised by my godfather, learned to manage my fame properly, and been a well adjusted young man.”

“Harry, you can't know that.” Albus said.

“I have a brilliant girlfriend and we've run the numbers and weighed the probabilities.” I said. “Actually, if we remove you as a factor from manipulating my parents and forcing them to hide under the Fidelus charm, they wouldn't have died and the war would have ended because of me anyway.”

That shocked everyone, especially Dumbledore.

“As it stands, I had a horrible childhood, have been ostracized at school, and no one treats me fairly because of my fame that you perpetuated.” I said and he downcast his eyes. “Yes, I know all about you getting Hagrid to spread around what happened, even though neither of you were there to know what really happened. You made me into the famous boy-who-lived for your own greed and self-important manipulations.”

Albus didn't say anything and everyone else just stared at us.

“Well, this has been fun.” I said and waved my wand at the bowl and it disappeared. “I hope to see you all at the next task.”

“Wait.” Amelia said and touched my arm. “Mister Potter... Harry... will you turn over Pettegrew to me?”

“As long as you promise me that he will never escape.” I said and she looked unsure. “If you can't, then I can't in good conscience put him in your custody.”

“Harry, he needs to face justice.” Amelia said.

“I was going to give him to Sirius to do what he wanted to the rat...”

“Convicts can't accept gifts.” Both Aurors said at the same time.

“Considering Sirius isn't a convict, your argument is invalid.” I said with a smile. “In fact, can you even keep holding onto a man that's never had a trial?”

Amelia sighed. “He's been lost in the system for too long. If there's any hope to get him free, it's up to you.”

“And Dumbledore.” Sirius said. “He still controls most of the Wizengamut. All he needs to say is there's no physical evidence that warrants the need for a trial to see if I'm innocent. That he never gave me a trial in the first place is irrelevant.”

“You've skipped over the Minister of Magic and the head of the DMLE at the time.” Amelia said.

“They listened to Dumbledore's advice and are not really at fault for shuffling me off.” Sirius responded.

Amelia looked at him and then at me. “You really believe Pettegrew won't make a difference?”

“Anything he says can be classed as inadmissible, since he is a marked death eater, unlike Sirius that everyone claims was You-know-who's right hand man.” I said and there were a few winces. “So, no. All that would fix is the muggles Peter killed and not Sirius. Unfortunately, Sirius was there and would be considered an accessory, because he helped cause the deaths by confronting Peter.”

Amelia reached up and pinched the bridge of her nose. “You're making this very difficult for me.”

“I don't mean to. You're a very handsome and capable witch and I appreciate how much you are trying to help me and my godfather.” I said and took her hand to bend over it and kissed it. “If things were just a little different in my life, I would be bending you over the closest bed right now and having my way with you.”

A few gasps came from that, a mad cackle from Bellatrix, a bark of laughter from Sirius, and a deep blush from Amelia.

“You... shouldn't say such things... in polite company.” Amelia said.

I could read from her thoughts that even though I was only fourteen, I looked like I was in my twenties. My six feet of height and muscles were flitting through her mind as she seriously considered my offer. I stood up and stepped close to her and she had to look up from her own five foot eight height.

“Perhaps we can meet next week and we can discuss this mess in a more private setting?” I offered.

Amelia debated it in her head and she thought about refusing.

“I'll bring Pettegrew along and you can question him for yourself.” I said and she nodded immediately. “Excellent. It's a Hogsmeade weekend and I can meet you at the Three Broomsticks.”

“I'll arrange a room from Rosmerta and set a few protections in place after I arrive.” Amelia said. “Would that be acceptable?”

“Of course.” I said and bent to kiss her hand again. “Until then.”

“Until then.” Amelia said, then my advice to her about the task suddenly went through her mind. “And thank you.”

I nodded to her and then nodded at everyone else. “Gentlemen, ladies.” I said and walked out of the tent. I felt Hermione approach and turned to catch her as she jumped at me. “Hello, my love.”

“That was brilliant.” Hermione said and kissed me. “Now I know why you didn't want to tell me.”

I chuckled and set her down, so we could walk back to the castle. “I assume you noticed I got the top marks.”

“Dumbledore at work to get your name and the Tri-Wizard Tournament synonymous.” Hermione said.

“You can start your next media blitz soon.” I said and she smiled at me. “You really like using psychology against the ignorant, don't you?”

Hermione nodded. “It wasn't until you pointed out how easily people of the wizarding world are so easy to influence that I started to think in those terms.”

“I think someone is addicted.” I joked and kissed her cheek. “I want you to have as much fun with it as you want. You know I can never say no to you.”

Hermione grinned. “We can head to the RoR until supper.”

“Anything for you.” I said and we spent most of that afternoon playing around in our favorite room.


The six deaths at the tournament shocked most of the wizarding population. Losing the Minister of Magic over him cheating was a blow that they were still getting over it a month later. The other losses were negligible to their minds. Who knew that losing your magic would shock your body so much that it just gave out? Me, of course.

The Yule Ball was a happy event for everyone that attended. With so many adults present, there was no danger of things getting out of hand or anyone spiking the punch the students had access to.

I wore a set of silver robes with black accents and a black suit underneath. Hermione wore a stunning gold colored dress that made everyone in the school stare at how gorgeous she was.

“You would kill half of the people here for what they are thinking about you, my love.” I whispered to her as we danced for the opening dance. “I would kill the other half, just to even the odds.”

Hermione laughed happily and I gave her a quick kiss, then I lifted her up and swung her around. The joy on her face was worth all of the things I had been through, including this tournament.

“You've changed things for me.” I said to her and held her close when the song changed. “I had planned on just going through the motions at school, getting normal marks for an above average student, and then trying to work my way through the ministry.”

Hermione beamed a smile at me. “I've elevated your aspirations, then?”

“You are my aspiration.” I said and she blushed while not losing the smile. “You're letting me take the wizarding world by storm and giving me opportunities that I hadn't imagined before.”

“What is it you're always saying about me?” Hermione asked with a laugh. “I'll do anything for you.”

“I can never tell you how much I appreciate that you've given me so much leeway.”

“Harry, you need to do this. You need her support. The best way to do that is to do her.”

I had to laugh at that. “You are so eloquent.”

“I've never given you bad advice, my love.” Hermione said.

“No, and I will continue to rely on you for the rest of time.” I said.

“You mean until death do us part.” Hermione corrected me.

“No, my love. I mean until the end of time.” I said and looked deep into her eyes.

“OH!” Hermione gasped. “You cracked it!”

“Just last night.” I said and her smile nearly split her face. “I can have the proper doses ready by New Years.”

“Then we have to go home for the rest of the holidays.” Hermione ordered. “I will not have my mother waiting until summer for it!”

“Of course, my love.” I said and the song ended. I moved us off to the side where the tables were and we sat down. “I told McGonagall this morning that we were leaving school tomorrow for the remainder of the holiday.”

“I love you!” Hermione exclaimed and kissed me hard. “Oh, dammit! I messed up my lipstick.”

I laughed and cleaned up my face and her lips, then made a little mirror for her. “Just reapply it.”

“Thank you.” Hermione said and busied herself with her task.

“Mister Potter.” Amelia said as she walked over to me. “If I could have a word?”

“How about we dance at the same time?” I said and stood to hold my hand out to her.

“I think just a few minutes in private...”

“I'll cast muffling spells.” I said and stepped forward as I swept her with me onto the dance floor. I did so and she felt the magic flow over us.

“You didn't use a wand.” Amelia said as I held her close and started to sway with her.

“I've never needed a wand.” I said and her eyes widened. “The one I have works very well, don't get me wrong. It's a focusing tool and gives more direction for certain spells; but, it's not strictly necessary for most area effect spells.”

“That's actually a good point.” Amelia said and her arms went around me.

I could hear her thoughts and she liked how I was taking firm control of her without actually appearing to. “What do you want to talk about?”

Amelia sighed. “You were right. Even with a new minister, it's been a month and nothing has come from my interview with Pettegrew. It's like everything I try just gets ignored or forgotten about.”

“Dumbledore spends just as much time at the Ministry as he does here these days.” I commented and she nodded. “As long as he keeps his mistakes out of the public eye, no one will question his motives.”

“What about the other champions? We all heard your accusations.”

“Yes, accusations. No proof. No evidence that what I said was true or verifiable. All witnesses are either conveniently missing or dead. Isn't that funny?” I asked and her eyes widened. “Don't worry, though. Hermione's on top of things. She's a genius at getting information out to the public and she's taken an interest in Dumbledore lately.”

Amelia smiled at that. “That could be enjoyable to see what she discovers.”

“I think so, too.” I said and the song changed to a very slow ballad. I shifted my hands and pulled her in close. “You are a very handsome woman, Amelia.”

“Harry, I...” Amelia started to say and I kissed her. She moaned almost immediately and her arms tightened around me. It took her most of the song before her mind re-engaged and she broke the kiss. She put a hand over her mouth and stared at me as if I had bitten her.

“Would you care to go for a walk?” I asked her, then turned with her in my arms and started walking without getting an answer. She came with me, her feet moving on their own.

We entered the large garden area that had been created with magic and she kept staring at me as we strolled along the path. There were several couples making out on the available benches and one or two bushes being loud with amorous people behind them.

“Harry, where are you taking me?” Amelia asked when she finally got over the shock of making out with me.

“Hopefully from the front and facing you when we have sex at the end of this walk.” I responded.

“That's not what I meant!” Amelia gasped.

I just smiled at her and we reached the end of the walk in a little open area.

“Harry, we... we can't do this. You have a girlfriend and... and I'm old enough to... to be your mother.”

“Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?” I asked as I walked over to the hedge row with her and split it before stepping through with her. It closed behind us and I conjured a bed and hedge walls around us to hide us from everyone. I also cast silencing and privacy spells.

“Harry, no.” Amelia whispered. “I won't do this.”

“You don't have to do a thing.” I said and reached behind her to unzip her dress. “However, I am going to thoroughly enjoy making you scream my name as I lick you, then I'm going to ram you so hard that you won't walk straight for a week.”

Amelia shivered at the thought, then shivered for real as I peeled her blue dress off of her fairly large breasts.

“Those are magnificent.” I complimented her and she blushed. She didn't try to cover herself, though. I bent down and dug my hands into the pillow-like softness and then sucked one of her prominent dark nipples into my mouth.

Amelia moaned and her hands grabbed onto my head and squished me into her chest hard. I responded by suckling harder and then bit her. She gasped and shook slightly, which meant she really liked that. I switched to her other breast and we repeated that little performance. Her breathing was a little laboured and she looked at me with hunger in her eyes.

“Now for the fun part.” I said to her and laid her down on the bed. I could tell from her thoughts that she expected me to take her right there and it would be over in a few minutes. I grinned at her as I pulled her panties off, then I spread her legs.

When I didn't move up to join with her, she looked confused.

“Witches really need to spend a bit more time researching what muggles do.” I said and dove between her legs.

“Ohhhhhhh...” Amelia moaned as I ate her out. She had never felt anything like it before and came almost right away. She thought I was done and I felt her surprise because I wasn't anywhere near stopping.

I kept going and she moaned, writhed, and grabbed onto my hair and pulled on it. I was sure she was trying to get me away from between her legs so she could recover, so I didn't and stayed right where I was. She needed to know what I was capable of and how I was going to keep her happy.

Amelia was a practical witch. She was by the book and she didn't take crap from anyone. She also didn't accept bribes or could be influenced in her decisions by anything. All of her thoughts went right out of her head when she came for the seventh time and screamed my name.

That was when I stopped and moved up to look into her eyes. She looked happy and her face had lost the stoic expression that it usually had.

“Harry... please...”

“Of course.” I said and positioned myself. I teased her only slightly with a single rub, then pushed myself all the way inside in one go.

“HARRY!” Amelia yelled and her arms and legs wrapped around me. “SWEET MERLIN!”

I started to move in and out of her and her breathing matched my movements. The faster I went, the faster she breathed. I worked myself up to a decent speed and she was moaning and panting, sweat pouring off of her as she moved her body to match me stroke for stroke. She was a fit woman, being a previous Auror and now head of the DMLE, and she kept up with me the entire time.

“I'm going to... Harry, I... oh, Merlin!” Amelia gasped and her body clamped onto me like a vise.

I immediately thought she had been exercising those muscles as well, because the pressure she exerted was surprising. I didn't want to disappointed her, so I finished as well.

Amelia moaned as she felt me filling her up and my magic flowed through her. She stared into my eyes, her own very wide, and she was very happy to have had been made love to. Then she caught her breath and the thoughts going through her head were lightning fast. She wasn't on any contraception potions and she knew I hadn't cast any spells to protect her from pregnancy.

“Harry.” Amelia whispered.

“It's all right.” I said and leaned down to kiss her.

Amelia moaned at the contact, especially since I was still hard inside of her.

“If you get pregnant, you can keep the father a secret and the baby will become a Bones.”

“No! If I am pregnant...” Amelia started to say.

“It would be named Bones no matter what. I was going to offer you a concubine contract after I marry Hermione.”

“Wh-wh-what?” Amelia gasped.

“We can legitimize our child then or only tell them that I am their father.” I said and started to move again.

“Mmm... wait! Wait! I can't think if... ohhhhh...” Amelia closed her eyes and hugged me close.

“We can worry about all of this later.” I said and then brought her to orgasm twice more, using a bit of magic to help, then I filled her again.

When we were done, I cast a little barrier on her womanhood to hold it all inside, cleaned up everything, and dressed her. Amelia's face was bright red and I gave her a tender kiss.

“You're so cute.” I whispered to her and led her back through the hedge and through the garden. We entered the Yule Ball and I whispered in her ear to visit me during the new year at the next Hogsmeade weekend.

“Harry, I... I might be there.” Amelia said and her blush faded. “We have some serious things to discuss and we will work things out if I do have that condition.”

“I would expect nothing less.” I said and bowed to kiss the back of her hand and let her go. “Until then, Amelia.”

Amelia nodded and walked away.

“I assume it went well.” Hermione asked.

“Better than I expected.” I said and put my arms around my date as we started to dance. I held her close and whispered to her as I described it all to her.

Hermione bit her bottom lip and her pelvis moved slightly, as if in sympathy, and she nodded. “Yes, much better. I expected the fierce head of the DMLE to put up more of a fight.”

“I think she's been imagining me bending her over a bed since I suggested it at the first task.”

Hermione chuckled. “I suppose that would ease her resistance if she's been thinking about it for all that time.”

“I probably should have bent her over the bed, just to fulfill that fantasy.” I joked.

“Do that next time and tell her so.” Hermione said. “If she's not pregnant from today, she's sure to be then.”

I gave her a passionate kiss. “Are you sure you're okay with not having my first child?”

“Her child will be a Bones, so ours is still going to be the first Potter.” Hermione said. “Plus, neither of us can take time off until we're older to have a family of our own. We have too much work to do.”

“I love you so much.” I said and kissed her again.

“Aren't you going to dance with Bella?” Hermione asked. “I wonder if the Auror would have to dance with you?”

I chuckled at that thought. “All right, now I have to go ask.”

Hermione gave me another kiss and let me go. “I'll watch the fallout.”

I winked at her and walked across the Great Hall to the table the two Aurors with Sirius and Bellatrix sat around. “In the spirit of cooperation between champions, I am obligated to ask Bellatrix Lestrange for a dance.”

“You haven't asked Madam Maxime.” One of the Aurors said.

“She is nearly twice my height... and Hagrid seems to have monopolized her.” I said and nodded at the dance floor where the two half-giants were thumping around. “So, Bellatrix, may I have this dance?”

“We can't dance with my shackles.” Bellatrix said with a scowl.

“Sure we can.” I said and nodded at the Auror. “I assume I can take her to the dance floor without an escort if the shackles remain on?”

The Auror opened his mouth to say no, then realized he would have to stand there on the dance floor to watch her. “As long as she doesn't try to run.”

“I'll keep hold of her.” I promised and held my hand out to Bellatrix. She sighed as she took it, then I helped ease her around the table and she shuffled beside me as we went to the dance floor.

“All right, tell me how this is going to work.” Bella said with a bit of anger in her voice.

“Hold out your arms.” I said and she did so. I pushed her elbows apart and then ducked underneath and slid up to nestle myself in close and her arms went around my neck.

Bella looked surprised at my simple solution. “My feet.”

“Step on mine.” I said and her eyebrows raised. “Sticking charms.”

Bella barked a laugh and stepped onto my feet. “Clever.”

“Thank you.” I said and put my arms around her to hold her, then started to move around. Without her shackle restriction on my movement, I could move much easier than if she was a foot or so away and she had to shuffle to keep up to me.

We actually garnered a lot of attention as I swung us around and moved across the dance floor energetically. Even the Aurors were surprised that I could dance so well with someone that was shackled.

“You were gone with Bones for a while.” Bella said.

“I had to bring my foreplay game out before I came inside of her twice.” I said and her mouth dropped open in shock. “Keep that to yourself, though. If she gets pregnant, no one can know I'm the father.”

“My... my lord.” Bella whispered and she blushed.

“Do you think we can convince the Auror to escort us outside?” I asked and she sucked in a breath.

“We could try.” Bella said with hope in her voice. “After the next song.”

I smiled and nodded. We danced and finished that song, then another slow song started. I slowed us down and only moved slightly as she rested her head on my shoulder. We swayed a little to the music and I could hear her pleasant thoughts. She hadn't been treated like this since she was in school and attended several social parties. Everyone stopped having them when the war had started.

“I'm sorry that my ambitions and madness ruined what little fun you could have had.” I whispered.

“My lord, I am yours. It doesn't matter what I want or what you did. All I care about is fulfilling your dream of taking over the wizarding world and will do anything to help you.”

I cast a slight obscuring charm over us and kissed her passionately. Bella moaned and ground her crotch against me. I grew hard for her and she moaned a little more. We stayed there, dry humping for the rest of the song. When it ended, Bella's face was flushed red and she was constantly licking her lips. Her thoughts were filled with kissing my member before the first task.

I dropped the spells and brought her back to the table. The Auror refused to let her go outside, because of the flight risk, so I pointedly gave Bellatrix a kiss on the cheek in clear view of everyone.

“Thank you for the dances, my lady.” I said and ignored the shocked stares from everyone as I went to look for Hermione. I found her talking to two other girls. One was a bright red haired girl and one was a blonde haired girl with an odd fashion sense.

“Harry.” Hermione said and hugged and kissed me. “This is Ginevra and this is Luna.”

“I prefer Ginny.” Ginny said and smiled sweetly at me.

I read her thoughts easily and saw that she was a huge fan of the Boy-who-lived. She could be useful. I thought as I nodded to her and then I looked at the much shorter blonde.

“Wow, you're really tall.” Luna said and stared up at me.

I chuckled and bent over slightly to take her hand. I kissed the back of it and she blushed so hard that her whole face went red. “Your blatant honesty compelled me to greet you properly.” I said to stop the near shout of jealousy from Ginny's thoughts. “May I know your last names so I can cement you into my mind?”

“Weasley!” Ginny nearly shouted, which made Hermione laugh softly and Luna giggle.

“Lovegood.” Luna said and since I still held her hand, her blush didn't fade.

“Love... good.” I said, as if testing it and I could feel her pulse beating furiously through her hand. “I like it.”

“I thought you would.” Hermione said with a smirk. “Now let the poor girl's hand go before she faints.”

I laughed and instead of letting it go, I pulled Luna into a hug. “You can relax, Luna. I didn't mean to fluster you so much.”

“You're hugging me.” Luna whispered, almost in awe.

I easily read her thoughts and she was as affection starved as anyone I had ever met. She also didn't really know how to handle it. “Of course I am. I'm kind of a hugger to those close to me.”

“Ever since we met he's had a hand on my back or an arm around my waist.” Hermione said. “Of course, we didn't become official boyfriend and girlfriend until someone asked him about it.”

I nodded. “It wasn't anyone's business but ours.” I said and looked around. “Oh, there they are right now.”

The three girls turned their heads to see Parvati and Lavender.

“I suppose I should thank them.” I said.

Hermione smacked my arm. “Take care of the girl in your arms first.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked and looked down. “Luna!” I fake gasped. “How did you get there?”

Luna giggled and continued to stare up at me.

“Well, since you're there already, let's go have a dance or two.” I said and I led her to the dance floor. Her thoughts were all over the place as we danced together. The slow song changed to a faster one and I held her hands and we danced around like fools. It made her laugh and that was why I did it.

“Thank you, Harry.” Luna said when the song ended.

“Just one more?” I asked as the music started again.

“No, Ginny will kill me if I don't let her take a turn.” Luna said and held my hand as she took me back over to where Hermione and Ginny were. “Here you go, Ginny.”

“You know I'm not a toy to pass around to let everyone play with me, right?” I asked.

Luna gave me a contemplative look, then she shrugged and handed the hand she held to Ginny. Hermione laughed and hugged a surprised Luna as Ginny dragged me away to the dance floor. Of course, I had to give her two dances like I gave Luna, and we went back to Hermione and Luna.

“Back to my actual girlfriend finally.” I said and Hermione hugged me as we went to the dance floor.

“This has been a great night.” Hermione said.

“We're still going to the RoR afterwards, so it's not over yet.” I said and she nodded. “How long have you been looking at Luna for potential?”

Hermione grinned at me. “She's been a part of my media blitz for two years. Her father's Quibbler is an off-the-wall magazine that everyone reads as a guilty pleasure.”

“Ah, I see. I assume she wasn't quite ready to meet me until recently.”

“I've been trying to get her alone, except Ginny just doesn't get the hint.” Hermione said. “She's a fan-girl, though. She might be useful as well.”

“That was my exact thought.” I said and gave her a kiss. “Where are their dates?”

“Off with their older friends. They only brought the girls to let them get in and not show up dateless.”

“Good for us, then.” I said and she nodded. “Do you have their biographies ready for me to read?”

“Of course. It's a little dry until you get to Ginny's older brothers. One's a curse breaker for Gringotts and the other is a worker for a dragon preserve.”

I gave her a surprised look. “Please tell me he wasn't one of the barbecued ones from the task.”

Hermione laughed. “No, he was smart and didn't confront the meanest dragon they brought here. What he did do was wait until she calmed down and did what you did, only with a very big sack that she could hang over her own neck.”

“Very smart.” I agreed. “She filled the sack herself with the gold, didn't she?”

“With only two swipes of her clawed wingtips.” Hermione said. “Even the other handlers congratulated him.”

“I'm really surprised that they haven't been hounding me to cast the spell again.”

“I think the two deaths made them realize that trying to talk to an angry dragon only makes things worse.” Hermione said, amused.

I barked a laugh and nodded. “If you're not respectful, she won't be happy, no matter what you're saying.”

We danced two more dances and the Great Hall started to clear out as students became tired and left.

“You can try dancing with Parvati and Lavender if you want.” Hermione said as we went over to Luna and Ginny.

“There's not a lot of time left.” I said and looked around for them. “All right, I see them. See you soon.”

Hermione nodded and I quickly walked over to two very bored looking girls.

“Ladies, I'm sorry that my evening has been so busy and I wasn't able to get to you until now.” I said and both girls looked surprised. “I even danced with Bellatrix when I had the chance.”

“We saw.” They said at the same time and then giggled.

“My date ran off when he saw that.” Parvati said. “His name's Neville and wouldn't say why it bothered him.”

“It's because she was there when his parents were tortured into insanity by death eaters.” I said. It had been one of the very first things Hermione had dug up when looking into everything that happened during the last war and Voldemort's defeat.

“You said that like she didn't do anything.” Parvati said.

“She actually saved Neville by hiding him under a bundle of clothes while her husband and brother-in-law did their cruel work.” I said and both girls gasped.

“I need to go tell him!” Parvati said and ran across the Great Hall and out the doors.

“Well, I guess it's just us dancing.” I said and held a hand out to Lavender. “May I have this last dance?”

“As long as you keep your hands to yourself.” Lavender said and took my hand. “Seamus wouldn't stop grabbing my ass as we danced.”

I shook my head. “What an idiot.” I said and led her to the dance floor as a very slow song started. “Why would he ruin with force what could have been spectacular?”

Lavender blinked her eyes at me. “Excuse me?”

I carefully wrapped my arms around her waist to hug her close. “He should have treated you like the lady you are, then perhaps asked for a kiss when the evening was over. There's no need to rush things when you're with a beautiful girl.”

Lavender blushed and put her arms around my neck as she looked into my eyes. “You think I'm beautiful?”

“I believe every guy in our year thinks that and a few in the higher years. The lower years think you're way out of their league.”

Lavender laughed a little and I could hear in her thoughts how flattering it was to hear those words from someone as handsome as I was. “You're just saying that to make me like you more.”

I chuckled at her subtly admitting that she already liked me. “I am quite charming and full of myself.”

Lavender laughed again and her arms tightened slightly around my neck. “Why couldn't you have been my date for tonight? I could have had a lot more fun.”

“There's only one of me and only so much time.” I said and she nodded. “Like I told you before, I meant to dance with you earlier and got sidetracked.”

Lavender's smile didn't lessen. “Well, it worked out great for me. I managed to steal the last dance of the night with you from your girlfriend!”

I had to laugh at her confidence. “You're definitely a Griffindor.”

“So are you.” Lavender said and laughed again. “No one else had the guts to approach Bellatrix Lestrange to dance, and that includes the headmaster and a bunch of ministry officials!”

The song ended and the band signed off and started packing up.

“Aww, I guess that's it.” Lavender said with a sigh as she let me go.

“Maybe not.” I said and took her hand.

“What are you doing?” Lavender asked.

“Something very Griffindorish.” I said and led her back over to where Hermione sat by herself.

“A teacher escorted Ginny and Luna back to their common rooms.” Hermione said and looked at me and then at Lavender. She didn't comment and took my other hand and led us from the room. There was almost no one left in the Great Hall, so only a few people actually saw us leaving.

Lavender was too surprised by what was happening to speak. Her thoughts were flying around as she wondered what was going on as we went up the staircases to the seventh floor.

I almost laughed as we turned down a different hallway and Lavender's mind seemed to stutter at the thought of us not going to the common room. She also had no clue where we were going. I let Hermione's hand go at the corner to the hallway to the RoR and turned to look into Lavender's eyes.

I reached up and cupped the sides of her face with my hands and leaned down slightly to give her a very light kiss. I held it for a second and moved back to see her eyes were wide and full of surprise. I put an arm around her waist and walked around the corner to where Hermione stood in front of an ornately decorated door.

“We're very sorry that Seamus didn't give you the evening you deserved.” I said and Hermione opened the door. “So, Hermione and I are going to fix that.”

Lavender was too surprised by my words to say anything, then she gasped when we entered the room and it was a miniature version of the Great Hall that was decorated the same as the Yule Ball.

“Welcome to our private Yule Ball.” Hermione said and shut the door. “Like Harry told you, we didn't have a lot of time to enjoy it because he was so busy.”

“But... but...” Lavender looked around and her mind whirled at the implications.

“No, I don't mind him including you.” Hermione said. “I know we've been in the same dorm for four years and we haven't really talked or anything. You spend all of your time with Parvati and I didn't want to get in the middle of that.”

Lavender realized that Hermione was right. She really did only interact with Parvati and excluded everyone else. “I'm sorry, I didn't realize...”

Hermione gave her a quick hug and let her go. “I know, that's why I never mentioned it.”

Lavender looked at me and back at her. She didn't know what to think.

I took out my wand and started the gramophone. “I started the other Yule Ball with Hermione, so it's only fitting that I start this one with you.” I said and Lavender caught her breath. I took her hand and led her to the small dance floor and she stared at me like she had never seen me before. “If you're worried about getting tired, we've set up some effervescent potions.”

Lavender shook her head and started to dance with me.

I held her respectfully and led her around, doing the proper dance moves when it was time, and soon the song ended. “Thank you, my lady.” I said and bowed to her. “Have a rest and I will gladly attend to you after the next song.”

Lavender walked over to the plush and comfortable bench and sat down, still slightly dazed.

“How long before she snaps out of it and realizes she's on a late night date with the both of us?” Hermione asked in a whisper as I danced with her.

“About ten minutes, right around the end of the next song I dance with her.”

“What do you think she'll do?” Hermione asked as I swung her around and hugged her close.

“She'll either kiss me or yell about me stealing her away from her friend that should have been here, too.”

Hermione snorted and then laughed. The song ended and she gave me a quick and passionate kiss.

“Hey, no influencing the odds.” I whispered to her.

Hermione laughed again and went to the comfortable bench. She sent a still slightly dazed Lavender over to me and the next song to play was a slow waltz. I wrapped my arms around my new partner and Lavender's arms went around my neck automatically. We swayed slowly and she stared absently into my eyes as we danced.

Just as the last few notes of the song played, Lavender's eyes seemed to clear. She sucked in a sharp breath and then her head whipped over to where Hermione sat. My girlfriend waved to her cutely with a huge smile on her face, so Lavender turned her head back to look deep into my eyes.

“You deserve to have a magical night.” I said.

Lavender let out a little squeal of delight and pulled me into a passionate kiss. She started to moan as I kissed her like I kissed Hermione and she pressed herself into me to have as much of her body touching me as she could. This went on for a couple of minutes before she broke the kiss.

“Thank you.” Lavender whispered and let me out of her embrace as looked at Hermione. “Thank you.”

“I'm just glad that we could salvage this night for you.” Hermione said as she walked over to us.

“You... you let me steal Harry's last dance at the Yule Ball.” Lavender said, slightly awed.

“I thought I had missed my chance and it was her idea to go to you before it was too late.” I said. “Inviting you along so we could continue our night seemed like the right thing to do.”

Lavender blushed again and looked at Hermione. “You're okay with this?”

“We would have dropped you off down the hall in the common room if I wasn't.” Hermione said. “The question is, are you okay with this?”

Lavender gave her an inquisitive look and then looked at me. “I think... it depends.” She said as her face flushed red in another blush. “Is this like... a one time thing? Do I only get one magical night?”

Hermione stepped close and Lavender turned back to look at her, only to have her face cupped like I did to her in the hall and Hermione kissed her for several seconds. When she let go, Lavender's face was bright red.

