Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 114 – New world and an unexpected journey

After leaving Harry Potter, we're traveling to the universe of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.

In this universe, humanity managed to venture out into the stars at the end of the 23rd century with the help of a few alien species from nearby planetary systems that made contact with humans sometime after 2150.

They shared their knowledge and together, they sought out other species across their quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Four hundred years later, the combination of vessels they left earth in, has fused together to form an enormous space station, called Alpha, where species from over a thousand planets live together and continue to share their knowledge.

Meanwhile, on a beatiful paradise planet called Mül, a race of humanoid beings, called the Pearls, live in peace with each other and in harmony with their planet.

The oceans of this planet are filled with actual pearls that possess enormous amounts of energy. And on land, there are cute little rodents called Mül Converters. These little critters have the amazing ability to make exact copies of whatever they swallow.

To be able to live the way they do, the Pearls fish their oceans for actual pearls and use them in their daily lives for various purposes. And twice a year, they feed the Mül Converters a pearl with a particularly massive pool of energy and give the pearls they create back to the planet.


After telling the family what I know about Mül and the Pearls, we step through the portal that leads to one of the planet's three moons.

"Uhm... dad? There are no beaches here. They're down there." Falgar says, pointing to the planet.

"We're staying here for ten years, you can give me a few minutes to survey the planet to see if everything's..." I suddenly feel something ominous and familiar from the planet. "... okay."

I raise my hand and immediately send a pulse of aura to the planet to confirm my suspicions.

Seeing me staring intently at the planet, Alice gets a little worried. "Fenris, what's wrong?"


"The three headed dragons? You killed them all... right?" Alice asks, as she's getting a little worried.

"No, Ultimate Ghidorah sent its kin to other universes to conquer them. Most of the time it worked, but sometimes they were defeated.

Apparently one was sent here as well, a very long time ago. It was defeated and must have entered a sort of... hibernation to recuperate."

I then look to the star at the center of this system and draw a few logical conclusions.

"As it was floating through space, it came across a star and fell into its orbit.

The Ghidorah was so massive in size, that it had its own powerful gravitational pull. Over the next few billion years, it gathered asteroids, comets and other space debris of all shapes, sizes and materials, slowly forming a planet around itself."

"Whoa, whoa wait a second. You're saying there's a giant, malevolent three-headed dragon inside this planet's core?" Duke asks.

"No, it IS the planet's core." I answer.

"Sooo... no vacation?" Falgar asks dejectedly.

"Of course you're still getting a vacation, you've earned it. Just not here.

Look, it's not the same thing, but how about you all just stay in my dimension for a little rest and recreation untill Alice and I settle down permanently."

Not hearing any objections, I create a portal to my dimension.

Falgar is the first to approach it as I stop him.

"Here, take a piece of Genesis." I say as Genesis makes a few smaller metallic blobs that shape themselves into bracelets. One of them immediately attaches itself to Falgar's wrist.

"They can make you whatever you want, but they can't devour anything." I say as they all take a bracelet before they step through the portal. "Have fun!"

The portal closes behind them, leaving Alice and I to deal with the Ghidorah Planet.

"You hear that?" Alice asks excitedly.

"No, I hear nothing." I say, confused.

"Exactly. It's been so long since it was just you and me."

''No, I hear nothing because this moon has no atmosphere. It would be odd if we did hear something.

Besides, I don't think we've ever truly been alone. There's always been family around, since the beginning.''

''I know, so how about you solve this dragon problem and then we can go travel to a new world. And remember the deal.''

''Yeah, yeah, I remember. You get to choose the next world.'' I say before I take a few steps forward and put my right palm towards the planet as I create an enormous ball of my aura.

As the pressure bears down on everything within this planetary system, the Ghidorah begins to awaken. I condense the aura ball, measuring about twenty kilometers in diameter, down to the size of a golf ball.

I then launch it towards the planet at a little below the speed of light as the ball drills its way through the planet, entering the Ghidorah's skull and immediately returns to its original size and then becomes bigger, as it devours everything it touches.

The aura ball then solidifies as I use it to create a new core for the planet, with properties similar to the Ghidorah, but without the sentience.

The moment the core has been completed, I expand my aura to envelop the entire system and attempt something I've never done before.

I focus deeply on the star, at the center of the system and all the planets orbiting it. I then focus on the outer edge of the Milky Way Galaxy.

After a dozen seconds or so, in a brilliant flash of blueish white light, the entire system teleports a safe distance away from any other life in this Galaxy. It'll take them at least half a millennium before any of them can reach this far.

With the Ghidorah taken care of, and the planet's future annihilation subverted, I devour one single specimen of their species, along with a Mül Converter and leave five boxes on the planet, filled with knowledge. Languages, sciences, mathematics and much more. Giving the Pearls a chance to prepare for the eventual arrival of other species.

''Hmm. They're more interesting than I thought.''

''What is?'' Alice asks, confused at my random comment.

''Both the Pearls and the Mül Converters. The Pearls have the ability to absorb absolutely any kind of energy through their skin at will. They can even feel each other's emotions through touch.

Their skin is a shade of greyish blue and when they experience positive emotions, their skin turns brighter blue, but when they experience negative emotions they turn a darker grey.

As for the Mül Converters, I believed that, even though they could create exact copies of anything they swallow, there would be some kind of energy loss or degredation of molecular or atomic structure of the material over time, but that's not the case.

They actually create perfect replicas.

The only downside is their size, since they have to be able to swallow what they copy.''

