Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 122 – The end of Olympus and the creation of Themyscira

"It seems like my fight with Ares had unintended consequences. The Amazons are in trouble." I say before I swipe my claws through the air, creating a portal to Earth, at the foot of Mount Olympus.

We step through and are met with a large thunderstorm brewing on top of the mountain, where Ares is fighting against the other Gods.

Meanwhile, the Amazons are enslaved by humans. The end of the Gods of Olympus should have come after the Amazons were freed by the Gods.

If the Gods are slain by Ares before they free the Amazons, there will be no Diana. Hell, Themyscira doesn't even exist yet.

"Yeah, I might've made an oopsie. You mind helping out the Amazons?" I ask, as I focus on ares. "I'll take care of the Gods."

"Sure, go kick some ass my love." Alice says smiling at me before she flies off to help the Amazons.

"Yes ma'am." I say with a smile on my face as I bend down, jump up and I accelerate towards the top of the mountain. I see Ares in an enraged state attacking Zeus as they're surrounded by the corpses of other Gods.

I cock my fist back and as I'm about to reach his face, I punch Ares with enough strength to launch him into the distance as he crashes so hard in the Aegean Sea that it splits for over a mile.


"You! This is all your fault!" Zeus screams at Fenris with pure rage.

'Is it me, or does he sound like a child throwing a fit?' Fenris thinks to himself.

"What are you talking about? When I left he was powerless. You should have kept him that way." Fenris responds.

"He's my son! And more than that, he is a God of Mount Olympus!" Zeus screams, clearly enraged. Lightning crackles from his eyes and circles all around him.

Fenris looks behind him and notices the Gods of Olympus, lying dead in front of a portal, he can only assume leads to the divine dimension of Mount Olympus. He recognizes Artemis and Apollo. There's also a man lying next to a trident, another one is decapitated, lying next to a bident, his head a little further away still wearing a black helmet.

A few women lie next to them, huddled together as they died. A quick headcount reveals ten dead Gods.

While Fenris was looking at the dead Gods, he notices Zeus raising his palms towards the sky.

An enormous storm cloud forms above Olympus, blacking out the sun.

Suddenly the storm becomes smaller, concentrating all its power, an insane amount of energy, in its center.

"Now face the wrath of Zeus!" Zeus says before he balls his fists and lowers them in one rapid movement as a concentrated beam of pure divine lightning descends on top of Fenris.


As the lightning strikes, it rustles up a lot of dust and debris as it destroys almost half the mountain.

"You know, I didn't want to kill you." Zeus suddenly hears Fenris' voice coming from the dust cloud as two eyes suddenly light up bright blue. "But you're really starting to piss me off."

"Piss YOU off?! You ruined my family! They're all dead because of you!" Zeus screams, looking absolutely furious.


Just as Zeus is about to launch towards Fenris, Ares comes flying back up the mountain as fast as he was launched away.

'Alright, fuck it.' Fenris thinks to himself as he readies himself for combat.

Ares holds his axe over his shoulder, and swings it down at Fenris. 

Fenris grabs the axe handle as he spins around and puts Ares in a chokehold under his armpit with one arm as he throws the axe at Zeus with the other, burying it in his chest.


Putting more pressure under his arm, Fenris snaps Ares' neck and drops his lifeless body on the ground.

He then walks over to Zeus, who's clinging on to life with his son's axe in his chest.

He puts his foot on Zeus' stomach. "You'll get what's coming, stranger. Evil never prevails."

"Evil? I tried to stop Ares from wiping you all out by taking away his divine powers and immortality. This," Fenris says as he points towards the dead Gods, "was always going to happen. Ares is the evil one. 

Besides, if there's one thing I'll never do, it's debate the morality of my actions with a rapist who married his own sister."

"This is still not over. Death isn't the end for Gods. I will be back."

"Right... except, you've never been killed by me." Fenris says as he grabs the axe handle. He pulls it out and immediately golden ichor starts pouring out of the god's chest.

Fenris looks around, observing all the dead Gods of Mt. Olympus.

He then spreads his aura around, covering all of them in a thick layer and starts devouring their divine powers.

It takes a while to get it all, but when it's finished, Fenris spreads his aura further to observe the situation down below.

He notices Alice has granted the Amazons enhanced physical power as they're resisting their captors successfully. 

Alice herself is actually fighting alongside them. Noticing her husband's aura washing over her, she looks up towards what's left of the mountain in the distance before she hears a voice in her head. "You're doing great. I'll be back soon."

Alice smiles and nods before she continues slashing men in half with her blood red sword, absorbing their blood and souls within the sword as she slays them, leaving their bodies desiccated before they even drop to the ground.

