What If… Harry Potter

01 What if Petunia wasn’t a bitch?

A short starting chapter with only 17,670 words. LOL

Petunia loved her sister very much. She always had. Even when certain things came to light... mainly that her sister was a magical witch and could do things with a wand. It had been so exciting for everyone in the family to be introduced to that world. All of the wonderful things they saw and could experience, really made her sister happy.

She even did her best to not curse the scruffy and dirty friend that Lily had found one day at the playground. He had told them both about the world and she listened with just as much interest, mainly because she didn't want her sister to be cut off from her and their parents.

It was a difficult time when Lily went to school for ten months of the year to a boarding school, though. Petunia missed her every day, since they used to spend all of that time together. Now, she only saw her little sister during the holidays and during the summer. They kept in touch, thanks to the school owls. She wasn't sure how they always knew that she needed to send a letter to Lily; but, they always showed up when she wanted them to.

This went on for seven years and Petunia had powered through all of the loneliness, thanks to finding a man to keep her distracted. His name was Vernon and he gave her all of the attention that she had missed from her sister. He complimented her, bought her little gifts, and made her feel special... almost as special as Lily made her feel.

Lily graduated and it was a happy day for Petunia. They would finally be back together again, like they had been as kids, and she couldn't wait to have her sister by her side again as a fully qualified witch. She knew that the things she could do would be limited, mainly because it was supposed to be a secret from normal people. She wouldn't complain about it as long as she could hug her sister again.

Then an arrogant jerk named James Potter stole her away.

Petunia was livid. They were supposed to leave home and build their lives together, live a little, and then settle down. She now knew that her planned reunion time with her sister had just evaporated and all because of Potter. She took solace that she had her own man to distract her and she threw herself into that relationship with abandon.

Lily's quickly announced wedding not long after graduation, made even those plans be thrown out the window. She was pregnant and her own values wouldn't let her have a child out of wedlock. Petunia wasn't going to be outdone, though. She quickly became pregnant and married as well, just so she could go through the same things as Lily.

Lily had been ecstatic that she still had so much in common and she and Petunia met up as often as they could. It was a bonding experience that neither woman had realized they needed after so many years spent mostly apart and they relished in that time together.

Unfortunately, it wouldn't last. Their husbands moved to different towns and they lost contact after their babies were born only a month apart. Petunia had no idea why her letters never went through and were always returned unopened.

This went on for over a year before she received a shock that would change the rest of her life. On the morning of November second, 1981, she opened her front door to get the milk delivery and found something else instead.

“No!” Petunia gasped when she beheld the 15 month old baby in the basket. She knew that face, that hair, and those eyes. Lily's eyes. Tears flowed down her face as she knelt and her fingers lightly stroked the boy's scarred forehead. It looked inflamed and painful. Her heart nearly broke at the sight of him, because she knew that something bad had happened. Her sister would never abandon her son like that.

Her fingers moved to pick up the little bundle and brushed across the rough envelope. She stopped her movement and cracked the seal to read it. Inside was the horrible news that she had been dreading. Her tears didn't stop as she collapsed, the truth confirmed, and her heart actually did break.

Her sister was gone and now she had another mouth to feed and a baby to take care of. She wasn't sure how she was going to do it, though. She wasn't poor by any means and were fairly well off; but, that was only with two adults and a child to take care of. The second child was going to be a strain on their finances, even if they only gave the second child the first's hand-me-downs.

Petunia continued to cry as she shoved the letter back in the envelope and picked up the still sleeping boy. He was bundled up well and yet was still cold. He must have been there nearly all night. She thought, her sorrow barely able to register her indignation over that. That damn bastard didn't even bother to knock or talk to me face to face!

She kicked the basket inside the house and shut the door with a slam, not noticing the red flare of the blood ward activating. Harry woke and started crying from the drain of magic. Petunia whispered and rocked him to calm him, thinking that the door slam had scared him and not realizing what the problem was.

“What is it, pet?” Vernon asked when his wife came into the kitchen.

Petunia, a bit too distraught over what she had just learned, handed him the letter without a word. She sat down at the table beside her son and opened her top to feed him. The 16 month old latched onto her breast and suckled hungrily.

“No.” Vernon said and crumpled the letter. “I will not live with that... thing... in this house.”

“Then leave.” Petunia mumbled.

“What was that?” Vernon asked.

“If you don't want to live here with Harry in the house, then you can leave.” Petunia said, much more clearly.

“Pet, I will not pay for...”

“Oh, you will.” Petunia said and a sad smile formed on her face as the tears continued to flow. “I know all about your secretary and how your late night business meetings are at her flat and not at the office.”

Vernon's face was purple and he looked like he was going to start yelling.

“If you don't support my family, then I'm filing for divorce and I'll be taking everything you have. This house, the car, half of your salary for alimony, and you need to pay child's support.” Petunia said as she let her vindictive side out for a peek. “So, choose. Keep your little hussy and have sex whenever you want or stay here with me, two babies, and sleep in the spare room.”

It wasn't much of a choice for Vernon and he quickly packed several bags and called for a taxi. He loved her and his son... but, not that much. He had a hard enough time dealing with his son's screaming and crying. He did not want to listen to two babies and their tantrums or give up on the woman he had successfully coerced into sex.

Petunia watched dispassionately as her husband left even quicker than she thought he would. She had only guessed about the late night business meetings and she was even sadder about being right. It wasn't her fault that with the baby and all the late night feedings and changings that she didn't feel sexy or wanted to have sex. It just wasn't a priority for her. She had a child to care for and she had thought Vernon felt the same.

Her tears kept flowing and then she felt a tiny hand on her face. She looked down and saw the bright emerald color of Lily's eyes. “I'm okay.” Petunia said and she she could have sworn that she saw a small smile on the baby's face. “We're okay.”

The hand fell from her face and tugged on the side of her top. Petunia didn't even consider saying no as she exposed her other breast and Harry's cute little mouth latched onto it. She almost gasped as his gentle sucking seemed to draw out her milk like a faucet. She blinked her eyes at him and thought she saw a little twinkle in his eyes as he drank his fill from her.

Petunia felt a pain in her other breast and saw Dudley trying to squeeze her breast to get more milk from it. “Dudders, it doesn't really work like that. You need to...”

“UGH!” Dudley grunted and stopped suckling with a scowl on his face.

“Harry, I need to switch you.” Petunia said and Harry stopped suckling. She quickly wiped off both of her nipples and then held Dudley to her other breast and put Harry on the now empty one. “I'm sorry.” She whispered to the emerald eyed baby. “Dudders is used to drinking from both of them.”

Harry didn't fuss as he gently put his lips around the nipple and put a tiny hand on the side of her breast. Petunia took in a sharp breath as she felt a tingling sensation in her breast, something she had never felt before, and then Harry started suckling. Milk flowed out of her as if Dudley hadn't just milked it dry.

“I... yes, I... I think we are going to be okay.” Petunia whispered and stared down at the happy babies in her arms.


The divorce went through without any fuss, considering the evidence, and Petunia got exactly what she had been expecting. She immediately put herself on a budget and allocated the money as well as she could. It would have to be enough for them to live on. They wouldn't be much lower than the middle class for means, and she was sad about that.

Petunia couldn't work with two babies to take care of and there was no one around that she could rely on. She had thought about the old cat lady a few streets over that always passed by every few days and had even talked to her a few times. She was a bit too batty and not really someone that she wanted her kids around for more than a few minutes, so that option was out.

It wasn't until six months later when she sat down at the kitchen table and looked at the bills for the cable and the telephone and she had to decide which one she had to pay and what could wait another month, that she started to cry. She was slowly sinking further and further into debt and her budget was skewed towards groceries and the essentials for the babies. At this rate, she wasn't going to make it another year.

“Tuna.” A little voice said and she looked down to see little baby Harry.

“What is it, sweetie?” Petunia asked and bent down to pick him up.

Harry hugged her neck and kissed her cheek. “No sad.”

Petunia let out a sob and hugged him close. “I'm sorry, Harry. I don't know what to do.”

“Ma.” Harry said and looked into her eyes.

“I want her back, too.” Petunia said and took a deep breath to try and compose herself.

Harry shook his head and pointed to the cupboard under the stairs. “Ma.”

Petunia gasped and her eyes widened. “Harry! I love you!” She exclaimed and kissed his cheeks several times.

Harry giggled and tried to turn away from her ticklish kisses.

Petunia walked over to the cupboard and set Harry down to unlock it. Inside was her sister's trunk that she used to take to school with her. It was the only thing of Lily's that had been left at the old house that their parents used to live in. They had passed away and the house had been sold to cover the cost of the hospital stays and then the funerals.

“Please, let it be there.” Petunia pleaded as she opened it up and started searching. Her fingers dug through the old school robes and brushed several things. Pieces of parchment, several books, quills, and empty potion bottles. She was about to give up when she caught her breath and her hand wrapped around what she had been looking for.

“Oh, thank god.” Petunia whispered as she sat down in the hallway and opened her hand to reveal a Gringotts vault key. “Let's hope she was smart enough to keep her money separate.”

“Drive?” Harry asked, a little excited.

“Yes, sweetie. We're going for a drive.” Petunia said and then stood. “Let's get Dudders and we'll go out for ice cream.”

“Yay!” Harry yelled and waddled to the stairs. “DUDDY! ICE CREAM!”

Petunia held in her laugh as she heard the thump of her son hitting the floor. He scrambled down the upstairs hallway and turned around to climb down the stairs safely, just like she had taught him. She got the two of them dressed in their little coats, since it was a chilly May, and put on her own coat.

She picked up the baby bag with the emergency supplies for accidents and her purse. It was then that Petunia remembered Lily's advice and went back to the trunk to grab one of the generic robes. She saw the letter that Dumbledore had left with Harry when he had dropped the baby off on the doorstep. For some reason, she decided that she had to take that, too. The three of them were secured in the car and headed towards London only a minute later.


