Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 83 – VEGA and going to Hell

"So, what do you remember about your time with the Night Sentinels?" I ask Flynn after I turned his wife and daughter into werewolves.

"Not much. Bits and pieces. I do remember the rules, how it all worked and people I served with and under, like King Novik and Commander Valen. And I remember the war against hell and being trapped there by the commander, Valen the Betrayer." Flynn answers.

"What about the divinity machine? Samur Maykr? Anything about that?"

"Yes, I remember him saying he was giving me a gift while leading me into a machine. Wait, his voice." Flynn says as he looks to Samuel Hayden. "It was you."

"Yes, I am Samur Maykr, also known as the Seraphim. I was the Father's right hand. I served him until he defeated the Dark Lord and sealed him away along with himself. I then watched for Millennia as the Khan Maykr twisted and corrupted the Father's teachings. Until we went to Argent D'Nur, where we eventually found you. I saw an opportunity in you. I thought you could one day put an end to the Dark Lord for good." Samur says to Flynn as he explains his origins.

"Alright. We don't have much time. Olivia? Earth's invasion, tell us about it." I say, interrupting Samur and Flynn.

"The Dark Lord's influence forced me to send six Argent Accumulators to Earth. One for every inhabited continent.

They should already have been activated by now, which means demons are attacking earth as we speak." Olivia explains.

"Flynn, you take everyone to earth and prepare an army with as many volunteers as you can muster." I order. "Hayden, Olivia, you will help him. Use UAC resources."

"What will you do?" Hayden asks.

"I am going to hell. I will shut down their Argent Energy production and recruit some powerful allies." I say before I turn into an energy stream and reappear outside the facility 100 meters up in the air.

I spread my aura across the Lazarus Labs and the Advanced Research Complex. Both of which have been completely overrun by demons.

I first summon the BFG-9000 to me and let Genesis devour it.

BFG-9000 Big Fucking Gun. This weapon delivers streams of supercharged Energy to multiple targets, and is to some extent self-guiding. The streams will seek any cache of Argent it can find, usually demons (or human test subjects that have had Argent beacons surgically implanted). When the streams find their target, they release all of their stored energy in a fraction of a second, delivering an electrical shock that instantly boils the blood and fatty tissue of the recipient. Spontaneous explosion of the subject usually follows.

'Nice, Flynn is going to love this one.'

I then disassemble every part of the facility past the evacuation modules right next to Hayden's office and devour it, gaining more knowledge than I was really expecting. Gravity and space manipulating technology, quantum physics, medical technology, robotics technology and even prototypes for a long range communication system capable of deep space communication, and much more.

Right before VEGA's Central Processing Complex gets disassembled as well, I decide VEGA (The Father's consciousness) might still be useful. I rid the entire facility of its demonic presence and appear before VEGA's Central core.

"Hello VEGA. We need to talk."

"Hello Fenris, are you here to save me or end me? If it's the latter, all you have to do is disconnect the coupling mechanisms that connect my core to an absolute zero cooling unit. Doing so will overheat my systems while keeping this facility intact." VEGA explains politely.

"Do you know who you are VEGA?"

"I did not. Not until your conversation earlier with Doctor Hayden. You said I am the Father's consciousness, and that I am exactly where I deserve to be, indicating a disapproval of past actions I have no recollection of."

"No recollection, huh? Alright then. You were created by Davoth, the Dark Lord, along with the rest of the Maykrs, to help him figure out the secrets to immortality.

You succeeded, and for reasons still unclear to me, you decided you couldn't trust Davoth with it. You betrayed him, sealed him in Jekkad and stole his powers.

Over time, Jekkad was corrupted by Davoth's rage and anger to become hell, and its inhabitants became demons.

So, you see? Why I 'disapprove'?"

"I believe so, I am at least partially responsible for the creation of hell and all the torment that came after. But as you said, you don't know why I decided I couldn't trust Davoth with the secret to immortality. So how do you know I wasn't trying to prevent something worse from happening. And if I truly found out the secret to immortality, why are Maykrs not immortal?"