“I think I can be convinced to do this again.” Hermione said and turned to me to give me the same kiss.

I understood what she was doing, so I turned and gave Lavender the same kiss. As if prompted, Lavender turned and kissed Hermione the same way, which completed the circle.

“Yes, I believe more than one night will be needed.” Hermione said and gently nudged me out of the way. She took my place as the next song started and she led Lavender in the dance.

When they were done, I danced with Lavender for the next song and then I danced with Hermione. We stopped for drinks and then continued. We did the rotation several times, running the gramophone out twice, then we declared that our smaller Yule Ball was at an end.

I snogged Lavender for several minutes and she moaned for most of it, then Hermione took my place to snog her. She was almost dizzy afterwards and then watched as I snogged Hermione.

“Wow.” Lavender whispered. “This really was a great night.”

I smiled and waved my hand for a large bed to appear. “It's not over yet.”

Lavender stared at the bed with wide eyes. “I... what...”

“You can watch for tonight.” Hermione said and lightly kissed her, then she stepped back and let me unzip her dress. It fell to the floor and left Hermione nude except for pair of cute little gold panties.

“Oh, god.” Lavender whispered and bit her lip at the sight.

“Isn't she gorgeous?” I asked and bent to kiss one of Hermione's nipples. “So much can be hidden under school robes.”

“Oh, I know.” Hermione said and pulled on the latches for my silver robes and she pulled them off of me. My shirt soon followed and Lavender moaned as my muscled chest was revealed. “That's not what I meant.” She said to Lavender and knelt to remove my suit pants. She pulled my boxers down and we both heard Lavender gasp. “I told you.”

“Oh, my god.” Lavender whispered as Hermione started to stroke me to hardness, then Hermione started to suck me off. “Oh. My. God!”

“She's... gotten really good... at it.” I said between grunts as Hermione showed off her impressive skills.

Lavender couldn't speak because she had clamped her mouth shut to stop herself from copying Hermione's mouth movements.

Hermione slipped her mouth off of me and kept stroking my erection. “Harry's really good at it, too.”

“I'll show you.” I said and Lavender let out a little 'eep' sound. “Was that a yes?”

Lavender nodded several times and turned around to show me her back. I unzipped her dress for her and she let it fall to the floor. She turned back around with her hands covering her quite large breasts.

“Okay, wow.” I said and she blushed. “I thought Hermione was hiding a lot in her robes.”

“It's embarrassing.” Lavender whispered and ducked her head.

“No, it's amazing.” I said and she lifted her head and looked at me. “I don't think I've seen a pair that looked more in need of a massage.”

“You... you can touch them.” Lavender said and stepped close as she moved her hands to show me her nipples.

“Thank you.” I said and kissed her deeply. “I'd rather do what I promised first, if that's okay.”

Lavender looked shocked. “But... but... every guy wants to grab them!”

“Harry's not every guy.” Hermione said and stood. “Get on the bed for him.”

Lavender nodded and crawled up into the middle of it and laid down. She looked a little unsure until I eased her panties down and pulled them off of her. She spread her legs as she blushed furiously from embarrassment for showing herself off like that.

“Very pretty.” I commented, then I laid down between her legs and looked at her face. “You might need to hold onto Hermione for this.”

Lavender looked slightly worried as Hermione sat beside her and took her hand.

“You'll see why in a few seconds.” Hermione said with a smirk.

“What do you meaaaa-OOOOOHHHH!” Lavender moaned loudly as I dove into her with my tongue and used my best skills on her right away. Parseltongue was perfect to grant a near instant orgasm. “Ohmygod! OH MY GOD!” She yelled and gripped Hermione's hand tightly as she came, over and over.

“I told you.” Hermione said. “I've got him doing me nearly every night like this.”

“Every... OHHHHH... every night? Every NIGHT?” Lavender yelled and Hermione nodded.

“If you're still talking, I'm not doing this right.” I said and went back to work and made her come again.

“It's perfect!” Lavender shouted. “PERRRFEEEECT!”

Hermione laughed softly and pet Lavender's hair. “Just wait until... Harry, how many has she had?”

“Ten. Only three more before I go all the way with her.” I said and she nodded.

“Ohhh... oh, god. How... do you stand it?” Lavender asked and then she stared at my face as I crawled up onto her. “Oh, that's how.”

Hermione laughed and nodded. “He's the handsomest devil you'll ever meet.”

Lavender nodded, then screamed my name as I entered her.

I hadn't felt any resistance and gave her a look.

“B-broomstick and r-riding like a guy d-during first year.” Lavender explained.

“I'm so sorry.” I said and kissed her passionately. She moaned and let go of Hermione's hand to hug me tightly. I started to move in and out of her and she kept moaning, then she turned her head to look at Hermione.

“You... are so... lucky!” Lavender panted.

Hermione leaned down and kissed her. “Now you are, too.”

“Yes!” Lavender said as I picked up speed. “YES! YEEEESSS!”

I could almost hear Hermione's amusement as Lavender devolved into just moans and screams as I thoroughly screwed her and gave her the best Yule Ball memory she would ever have. By the time I was done getting her off, she couldn't even say Seamus' name.

Then it was Hermione's turn and I wasn't surprised when she climbed on top of Lavender and let me do her while she made out with the pretty blonde. Lavender was completely into it as well. I could hear her thoughts and she believed she needed to thank Hermione for letting her borrow her boyfriend like this.

I whispered this to Hermione, who got a wicked look on her face. “You shouldn't.”

“Watch me.” Hermione said and started squeezing me with her muscles down there. “Hurry up and come again. Lavender looks a little hungry.”

I shook my head at her idea, gave her a kiss, then increased my pace to give her another orgasm and then came inside of her very hard. She moaned as I filled her up, then she quickly crawled up and posed above Lavender as she straddled her face. Lavender didn't even blink as she started to kiss and lick Hermione between the legs.

“That's it, Lavender! Yes! Eat me out to thank me! Ohh... OHHH!” Hermione yelled out her pleasure again as Lavender did just that and I watched as the girl swallowed several times.

“Good god, that's so hot.” I said and looked down at Lavender's still naked body. I was rock hard in a moment and slid back inside of her. She moaned into Hermione and her licking increased as I did her again. Hermione squirmed and rocked her hips to let Lavender lick as much of her as possible.

We kept going and going for well over an hour, exchanging pleasure for pleasure, before we collapsed onto the bed and rested in silence for quite some time.

I continued to hug both girls to my chest and they cuddled in. I felt several kisses on my chest and glanced down to see Lavender doing it and whispering 'thank you' constantly.

“I think we are well beyond having to thank each other for that.” I said and she stopped to look at me.

“I've never felt anything like that before.” Lavender said and looked at Hermione. “I've also never... um... with another girl... or licked down there.”

“Me, either.” Hermione said, to her surprise. “You were just so sexy that I couldn't help myself.”

Lavender blushed and glanced at me.

“I thought so, too.” I said. “I couldn't keep my hands off of you after that first time, and I tried to. Then you started to go at it with Hermione and I was hard almost instantly.”

“R-really?” Lavender asked.

“Yeah. I didn't think I'd enjoy seeing someone else with Hermione and you definitely proved me wrong.” I said and kissed her. “It's not like our sex life is boring or anything, though. We weren't actually looking for someone to add to our bed...”

“...it just happened.” Hermione said. “When Harry brought you to our date, I was glad we could salvage the night for you.” She said and then started laughing. “Boy, did we make this a night to remember!”

I started laughing as well and Lavender joined us. After a few moments, we calmed down.

“You both looked like you were having a great time and I didn't want it to end when the music stopped. You deserved to be treated properly... and I kind of... couldn't help myself once I knew Hermione was okay with it.” I admitted.

Lavender looked from me to Hermione. “So, you didn't actually plan on seducing me tonight?”

“No, and I'm sure Harry appreciates that it worked so well.” Hermione said. “We'll also promise that we won't be doing this with any other girls.”

Lavender took a deep breath and let it out. “Only I can have more magical nights with you?”

I exchanged looks with Hermione. “That depends on if you want the both of us with you every time.”

“What do you mean?” Lavender asked.

“Sometimes Harry's busy or I am, doing research or something.” Hermione said.

Lavender blinked her eyes. “Wait, you mean I can date the both of you and not necessarily at the same time?”

“If you want to.” I said and laid back and sighed in contentment. “We can't promise to always be available at the same time. We do have our own lives and have things to do besides each other.”

“That's very practical of you.” Lavender said and smiled. “I think... if it's okay with you both... I'd like to try it for a little while.”

“I hope you know we're not asking you for an extended commitment or anything.” Hermione said. “We literally just stumbled into this and found you. It might work or it might not.” She reached over and gently stroked Lavender's arm on my chest. “You're not stuck with us and we won't force you to do anything you don't want to do.”

Lavender nodded. “This is all new territory for me, too. I've dated a couple of times and all they wanted was to play with my boobs and tell their friends about it.”

“Bahahaha!” I burst out laughing.

“What's so funny?” Lavender asked, a little miffed.

“I completely forgot about your boobs! I didn't suckle them or anything!” I said and kept laughing.

Lavender and Hermione looked at each other and Hermione put a hand over her mouth.

“I forgot about them, too.” Hermione said and couldn't hold her laugh in anymore and joined me.

Lavender blinked her eyes for a second, looked down at her large breasts, then she laughed as well.

After that great laughing fit, we settled down together and went to sleep. It was the weekend, so we had nowhere to be and stayed in bed to hold each other. We didn't make it back to Griffindor tower until almost lunchtime the next day.

Luckily, Hermione had stashed a couple of extra outfits in her expanded bag and both she and Lavender were wearing normal clothes. No one realized that we had been out all night, thankfully. I was wearing just my dress pants and a shirt, so it didn't look like the formal robes at all that were now in Hermione's bag.

“Hey, guys!” Neville said and waved.

I was surprised until I saw his arm around Parvati's waist. “Hi, Neville.” I said and led both Hermione and Lavender over to them. “I'm sorry about last night.”

“Parvati explained everything.” Neville said. “That woman is still a death eater and has done horrible things...”

“Of course she did.” I said and surprised him. “She's also spent thirteen years in hell paying for it.”

Neville sighed and nodded. “I'm glad Parvati ran after me. Instead of a ruined night, we had...”

“NEVILLE!” Parvati yelled and turned her head to hide her blush.

“Good for you!” Lavender said and grabbed Parvati's hand. “Help me freshen up and you can tell me all about it!”

Parvati looked at Neville, who nodded. She smiled happily and took off at a jog with her friend up to their dorm room.

“I should go freshen up as well.” Hermione said and kissed me. “Wait for us and we can all go down to lunch together.”

I nodded and waited until she was on the stairs before I sat down across from Neville. “So, does Parvati taste as spicy as I think she does?”

Neville's face flushed red, then he smiled and nodded.

“Ha!” I barked the laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. “Good for you, Neville. Parvati's a great girl.”

“She looks great, too.” Neville said. “Her robes hide a lot, you know?”

“Oh, I know.” I said and leaned in conspiratorially. “Lavender's the same way.”

Neville started to nod and stopped. “Hold on, you said Lavender? I thought you took Hermione to the ball?”

“I did.” I said and wagged my eyebrows.

“No. Way.” Neville whispered.

“Yeah. We're kind of dating now.”

“What about Hermione?” Neville asked.

I grinned at him and his eyes widened.

“No. WAY!”

I chuckled. “We don't know if it's going to work or not; but, we're willing to try it out for a while.”

“Damn, Harry.” Neville said and stared at me. “Damn.”

“Hey, don't be envious. You're dating a twin, after all.” I said, quite suggestively.

Neville's mouth dropped open in shock.

“You make sure you treat Parvati like a queen and give her everything she ever asks for.” I said. “Believe me, her sister will eventually jump on you when you least expect it or she'll convince Parvati to let her.”

“No, that... can't possibly... will it work?” Neville asked, both unsure and hopeful.

I smiled and took out a small pouch to give to him. “Here's ten thousand galleons. Get yourself a new wand and buy her the most outrageous thing she's ever said that she likes.”

“Harry, I can't take this!” Neville said and almost dropped the pouch.

“It's keyed to your magical signature, so you're stuck with it.” I said and clapped his shoulder again. “If you want, you can consider it a loan that you never have to pay back.”

“But... Harry, you...”

“I'm rich, Neville. Probably the richest person in Britain. You saw me give a dragon a hundred thousand galleons in a tournament with a thousand galleon prize.” I reminded him and he nodded. “So, I want you to show Parvati what a tenth of a dragon can do for her.”

Neville looked at the pouch in his hand and back at me. “Thanks, Harry.”

“Don't forget to get that wand first.” I said and went up to the boy's dorm to shower and change. I was back down ten minutes later and waited with Neville for the girls.

They came down fifteen minutes later and I had to smile. Both Hermione and Lavender had coordinated and looked good enough to eat.

“You look delicious.” I said and kissed Hermione, who smiled. “You look scrumptious.” I said to Lavender and kissed her. She blushed and bit her lip as she glanced around to see who saw us.

“You might as well get used to it.” Hermione said. “Harry's affectionate to a fault.”

“I was starved of it for most of my life.” I said and Lavender, Parvati and Neville looked surprised. “I kind of compensate for that by over-giving it when I can.” I waved at the door to the common room. “Shall we go? Lunch awaits.”

The others nodded and we all walked out the door to go to the great hall. The whispers followed us. By suppertime, the whole school knew about the five of us and our relationship statuses.

“Nev.” I whispered and made a slight motion to the Ravenclaw table. He glanced over briefly and saw what I did. Padma was staring intensely at her sister, Neville's girlfriend.

“I sent the owl order for Parvati's gift after lunch.” Neville whispered back.

“Good man.” I whispered and he nodded with a smile.

After supper, Hermione and I left the castle and caught the Knight Bus. We spent the remainder of the holidays with her mother Emma and my aunt Petunia, who were overjoyed when we showed up out of the blue.

I finished the formula I was calculating on December thirtieth and brewed the elixir I deduced from the Philosopher's Stone the very next day. It wasn't the Elixir of Life, though. No, that was too inefficient. There was no way to guarantee that we could take a dose every day to maintain our age, so I fixed it. It took nearly four years to work the math out and it was worth it.

“Are you sure we should do this today?” I asked Hermione.

Hermione laughed. “It's New Years Eve. What better way for my mother to start the new year than as an immortal?”

“You know she's going to... ah... you know.” I said and looked away from her.

“You haven't done anything but oral exchanges so far, right?” Hermione asked.

I nodded. “I would never do anything that you didn't know about.”

“Then just for today, I'll close my eyes and pretend you're working on a project.” Hermione said. “If you're worried about it, I'm still going to snog you senseless at midnight.”

I took her into my arms and kissed her softly and tenderly. “I love you so much.”

“You better. I'm letting you do my very horny mom.”

“She might not...” I started to say and Hermione laughed. We both knew it was going to happen.


Emma Granger stared at the vial of bright red liquid in her hand. “Are you serious?”

“No, that's my godfather. I'm Harry.” I joked.

Emma laughed for a second and then smacked my arm like Hermione does. “No cheek!”

“Sorry.” I said, not sorry, and she sighed.

“Is this really what you claim?” Emma asked and I nodded. “And you're giving it to me?”

“Hermione said that she couldn't make you wait for another day. As soon as it was done, you were to get the dose.”

“I really love that girl.” Emma said and looked at the vial again. “Do I want to live forever, though?”

“We're going to be right there with you.” I said and showed her three more vials. “As soon as Hermione and I reach our full physical maturity, we'll be drinking it as well.”

Emma looked conflicted for only another minute, then she nodded and drank it down. She didn't react at all for several moments, then a soft glow started to emanate from her stomach and flowed outwards and over her body.

“It's so warm!” Emma said as the glow reached her neck and she closed her eyes. It flowed up and over her face to end at the top of her head and then went down her shoulder length hair. The glow faded and she took a deep breath and let it out.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“My mind seems to have expanded and I can think faster than I ever imagined.” Emma said and then her eyes snapped to me and she growled. “I hope Hermione forgives me for this.”

I took a step back, as if in fear, and she jumped at me like Hermione does. I caught her easily as she tackled me to the floor. She ripped off our clothes and then had me inside of her before I could even pretend to protest.

“OH GOD!” Emma howled in pleasure as she impaled herself on me. “I'm sorry, Hermione! I'm so sorry!”

“She already forgave you.” I said and Emma gasped, then she dove down to kiss me deeply.

“I need... to thank her.” Emma grunted as she moved her hips and rode me hard. “This is... so good! No wonder she loves you so much!”

I didn't comment about my superior spell knowledge that I was teaching Hermione or that I bought her any book that she wanted, no matter how expensive it was.

Emma had her way with me right there on the floor and she didn't stop until she came a dozen times and I had come twice. She kept saying that she didn't want to waste her one opportunity to have me as much as she wanted.

I wasn't going to disappoint her, so when she collapsed in exhaustion on top of me, I levitated us up and put her face down on the bed.

“What... are you... doing?” Emma asked, lazily.

“Exactly like you said.” I responded and lifted her hips to give me access. “I'm not going to waste this opportunity, either.”

Emma's eyes widened as I grew hard for her and then she moaned as I entered her from behind. She was quite a bit tighter with her legs together, so she felt it a lot more than she had while riding me.

“Ohhh, yes... yes, Harry! Screw me!” Emma exclaimed as she gripped the bed sheets with her hands. “Screw your girlfriend's mother so hard that it makes me scream your name!”

“As you command.” I said and then did exactly that.

Emma started screaming my name in pleasure as she came over and over. I used touches of my magic to grip and stimulate certain places and she yelled even louder and came that much harder. I also took a potion to keep my stamina up and didn't stop doing her until almost two hours later.

Emma was like a boneless person when I was done and she was liberally covered in my expulsions. “Oh... my... god.” She breathed and her hands absently rubbed her breasts and spread the white stuff around even more. “Worth it... so worth it.”

I leaned over her and she puckered her lips. I took the hint and she gave me a quick kiss.

“Hermione may hate me for saying this; but, I can't deny it anymore.” Emma whispered and looked into my eyes. “I love you.”

I smiled and gave her another kiss. “I love you, too.”

Emma caught her breath. “But... Hermione...”

“She knows.” I said and she looked surprised. “It's why she said she was closing her eyes today. She wanted you to have a good time and to not feel guilty about it.”

“Hermione.” Emma said as tears came to her eyes. “I love her so much.”

“Me, too.” I said. “Do you want me to clean up?”

“No, I... let me just... bask in your love for a little while.”

I nodded in understanding and gave her another kiss, then dressed before I left the room and closed the door.

“Thank you for what you did, Harry.” Hermione said. She stood beside the bedroom door leaning against the wall.

“You heard what we said?” I asked and she nodded. “Then you know she loves you even more now.”

“I do and that's why I was thanking you.” Hermione said.

I took her into my arms and gave her a kiss. “I would do anything for you to make you happy.”

Hermione had a blank look on her face. “What if I told you not to give the vial to Petunia?”

“I wouldn't do it.” I said and she looked surprised. “Immortality isn't something everyone can handle. If you don't think she's ready or don't want her around for centuries...”

“You really wouldn't give it to her if I said so?” Hermione asked.

“No.” I responded.

Hermione looked pensive for a moment, then nodded. “You can give it to her.”

“Are you sure? There's no taking this back once it's administered.”

“You changed her for the better when you rescued her from your relatives.” Hermione said. “I'm just sorry that they didn't take her advice.”

“So is she.” I said and hugged her close. Vernon had been fired after the divorce, lost the house to unpaid bills, and Dudley was in a juvenile corrections facility for drug possession with intent to sell.

“Then go and give her some happiness.” Hermione said and kissed me.

“Yes, my love.” I said and went to do just that.

After a short explanation, Petunia begged for it on her knees. An eternity of living in wealth and being pampered was all she could have ever asked for. Before I realized what she was doing, she had me in her mouth and was sucking me off like a champion. She had gotten very skilled at it and it showed. I came quickly, which pleased her, and she let me spray it all over her chest. She didn't want anything in her stomach that might change the formula when she drank it.

I gave it to her and she drank it immediately. She experienced the same glow flowing over her and when it was done, she grinned at me like a predator stalking its prey.

“I need to thank Hermione for letting you do this.” Petunia said and tackled me to the floor. She reacted so similarly to Emma that it was slightly eerie. She impaled herself on me and growled happily as she rode me even harder than Emma did. Her breasts bounced a lot more than Emma's perky ones, probably because of the heavy milk in them.

I grabbed them and squeezed, making her moan loudly, and milk dribbled out of her nipples. I wasn't really into sexual play with milk like that, however. Petunia just enjoyed the released pressure, so I kept squeezing and she kept moaning as she rode me.

Our session wasn't as long as the one I had with Emma, because I was running out of time. We all wanted to get dressed up for midnight, considering it was going to be our first New Years celebrating together. I finished inside of her and she came herself, relishing in the taboo of what we just did.

Petunia bent down and looked into my eyes. “I know this is wrong. It's really, really wrong. I also don't care.” She said and kissed me. “I love you, Harry. I really do.”

“I love you, too.” I said and she closed her eyes. “It's too bad you had that surgery years ago and can't get pregnant.”

“Oh, god!” Petunia gasped and came again.

“I knew you'd like that thought.” I said and she slowly climbed off of me. I waved my hand at her and she was cleaned up.

“I still need a shower.” Petunia said.

“Me, too.” I said and stood up to hug her. “Round two?”

Petunia laughed a little, nodded, and took my hand as we went into the shower together.


We were dressed in our fanciest clothes and sipped champagne while the television blared the celebration in London and we could see the fireworks from the balcony of the main bedroom suite.

“Happy New Year.” Hermione said and gave me a brief kiss before she grinned and then proceeded to snog me senseless like she promised. It lasted for thirty seconds and her smirk of satisfaction at the look on my face, made me happy.

“Me, too!” Emma said and turned my head to kiss me briefly. “Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year.” I said and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head in the other direction.

“Happy New Year.” Petunia whispered and kissed me as well.

“I think this year is going to be the best year ever.” I said and the three women around me nodded. “For now, I believe I owe my engaged girlfriend a night of endless passion.”

“Just one?” Hermione asked, cheekily.

“It's only the first night of our eternity together.” I said and kissed her, then brought her into the bedroom. Neither of us commented about Emma or Petunia standing there on the balcony. They had been with me earlier that day and if they wanted to see me treat Hermione like a goddess, they could. It wasn't like I was going to hide it from them if we were going to spend an eternity together.

“Look... at him go.” Petunia whispered ten minutes later.

I had Hermione's legs over my shoulders and was ramming myself into her like a piston in an engine. I turned my head and looked over to where Petunia and Emma were leaning against the wall of the bedroom. I was a little surprised to see that they were naked and Emma was fingering Petunia while kissing her neck.

Now I know what they do here at home while we're at school. I thought and went back to giving Hermine another orgasm. She deserved as many as I could give her and she screamed my name as she came all over my pelvis. I didn't stop moving, though. I could also hear everyone's thoughts like they were shouting them.

“He's magnificent.” Emma whispered and knelt. “His tongue is a masterpiece.”

“It is.” Petunia said and ran her fingers through Emma's hair. “Yours is a very close second.”

Emma smiled demurely and dove between her legs.

“MmmMMMM!” Petunia moaned as her friend gave her the pleasure that she had gotten used to over the last few months. It had started out so innocently with a mistaken kiss hello on the cheek that Emma had turned her head to say hello back. Their lips met and they both felt a little spark of desire. The kiss grew and before they realized it, they were in bed and licking each other like the tastiest ice cream.

Okay, that was a great scene to watch. I thought and bent down to kiss Hermione and made her orgasm again with the change in angle.

Half an hour later, Petunia and Emma were on the large bed with us and were eating each other out, just like in the scene I had seen in Petunia's mind. They both came at almost the same time, then they turned around and scissored together to rub themselves on each other. I wasn't surprised that it was Emma that was the dominant one of the pair.

“Pinch her nipples.” I whispered to Emma and did the same to Hermione. She and Petunia cried out at the same time and had another orgasm each.

“Thanks.” Emma said and gave me a kiss, then bent down to attack Petunia in earnest.

“You... unleashed... a monster.” Hermione whispered as she watched her mother practically devour Petunia's nipples with her mouth.

“I know.” I said and then did the same to Hermione. She didn't talk much after that.


“Uhhh, what time is it?” Emma's voice whispered.

“Who cares. Go back to sleep.” Petunia responded, sleepily.

There was a grunt of agreement and a smack of lips, then silence.

I smiled at the interaction and laid there for several more hours before anyone else stirred. We only had a couple of days left before Hermione and I had to return to school and I didn't want this time to end before it had to.

“Morning.” Hermione said as she sat up, her breasts swaying enticingly.

“Afternoon.” I said and she blinked her eyes at me.


“Yep.” I said and pointed to the window. “Sun shadow is past the top of the manor.”

“When did we go to bed?” Hermione asked.

“We've been in bed all night.” I said with a chuckle and she smacked my chest lightly.

“You know what I meant.” Hermione said.

“Maybe five or so. I wasn't really keeping track.”

“All night? You really did me all night?” Hermione asked, surprised.

“I said I would give you a night of endless pleasure.” I said and sat up to kiss her, then laid back down.

“I honestly thought you would have begged off at some point.” Hermione said and nodded at the empty vials on the nightstand. “How did you give me the potions?”

“You thought you were swallowing me.” I said with a grin.

“You tricky bastard.” Hermione said with a laugh and crawled over me to stand up at the side of the bed. “I'll call the cook to start a light meal for us before I get in the shower.”

“Want some company?” I asked.

“No. You'll see why when I try walking.” Hermione said and she took several steps to show me that she was pretty bowlegged.

“I'm sorry you're like that; but, you look damn sexy. You don't even have to bend over and I can still see all of you from here.” I said.

Hermione shook her head and walked until she reached the bathroom door. “You'll pay for that in about five seconds.”

“What? How?” I asked, confused.

“Mom! Harry's picking on me.” Hermione said and shut the door with a laugh.

There was a growl from beside me, then a brown haired head moved down and engulfed my partial erection. I groaned because she wasn't being gentle as she played and sucked on me with enthusiasm. When I was hard, she was ruthless in her ministrations. Just when I was approaching orgasm, she suddenly stopped sucking and let me go.

“Hey!” I exclaimed.

“No one picks on my daughter, not even her fantastic lover.” Emma said with a laugh.

I turned my head and looked at Petunia. “Save me!”

Petunia gave me a sympathetic look and leaned in to kiss Emma, then pushed the other woman over my legs to my other side. Petunia grabbed me and started jerking as fast as she could, flicked her tongue at the tip a few times, and looked at me right in the eyes.

“You should treat your woman right.” Petunia said and kissed the head, then moved down the side slightly and kept flicking her tongue under the edge of the head as she yanked on me hard.

I started panting at her technique and she smiled as she felt me throb for her. One second she was waiting in anticipation and the next second I shot out a huge stream of white stuff that went up and over her head to land in her hair.

“Good lord!” Emma gasped as I shot twice more with similar streams. “I didn't realize...”

Petunia only pulled on me for a few more moments as the amount coming out of me slowed down and I stopped throbbing in her hand. “That was backed up a lot.”

“That... felt... amazing.” I said and panted to try and catch my breath. “Petunia...”

“You're welcome.” Petunia said and licked me off a little, then she slipped me into her mouth and started sucking. She was talented and even though I had just finished, I was also still sensitive, so I was ready to blow only a few minutes later. She stopped sucking and kept her hand going as she looked at Emma. “Do you want this one?”

“Please.” Emma said and gave me a sorrowful look. “I'm sorry, Harry.”

“It's okay. I learned my lesson.” I said and she nodded and slipped me into her mouth. Petunia didn't let me go and kept pumping her hand. A few moments later, I unleashed a much smaller stream.

Emma took it all gratefully as she swallowed it and lightly touched Petunia's cheek. “Thank you.”

“It's what friends are for.” Petunia said and sat up. “I think it's rolling down my back.”

Emma laughed softly and ran her hand up her back. “Yes, there's quite a lot of mess there.”

“Showers all around.” I said and they nodded in agreement.

We split up and they went to their own rooms to get cleaned up and I went into my bathroom. Hermione came out and kissed me before she left with several towels to dry herself off.


Two days later, Emma and Petunia dropped us off at the train station. I kissed them goodbye and Hermione and I went through the barrier to the magical side. We were early to beat the rush and found an empty compartment easily.

“Back to school and the tournament.” Hermione said as she cuddled into my side and we waited for the train to load up with students.

“Do you think we should tell the other champions what the egg revealed?” I asked.

“If they don't already know, you could be accused of cheating or unfairly helping the ones that don't know.” Hermione said. “Although, there's no rules against helping each other, despite the ministry official saying it's an individual competition.”

“Better to be safe than sorry, I suppose.” I said and she nodded.

The train was light and nearly completely empty, considering most of the students had stayed at the school for the Yule Ball. There were mostly first and second years as passengers, so no one bothered us for the entire trip to the school.

When we stepped through the portrait entrance into the Griffindor common room, we were met with a blonde missile that I caught.

“Harry!” Lavender exclaimed and hugged me. She gave me a quick kiss and let me go, then turned to Hermione. “Hermione!” She said and gave her a hug and quick kiss as well. “I missed you guys!”

I chuckled and motioned towards the big couch that Neville and Parvati sat on. “Let's have a seat and you can tell us everything that's happened this week.”

“Okay!” Lavender said happily and took our hands before dragging us over to the couch.

“She's been nervous like this since you left the day after the Yule Ball.” Parvati said as we sat down beside them.

“I think she's been scared that it didn't really happen or you would forget about her or something.” Neville said as an explanation.

“You don't have to worry about that, Lavender.” I said and hugged her close to give her a good snogging for about ten seconds. When I broke the kiss, she was blushing and had a smile on her face.

“Anything interesting happen?” Hermione asked.

“Seamus blew up about the Yule Ball.” Neville said with a grin.

“That must have been something to see.” I said and Neville, Parvati and Lavender nodded.

“He was pissed when he found out you hooked up with Lavender after she ditched him for his grabbiness. We didn't tell anyone about you, so someone must have overheard us talking in the dorm.” Parvati said and Lavender nodded again. “It was actually kind of scary how angry he was.”