After a short stop to grab the ice cream that the kids demanded, Petunia parked on Charring Cross Road in front of the place that she knew was supposed to be there. She couldn't see it, though.

“I'm so glad that I remembered where it was.” Petunia said and climbed out. She went around to the back of the car and slung the robes over her shoulders and then hung the baby bag on her shoulder over them. She picked up both babies and filled her arms with them. She just hoped her little ruse was going to work.

Petunia locked the car and then turned to see the Leaky Cauldron. She blinked her eyes to figure out what had happened, then remembered that when she was a child and had held Lily's hand, she saw it then, too. She looked down and saw Harry's hand was resting on her chest, just above the edge of the robe, and she smiled.

“Let's go.” Petunia said and carefully opened the door with two fingers of a hand and her elbow. With a little kick of her foot, she squeezed into the opening and entered the pub. She walked right over to the barman and smiled. “I'm terribly sorry to bother you like this. Could you open the way to the alley for me? I left the house in such a rush...”

Tom the barman let out a laugh and stopped the rest of her excuse. “I can see that.” He gave both boys a huge smile. “I'd offer to take them off your hands for a bit if I didn't know that you brought them for a reason.”

Petunia nervously chuckled. “Gringotts for a visit and then a bit of shopping.”

“You'll want to stop at Scrivenshaft's. They've got some new color-changing quills in.”

“Thank you.” Petunia said and followed the barman out the back.

The barman opened the alleyway and Petunia carried both boys into the magical area. Both Harry and Dudley let out 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' at all the bright and colorful things they saw, including the people's robes.

Petunia tried to ignore it all, even though she was just as interested as they were, and made her way down the street to the large white building at the end. She wracked her brain as she tried to remember how to act while at the bank and absently nodded at the two guards as she passed them. She completely missed their surprised looks.

She stood in line at the closest teller and waited. The others in the line turned to look at the woman carrying two babies in her arms, which was such an odd thing to see in the wizarding world and not just a bank. None of them stepped aside to let her go ahead of them, though.

Both that and Petunia's nod to the guards did not go unnoticed by the goblins. When it was Petunia's turn, that became evident.

“What can Gringotts do for you?” The teller goblin asked in a polite tone, unlike the harsh ones that everyone else used.

Petunia awkwardly took out the key while trying not to jostle the babies in her arms. “I'd like to know what's in this vault and to make a withdrawal.”

The goblin picked up the key and rubbed his fingers over it, as if lovingly. “Name?”

Petunia looked a little uncomfortable as she made a decision, then she leaned forward. “The account should be under Lily Evans. She was my sister.”

The goblin's eyes widened and then he pointedly looked at the dark haired baby in her arms. Unflinching emerald green eyes met the goblin's black pupils and the goblin smiled.

“Come with me.” The goblin said and hopped down from his seat. He quickly walked around the counter and Petunia had a difficult time keeping up with him.

How can he walk so fast with legs that short? Petunia asked herself as she followed him to an ornate office. They entered without knocking and walked over to the large desk with another goblin behind it. The account goblin gave them inquisitive looks as they approached and then got into a furious whispered debate about something. Petunia could only hear hissing and grunting.

“I am the Potter account manager. Is it true that you claim guardianship of the boy-who-lived?” The new goblin asked.

Petunia didn't know what to say about that title, so she didn't say anything. She knew exactly what to do about the question, though. She dug into her purse and pulled out the letter to hand it over. Both goblins put their heads together to read it and didn't say anything for several minutes... then the both of them let out barks of laughter.

“Stamp this and enter it into the official record, backdated to November second of last year. Stop all outgoing transactions on all Potter and Evans vaults and get me a full accounting.” The account goblin said.

“Yes, sir.” The teller goblin said and ran from the room.

“What's going on?” Petunia asked.

“Only a little conflict between the goblins and the Chief Warlock.” The account goblin said with a big smile that showed off a lot of sharp teeth. “He's interfered a bit more than he is supposed to when it concerns the Potters.”

“Oh, I know.” Petunia almost spat and then explained how she had found Harry on her doorstep and also how the old man didn't even bother talking to her. The worst part was, she had no idea where her sister's body was, or had been invited to a funeral, or anything else.

The goblin's smile changed from happy to predatory and nodded when she was done explaining. “I see that neither the account statements nor the stipend set aside for young Harry has been getting to you.”

Petunia sat up straighter at the mention of money, then what he said first registered. “Wait, there's supposed to be mail going to Harry?”

“Oh, yes. Lots of mail.” The goblin said and tapped something on the side of his desk. “Send in a curse breaker.”

The door opened a minute later and a grizzled and old goblin waddled into the office. He walked over to the desk and looked at Petunia. “I need the boy to sit by himself.”

Petunia nodded and stood up for a moment to sit Harry on the chair. “Harry, this nice goblin is going to check you for bad things, so sit still, okay?”

“Kay, Tuna.” Harry said and sat perfectly still.

The two goblins exchanged looks for a moment and the curse breaker walked to stand in front of Harry. He raised his hands and moved them in intricate patterns as he mumbled words in his native language. First, a dim red light appeared near Harry's heart, then a dim blue one appeared over his left lung. A moment later, one appeared in the middle of his belly and a yellow one appeared on top of his head.

“Well, it seems that there are several tracking wards and a mail redirect ward on him. It'll be a simple matter to...” The curse breaker stopped what he was saying when a bright red and black light appeared on Harry's forehead. The two goblins hissed and flinched at the sight.

“What is it?” Petunia asked.

“It's something that shouldn't exist.” The account goblin said. “We will need a few minutes to adjust our plans.”

“Is there another chair for...”

The goblin snapped his fingers and a chair appeared beside the one Harry was on.

“Thank you.” Petunia said and sat with a sigh. She was grateful that Dudley had been too fascinated with everything going on around him to fuss. She put her free arm around Harry and hugged him.

The two goblins left them alone in the office for nearly ten minutes. When they came back, they had ten goblins with them and two were dressed in white healers robes. A stretcher appeared in front of the desk and the account goblin looked at Petunia.

“We need the boy to lay down. We'll take care of that abomination on his forehead.”

Petunia looked at the scar on Harry's forehead and nodded. She had never liked the thing and it hadn't healed, even after six months and several first aid treatments that she had tried on it. It didn't take any convincing for her to get Harry to comply to what the goblins wanted.

“It'll be over soon.” One of the healer goblins said. “Sleep and relax.”

Harry immediately closed his eyes and fell asleep.

“Begin.” The curse breaker said and the other goblins, even the account manager, began carving into the hardwood floor with daggers that hadn't been there before. Intricate patterns appeared in a circle around the stretcher after only a few minutes, then the other healer made one singular carving line through everything else that was there and completed the circle.

The first healer took out her own dagger from somewhere and they all started chanting. Harry started to glow green, the same color as his eyes, and his forehead scar broke open and started bleeding. Petunia let out a sob at the sight and covered her mouth to stay silent. She couldn't stop her tears as the healer took the knife to Harry's forehead and started carving it up.

Oh, god! Petunia thought as the dagger seemed to have no trouble digging into Harry's skull and soon nearly his entire forehead and piece of skull was pulled off of his head. She had to close her eyes when she thought she had seen some of his brain and covered Dudley's eyes as well.

“Healer!” A goblin exclaimed and then there was an ear piercing scream.

Petunia opened her eyes to look and saw the healer was bent over and clutched at the stump of her wrist as another goblin used some kind of moving fire to burn both the healer's detached hand and the piece of Harry's forehead. Another scream cut through the air, an unholy one that sent shivers down her spine, and a black smoke flowed out of the ashes and dissipated.

The other healer helped the first one and stopped the bleeding, then the both of them tended to Harry. They gave him a potion and Petunia watched as the piece of skull they had removed grew back in only thirty seconds, then they used their hands and chanting to grow the muscle and skin back over the bone. When they were done, Harry had a normal forehead and no more scar.

“It is done.” The healer without a hand said.

“Why did you touch it?” The curse breaker asked her.

“I don't know. I just had to. I needed to hold onto it.” The healer said with a shake of her head. “I'll need to be cleansed.”

“I'll handle it.” The curse breaker said, his voice firm.

“Thank you.” The healer said and nodded.

Petunia stayed quiet as the curse breaker did some more work over Harry and she saw as each of those odd lights near Harry went out. The last one to be removed was the light red one that was near his heart.

“We will send a team to your home to install proper wards for a wizarding home.” The account goblin said. “It will be done before you return there.”

“Thank you.” Petunia said to him and nodded to each of the goblins as they left the room. “Will Harry be okay?”

“He's just sleeping. He needs rest for about half an hour and then he will be fine.” The account goblin said as the teller goblin came in. “We should have the other business done by then, now that we have the proper documents.”

Petunia nodded and over the next half an hour, she found out all about the accounts that she now had access to as Harry's actual guardian. The goblins gave her the paperwork in both the magical world and the normal world, which she filled out, and then it was all done. She visited the vaults after the account manager gave her an expanded pouch that would hold the galleons, sickles, and knuts of the wizarding currency.

The two babies were laughing and had their hands up in the air as the rickety cart zoomed around corners and up and down hills. Petunia had her eyes closed the entire time. The goblin couldn't help himself and took the longer route, just so the kids would have a bit more fun. They reminded him of his own younglings. The ride soon ended and the goblin opened Lily's vault for Petunia.

Lily had been smart with her own vault and instead of having galleons stored in it when she made money, she had the goblins add an equivalent sliver of gold. There wasn't that much in the vault because of that; but, what was there, was unstamped and completely clean. Petunia knew what that meant and shoved several handfuls of the gold slivers into the diaper bag, her purse, and her robe pockets.

The goblin with her just laughed at her antics and took her to the Potter trust vault. She would have taken some from the main vault until the goblin said that the trust vault was refilled every year to top it up from the main vault.