Fenris steps into the portal to the dimensional realm of the Gods of Olympus and is immediately assaulted by the thickest and one of the purest concentrations of divine energy he's ever felt.

The dimension of Mount Olympus actually has a mountain. It is covered in golden buildings. Most of them temples. 

'Those must be the homes of the minor gods.' Fenris realizes.

On the top of the mountain, overlooking the whole realm, is an enormous palace made of white marble and a lot of gold.

*Clang! Clang!*

Fenris looks to his right, in the distance, separated from all other buildings, at the foot of the mountain is a simplistic building made of bricks and concrete.

Above the entrance is a symbol of a set of forging tools carved into the stone.

'Ah, well that was easy.' Fenris thinks to himself before he approaches the forge.

He walks inside and weapons and armor of all kinds and all sizes are littered all over the place.

"What do you want? I'm busy." A man says as he slams his hammer on an anvil. He's six feet tall and hunched forward. Bald on the top of his head with thin hair dangling down the sides and back. His arms are ripped as hell while the rest of his body is covered in a significant layer of fat.

"Not sure there's an easy way to say this, but most of the Olympians are dead."


On Earth, Alice and the Amazons have defeated the humans and forced the few that were left to retreat.

As they were now all safe, the Amazons felt their increased strength fade as they noticed a stream of red energy leave their body and coalesce in front of the strange unknown Goddess they'd only seen once, when Darkseid invaded.

Back then she also fought by their side and she was an incredible warrior so their opinion of her is pretty great.

Their leader, Queen Hippolyta, approaches the goddess as she absorbs all the energy back in through her mouth.

"Honourable Goddess, you have the eternal gratitude of me and my sisters. May we know your name?" Hippolyta says as she bows her head, while the Amazons behind her kneel.

"Hi, I'm Alice and I'm a Goddess of uhh... a bunch of stuff." Alice introduces herself with a bright, friendly smile.

Queen Hippolyta raises her head to look at the strange Goddess in confusion. She turns her head to her general, Antiope, who seems just as confused. 

"Why didn't the Olympians help us?" One of the Amazons asks.

"Beacuse they were killing each other. They're pretty much all dead now." Alice says matter of factly. She then continues, "Ares killed most of them, but he and Zeus were killed by my husband."


Suddenly the Earth starts shaking as all across the world earthquakes are felt. The sky turns red even where it's daylight.


Lightning and thunder are heard all over the world as thunderclouds form everywhere.


Explosions are heard all over the world. And one thought pops into a lot of people's heads. 'The Gods are angry.'

After a few hours it all dies down. Suddenly bright blue cracks form across the red sky, until it suddenly shatters like a layer of glass that was covering the world and reveals the real sky everywhere as it should be.

In Greece, not too far from where Mount Olympus was, the Amazons are standing in an open field, covered in a red layer of aura that was protecting them.

The aura retreats back into Alice as she looks in the direction of Olympus, and Fenris walks out of the treeline, holding onto his left shoulder as his arm was severed. Bone starts to grow and form an arm as it's immediately covered by muscle and blood vessels before it's covered in skin.

His whole body is covered in golden liquid. Ichor, the blood of the gods, most Amazons quickly realize.

"What happened?! Are you alright?!" Alice asks as she runs up to him and starts examining his arm and checks for any other injuries he may have had.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Fenris says, looking at her with a warm smile.

"Well, what happened?" Alice asks after concluding he is indeed fine.

"After the Gods were killed, everybody and their uncle thought it was a good idea to take control. 

The Titans came for Olympus. Even the primordials came out to play. Gaea and Ouranos were a real pain in the ass. In the end, even Atlas dropped the sky to fight alongside his allies. So I killed almost all of them and devoured most."

"Well, that doesn't really explain how you lost your arm." Alice says.

"Nyx got the drop on me, rising from my own shadow as I was fighting Atlas and Kronos at the same time." Fenris says with a deep frown. "That's not going to happen again."

"So... there are no more gods left?" Hippolyta asks as she overheard their conversation.

"Hephaestus, Dionysus, Atlantiades, Hecate, Thanatos and Nereus still live. Dionysus is the new king of Olympus and Thanatos is the new ruler of the Underworld. Nereus now rules the Sea. 

The Hecatoncheires still live as well and they're now allowed to stay in Olympus. There's also a few other minor deities who didn't fight."

"So the Goddesses? Hera, Athena, Artemis, Hestia, and Aphrodite?" Hypolita asks, looking sadder with every name she utters.

"Killed by Ares. He went on a rampage when the Gods attempted to return his divinity to him. Previously, after the war against Darkseid, I had taken his divinity and left him a mortal man."