“Tell me everything.” I said and they did. As they spoke, I went through their minds and saw the vocal rant that was full of curses and threats, insults and physical gestures that showed Seamus had quite the temper.

“He didn't threaten to hurt you, did he?” Hermione asked, her voice low and deadly.

Lavender didn't say anything and ducked her head a little.

“By the sounds of it, he did more than that.” I said and took Lavender's hand. “You've been avoiding him, just in case he tries to get you alone.”

Lavender bit her lip. “He said... if I'll put out for someone else's boyfriend, I... I better be ready to do it for him, too.”

“Do you want him out of the school?” I asked her, quite seriously.

“What?” Lavender asked, surprised.

“He's overstepped the bounds too far this time. He's always been a lecher and stares at girls all the time. For him to threaten you like that, he's not safe to have around any girls, let alone you.” Hermione said and stood. “I'll have him gone by the end of the week.”

“I don't want to cause any trouble.” Lavender said.

“It's not your trouble, it's his. He caused it and he's going to face it.” I said and stood as well. I was just in time, because Seamus came down the stairs right then.

His eyes focused on me and my hand still holding Lavender's, and he frowned.

“Excuse us.” I said and let Lavender's hand go. Hermione and I walked over to him and his frown grew into a sneer.

“What do you want?” Seamus asked as if he was talking to scum.

“You. Out of the school.” I said and grabbed his arm. “First, we're going right to McGonagall to let her know how you've been threatening one of her students with assault and rape, assuming Lavender's the only one you've done that to.”

Seamus' face paled at that and his mind went to two other girls he had felt up without their permission. “Then I'm making a statement to the papers about your behaviour since you came to this school. I'm sure there are a few girls that will really enjoy having human garbage like you be exposed for the creep you are.”

“You... you can't do this to me!” Seamus said and tried to get away. It didn't work.

“Tell that to the girls that said the same thing to you.” I said and walked towards the portrait door. I dragged him behind me as he struggled fruitlessly.

“No! Let me go! I swear I wasn't going to! I swear!” Seamus exclaimed.

I stopped and gave Hermione a glance and saw her nod. “All right.” I said and stood him up. “Take out your wand and say that again.”

“Wh-what?” Seamus asked, confused.

“I want you to use your wand and say exactly what you just said.” I responded. “Don't try to attack me with it, because I'll break your arm before you can aim.”

Seamus thought it over and he contemplated his odds. His eyes went to his arm that I still held tightly. He had struggled the last minute and nothing has loosened that grip. He sighed and took out his wand.

“I swear that I wasn't going to touch Lavender.” Seamus said. His wand lit up for a couple of seconds, then it flickered, made a cracking sound, and snapped right there in front of everyone.

“It looks like we won't have to get you kicked out after all.” Hermione said. “Breaking a magical vow has consequences.”

Seamus looked at his broken wand and wondered what he was going to do for classes the next day, then he felt an immense pain in his chest.

“What you're feeling is your magic dissolving.” I said and everyone gasped. “Hermione was right. Lying while taking a magical vow is bad enough, actually intending to do what you swear you wouldn't, costs you so much more.”

“N-no...” Seamus said and dropped to his knees. “No, I... I didn't mean to...”

“But, you did... and that's the problem.” I said and let his arm go. “You can't attend a magical school without magic.”

Seamus looked at us like we had killed him, then his face changed to anger. “You bastard!” He shouted as he jumped to his feet and tried to punch me.

I easily caught the punch with my left hand and whipped my wand up with my right hand to stun him. He collapsed to the floor and laid there in a heap.

“I'll go get McGonagall.” Hermione said and opened the portrait. “She needs to take out the trash.”

I felt someone's arms go around my waist from behind.

“Did that just happen?” Lavender asked.

“Unfortunately.” I said and hugged her arms. “He whispered that he assaulted other girls, too.”

Lavender trembled and I turned enough for her to move to my front to hug me and cried into my chest.

“It's all right now. He can't do anything to you or anyone else anymore.” I said.

While everyone around us were discussing things, I waved a hand at Seamus and cast Imperio. I mentally gave him instructions to confess to everything he's done when he saw McGonagall's face and to anyone else in authority.

“What is going on in here?” McGonagall asked and looked down at the crumpled form of Seamus. “What Hermione said was true? I thought it was a Weasley prank!”

“Revive him and see what he says.” I suggested and she nodded.

As soon as Seamus woke up, he saw McGonagall's face and spilled everything. Peeping, stalking, stealing underwear, feeling unwilling girls up, and threatening other girls and Lavender. He even gave names of the girls and also his co-conspirators for some of the crimes, Ron and Dean.

“That part I didn't expect.” I said and no one noticed. They were all too stunned at Seamus' confession.

“Someone find me Mister Thomas and the youngest Mister Weasley.” McGonagall said.

“I'll do it.” Neville said and ran up the stairs. He was back down a minute later with two confused boys.

“Pick up Mister Finnegan and come with me.” McGonagall said to them and stepped back to let them do it. Ron and Dean slung Seamus' arms over their shoulders and followed the old witch out through the still open door.

“He doesn't have magic anymore, either!” Hermione shouted and shut the door on McGonagall's surprised face. “That's that.” She said and came over to me and Lavender. “If anyone else gives you problems, let us know and we'll take care of it.”

Everyone in the room looked at me, at the door, and back at me. They all shied away and went back to whatever they were doing before the scene with Seamus played out.

“Remind me to never piss you guys off.” Neville said.

“Hey, Neville?” I asked.


“Never piss us off.” I said with a huge smile.

Neville laughed. “Noted.” He said and looked at the room. “Want to go to the Great Hall to wait for supper?”

“Sure.” I said and looked at the girls. “Ladies, please accompany us poor souls that would be utterly lost without you.”

Hermione snorted and laughed while Lavender giggled and hugged me tighter and Parvati nodded.

“That's pretty slick to compliment us like that.” Parvati said as we left the common room and Lavender latched onto my side.

“He has his moments.” Hermione said and tucked into my other side.

“At least one every couple of months.” I said and they all laughed. “What? That's pretty frequent!”

They kept laughing as we went down the stairs towards the Great Hall.


A week later, Ron and Dean had detentions and Seamus was gone. Rumor had it that he was obliviated. I knew that wasn't true, because his mother was a witch. They would have to bind her magic and obliviate her as well to keep Seamus from knowing about it. No, I'd say he was at home and sulking about it and spewing his crimes every time someone he saw as an authority figure appeared.

All of the girls had received anonymous donations of vouchers from their favorite fashion stores for a whole new wardrobe. Despite their not too strong attempts to find out who they were from, they never knew, not even Lavender. I was sure she suspected me, however. Every so often, she would tell me thank you for the new blouse or her shoes and kissed me, in an attempt to get me to admit it. I would just smile at her and shake my head.

Hermione's media campaign was still flooding the wizarding world with stories and facts we wanted them to know and question about. The Ministry started to try and counter them by buying out the front pages with high bribes. The paper took both of our money and put the stories on the second page while adding the title to the article index on the front.

Time moved on and I had date nights with Hermione and Lavender, Hermione alone when Lavender was busy and with Lavender alone when Hermione was busy. Needless to say, neither girl has ever been happier to learn so much and to get shagged constantly.

At one point, Lavender had taken it upon herself to introduce a new studying game. Whoever got a particularly difficult question right first, would get some personal attention from her for several minutes. After the first few blowjobs she gave me from under the table in the common room and the orgasms she gave Hermione from licking her, we started letting her answer first and took turns making her scream. Silencing charms were needed constantly, too.


The day of the second task arrived and Lavender was missing, which meant the tournament judges were going to have to pay. No one takes my things and harms them. You would think they would have learned that with what happened to Seamus.

I walked down to the black lake wearing a fancy shirt and black dress pants, surprising everyone. The other champions were there and were dressed in various different swimming gear. I looked at Bellatrix and she wore something from the eighteen hundreds. I winked at her and she bowed her head.

“Champions.” A ministry official said and we all turned to look at the man. “Something important to you has been placed at the bottom of the lake. You have an hour to retrieve it.”

The cannon sounded and everyone jumped into the water but me.

“Mister Potter, you need to begin.”

“No, you need to be punished for kidnapping a girl I'm dating.” I said and waved my wand at the man. He let out a screeching yell and then he threw up a pint of blood. “I'd get that stomach problem checked if I were you.”

The man just stared at me as I made the blood disappear. He didn't know I actually took it for a ritual. It would be the last one that I would have to perform on myself and Hermione to make us physically at our peak. I would need a lot more blood, so I went to each of the judges and anyone else in their thoughts that were involved, including McGonagall.

“For shame, professor.” I said and harvested her blood. “After everything Seamus threatened Lavender with, you sneak into her room at night and kidnap her? What kind of a person does that to a girl that was threatened to be assaulted and raped?”

McGonagall gasped and covered her mouth with a hand. “I.. I didn't think...”

“No, you never do.” I said and walked over to the edge of the dock as I whipped out my wand with a flourish and yelled. “SEPARATIS LIQUAEDIUM!”

The water in front of me seemed to churn and bubble, then a split started to appear. It got bigger and bigger until it was wide enough for two people to walk through side by side. I stepped off the dock and onto dry land. I flattened out the bottom of the lake I would be walking on and made a nice smooth path. As I walked, the water continued to split and made room for me.

The crowd stared at me as I casually walked by the other champions that were held back by the water. I waved to them and they stared at me and only Amelia, Sirius, and Bellatrix waved back. I walked right through the grindylow patch and they scrambled out of the dry air to get back into the water.

After a bit more walking, the merpeople were just as perplexed by my spell as I walked up to Lavender's unconscious form. The water split around her and she woke up as she dropped down into my arms.

“HARRY!” Lavender yelled and cried. “Oh, god! They took me in the middle of the night! I thought... when they put me to sleep...”

“Shh, I know sweetheart.” I said and held her in a princess carry as I cast drying and warming charms before I walked back towards the dock. “Don't worry, they are all going to pay for this. No one hurts what's mine. No one.”

Lavender nodded her head and buried her face into my neck. Her soft sobs tore at my heart and my plans would have to be accelerated.

“Would you like to have more strength, both physically and magically?” I asked her and she nodded. “Then that's what I'll do for you. I only need a few more ingredients and I can prepare the ritual.”

“Th-thank you.” Lavender whispered and her grip tightened on me as we approached the dock full of people.

“They won't hurt you.” I promised and glared at anyone that tried to approach us, especially McGonagall. “Piss off! You're supposed to protect those in your house!” I spat at her and she flinched.

“Mister Potter, there's no need for...”

“It's your fault, too!” I said and levitated myself up onto the dock. “You and the tournament organizers. You are all going to pay for traumatizing people and making them hostages!”

“Are you threatening us?” One of the judges asked.

“I never threaten.” I said and smiled. “I promise.”

“Aurors! Arrest him! Not even champions can threaten tournament judges.” The judge said and his smile was predatory.

“You're only judges until the tournament is over.” I said and looked at the Auror. “You know what you should do.”

The man sighed and pulled out shackles as he walked over to me... then he, the judge, and two others dropped to the dock and started twitching.

“No one can interfere with a champion, especially in the middle of a task.” I said as all of them lost their magic.

Lavender had a justified look on her face as she looked at them. “Only three more judges and the organizers left to go.”

“That's my girl.” I said and kissed her cheek. “Let's get you back to the common room. Hermione's waiting there for us.”

Everyone watched me walk away with her in my arms.

“Mister Potter!” McGonagall's voice called. “Your spell is still active!”

“It's also permanent!” I called back. “Let that be a lesson to you all about hurting what's mine and pissing me off!”

I could hear their thoughts about having a four foot wide dry column of space through half of the lake and what they were going to do about it.

“Is it really permanent?” Lavender asked.

“Yes, and I can't wait until they get the brilliant idea to try and fill it with water.” I said with a chuckle.

“What will happen?” Lavender asked.

“It'll get wider and go further into the lake.”

Lavender thought about that and nodded. “They'll always remember what you did for me.”

“They will.” I said and carried her into the castle. “You haven't asked me to put you down yet.”

Lavender blushed a little. “I kinda like being carried in your arms.”

I chuckled and started going up the stairs. When we were halfway up to the seventh floor, she started to look worried. “It's all right. I barely used any magic today. I could run up these stairs with you in my arms.”

“Wait, that barely used any magic?” Lavender asked then her eyes widened. “You can run up these steps with me in your arms?”

“I used my wand, so it was barely a moderately powerful spell. I'm also walking up the steps so you can enjoy it for longer.” I said and she blushed again. “Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, Lavender.”

Lavender looked at my face and made her decision. “I... I want you to...” She paused and blushed furiously. “...to put it in my butt.”

I kicked the next step and nearly tripped. I used a levitation spell and my magic caught us, thankfully. “Could you repeat that?”

Lavender ducked her head down to bury it in my neck. “I heard some stories and... I'm curious. What will it feel like if you... you always make me feel so good, and... well...”

I set us down on the landing and sat there as I processed her request. She really is genuinely curious and she thinks it could feel great if I do it to her. I thought in surprise. It never occurred to me to do that to a girl. “I will do my best to try and give you what you want.”

“Thank you.” Lavender whispered and wouldn't look at my face.

“You don't have to be embarrassed.” I said and kissed her cheek as I stood and continued walking up the stairs. “It might be a little unconventional and I might have to do some research...”

“I have... a book.” Lavender whispered.

“Would you like to show me, just so I know what I'm doing and won't hurt you by accident?” I asked and she nodded, still not looking at me. “Can we tell Hermione?”

“I... well... if it works out... she might...” Lavender stammered.

“I'll take that as a yes.” I said and she nodded again.

We arrived at the Griffindor common room and it was completely empty, except for a slightly bushy-haired girl staring out the window.

“They tried it already?” I asked and Hermione nodded. “How big is it now?”

“About twenty feet. You can see the whole merman village square now.”

I laughed and brought Lavender over to the couch and sat down with her. “Go grab that book while no one else is around.”

Lavender nodded and ran up the stairs to her dorm room.

“What book?” Hermione asked as she came over to me.

“It's a surprise.” I said with a crooked smile.

“If you're smiling like that...” Hermione stopped talking when Lavender appeared from the stairs.

Lavender walked over at a slow pace to us and handed me a book with several bookmarked pages. I flipped it open to the one she wanted me to look at.

“Oh.” Hermione said as she saw the content.

“Any information or opinions are appreciated.” I said and started to read.

“It can be dangerous if you're not careful.” Hermione said. “Tearing, bleeding, and possible internal bleeding if you aren't prepped properly.”

“So, no ramming as hard as I can.” I said.

“I didn't say that.” Hermione said and both Lavender and I looked at her with surprise on our faces.

“I need a bit more of an explanation than that.” I said and handed her the book and put an arm around both girls. “Inform us, oh great teacher.”

Hermione laughed softly and walked us through the book chapter and made sure we knew the dangers and the safety precautions needed. She also pointed to several spells that could assist us with them.

“You've been working on this for a while.” I commented and she nodded.

“I was thinking of letting you have all of me after the third task.” Hermione said and smiled at Lavender. “Leave it to the most Griffindorish girl we know to ask first.”

“He told me to ask for whatever I wanted.” Lavender said, unrepentant.

“I'm glad. If you aren't happy, we won't know if you don't say anything.” Hermione said and took her hand. “We can work on this together and we can practice the spells for a few days. When we're ready, we can give you the experience you want.”

“We?” Lavender asked.

“I'll supervise of course. Just like Harry, I won't let anyone harm what's mine... even if that's against Harry himself.” Hermione said, adamantly.

Lavender blushed and nodded. She didn't refute being Hermione's, which was interesting. I saw Hermione's face and she looked happy, so I didn't say anything about it, either.


“Ohhhh, god! Oh, god! Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod!” Lavender moaned in pleasure as I buggered her from behind. We had prepared everything and it had taken a week to get her ready to Hermione's satisfaction. The spells worked great for cleaning her out and for lubrication. The stretching part had to be gradual, to ensure there was no tearing of the entrance or detachment of the bowel from the entrance.

I pounded her as hard as she wanted me to. My balls smacked loudly between her legs and onto her dripping womanhood. She had soaked the bed in the Room of Requirement with her come and we had barely started ten minutes ago. The sensations she was feeling were making her orgasm almost constantly and my balls slapping her opening was just icing on the cake for her.

Hermione sat on the bed beside us with a shocked expression on her face. I could tell that she expected it to feel a little more pleasurable, because it was different than traditional sex; but, Lavender being almost incoherent in her screams and yells of pleasure, really made her reconsider doing it for herself.

As for me, it was different than using the proper hole and the grip was different, almost like a hand. I preferred the normal way, since I would rather a more traditional coupling. I wasn't going to deny Lavender's request, though. She was enjoying it a lot more than she expected, that was for sure. At least, until she passed out.

I slowed down and then eased out of her to check on her, as did Hermione. “She'll be fine in a few minutes. It's just pleasure overload.”

Hermione nodded and sat back as she looked down at the gaping hole where Lavender's usually cute little winking butthole used to be. “It's not shrinking back like it's supposed to.”

“She's unconscious. I doubt she'd be breathing right now if it wasn't automatic.” I said with a chuckle.

Hermione had to laugh a little at my joke. “Harry, I... I think...”

“I know. I can see it on your face.” I said and reached a hand out to caress her face. “You never have to do this if you don't want to.”

“You won't be angry?” Hermione asked.

“About what? Lavender seems to like it. Why would I get angry if you don't?”

Hermione sighed and nodded.

“Besides, I'm more of a traditionalist. This is a bit odd for me.” I admitted and felt Lavender react to my words. “That won't stop me from making Lavender happy by giving her whatever she wants whenever she wants it.”

“You already do that for me.” Hermione said. “I'm sorry that this isn't something I want.”

“Don't be. I'm not angry that Lavender doesn't want her own library, am I?”

Hermione laughed. “No, I suppose you're right.”

“You are different girls and have different needs. No one can fault you for liking what you like.”

“Mmmmore.” Lavender moaned.

“Oh, are you awake?” Hermione asked and leaned down to look at her face. “You passed out.”

“I passed out?” Lavender asked and thought about the last thing she remembered. “I had an orgasm so hard that I shut down?”

“Completely. Eyes rolled into the back of your head and everything.” I said and caressed her back. “Are you sure you want to keep going?”

“Did you come?” Lavender asked and her hole started to contract.

“No. I stopped when you passed out.”

“Then keep going until you do.” Lavender said and wiggled her butt at me. “I want to feel full again.”

I chuckled and positioned myself at her wide opening. “I'll stop if you pass out again.”

“I can handle it.” Lavender said and then moaned as I slid into her again and pushed all the way inside of her. “Ohhhh, god.”

“Here we go again.” I said and started at a normal pace and then picked it up and started slamming into her ass as hard as she wanted me to again.

Lavender went right back to her moaning and screaming out 'god' as she started having more orgasms.

Hermione watched in fascination as her friend and girlfriend devolved into a mass of twitching flesh and constant moans. She was sure that she didn't want to let her brain become that saturated by endorphins, assuming she would if she subjected herself to the same treatment.

Hermione had shown Lavender and myself the connecting tissue and nerve clusters her anus had with the vaginal tract. I used them ruthlessly and gave Lavender the best time of her life. So far. She had been having a lot of them since the Yule Ball and this was just the latest one.


The newspapers published my achievement at the tournament task and my supposed threat to the organizers. Thankfully, Hermione had paid for my interview to be published in the Quibbler at the same time. It revealed everything since before the tournament and my conflict with the headmaster and my promise to dismantle the school if my name came out of the Goblet of Fire.

After my stunt at the second task and splitting the massive black lake, a lot of people believed me. Not surprisingly, they had a hard time getting three replacement judges. In the end, they picked employees in several departments and ordered them to do it. They were not happy about it, except for one person. Percy Weasley. He was an arrogant git and it wasn't surprising that he enjoyed the notoriety that being a judge gave him.

“What are we going to practice for the last task?” Lavender asked me as we entered an abandoned classroom.

“A spell Hermione created called Point Me.” I said and waved at Hermione.

“You created a spell? Really?” Lavender said, excitedly.

“I did.” Hermione said, a little proudly. She held up her wand in the palm of her hand. “Point me Lavender.”

The wand twirled in a circle once and pointed right at Lavender.

“That's brilliant!” Lavender gushed and jumped on Hermione to kiss her senseless.

I stood there with a smile on my face as I waited for the ten minutes they took to stop and breathe. “Shall we get to work now?”

“S-sorry.” Lavender and Hermione said at the same time.

I chuckled and gave them each a kiss. “I wasn't complaining. Watching the two of you make out had a familiar result.”

Both of them reached for my crotch and hummed in approval.

“Study break!” Lavender said and dropped to her knees as Hermione opened my pants up for her.

“We didn't even start yet.” I said and then she started sucking. “Good god, what am I saying?” I asked and then pulled a laughing Hermione in to kiss her like Lavender did.


“I'm surprised we're all so closely scored.” Amelia said as we all stood in the tent near the last task.

“Half the judges lost their magic during the second task and couldn't judge.” I said with a shrug. “Not that it matters. I'm winning in the public's eyes no matter what my score is.”

“You're not going for the cup?” Sirius asked. “I thought you'd want it for all the crap they put you through.”

“Who said I wasn't getting the cup?” I asked with a grin and he laughed.

“Harry, you don't have a chance.” Albus said. “It's every man for himself when we enter the maze.”

“Really?” I asked and turned to Amelia. “My dear, since it's every man for himself, would you like to have my back for the rest of the task?”

Amelia thought about it as she looked at the other competitors and then nodded.

“Excellent.” I said and pulled her in for a kiss.

This shocked everyone except for Bellatrix, who cackled a laugh.

“Harry!” Amelia gasped and then looked at me sternly.

“You looked like you wanted a kiss for good luck.”

“I... dammit.” Amelia looked away from me, unable to deny it.

Sirius laughed. “That's my godson!”

“Champions! To your places!” A voice said and we left the tent. “Here they are, the champions of the Tri-Wizard Tournament! Madame Maxime, Albus Dumbledore, Amelia Bones, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Harry Potter!”

“Saved the best for last again.” I said and a bunch of people in the audience laughed.

“When the cannon sounds, each of you in the order I said, will enter in five second intervals.” The man said and waved. “In the center of the maze is the cup you will all fight ferociously for! Do your best and give us a show to remember!”

The crowd cheered and clapped for him and Sirius bowed and waved at them with his shackles in place.

I raised my hand and the man looked surprised before he pointed at me. “The hedges are twenty feet high and several feet thick. You're not going to see a thing.”

The cheering died down as everyone realized what I was saying was true.

“I'll try and use as many bright and explosive spells as possible.” I offered and a few people cheered.

Bellatrix laughed and saluted me, not so subtly agreeing with me.

“Release the shackles on the prisoners and give them their wands.” The man said and stepped back as a magical barrier appeared that would protect the audience from most spells. The Aurors did as asked and went behind the same barrier on the other side of the platform we were on.

“Good luck.” The man said and the cannon went off.

Madame Maxime took off, her long legs giving her a huge advantage. Dumbledore was next five seconds later. Amelia didn't move and stayed beside me. Remus took off next, then Sirius saluted me and casually walked inside. Bellatrix started to run by me, then she stopped and turned to kiss me for five seconds. The crowd immediately started booing her.

“Shut up! I'm going back to prison after this! Why wouldn't I kiss him? Ha hahaha!” Bellatrix laughed and ran into the maze. A lot of the boos stopped as they realized they would kiss me as a last resort, too.

“I hate to admit that she's not wrong.” Amelia said and I chuckled as we entered the maze together. “Are you really planning on taking Dumbledore out?”

“That old man has interfered too much in my life. He killed my parents, sent me to hateful muggles until I escaped, and has been trying to manipulate me into doing his bidding for the supposed returning dark lord.” I chuckled. “Thanks for not telling him I already took care of it.”

Amelia put a hand on her belly. “I won't let the father of our little boy be used as a pawn.”

I grinned happily. “It's a boy?”

Amelia nodded, her grin just as happy.

“The Bones line will continue and Susan can stop worrying about it.” I said.

“I knew you would understand what this means to me and my family.” Amelia said and came to a stop. “Which way?”

I held up my wand on my palm. “Point me Albus.” It flipped around and went to the right. “Immolatus Maxima!”

A solid blast of flame that was five feet around formed and shot out from my wand and burned right through all of the hedges. There was an inarticulate yell pretty far off.

“Let's go.” I said and Amelia and I ran off through the holes.

They were already starting to close and the burned parts flaked and fell away. We jumped through the last hedge and landed to see Albus with an arm and part of his lower leg were charred ruins. There was also the remains of some kind of creature.

“Dammit, it missed.” I said and bent down to pick up Dumbledore's wand. “Thanks, old man.”

“Harry... you... why...”

“I told you at the start of the year. I would hold you responsible for my name being in the Goblet.” I said. “Don't deny it, I know you did it.”

Albus blinked his eyes. “You really did... charm the Goblet.”

“Of course I did. As you claimed, it's an impartial judge. It honestly doesn't care if the people it picks are suitable or not. I just set everything up so that each name represented a different aspect of learning. With only one name in each...”

“Sweet Merlin.” Amelia whispered. “You could have...”

“...entered anyone at all. And I did.” I said with a chuckle. “I knew certain people wouldn't make it past the first round. It was just bad luck that Snape drew a lower number than Dumbledore.”

Albus sighed. “You are mistaken... about something. It wouldn't have... earned you... the wand's loyalty.”

“It was by my hand and by trickery, so yes it would. That you dodged my flames at the last second here only bought you a few more minutes.”


“The wand feels just as good as my own wand.” I said and pocketed the Elder wand. “I'm not going to use it, though.”

“Why not?” Albus asked, surprised and curious.

“I don't need it.” I said and held out my left hand to him and levitated him. “Point me Sirius.” I said and the wand spun in my right hand. I aimed slightly to the side and cast the same fire spell.

“Why are we bringing Albus?” Amelia asked.

“Bait.” I said and we ran through the openings I had made. We reached Sirius and he was fighting against a large furred creature that didn't seem to have a head. “Hey! Who wants a snack?”

The creature and Sirius stopped fighting and turned to look at us.

I chuckled at the look of shock on Albus' face as I tossed him onto the ground in front of the creature. It let out a loud purring sound and crawled over Albus, who was yelling for us to save him.

“Sorry, you said it's every man for himself.” I said and ran over to Sirius. “Come with me if you want to live.”

Sirius looked at Amelia and back at me. “Harry...”

“Don't worry. She is as sick of the bureaucracy that's kept you locked up as I am.”

Sirius sighed in relief. “Okay, then. Now what?”

“Point me Bellatrix.” I said and it was back in another direction. I aimed slightly off and shot the same fire spell.

“Damn, Harry! You have to teach me that!” Sirius said as we ran through the new holes in the hedges.

“I'm available all summer at my mansion.” I said and Sirius sputtered.

“He really does have one.” Amelia said. “It's muggle, though.”

“Only on the surface.” I said and we came to a stop to see Bella was pinned against a hedge by a weird looking skrewt. It also didn't seem to have a head. I waved my hand at the thing and levitated it before I tossed it over the hedge.

Bella started to collapse and I ran over to her. “H-Harry... you came... for me.”

“I told you I would always come for you, My Bella.” I said and used my wand to cast several powerful healing spells. She was healed almost instantly and she stared at me with wide eyes. “Why is Madam Bones here?”

“She's carrying my son.” I said and both Bella and Sirius gasped.

“Almost six months.” Amelia said, proudly.

“Damn, Harry.” Sirius said and looked at Amelia's belly with wide eyes. “Double damn, Harry!”

I chuckled. “You can congratulate me later.” I said and hauled Bella to her feet. “Point me Tri-Wizard cup.” My wand whipped around and I smiled. “Immolatus Maxima!”

The flame formed and shot out and Bellatrix cackled madly at it.

“I knew you had a plan!” Bellatrix said and we ran through the new holes to head towards the cup. We passed several charred creatures and destroyed traps and arrived at the cup long before anyone else.

“Drink this, both of you.” I said and handed them small vials of the Draught of Living Death.

“We can't. You'll be interfering with a champion.”

“Actually, we're all here to win. I'm just putting you to sleep first and faking your deaths. Now cast the killing curse at the hedges and drink up.” I said and Bella grinned at me and shot the hedge before she drank the potion. She collapsed to the ground with the smile still on her face and her wand in her hand.

“Harry...” Sirius started to speak.

“Trust me.” I said and he nodded and he did the same as Bellatrix. He collapsed to the ground and I grabbed his hand after vanishing the vials.

Amelia grabbed Bella's hand and we moved them towards the cup. “Are the fake bodies ready for switching after they are on stretchers?”

I nodded. “You as the head of the DMLE can order them gathered before being checked for death. With the tournament over, your full powers of authority will be restored.”

“You do realize I could have you arrested for several crimes.” Amelia said.

“I would spend a day, maybe two in a cell.” I said and saw her face. “Don't take that as a insult, please. That's just the way the current system is set up.”

“Which you are going to change.” Amelia said.

“With your help, we are going to gut the corruption and get reliable people in place to make sure that nothing like the mess with You-know-who ever happens again. Dumbledore has let it fester and made it too hard to do anything without getting rid of it all first.”

Amelia nodded and leaned in to give me a kiss. “On three. One... two... three!”

All four of our hands touched the cup at the same time and the portkey activated. We were swept up in the vortex and swirled around for several seconds before we slammed down onto the platform at the start of the maze.

“NO! They're dead! They killed each other just as we won! NOOOOO!” I yelled and hugged Sirius' body to my chest.

“Harry! HARRY!” Amelia yelled and shook me. “We have to get them out of here before they cause a panic!”

I wiped at the fake tears in my eyes and nodded.

“Stretchers!” Amelia snapped at the two shocked Aurors that had just lost their prisoners. Two stretchers were brought over from the medical tent and I went with them to make sure no one checked them before the switch was made. The Aurors came along and looked kind of lost.