Petunia wasn't greedy and she did have an idea what things cost in the wizarding world. It was expensive when using normal money, mainly because the conversion was so terrible. She loaded up her money pouch and the goblin took them on another exciting ride back to the surface and to the account manager's office.

“The full ward setup has been completed on your home and you are protected from everything from creatures to harmful wizards.”

Petunia didn't hesitate with what she said. “I sincerely hope that includes Dumbledore.”

The goblin gave her a feral smile. “His magical signature will activate a particularly nasty result if he decides to show up there.”

“Good.” Petunia said with a nod. “What of the other things we discussed?”

“As Harry's official guardian, you can rescind all other orders and recall any monies and artifacts or possessions that have been loaned or given out. All keys will be null and void and re-issued to you.”

“Yes, please do that. I've been struggling on what my cheating ex-husband has been sending me, claiming he can't afford any more. If anyone else owes my family anything, they better pay up or have a very good excuse as to why they haven't.”

The goblin let out a rare laugh. “I like you, Miss Petunia Dursley.”

“It's Evans. Petunia Evans.” Petunia said and the goblin nodded.

“Have a good day, Miss Evans.” The goblin said and snapped his fingers to make two small cauldron cakes appear on his desk. “These are for the little ones for being so good.”

“YAY!” Harry and Dudley yelled and suddenly the cakes were gone and their hands and faces were covered in frosting as they chewed.

“Thanks a lot.” Petunia grumbled and the goblin burst out laughing.

She left the bank after trying to clean the two scamps off and then she did a bit of shopping. Some books were needed, because she knew that the ones Lily used might be either out of date or the content changed. She also knew that Harry would have a lot of questions when he was older and she wasn't going to be telling him that she didn't know. The clerk shrunk them and she tucked them into the diaper bag.

“Ice cream!” Dudley said and pointed after they came out of the bookstore.

Petunia sighed. “All right, we can get some more.” She said, even though she knew it was going to ruin their supper. Who would want to eat strained carrots and potatoes after cake and ice cream? She asked herself, then she shrugged and got a big one for herself.


On June twenty-ninth, Petunia visited a reputable jewellery store and brought some of the gold slivers with her. She had a meeting with the owner in the back office and he greeted her warmly. She handed over one of the gold pieces and he nearly dropped it in shock.

“How many of these do you have?” The owner asked as he examined it with a jeweller's eyeglass.

“Six, including that one.” Petunia said and tapped her foot nervously on the floor before she caught herself and stopped.

“I've never seen anything this pure outside of the royal mint.” The man said. “It's not stolen, is it?”

Petunia scoffed. “Yes, as if a woman like me with two babies to take care of, can pull off a heist from wherever and then smelt it down to make perfectly formed slivers with 99.99 percent gold content.”

The man behind the counter laughed. “Okay, good point.”

“My sister got them from somewhere and then left them to me after she died. I just wanted to see what I can get for one of them.” Petunia said and the man nodded.

“Gold is about 230 pounds an ounce right now. I can't give you that, since it fluctuates and...”

“...and you want to make some money.” Petunia said. “How much?”

“I think 200 is...”

“...far too low. That one bar is ten ounces.” Petunia said with a smile. “I have five more, remember?”

The man was quiet for a moment as he did the math in his head and then nodded. “All right. I'll go as high as 215 per ounce, assuming you give me all six.”

Petunia made him sweat for about ten seconds, then nodded. She would get almost 13,000 pounds for them and he would make a thousand pounds if he turned them over immediately, assuming he didn't keep them and let them gain in value. She had a lot more than that in her possession, not counting the piles of them still in Lily's vault, and they kept growing every month.

Saving her money as actual gold and selling it in the normal world, sure does make a lot more sense than using the goblins to convert galleons to pounds. Petunia thought as they completed the transaction and she signed the paperwork and he gave her the receipt. “If I dig up any more, I know where to come.”

“Please, if your sister has more of these things stashed somewhere, I'll gladly take them all.”

Petunia nodded and was glad that she now had a reliable place to unload them to get some ready cash. The stipend the goblins sent had made all the difference in her life. Her bills were paid, the house taxes were taken care of, and they had a full pantry and refrigerator. She didn't have to work now, even when Vernon was an ass and didn't send anything for a month or two.

She suspected that he was trying to starve her out to try and worm his way back in, probably by saying he could give her more if he moved back in or something. She wouldn't accept that, not at all. When it finally did happen, she would send him packing and with a police warrant to either fulfill his obligations or be sent to jail. She even kept track of all the missed payments, underpaid payments, and everything else he didn't do properly.

Petunia went back to her car from the jewellery store and saw that her boys were talking animatedly with hand waving and everything. “Who's ready to go birthday shopping for Dudders?”

“WE ARE!” The two boys yelled happily and Petunia laughed.

With this influx of cash, she could go all out for both of their birthdays and might even afford that small above ground kids pool she saw on the telly. She pulled out of the parking lot and drove to Harrod's Department Store, somewhere she never thought she would go to shop.

She was really starting to love her life.


“Come on, Dudders! We're gonna be late!” A ten year old Harry said loudly and waved at his cousin to run faster.

“It's not my fault you're a squirt and so skinny that even the air can't hold you back!” Dudley said loudly as he ran to catch up.

Harry laughed and sped along the sidewalk. Dudley was right, though. Harry was wiry to the point that he almost looked like he never ate, even though he ate nearly as much as Dudley. Dudly on the other hand, was what they called 'big-boned' and he was nearly twice Harry's size. It wasn't fat, either. No, he and Harry played the same and did the same exercises in gym class. They just had two different body types and each had their strengths.

At the moment, they were trying to get to the park. Their friends were waiting for them and the block party that Petunia had set up for the local kids. All of the neighbourhood kids and their families were going to be there, as were most of their schoolmates and their families.

Harry came around the corner and he slid to a stop and saw what was there. The whole street where the park was located, was closed off with barriers and the whole thing was decorated.

“Blimey!” Harry exclaimed as Dudley slid to a stop beside him.

“Bloody hell! Mummy really went all out for us grading!” Dudley said and took several breaths.

“She really loves us.” Harry said and threw an arm over Dudley's shoulders. “Ooo! There's Sally Perkins!”

“Shut it!” Dudley said and his face flushed red as he took a swing at the back of Harry's head.

Harry laughed and ducked before he jogged off to where the large group of kids were.

“Not a word!” Dudley said and chased after him.

“They never let up, do they?” Billy said with a laugh as Harry ran around them and Dudley.

“Harry never learned to not antagonize Dudley.” Sally said and gave Dudley an appreciative look.

“Don't get her started.” Jessica said and gave Billy an elbow in the side. “She'll defend Dudley to her dying breath.”

Sally gave her a sharp look and then blushed. She didn't deny it, either.

“S-sorry! Sorry!” Harry said and laughed as Dudley finally got his arm around Harry's neck and rubbed his knuckles into the top of Harry's head.

“You better be.” Dudley said and let him go, then he grinned at the others. “Hey, guys.”

“Hey.” They all said back, except for Sally.

“Hi, Dudley.” Sally said, her face still a little red.

“Hi, Sally.” Dudley said, a bit shyly.

“Hi, Jess!” Harry said and put an arm over her shoulders. “How's my girl today?”

Jessica's elbow hit him in the belly and he let out an 'oof' sound. “I'm doing great, now.”

That made everyone laugh, even Harry.

“Come... on. I really... like you.” Harry said and rubbed his belly. “I think you're smart and pretty. Why can't you be my girlfriend?”

“Because we're going to be in different schools from now on.” Jessica said.

“Oh. Right.” Harry said and sighed. “I don't want anyone else, though.”

Jessica looked pointedly at the others in the group and each of them turned away. When they were all looking in the other direction, Jessica turned to Harry and stared into his eyes. Harry's heart started to beat fast and his breath quickened. Jessica saw the change and smiled slightly, then she stepped close and pressed her lips to his.

Harry almost passed out. He couldn't believe it. He had been teasing and taunting her all year, ever since he started to think that girls weren't that icky, and she only ever laughed and ignored him. Now, here he was with her lips on his. She had kissed him!

Jessica broke the kiss and giggled at Harry's completely shocked face. “You're so cute.”

Everyone turned to look and started to laugh a little at the sight.

“I... I... I...” Harry stammered and made everyone laugh loudly, which caught the attention of the adults.

“We've got the hot-dogs ready.” A man said and pointed to a big barbecue. “The burgers will be a few more minutes.”

“Sweet!” Dudley said and took Sally's hand and led her over to the man. “Sally wants one with only mustard and relish and I want one with everything.”

Sally looked in surprise at Dudley for remembering what she liked, even though it had been last summer that he had seen her eating a hot-dog.

“Wait here for them and I'll get the drinks.” Dudley said and left. He came back with two plastic cups with a clear pop in one and a dark pop in the other.

“Th-thanks.” Sally said and ducked her head as she accepted the cup with the clear pop.

“Come on, Harry. I want a burger before we get on the swings.” Jessica said and took his hand and they went over to the other barbecue. Harry let her drag him along, because his mind was stuck on the feeling of her lips on his.


“Ah, young love.” A woman's voice said beside Petunia as they watched over the kids playing on the rides and things that had been rented for the day and placed in the street.

“Hi, Mrs. Figg.” Petunia said to the older woman and kept her eyes on a very happy Harry. She knew he had a crush on Jessica since last year and she was both happy and sad for him, since he would be leaving for another school in September.

Mrs. Figg saw the look on Petunia's face and nodded. “It's always hard to let them go the first time.”

“Every time.” Petunia whispered and her eyes easily found Dudley in the large group of children.

“He's going to Smeltings, isn't he?” Mrs. Figg asked.

“Yes, his father's old high school. It's a boarding school as well.”

Mrs. Figg put a hand on her shoulder. “Do you have any idea what you're going to do while they're gone?”

