Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 118 – A God and Goddess

As we set foot back in Twilight, I'm immediately tackled by Nessie who wraps her arms around my waist, for as much as that's possible.

Alice and the kids step through behind me and we're immediately surrounded by the Cullens.

"It really was just a few minutes, like you said." Nessie says happily, looking up at me. Looking at me properly, she then frowns and steps back. "You've changed. You're bigger..." She says as a smile creeps on her face. "So cool!"

"Haha! For you it was just a few minutes, but for me it's been millions of years."

"Whoa!" Nessie exclaims before she looks behind me, noticing the others. "Tell me what you've been doing! And who are they?"

After introductions and explanations of who the children are, we all move to the house where we discuss what Alice and I have been up to so far.


"So COOL! Where are the giant lizard and ape now?" Renesmee asks.

"They're in my own realm. A dimension linked to me. Actually, Alice and I were wondering if you'd all consider moving there." I explain as I immediately get some strange looks. "You know humanity will eventually find out about your existence and they already have weapons that can harm you. But Alice and I have a plan, a vision, for the future. A future in another world. One where it wouldn't matter what you are."

"Alright, we'll listen." Carlisle responds.

After a few hours of explaining our plans, they all agreed to temperarily reside in my dimension. I then spend the next few days, going around the world, gathering every vampire and werewolf on earth.

I left Jacob in charge of the Werewolves when I last left, and as he had promised, he had managed to gather all the Werewolves in America, so I didn't have to look far for them. But the vampires were another story.

I could've just spread my aura across the world and gathered them before me, but I decided to do them the courtesy of visiting them all in person before forcibly putting them in my dimension.

Now with every supernatural of this world gone, I stand in Athens as I am about to do one last thing to rectify a mistake I made a long time ago. I spend the next few hours constructing bodies. Made to perfectly resemble 'them', Including their magical energies.

Done with my task, I make myself both incorporeal and invisible as I manipulate both space and time around me.

I travel to the year 480 BC, to the very moment the vampires betrayed me and killed my sons and grandsons. Having stopped time everywhere, I leave a copy of their bodies and one by one grant them all a copy of their consciousness before I put the real ones in my dimension.

This includes my grandson, Leonidas and his son as well. I gave them all perfect copies so that Thermopylae will still happen and no one will be able to tell the difference.

Now finally done with this world, I take one last look at Sparta, the place I used to call home. The bittersweet memories of my father beating the ever-living shit out of me and my mother healing me with her magic. My first child, grandchild and the first time I killed a man.

Letting the memories flow through my mind, I turn around and say goodbye to this world forever and step into my own dimension.


As I step inside, I find a chaotic mess. The Spartans suddenly found themselves in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people and animals.

"SPARTANS!!" I yell out loud, gathering everyone's attention. "Calm yourselves. Everything is fine." I say before I raise my hand an let my aura flow towards them.

As they're all engulfed in my aura, I share some of my memories of what had happened. To them, to me and to Sparta as a whole.

"Grandfather? Is this all true? What you showed us?" Leonidas asks as he steps towards me.

"Yes, Leo. It is." I say as I step towards him and put my hands on his shoulders. "It's good to see you again."

Looking up at me, he takes a step back and takes a good look at me from head to toe. "You have changed."

"Yes... Yes, I have." I say before I turn into my werewolf form. "But some things will never change."


I let out an immensely loud roar, bringing all supernaturals in my realm to their knees, as well as the animals.

"I have taken you all from worlds that were hostile to you." I say, reverberating my voice throughout my entire realm, reaching all its citizens. "My wife and I will soon settle down in a different universe, where we will carve out our own land and we will build our own civilisation. And if anyone there has a problem with that, I shall feel great pitty for whoever tries to take it from us."

"I took some of you without asking, and some of you might have had a change of heart since you've been here." I say, before I create portals everywhere throughout the realm. "These portals will bring you back to the place and time I took you. You should know that if you stay, you will become a part of the civilisation my wife and I will build."


An hour later, less than two thousand out of three million people have stepped through the portal, and they were almost all vampires from Twilight, along with a few beastmen from Danmachi.

After the portals have closed, I introduced Alice to my family. It was a large gathering, given I had seventeen children and they all had at least three children of their own, some of which were old enough to have children as well. All in all, my Spartan family counts one hundred and sixty-two people.

Later, at night, Alice and I lie in bed. "They're all pretty great. I'm really glad you got them back." Alice says, twirling some of my hair around her finger.

"Me too. I didn't even realize how much I missed them until I got them back."

"So, where will you be going to prepare?" She asks.

"A world just as dangerous as the one we'll settle down in. And I was thinking.. perhaps you should join."

"Are you sure? I thought you had to get stronger so you'll be able to face all the possible dangers in.. What did you call it? Marvel?"

"Yeah, but that's only if I have to protect others. Otherwise I'm quite confident I'd be able to survive anything Marvel throws at me. Just consider DC a test run. And there's also a couple interesting beings I could devour in DC. But first..." I give Alice a bright, knowing smile.

"What? First wha... NO! No more training! You sadistic.."

"Hey, you'll have to be stronger. Otherwise I'd have to protect you all the time. So it's time my wife joins the ranks of the Gods." I say before I wrap Genesis around Alice. As it then retreats, she's covered in a full suit of armor. I then allow Genesis to cover me as well and it becomes a skin tight suit of metallic armor itself.

I open a portal behind us and pull Alice with me as I stop time in my realm. We step into a large open area. It's a dark, large platform floating through space with a layer of water, reflecting an incredible amount of stars in the sky.

I take Alice's arms in my hand as she clenches her hands around my forearms. "I am a one man Pantheon. I have more divinities than the Greek Gods combined. I will now share them with you. You will receive a copy of them all. I will be with you every step of the way and I will guide you through the process.

You can not allow the divinities to cloud your mind and control you. You must be the one in control. Otherwise a divinity for war will fill you with bloodlust, like Ares, or a divinity for love will make you promiscuous, like Aphrodite. Physical change is fine, you can ignore that, but if you feel your mind slipping for even a second, let me know and I'll stop."

"Alright, I'm ready." Alice says, taking a deep breath as she gives me her other arm.

Tendrils of pure light leave my arms and reach inside hers as her eyes immediately shine a bright golden light.

For almost a year, we stand arm in arm as I strengthen Alice and grant her more and more divinities. A short break was only needed once, but she quickly got the hang of it and learned how not to succumb to the influence of the divinities.

"We are now a Duotheistic pair. Your strength will be mine should I need it, and my strength will be yours. We will fight side by side. May Rob have pitty on the fools who stand in our way." I say before opening a portal to the DC Multiverse.

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