I cast a Confundus charm on them after we entered the medical tent and they set the stretchers on the beds. A slight light appeared and the two bodies were switched with two fakes that Hermione had made very lifelike.

“Harry!” Hermione and Lavender shouted as they entered the medical tent and hugged me.

“Girls, I... this is...”

“Don't speak.” Lavender said and wiped at my face. “You need time and we are going to give that to you.”


“No buts except mine.” Lavender said and then blushed. “I mean... no, I shouldn't joke about that right now.”

I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face.

“Oh, Harry.” Lavender said and kissed me softly several times. “I'll go find a chair or something for you to sit on.”

“W-wait...” I said as she ran off.

“That was just an excuse.” Hermione said and hugged and kissed me. “You know her heart's really soft.”

“So is her butt.” I joked.

Hermione laughed before she could stop herself. “Stop that.”

“Sorry.” I said and wiped at my eyes again.

“Mister Potter.” The Minister of Magic said as he entered the tent. “Aurors, take those wands and check them. I want to know what happened.

“I told you, minister.” Amelia said as she came into the tent. “They cast killing curses at each other in their anger for tying with each other.”

“I sincerely doubt the both of them would...” The Minister started to say and the Aurors performed the spell that revealed spells cast from the wands. Both showed the killing curse as the last spell cast as well as several dark spells. “Merlin's balls.” He whispered.

“Minister!” Amelia gasped. “There are children here!”

The Minister waved his hand at her to dismiss her concerns. “This is an utter mess.”

“Only in paperwork.” Amelia said and sighed as she looked at the two bodies. “I hate that they have to be sent back to Azkaban to be buried.”

“They were lifelong prisoners.” The Minister said and nodded at the Aurors. “Make the arrangements, Amelia.”

“It's Madam Bones.” Amelia said and glared at the man. “I did not give you leave to use my name.”

The Minister waved way her concerns again. “Just get on with it.”

“What of the prize money?” Amelia asked.

The Minister sighed. “I guess the award ceremony can't happen now.”

“It would be in bad taste to have two bodies there.” Amelia pointed out.

The Minister took out a sack and handed it to her. “Give half of that to Potter and keep the other half.”

“I want to donate my prize to the DMLE to cover the burials and use the rest for anything else the department needs.” I said right away.

The Minister gave me a squinted look to see if I was joking, then shrugged and walked away.

“That was very nice of you, Harry.” Amelia said and held the sack in her hands.

“Here.” Hermione said and handed over a coin purse. “It's expanded on the inside.”

“Where did you buy this?” Amelia asked as she poured in the bag of galleons and the coin purse didn't even bulge.

“She made it all by herself by casting the perfect undetectable expansion charm.” I said and let Hermione hear the pride in my voice. “She practised the spell a lot... and by a lot, I mean she has hundreds of the damn things.”

Amelia looked at Hermione and saw a pleased smile on her face. “You could sell these for a small fortune.”

“I don't need any more money.” Hermione said and glanced at me, because of my liberal use of the Philosopher's Stone. “I've already given out about fifty of them.”

“You went back and fixed the first few hundred you made mistakes with, didn't you?” I asked.

“Of course I did.” Hermione said with a grin on her face. “Why wouldn't I?”

I chuckled and pulled her into a hug. “I love you so much.”

“I know.” Hermione said, smugly.

Lavender came back inside carrying a small chair. “This was all I could find.”

“Thank you.” I said and put it beside Sirius' bed and sat down.

“The healer is checking the other champions and tending their wounds.” Amelia said. “They haven't recovered what's left of Albus yet.”

“What?!?” Lavender gasped.

“He became creature chow.” I said and looked at Sirius. “He stepped in to distract the creature going after Sirius and was overwhelmed.”

“Oh, no. Everyone will be devastated!” Lavender said and tears came to her face.

“It's okay.” I said and pat my knee for her to sit and she hugged me close and cried. “He was too old to last much longer anyway. At least he died for a good cause.”

“Th-that's true.” Lavender said and I wiped at her eyes. “You always look at the plus side of things.”

“I don't know. I always seem to forget to play with your boobs when we're having sex.”

Lavender barked a laugh and then gasped as she looked at Sirius. “I shouldn't laugh!”

“He would have wanted you to.” I said, truthfully. “He loved a great joke and a well executed prank.”

Lavender looked mollified by this and she rested against me as we waited.

The healer came in and Madam Pomfrey tutted at us. “You shouldn't be so close to them.”

“It's not like they are going to hurt me now.” I said and she sighed.

“Mister Potter, I'm sorry that...”

“Save it. Just get on with it.” I said and she nodded solemnly.

It only took a couple of minutes to declare both Sirius and Bellatrix dead and covered in white sheets. The certificates were written out by the healer and copies were handed to Amelia and the Aurors.

“Take them away.” Amelia said, her voice sad.

The Aurors did as ordered and levitated the covered stretchers out of the tent.

“Oh, Harry!” Lavender exclaimed and hugged me tightly as she cried again.

“Mister Potter.” Madam Pomfrey said and left the tent.

“I'll be going, too.” Amelia said and came over to me. “You did great today.”

“Just wait until tomorrow.” I said and let a smile show on my face.

“What are you... oh. Your promise.” Amelia said and I nodded. “You're very lucky that school is out tomorrow and no one is here to stop you.”

“It's also private land.” I said with an even bigger smile.

“You didn't.” Amelia said and looked into my eyes. “Dammit, you did.”

“Yep.” I said and stood with Lavender in my arms. “I can do whatever I want on my property.”

Amelia shook her head before she left the tent.

“We're going to have so much fun tearing the school apart and finding out all of its secrets!” Hermione said, excitedly. “I've already called in several private curse breakers to help us comb over the place before you start to disassemble it.”

“What did the goblins say about the ward stones?” I asked.

“If you give them access to the main one for the castle, they will make another one for us for free.” Hermione said, her eyes dancing. “I told them to shove that and get us a better deal.”

I barked a laugh. “What did they come back with?”

“One goblin team to create six full ward stones with the same scheme as the castle, as long as we don't hide anything on the original.”

“I think I love you just a little bit more.” I said and gave her a kiss. “You agreed?”

“They will let us sit in on the creations, too.” Hermione said.

“Now that's a good deal.” I said and she nodded. “Let's go up to the castle. I need to have my way with Lavender before we say goodbye for a few weeks.”

“I don't want to go on vacation with my family.” Lavender pouted as I carried her out of the tent and towards the castle.

“Hermione and I are going to be busy anyway.” I said and ignored the shouts of people and reporters as I looked at Hermione. “Did you send the notices to the school board governors and the boarding teachers?”

They'll get them in the morning before the train leaves.” Hermione said. “I didn't think giving eviction and termination notices to people leeching from the school would feel so liberating.”

“You really are closing Hogwarts.” Lavender said, surprised.

“We told you we were.” I said and she gave me a sad look. “Don't worry, Lavender. New details will be sent out and new arrangements are going to be made.”

“How?” Lavender asked. “You only have two months to do anything.”

“We also have magic on our side.” I said and Hermione nodded. “Believe me, you're not going to believe what we're going to do here.”

Lavender looked at our faces as we entered the partially lit castle. “All right, I trust you.”

I kissed her cheek and walked with her in my arms all the way up to the seventh floor and over to the RoR. We went inside and I did my best to make it a night for Lavender to remember for the two weeks that she would be gone on vacation with her family.


“This can't be real!” Sybil Trelawney exclaimed as she looked at the termination notice and eviction notice in her hand. “I live here at the castle! I have nowhere to go!”

“Where did you live before coming here fifteen years ago?” A voice asked from the students.

“At home. I left there when Dumbledore offered me a job and...”

“...moved into the castle with his permission. Well, he's not the headmaster anymore and the owner of the castle wants you and everyone else out.” The voice continued. “Things will be changing, because this castle is being dismantled, as per Harry Potter's promise at the beginning of the year.”

“He's really tearing this place down?” A snarky voiced Draco Malfoy asked. “Good riddance, I say! Maybe he'll kill himself when it collapses on him!”

“Guess who's not getting invited back.” Someone else said and a lot of people laughed.

“All details will be sent to you and your families in two weeks when everything is settled.” The same voice said. No one could tell where it was coming from, however. “In the meantime, enjoy your very last lengthy train ride.”

A lot of students started talking loudly about that. The Hogwarts Express was a staple of wizarding society and every student that ever went to the school rode on that train.

“Whoever is doing this, we will fight it.” Minerva McGonagall said.

“You are currently on privately owned land. The owner is removing the castle, the ineffectual and very expensive school board, and the redundant and useless teachers.” The voice said. “There's nothing for you to fight. If you are lucky, you'll be contacted in two weeks.”

“I won't stand for this!” McGonagall said and stood up.

“It looks like you are.” The voice said and a few people laughed.

“Show yourself!” McGonagall said and drew out her wand.

“Why? So you can fight me like some muggle over something you can't control? You should sit down and finish your last meal inside the castle. Your things will be packed for you and sent to wherever you want them to go, or they can be dropped at the front gates if you want to leave immediately.”

McGonagall grumbled about cowards and sat down.

“The wizarding world is in desperate need of change and that change is going to begin right here. The future of our world is inside each and every student. With our help, you can make this world into a place of wonder and awe again.” The voice said and a bunch of people clapped in approval. “Eat, be merry, and have a great summer.”

The only ones not really happy were the long term teachers. A few of the younger ones were sure that they would still have jobs, since they taught better than the older generation and their subjects were more interesting.

“It's going over better than I thought it would.” Hermione whispered to me.

“It hasn't quite sunk in yet.” I whispered back. “I'd say in a week, if anyone knew where to send the letters, we would be buried in them.”

Hermione smiled at me and kissed my cheek. “You're right. Who would they address them to? In care of the former school of Hogwarts or the headmaster of the old school?”

“I think McGonagall is going to get a lot of letters on our behalf.” I responded.

“Serves her right. She's kind of full of herself.” Hermione said.

“A lot of the older people are. They think they are always right and don't have to answer to the younger generation. It's always been that way, actually.”

Hermione nodded. “We're going to change that.”

“We already are, my love.” I said and kissed her cheek. “We're going to change everything.”

Hermione nodded again, looking quite happy.

The meal soon ended and I carried Lavender's packed trunk for her as Hermione and I went with her to the carriages.

“You're really staying?” Lavender asked as I loaded her trunk inside.

“I'm going to keep my word about dismantling the castle.” I said and took her into my arms. “Enjoy your vacation and we'll see you when you get back.”

Lavender leaned in and gave me several tender kisses. “Thank you for last night.”

“It was my pleasure... no, wait. It was yours.” I joked and she blushed a little.

“Stop teasing her.” Hermione said and pushed me out of the way. “When you get home, look in your trunk. I left something there for you.”

“What is it?” Lavender asked.

“It's a surprise.” Hermione said and took her into her arms and kissed her passionately.

“Mmm.” Lavender moaned a little and kissed her back just as passionately.

“Goodbye, Lavender.” Hermione said and helped her into the carriage.

“You know everyone is staring at you.” Neville said as he and Parvati came over to the carriage with their trunks. Padma was right behind them with her own trunk.

“That was the point.” I said with a smile and shook his hand. “We'll get you back over here as soon as we need your help.”

Neville nodded and we put his trunk and the trunks of the Patil twins onto the carriage.

“This is the end of an era.” Padma said and looked at us. “I don't know what to think about that.”

“You need a more positive outlook.” I said and she looked a little surprised. “It is the end of an era... and it's also the beginning of a new one. Our era.”

“Like that voice said, we are the future. If we want the world to improve, we need to change it and not wait for the old people to change it for us.” Hermione said.

“Why?” Padma asked.

“Because they were never going to.” I said and Hermione nodded. “Why would they put themselves out of a job? They wouldn't. They perpetuate the wrong kind of thinking to keep us from changing anything. Well, we're done with that. From now on, things will be going our way.”

“Well, good luck with that.” Parvati said as Neville helped her climb into the carriage to sit beside Lavender. “I hope the Ministry lets you make the changes you want.”

“We didn't ask them for their opinion.” I said and she looked surprised.

“But... you can't just...”

“Private land. I paid my taxes and that's all the influence they can have on me.” I said and watched Neville help a slightly blushing Padma into the carriage.

“How?” Parvati asked. “You're underage and...”

“Only those of age can participate in the tournament.” I said with a grin and she gasped.

“You're an adult in the eyes of the law!” Parvati exclaimed.

“That's how you've been doing the things you've been doing?” Neville asked and then laughed. “All right, you've convinced me that this is the best way to go.” He clapped me on the back. “Let me know if you hire Pomona back.”

“I don't think I will. Her views on the greenhouses is a bit too antiquated.” I responded. “We need them to be fully functional and producing materials constantly and not just housing the plants she wants to teach the students about. That's why I want you back here when we revamp everything.”

Neville nodded and climbed into the carriage to sit beside Padma. “Have fun tearing the castle down to the bones.”

“Oh, we will.” Hermione said with a huge smile. “Have fun visiting with the Patils.”

Neville smiled back and put a hand on Padma's knee while Parvati had a secretive smile on her face. “Gran's not too happy about it; but, like you said, this is our time. If they don't like it, that's their problem.”

“Good for you.” I said and he nodded. I turned slightly and looked at Lavender. “Bye, sweetheart.”

“B-bye!” Lavender said and waved at me.

I waved back and then hugged Hermione as the carriage left to go towards the Hogwarts Express. We stood there and watched all of the carriages move in a long line until they disappeared down the road.

“That's the last time anyone will see that.” Hermione said.

“I think your ideas are going to be so much more welcome than antiquated modes of travel.” I said and turned her to face me. “Plus, we can finally give the thestrals a break. They've been pulling the carriages for nearly half a century. That's several generations of them growing up and being beasts of burden when they should be free to live their lives how they were supposed to.”

“Hagrid's not going to be too happy about that.” Hermione said. “He put a lot of work into domesticating that herd.”

“On Dumbledore's orders, I suspect.” I said and Hermione's eyebrows rose. “Hagrid admires dangerous creatures. I'm sure he would want at least one as a pet because that's who he is. He wouldn't go out of his way to do that to an entire herd of animals, just so they will pull carriages a few times a year. It just seems like a lot of work for so little gain.”

“Actually, I think you're right.” Hermione said after she thought about it. “What did they use before Hagrid started to work here fifty years ago?”

“The carriages.” I said and she gave me a surprised look. “It was the same mobile enchantment as the boats on the lake.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Hermione said, a little disappointed that she hadn't guessed that herself.

“Don't worry, my love. You'll discover a lot of the little things going on around here and make the connections yourself as soon as we head up to the headmaster's office and start rooting around.”

Hermione's eyes almost lit up at my statement. “Let's GO!”

I chuckled as she grabbed my hand and dragged me back into the castle. We ignored the disgruntled teachers walking past us.


The work on the castle began in earnest and tearing it apart was both cathartic and fun. The goblins had been a little reluctant to let Hermione and I sit in as they worked on the main ward stone that used the magical ley lines of the planet. That is until they found the siphon tap that powered the wards. In their excitement, they completely forgot about us and both Hermione and I learned a lot more from them than they intended.

When they recreated six of the ward stones for my use and didn't add in everything that was on the main ward stone, neither Hermione nor I said anything until they were finished. I bid them good day and immediately floo called Gringotts bank and asked for a representative of the bank manager. I actually got to see him personally instead.

“What can we do for you, Mister Potter?” The bank manager named Snarltooth asked.

“I'm formally informing you of a breach in the contract that you supposedly negotiated with me in good faith.” I said and he snarled at me. “I'm not accusing you personally of getting your ward teams to mislead me on purpose or to provide insufficient products. I'm just calling to inform you of the incomplete conditions. I'll be visiting in the morning to demand satisfaction and compensation by your own laws.”

“You have my word that I will be interrogating the teams when they return.” Snarltooth spat at me.

“That's why I called. I'm glad I managed to report it to you directly and not to a subordinate that might have covered it up or told you a different version of events.” I said and he nodded. “Good day to you.”

“He wasn't happy, was he?” Hermione asked when I stood up from having my head in the fireplace.

“No, mainly because it's going to cost them a lot of gold to make up for it.” I said and she smiled.

“You knew they were going to breach the contract, didn't you?” Hermione asked.

“I suspected, especially when they didn't want to let us see the initial work on the ward stone for Hogwarts. I'm just glad that they forgot about us as they worked out all of the enchantments.”

“Me, too.” Hermione said and looked at the six large ward stones that were pretty much useless for our purposes. “What do we do with them?”

“I'm bringing them as evidence in the morning.” I said and she nodded. “I don't want them to accuse me of altering them or not bringing them to keep and use them, despite the breech of contract.”

“It's too bad we can't alter them and still use them.” Hermione said, sadly.

“I know. All that work and time wasted. If they hadn't added in their own brand of finishing runes, we might have salvaged them.” I said and hugged her. “I'll mention that specifically in the morning.”

“Good. Having the goblins trying to screw us over like this is bad enough. Giving us useless ward stones when we need them is just insulting.”

“I know.” I said and kissed her. “Let's go take a look at Dumbledore's private library to get your mind off of this.”

“He has a private library?” Hermione asked, shocked.

“Of course he does. Where else do you think he's been storing all of the books he's confiscated from the library over the years because he didn't want students to be too informed about magic subjects that he deemed dangerous?”

“That old bastard! What right did he have to do that?!?” Hermione asked with a growl. “If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him!”

“That's my girl.” I kissed her and led her over to a curio cabinet. I pulled on one of the objects and a soft clicking sound later, the cabinet swung open and revealed a fairly large room behind it that was filled with shelves upon shelves of books. “Enjoy.”

“IEEE!” Hermione squealed in delight and ran inside.

I didn't see her again until late that night and she tackled me in bed.


The sight of me walking down Diagon Alley to Gringotts with six large ward stones floating behind me was a spectacle that everyone stared at. I wasn't sure if it was because I had six of them or that they were all floating with the Locomotor spell and I was controlling them.

The two goblin guards at the door to the bank bowed to me and opened the doors for me. They never bowed, which meant they were ordered to. I entered the bank and everyone stopped to stare at me. I ignored them all and walked right through the main area and towards the hallway with the offices. No one tried to stop me, so I went right to the bank manager's office and knocked.

“Come in, Mister Potter.” Snarltooth said.

I opened the door and walked in with the stones floating behind me.

Snarltooth's eyes only widened slightly. “What are you doing, Mister Potter?”

“I'm returning these defective products.” I said and he snarled as I set them down. “They are useless to me and have their rune sequences completed, so they cannot be altered or fixed.”

The goblin slapped himself on the forehead and then rubbed his face with that hand. “I was debating killing them and held off, since they were my best ward team. It seems I need to rethink their future employment opportunities.”

“I won't comment on their previous works or suggest that you send more reliable people to check on them.” I said and he growled slightly before sighing. “You know why I am here.”

“I have prepared a monetary value that I hope will be satisfactory.” Snarltooth said and handed me a piece of parchment.

“Does this include replacement ward stones with the proper configurations or do I have to buy them?”

“New ward stones will be provided.” He responded with gritted teeth. “Free of charge.”

“What about the theft of my ward schemes that will provide them with untold wealth in the future? They've already started teaching it to others, haven't they?” I asked and the goblin sighed. “I want that stopped, since it was acquired illegally through a breached contract. I also want all memories of it removed or to be compensated with a portion of all funds made for future ward work your people do while using those learned techniques.”

Snarltooth snarled and growled for nearly ten minutes, wholly earning his name, before he hopped off of his chair and left the room.

I sat there for nearly half an hour before he returned. He came back with several members of the ward team that had ripped me off and their eyes widened at the sight of the ward stones they had made.

“I have disposed of the instigators of the breach of contract.” Snarltooth said and sat down at his desk again. “I will also prepare the contracts to split the profits that the future works our warders do with the knowledge they have gained illegally from your property.”

“No, that won't do. You can easily claim there are no profits for their work. I want a share of the pay they receive, since it will be my property they are getting paid for.”

Snarltooth snarled again. “You are very knowledgeable of contract wording, Mister Potter.”

“I've been screwed over enough in my life to see things for the way they are.” I said and he had no response to that. “How long before you can get me the six replacement ward stones?”

“There is nothing wrong with these. The contract stated six of our ward stones in exchange.” One of the goblins said.

I turned to look at him with squinted eyes. “Do they contain the same ward scheme as the main ward stone at Hogwarts as per the agreement?”

The goblin winced slightly and shook his head.

“Then they are useless to me and do not complete the contract.” I said. “I was actually tempted to destroy them for the insult you have given me. Instead, I brought them here as proof of your intentional breach of our contract. According to your own laws, you cannot use them anywhere else and must display your shame for all to see.”

All of the goblins winced at that, even Snarltooth.

“I hope you're happy with yourselves.” I said and stood to glare at them. “You've cost your people more gold than you'll ever make from stealing my property.”

“The penalties are only...” One of the goblins started to say.

“The compensation for the breach was much more than the penalties for not completing the contract.” I interrupted. “Also, I am cancelling the building contracts.”

“What building contracts?” The goblin asked.

“Mister Potter was negotiating with us to build several buildings on his properties where the ward stones would have been placed.” Snarltooth said, his anger evident for only a moment, then he sighed. “I had forgotten about them during this mess.” He looked at me. “It's too late to salvage this, isn't it?”

“Much too late.” I said. “I can clearly see they are unrepentant, even if you did remove the instigators. They had no intention of ever completing the original contract. Why would I expect them to complete any others?”

Snarltooth nodded. “I'll send over the new contracts for the continued compensation by the end of the day and the replacement ward stones when they are properly completed.”

I nodded and walked to the door. “I won't be telling anyone about this; but, a lot of people saw me bring those in and most of the students at the school knew you were providing the new ward stones.”

Snarltooth sighed again. “Our clan leader will not be pleased with this.”

“None of us are.” I said and left the office. I set my face to be slightly angry and walked through the main area at a fast pace.

Everyone that saw me knew that I had returned the ward stones and now they saw my angry face. They drew the proper conclusions and I kept my face angry as I left the bank and walked up Diagon Alley. They all knew I wasn't happy with the goblins and their work, which would set them all to thinking.

I went through the floo at the Leaky Cauldron and went back to the headmaster's office at Hogwarts. “I'm back.”

“You look happy.” Hermione said without looking up from the book she had her face buried in. She was reclined on the chair behind the headmaster's desk with her feet up on the desk.

“I am.” I said and slid the piece of parchment onto the page she was reading in the book. “That's the compensation for the breach of contract.”

Hermione laid the book down and picked up the paper. “Oh, wow. They must be pissed having to hand this much over for their mistake.”

I grinned at her and lifted her feet up to sit on the desk and put them on my lap, then started to massage them. “I also got Snarltooth to agree to split the pay and not the profits for all future work that the goblins do using the knowledge they stole from the main ward stone.”

Hermione caught her breath and covered her mouth with a hand for a second, then she burst out laughing. “Oh, my god! You... you... oh, my god!”

“Yeah.” I said and she gave me a very sultry look. “I expect our vaults to explode over the next few years.”

“I guess we never have to worry about not having enough money to pay for everything.” Hermione joked.

I laughed. “We didn't have to worry before. Now? We barely even have to think about it.”

“What did they say about cancelling the building contracts?” Hermione asked.

“The goblins on the ward team were surprised and Snarltooth forgot about them until now.”

“What an idiot.” Hermione said and I nodded.

“He killed the leader and supervisor of the team. Or claimed to. He didn't show me the bodies, so...”

“They could show up later as a part of the same team and no one will ever know.” Hermione guessed.

I nodded. “The contracts will be sent over by tonight and the new ward stones when they're finished.”

“I'll send word to the dwarves that they can start prepping the things we need.” Hermione said and picked up a piece of parchment. “They estimated three weeks to build the main compound after the ward stones are delivered and planted.”

“Not bad.” I said and dug my thumbs into the soles of her feet.

“Ohhh, wait... for a second. I'm writing.”

I chuckled and tickled her toes instead. She giggled and tried to swat at my knee with the quill, missing by a wide margin. I stopped and let her finish, then put her feet back on the desk and took the note from her.

“Hey, I said only for a second!” Hermione said and I bent down to kiss her soundly.

“Go back to your book and I'll send this for you.” I said and went to the door. “Let me know when we can start dismantling the towers.”

“The enchantments need to be unravelled properly or it could be explosive.” Hermione said and pat the book. “It's pretty convenient that a book on the castle's construction was left in the headmaster's collection.”

“Or it was fate because we were meant to do this.” I said and she nodded as I left.


The next two weeks passed like smoke as Hermione managed to figure out how the enchantments on the castle worked. She explained it to me as we worked and we took the castle apart, piece by piece. Working out how the various spells and enchantments weaved together to make certain things happen was quite fascinating.

Neither of us had any real interest in construction itself; but, working the magic to do it was another story. It was a great time as we figured out all of the secrets of the castle. The moving staircases, the changing hallways, the enchanted gargoyles, and even the suits of armor, it was all there in that one construction book. It referenced other books in the collection for the actual spells and things, so Hermione always carried her expanded backpack with those books in it.

The ceiling in the Great Hall was a masterpiece of spellwork and enchantments. Rowena Ravenclaw really made spellcasting an art form and had outdone herself with it. Hermione spent a whole day just writing out the spells and enchantments, the runes and etchings in the ceiling, and the Arithmancy that worked it all out and combined them all into a working copy of the sky outside.

“I'm doing that to our bedroom as soon as we get home!” Hermione exclaimed that night.

“I would expect nothing less from such a brilliant witch.” I said and kissed her.

“I'm glad mom and Petunia weren't angry at us for staying.” Hermione said and rolled over on top of me to ride me.

“We did promise to take them to America for a month when we were done.” I said and caressed her breasts.

“We're going to have so much fun seeing all of the sights.” Hermione said and kissed me.

“I'm already looking at the only sights I want to see.” I commented and she cooed a little, then she kissed me again.

“I hope the Room of Requirement can be moved without damaging it.” I said as Hermione rocked her hips.

“I've pulled everything I can from it, including the rune sequences that connect it to the ward stone. It's just that I can't confirm if it's the ley lines making the connections to other places or if it's all just the same room with expansion charms and the Great Hall's ceiling enchantments on the walls to make it look like other things and locations.”

“Now that is a brilliant notion, my sexy witch.” I said and Hermione looked pleased. “With enough power, I suppose that it won't matter which it is.”

“We also won't know until we disconnect it.” Hermione said and then moaned. “Ohhh... this conversation is... so hot!”

“No, you are.” I said and hugged her before I rolled us over. “Who else can come like you do and still have their mind intact?”

“Y-you.” Hermione whispered and kissed me passionately.


“Hiiiiiii!” Lavender shouted as she stepped out of the car and saw us waiting for her outside her home. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We promised to see you when you got back from your trip.” I said and gave her a quick kiss. “Plus, I thought it was time to meet your family.”

“You picked a hectic time for that.” A woman said as she walked over to us with a child in her arms.

“We were hoping that the feeling of being home after a long trip would be better than waiting for someone to get anxious about us showing up.” Hermione said and hugged Lavender.

“That someone being me.” Lavender said and Hermione nodded. “This is my mom, Hyacinth. The little girl she's holding is Rose and my dad is Rowan.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Rose.” I said and took the little girl's hand and kissed the back of it. She giggled and then blushed as she hid her face in her mom's hair.

“You're a charmer.” Hyacinth said with a huge smile that was similar to Lavender's.

“I would kiss your hand as well; but, they are occupied at the moment.” I said and looked at their car. “Excuse me for a few minutes while I go help Mr. Brown with the luggage.”

“Definitely a charmer.” Hyacinth chuckled. “Let's go inside and get Rose settled. It's been a long two weeks.”

“I hope everything was okay.” Hermione said and held the front door open for them to pass through.

“No major incidents, thank god.” Hyacinth said and entered the house with her daughters and Hermione.

“So, you're dating two girls?” Rowan asked as he handed me the largest suitcase that looked heavy.

“Technically.” I said and he raised his eyebrows at me. “Hermione and I have been together since before first year at school. We haven't actually asked each other out or anything. We've just always been boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Oh. That's... a little weird.” Rowan said and handed me another suitcase.

I tucked it under my arm and motioned for more. “Not really. Good friends always seem to make the best partners.”

Rowan nodded and handed me another large suitcase without commenting on me taking too much. “And my daughter?”

“It started at the end of the dance at Christmas.” I said as he took two suitcases himself and we headed for the house. “She was with a jerk that tried to maul her and she ditched him. I didn't want her entire night to be ruined, so Hermione let her have the last dance with me.”

“That was actually very nice of her.”

“I know. She's great.” I said and he opened the front door for me. I carried the luggage in and put them down carefully. “Lavender realized the same thing a little later.”

Rowan waited until we were back outside before speaking. “She told us about the little dance you had afterwards.”

I chuckled and stood by the car for him to pass me more stuff to bring inside. “It was only supposed to be Hermione and myself; but, I couldn't let Lavender have only one good dance where the guy didn't paw at her. I brought her along and Hermione was fine with it.”

Rowan filled my arms with lots of smaller things.

“We had a great time, surprisingly.” I said. “I was a little worried that Hermione or Lavender would be upset about me splitting my time between them. It all worked out and we've been together since then.”

“Has it worked out?” Rowan asked as we went back to the house to drop off what we were carrying.

“It was a little odd at first.” I clarified. “At least it was until we figured out that we didn't need to spend all of our spare time with each other. We have our own interests and lives to live. We just spend some of our spare time hanging out with each other.”

We made another delivery to the floor of the living room and went back out to the car.

“I know you're having sex with my daughter.” Rowan said, frowning.

“Of course I am. She's gorgeous.” I said and he looked shocked. “I'm not going to deny it. We use proper protection and she deserves to have someone love her as much as she wants.”

“That's not what I expected you to say.” Rowan said, his face expressionless.

“Most people assume I'll deny that we're together and that Hermione is my only girlfriend.” I said and grabbed the last few things from the trunk of the car. “It's not really anyone's business but ours. The only exception would be her parents because you're a big part of her life.”

“You're awfully mature for fourteen.”

“I'm going to be fifteen in a couple of weeks.” I said and closed the trunk. “That's only a number, though. I had to grow up a long time ago. This past year with everything going on at school... well... you probably read all about that.”

