Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 91 – Giving humanity a fighting chance

I walk into the fortress through a portal and sit on my throne.

Now that VEGA no longer operates this ship, an advanced U.I. is now in charge of running the systems. "Beta, summon Samur Maykr right now." I say before Samur appears in a flash of light seconds later.

"Your Highne..." *KRRKGH!* Without hesitation or even raising a finger, I use telekinesis to crush his metal shell and the brain inside.

'Good, now there are no more Maykrs.'

"Beta, apprise me of the current situation on earth."

"People are fighting over scarce resources. Without Argent, there is not enough energy for food production, which forces farmers to rely on centuries old methods they don't have much experience with, resulting in lower crop yields.

The political climate has grown hostile, The Allied Nations have disbanded as there is no more enemy to unite against. Nations have started hoarding their own resources in preparation for a worst case scenario, leaving nations with little to no natural resources to starve." Beta explains as she shows me news footage.

"Thank you Beta, tell Commander Valen to come see me right away."

Less than a minute later, Valen walks into the throne room.

"Your Highness, you called?" Valen says as he kneels before me.

"I'm going to build solar chambers, like the one powering this fortress. The humans won't be able to recreate them, so I've decided to also give them the knowledge on how to build a Dyson Swarm.

I will make it so the miniature suns won't last more than a thousand years, so they'll have to make the Dyson Swarm and won't be able to rely on the chambers forever.

I'm also creating agrarian reforms. We won't be here to enforce them, but if humanity doesn't follow them they won't last a thousand years, especially with an increasing population."

"What are you planning to change exactly?" Valen asks.

"The agrarian reforms are mostly focused on steering humanity away from meat production. The amount of energy and farmland used for meat is almost twice that of fruits, vegetables and nuts combined.

I'm also giving them knowledge of advanced farming methods.

So I'm merely giving humanity the means to survive the next thousand years, and the means to thrive longer, granted they follow my instructions. What happens beyond that is on them. Knowing humanity, they won't listen, but at least they'll have a chance."

"I see, what would you like me to do, sire?" Valen asks.

"Nothing yet, just wait."

I hold out my hand and have Genesis create an advanced flash drive, capable of storing hundreds of Yottabytes.

I then have Genesis cover my throne as it starts adapting it into an advanced control unit from where I'll be capable of operating the entire fortress and more.

It can levitate and move freely and allows me access to all data that runs through the fortress, including data collected from earth.

'I just basically made my own Mobius Chair from DC, but without the part where it grants the user omniscience.'

I use the chair to connect my mind to the fortress and recall the two warships.

I have them dock at the left and right wing of my fortress.

I then send two halves of Genesis to each ship and have them create three solar chambers each.

I put the flash drive inside the armrest as I connect my mind to the throne and upload knowledge onto the flash drive pertaining to advanced farming methods and how to construct a Dyson Swarm along with all technological and scientific knowledge necessary to implement these plans.

I disconnect the flash drive from my throne as the two halves of Genesis come floating back and cover my body except for my feet, hands and face.

I spread my aura towards the solar chambers as I put a miniature sun inside all six of them and limit their lifespans to 1000 years.

"Valen, take a warship and deliver this flash drive along with the solar chambers to earth. Put the flash drive in any server that is connected to the internet. It will automatically copy its data and send it out to every university in the world." I say as I levitate the flash drive towards Valen.

"As you wish, sire." Valen says before he leaves the room.

I lean my head back on the throne's headrest while I put my palms on two orbs coming out of the armrests. I close my eyes as I'm connected to the fortress and the warships.

It's like they've become an extention of myself as I'm able to control all their systems perfectly, including the weapons. I can even control the dropships and fighters.

I lower the warships close to the earth's atmosphere as a few of my people are loading the solar chambers into six dropships that will all go to a different continent.

I fly the dropships down to the surface to their individual locations as Valen gets out of the ship that went to the United States so he can complete his mission. Meanwhile my people are unloading the solar chambers.

In less than fifteen minutes the solar chambers are delivered and the knowledge has been distributed across the globe, giving humanity a fighting chance.

Once my people are all back on board the dropships, I fly them back to the warships.

Once the warships are docked again, my voice resounds through the loudspeakers on the ships and throughout the fortress.

"Attention. You all know I am not from this universe. I came here with a purpose, and that purpose has been fulfilled so it is time for me to return home.

When I recruited you, I said I only wanted people who had nothing left to lose, but in spite of that I know there are those among you who have family left here on earth.

These people have a choice to make now. You can stay here on earth. Or you can come with me.

Those who wish to stay will have their powers taken. No strength, speed or healing. Your bodies will revert to the peak human condition. Even if you were crippled before or riddled with cancers. You'll live long and healthy.

If you wish to stay, enter one of the dropships and I'll send you down to earth.

The dropships will be deployed in twelve hours."


I open up an enormous portal in front of the fortress and fly it through. On board, I now have about 465.000 people as 40.000 chose to return to their friends, family and loved ones.

We fly through the portal and I land the fortress inside my own realm.

Flynn and Valen walk inside the throne room.

"Your Highness, we were wondering where we're going now." Valen says.

"This is my realm. Everyone can stay here for now." I say as I gesture outside. Flynn and Valen look outside and are immediately quite mesmerized by how beautiful everything is.

The trees, flowers and even the streams of water. Everything somehow looks more vibrant. Like they've been living their whole lives in a black and white movie and now it has turned into 4K Ultra HD.

"The only rule here is no killing. Not even animals. The fortress' food production should be able to feed everyone quite comfortably and if that is somehow not the case, you can farm vegetables, fruits and nuts.

I suggest you spend your time keeping your skills sharp and training others.

If somehow there's a problem that requires my attention, break these." I say as I hand them both a crystal each.

I stand up from the throne after I deactivate it and then I make a portal home to Alice.

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