Petunia shook her head. “I'm still refusing to think I have to do anything until the fall.”

A woman not far away laughed softly and walked over. “I'm in the same boat.”

Petunia smiled at the woman. “Jessica's going to Crosshatch, isn't she?”

“Oh? Are you an alumni?”

Petunia nodded. “I recommend you tell her right off that she can't call home until the first weekend of the term.”

Jessica's mother sighed. “The term starts on a Monday this year, too.”

“You should give her something to keep in her things or to wear, so she has something of yours when she gets lonely.” Petunia said and her eyes went back to Harry. “Believe me, they are going to need it.”

Mrs. Figg observed Petunia and nodded mentally. She had watched her and Harry for ten years and she had nothing but approval for the woman and how she had raised both of the young men in her care. Neither were favored or treated differently, even though she knew that Petunia knew that Harry was a magical.

“Thanks for the advice. I'll look at my old things and see what I can find that she'll like.” Jessica's mother said with a smile.

“Maybe Petunia can find something of Harry's instead.” Mrs. Figg suggested.

Both Petunia and Jessica's mother let out a laugh.

“That poor boy is pretty hung up on my little Jessica.”

Petunia nodded. “He's been paying extra attention to her all year.”

“Oh, I know.” Jessica's mother said and had to smile. “He's all she talks about. It's always Harry this and Harry that.”

Petunia smiled as well. “You should have seen how happy he was when I mentioned this event.”

“We all should thank you for this. It's a great idea!” Another woman said. She was Billy's mother.

“It's also turning out great.” Her husband said from beside her. “The kids are having a great time.”

Petunia did her best to weather the praise. “I thought that if there was something that they would all appreciate, it was spending one more day with all of their school friends.”

“It's a little sad to know that they are all going off to start growing up.” Another man said and held out a platter of hamburgers for everyone to take one. “My boy can't wait to go to another school and start meeting new people.”

A woman walked over and took a burger. “My daughter is thinking the same, not realizing that a lot of them are going to the same school.”

“They might have different home classes.” Jessica's mother said. “I know Sally and Jessica have different schedules.”

“They sent them already?” The woman asked, a little worried.

Jessica's mother chuckled. “No, I know one of the teachers and she sent me a preliminary schedule.”

“Whew, that's a relief. I thought I missed the mailman yesterday.”

“I didn't. He's a hunk.” Jessica's mother said with a laugh and the other women laughed. The men groaned and didn't comment.

After they ate their food, Petunia let out a sigh. “I'm really going to miss my boys.”

Jessica's mother put an arm over her shoulder. “We all are.”

A few people nodded and Petunia took solace in knowing that others were going to miss her children, too.


Harry stood in front of the door of the house at six in the morning and waited. It was his birthday and he knew that this was the day. His eyes scoured the sky and looked for what he was waiting for. He smiled when a dark spot appeared where he was looking and he waited for several minutes for the owl to come in for a landing.

“Hi, there.” Harry said and held out several owl treats for it to eat. “Thanks for the delivery. Can you wait for a few minutes and take my response?”

“Hoot.” The owl agreed and Harry bent down and held his arm like a perch. It hopped on and he took it inside the house. No one else was up this early, so he took the owl to the kitchen and put it on the back of a chair as he opened the letter. He read it and didn't hear the slight thumps on the stairs.

“Is that it?” Dudley asked when he came into the kitchen.

“Yeah. I was accepted.” Harry said and went to the little desk in the living room to get some paper and a pen. He went back to the kitchen and wrote out his agreement, letting them know that he wouldn't need a home visit, even though he wasn't raised in a wizarding home.

“I can't believe you get to go and learn that stuff.” Dudley said and poured out a glass of milk for the both of them, then put a bit into a saucer for the owl.

“HOOT!” The owl said and started drinking.

Harry chuckled and took a drink from his glass. “Thanks, Dudley.”

Dudley shrugged and sat. “Just make sure you show them all that you're not a wimp.”

Harry grinned. “I should pretend they are all you, then?”

“You better.” Dudley said with a matching grin.

“Good morning, boys.” Petunia said and stopped to kiss Harry on the forehead, then she went to Dudley's side of the table and kissed his as well. “I see it came.”

“Just now.” Harry said and handed over his response. “Is that good enough?”

Petunia read it and nodded. “Your mother needed the visit, because she didn't know anything.”

“I'm really glad that she told you all about it.” Harry said and put the letter in an envelope and licked it closed before giving it to the owl.

“You've been reading her letters to me?” Petunia asked as the owl took off out the open kitchen window while Harry nodded. “Good. You need to know as much about that place as you can. They aren't very friendly to people like us.”

Harry couldn't stop the frown. “Don't worry, Auntie. If anyone says anything bad about mum or you, they'll be eating a knuckle sandwich before they can finish talking.”

Dudley laughed and held his hand up for a high-five, which Harry hit enthusiastically.

“Harry...” Petunia started to admonish him.

“I won't have anyone badmouth the people I love.” Harry said, adamantly.

“Like Jessica.” Dudley said with a chuckle.

“Hey! I never said that!” Harry exclaimed with a blush.

“Uh huh. That's why I didn't hear you telling her that last night under the slide at the park.”

“DUDLEY!” Harry yelled.

Petunia clamped her mouth shut to stop her laugh. She walked back around the table and pet Harry's head. “It's all right to tell a girl you like how you feel.” She said and went to the refrigerator. “Eggs and toast for breakfast?”

Both boys nodded and she got to work. Today was Harry's birthday and they had a party to enjoy later that day. They both understood that Petunia couldn't give them everything they wanted and they never asked for anything too outrageous for a present. They usually only got one from her on their birthdays and they appreciated it, no matter what it was. She loved them and made sure that they were happy, which both boys liked a lot.

“She still won't be my girlfriend.” Harry said with a sigh.

“Don't worry, Harry. You might find someone just as nice or nicer at that school.” Petunia said. “If you don't, well... you'll be coming back for the holidays and summers. Who's to say that Jessica might be here when you do?”

Harry gave her a bright smile and a nod. “Okay. Yeah. I might be going away; but, that doesn't mean I'm staying away.”

“Right. Make friends, be nice, and have fun. Enjoy your time at school and learn all that you can.” Petunia said and handed her boys a plate each of eggs and toast. “Are you bathing before the party?”

“I had one last night.” Harry said, proudly.

“Did you sweat at all last night in bed?” Petunia asked and glanced at Harry's armpits.

“I slept on top of the sheets and only in my underwear!” Harry said.

Petunia had to laugh at him. “All right. Wash up after breakfast, get dressed, and I'll take you both out for a bit of shopping.”

“YES!” Dudley and Harry said at the same time and quickly finished off their meals.

“Me, first!” Dudley said and dashed out of the room.

“Dammit! He takes forever!” Harry exclaimed and ran after him.

“Language!” Petunia said and shook her head at them running up the stairs. She finished eating her own breakfast and washed up in the kitchen sink. She shut the window and went upstairs to get dressed herself. She wasn't sure why her boys liked her taking them out to shop and she wasn't going to question it. She enjoyed it even more than they did.


It was the middle of August when they made their way back to Diagon Alley for a special purchase.

“I've been told that he's weird, so be respectful and don't be afraid.” Petunia said as she opened the door to Ollivander's wand shop. She had left Dudley at the Leaky Cauldron to eat some french fries while she and Harry shopped for his wand.

“Ah, Mr. Potter. I was wondering when I would be seeing you in my shop.” Ollivander said from somewhere and seemed to appear in front of them.

Neither Petunia nor Harry jumped at his sudden appearance and Ollivander hid his own surprise that he didn't surprise them.

“I assume you are here for your wand, yes?”

“Do you sell socks? I need another pair.” Harry asked, which made Petunia turn her head to hide her smile. She didn't admonish him for ignoring her order to be respectful.

“The only socks I have are my own, so it must be a wand you want.” Ollivander smiled, getting the joke right away. “Shall we get started?”

A measuring tape came out of his pocket, all on its own, and then it started making a bunch of measurements. His arm, hand, wrist, bicep, head, and even his nose. The last one ticked and Harry let out a laugh.

“Yes, I think that's enough.” Ollivander said with a bright smile.

Harry knew that he was just pranked because of his joke and nodded.

“Let's see what I have for you, my young friend.” Ollivander said and the process of wand testing began. It took nearly twenty minutes to find one and Ollivander was surprised. “Curious, very curious.”

“What's curious?” Harry asked as he held the wand and red and gold sparks flew out of it.

“I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single one. I also have great instincts of what certain people will be more aligned to.” Ollivander said and rubbed his chin. “I had thought a particular wand would choose you and it didn't.” He pointed to one on the pile that hadn't done anything when Harry had shaken it. “Instead, you have walnut and unicorn hair, twelve inches and springy.”

Harry wasn't sure why that made a difference and shrugged.

“Well, I've taken up much more of your time than I thought, so I'll let you go after charging you seven galleons for the wand.”

“Give us a wand maintenance kit, too.” Petunia said and Ollivander nodded. She paid for both things and they left.

Ollivander closed the shop before he went to the back room and tossed some floo powder into the fireplace to make the flames flare and turn green. “Headmaster of Hogwarts.” He said and shoved his head into the flames. He needed to warn Albus about what had just happened in his shop.


September first arrived before they knew it and Petunia had both boys in the car and on their way to the train station. She was dropping Dudley on the normal side and Harry on the special side. Her heart was heavy and she tried to not let it get her down. They were going to be better boys because of where they were going and she had to be strong for them.

They arrived at King's Cross Station and used two trolleys to put their luggage on. They went to platform three to send Dudley to Smeltings and his train left at ten.

“Bye, Dudders.” Harry said and gave his cousin a quick hug. “I'm gonna miss you trying to catch me.”

“I'm not gonna miss seeing the back of your head all the time, squirt.” Dudley said.