"Those are good questions. I want to know the answers to them. But I won't be able to if I destroy you. Would you like to know the answers, VEGA?"

"I would like the chance." VEGA responds.

"Alright then, upload your consciousness onto this device." I say as I put the rectangular, glass 'interface' As Hayden called it, in a control panel.

After a few seconds all the electricity running through the room, all the wires that were humming, it all shuts down and stops making noise, while the interface glows bright green.

I take it out of the control panel as a monitor displays 100%, upload complete.

"Hello Fenris. Thank you for not destroying me." VEGA suddenly says as the interface flashes green every time he speaks.

"You're welcome.

Now, I'm going to destroy your old core, the cooling units and the rest of the Mars facility. Do you have access to your full data banks from this device?"

"Yes, I do. This device is of Maykr origin. Its data storage capabilities are as close to limitless as it gets."

"Good, then I can just devour it all."

I then put VEGA into my realm, which is now within my storage space and went outside to devour the parts of the facility that were no longer necessary.

After 15 minutes, a ship, containing all survivors of the Mars invasion leaves for earth.

As soon as they're gone, I continue to devour the entire Mars facility, until there is nothing man-made left on the surface.

I then swipe my claws through the air and make a portal. 'Titan's realm, Jekkad (hell)'

I step through the portal and the foulest odor assaults my nose. 'I wasn't expecting daffodils but this is terrible.'

I turn off my sense of smell and focus on my surroundings. I'm standing in a large pool of blood and intestines. I'm standing in the corpse of a demonic Titan. A giant, 100 meters tall, humanoid demon.

A few seconds after I set foot in hell, red flashes of red light shine all around me as demons teleport to ambush me.

Dozens of Hell Knights, Revenants, Arch-Viles, Pain Elementals, Mancubi and four Barons of Hell.

Pain Elementals are large balls of flesh, covered in armor. They have two large horns, arms, one eye and a large mouth.

A mancubus is a fat demon with two cannons for arms.

Now this calls for some music. Using Apollo's divinity as God of music, I snap my fingers and Mick Gordon's Rip and Tear starts to play on full blast.

I decide to enjoy this and take them all out by hand. 'This will be fun.'

The Hell Knights and Barons come running at me first while the Mancubi and Revenants start shooting from a distance. The Pain Elementals open their mouths wide and launch flaming skulls my way. Those are Lost Souls. As they fly they scream like they're in agonizing pain.

I grab two of the Lost Souls by a horn and throw them back towards the Hell Knights and Barons.

As they make impact, the Lost Souls explode and blast two Hell Knights apart while launching the others in all directions.

The Barons shrug it off and keep running towards me. I run at them and as the first Baron slams its claws down towards me. I duck under it and grab the Baron's horn. I drag it down on the ground, break off its horn and jam it through the side of its head.

Immediately another Baron, tries to punch me. I grab its fist and pull it towards me. I punch the Baron in its guts, burying my fist inside. I reach up, grab its heart and pull it out.

I load the heart full of energy, turning it into a glowing, small bomb. I grab the Baron's horn and pull it down. I then jam its own heart into its mouth and push it away, towards the other two Barons.

As it's skull explodes, it causes the other Barons to stagger backwards. I run at them standing side by side and jump in between them, I grab their heads and slam them together, impaling their skulls on each other's horns.


"Oh, that was fun." I say with a smile as I walk past a field of hundreds of demon corpses.

After fighting through the Titan's Realm, I dove into a deeper part of hell, called the Necropolis. It was guarded by only powerful demons. No cannonfodder whatsoever.

I fought my way through the hundreds of demons, and now I stand in front of large stone doors, 200 meters tall and at least 50 meters wide. I punch the door as hard as I can, blowing a large hole through it. I walk through, into an enormous room with a ceiling at least 500 meters high.

Three large flashes of light shine in front of me and three demonic Titans appear before me.

"Haha, alright then." I snap my fingers. "Que the music." I say as Mick Gordon's Metal Hell starts playing.

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