“I did and it's been an eye-opener. Your world is something that I'm not sure I want Lavender to be a part of.”

I smiled and walked towards the house. “I'm sorry you feel that way, because honestly, you don't have much say in the matter. She's required by law to attend school until she's qualified.”

Rowan scowled at me.

“Don't hold me responsible. I didn't write the laws. Not yet, anyway.” I said and his scowl changed to a confused look. “I'm just telling you what's going on.”

There was a hoot of an owl nearby and I chuckled.

“There's a more detailed explanation coming for you right now.” I pointed and there was an owl carrying two letters. One was marked with the old Hogwarts crest and the other was marked with what Hermione and I agreed would be the best symbol for what was to come. It was a half risen sun on a flat horizon with two sparking crossed wands in front of it.

Rowan looked at the owl landing and back at me. “I thought you closed Hogwarts?”

“I did. It doesn't invalidate all the work the previous students accomplished, though.”

Rowan nodded and took the letter addressed to him and I opened the front door of the house. The owl hooted at me in thanks and took off to go into the house. I brought the remaining items into the house and dropped them off in the living room.

“Oh, my GOD!” Lavender yelled.

Rowan ignored the letter in his hands and ran into the kitchen. “What is it? What happened?”

I walked into the kitchen behind him and saw Lavender collapsed against Hermione, who was waving the letter at her girlfriend's face to get her more air. “I'd say she just saw the outstanding marks she made on her exams.”

“What? Really?” Hyacinth asked.

“We've been helping her study since Christmas.” Hermione said and hugged Lavender tightly. “I told you that you could do it!”

“Th-thank you.” Lavender said with a blush.

“You're a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for.” I said and her parents looked at me with surprise on their faces. “It's difficult to make someone believe that they are smarter than they think they are. It was actually Lavender's idea to sneak little oral tests into our homework. So, Hermione and I did our best to use that technique to let Lavender get used to the fact that she really does know her stuff.”

Lavender's face went redder as she thought about our study sessions. “I thought... you know...”

“That we were letting you answer?” Hermione asked and she nodded. “Of course we were. We weren't going to let you slack off, just because we know more than you.”

“Yeah.” I said and sat beside them and lightly rubbed Lavender's back. “Just because we have more knowledge in our heads, that doesn't necessarily mean we're smarter. It takes work, a few mental techniques, and lots and lots of practice.”

Lavender looked from me to Hermione. “Thank you. Thank you both.”

“Don't let your high marks this year go to your head.” Hermione warned. “You still have to study!”

Lavender laughed softly and nodded. Her parents looked at us and their daughter and were surprised by what they could see. I could hear their thoughts about how comfortable we were together and that nothing seemed awkward.

I turned to look at Rowan as I pointed to the letter he forgot about. “I suggest you read that and think over what it means before you make any decisions.”

Rowan looked at the envelope and read who it was from. “Consolidated Magic Academy for Modern Magicals? What's that?”

“That's the name you chose?” Lavender asked and we nodded. “I like it.”

“It's the new premiere magical school.” Hermione said. “Mostly new teachers, a new curriculum, new course materials, new... well, everything. Oh, and no more restrictive heavy robes!”

Lavender giggled at that, because we had taken her advice.

“Building starts next week.” I said. “We've got the new ward stones installed and the old castle has been completely dismantled. We just have to wait for a couple of days for the excavating dwarves to finish filling in the old dungeons.”

“We also changed having to walk all over the damn place for each class.” Hermione said. “Everything is centrally located and there will be no need to rush across the building to get to your next class.”

“We also offer separate day or evening classes for people that want to take extra courses after graduation, either to brush up on their chosen career path or just because they want to.” I said. “We also have free tutoring for anyone that is struggling or can't handle the work at the same pace that the majority of students can handle normally.”

“Yes, we don't want anyone to fall behind.” Hermione agreed. “We know not everyone can do hours of homework every few days, so we've reduced that to a more manageable level for everyone while also allowing more ambitious students to submit extra work for bonus merits.”

“Merits?” Rowan asked.

“We've abolished the stupid points system that gained the students nothing. Winning the House Cup or the Quiddich Cup was pretty much meaningless, since it changed nothing at the castle, except the colors of the flags in the Great Hall for an hour at the final feast.” Hermione huffed. “Now, students work towards earning things they can use. Better decorations and upgrades for their rooms, different games and things in their common rooms, and a few other bonuses.”

I nodded. “The Quiddich Cup was just as useless. The only one that gets to keep it are the Heads of Houses and there are no other benefits, so we've also abolished the House system.” I said and Lavender gasped. “I'm sorry, sweetheart. We would have told you before, only we just made the decision while setting the other things up.”

“I'm no longer a Griffindor?” Lavender asked, her voice sad.

Hermione laughed softly and kissed her cheek. “You'll always be a Griffindor if you want to be. We won't make you change who you are inside. That's not the point of school. It's to help you grow into the woman you are meant to become.”

“Being a House member doesn't matter once you graduate, because you're not allowed to wear school colors or represent the Houses while working.” I explained. “It also sets up unfair prejudices and could make things difficult for most people if they assume you will act a certain way.”

“I never thought of that.” Lavender whispered.

“You're not really supposed to for another few years.” Hermione said. “That's kind of why we've gotten rid of it. It sets up unnecessary conflicts and makes people react negatively. Even the Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws get stereotyped, even if some are brash like Griffindors or sneaky like Slytherins.”

I nodded and looked back at Lavender's father. “There's a lot of material in that, so go through it and discuss it with your wife and Lavender. If you choose to allow Lavender to attend the brand new school, send the response by the middle of August. If you want to send her somewhere else, we will understand that you want to give her different options and wish you well.”

“NO! I'm going!” Lavender exclaimed and clutched onto Hermione. “I only need this year and I can take my Owls! I'm not giving you guys up!”

“Lavender, Harry's point is valid. We need to look at this information and...” Rowan tried to say.

“NO!” Lavender said and started crying. “I can't... I won't... I'm not going to another school.”

“Lavender, you have to consider your options.” I said and hugged her.

“I don't need... any other options.” Lavender said between sobs as Hermione wiped at her face. “I've never had such high marks before. If I'm not going to school with you, I'm not going at all!”

Her mother and father sighed and exchanged looks.

I gave them a sympathetic look and then smiled. “I guess it's a good thing that the tuition is less than half of what it cost at Hogwarts.”

“WHAT?!?” Her parents and Lavender yelled at the same time.

“Most of the old tuition was for the school board of governors lining their pockets and almost nothing went to the actual school budget. No new school brooms, no updates to the castle's amenities, and no changes to the courses, despite them having a ghost teaching one of the positions.” Hermione said. “Those were a few of the reasons we dismissed them immediately.”

“They were pocketing Binns and the Care of Magical Creatures professor's salaries right from the budget. Hagrid has been doing the job for free because he was getting paid as the grounds keeper and nothing else.” I said with a shake of my head. “The graft and corruption of the old headmaster skimming the other salaries and putting it in his own vault was sickening. He's been doing it for years.”

“That's horrible!” Hyacinth said.

“It is and I'm glad that he met his end during the tournament.” I said. “He saved my godfather with his sacrifice, so it redeemed his reputation a little.”

“Your godfather was killed at the end, wasn't he?” Rowan asked.

“DAD!” Lavender gasped and turned to kiss me several times. “It's all right, Harry. He didn't mean to be insensitive about it.”

I caressed her face. “It's all right, Lavender. I've been making my peace with him being gone for the last couple of weeks. I didn't really know him, so it hasn't been too difficult to let him go.”

“I'm very glad to hear that.” Lavender said and pressed her lips to mine and held it for several seconds.

“Ahem.” Rowan said and Lavender glared at him. “I only meant to say that it wasn't worth it in the end.”

“DAD!” Lavender yelled.

“Well, it wasn't.” Rowan said and shrugged.

“It wasn't a waste.” I said and held Lavender as Hermione shifted slightly in her seating to hug me as well. “It proved that someone cared enough about an innocent and wrongly convicted man to sacrifice their life to save them, even if they were supposed to go to prison afterwards.”

“And everyone knows that.” Hermione said and nodded to me.

“We should go and let you get settled.” I said and we stood with Lavender. “Send us an owl later.”

“I'll do better than that.” Lavender said and looked at her parents. “I'm going out tomorrow night with Harry and Hermione. I'll need a drive to the Leaky Cauldron.”

“I don't think that's necessary.” I said and Lavender turned to me with a face on the verge of crying again. “If your parents agree to send you to our school, a floo connection will be made to your house. There will also be a ward stone installed with the basic protections needed for a wizarding household.”

“Harry! That's... that's...” Lavender shook her head. “I can't let you pay for that!”

I chuckled. “It's okay, Lavender. All of the students are getting the same thing. It's a limited network that only connects to the school for travel. From there, you can go to other places in a separate and fully connected floo.”

Lavender let out a little squeal. “When can you do it? WHEN?!?”

“I think someone is sold on the idea of home connections to the school.” Hermione said with a laugh.

“I knew it would be a huge selling point, especially if parents don't take the boarding option and want their kids home every night or just on the weekends.”

“Wait, that's an option?” Hyacinth asked, surprised.

“Some students miss their families a lot during the school year. It's especially a problem for the first years with them being away from home for the first time.” Hermione said. “We want to alleviate as much angst as possible.”

“What about the train?” Lavender asked.

“It's still available, except it's going to be upgraded a little.” Hermione said and smiled slyly at me.

“We live with magic all the time at school. Why does a magically powered train take eight hours to go from London to Scotland?” I asked and no one answered. “Tradition. It's the way it's always been done and no one questioned it. Well, we're not doing that anymore.” I waved at Hermione. “It was her idea to upgrade it, so I'll let her explain.”

“Have any of you heard of bullet trains?” Hermione asked, her grin huge.


It took the whole three weeks for the dwarves to build the buildings we needed. One very large one for the main campus and classrooms, one for the gymnasium and auditorium with a stage, one for the swimming pool, and several smaller buildings for the dorms. We doubled up on the years with first and second in one dorm building, third and fourth in one, fifth and sixth in another, and seventh years had their own building.

The buildings were similar and slightly different, in that the older years had slightly better things inside. By the time students reached their seventh year, they had the best looking building and the most ornate accommodations. It enticed students to work harder to get to the better places and it gave them something to look forward to.

Everything was bright and new, with no dingy dark grey stone for walls or dungeons to take classes in. Large windows were everywhere and could be opened, even in the classrooms. It wasn't necessary with all of the enchantments to keep everything fresh and airy; but, they were functional and the option was always there.

Hogwarts had over a hundred elves for servants and the new owners had changed their bindings from the location to themselves. The house elves were a little wary at first, until they tried to do their magic to clean up the new and updated kitchens. They realized then that having a personal connection with a powerful witch and wizard made their magic more powerful and gave them a healthier countenance.

The new uniforms they were told to make for themselves and wear, made them that much happier. No longer reduced to wearing a large pillowcase with a school crest on it, they now had suits for the males and dresses for the females with the school crests on the shoulders. They were also divided into groups to handle the cooking properly instead of haphazardly like they did before.

The elves were a little put out when the owners came into their new kitchens and gave them cooking lessons, until they realized they would save a lot of time and also make their dishes taste better with the little tricks the owners taught them. They were even allowed to experiment and make the things they wanted and not just what was on the old menus!

That cemented into their minds that things were much better now and could only get better. Also, with the self-cleaning charms on the buildings and floors and things, all they had to do was straighten things up and keep renewing the charms. A few of them liked the extra work and would let the charms lapse when they felt like working a little harder, which made them even happier.


“A lot of the old families are refusing to send their children without checking the place out first.” Hermione said as she shuffled through the paperwork while she sat at the headmaster's desk in the new office.

“That figures.” I said with a laugh. “I bet it's Malfoy heading the pack with the other dark families right behind him.”

Hermione nodded. “Are we going to let them see it before we officially open on September first?”

“Nope. If they want to send their kids here and not to Durnstrang or Beaubatons, they are going to have to take a leap of faith.”

Hermione winked at me and held up a thick report. “Malfoy is trying to strong arm the old school board and the Ministry to try and get them reinstated to control us.”

“Ha! Not going to happen.” I said and walked around the desk to kiss her. “I bought this place fair and square. I didn't even have to argue with the townspeople of Hogsmeade over becoming their landlord.”

“You did reduce their rent and said they no longer had to pay you taxes.”

“Like I said, they didn't argue.” I grinned and she laughed. “How is the recruitment going for new businesses for the town?”

“It's okay. Nothing spectacular.” Hermione said and picked up another report. “I do have a petition from the Weasley Twins for a joke shop.”

“Hmm. Competition for Zonko's wouldn't be too bad, actually. They have been getting stagnant.”

“How much should we give them?” Hermione asked and poised her quill to mark the approval.

“Ten thousand galleons should get them a good base to start from and to hire some staff. If they have enough products and someone else to run it for them, they can be open when school starts.”

Hermione nodded and added the conditions, checked it off, and copied it with magic. She folded it up and put it in an envelope. An owl swooped in through the window and grabbed it.

“Thank you.” Hermione said.

The owl hooted and took off.

“They really like the new owlery.” I commented and she nodded.

“The bright and open perches for them to peer out through the large magic windows and the hidden dark nests for them, have really improved their attitudes.”

“You always have brilliant ideas, my love.” I said and gave her another kiss. “Now stop slacking off and get back to work.”

Hermione laughed and swatted me on the back of the head. “You're the one kissing me!”

I winked at her and went back to the small desk at the side of the room. “I've almost got these enchantments done.”

“Let me know when you want me to add the Ravenclaw sequence.”

“I want you to add the Ravenclaw sequence.” I said immediately and she made a snorting sound. “Seriously, I'm done.” I made one last cut into the metal and pointed to the dozen completed enchantments.

“Really? I thought you were joking.” Hermione stood up and came over to me. “Good work.” She said and took the enchanting tool from me. Quick as a flash, she added the multiple object rune sequence that Rowena Ravenclaw had used and linked the objects into a single enchantment.

“I'll get these installed and be back in about ten minutes.” I said and gathered them up.

“We need to stop for lunch anyway.” Hermione said and whipped her hand towards the headmaster's desk to clean up the parchment papers and filed them in the appropriate cabinets. “I'll give you a hand.”

“I can't concentrate if you handle me.” I joked.

Hermione smirked at me. “You usually get along fine.”

“You are particularly good at it.” I said and kissed her as I gave her half of the items. “These are for the seventh year common room.”

“When will the fireplaces be connected?” Hermione asked me as we left the office and went down the sweeping staircase to the main floor.

“They should be over tomorrow to give us the addresses the fireplace room will be connected to.” I said and the from doors opened by themselves when we approached.

“Having them set up like at the ministry was a great idea.” Hermione said.

“So was yours by dividing them by geographical area instead of just hooking them up until the fireplace addresses were full and moving on to the next one.”

“It wouldn't matter if we had the full fireplaces.” Hermione said.

“There would be too many bumps and bruises if we didn't spread the travellers around. You know they are all going to try it as soon as we open officially.”

Hermione laughed softly. “I wanted to take them to the dorms and they are only a hundred feet away.”

I laughed and hugged her close with one arm as we walked across the large circular garden that was the central meeting place for all of the buildings.

“Do you think we're going to blow everyone's minds when they see what we've done?” Hermione asked as the seventh year dorm door opened for us automatically.

“That depends on if they appreciate having the old Great Hall ceilings in their common rooms.”

“Should we tell them we changed it to show any sky they want and not just what's outside?”

“Hell, no.” I said and she looked surprised. “That should be the first merit we award. Whoever discovers it first gets one and whoever changes it gets the next.”

Hermione nodded and walked over to her half of the room. “I'll mark them down and we can decide on the award later.”

We got to work and had the enchantment up and working in half an hour.

“Lunchtime.” I said and a well dressed female elf in a maid outfit popped in.

“Would masters be wanting it here or in the courtyard?” The elf asked.

“The courtyard, please.” Hermione said and the elf popped away.

We left the building and lunch was already set up at a fancy table with two male elves in waiter outfits there.

“That's fast and efficient work.” I said and nodded to them. The elves looked pleased at my praise.

“I could get used to this kind of treatment.” Hermione said and I held her chair for her.

“We did pick up a few dozen other elves that I sent off to the mansion.” I said and sat down myself.

“They must have loved that.” Hermione said and started to eat. “This is a great salad!”

“Jippy be harvesting the greens just now.” One of the waiters said.

Hermione nodded with a smile to him and looked at me. “How are the greenhouses?”

“Neville and his two helpers have been working their butts off the last two weeks.” I said.

“Wait, helpers?” Hermione asked.

“The Patil twins.”

“You're kidding! The princesses?” Hermione asked, shocked.

“The same.” I said with a chuckle. “Apparently, their father doesn't mind if they earn a bit of money on their own. When he heard I was hiring Neville to seed and prep the dozen greenhouses...”

Hermione laughed. “No wonder they jumped at the chance! Money and full daily access to Neville must have been too hard for them to resist.”

I nodded. “I've loaned him all of the elves that wanted to help, too.”

“So, you're telling me there's probably a lot of recreational breaks every day.”

I chuckled and nodded again.

“Good for them.” Hermione said. “I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my amazing lover giving me as much attention as possible.”

I reached across the table and took her hand. “We have been working hard for the last month.”

“Only because we are changing the wizarding world a whole lot faster than we expected to.” Hermione said and our empty salad dishes disappeared and were replaced with several quartered ham and cheese sandwiches and scoops of potato salad.

“The response for the new format has been eye-opening.” I commented.

Hermione picked up a sandwich. “I think overwhelmingly eager is a better description. Our evening classes are booked solid for the next term of three months already.”

“Should we do the summer term next year? Some people might only have days available.”

Hermione looked thoughtful. “It would depend on the interest and if we can get the teachers to stay on. Most want the summer off.”

“Good point. We'll keep it normal for now and revisit it later.” I said and we kept eating silently for several minutes.

“We've had several parents and students ask for the electives for first and second years, too.” Hermione added.

“It's up to you to discuss it with the teachers.” I said and she nodded. “I don't know if Vector can handle younger students. She's cross enough with the teens and older.”

Hermione nodded again. “I'll see about offering after school tutoring myself.”

“You're already doing a lot and you have Owls this year.” I said with a straight face, then we both burst out laughing. We knew that we could sit our Owls and Newts today and pass them. The Ministry laws wouldn't let us, though. It would be one of the first things we would change when we took it over.

There was a beep from my wrist and I looked at the enchanted watch.

“Amelia needs a hand with Jason.” I said and stood, looked at the two sandwiches that were left and one scoop of potato salad, then nodded to one of the elf waiters.

The elf snapped his fingers and the plate rearranged to make it look like it wasn't touched and it was wrapped up.

“Thanks.” I said and picked it up before giving Hermione a kiss. “See you in an hour or so.”

“Say hello to Amelia and hug the little guy for me.”

“I will.” I said and ran over to the apparition point near the gates and popped away to land inside Amelia's living room. “I'm here!”

“Bathroom!” Amelia shouted.

I ran up the stairs to the bathroom, worried that something bad had happened, then stopped and stared at the scene for two seconds before I started laughing my ass off. Bubble bath was literally everywhere. It was on the walls, dripped from the ceiling, and covered Amelia from head to toe.

“Shut up and help me! I can't find him!” Amelia nearly shouted in complaint.

I only laughed for another five seconds before I got control of myself. “Accio the little menace.”

The baby popped right out of the humongous mound of bubbles still in the bath and I easily caught him.

“Hey there, little guy!” I said and tickled him. The baby giggled loudly and waved his bubble covered arms and legs.

“I have never heard of a month old baby having accidental magic.” Amelia said as she carefully stood. She didn't want to fall and hurt herself.

“Who said it was accidental?” I asked and made funny faces at the baby. “Right, little Jason Bones? You're a prodigy, aren't you? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!”

The baby giggled happily.

“Harry, he can barely open his mouth to suckle.” Amelia said and looked at herself. “Can you clean this up? I left my wand in the bedroom with his blanket.”

I waved my free hand at her and she was instantly clean, then I waved my hand at the very messy bathroom. It was cleaned and the bubbles in the bath were at a normal size.

“Thank you.” Amelia said and walked over to us.

“Here. Eat.” I said and handed her the plate of sandwiches and potato salad.

“Oh, thank you.” Amelia said and ate it all quickly. “That was good. I haven't eaten since... well, I can't really remember.”

I chuckled and called her house elf to get her another sandwich and to make sure she ate regularly.

“Missus be ordering me to leaves her alone.” The angry female elf said.

“I'm ordering you to take care of her despite her orders.” I commanded and the elf smiled at me with a nod.

“I's be back with food and drink.” The elf said and popped away.

Amelia sighed. “Harry, do you mind watching him for...”

“I'm here for an hour or so.” I said and she looked relieved.

“Thank you.” Amelia said and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I'm taking a nap.”

I had to laugh a little at that. “Amelia, you can't keep pretending that you can do this all by yourself.” I said and she looked away. “I am available at any time, as I have just proven. So, call me when you want to sleep. Call me when you want a break. Call me if you want me to bend you over the couch and screw you senseless.”

Amelia's head whipped back around to look at me with wide eyes. “Did you just...”

The elf popped in right then and handed Amelia a plate and cup. “Eats!” She said and stood there until Amelia ate the sandwich and drank the drink, then she nodded and popped away.

“My turn.” I said and waved my hand to make Jason float in the air and slowly rotate, which made him giggle. I took Amelia into my arms and started to passionately kiss her, to her consternation. She resisted for a few seconds, then she relented and moaned into my mouth as she pretty much melted in my arms.

We kissed for several minutes while our baby giggled at us, then Amelia's hands dug at my clothing. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom with the baby floating behind us.

“Harry, we... we shouldn't. The baby is right there.” Amelia said.

I chuckled and twirled my finger to face the baby away from us. “You do realize that babies are very easy to entertain, don't you?”

“He's a month old! What am I supposed to do?” Amelia asked.

I snapped my fingers and several dancing lights appeared on the wall where the baby was looking and he giggled and tried to reach for them.

“Oh. That works.” Amelia said, her voice flat.

I laughed and pulled off her top to reveal her huge breasts. “I've really missed you, you know.”

Amelia blushed a little and let me pull her skirt and underwear off. “Harry, you don't have to lie.”

“I'm not lying.” I said and laid down on the bed as I pulled her down onto the bed as well. “It's been very difficult staying away and keeping my promise to not come over until you call me.”

Amelia rolled onto her side to look at me. “Susan's been here a lot, since her summer plans with Hanna fell through.”

“I know. I have an elf stay in contact with your house elf.”

“You do?” Amelia asked, surprised.

“No, I've been completely in the dark about everything going on here and have no idea that you are working from home to try and stay on top of things at the Ministry, even though you are supposed to stay off of work for another three months.”

Amelia sighed. “Harry, you know this is a time when...”

“I know. I didn't tell you to stop, did I?” I asked and lightly kissed her smiling face. “Can I suckle your breasts now? They look delicious!”

Amelia laughed and her milk gorged breasts jiggled enticingly.

“Just look at them.” I said and used my hand to gently squeeze one and a little milk came out. “Ooo, there's the good stuff.”

“H-Harry, you can't really want to...” Amelia started to whisper, then I latched onto her nipple and started to suckle. “Ohhhh!”

I didn't relent and massaged her breast to make her feel good while I fed and used a healing spell to stop the inherent soreness that lactating breasts seemed to develop from constant use.

“Oh, sweet Merlin.” Amelia breathed as I pushed her onto her back and switched breasts. “Mmmm!”

I made sure not to empty them, because Jason would be hungry soon, and kissed my way down her still slightly puffy belly to between her legs.

“Yes!” Amelia exclaimed as I went down on her and used my Parseltongue technique on her.

I was only a little surprised that she was almost back to the way she looked before she had the baby. A woman's body was an amazing thing to recover from giving birth so quickly. It was a little easier to get my fingers into her this time and I played with her sensitive spots.

Amelia came several times before she begged me to hurry up and give it to her. I didn't make her wait any longer and slid myself inside of her. She moaned loudly and wrapped her arms and legs around me, as if I was going to escape and not keep going.

“I'm on... potions... I can't get... pregnant so soon.” Amelia panted and moaned.

“Good, because I wasn't pulling out anyway.” I said and she moaned louder. I got into a good rhythm and made her constantly moan and yell my name as she came, over and over. I dragged it out for as long as I could, then I shoved myself as deep into her as far as I could go and unloaded myself.

“HAAARRRRYYYY!” Amelia yelled and she came right after I did.

We laid in bed and panted to catch our breaths, still fully connected, and stared into each other's eyes.

“He has your eyes.” Amelia whispered.

“I hope not. I'll need to fix them if he does.” I said and she smiled.

“No glasses for him?” Amelia asked and I nodded.

“I did my own eyes as soon as I was old enough and I'll do the same for him if he does have bad eyesight. He shouldn't, because I don't have that defect anymore; but, if he does, I'll handle it.”

“Thank you.” Amelia said and her arms and legs let me go. “For this, too.”

I smirked at her and moved to her side and rolled her onto hers.

“What are you doing?”

“Proving to you that I've been waiting a long time to get you in bed.” I said and lifted one of her legs before sliding my still hard erection back inside of her.

“Ohhhh... you're still...”

I kissed her neck and started to move in and out of her again, our mixed fluids making the perfect lubrication, and Amelia started panting and moaning my name almost right away.

“I missed... you, too.” Amelia eventually said and turned her head over her shoulder to kiss me. “You make me feel... like a woman again! OHHHHH!”

I didn't stop as she came and kept going while I gripped her breasts from behind. She moaned and held my hands to her breasts and squeezed them harder. I wasn't one to miss a blatant invitation like that and did what she wanted.

We continued to have sex for the entire hour that I said I could spare. Jason had fallen asleep at some point while floating near the wall and the dancing lights.

“Harry... I... oh, Merlin. I'm exhausted.” Amelia finally admitted.

“Then let me take the little guy for a few hours and I'll show him where his cousin will be going to school in September.”

“Are... are you sure?” Amelia asked, her eyes already fluttering shut.

“Sleep, my darling.” I said and kissed her. “I'll wake you when I come back.”

“All right.” Amelia said and closed her eyes. She started snoring almost immediately and I tried not to laugh at her.

I shook my head at how stubborn she was and waved my hand to clean the both of us up and stood up to switch my clothes from the floor to my body. I grabbed a few things, like his blanket and a spare bottle of breast milk, then I tucked the little guy onto my arm and against my chest before going down to the living room and apparating back to the school.

I walked through the courtyard garden and approached the main building. I could feel Hermione was back in the office and headed inside to see the office from the lobby. I went up the sweeping stairs towards it and was about to step close enough for the door to activate when an excited female elf's squeal rang throughout the main building and echoed loudly.

“Master be bringing Little Master here!” The female elf said, excitedly.

Over a hundred and thirty elf pops happened a second later and the lobby was full of happy elves. Some were visibly shaking while others were hopping up and down. A few were politely asking to approach and the excited female elf popped right up beside me.

“Master, can we be seeing Little Master?” She asked and tugged on my pants leg.

Hermione came out of the office and saw the elf crowded lobby. She laughed a little at all the well dressed house elves and looked at me. “If you plan on them doing any more work today, you better hand over the hostage.”

I chuckled at her wording and had to agree. Once an elf was excited about something, you had to deal with it right away or deal with the consequences. “His name is Jason Bones.” I said and handed him to the female elf.

“Master Jason.” The elves chanted as one.

The female elf popped away and appeared back down on the floor of the lobby.

“Oooooo!” The elves around her said as she went to each and every one of them and they touched the baby's forehead.

“You should have seen Amelia's emergency.” I whispered to Hermione as we watched the elves bond to the baby.

“What was it?” Hermione asked and I described walking into the bathroom and about the baby's not quite accidental magic to cover everything in bubbles. She had to hold her mouth closed the whole time to stop herself from laughing.

“We didn't wakes Little Master.” The female elf said as she popped back and appeared beside me.

I gave her a blank look for a moment as I had an odd idea, then I smiled. “If you stay here in the lobby, those of you that finish your work can keep him company until I take him back to Amelia tonight.”

“We be doings it right now!” Most of the elves said and popped away.

“Thank yous, Master.” The female elf said and popped back down to the floor with the dozen or so other elves that had already finished their chores for the day.

“That was nice of you.” Hermione said and walked back into the office. “Who are you and where's my partner in taking over the world?”

I walked in behind her and the door closed behind us. “I was just ensuring a very bright future for Jason who will have over a hundred happy and very willing babysitters.”

Hermione laughed and sat down behind her desk. “That's smart.”

“We both know they will never hurt him or let him come to harm.” I said and she nodded. “So, what's up next on the list?”

“We need to add the miniature communications statues at all intersections, classrooms, bathrooms, lobbies, and common rooms.” Hermione said.

“Right. I'll get the enchantments started on them and you can do your magic on them when I'm done.” I said. “Kappy?”

An elf popped in wearing a construction outfit. “Yes, master?”

“I need the crates of miniature marble statues.”

“I be getting them for you, Master.” Kappy said and popped away.

Over the next minute or so, ten crates were popped into the office and stacked out of the way.

“Thank you.”

“Yous be welcome, Master.” Kappy said and popped away.

I quickly became busy doing the grunt work while Hermione handled the paperwork. We worked all afternoon until supper time at five o'clock and had our meal on the landing out above the lobby.

“They really do care about him, even though he's another species.” Hermione whispered.

“Babies be babies.” A different female elf said and smiled. “We be expecting some in three months.”

“Oh? Who?” Hermione asked and the elf pointed at the one holding Jason. “Ah, I see.”

“Motherly instincts already.” I said in approval. “Any others?”

“Three. I not be one of them.” The female elf said, sadly.

“Why not?” I asked, curious.

“I be trying and nothing work. Even try another elf.” She said and blushed a little.

I reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. I cast several diagnostic spells on her and she stared at me with wide eyes. “I think I know what's wrong.”

“What it be?” She asked as I reached down, then I poked her stomach. “OUCH!”