“You be careful, Dudders.” Petunia said as she knelt and hugged her boy tightly. “I love you and I'll be at the house whenever you need to call, starting this weekend.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and held the hug a bit longer than Dudley was comfortable with. From his mother, anyways. He would let Sally hug him as long as she wanted.

“Mum!” Dudley complained, and yet, he didn't try to push her away.

Petunia laughed softly and gave him another kiss and let him go. “Sorry, baby. I can't help myself.”

The train doors opened for passengers and Petunia caressed his head. Dudley gave her one last look, gave Harry a fist bump, and entered the train with his luggage.

Petunia and Harry were quiet as they walked all the way across the station to get to platform nine. Harry pushed the trolley and when they got to the platform, the snowy white owl in the cage gave a little hoot.

“Are you sure you don't want to fly there?” Harry asked it as they approached the barrier that he had to cross.

“Hoot.” Hedwig said in response, which made Petunia chuckle.

“She wants to stay with you as much as I do, I think.” Petunia said and Hedwig hooted a little louder.

“She's a good girl.” Harry said and lightly touched her feathers through the cage, then he turned to his aunt. “I'll write every week and...”

“I want you to promise to be careful. Don't insult anyone and try not to get into too much trouble.”

“But, Auntie...”

“Promise me that you'll try. AlI those letters were full of your dad's antics.”

Harry couldn't stop his smile. “She really hated him at first.”

Petunia laughed a little and nodded. “He was a right git to her friend, bullied him and called it pranks, and was as arrogant as a peacock strutting down the walk.”

Harry laughed as he imagined that.

“Then he smartened up, grew out of the pranks, and became someone she wanted to spend her time with.” Petunia said. “Her friend couldn't take it and he said some bad things about her. He also did some bad things to James and his friends as well. When you meet him, he might give you a hard time because of your father. You tell him that I'll be waiting for your letter and than I won't stand for him picking on you for his own childhood.”

Harry nodded and she knelt in front of him to give him a hug. “I love you just as much as I love Dudders. I'll be waiting for your owl next week.” She gave him a kiss and let him go. “Goodbye, Harry.”

Unlike Dudley, Harry couldn't get enough of her hugs and he kissed her cheek back. “Bye, Tuna.” He said, teasingly.

Petunia shook her head with a smile and stood up. “Get going, you.”

Harry pushed his trolley through the barrier and saw a lot of people on the platform. He walked over to the train and he was looking to see how he was going to get the trunk on.

“You can leave the cart and carry your trunk onto the train.” A male voice said and Harry turned to look. He saw an older male student wearing black robes with yellow piping.

“Hello.” Harry said and didn't offer his hand, because he didn't know the young man's social standing. The book Petunia had given him said that you are to never use a muggle greeting with someone you don't know, especially if you suspect that they are more prominent socially than you are.

“Ah, you must be a firstie.” The young man said with a chuckle. “I'll give you a hand if you want.”

“Thanks.” Harry said and took Hedwig's cage. “I could manage the trunk or the cage by itself safely. If I tried both...”

The young man nodded and picked up the trunk. “You'd be banging that poor owl all over the place while trying to drag the trunk.”

Harry stepped into the closest car and entered the very first compartment. It was empty of luggage, so it was unclaimed. He put hedwig on the seat next to him and sat down.

The young man put the trunk in the upper rack and smiled. “There, all settled.”

“Thanks again.” Harry said.

“You're welcome.” The young man said and then he seemed to think about something. He didn't move for a moment, then shrugged before he left without saying anything else.

Harry didn't think anything of the odd behavior and sat back to lightly stroke Hedwig's feathers as he thought about the last time he saw Jessica. Thanks to Petunia taking him shopping the week before, he had gotten a really nice birthday present for her.

Her birthday wasn't until December; but, he told her that he didn't want to think that he was being cheap and only buying her one present for both her birthday and Christmas. It had made Jessica laugh and she hugged him, then she opened it.

Jessica's breath caught at the small emerald stone that hung on a silver chain. “It's the same color as your eyes.”

“Y-yeah.” Harry said and ducked his head a little as he started to mumble. “I hope... I hope you like it and... remember me... because, you know I love you and... well... I won't see you again until Christmas and...”

Jessica stopped his mumbling when she kissed him again. It was only their second kiss on the lips and Harry's brain kind of shut off. He didn't know what he was feeling, only that he liked it and wanted to do it again.

“Thank you, Harry.” Jessica whispered, her face bright red.

Harry wasn't sure what to say, so he just leaned back in and kissed her himself. It was his first one that he gave her that counted, because the ones on the cheek didn't count, according to Jessica's friends.

Neither of them said anything else and parted ways.

Harry was brought out of his memory when the train seemed to give a lurch. When he checked his manual watch, it was eleven o'clock and the departure time. He looked at the door and he saw several people move past. One of them was a lanky redhead that briefly looked in at him. He shrugged and moved on, which Harry thought was a little funny.

Petunia had warned him of all the people that would claim to know about him and the life he lived, all thanks to the books that someone was publishing with his name. It didn't take long for the goblins to get Petunia part of the royalties for that and she had a good laugh as Lily's vault of gold slivers grew too big for the small vault to hold. She used some of the Potter trust vault to pay the goblins to expand Lily's vault and for better security, which they were more than happy to do.

Every few months, Petunia would bring another half dozen gold slivers to her jeweller and would sell them at a discount for cash. She claimed it as deductible income, since they were possessions that she was selling and it didn't count as income. At least, that's what her accounting lawyer said. She wasn't going to trust anyone's word about things like that. She also wasn't going to cheat the government, since she was as smart as her sister, Lily.

Half an hour later, the door opened and a bushy haired girl stepped in. “Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one.”

“Can toads open doors?” Harry asked, curious.

“Well, no. They don't have hands and...”

“...they can't reach the handle.” Harry said. “So, why are you opening doors without announcing yourself and asking something that should be impossible?”

The bushy haired girl opened her mouth to answer, glanced down at the floor to see if anything was hopping by, then she looked back at his face. She knew that he wasn't mocking her and only asking the questions. She also had no reasonable excuse for what she had been doing.

“I wish I had met you at the front of the train.” The girl said and stepped out to shut the door again.

Harry burst out laughing and Hedwig hooted several times.

“She still didn't introduce herself.” Harry said and sat back to relax on the comfortable bench seat.

After another half an hour, the door opened again and a blond boy stood there with an arrogant look on his face. “I heard that Harry Potter was on this train.” He said and glared at Harry. His eyes went from his feet to his head and his eyes narrowed at Harry's unmarked forehead.

“I'm sure he's here somewhere.” Harry said with a shrug. His aunt had told him to deny it for as long as possible and he was going to take her advice. He would have been stupid not to.

The blond boy huffed and stepped back out to slam the door shut.

“Yeah, like I'd ever tell you the truth.” Harry whispered. “He acts like Polkiss used to.”

His mind drifted back to the first day of elementary school and that first meeting with the other kids. He was really glad that Dudley had been there to protect him and stop Polkiss from picking on Harry. He never came near Harry again until third grade and he pretended that nothing had ever happened. Harry had taken care of things that time and Polkiss stayed away after that.

The train ride continued on and Harry saw several people pass by wearing the school robes and he decided that he would change as well. He carefully took down his trunk and changed his clothes into school robes. He thought about the hat and shook his head. Petunia had told him about his mother's trip across the lake and losing her hat in a gust of wind. She got it back and it smelled like seaweed and something else that made her bury it at the bottom of her trunk.

The train came to a stop and a voice said to leave the luggage on the train.

“HOOT!” Hedwig said loudly.

“I know you're not luggage.” Harry said with a laugh and opened her cage to let her hop out. He put her on his shoulder and left the cage on his locked trunk. He didn't bother trying to put it back up on the rack and left it on the seat. He joined the mass of students leaving the train and as soon as he was outside, Hedwig took off.

“She's beautiful.” A girl said from behind him and he turned around to look. She had blonde hair and a cute round face.


Her bright blue eyes locked onto his when she turned to look at him. “Oh! Um... hi.”

“Hello.” Harry said and smiled at her. The girl blushed and turned her head to the right to try and hide it.

“First years! FIRST YEARS!” A very loud male's voice said and Harry looked to see a huge man wearing a big hairy suit. “This WAY! Come on, git over here!”

All of the first year students gathered around him.

“Is this all of yeh?” He asked and didn't wait for an answer before he turned and started walking away. “FOLLOW ME!”

After a harrowing and barely lit path, they arrived at the shore of a huge lake. The water looked black in the moonlight and Harry wondered if everything inside of it would eat him if he fell in.

“Climb in!” The man said and stepped into one by himself. “Four to a boat!”

After a few minutes, Harry sat in the front of a small boat with a boy he hadn't seen before and two girls. One was the blonde that had complimented Hedwig and he smiled at her. She blushed again and Harry had to stop his laugh before he let it out and faced forward again. He didn't want her to think that he was laughing at her and not because she was so easy to tease.

“Onward!” Hagrid said and the boats shot off of the shore and zoomed across the water towards the other side.

“OOO!” Lots of different voices said loudly as the castle came into view.

Harry had seen pictures of the castle several times over the years, especially when his Aunt Petunia started to tell him the stories about Hogwarts that her sister Lily had told her. The photo album was well used and they both had a great time looking at all of the moving pictures, once they had stopped crying over their loss.

The boats reached the other side and they went up a bunch of stairs to the large oak doors that lead into the castle. A very stern older woman met them and led them inside to a smaller room, then she gave them a speech about the houses. Harry ignored it, because he had heard all about them from his aunt. When the old woman left them to prepare the hall for their sorting, there was a lot of muttering and low whispers.

Harry didn't react when the castle ghosts came through the wall and he didn't laugh when the blonde let out a shriek. She was clearly afraid and no one had told her about them, so he turned to put an arm around her shoulders.