"Pfft, war against Darkseid...' Alice chuckles. 'More like the ass-kicking you laid on Darkseid."

Now with a smile on his face, and chuckling slightly, Fenris walks past the Amazons who all make way for him and Alice as Fenris lets her do the talking as she explains the plan while they walk towards the west, past Olympus, now reduced to half its former size.

They walk away from the Aegean Sea, and towards the Ionian Sea, with the Amazons in tow for a little over 48 hours as Fenris mostly keeps to himself beyond interacting with Alice, while she gets along swimmingly with the warrior women.

As they reach the Ionian Sea, Fenris walks into the ocean until the water reaches his knees. He gently puts his hand on the surface and creates a large ice platform, three hundred feet across.

He turns to Alice and she needs no explanation as she immediately urges the Amazons to get on the platform.

Once they're all on the platform, the ice changes shape, turning into a large Manta ray. The Manta starts descending into the ocean as a large air bubble covers its back to protect the Amazons. 

Within a few hours, it reaches a location deadsmack in the middle between Zakynthos and Sicily and rises to the surface.

Fenris walks to the tip of one of its fins and holds his hands in front of his chest, palms facing each other. 

A bright golden light starts to emenate from his palms as most Amazons look on in awe at the spectacle, even more so than when Fenris created a giant Manta out of ice and brought it to life.

After a few seconds, Fenris calls out. "Hippolyta! Come."

She walks towards the God carefully and stands next to him.

He hands her a solid ball, seemingly made of pure gold, with strange black marks across its surface.

"Close your eyes and imagine a perfect paradise for you and your sisters to live in. Once your image is clear enough, the ball will light up and then I want you to throw it out into the ocean."

Hippolyta looks at Fenris for a few seconds, then another few at the ball before she closes her eyes and after a few minutes it lights up and she throws it into the ocean.

For almost five minutes nothing happens as Fenris just stares at the sea with his arms crossed, while the Amazons start to whisper amongst themselves.

Suddenly a large landmass bursts through the surface, conjuring stunned faces  as Fenris chuckles at their reaction.

Within a few minutes, in front of the Amazons there is land as far and wide as the eye can see. An island almost as big as Sicily.

As the Amazons are excited to see their new home, Fenris suddenly raises his hand as a large, black dome forms over the entire island.

Disturbed by the sight of pure darkness given physical form, some of the Amazons take a step back.

Suddenly it shrinks down to a dome that's only a few miles across. 

The darkness fades slowly, leaving nothing in sight but empty ocean. Then the Manta starts moving again and they all pass through the invisibility barrier, revealing the island that still looks as large as it did before.

The Manta settles down near a beach. Beyond the beach lies a small forest in front of a large cliff. 

After everyone has stepped onto the beach, the Manta descends down to the bottom of the ocean to guard the waters around the island.

"This beach and forest belongs to me and my wife. Everything beyond that cliff line belongs to you and your sisters, Hippolyta." Fenris says, before he turns around and walks away from the group. 

As he walks towards a nice part of the beach, without looking or making a single movement, a few trees are ripped from the ground and cut up as they levitate towards the water before a pier is formed that ends in a beatiful overwater bungalow without any walls. Instead it has white linnen curtains all around.

The whole thing was finished assembling right as Fenris walked in.

While this all happened, Hippolyta and the Amazons just watched in fascination before Alice snapped them out of it. "Let's see the rest of the island shall we?" 


Inside the bungalow, Fenris lies down on a bed before he closes his eyes. 'First Ankhseram, now Nyx. They may be powerful but neither of them should've been able to do what they did.' Fenris thinks to himself.

'I'll adapt to the Kryptonian physiology first and then I'm going to go back to basics.'

"Time for some proper fucking training. Spartan style." He says to no one in particular before succumbing to a deep sleep.


Author's note:


Sorry it's taken so long (again). 

2022 has been a tough year. Some long time readers probably noticed I have sporadically stopped uploading for weeks, a month and once even two months at a time.

I didn't do that because I wanted to. In February I lost my father and a lot of other shit's happened throughout the year because of that.

So when I have to deal with real life issues it's hard for me to find time, motivation and inspiration to write this.

Perhaps this has even been reflected in the quality of my writing. Although I do try to make sure to keep that up as much as possible.

Because of all of this, I've gotten comments throughout the year about whether or not I'm dropping or people asking when the next chapter is coming out and overall complaining about the slow release rate. Although mine was never really fast in the first place.

But I can't stress this enough, and I've said it many times, I WILL finish Fenrir's journey.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.