“Harry!” Hermione gasped.

“I haves tummy aches for long time.” The elf admitted.

“Report to the hospital wing and have the healers there check you for infections. I don't know what it is, just that it has done some damage to you. If they say they won't treat you, tell them they will or they can go home and not come back.”

“I cants be saying that!” The elf said, scared.

“Then I will.” I said and stood. “Come with me.”

“Y-yes, M-master.” The elf said, trembling a little.

“Harry, you shouldn't make her...”

“All elves working for me will be taken care of properly. No working to exhaustion, no skipping meals, and definitely no skipping getting medical attention.” I said and looked down at the elves in the lobby. “In fact, I think I'll make that a standing order. All elves must report for medical attention. If any are hurt, they must be tended to properly and be brought back to full health.”

Hermione stared at me and she bit her lip, showing she was turned on and trying to hide it.

“Hermione, we might need another healer or two. I'll call if we do.” I said and she nodded. “Come along, Dalla.”

“Master be knowing my name?” Dalla asked, surprised.

“I know all of your names.” I said and the shocked elf walked beside me as I went down the stairs. The other elves murmured as we approached and I bent down to look at the female elf that held Jason. “I'm trusting you to watch him while I go to the hospital wing, Bemmy.”

“I be keeping Little Master safe!” Bemmy promised.

I nodded and left the lobby with Dalla. When I arrived at the hospital wing, the two women healers were going through a routine check of the potions stocks and marking them on a list.

“Do either of you have a problem working on house elves?” I asked.

“You can just get another one if it dies.” One of the women said with a shrug.

“They don't usually get sick and are hearty creatures.” The other woman said. “I can check them; but, I doubt there's much I can do. I'm not experienced in treating them.”

I nodded and looked at the first woman. “After some consideration, I don't think your employment here will be necessary after all.”

The woman looked surprised. “But, I just... I changed my living arrangements and...”

“...and won't even look at a creature that needs help. What was the oath you swore?”

The woman's face changed to sadness. “To heal whom we can and do no harm.”

“Can you look past what you think are disposable creatures and do your job?” I asked her.

“Why didn't you ask me that before?” The woman asked, trying to muster some anger.

“It didn't come up before.” I said and motioned to Dalla. “I believe she has an infection and she needs to be checked if its contagious. If what she has spreads, the others could get sick and we need to know what it is, especially if it's communicable to wizards and witches. If it's only limited to herself, then she needs to be treated.”

“What if it's untreatable? Will you have it put down?” The healer I just dismissed asked.

“What did I just ask you to do?” I asked her instead. “You are still thinking of her as disposable!”

“Master, I be fine.” Dalla said and took a step back, clearly afraid.

I sighed and knelt to put my face close to hers. “Dalla, even if it's not curable, I won't be killing you or having you killed. You've been like this for a while, so I will expect you to stay if you can't be cured. Do you understand? You are mine and no one hurts what's mine.”

Dalla looked into my eyes and nodded.

“Good.” I said and stood to face the first woman. “Leave now. If you have any personal things here, get them. You can keep the uniforms as they are fitted to you.”

“You can't do this.” The woman said. “We signed a contract.”

“Yes, and you are refusing to comply with it and your oath. Nowhere in either of those things does it say you will only be treating witches and wizards.” I said and her eyes widened. “If you are so worried about the contract, I'll have the goblins review it and...”

“No! No, that's okay.” The woman said and went over to her desk and grabbed her purse and a few things. She went to the side cabinet and took three uniforms from it and the matching hats. “I don't know what I'm going to do now.”

“If St. Mungos isn't hiring interns, you can always try and find a private practice to join.” The other healer offered.

The first woman nodded and walked out through the open door.

“Let's get a look at your little friend.” The healer said and pat the hospital bed.

Dalla popped away and back to appear on the bed, then laid down. I described what I did and the healer frowned sightly and she started using much more detailed scanning and detection spells. After a few minutes, she sighed.

“I have good news and bad news.” The healer said. “It's not contagious and other elves won't catch it. That's the good news.”

“You can't do anything for her.” I said and she shook her head.

“It's the elf version of Dragon Pox. Once you get it and it's not caught early enough...”

Dalla started to cry and covered her face with her hands. “I be sick and gonna die!”

“No.” I said and pulled out a red vial. “Drink this.”

Dalla didn't even look at it and followed my order. She gulped it down before the healer could stop her.

“What was that?” The healer asked.

“A simpler version of something I've been synthesizing for a while.” I said and watched Dalla.

Dalla's crying slowed down and stopped as she felt the tingling. I could hear her thoughts as her body went through the first phase of the modified Elixir of Life. Her hands reached down and she pat her stomach. She winced a little automatically, frowned slightly, then she pat it harder. Nothing happened.

“I no hurting?” Dalla asked, slightly confused at the new development, then she looked at me with wonder on her face. “I no hurting.”

“Wait for a few minutes.” I said and she did and laid there.

Phase two started and her body trembled a little as her skin changed color slightly. She was a little bit darker than she was a moment ago and then her eyes flickered from solid brown to solid gold for a second, then went back to brown and gold flecks popped up all over them to give her a startling human-like iris in her eyes.

“Merlin's beard.” The healer whispered and watched with wide eyes.

The elf's ears shimmered and grew slightly rigid, making them no longer floppy, and then her head of hair thickened and grew out to become a full head of dark brown hair.

“What be wrong?” Dalla asked the healer. “Is I okay?”

“You...” The healer cast several spells and looked shocked. “...are perfectly fine.” She said and looked at me. “She's also a bit more than an elf now.”

“I was worried about that.” I said and reached out to touch Dalla's cheek. She closed her eyes and the spark of magic between us made a low crack reverberate through the room.

“That... what was that?” The healer asked. “Please, you have to tell me!”

“I'm bonded with all of the house elves. The formula I just gave Dalla is a derivative of one I've taken myself. It's strengthened the bond and given her even more access to magic to keep her healthy.”

“She has your hair color now.” The healer said.

“I looks like Master?” Dalla asked and held a hand up. A handheld mirror appeared in her hand and she stared at herself. “I... I... Master, I...”

“I didn't expect this result.” I said.

“I be BEAUTIFUL!” Dalla yelled. “I be fighting elves off with big sticks!”

“Dalla...” I started to say.

“Is my belly okay?” Dalla asked the healer and made the mirror disappear.

“It's fine. No damage.” The healer said.

“I goes be making babies right now!” Dalla said and popped away without a sound.

“Dammit, she's going to cause a riot.” I said and jogged to the door.

“WAIT!” The healer yelled and I turned back to face her. “Tell me what just happened?”

“An unexpected miracle from a mistake.” I said and ran down the hallway and back to the lobby.

When I got there, it was chaos. All of the male elves were fighting with fists and teeth while Bemmy had the baby behind a shield at the side of the room. Jason was giggling and watching the funny elves. The female elves stood there shaking their heads at the mess and damage the male elves were causing themselves.

“You just be picking one!” One of the other females said.

“I wants a strong baby!” Dalla said and the fighting seemed to die down as dozens of them collapsed to the floor, exhausted. Three elves were still standing and Dalla looked at them with an appraising eye. She walked over to the one that was beat up the most. “Yous do good?”

“I fight everyone for chance.” He responded and showed his scraped knuckles.

Dalla looked at the other two. “Not yous?”

The two others shook their heads and admitted that they only fought those near them.

Dalla turned back to the winner and smiled at him. “Yous be mine now.”

The male elf smiled as she took his hand and they popped away together.

I stood there and watched as the elves started picking themselves up and the females started to fix and repair their clothing. “I guess that solves my order from earlier.”

The elves looked over at me with surprised faces.

“Go to the hospital wing and get checked out. The least the healer can do is give you all band-aids and bandages after she scans you.” I said and they all moved off to do as I asked. “Thank you, Bemmy.”

“I never lets Little Master be in danger.” Bemmy said and held the baby out to me.

“No, you earned the right to hold him until I leave.” I said and the elf beamed a smile at me as I handed her his favorite blanket and the bottle of breastmilk. I walked up the stairs to the office and Hermione stood there with amusement on her face.

“Do I want to ask what happened?”

“I was going to tell you anyway.” I said and sat down, then explained about Dalla and what the failed elixir did to the elf. Also about firing one of the healers.

“So, it won't quite work right on humans and worked exceptionally well on an elf.” Hermione said and wrote out two letters to get another healer and an assistant.

“Apparently.” I responded.

“Are you going to make enough of the mistake for all of them?” Hermione asked.

“Do you really want tons of elf babies halfway through the school year and all of the females off work and taking care of them for the rest of the year?”

Hermione opened her mouth to say yes, then chuckled. “Okay, I see your point. We wait until March.”

I nodded and went back to work on the statues. I only had a couple of hours left before I had to bring Jason back to Amelia and I was sure I could get them all done by then.


Our month long trip to America was a smashing success. Emma, Petunia, Hermione, Lavender, and I saw as many sights as we could stand as we travelled all over and we also christened every place we went. Silencing charms were used liberally and we even had a run-in with an American Auror that had to investigate the extra magic cast at a national monument. When he saw what we were doing, he handed over a ticket and left without saying a word. I paid the fine with a smile.


On September first, the floos were opened to the students and parents and the Consolidated Magic Academy for Modern Magicals was officially opened. They all poured out of the Arrival Hall and stared around at the bright and clean modern building.

“Welcome to the Consolidated Magic Academy for Modern Magicals.” An aged man with a trimmed brown beard said to everyone. “If you will proceed to the doors, guides will be there to direct you to your dorm rooms. You have all day to adjust and relax, visit with your families, and socialize with your peers.”

“Who are you?” One of the students asked.

“I am Maximilian Arturo, the headmaster of this prodigious school.”

“Never heard of you.” The student said back.

Max laughed. “Of course not, we just met! Ha ha!”

A few of the students exchanged confused looks.

“I don't need to be famous to run a school. I just need to be a good administrator and the owner was wise to choose me. I excel at micromanagement and delegation of authority.” Max waved at the exit. “Please, go to the people outside and you'll be directed to your dorms and given additional information.”

The crowd of students and parents went where directed and were surprised at the large group of people wearing uniforms waiting for them.

“First and second years over here.” A woman said and waved.

“Third and fourth years over here.” A man said and waved.

“Fifth and sixth years over here.” A woman said and waved.

“Seventh years over here.” A man said and waved.

“What's going on?” One of the parents asked.

“Don't be nervous, everyone. This is how the dorm buildings are separated.” One of the advisers said. “Gather around your year mates and advisers like myself will help you acclimate to school life.”

“What about staying in... the... castle?” One of the seventh years asked as he looked around.

“That was dismantled at the beginning of summer.” The adviser said. “We have replaced it with a more modern building where classes will be held and the offices of the teachers and headmaster are located. Don't worry, everything has been simplified and no one will be able to get lost. If you do find something confusing or need assistance...” He showed them a little statue. “...you can find these statues in all common rooms, lobbies, classrooms, bathrooms, and hallway intersections. Just say your name and your problem and help will come immediately.”

They were all a little stunned at his words and he and a group of other advisers moved through the crowd and helped direct them to their proper representative. Another set of explanations were given and then everyone split off to go to their dorms.

“My friend took the train because they didn't trust the floo.” One of the first years asked. “When will they get here?”

“In about an hour. It will give them time to adjust to being here before lunch is served in the main cafeteria.” The first and second year representative said. “We have people waiting at the station located on the other side of the dorms to collect them.”

“Hold on, did you say an hour?” One of the parents asked.

“Yes, the train has been upgraded as well.” The rep said, her face amused. “It was included in the information package about the floo and alternate travel.”

The man gave him a frown and the rep chuckled.

“I wasn't admonishing you, just reminding you where the information could be obtained.” The rep said. “We have copies in all the common rooms of the dorms and I'll be giving an orientation speech after all of the students have their rooms assigned.”

“Rooms?” A woman asked.

“Students get individual rooms and their own bathrooms for privacy. There's no need to cram six to ten students into a single large room or force them to shower in turns. It's not like that in real life, so why train them to live that way?” The rep said with a chuckle and opened the door to the common room of the first building. “The owners really have made more changes to a standard education than even I suspected, and I was one of their first detractors!”

“What do you mean?” The woman asked as she stepped inside and then gasped. “Look at the CEILING!”

Everyone rushed in and looked up with awe. Even the second year students were surprised that they could see the sky outside.

“Case in point.” The rep said and motioned to it. “The entire school is filled with things like this. They really took out all the stops and made this place the best magical academy in the world and not just Britain.”

“Are you sure they can really claim that?” A man asked and hugged his eleven year old daughter from behind.

“It's going to be well known by the end of the term, I guarantee it.” The rep said. “Even the kindergartners love this place.”

“Wait, what?” A lot of the parents asked at the same time.

“They've built a nice little school for the younger kids that show accidental magic early. It's still a normal school and it also has protections in place for everyone's safety. The students aren't scolded for accidents when emotions run high and in some cases are actually praised for it.”

Some of the parents looked a little uncomfortable at that news.

The rep saw that and chuckled. “Once again, I'm not admonishing you, just informing you. I reacted the same way with my own child at the time because I didn't know any different and inadvertently tried to repress their magic use. The teachers here don't do that unless the magic is too destructive or hurts someone. Then they encourage their emotions into a more positive outlook and handle it.”

“This place is amazing!” One of the second years said and pointed. “I have my own room! It has my name on it and everything!”

The rep chuckled and waved her wand to make the names on the doors glow brightly. “Go ahead everyone and get your things into your rooms.”

The group of parents and students split up and had a bit of fun looking for their rooms. After they were partially or mostly unpacked, they came back out to the common room.

“As you saw, the rooms have desks for homework, as do the common room.” The rep said and pointed. “Studying is encouraged as much as possible, because who doesn't want to learn about magic? It's a wonder of the world!”

“You've caught the excitement bug.” A voice said from behind the rep, who turned to greet her boss.

“I was just starting to give the orientation speech, sir. These young ladies and gentlemen are the first years and their parents.” The rep said and waved at the younger ones and then she waved at the rest. “They are the returning second years and their parents.”

“It's nice to meet you all.” Harry Potter said and gave them all a wave.

“You're HARRY POTTER!” An eleven year old girl yelled.

“I am.” Harry chuckled. “I just stopped by to make sure you all found your rooms all right.”

“It was easy!” She exclaimed and grinned happily.

Harry nodded. “Let's hope you find everything else just as easy.” He said and looked at the parents faces. “If you have any questions, please direct them to myself, Hermione Granger, the headmaster, the Dorm Reps, or any of the advisers that are roaming the campus.”

“Is it true you cheated at the Tri-Wizard cup to make the criminals be winners?” One of the men asked.

“If I cheated, I would have lost my magic.” Harry said and took out his wand. “Constructus Erectum.”

An exact miniature copy of the dorm building they were in, appeared in the middle of the room.

“Ooo! Can I keep that?” A young man asked.

“That depends.” Harry said and smiled. “Can you tell me something that's exempt from Gamp's Law of Transfiguration?”

The boy's eyes lit up. “FOOD! You can't make it appear from nothing!”

Harry chuckled and waved his wand at the miniature building and it glowed for several seconds. “It's now permanent and won't fade in a few hours.”

“YAY!” The boy shouted and he and his friends ran over to it and knelt to play with it.

“The doors and windows open and the roof comes off.” Harry said.

They immediately took the roof off and opened every single window and door they could find.

Harry chuckled and lightly touched the rep's shoulder. “I'm sorry for the distraction.”

“It's all right, sir.” The woman said and smiled at him.

“I'll let you get back to work.”

“Thank you. Have a great day, sir.”

“You, too.” Harry said and left the building.

“That was really Harry Potter.” The girl that yelled previously whispered.

“He seemed a lot nicer than the news articles from the tournament made him out to be.” Her mother commented.

“To be fair, he was entered against his will and made sure that everyone knew it.” The rep said and then laughed. “I told him to his face that he was crazy to go through with his promise to tear down Hogwarts castle.”

“You didn't!” The girl exclaimed.

“Oh, I did.” The rep said and knelt to look the girl in the face. “He calmly asked me why. I said that destroying all of that lost magic that the founders had put into the castle was a crime against history.”

“What did he say?” The girl asked.

“He made me eat my words.” The rep said and pointed up. “Every common room has this ceiling enchantment that everyone thought was only on the ceiling of the Great Hall. Then he showed me the statues that let anyone call for help that are modelled after the gargoyle that used to be in front of the headmaster's office in the castle. Right after that, he showed me the museum where he put one of the old moving staircases, a suit of armor, the headmaster's gargoyle, and all of the old portraits.”

“He kept it all?” One of the second year students asked.

“He's doing more than that.” The rep said and stood. “He has several witches and wizards talking extensively to the portraits to learn everything they can tell us about the history of themselves and what they know of the history of their own time.”

“Wow.” The girl whispered.

“I know! It's been an interesting read so far.” The rep said.

“He's letting you read it?” One of the parents asked, surprised.

“Of course he is. He's not hoarding information to keep it a secret!” The rep said and laughed a little. “If you want to read some of it, they have a special section in the library for the reports as they are filed.”

“He's not censoring it at all?” A man asked. “What if they describe horrible battles or...” He covered his daughter's ears. “...naughty things like sex and orgies?”

The rep had to laugh. “It's not censored; but, it is sanitized. It's for information purposes, so extreme details are not necessary.”

“Oh. Well, that's okay.” The man said and uncovered his daughter's ears.

The rep looked at the daughter and saw her mouth the words 'I heard him'. She laughed and stepped back to the front of the room. “If everyone could find seats, I'll get back to my delayed orientation speech to let you know where to get the maps of the campus and where to find everything.”

They did so and she gave her prepared speech, altered slightly at the end to accommodate a few random questions about what she was saying. At the end, she had a question and answer period and she did her best to answer everything. When she couldn't, she told them where to find the answer or who to ask.

“Thank you all for putting up with me for this long.” The rep said and a few people clapped. “Enjoy your time with your family and feel free to roam around until lunchtime. I'll be in my office right over there with my door open. If you need anything else, just come over and visit.”

She walked over and entered her very nice office and sat down behind the desk. She only had a little bit of paperwork to complete and confirm that all of her students had arrived and claimed their dorm rooms.

“Excuse me.” The girl from before said as she entered the office. “I have a few more questions.”

“Of course. Have a seat.” The rep said and the girl sat. “I will do my best to answer.”

“Do you like Harry Potter?”

“Very much so.” The rep answered.

“Are you his girlfriend?”

“No; but, I'm not against the idea.” The rep said with a smile.

“Have you had sex with him like daddy thinks?” The girl asked, quite blatantly.

The rep chuckled. “No, I haven't. I'm also not against that idea, either.”

The girl smiled. “Me, too.”

The rep nodded, because she figured the girl was as interested in Harry as she was.

“Well, he's very tall and muscular for his age of fifteen.” The rep said. “You're eleven, so that's only four years difference. I'm sure when you're old enough, you will have just as much chance as anyone else to catch his attention.”

“I already did.” The girl said and stood. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” The rep said, unsure of what the girl meant.

The girl left the office and went to her parents to tell them she was going to keep unpacking some of the little things she had brought with her. She left them talking with the other parents and went to her room. It was bigger than her room at home and she closed the door and touched the hidden button beside the door for the silence spell.

She sat down on her bed and reached into her pocket to pull out the note that hadn't been there before Harry had shown up to talk to them. “To my secret admirer, the book you are looking for is on the second to last shelf in the library at the back, six books in from the end. I look forward to you showing me what you can do. Love, Harry.”

The girl shivered at the thought of him actually giving her a personal note and also getting to stare into those luscious emerald green eyes. She knew the dorm rep was right and that the four years between their ages would mean less than nothing when she was older. She didn't want to wait that long and looked down at the note.

I need to get to the library! She thought happily and hid the note in the safest place she knew. Inside her training bra and next to her heart. No one would ever find it there, except maybe Harry when it was time. Hopefully, I'll have an actual bra by then! She thought and giggled as she unpacked her things.


“It's so weird being students again.” Hermione whispered from beside me as we listened to the dorm rep's speech. It had been delayed for an hour because a few of the other students of our year had taken the bullet train and had only just arrived. They needed the extra time to get their things to their rooms, too.

“At least your mom and Petunia managed to get here.” I said.

“They won't stay angry at you for long.” Hermione said and lightly kissed my cheek.

“According to them, I have been ignoring them on purpose.” I said with a sigh.

Hermione got a gleam in her eye and then leaned close to whisper. “Why don't you...”

I listened to her suggestion and my eyes widened. “Hermione...”

“They won't expect it and it should make them stop glaring at you. Maybe.”

“All right, as soon as the speech is over, I'll take your advice.” I said just in time, because the rep finished his prepared speech. “Wish me luck.”

Hermione chuckled and watched me with amusement on her face as I carefully walked over to the two irate women staring holes through me.

“Emma, Petunia.” I said and they almost let out growls. “Please come with me and I'll explain everything.”

“You better!” Petunia snapped angrily and motioned for me to go.

I walked back across the common room and up the stairs to my room. They were both behind me and as soon as they stepped into my room, I went back and closed the door and activated the silence runes.

“All right, let's hear it.” Emma said with a scowl on her face.

I looked at her and Petunia's angry faces and straightened my back. “I love you.”

“I know that!” Petunia said.

“Oh!” Emma gasped at the same time.

“I was afraid to face my feelings and I dove into my work to hide from them... and from you.” I said.

Petunia's face lost the anger. “Wait, hold on.” She said. “Did you just say...”

“He said he loves us!” Emma said and she sounded excited, her anger completely forgotten.

I stripped off my clothes in a few seconds and flicked my hands at them to strip them off as well. “I've saved this bed specifically for us to christen it. Together.”

“Oh, my god!” Emma gasped, grabbed Petunia's arm, and flung her onto the bed.

“Emma!” Petunia exclaimed as she bounced on the firm mattress.

“Don't you get it? We're going to be his first in this room!” Emma said and jumped on top of her to kiss her. “It's so romantic after he hid his feelings for us for so long!”

“I really don't think that having sex after this long will make up for... ohhhhhh!” Petunia moaned as I dove between her legs.

I was ruthless in my ministrations and made her orgasm after only a minute while she held Emma close to kiss her passionately. I switched to Emma and she moaned into Petunia's mouth. It was barely twenty seconds for her and she came, apparently very excited about the whole thing, so I stood and slid myself inside of her first.

“OoooooHHHHH!” Emma moaned loudly, then I started pumping in and out of her at a furious pace right off the bat instead of working up to it. “Yeeeesssss! Just like that! Wreck me, Harry! OHHHH!”

I was a little surprised she was that into it; but, I wasn't going to complain about it. She liked what she liked and I had no problem giving it to her. I made her orgasm again and then slid out and right into Petunia. She grunted and then moaned as I kept the same pace I had used on Emma without pausing.

Emma kept making out with Petunia as I had my way with the both of them, playing, teasing, and kissing them both as much as I could while giving them both attention. I made them orgasm a dozen times before Emma gave me the order.

“Give it to us, Harry! Give us a baby like Amelia's!” Emma shouted.

I obliged by burying myself into her and unloading the first shot into her. She moaned loudly and started kissing Petunia again. I pulled out and shoved it into Petunia to give her the next shot. My hip pumping action didn't slow down at all as I kept switching between them and giving them equal parts of my shots.

When I was done, I pulled out of Petunia and laid down beside them to rest for a minute.

“Wow.” Emma whispered and one of her hands disappeared from sight. “He really did give it to both of us.”

“I know. I could feel it.” Petunia said and turned her head to look at me. “I haven't forgiven you yet.”

“I'm not done yet.” I said and both of them had wide eyes. “We have until lunchtime before we have to leave the room.”

Emma and Petunia looked at each other and smiled the same sultry smile they had when they were going to get exactly what they wanted. I didn't disappoint them. They both forgave me for my previous behavior just before we left the room to go to lunch with Hermione and Lavender.


Not everyone liked the new school. We had several of the older students and their parents make very vocal protests over destroying the wizarding traditions that Hogwarts had established.

The headmaster let them rant and rave for nearly twenty minutes before he put a stop to it. “Why are you under the false impression that just because something is a tradition means that it's right?”

None of the protesters could answer that.

“Hogwarts had a boring ghost teaching History of Magic for decades and literally no student has ever gone on to Mastery level in all that time. Why was the tradition of having that ghost teach at the old school, while being allowed to ruin potential history lovers, the right thing to have and keep?” The headmaster asked. “It wasn't. So, the new owners changed it. We have an enigmatic and vivacious woman that has graciously decided to take up the post. The owners had to go abroad to find her!”

The protesters looked a little confused.

“The old potions professor has ruined the potential of more potions prodigies than both wizarding wars combined. For fifteen years, that horrible man has spoiled the minds of the young and influential to make them hate potions, unless you were a Slytherin and he gave them secret classes to let them excel.”

That was news for both the students and the parents.

“Also, he was having students brew potions in a dimly lit dungeon that was damp, dank, and was a hazard to any good potion and the students. The lack of air flow and ventilation caused just as many ruined potions than the Slytherin students sabotaged.” The headmaster said. “Should we have kept that tradition, because everyone accepted that it was always done that way?”

A few of the previous Slytherins, who were actually most of the protesters, looked embarrassed. The other protesters looked angry at being called out for their actions.

“No, it was wrong and the owners knew this. There were a lot of things wrong with the old school and they strove to remove as much of the corruption and wrong thinking as possible.” The headmaster said and waved at the very large and expanded staff. “They even hired double the amount of teachers at a higher salary to make sure the classes that students attended would remain small and allow a more personal touch to give students a better chance to excel.”

“That really was a good idea.” A voice called out from somewhere.

“It was and I'm sure that once classes start tomorrow, the students will appreciate how thorough the owners have been in making sure that they receive the best education that can be provided... and not the traditional and easily passable courses if you applied moderate effort.” The headmaster said. “Unfortunately, they can't change the educational standards that the Ministry assigns to the current Owl and Newt exams that haven't changed in over twenty years. Yet, anyway.”

“What do you mean?” Someone asked.

“The old headmaster has been cutting subjects and books from the curriculum for decades to try and dumb down the content and the students. It makes them pliable and easily led by him.” The headmaster said.

A lot of students and parents spoke up with shouts and protests over saying that about Dumbledore.

“I know that is a sensitive subject, even though what I said was true. Our current course offerings, including those for older witches and wizards that want to keep learning, literally proves my point. The old headmaster would never allow such things to happen in 'his' school. He wouldn't even approve cross-house study groups and intentionally set rival houses against each other.”

The talking and shouts died down after that, because they knew most of it was correct.

“So, you need to stop thinking about all of the things you believe you've lost with the old school being removed. Almost nothing you think are traditions and should be kept, have helped you at all.” The headmaster said and looked around the much larger Dining Hall. “What you need to do is think about what you are going to learn about from here on out.”

Everyone looked like they were waiting for what he was going to say next.

“Like the owners said at the closing feast of the old school, you are the generation of witches and wizards that are going to be the heart of the wizarding world in Britain. Will you do your best and show everyone who you are? Or will you coast along and do only what's required to barely pass and go through life wondering what could have happened if you had just applied yourself a little more?”

Harry stood and started to slowly clap. Hermione stood next, then Emma and Petunia, then Neville and the Patil twins. They were all clapping and a lot of the others in the Dining Hall stood and clapped as well.

The headmaster chuckled and waved his hands to stop it. “I didn't say that for applause. I said that for your benefit. This is the start of your future. Will you embrace it or will you choose to ignore it because it's not traditional?” He asked and then clapped his own hands several times. “It's all up to you.” He said and sat down.

“Is that it?” Another voice asked.

“Hmm? What do you mean?” The headmaster asked.

“Is the feast over?” They asked.

The headmaster chuckled. “This was just the welcoming meal, not a feast. Also, even though I am the headmaster, I won't impose my views upon you and try to dismiss you when I'm done eating. If you wish to stay and spend more time with your family and continue to eat, feel free to do so. If you want to leave and go back to your dorms or roam the grounds, that is also your choice.”

“What about announcements?” A different voice asked. “What about the forbidden forest?”

“There you go with the traditions again.” The headmaster said with a laugh. “The announcements were handled during the orientation speech back at your dorms this morning.”

“What about the forbidden forest?” Someone else asked.

“It's no longer forbidden.” The headmaster said and there were gasps of shock. “All dark or potentially dangerous creatures have either been eradicated or moved to a more hospitable area. Even the centaurs were given some prime land in a much less accessible area to raise their kind in peace.”

“But... but... the forest is still there!” A nervous girl asked.

“It was an aesthetic choice and it has also been cut back by a significant amount. You just don't notice the edge of the forest has changed because of all the great work that the construction wizards and dwarves have done with everything.” The headmaster said. “If you go over behind the third and fourth year dorm building, you'll find a very nice archway and a cobblestone path that will take you on a scenic route through some very enjoyable views.”

Everyone was stunned to hear that.

The headmaster drank the last of the liquid in his goblet and stood. “I've finished my own meal, so I am returning to my office that's above the lobby in the main building. My door is always open and it doesn't require a password. In fact, you don't even need an appointment. A polite knock will do to get my attention.”

Everyone watched as the man walked by the tables and he nodded at several of the students and their parents. He passed by the protesters and whispered that attracting negative attention wouldn't help them when they were graduated and in the real world. They got the point and went back to their tables with pensive looks on their faces.


A month later, everyone had settled down into the new routine. There were some hiccups with students trying to sabotage things, Slytherins mostly, and the Aurors were called in. With the statues and other witnesses, they were arrested, fined for damages, and suspended for a week. Any re-offenders were arrested, fined again, and then expelled.

The new school's policies were fully enforced and no one was treated unfairly or given favoritism. Bullying was not tolerated and any and all infractions were recorded and sent to the parents of the bullies and the victims. Detentions were the first offense. Suspension for a day for the second. A week suspension for the third, and expulsion for the fourth.

A few of the previous Ravenclaws had already been expelled for bullying. It was sad to see them crying about being kicked out of the best learning institution they had ever attended that actually encouraged them to overachieve.