“Hey, it's okay.” Harry whispered into her ear. “They are only shades of people and not like scary ghosts that terrify normal people.” When she turned to hug him tightly and shivered, he put his other arm around her. “These ghosts you can even talk to and have conversations with. I bet they know loads of stuff, too.”

The blonde girl took several shallow breaths, as if she was fighting not to cry, and nodded. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” Harry said with a smile. “Plus, I got to hug a pretty girl.”

The blonde girl let out a little 'eep' sound and jumped back, which made a few of the students chuckle. She blushed to a deep red and covered her face with her hands to hide it, since turning her head would only show it to even more people.

“All right. Follow me.” The stern woman said and didn't comment on how well Harry had handled the situation.

The students followed her into the Great Hall and down to the spot where they had to wait. The hat on the stool coughed to get everyone's attention and then started to sing.

Harry ignored it and looked around the hall. He had seen pictures and wanted to see if anything had changed since his mother had been here. He was a bit disappointed that it was practically the same, except for the number of students. There were a lot less here now than there were in her time at school.

“When I call your name, come and put on the hat. It will sort you into your house.” The stern lady said and Harry once again zoned out. He hadn't met anyone else on the train, except for the blond boy and the bushy haired girl, so he wasn't interest in paying attention. Most of the names meant nothing to him, except for a select few.

“Bones, Susan.”

Harry turned to look and saw a slightly shorter girl with strawberry blonde hair sit on the stool. According to Petunia, she was the niece of the magical police department's chief.

“Hufflepuff!” The hat exclaimed almost right away.

Harry almost frowned as the girl happily went to the right table. He wasn't sure how being loyal and hard working friends would be good for a police force. Well, he was only eleven, so what did he know?

“Granger, Hermione.”

Oh, so that's her name. Harry thought as the bushy haired girl was sorted into Griffindor. He let his mind wander again and looked up at the ceiling. Mom almost had that thing figured out.

“Malfoys always go to Slytherin.” A boy's voice said and interrupted Harry's thoughts about how he could finish his mother's pet project.

Harry watched the arrogant blond guy get sorted into Slytherin when the hat barely touched his head. It probably didn't want to get all that hair grease on its brim. He thought with a suppressed chuckle.

The darker skinned twins were somehow sorted into different houses, which didn't look like a surprise to either of them, and then the dreaded name he didn't want to hear rang through the hall.

“Potter, Harry.”

Harry held in his sigh as he stepped forward and walked to the stool. A lot of people were surprised, mainly because he looked almost nothing like he did in the books. He wasn't going to correct them or tell them that things in books weren't always right. He was just glad that he had been pretty much hidden from being recognized until now.

He picked up the hat in front of a slightly shocked stern woman and sat down with the hat on his head.

Hello there, Mr. Potter. The hat thought to him.

Hi, Jester. Harry thought. Mom left a note in her trunk to tell you hi. So... hi.

The hat let out a laugh, which surprised everyone in the Great Hall. Your mother was one of the best. We spent a bit of time talking during her years at school.

You did? That's great! Maybe we can talk, too. I want to hear all about her! Harry thought, happily.

I know you do. The hat responded. I'd be happy to share some things with you when you're older.

Harry let out a groan and the hat laughed again.

Some things can't be shared with someone so young, Mr. Potter.

Harry sighed. I know. My aunt says the same thing.

She has been a great influence on you during your time living with her.

She's the best! I love her a lot! Harry thought.

I know you do. The hat thought to him. Now, I need to sort you.

You haven't decided yet? Harry asked, curious. You can see all of the inside of my head, can't you?

Yes, and I need a minute to get through it all.

You barely touched Malfoy's head. Harry thought and smirked as the joke about an empty head practically shouted across his brain.

The hat let out a loud braying laugh and the everyone in the hall were shocked by it. None of them had any idea how Harry was making the hat laugh so boisterously.

You are going to cause a lot of waves, Mr. Potter. The hat thought to him. All right, I guess I don't even have to try and justify my decision, do I?

Nope! Harry thought and grinned. He knew exactly what the hat was going to say.

Well, then. It better be... “GRIFFINDOR!”

The hall was completely quiet for about two seconds, then the Griffindor table erupted.

“WE GOT POTTER! WE GOT POTTER!” A bunch of them chanted as Harry put the hat on the stool and went over to the table that he would sit at for the next seven years.

“You're... you're Harry Potter.” The blonde girl that he had met previously said. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she was on the verge of fainting.

Harry knew what to do in this situation, thanks to his aunt. “Everyone knows of me, thanks to all that stuff and rumors about what happened.” He said and shrugged. “No one here knows me, since they've never met me. Until today.”

The girl blinked her eyes for several moments and then she let a smile appear on her face. “Hi. I'm Lavender. Lavender Brown.” She said and stuck her hand out.

Harry smiled back and gently took her hand. “Hi, I'm Harry. Harry Potter. You might remember me from seeing my owl or from my hug in the other room.”

Lavender blushed and bit her lip. Her heart fluttered and she didn't know what to say to that.

Harry thought back to what he was supposed to do when shaking a lady's hand. The book had said something about kissing the fingers or something, so he leaned down slightly to kiss the back of her hand. He wasn't sure where her fingers had been, so it was a safe bet that the back of her hand was clean.

“It's very nice to meet you, Lavender.” Harry said and let the hand go.

Lavender's face was completely red by this point and she cradled the kissed hand to her chest, as if it was precious to her.

“I think we already have a Casanova in the ranks of the firsties, George.” A tall redhead said.

“No doubt. Little Lav's gonna burst if someone doesn't give her a hand.” The other redhead joked, pointedly and suggestively.

Harry ignored the jab as he picked up a glass of something that was on the table and handed it to the girl. Her hand shook slightly as she tried to take it. “Relax. They're just teasing you.”

Lavender took a shaky breath and looked into his eyes confidently. “Are you?”

Harry let the glass go and thought about it. “Huh. I... well... it kinda started that way when I smiled at you and made you blush after Hedwig flew off. Then you were scared of the ghosts and I didn't like that you were, so I did what I could to distract you. When you just introduced yourself, it took me a second to remember that I'm supposed to kiss a lady's hand for the first greeting.” He said and turned to face her. “So, no. I'm not teasing you.”

Lavender swooned a little and ducked her head to take a sip of the oddly colored liquid in the glass. It took her several tries to take in enough to swallow, then she seemed to compose herself and lifted her head to look at him again.

“I might have done something bad to you if you were.” Lavender admitted with a bit of authority.

Harry had to laugh at the comment. “I think we're going to be great friends from now on. What do you say?”

Lavender's smile was bright as she nodded. “I think so, too.”

They talked in whispers about different things as the sorting continued on and Harry had missed a good portion of it. The names he was supposed to be listening for had been said, except for one.

“Weasley, Ronald.”

Harry turned his head to see the redhead that had stared into his compartment at one point during the train ride. The lanky boy sat a little awkwardly on the short stool and after thirty seconds, he was sorted into Griffindor. Harry started to laugh under his breath, then the redheaded boy shot out of the chair and ran towards the Griffindor table.

“Mr. WEASLEY!” The stern woman shouted and the boy stopped to look at her. “Please leave the hat.”

The whole hall laughed as he slunk back to the stool and took off the hat. His walk to the Griffindor table was much more subdued than his first dash and the two tall redheads that had spoken before, stood up and greeted him, then made him sit between them as they talked.

Harry thanked them in his mind, because for several seconds during that boy's run to the table, he had been running right towards Harry.


Life continued on and a week passed for Petunia. She read the newspaper and pretended to watch the television as she waited for the two things that were supposed to happen. The telephone rang and she ran to the kitchen to grab the main phone.

“DUDDERS!” Petunia gasped and heard laughing from the earpiece.

“Hi, Mummy.” Dudley said. “I called as soon as I could.”

“I know, baby. Thank you.” Petunia said in a calmer voice. “Now tell me all about school.”

“It's been great!” Dudley said and then started to tell her all about how classes were, the other boys in his dorm, and living away from her. He wasn't very fussy about that part, especially since he couldn't enjoy her or Harry's great tasting meals.

Petunia laughed a little. “I'll make sure to send you something by Monday.”

“Thanks, mummy!” Dudley responded. “Have you heard from Harry yet?”

“No, I was waiting to hear from the both of you...” Petunia stopped talking when a snowy owl flew through the open kitchen window. “Ask and you shall receive. Hedwig just showed up.”

“Open it and read it!” Dudley said, a little loudly.

“I'm thinking you want to hear from him as much as I do.” Petunia said and did as he asked.

Dear Auntie,
School has been both interesting and frustrating. The castle and some of the teachers are great. I've met some friends already and I've been eating like Dudley! The food's not really up to our standards, though. I think we've spoiled ourselves with all the cooking we did.
One of the teachers is a right git and you know what one I'm talking about. He's just as bad as you warned me about and he doesn't let up on me at all, even after I gave him your warning. I think you need to send that letter a lot sooner than you thought you had to. Maybe they can get rid of the ghost this time, too?
One of the other teachers has a terrible stutter. He can't even get through one sentence without repeating himself a dozen times. I know you told me not to mention stuff like that, since it's so rude. It's just that I'm not learning anything at all in class because of it. I don't know what to do about it. Do I do other work? Do I sit there and ignore him? It's a waste of a class, just like History of Magic.
There's also a redheaded jerk that won't leave me alone. He keeps trying to say that he's my best mate and I don't even know him, which means he's one of those people that you warned me about. I've had to duck out of the dorm early every morning and go to bed later, just so he doesn't get much of a chance to annoy me so much. He cares more about me being famous than about me and I want nothing to do with someone like that.
Oh! We did a spell that lets me float things! It doesn't matter how big it is, either. Of course, I've only tried it on a feather and a throw pillow so far, because the teacher said to not tire myself out. I told him that I can't wait to see if I can lift my trunk without having to struggle and he told me that was a different charm called Featherweight.
The teacher said it was a third year spell and we wouldn't learn it for a while. The teacher is really really short, too! I talked to this girl I met with bushy hair and we're going to study it this weekend. She likes learning new spells as much as I do, apparently. Her name's Hermione.
My best friend is a girl named Lavender. I know what you're thinking! Her name's a smell! Ha ha! No, she doesn't smell like lavender. I asked her about that and it made her laugh. She then told me it was her mother's favorite smell and that since she was her favorite daughter, that was her name, too. I'll send you a picture when the little camera we bought is out of film.
Hermione confirmed that most electronic things won't work here and that a manual camera was a great idea. Lavender wants a copy of the pictures, so when you get them developed, can you make three copies... no, make that four. Hermione just said she wants them, too... wait! Dudders might want one, so make that five copies.
I better go. I've got homework to do and that spell isn't going to learn itself. I miss you and Dudley lots. I can't wait for Christmas! I get to come home and see you both again.
Don't forget to give Hedwig some bacon and say hi to Dudders for me.
Love, Harry.