"I'm sure you'll be able to put those abilities to good use. Can I see one?'' Alice asks.

''What, a Pearl?''

''No, a Mül Converter. You called them cute little rodents, I want to see one."

"Alright." I say, before I create an atmospheric pocket around us and create a Mül Converter, curled up on the palm of my hand.

The little critter wakes up, yawns and looks at Alice with its big grey eyes.

"Aww, it really is cute." She says as she holds out her hand, palm up, right next to mine as the Mül Converter happily hops over to her hand. "I don't like their name, Mül Converters. It makes it sound like they're machines."

"I suppose you're right. From now on they're simply Müls." I say as I scratch the little critter behind its ear as it leans into my finger, enjoying the scratch.

''I've decided.'' Alice says. ''I want to go to a world where we can get a whole bunch of pets.''

''Pets? You do realize you're married to a God of animals, right? You want pets, you'll get pets. What do you want? Cats? Dogs? Perhaps something more exotic, like a dragon?''

''No, you once told me about a world where humans use monsters to fight each other. They keep them in little balls.''

''Ah, I see. Okay, we can go there.'' I say, before teleporting the little Mül into my dimension as hundreds more start popping into existence along with an instruction manual on how to care for them for Luna.

''Right now? I thought there were still other things here you wanted?'' Alice asks.

''There were. But I've changed my mind. The technology here is nowhere as good as what I got from the Maykrs from the Doomverse. So let's just go. After this one, every world I choose will be preparation for our permanent stay in the dangerous world.'' I say, before I snap open my claws, fill them with aura and tear a hole through the fabric of space, creating a portal.

I take Alice's hand in mine as we step through the portal, into the void between Multiverses, where every star represents a different Universe or Multiverse.

As always, we're launched at extreme speeds towards our destination. Until suddenly we're stopped and we're just hovering in the endless void.

''What's going on? Are we there?'' Alice asks me as I'm looking around carefully. Noticing me put up my guard, Alice gets nervous, realizing this isn't my doing.

As every fiber of my being yells out danger, I grasp Alice's hand tighter before I teleport her into my dimension and immediately cover myself in a layer of condensed aura.

The flash of light from her teleportation hasn't even faded before an incredible force slams into the back of my head, sending me hurtling through the void uncontrollably towards a dim light that's almost completely consumed by darkness.

As I reach the unknown world, my body slams into the barrier surrounding it with such force, it cracks open like a stone being thrown through glass.


In a large square, hundreds of people are gathered, watching their King on a stage, passing judgment on a man standing accused of treason.

Two guards clad in full plate armor, golden cloaks waving behind them are escorting the accused before the King and his entourage while all gathered yell insults at him.

Brought before the King, he takes a deep breath, looks out into the square to the people of the city, and notices one of his daughters, a young girl, clutched to a statue. He then starts making a false, coerced confession.

"I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King."

The man looks at his older daughter behind him, a beautiful red haired girl, Sansa Stark. She nods to him, encouraging him to do what must be done.

"I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children... but before his blood was cold, I plotted to murder his son... and seize the throne for myself.

Let the High Septon and Baelor the Blessed bear witness to what I've said. Joffrey Baratheon... is the one true heir to the Iron Throne... by the grace of all the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

An elderly man, wobbles forward and speaks. "As-as we sin... so do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of gods and men. The gods are just, but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful."

The elderly man then turns to the King. "What is to be done with this... traitor, your grace?"

All the people in the square start yelling for justice, punishments, torture and more until the young King raises his hand, silencing his people. He steps forward and speaks.

"My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch... stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father. But they have the soft hearts of women... so long as I'm your King, treason shall never go unpunished!

Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!"

"NO!" Sansa cries out. "Someone please stop him!"

The people yell out insults and cheers. "Off with his head!" One man says, raising his fist over his head as he's bumped on his side by a young girl, trying to pass through the crowd. Arya, the younger daughter.

The executioner puts on a black hood and walks up onto the platform and aproaches a Gold cloak who's holding a large broadsword, too heavy to wield in battle.

He takes the sword and approaches Eddard Stark, who's down on his knees, looking around as he's realized what's about to happen.

He closes his eyes and lowers his head.


Suddenly a loud sound gathers everyone's attention as cracks appear in the air above the plaza.

The cracks split apart, like a barrier of glass has been shattered.

The large figure of an enormous man flies out of the gap, towards the ground. It impacts the statue in the middle of the plaza before it crashes into the ground, killing about a dozen bystanders.

The crowd yells and screams in panic as they try to distance themselves from the man on the ground and the crack in the sky.

The cracks immediately try to repair themselves as two large hands grasp through and hold it open.

*CREAK* An eery sound reverberates through the plaza as the hands tear open the crack to allow The enormous figure of a six meter tall, plump elderly man clad in armor to step through.

He hovers in the air for a second, looking downwards towards the figure that crashed into the ground.

The man is wrapped in a red aura while his eyes glow the same, sinister hue. He wears a crown on his head and a royal cloak draped over his armor.

The man who crashed into the ground is a three meter tall, muscular man with long white hair, Fenris.

He rests on one knee in the crater his body just made, surrounded by a dozen corpses of men and women, as well as one child. The little girl, Arya Stark.

Fenris looks at the child's face in recognition as he looks around for a second and quickly realizes where he is. 'Game of Thrones.'

Fenris looks up at his assailant, the old man wrapped in a dangerous, eerily red magical aura.

'Now, who the fuck is this asshole?'

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