“It's just too bad that your own sadistic personalities and tendencies have ruined it for you.” The head master said as he snapped their wands and handed them back. “I believe the law states you have a month to arrange for a new school before your magic is bound permanently. You won't be allowed to have wands until you are enrolled, so I suggest you hurry with that task.”

What he didn't tell them was that he had already sent a copy of their records to every school in Europe. If they did get in on academic scores, they would be watched for any repeated behaviour and would be out as soon as they bullied someone else.


“HARRY!” A shrill voice yelled as she entered the Dining Hall.

I turned to look and saw a girl that had familiar long blonde hair running towards me. After years of Hermione and Emma hugs, I knew what was coming, so I stood up and braced myself. Luna jumped into the air and I caught her easily.

“Luna, what are you...” I started to say, then she pressed her lips to mine and there were a lot of appreciative sounds and a few wolf whistles. There were also a couple of shouts that I was in trouble.

“Thank you so much!” Luna gushed and then she blushed when she realized what she had done.

“I guess I don't need to ask what for.” I said and sat back down with her on my lap, which made her blush even more. Without us wearing traditional big heavy robes, my dress pants and shirt and her skirt and blouse, were not much of a barrier between us.

“We're sorry that we couldn't interfere before.” Hermione whispered. “The old traditional school rules stopped us last year and we had to wait for the right time to strike.”

Luna looked at her and then at me as her blush faded. “You're not angry that I kissed you?”

I wagged my eyebrows at her, which made her eyes go wide, then I kissed her passionately.

“MMMM!” Luna moaned loudly as we made out right there in front of both of my girlfriends. Her arms went around my neck and she threw herself into the kiss with reckless abandon.

I could hear her thoughts and she had never been kissed before, let alone this well, and she was feeling tingly all over. Her butt wiggled on my thigh as she felt the tingle increase between her legs and my body reacted to that.

Luna broke the kiss and looked into my eyes as she felt my erection pressed into her thigh. “Harry, is that what I think it is?”

“It's a real Humdinger.” Hermione whispered with a grin on her face.

Luna gasped and grabbed my crotch. “Oh! OH! So that's what it is! I always wondered why mother would never let me see it when she said dad had one!”

Hermione and Lavender burst out laughing.

“Let me see it! Please! I promise to treat it right!” Luna said, her voice pleading.

“Luna, you don't know what you're asking.” I said.

“I do.” Luna said and moved her hand up and down. “Humdingers respond best to physical stimulation. All I need to do is...”

“Harry, go take care of her.” Hermione said. “You know she won't let it go.”


“I think she's cute.” Lavender said and went back to eating. “I don't mind.”

“That was my thinking, too.” Hermione said with a smile.

I looked at them and then at Luna. Her eyes were shiny and she had a dreamy smile on her face. I didn't say anything as I stood and held onto her and easily put her into a princess carry. She let out an 'eep!' sound and reached down to grab her skirt, only to find it stuck to her butt.

“I wasn't about to let you flash the room and cast a sticking charm.” I whispered to her and carried her out of the Dining Hall. A lot of talking and murmurs followed us and I ignored it.

“Thank you, Harry. You're so considerate and caring.” Luna said, softly.

“No, I'm an evil manipulative bastard and I'm going to screw you so hard that you're not going to be able to walk for the rest of the day.”

Luna was quiet for a moment, then she smiled. “I just soaked my panties!”

I couldn't help myself and laughed, which made her laugh, and we went to my dorm room in great moods. We both knew what was going to happen and we were both okay with it. She was only a year younger than I was and she had helped Hermione and I with our media campaigns for years.

After we undressed and saw each other naked, what followed was one of the sweetest and oddest love making sessions I had ever experienced. Luna sure had some weird ideas of what sex was and she was more exploitative than Lavender was, and that was saying something. Once I cleared up a few things for her personal knowledge, she wanted to try everything. Every. Thing.

“Wooooooow!” Luna moaned as she lay backwards against my chest. “What was that... called again?”

“Reverse cowgirl. It's based on riding a horse backwards.” I said.

“Is it a magical horse? How does a horse run backwards?” Luna asked, curious.

I laughed. “No, no. The rider is backwards and the horse goes forwards.”

“Oh. That doesn't make sense. How does the rider see?”

“Over their shoulder like you were doing.” I said and kissed her cheek. “You looked so sexy like that.”

Luna blushed and turned her head away. “I'm not sexy.”

“Luna!” I said a bit sternly and she turned to look at me with wide eyes. “I don't make idle comments. I mean what I say and do what I promise.”

“But... look at me. I'm... plain and...”

“You are no more plain than Lavender is.” I said and she caught her breath. “This was the most fun I've ever had during sex and this was nowhere near my first time like it was yours.”

Luna blushed and looked up at the ceiling. “Harry, I don't...” She shook her head. “What do I say to that?”

“How about this.” I said and grinned. “Thank you for wrecking me, Harry! Your penis is now named 'The Destroyer'.”

Luna snorted loudly and then laughed. She reached down between her legs where I was still inside of her, and kept laughing as she lightly stroked me and herself.

“I really love the sound of your laugh.” I whispered into her ear.

Luna turned her head to look at me, so I kissed her passionately. She pat my erection and I took the hint and started to move in and out of her again. She moaned into my mouth as we laid there, with me only slowly moving, and we made out. It seemed to go on forever and we were content with that.

Luna came twice more like that, having pretty powerful orgasms, and I finished inside of her again. She moaned even more and whispered that she loved me for treating her so well, even though she knew it was the endorphins in her head making her confess. She told me that, too. So, I kissed her again.

“Are you two done yet?” Hermione asked through the door.

“Yes.” Luna said.

Hermione opened the door and came into the room, saw us and laughed, then shut the door and locked it again. “I forgot that I needed to be more specific when asking you a question.”

Luna giggled and I chuckled.

Hermione came over to the bed and looked at us, then moved slightly to look at where I was still inside Luna. “I think I want to try that later.”

“It was wonderful.” Luna said. “Harry was so loving and gentle that I nearly passed out twice.”

Hermione smiled and sat down. “Isn't it amazing that he can still seduce you after already having sex with you?”

“Oh, yes. I'm totally in love with him.” Luna admitted. “Endorphins are my new friends!”

Hermione laughed and reached out to pet Luna's damp hair. “They are addicting.”

“I think Harry could take over the school if he walked around with his pants undone.” Luna said, surprising both Hermione and myself. “The girls would be all over him for his magnificent Humdinger and the boys would be too scared to say anything about it because he's Harry Potter, Splitter of Lakes!”

We all laughed at that, because the Ministry had tried, quite unsuccessfully, to undo the spell I had cast on the lake. The more they tried, the worse it became. When they finally gave up, there was a fifty foot wide walkway from one side of the lake to the other. As a final insult, I offered tours to witches and wizards who wanted to see what aquatic life looked like at the bottom of the lake.

“I've gotten you both excused from normal classes today for private tutoring.” Hermione said and handed us the notes of confirmation.

“My privates sure have been taught a lot today.” Luna said with a straight face, which set us all to laughing again.

“You should get cleaned up and dressed soon.” Hermione said and stood.

“Maybe later.” Luna said and looked at me. “Can we stay like this for a while? You're really comfortable.”

I gave her a kiss. “We can stay here until supper, then we need to eat. I won't have you missing meals just so we can stay joined together.”

“Hermione could bring us something.” Luna suggested.

Hermione shook her head. “I'm sorry, Luna. Tonight's my date night.”

“Oh, poop!” Luna pouted.

Hermione laughed softly and leaned down to lightly kiss her cheek. “You know Harry has some obligations that he refuses to ignore, even for the latest cutie that catches his attention.”

“I know.” Luna said, sadly. “When can I slip into the rotation?”

“I think two days. Lavender is booked for tomorrow and then we have to work on our side projects. Is that okay?” Hermione asked.

“I can wait for two days.” Luna said and wiggled her butt against me. “The question is, can Harry go two days without wrecking me again?”

“Torture. Pure torture.” I said and the two girls giggled.

“I'll see you in a bit.” Hermione said and leaned down a bit more to kiss me. She left us there and Luna and I cuddled like that until suppertime.

Luna was pleased to note that I had been hard inside of her the entire time and we left to go eat after we had a quick shag in the bathroom.


“We need to do something to stop this.” Lucius said and tossed a report onto the desk of the Ministry's education department. It was filled with the exemplary performance of the new school and also the incidents and expulsions said school have had.

“I've read that and you seem to be mistaken that we can do anything about it.”

“It's a school! You have authority over...”

“It's a private academy on private land. All students are invited personally. Nothing is open to the public unless they are invited. Also, they can teach anyone anything they want, as long as they pass the standardized educational tests. All laws are being followed and all relevant forms have been and are being filed.”

“They kicked my son out on the second day!” Lucius exclaimed.

“I was actually surprised he was invited back, to be honest. That was just asking for trouble.” The education department head said and almost laughed at Lucius' scowl. “We have hundreds of reports of your son's antics that were backlogged after Hogwarts was dismantled and all of its disciplinary records were properly submitted to this department.”

“Excuse me?” Lucius asked.

“You didn't know that the old headmaster has been brushing everything under the rug for decades?” The education head asked and Lucius didn't respond. “I thought so. As far as our previous records were concerned, Hogwarts was an exemplary school that had no incidents or causes for concern. That put it at the top of the world's lists for premiere schools.”

“It really was all Dumbledore's manipulations.” Lucius sighed.

“None of us suspected that old bastard was playing us for fools. If even a quarter of the things that went on there were made public, Hogwarts would have been sanctioned hundreds of times, fined for student endangerment, and in several cases shut down for months or even years.”

Lucius had to nod at that. Draco had told him all about the incidents during his first year. If the public ever found out about it, it would besmirch the memory of Hogwarts in a lot of people's minds.

“I can see your worried look. I'm glad you understand.” The education head said and pushed the report aside and picked up another, which he handed to Lucius. “I certainly hope you're prepared for this.”

“What is it?” Lucius asked.

“The soon to be published public records.” The educational department head said.

“No.” Lucius whispered and opened it. It went back almost a hundred years, right about the time that Albus Dumbledore had started working at Hogwarts and had started interfering.

“We were going to release it all; but, none of the ones before then really matter.” The education head said and waved at the door. “It's a copy, so you are free to take it with you. Have a good day, Mr. Malfoy.”

Lucius barely acknowledged the man as he left the office, his eyes going over the index of times and incidents that had been kept from the public. He made his way through the Ministry of Magic automatically as he continued to read. When he reached the public fireplaces, he also came to his own years at Hogwarts.

It really does have everything in it. Lucius thought despondently and used the floo to go home.

The public outcry over it was going to be both immense and a spectacular disaster.


It was Christmas time and Hermione and I walked into Potter Manor, happy to be staying at home for the first time since the Christmas before. We were greeted by two people that had been regulars in our lives for only the last few months.

“Harry!” A slightly muscular and unrecognizable blond man exclaimed and took me into a hug before I could dodge. “I seriously missed you!”

“Really? That's the first thing you say to me?” I asked and the man laughed.

“I couldn't help it! I know it's not my legal name anymore after I died...”

“It was the only way to get you both out of prison with no questions asked.” Hermione said and the man turned to hug her as well.

“It was brilliantly devious.” A black haired beauty that looked like a tall supermodel said as she came over to me and looked at me in the eyes. She matched my height of six foot two perfectly.

“My Bella.” I said and took her into my arms and kissed her several times to make her purr with happiness. “I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get away until now.”

“It's not your fault... oh, wait. Yes, it is.” Bella joked and her bright blue eyes that were so unlike her previous brown ones, stared into mine. “If you didn't have this huge master plan to take over the wizarding world, I could have been by your side this whole time.”

I smiled and nodded at Hermione, who pulled out various parchment papers. “We've been working on changing that.”

“What is this?” Bella asked.

“Applications for your Defense Against the Dark Arts mastery.” Hermione said.

“Excuse me? It's a what?” Bella asked, confused.

“You will easily pass the certifications.” I said and let her go to read them. “Once you do, we can hire you at the school as either another teacher for the course or to teach some of the supplementary lessons for the adults.”

“I can work with you nearby every day?!?” Bella asked, her excitement evident.

“We haven't been idle this entire time, even if we are bogged down with school work.” Hermione said and handed papers to Sirius. “These are for Dueling Mastery and Security.”

Sirius took the papers with awe. “You really are a brilliant witch!”

Hermione nodded at him.

“So humble.” I whispered and hugged her as I kissed her.

“Who came up with giving them polyjuice potion and stopping their hearts to kill them, then reviving them a minute later in their now permanent disguises?” Hermione asked.

“You, my brilliant witch.” I said and kissed her again.

“I can't believe it actually worked.” Sirius said and ran a hand through his styled hair. “I've even gotten used to being called Solomon.”

“I assume the goblins accepted the change?” I asked.

“Once I paid a small fine for trying to deceive them.” Sirius said with a laugh. “When they couldn't end my transformation, they reluctantly admitted that the magic was beyond them and refunded me.”

“I knew they would respect deviousness if it proved effective.” I said.

“They changed the Black vaults over without trouble and sold off the properties, as per my will.” Sirius said. “How do you like the fact that you're my heir?”

“Why would you care about that? You're dead.” I said and he laughed.

“True. True.” Sirius said and folded the applications to tuck into a pocket. “The others are already inside and are waiting for your triumphant return.”

“Lead the way.” I said and he gave me a lopsided grin, then transformed into a golden Labrador retriever. “That changed, too?”

“Woof!” The dog barked and ran down the hallway towards the formal dining room.

“You better register properly this time!” Hermione shouted after him.

I thought I somehow heard the dog laugh. “Can dogs laugh? That sounded like a laugh.”

Hermione huffed and walked after him. “I'll wring his neck if he gets sent to prison over something so stupid.”

That comment made Bella and I laugh. I took Bella's arm in mine and she smiled at me.

“Come to my room tonight.” I whispered to her.

“My lord.” Bella whispered back. “I am undeserving of your first night at home.”

I shook my head. “You are the most deserving.” I said and kissed her cheek as we started walking. “You've had to wait since the end of the tournament and I won't have you wait any longer.”

Bella blushed slightly. “My lord, I must tell you something.”

I brought us to a stop and we looked into each other's eyes.

“You will be this body's first.” Bella admitted and her blush didn't fade.

I let a huge smile grow on my face. “You have been a very good girl to remain intact for me, My Bella.”

“The pain of you taking me will be glorious.” Bella whispered.

“I will do my best to let you enjoy it.” I promised.

“Thank you, my lord.” Bella said and then she smiled. “I also want to thank you for my height.”

I chuckled and we walked on. “I know you hated it when people called you cute for being so short.”

“I strangled more than a few of them, that's true.” Bella said and I laughed.

“Despite it being true.” I teased and she glared at me. “Come now, Bella. Even you have to admit that you had a cute ass.”

Bella let out a frustrating sigh. “I still do.”

“Truly?” I asked and she nodded. “I look forward to wrecking it.”

Bella shivered and gave me a longing look. “As do I, my lord.”

I nodded at her and we stepped into the dining room that was full of the oddest group of people that anyone could have gathered. Emma and Hermione Granger, Petunia Evans (legally changed back from Dursley), Lavender Brown and her parents and their other daughter Rose, Amelia Bones and our son Jason, her niece Susan, Sirius aka Solomon, Bella aka Bellatrix, Luna Lovegood and her father Xenophilius, Neville Longbottom and his grandmother Augusta, his two betrothed Patil twins, their father and mother, and then myself.

“I thank you all for coming here today.” I said and bowed my head to everyone in the room. “I've been gathering you all up over the years and in most respects separately. I thought it was time that we all met and I would let you all in on the main things that Hermione and I have planned for the wizarding world.”

“I knew the papers were right! You're trying to take over!” Augusta exclaimed.

“Of course I am!” I exclaimed right back and she looked surprised. “The old ways killed my parents and let two of the worst dark lords in wizarding history to rise and gain power! They nearly destroyed our world several times! That ends now!”

Augusta looked surprised at my outburst and my admitting her suspicion.

“For too long the people have sat back and let a few people take care of the problems that the world has. They ignore the flaws in everything and let someone else worry about fixing them, which no one ever does because they don't want things to change.” I said and nearly everyone in the room nodded. “I do want it to change. Hermione and I have made a significant effort to do just that with the school.”

“It's a wonderful institution.” Xenophilius said. “Luna has nothing but praise for it and my own tours and interviews with the staff and students say the same thing. Even the detractors have to admit how well the school is doing, even if they hate how it's being done.”

Hermione nodded. “That was the point we were trying to make.”

“It was and we've made it. Our preschool has found hundreds of magicals that are being prepped properly to be integrated into our culture instead of being forced into it at the age of eleven.” I said and a few people looked surprised. “Yes, we are starting that early. With better integration, no one will know who is a muggle-born and who is from a pure blood family.”

“Homogenization.” Xeno said and I nodded.

“Magic is magic and unless we change how it's handled, our world will continue to stagnate and then it will split between the old families and the new ones. It will cause a civil war that neither side would survive, no matter who won or how quickly.”

Silence met my words and I let it sink in for several moments.

“I wanted it over before it starts, so I started recruiting. Hermione was the first and the most prolific. We've expanded from there and slowly have been bringing more and more of you into this.” I motioned to them all. “Look at you. No one would ever suspect that you could work together towards a unified world and end the unnecessary strife that the old families and new families cause just because of their beliefs.”

Everyone looked around the room at each other and back at me.

“Can we really do this?” Susan asked and we all looked at her. “I mean, we're just... we are only...”

I chuckled and pointed at her. “That right there. That needs to stop. We are all capable of making the changes needed. Look at what Hermione and I have done since the summer and you can easily see that one person really can make a difference...”

“With the right help.” Hermione added.

“I've had her help for years and Luna's for nearly as long, thanks to Hermione's brilliance.” I said and both girls blushed a little. “You've all helped in your own ways, some unknowingly. Even the smallest contributions can affect the entire outcome.” I nodded at Neville. “You're expanding your own sphere of influence and brought another family to prominence, just by being yourself.”

Neville looked at his two future wives and had to agree. “I don't know what my life would be like without them in it.”

“Yes! That's it exactly.” I said and everyone looked at me. “We don't know what the world would be like if it didn't have us in it, so let's use that power. Let's show the world what it will be like with us actively in it!”

Amelia gave me a huge smile and an encouraging nod as she hugged our one year old son. “I'm with you, Harry. I know exactly what this world would have been like without you in it and I never want to see that again.” She admitted. “With you in it and showing us what you can do, the change you can bring to make everything better, there's not much that can stand against you.”

“Mostly it's just useless traditions that actually impede our society and not help it. I'm trying to change it and the views of people by showing them alternates that still work. They still uphold wizarding beliefs, except that they aren't constrained by how things have always been done.” I said.

“Keeping traditions for traditions sake is a mistake that has been holding wizards and witches back from reaching their full potential.” Hermione said. “We invited you here because we want you all to help us.”

“We've done what we can with what we have access to, creating the school and starting things. Now we are at a crossroads and it's a pivotal moment in time.” I said and a few of them nodded. “Working together, we can do something that has never been done in the wizarding world before.”

“What's that?” Augusta asked, a little nervous of the answer.

“We are going to cover the wizarding world over in hope and visions of the future.” I said and her eyes widened. “No one thought that magicals needed encouragement. We have magic, what do we need to worry for? Magic can handle everything, right?”

“Not if everyone else has magic, too.” Amelia said, reciting the Auror code.

“Exactly!” I said and grinned at her for making my point. “Magicals have magic problems, so let's work together and fix those problems. The government is a mess, the Ministry is eating itself up from the inside, and there's no direction for the people to follow besides keep doing what we are doing. Nothing.”

“Help us change things for the better.” Hermione said. “We know it won't happen overnight and that's not what we want to happen. For long lasting change to work, it has to be gradual. Like a glacier.”

“It barely moves and it can cover a wide area. After a long time, no one will notice when the ice overtakes them because it's always been there.” I said and they all had thoughtful looks on their faces. “We asked you here to be a part of that ice. Help us spread out and just be a presence in your own areas of expertise. Don't lobby or goad people, however. Stay calm and only express your thoughts.”

“Why?” Padma's father asked.

“No one can win an argument when there isn't one.” Hermione said with a huge smile.

Padma's father barked a laugh. “I like that. Yes, that fits my thinking perfectly.”

“Ours, too.” Xeno said. “Years of journalism has taught me that being impartial and expressing views is the best way to get the information out.”

“That's all I will ever ask of you. Any of you.” I said and nodded at them all. “We can sit down to supper and you can all think about it while we enjoy a great meal. You don't have to answer right away, either. Like we've been trying to say, slow and steady wins the race. There's no rush.”

“I don't need to wait. I've been supporting you for a year and I'm not going to stop now.” Neville said. “After seeing what you did with the school in just a few months, I can't wait to see what you will do with everything else when you're older and have years to work on it.”

“Thanks, Nev.” I said.

The kitchen door opened and the maids brought in several dishes of great smelling food.

“Let's eat.” I said and we all sat down to have a very enjoyable meal.

We all made small talk and discussed different things while skimming my speech topics. It was a fun evening with so many people there and we had plenty of room for everyone to stay over, which was great. They all accepted and we retired to our own rooms for the night.

I was barely inside the master suite when my door opened and Bella was there wearing a silk bathrobe. She didn't say a word as she locked and silenced the door, then she walked over to the bed before she tossed her robe off and showed me that she wasn't wearing a thing underneath.

“Turn around.” I ordered and she glared at me for a second before she turned around. “Hello, cute ass.”

Bella let out a growl and her hands became fists.

“Bend over.” I ordered and she did so. I knelt behind her and gave her a quick lick.

“OHHH!” Bella gasped and then slapped her hands over her mouth. “I did not just come from that!”

“The dripping wetness seems to prove otherwise.” I said and caressed the cheeks of her ass. “Let me just clean that up for you.”

“W-wait...” Bella started to say and then moaned as I went to work on her. Her knees wobbled after a minute and I had to hold her up. I couldn't do both things for long, so I stopped and picked her up, then deposited her on the bed. Her face was bright red and she looked decidedly cute. I would never tell her that, though.

“My Beautiful Bella.” I said and dove between her legs.

“HNNNN!” Bella moaned and grit her teeth as she came again. “S-stop that! I'm too sensitive!”

“You must suffer through it.” I said and kept going, ignoring her protests.

After ten minutes, the bed and my face were soaked with her juices.

“Wh-why can't I s-stop coming?” Bella asked with her hands over her face, completely embarrassed.

“Because you are once again that maiden that gave herself to me all those years ago.” I said and pressed myself to her opening. “I am sorry I had to order you to marry that oaf.”

“You needed the gold, my lord.” Bella said and didn't look at me. “He never touched me, per your orders.”

“I'm so glad for that, My Bella.” I whispered to her, then I shoved myself into her hard.

“AHHHHHH!” Bella screamed as I tore through her hymen and buried myself all the way inside of her and hit her cervix. She had always enjoyed that first moment that was a mix of pain and pleasure, so she came again and tightened around me. “My... my... my lord!”

“Bear it with me, My Bella. I might not last long the first time.”

Bella uncovered her face and looked at me with a predatory smile and bared her teeth at me. “Our first duel will be glorious.”

I had to laugh briefly at that, then I bent down to kiss her and started to pound her very hard. Her breaths were laboured as she panted and thoroughly enjoyed being rammed and torn apart. She had always liked rough sex, sometimes the rougher the better, and the first time we had together was always something that she had striven for countless times. Now that she had another first time, her enjoyment of it was beyond both of our expectations.

Bella came and came, over and over, and her body was so sensitive that even light kisses to her neck would set her nerves alight and she would writhe and come even harder as I plowed into her non-stop.

Of course, I ruthlessly teased her and used her vulnerability to full advantage, making her curse and swear at me for reducing her to only a ball of nerves and endless orgasms. She loved every second of it, though.

When I finally unloaded myself into her, making her have multiple orgasms as I begged her to get pregnant from only our first time, she held onto me and kissed me passionately. It was like she was starving and my lips were the only thing she could eat that would satisfy her.

We both kind of collapsed after that and held each other in bed. I whispered sweet nothings into her ear and she cooed at me, clearly happier than she had been in a long time. If she had been wearing lipstick at the time, I would have had those telltale marks all over my body.

Bella really did miss me a lot.


At the end of the Christmas break, we all gathered in the main dining room for one final meal. When it was over, the room fell into a more formal air.

“We have all discussed it extensively and we're in.” Amelia said as she waved at everyone. “We want what you want. To fix what's broken that no one will admit is broken.”

I looked at everyone's faces and they all nodded. “Then welcome aboard.” I said and Hermione took out a thick report that had our current temporary goals, our plans for other goals, and the final plans for the wizarding world and the changes we intended to implement when the timing was right.

“You will all want to read that through. I have more detailed plans written up that I can give you if you want clarification on something.” Hermione said. “Contact us if you have any questions that the report doesn't cover.”

“She's become a great administrator while we put the school together.” I said and gave her a kiss.

Amelia flipped through the first few pages and laughed softly. “You really are a brilliant witch. If even half of these ideas come to fruition, our world will change significantly.”

Hermione looked a little proud to be told that by such a successful witch. “It's full of Harry's ideas, too.”

“I know, that's why I was only talking about yours.” Amelia said and Hermione laughed.

“Thanks a lot.” I groused and everyone laughed. “Thank you all for coming, now get out. Out! OUT!”

That made everyone laugh more and I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I bid each of them a happy holidays and told those I would see at school that I would miss them a lot until then, which kept them all laughing as they disappeared into the fireplace and went to their homes. Amelia and Susan were the last to leave.

“So cheeky.” Susan said and gave her aunt a peculiar look, then she winked at Hermione and hopped up onto her toes to give me a kiss on the lips that lased a couple of seconds.

I was too surprised by it to react and Susan chuckled at the look on my face. She went to the fireplace with a bounce in her step and Amelia shook her head as her niece disappeared into the flames.

“What was that about?” I asked, confused.

“Jason.” Amelia said, as if that explained everything. She saw my still confused look and leaned close to hug me. “He called you 'da' when I mentioned you.”

“Oh.” I said and chuckled. “Well, damn. What did she say?”

“Nothing... and now I know why.” Amelia said and gave me a lingering kiss. “See you next week.”

I nodded and she left. I turned to Hermione and all she did was laugh at my expression.

“I didn't do anything, I swear.” I said to try and defend myself.

“I know that, Harry. Susan's a bit headstrong, just like her Aunt.” Hermione responded. “I think she believes if you can give her aunt a baby that you let be named Bones, she can probably get one, too.”

“She's not after the Black fortune, is she?” I asked and Hermione shook her head. “What do I do?”

“Nothing. She won't want to delay her education, even if we have the proper teachers for pregnant mothers to still learn if they have to stay at home for an extended period of time.” Hermione said. “For now, you're coming to my room to make me a happy witch.”

“You always have the best ideas.” I said and she grinned at me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to her room. After she tackled me to the bed, I made her a very happy witch.


With our team set up and in place, the slow and steady work began. As several years passed, our influence subtly spread out and no one had any clue about what we were doing, except for those already in the know. Others slowly came to our side in both the Wizengamut and the Ministry, which was great, because we needed the influence to make things swing our way.

Hermione and I were patient, because we knew it wouldn't happen as quickly as we had hoped, even with all of the extra help. We were playing the long game and that was something the other witches and wizards weren't quite prepared for. We had plans within plans, subterfuge for what we really wanted, and undermined our opponents. What we were trying to accomplish hadn't been done before, mainly because it would take so long.


“This is the day. The last day of our normal schooling.” I said as I looked out at my fellow graduates and continued my speech. “Some of you are going to return as alumni and continue your courses to attain your chosen masteries, and I wish you all the luck you are going to need for that.”

My words elicited a few laughs and comments about stuffing it.

I chuckled. “I'm going to be right there alongside you.”

“You can take the masteries now!” A cute voice yelled and that made everyone laugh.

“If only things worked that way, Luna.” I said and she pouted. “I need to put my time in, just like everyone else. Don't worry, though. Both Hermione and I will still help you with everything, even if we are going to be busy with our own masteries.”

“Okay!” Luna exclaimed and sat down to receive a hug from her father.

Thanks to the reforms in our school, over-achievers were physically rewarded for working ahead and doing more coursework. Luna had excelled with mine and Hermione's help and she was graduating with us. She could have done it before and chose to stay with us, since we had also stayed to remain with our year mates and didn't graduate early.

“As I was saying, we are the first to graduate with what I can easily claim are over-qualifications.” I said and nearly everyone nodded. “When you take jobs in your chosen fields, you are going to crush any competition, even those with more experience.”

“YEAH!” They yelled out in answer.

“This is our time! This is our world! No one is going to repress us or tell us we can't do something!” I almost shouted and they all nodded again. “Magic makes the impossible possible! You all know magic! What does that mean?”

“We do the impossible every day!” They responded with the school's motto.

“Bloody right we do!” I said and we all heard Hermione say 'language!' from behind me, which set off a round of laughter. “You are all magical and you all deserve to succeed! So, go out there into the world and show everyone what doing the impossible really means!”

“YEAAAAH!” The crowd responded. “HARRY! HARRY! HARRY!”

I stood there and basked in their adoration, then raised my hands. “Thank you. Thank you all.” I said and waved to Hermione. “I hand the podium off to the student that had the highest marks for all years attended, Missus Hermione Potter... I mean Granger.”

A ripple of silence flowed over the crowd, then nearly everyone yelled at the same time. The ruckus continued as Hermione came over to me.

“You bastard.” Hermione whispered as she smiled at me.

“Sorry.” I whispered back, not sorry at all.

Hermione looked at the crowd for a second, smirked, and then turned back to me and pulled me into a passionate kiss that lasted a full minute. The crowd's noise actually increased and yells of congratulations and approval filled the auditorium.

Hermione let me go and pushed me over towards the seats before she took my place at the podium. “I'm not sure how I'm supposed to follow that up.”

“Kiss him again!” Several girls hollered and Hermione laughed softly.

“Oh, I'm going to. I'm also going to kick his ass for not waiting for the official announcement of our marriage next week.” Hermione said and nearly everyone laughed. “I just want to say that our being married doesn't change anything in our lives or changes our goals for the future.”