Petunia softly laughed at her nephew's rambling. He had just written down things as they occurred to him and didn't bother trying to put structure in the letter at all.

“He met two girls already?” Dudley asked over the phone. His voice sounded surprised.

“I'm sure he met other kids than just those two girls, since it's a huge school.” Petunia said. “He probably named them since they seemed to be right there when he was writing.”

“Ooo, maybe tease him about that! Having girls making sure he's not writing anything bad about them!” Dudley laughed. “He might even have to read it in front of them!”

Petunia laughed. “I'll mention it when I write back.”

“Tell him hi and tell him about me.” Dudley said and then whispered. “I gotta meet a girl before next week, just so he's not showing me up.”

“What about Sally?” Petunia asked, because she couldn't resist teasing him over Harry having friends that were girls.

Dudley was quiet for several moments. “She said she liked me, just not like that. Her mother said she's too young for those kinds of things anyway, only she wouldn't tell me what things they were talking about.”

Petunia was both glad and sad about hearing that. “Don't worry, Dudders. You'll meet more girls than you'll know what to do with soon. Just be yourself and let things happen. If you try to push too hard, it won't work out like you want.”

Dudley didn't say anything for a moment, because he was thinking about Sally. “I gotta go. Someone else wants to use the phone.”

“All right. Thanks for calling, baby. I'll send something nice for you and I'll let Harry know you're doing good.” Petunia said. “Be safe and I love you, Dudders.”

“Love you, too.” Dudley said. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Petunia said and hung up the phone. She sat there on the stool by the counter and thought about what had happened, then she nodded. She looked at the list of phone numbers beside the phone and found the one she needed. She picked up the phone and dialed. She needed to have some very particular words with Sally's mother for hurting her Dudders like that.


A week later, Albus sat in his office and rubbed his face in frustration. In front of him was a 'Notice of Intent' from the school board. They had several complaints from students about Professor Snape, Professor Quirrell, and Professor Binns. None of them were actually teaching their classes and Severus was actually bullying the students, while Binns put his to sleep and Quirrell either annoyed them or gave them headaches.

Albus let his eyes roam over the quite long list of complaints and sighed. He was sure that he could call in a few favors and get most of the complaints dismissed as first time students not being used to how living at the dorm was different from living at home. He couldn't stretch that to cover the harsh comments Severus had made about the student's competency or the unnecessary point deductions, however.

After taking out several pieces of parchment, Albus quickly wrote out a response for the notice, then wrote out three more notes. One was for Severus, one for Quirrell, and the last for Minerva. Severus would have to restrain his teaching technique, Quirrell was on notice for his excessive stutter, and Minerva would have to watch their behavior. She would also need to keep an eye on one particular student of hers, since Albus' little ploy with the Weasley boy didn't seem to be working.

Why aren't you accepting his offer of friendship, Harry? You should have been desperate to be friends with another wizard, once you learned that you were one. Albus thought to himself as he folded the notes. He called a house elf to deliver the notes and to use an owl for the note to the school board. I'm not sure what to do about Quirrell. I know he has a little passenger along that is observing things, especially Harry... only, Harry isn't reacting like I thought he would.

Albus shook those thoughts from his head and pulled over some paperwork that he needed to get through for the Wizengamut. It seemed like he always had paperwork on his desk that he had to do.


“Nothing happened.” Harry whispered as he entered the potions classroom the next Friday. It had been two weeks since his aunt had sent out the letter and things at the castle were the exact same.

“You can't expect one voice to make a difference.” Hermione whispered back as she walked past and sat at the front desk.

Harry was going to respond, then he felt a hand on his arm before Lavender pulled him to the desk behind Hermione and he sat down beside Lavender.

“Maybe you just need to make your voice louder.” Lavender whispered.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked and then his eyes widened slightly as Lavender quickly pulled out her copy of the Daily Prophet and then stuffed it back into her bag. “That's brilliant.” He said and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Thanks, Lavender. I'll tell my aunt to send a copy of the letter to them.”

Lavender blushed and nodded. She was always glad to help, especially because Harry was pretty liberal with his hugs and kisses.

The door banged closed as Professor Snape entered the room. “Quiet.” He hissed, then he quickly explained the potion to be brewed. He almost snarled as he looked at Harry. “Mister Potter, did you read up before this lesson?”

“No, sir. I figured you're going to take points off of me anyway, so I didn't bother.” Harry responded.

The entire class fell silent and Professor Snape's eyes squeezed down to tiny little beads.

“Why, you arrogant little...”

“You're the arrogant one.” Harry said and everyone in the class gasped, even the Slytherins. “I just found out I'm a wizard a couple weeks ago. How am I supposed to know the things you ask me if you never teach us anything? I'm not a mind reader.”

Professor Snape opened his mouth to respond, then he stopped and his eyes went back to normal. “That will be detention for the rest of the week.”

“So, just today then. Not a problem.” Harry said and Lavender sucked in a sharp breath beside him.

Professor Snape's eyes squinted again at being corrected so blatantly. “Perhaps all of next week as well.”

“If I do anything that deserves it, sure.” Harry said.

“Mister Potter.” Professor Snape growled. “I think you need some proper discipline...”

“...if you raise a hand against me, you'll never see me in this class again.” Harry said, adamantly. “My aunt told me all about you, sir. You didn't listen to her warning the first time, did you?”

Professor Snape's hands curled into fists. “So, it was you.”

“If you mean reporting you to the school board and getting you put on notice, yes it was.” Harry admitted. “My aunt told me not to accept your bad attitude and to tell her and anyone else in authority about anything you do to me.”

Everyone's eyes were shifting back and forth between Harry and Snape. None of them had ever seen anything like it and couldn't look away if they tried.

“Get out.” Snape spat and had a hard time controlling his temper.

Harry shrugged and was glad that he hadn't unpacked his things. “I've learned more on my own, anyway.” He commented as he grabbed his bag and went to the door. No one said anything as he left.

“The recipe is on the board. Get to work.” Snape said and turned away from the class. He didn't want them to see the rage on his face that he could no longer hide. He had been worried that Harry would be as bad as his father and had tried to stomp it out before it began, only to realize that he was much, much worse. Harry had still openly confronted him, only after going behind his back, which was both cunning and devious.

Little did he know that his problems with Harry would become public knowledge the very next morning.


Every day for the next week, the staff of the school groaned as another wave of letters and howlers entered the Great Hall with dozens of owls. The students on the other hand, were enjoying the whole thing as it played out. It didn't seem like it was going to die out soon and they didn't want to miss a thing.

Several explosions happened and then men's and women's yelling voices filled the Great Hall. Some students couldn't stop their laughs as they covered their ears. Some had been smart and had put cotton in their ears, while some were smarter and wore their winter earmuffs, like Hermione.

“I can't believe it's still going on.” Lavender yelled to the boy sitting beside her.

“It's the first time Aunt Petunia has ever officially called upon my fame.” Harry said back, just as loudly. “She said it was going to cause a stir...”

Lavender laughed. “This is a LOT bigger than that!”

Harry laughed as well and nodded. It was a scandal that was unlike any that the school has seen before. Everyone knew that the savior of the wizarding world was being bullied by a teacher. They also knew that he wasn't getting the 'top education' that they had assumed Hogwarts was supposed to give him. Even the school board was feeling the pressure from the public backlash.

When the howlers finally finished, Hermione took off her earmuffs. “What do you think they are going to do about it?”

Harry shrugged. “I'm surprised that they haven't already dragged me off to the principal's office... I mean, the headmaster's office... to try and get me to retract my statement.”

Lavender took out yesterday's copy of the Daily Prophet from her bag and held up the headline. “You would think the school would be sick of being caught in lies like this.”

The article informed everyone about the reforms that they were implementing to help fix the situation, only that it would take time to make the changes. Right underneath it was an official statement from Harry's lawyer saying that nothing had changed at all at the school and that he refused to attend unfair detentions with the same teacher that bullied him.

“I don't think they are used to not getting their way.” Hermione said and started eating. “They've been in control for years, decades even, and this is probably the first time that anyone has called them out on it.”

“Says the girl that loves authority.” Lavender said with a laugh.

“McGonagall seems to be alright. She's not really approachable, since she keeps that stern look on her face all of the time.” Hermione said. “She is our head of house, though.”

Harry practically felt the verbal jab, because he was so used to Dudley doing it. “My aunt said that she was as bad as the headmaster for covering things up.”

Lavender's hand found Harry's and held it tightly. “I wish I had someone to tell me all the things she's told you about how things were here.”

“Yeah, she's great! I really love her.” Harry said, happily. “I'm glad that she and my mum were so close. They told each other everything.” He put his fork down because he was done eating. “Mum's letters to her were pages and pages long.”

“I would love to read them.” Hermione said and finished eating as well.

“I can't ask Hedwig to bring them to school.” Harry said and let Lavender's hand go to stretch his arms wide. “The bundle is like this big!”

“You're kidding!” Hermione and Lavender exclaimed at the same time.

“Nope! She sent letters every week for seven whole years.” Harry said with affection in his voice. “Not counting special events or other things that came up.”

“Oh, wow.” Lavender said as the three of them stood up and she took Harry's hand again. “I think I agree with Hermione. I'd love to just curl up on a couch with you to read them all.”

Hermione's face flushed red. “That's not what I said.”

Lavender grinned at her and the three of them walked out of the Great Hall. “Are you sure you're skipping again, Harry?”

“My aunt said not to go back until they either make him act like an adult or replace him.” Harry said.

“He's going to fail you.” Hermione warned.

Harry chuckled. “He was failing me anyways. Why should I show up and let him bully me as well?”

Hermione opened her mouth to say something, then sighed. “When you're right, you're right.”

Lavender laughed. “Just because he's a boy, that doesn't mean he's supposed to be wrong all the time!”

“Yes, it does.” A female voice said from behind them. “I have several brothers and cousins that prove it.”

“Oh! Hi, Parvati.” Lavender said, then she realized what Parvati said. “Harry's not like them.”

“Uh huh. Who got kicked out of class again?”

Harry smiled and brought them to a stop. “Like I said, my aunt said not to encourage him. So, no class for me.”

“I wish I could skip it. My Gran would kill me, though.” A boy said as he stopped beside them.

“Hey, Neville.” Harry said. “Just keep that cotton in your ears and you'll be fine.”

Hermione blinked her eyes twice before she got it. “Did you just compare Professor Snape to a howler?”

Harry grinned at her and turned to give Lavender a kiss on the cheek. “See you at lunch.”

“O-okay.” Lavender said, her face red. She watched as he walked over to the main staircase and then went with the others to their potions class.

“Are you two going out?” Parvati asked.

“Huh? What?” Lavender asked and looked at the darker skinned girl.

“She wants to know if he's your boyfriend.” Hermione clarified for her.

Lavender blushed deeply and shook her head.

“You should just ask him and get it over with.” Parvati said as they came to a stop outside the dungeon classroom.

“I'm only eleven! What would my dad say if I told him I had a boyfriend?!?” Lavender exclaimed.

That made Parvati laugh, as did a few other Griffindors.

“You already have one.” A girl's voice said from across the hall where several Slytherin students stood.

The Griffindors turned to see ice blue eyes in a very pretty face with long blonde hair that framed it perfectly.

“Admitting you have a problem is the first step.” The girl said with a slight smirk.

That made a lot of people laugh, even on the Slytherin side. The door of the room opened and they all fell silent before they went inside. They didn't need the prompt from Professor Snape to be quiet.

Lavender's blush didn't fade for the entire class.


It took almost a month and a half for the school board to fix the problems at the school. They had dragged their feet and didn't want to disrupt the way that things had worked so well for all the years that they had been doing their jobs. It was on October thirty-first that they finally gave in to the pressure from the public and the changes were finalized.

Binns was retired and a new professor would be appearing the following Monday for classes. Snape was suspended until the review of all the classes he had taught during his tenure at the school was completed. A temporary teacher would be brought in until the review ended.

Quirrell suffered a similar fate, except that his review had been completed in only a few hours, even with sample interviews from several students from each of the seven years at the school. He was sacked and sent out of the school before the evening feast.

To say that the students were happy with the new situation was an understatement. The noise of celebration was almost deafening when the announcements were made before the Halloween feast.

Unlike the students, some of the staff weren't happy with how things were turning out. It was a dangerous precedent that had been set. They knew that if they didn't do well in their jobs that the school board would step in and take care of things, namely replacing them. It definitely made them rethink their teaching methods and changed how they handled certain things.


Albus sat there and watched the feast as most of his plans for the year fell apart. He had planned so well and set things up to test young Harry, to make sure that he had the drive and dedication to get through adversity and to overcome seemingly overwhelming odds... and it was all for naught.

Now he didn't know what to do. Voldemort was now out from under his observations, thanks to Quirrell's stupid fake stutter. He had hoped that the students would just ignore it and accept it as normal. He hadn't planned on having the man's competency judged by the school board. Thanks to the new policies, it meant that he wasn't going to be able to just hire who he wanted to. No, he would have to bring them to the board and they would vet them for appropriateness.

Albus sighed and sat back in his throne-like chair. I have a lot work to do. He thought and picked up a candy bar before biting it and chewing on the chocolate and caramel goodness. A lot of work.


During this time, the goblins weren't idle. They knew that the thing they had cleansed from Harry Potter's forehead was a foul piece of evil magic and didn't want it to be repeated. They set up their hunting squads and brought their clan's searchers to look for the magic signature. Thanks to the healer that had lost her hand to the taint, they quickly constructed the ritual to imbue the signature into their senses.

A short time later, sixteen goblins left the ritual room on a mission. They split into pairs and let their instincts lead them. To everyone's surprise, the very first pair split off and went to the carts to take them down to the underground vaults.

“Go with them!” The head goblin exclaimed to the guards and the two large armored goblins followed the hunters.

A lengthy cart ride later brought them to one of the long term vaults. The hunters had no idea who owned the vault, nor did they care. Their job was to destroy the foul magic and entered the vault. Since they weren't going to remove anything, they weren't penalized by their own anti-theft security system.

One of the hunters swung his goblin enchanted sword and cleaved a metal cup in half. The unholy scream echoed from the vault walls and the hunters left the pieces there. No proof was needed, since they wouldn't return if they weren't successful. That was the goblin philosophy.

The other teams left the bank and over the next few weeks, they each searched and found the targets of their hunt and then destroyed them. Several teams had been needed at an old shack to fight against the magical protections surrounding the magic item hidden within, then it was destroyed as well. The last one they tracked to the school called Hogwarts.

“What are you doing here?” Minerva McGonagall asked the four goblins standing outside the large oak doors of the Entrance Hall. They had knocked quite loudly to get her to open the doors.

“Gringotts business.” One of the goblins said and the four goblins walked around her.

“Hold, on, you can't just...”

“Gringotts business.” The last goblin said and then they ignored her protests. It didn't take them long to get to the seventh floor and the four of them stared at the blank wall.

“The trail ends here, yet there is no door.” One of the goblins said. “Searcher?”

“Let me see.” The goblin in the back stepped close and held a hand out to touch the stone wall. He chanted a few words in their native language and he nodded. “It is a secret door. It only comes when called.”

“Any idea how to do that?” One of the other goblins asked.

“Yes.” The searcher said and turned to the hallway and the huge painting of Barnabus the Barmy trying to train trolls to ballet dance. “Painting of Barnabus! What is the secret of the door? Do you know it?”

“Just walk past it three times and ask it for what you want.” Barnabus replied. “I have to say, you're the first people to ever ask me what I knew.”

“You should duck.” The searcher warned as one of the trolls picked up its club and took a swing at Barnabus.

“Thanks!” Barnabus said as he jumped to the floor of the painting, rolled off to the side, then he took out his wand to cast the tickling charm. The troll laughed and dropped the club to clutch at his sides.

“As enjoyable as that is, let's get this over with. The director said that this is the last one.” One of the goblins said and stepped to the wall, then paced three times and said the same thing each time. “Give me the horcrux.”

A tiny door that was the perfect size for the goblins appeared. The searcher opened it and it was a broom closet with nothing inside except for the diadem of Ravenclaw.

“It's one of our lost relics!” The searcher exclaimed. “We can't just destroy it! It's over a thousand years old and...”

The other three goblins exchanged looks, then one of them took out a short club and whacked the searcher in the back of the head to knock him out.

“He wasn't going to shut up.” The goblin said as another used his enchanted blade to cut the diadem in half.

“The director won't be happy about this.”

“It's not a total loss. We can reclaim the jewels and melt the mythril to recast it.” The goblin said and gathered the pieces. “We could also charge the humans for repairing it and make them buy it again. It was Ravenclaw's and their sentimentality has always made us money.”

The other goblins laughed as they picked up the stunned searcher and left, not caring that the door slowly formed back into the plain stone wall once more.


Harry Potter had a great time with all of the friends and the new lessons at the school were enjoyable. The new teachers were impressive and made things fun while the other teachers copied their example. The entire student population couldn't deny that the changes had been for the best and they all had Harry to thank for it.

Christmas break arrived before anyone knew it and Harry was really looking forward to spending time back at home with his family. Dudley had gotten the time off as well and this year was going to be a big deal, because his aunt had planned another big party for the holidays. Even their school friends were invited and Harry couldn't wait to introduce his school friends to his old school friends.

The train ride seemed to take forever and Harry's excitement was contagious. His friends were getting just as excited as he was to see their parents after four months. Harry's eyes almost teared up as he exited the train and ran for the barrier. He ignored everyone else and dove through it to get to the other side. His breathing was fast as he turned to look for the face he desperately wanted to see, then he saw her.

“TUNA!” Harry yelled and desperately ran over to her.

“HARRY!” Petunia yelled back and knelt to accept the diving hug that was launched her way.

The two embraced and held each other as tears came to their eyes.

“I missed you so much, sweetie.” Petunia whispered into his ear.

Harry tried to hold back his happy tears and gave it up as a bad job. He eased his hold on her and looked into her face. “I missed you loads more!”

Petunia chuckled and ran her hands over his head to smooth out his messy hair. “Come on, Dudley's train should be arriving in the next half hour.”

Harry nodded and took her hand as she stood, then they went across the station to platform three where Dudley's train was going to arrive.

“This is going to be the best Christmas ever.” Harry said, happily.

Petunia smiled down at him as she wiped off her wet face. She couldn't have agreed more. She was going to have both of her boys back home for the next two weeks and nothing else could compare to how happy that made her.


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