A lot of girls and women in the audience seemed relieved to hear that.

“Please, bear with me for my prepared speech.” Hermione said and a couple of people groaned. “It's not that bad!”

“How long is it?” A voice asked.

“About ten minutes.” Hermione said.

“Oh!” “Go ahead!” “That's not long at all!” “We're listening!” A bunch of people said at the same time.

“Thank you for your encouragement.” Hermione drolled sarcastically and they all laughed. She cleared her throat and spoke clearly. “School by itself is important. You can learn a lot from books and from the teachers. It's why Harry and I worked so hard to fix things.”

Everyone nodded in agreement. School had been so much better than it ever was.

“But, it's our fellow students that are just as important. Without someone to share enthusiasm with, school alone can feel empty and not worth the trouble.” Hermione said. “That's why we changed everything and gave you all a chance to move past stupid rivalries that the old school made you focus on, instead of making friends and enjoying school for what it is supposed to be. An institution of learning. It's not supposed to generate hate, cruelty, or discrimination.”

There was approval and understanding on a lot of people's faces.

“It was Harry that let me know the secret to that.” Hermione admitted and that got everyone's attention. “We are all capable of being brave and rush into things like a Griffindor. We are all intelligent and seek knowledge when we need it, like a Ravenclaw. We can all be good friends and loyal to those that are loyal to us, like a Hufflepuff... and we can all be ambitious, cunning, and resourceful like a Slytherin.”

Everyone looked thoughtful because of her words.

“It's why the new dorm system works so well. We are just people and have emotions, not branded cattle to be led by long dead witches and wizards that didn't understand that people change as they grow up. Sorting a child before they developed their personalities completely, caused them to develop exactly how our closed-minded ancestors thought they should be raised.”

A lot of the students nodded.

“Thanks to this school, we are no longer bound by an old and antiquated house system. We live with our peers and share responsibilities. We have fun and enjoy friends, no matter if they like books or like sports. Those are interests and not character defining traits, so I am very glad that Harry and I could fix that problem for everyone and not just for ourselves.”

“Thanks!” A shout rang out and a few people laughed.

Hermione waved to the crowd. “Now, here we are. About to embark on our lives. Some to continue learning, some to work, and some to go abroad. Like my future husband stated, I also wish you all of the luck you need to do what you chose. Also, enjoy yourselves. Show the world that we are the ones that will go forth and claim this world for ourselves. Thank you.”

The rousing sound of applause followed her back to her seat as the headmaster took her place.

“Thank you both for such inspiring speeches.” The headmaster said. “I'm not going to bother trying to tell you all the same thing just with different words.”

The crowd laughed and he smiled at them.

The headmaster spoke about a few things, gave some recommendations, and then ended his speech. “I bid you all a wonderful future, the very first graduating class of the Consolidated Magic Academy for Modern Magicals.”

The crowd cheered and threw their hats into the air. A wave of magic flowed over the crowd and the hats froze in mid-air before they burst into confetti and streamers.

“Food and drinks are now being served on the side of the room! Enjoy!” The headmaster said and more cheers came from the crowd. Even the parents thought it was a great idea.

I waited for the stage to clear before hugging Hermione and taking her off to the side entrance. “That went well.”

“What gave you the idea that they would like it?” Hermione asked.

“I thought changing a formal occasion into a social event would be better than keeping everything stiff and official.” I said and we stepped out of the auditorium.

“Where are we going?” Hermione asked.

“Right here.” I said and pulled out a portkey. Hermione didn't question me and grabbed onto it.

We were sucked up into a swirling vortex and it lasted a bit longer than it should have for a local portkey. When we landed, Hermione caught her breath at the heat she could feel.

“Welcome to Potter-Black Island.” I said and switched her clothing for a bathing suit as I did mine into a pair of shorts.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped and looked around. It was a beautiful beach and a very nice beach house was not far away. “What did you do?”

“I bought an island in international waters.” I said and she stared at me with wide eyes. “I wasn't going to give you a normal honeymoon, was I?” I asked and her mouth made that little 'o' of surprise.

“You're here!” Emma shouted as she ran out of the house. Petunia was right behind her, as was Sirius and Bella.

“Mom? What... how did you...” Hermione looked at her and was confused.

“Harry gave us all portkeys.” Sirius said. “We all skipped the closing ceremony to set things up.”

“What things?” Hermione asked.

“You'll see in an hour.” Sirius said with a sly smile.

“Harry!” Hermione spat and spun to glare at me. “You didn't!”

“I did.” I admitted and pulled her into a hug. “Your mom has your dress prepped in your room and I have my tuxedo ready to go.”

“No, you... you can't really...”

“I said we would get married after we graduated.” I reminded her and she had an odd look on her face.

“You didn't say 'as soon as'.” Hermione whispered.

“I didn't want to put it off any longer.” I said and kissed her. “I actually wanted it to happen on my birthday...”

“We convinced him that it would be more romantic this way.” Petunia said as an explanation.

“Yes, so we need to get you ready! The rest of the guests will be arriving over the next hour.” Emma said and took her daughter's hand to pull her away from me. “Leave everything to us.”

“But... but...” Hermione looked from her mother to me.

“I can't wait to see how much more beautiful you will be.” I said and gave her another kiss before her mother dragged her away and into the house. Petunia and Bella followed closely behind them.

“This is going to be epic.” Sirius said and pat my back. “Let's get you sorted out as well.”

I nodded and went with my godfather into a different part of the house and dressed for the event that was to come.


The beach had been transformed into the perfect wedding setting and everyone and their guests were seated and waiting for it to begin. The music started and I walked down the aisle with Neville ahead of me and I had a smile on my face because I was dressed impeccably and had everyone's attention. A few of the girls in the audience were staring at me and I could hear their thoughts about them fantasizing that it was them that I was marrying.

I wasn't surprised by those thoughts, because a lot of little girls had it drilled into their heads to want a big wedding with lots of guests and to marry a handsome and rich man. I was actually surprised that two of the minds I could hear screaming about how unfair it was that Hermione was marrying me, was my Aunt Petunia and Bellatrix.

I took my position beside the priest and looked at Petunia. I gave her a specific look and she blushed and looked away. I shifted my gaze to Bella and she stared back as she stuck out her tongue and made several gestures with it to show me she was wanting to do lewd things with it. I winked at her and she blushed, then she blew me a kiss.

I turned when the bridesmaids came out of the side of the house and I waited for who I was longing to see. Despite my mental prowess, I refused to look at anyone's minds to get a preview of what was to come. I knew Hermione would want it to be a surprise and refrained from peeking. Lavender, Luna, Padma and Parvati came out as bridemaids and looked gorgeous in their matching dresses.

When Hermione stepped out on the arm of her mother, who was giving her away, my breath caught. She was stunningly beautiful in her white wedding dress, even more so than I had anticipated. I could only stare at her as she marched proudly down the aisle towards me. She reached me and Emma reached over and pushed up on my chin to snap my mouth closed.

“Now I know she chose wisely.” Emma said and turned to Hermione to lift her veil. “I have no reservations about handing you over to this man.”

“Th-thank you, Mom.” Hermione said as she blushed.

“You deserve to be happy.” Emma said and kissed her daughter's cheek. She turned to me and gave me a beaming smile. “You both do.”

“I already am.” I admitted and Emma kissed my cheek, too.

Emma stepped back and sat down beside Petunia. The ceremony started and no one questioned why there were four bridesmaids and only one groomsman. They had all learned long ago about the mixed relationships we had. A few were envious of them, which was understandable. Getting a multi-partner relationship to work was a task that was beyond most people.

I ignored most of everyone else and concentrated on just Hermione. I stared into her eyes and responded when the priest prompted me, as did she. The ceremony quickly ended and I pulled Hermione into a deep kiss for several seconds. Everyone clapped and I broke the kiss to see her eyes dancing with amusement.

“We have to wait for that, my lovely wife.” I whispered to her and she laughed.

The reception was inside the house, thanks to expansion charms. The house elves served everyone and we all had a great time at the supper and the dance. It was almost a Yule Ball in scale and Hermione and I had a great time, with brief interruptions from Lavender, Luna, and surprisingly Susan.

When the night was almost over, I went over to one of the small tables where a young third year girl sat. “Excuse me.” I said and she caught her breath as her parents looked shocked that I had come over to them. “May I have this dance?”

“YES!” The girl yelled, which made her parents laugh uncomfortably.

“I promise to return her unscathed.” I said to them and bowed to the girl as I offered my hand. She took it enthusiastically and I led her to the dance floor. “Have you been reading the books I recommended?”

“Of course.” The girl said, her face red. “I won't refuse anything you ask me to do.”

I had to chuckle at that. “What if I asked you to come with me to my room?”

The girl's face went completely red and she hugged me close. “I... I would.”

“Really?” I asked, not surprised by her answer.

“Yes. I've been in love with you since my first year.” She responded. “When you told me about that first book, I... my love for you...”

“I know.” I said and she looked up at me with a surprised face. “Don't worry. Hermione knows.”

“Oh!” The girl gasped. “Oh, she... she doesn't hate me?”

“Why would she? You have great taste.” I joked and she laughed as she kept blushing. “It won't be tonight, however.”

The girl looked into my eyes. “I know. I just... you are...”

“How about tomorrow night?” I asked and she let out a squeal and caught herself before it carried too far. “I won't ever refuse someone who decides to dedicate themselves to me.”

“You won't?” She asked, surprised. “I thought... these last few years...”

“You were too young and didn't know what the world was like.” I said and she nodded. “I've made sure that you do and now you know the consequences of your decision.”

“I do.” She said and glanced over at her parents.

“They can't see us doing anything except talking and dancing.” I told her and she beamed a smile up at me. We turned away from the table her parents were at and she grabbed onto my neck and pulled. I bent down for her and she planted a firm and inexperienced kiss on my lips. I wasn't going to discourage her, so I kissed her back enthusiastically.

“MMM!” She moaned as we made out. For the rest of the song, our lips were locked and her mind reeled over the implications.

“Three years isn't that long for witches and wizards.” I whispered to her as the song ended and I broke the kiss.

“No, it isn't.” She said and gave me a look that someone like her shouldn't give to a boy.

I turned her back away from her parents and bent back down. “I will have you tomorrow night.”

She shivered and closed her eyes as I kissed her again.

My promise made, I brought her back over to her parents. “I hope you're staying for the weekend like the other guests.”

“We are.” The mother said. “This place is amazing.”

“Your daughter worked hard at school to earn the invitation to come here.” I said and they smiled at their blushing daughter. “I think she has almost as many merits as Hermione and she still has four more years to go!”

The parents laughed and the girl blushed even more.

“I hope she can prove what we all believe.” I said and lightly brushed her hair with my fingers. “The next generation are the key to making this world a better place. With your help, there's nothing that we can't achieve.”

“Th-thank you.” The girl said and ducked her head.

“Don't be shy.” I said and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “Like I said, you earned the right to be here. You did it on your own.”

“No, I... you helped me and...”

“I help a lot of people.” I said and smiled. “How many of them do you see here today?”

The girl opened her mouth to respond and then she looked around. She closed her mouth and looked back at me.

“Exactly.” I said and held a hand out to her father. “Thank you for raising such a great daughter.”

The man chuckled and shook my hand. “I wasn't alone in that.”

“I know.” I said with a lopsided grin and held a hand out to his wife. “I appreciate all the effort you contributed to such a worthwhile project.”

The woman laughed and took my hand. “I'm sure Grace thinks I was more of a hindrance than...” She stopped talking and blushed when I kissed the back of her hand.

“Nonsense.” I said and let her hand go. “I'll see the three of you at breakfast.”

Grace gave me a shy smile and nodded.

I walked away from their table and went back to Hermione.

“What did she say?” Hermione asked and I explained what we talked about and what happened at the table. “She will be a good addition.”

I nodded. “We're both going back to school, so we can keep grooming more prospects.”

“The more we have to flood into the work force, the better.” Hermione agreed.

“Thanks for delaying your other plans to do this with me.” I said and she gave me a hug and a kiss.

“I have no problem pushing some things back. You know I'm in this with you until forever ends.”

I chuckled. “I love you so much.”

Hermione gave me a calculating look. “I'll be measuring how much tonight.”

That made me laugh and I stood. “I better get started then!”

“What do you meaaaan?!?” Hermione shouted as I picked her up into a princess carry.

“Go, HARRY!” Sirius called out and that got everyone's attention. “Show her what a husband does differently than a boyfriend!”

“What's that?” Bella asked from beside him.

Sirius chuckled as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. Bella blushed and stared at me as I saw in her thoughts what Sirius had told her.

“You can kill him later.” Hermione said at the look on my face.

I grinned at her and carried her out of the reception area and into the house.


I hadn't intended to blow the girl's mind with orgasms. I really didn't.

“We can only wait and see if she recovers.” Lavender said as she looked the girl over. “Her thoughts are so full of Harry that there's no real room for anything else to occur to her. Not for a while, anyways.”

I nodded and sat down beside her on the bed, my nakedness not bothering any of the women in the room. Emma, Hermione, Petunia, Amelia, Bella, Lavender, and Luna were there to check the girl over.

“You only used the basics, right?” Hermione asked.

“No, not even that.” I said and she looked surprised, as did the others. “I didn't even use Parseltongue on her.”

The women in the room exchanged glances and then laughed softly. They knew that if I didn't use it on them, they couldn't get off on oral sex anymore.

“She was like me when we did butt stuff for the first time, wasn't she? She was super-sensitive just from the initial rush?” Lavender asked and I nodded. “Then you've made a very lasting impression on her.”

“Not to mention her body.” Hermione offered and looked down at the girl. “Usually we spring back closed down there after a short while.”

“It's almost like she formed herself to fit you.” Lavender said as she looked between the girl's legs and then at my erection. “Maybe her magic had a hand in it?”

“Deep wishing could set it off.” Amelia said and nodded. “If she wanted it badly enough, she might not ever go back to a normal shape and will stay exactly the shape that's perfect for Harry.”

“Well, damn.” I said and then sighed. “I hope this doesn't affect her too much.”

Bella laughed. “Are you kidding, my lord? She's going to be just as devoted to you as I am!”

I gave her a stern look and she laughed again, then she kissed me passionately.

“I'll train her well, my lord.” Bella promised and then laid down beside the girl as she lifted her dress.

“Bella...” I started to say.

“We can't leave her alone and you need to keep going.” Bella said and reached out to stoke my erection. “We can watch her and you can enjoy the time as much as I will.”

I glanced at the others and they nodded. Each rubbed my shoulder as they passed me and left the room.

Bella spread her legs and showed me that she wasn't wearing panties.

“You were suspecting this would happen.” I said and she shrugged, then she nodded. “A warning would have been nice.”

“There was no guarantee that having sex with you would be too much for her mental faculties to handle.” Bella said and pulled me over on top of herself.

We didn't speak further as I proceeded to have sex with her and we also kept an eye on Grace.


Grace was fine the next morning, if a lot more clingy to me. It was only slightly difficult to convince her to not do that in public. I had to promise to play with her whenever I had the chance in order to get her to behave, which was surprisingly like my promise to Bella. Thankfully, her parents didn't suspect a thing.

Everyone left when the weekend was over and Hermione and I had two whole weeks for our honeymoon. We used it to our advantage and had a great time swimming, having sex, enjoying the sun, and spending quality time with each other without any other influence on us. We put things on hold for those two weeks and relaxed for the short time that we could.


Time came and passed, plans were fulfilled and adjusted as new players entered the political game. We had Augusta Longbottom voted in as Minister of Magic and our plans accelerated with her political power backing our agenda. No one ever suspected that she worked for Hermione and myself.

Hermione, myself, Luna, Neville, the Patil twins, and Susan all achieved our masteries in the first subjects we had chosen. It had taken only two years on the strict course material and the gruelling physical schedule that we had made for ourselves. No one could believe it and that was exactly what we wanted. The more awe they felt about our generation, the more acceptable we would be when we took over.

I decided to go back to school and get another mastery after Defense Against the Dark Arts. I chose Charms this time. Hermione came with me and went for Transfiguration after her Charms mastery. It also kept us at the school for two extra years and we mentored the other students coming through and provided shining examples of how much the school system had changed.

Neville was hired as the Herbology professor with his two assistants that were also his wives. They couldn't have been happier about the positions, because they had a staff and produced thousands of galleons worth of potion ingredients every year, not to mention the food for the school.

We also expanded into livestock for the Care of Magical Creatures course, so nearly all food was produced on school grounds for the school's use, making the place nearly completely self-sufficient.

More than a third of students chose the day course option and were home every night, even if the cost of boarding wasn't much more. Some parents just wanted to have their kids home at night and no one begrudged them for it.

Also, nearly everyone chose the bullet train option during the holidays. After the first time using the floo to arrive at school for their first year, riding the train started to become the 'in' thing, even for the day students. Plus, riding a near supersonic train through the countryside, never got old.

Luna took over the Quibbler from her father when he retired. He had met a Scandinavian witch while hunting for one of the mystical beasts he was endlessly searching for, fallen madly in love (which wasn't too far because he was pretty crazy to begin with), and they ran away together. Luna couldn't have been happier for them and also cried for several days that she had been left alone at her home, the Rookery. Hermione and I moved her into the mansion a day later.

Not surprisingly, Luna, Susan, and Lavender all became pregnant that summer. Lavender was the perfect housewife for us all and she was also our public relations specialist. She had taken over from Hermione when she had become too busy with other things to handle it.

Emma and Petunia were happy that there would be babies for them to take care of. That is, until Emma ended up pregnant. Now they were overjoyed and they couldn't wait for the babies to arrive. No one cared what gender they would be, either. It didn't matter, because we were all family.

The only sad person in all of this was Bella. Despite trying a lot to get pregnant over the years since we rescued her from prison, she didn't. There wasn't a medical explanation, so she had to accept that she would be one of the only women I was sleeping with that wouldn't be having my child. That was fortunate, because less than a year later, she was godmother to four babies and was delighted by that... then she became pregnant.

Grace was just as devoted to me as Bella was and as soon as she graduated, begged me to make her pregnant. She didn't want her child to be left behind by my other children and needed to have it as quickly as possible. She wouldn't take no for an answer, either. Her belief that she was just as good as Bella was driving her to compete and be equals with the much older woman. I wasn't one to deny my women anything, so she was pregnant barely two weeks later.


A year passed and everyone was happy. The laws were being slowly rewritten and replaced to be more favorable for the new generation. The older laws were reviewed and then either updated for the times or abolished and new appropriate laws were put in their place.

Our stranglehold on the Wizengamut and the Ministry ensured that whatever we wanted would eventually come to pass. It had taken nearly a decade since I started school at Hogwarts and met Hermione, and now we were in the position we desired to affect the wizarding world how we wanted... and we didn't abuse it.

We knew that too much change at once would let people see what we were really doing, so we stayed on the slow and steady course that we had chosen years ago. We had an eternity together and we would make the most of it by changing things in the background that no one would notice right away.

Susan chose to follow in her Aunt Amelia's footsteps and started training to be an Auror. If she worked hard at it, she would rise up just on her talent alone. She was just that good, thanks to the years of learning from her aunt, who was still the head of the DMLE.


When each of our chosen people reached a certain age, we offered them the same long life option that we gave to Emma and Petunia. They all accepted gratefully and became a permanent part of our growing family. We couldn't legally get married; but, we could all have children together and they could take their family names. The only two dissenters were Bella and Grace, as both wanted them to be Potters.

After a very long discussion, Hermione agreed on the condition that only her child would be a full Potter and theirs would be 'last name hyphen Potter'. Bella's would be Black-Potter and Grace's would be Harrison-Potter. The two devotees were so happy with her decision that they dragged her away for several hours. When they returned, all three of them had bright and happy smiles and messy hair. I didn't ask what had happened because I was pretty sure I knew what it was.

When we were finished of our second masteries, Hermione became pregnant and accepted a part-time job at the school, while I also took a part-time job and we both took two years off from our schooling plan to have a family.

To say that the women in our lives were happy about that, was a severe understatement. Those that could, waited on us hand and foot despite our protests, and made sure that we were never in need of anything. We in turn helped take care of the children. There were a lot of them.

Amelia eventually became pregnant again. She was happier than normal about having another baby, especially after so long without any hope of her family continuing. Of course, Susan put her training on hold and was in my bed nearly every night to try for a second one herself. I didn't mind and neither did Hermione. Apparently, she loved breasts just as much as I did by this point and we had a lot of fun.


Not surprisingly, Hermione gave birth to a little boy, Daniel Blake Potter. He was the main Potter heir in the direct line of succession from me, even though he had many siblings that were both older and also boys. No one actually cared about that, however. We were all a family together and we all lived together to make sure that we all had a stable home life.

Let me tell you, a 'family outing' was a monumental event for the entire household. There were so many of us that people moved out of the way as we walked down the street. We could even be considered a mob in some respects, especially if some bystander made a disparaging comment about one of the kids.

Not long after Hermione's pregnancy ended with Daniel's birth, Bella and Grace gave birth as well. Both were boys and they couldn't have been happier, especially because the boys had my bright green eyes. Out of all the children, I was a little surprised that only five of them had my eyes. Amelia's first child Jason, Luna's daughter Serena, Hermione's first child Daniel, Bella's first child Orion, and Grace's first child Fabian.

Thankfully, because of the rituals I had performed on myself as a young man to fix my deficiencies, none of the children had inherited my previously unruly hair or my horrible eyesight. They were all hale and healthy as well not having appearances that were similar. The one thing they all had in common was a strong magical capacity, just like my first child with Amelia had.


Ten more years passed and the mansion had to be expanded twice. The women in my life had, for some reason, gotten it into their heads that they needed to have as many children as possible and as quickly as possible. They were also fully encouraged by the dozens of house elves we had at the mansion. They hoped to have a child for each of them to take care of, which was a house elf's true ambition to bond and be with one person for all of their lives.

The Wizengamut pretty much gave our faction whatever we wanted. We had people secreted throughout the Ministry in every department as well. Susan took over from her aunt as the head of the DMLE while Amelia became the Minister of Magic after Augusta passed away. She had refused the treatment with the claim that she was too old, even with the restorative properties of the modified elixir.

Neville didn't cry for very long, because after his grandmother passed, each of his wives gave birth to twins. He had to take time off to help them, because even with house elves, having four children to take care of was a handful. He and his two wives were outnumbered by their four babies, after all. Of course, we all offered to help as much as possible, too.

Our faction in the Wizengamut still didn't take advantage of our positions, even though we were almost fully in power. I had finished my masteries in Defense, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes. Hermione was right there with me, only she did them in a different order. Neither of us did Herbology, Astronomy, or Care of Magical Creatures, because we had almost no interest in them.

Accordingly, we were the only ones to have six full masteries at our age, for the entire history of the wizarding world. We gained a bit of fame because of that and we decided that it was time we started using it.

New businesses, new products, and new ideas were introduced on our initiative. We seeded things throughout our society and made the wizards want to bring themselves into the current time to match the muggles. This was exactly what we wanted, to be on par magically with the technology that the muggles used. They outnumbered us a thousand to one and we needed to be on even footing; otherwise, we were going to be destroyed when we were finally discovered.

Most of our children were ready to attend school, so our home schedules dropped off significantly with only a few children to take care of. A lot of the women in my life had no idea what to do with themselves, so they figured that more children would be needed. I didn't object, mainly because I knew what it was like to have an unhappy woman be angry at me. The last thing I needed was to experience that again.


Ten more years passed and we had done it. The arrogant and quite ambitious plan that I had conceived in my mental musings about where I had gone wrong before, was now fully complete.

“Minister! Minister! MINISTER!” The crowd cheered as I waved to them from the press platform.

“Thank you all for that enthusiastic welcome.” I said and beamed a smile at them. “Before I start with my acceptance speech, I would like to thank my beautiful wife for everything she has done to make my life bearable ever since we met.”

“You're welcome!” Hermione shouted from the group behind me and everyone laughed.

“I think we'll try for a daughter this time, my love.” I said to her and she blushed. I had said that before each pregnancy and she always only had boys, which meant her slight belly bulge was probably another boy and she hadn't told me yet.

The crowd laughed, because the 'Potter Boys' was almost a running joke these days. One more and we had a full Quiddich team of just Potters. That the rest of my children could easily make several teams already didn't matter.

“As I was saying...” I turned back to the crowd. “...it's been a long road to get here. It took patience, perseverance, and a drive to make this world a better place. We've had help, a lot of help, and I want to thank each and every one of them for all that they've done to help me accomplish my unreasonable and supposedly unattainable goal of taking over the wizarding world.”

A few people laughed at my words and others looked a little uncomfortable.

“It worked.” I waved at the large group of people behind me. “As you can see, behind me are the people that have been instrumental in my plan. We are leaders of industry, owners of businesses, and innovators of the economy. Our products are in every home and our knowledge and magic pretty much powers everything.”

The crowd was quiet now.

“Now I've been duly elected by the people and their representatives in the government to be the Minister of Magic, the youngest ever if the old records are correct.” I said and then smiled. “You will never know how pleased I am that I successfully took a broken world that was slowly consuming itself with stagnation and reforming it into exactly what I wanted it to be. A world that witches and wizards can be proud of. A world we built on the corrupted and broken bones of the old one.”

The people looked at each other and looked slightly confused.

“It's all right. Most of you have no idea how difficult it was for my faction to work our way through the old mess and to clean it up. In fact, I should introduce you to one of the main proponents to my plan.” I held a hand out to the group behind me and Amelia stepped forward.

The crowd started to murmur in response.

“My dear.” I said and turned to her and hugged her close as I kissed her passionately.

Several people in the crowd gasped and they started talking without whispering.

“GO MOM AND DAD!” Jason yelled from the group behind us.

Amelia and I broke the kiss with a laugh.

“I know it was about time that I made sure everything we've been through was legitimized.” I said and he nodded. I turned back to the stunned crowd. “Yes, Jason is my actual son, as is his brother. His sister is mine as well.”

“But they're named Bones!” Someone shouted from the crowd.

“All of my children are named for their families unless they choose to hyphenate.” I clarified and all of my children stepped forward, shocking the crowd and the members of the press. “I agreed with their mothers that it was more important to continue their names and not my own, since my wife was perfectly capable of doing that on her own.”

“I don't believe this.” Someone said from the crowd.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked.

“You... how could you... with so many women!” Ginny shouted from the crowd as she stepped out.

“You're the one that didn't want to share me when we were in school.” I said and she blushed. “You demanded that it was you and no one else, despite knowing I was with Hermione for three years before you showed up and started complaining.”

Ginny stared at me and looked angry.

“Well, as you can see, not everyone was as closed-minded as you. They don't mind sharing, mainly because I make sure to give them all as much time as possible. I helped raise all of my children and I love each and every one of them, just as much as I love their mothers.”

“No... that can't be true. You can't love that many...” Ginny tried to deny.

“Shall I prove it?” I asked and turned to the group behind me. “My dears, please allow me to show my affection.”

They didn't hesitate at all as they formed into a line and I went to each and every one of them to kiss them passionately for ten seconds each. I ended with Hermione and she grabbed my butt.

“It's a boy.” Hermione whispered and I chuckled.

“I know.” I said and kissed her again and went back to the podium. “As you can see, they love me as well. None of them are jealous or are wanting to keep me from the others. They all know how important family is to me and we've instilled the same thoughts and ideas into all of our children.”

“You can't do that!” Ginny gasped.

“Why not? What's wrong with loving people and making them into a family?”

“You can only marry one of them!” Ginny responded.

“I did only marry one of them. I married my wife and our kids are Potters.” I said and looked out at the crowd. “If you're wondering, yes, I've had the laws changed.”

“What do you mean?” Ginny asked, sure that she was going to hate the answer.

I grinned and pulled out a long roll of parchment. “As my very first act as Minister of Magic, I am repealing the outdated and antiquated single marriage law. In it's place, a law that states as long as you can financially support the family, you can have as many wives as you can afford to love.”

Several squeals of delight came from the women behind me.

“NO! You CAN'T!” Ginny yelled.

“I can and I did.” I said and rolled the parchment up, then I pulled out a ring box and turned to Amelia as I knelt on one knee. “My love, will you marry me and be mine for all eternity?”

“YES!” Amelia yelled and dove to hug and kiss me.

“Nice going, Dad!” Jason said and started clapping.

“I'm not done.” I said and put the ring onto Amelia's finger. I stood up and kissed her again, then went over to Lavender. I knelt and she had tears in her eyes. “My love, will you marry...”

“YES!” Lavender yelled and dove onto me to snog me senseless. The others started laughing and Lavender eventually relented and accepted the ring. I went down the line to each woman and they all accepted.

“How can you afford all of them!” Ginny exclaimed, her shock at the scene in front of her finally receded.

“I've been taking care of them ever since we first got together over the last two decades.” I said and everyone in the crowd fell silent again. “Continuing to do so is no trouble at all. In fact, now I don't have to hide that I am financially responsible for them all.”

Ginny looked shocked. “You... you... you could have given me...”

“...everything you ever wanted.” I said and cut her off. “If you had been a little less selfish, you could have been up here on the stage right now and would have been involved with all of this right from the beginning. As it was, you were a bit too short-sighted to see past your own greed to what I was offering you.”

Tears came to Ginny's eyes. “What about... can I...”

“No.” All of the women behind me said.

“It's much too late for that.” I said and looked out at the crowd. “Don't think that things are going to change overnight, now that I'm in power. I don't work that way.” I waved at the group behind me. “None of us do. We plan, we wait, we talk and convince, we express our views and we let you choose what you want to do. No one is forced, coerced, or does anything against their will.”

“That's how we gained so much influence.” Amelia said. “It wasn't quick and it wasn't without strife. Some of us wanted to strike when opportunity arose...”

“Hey, I gave you another child back then!” I said and she laughed.

“I meant politically.” Amelia clarified.

“Oh. Never mind.” I said and she hugged me and gave me a quick kiss.

“Time, experience, and patience won us the race. It won us the world.” Amelia said.

I nodded and turned to the crowd. “Now the fun begins.” I said and gave them a smile that everyone would remember for the rest of their lives.

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