Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 109 – A rat and criminal wizards

"Uhm, excuse me." The last Werewolf says, wanting to ask me a question.

"Yes?" I say, looking at him.

"Could you maybe send me back too?" He asks.

"No, Remus. We have some things to discuss." I say with increased intensity. "Peter Pettigrew is alive."

"What?! No. No, that can't be. There was nothing left but.." Remus says, as he's confused and in denial.

"..but a finger, yes, I'm aware." I say, interrupting him. " The Weasley family has a pet rat that is ten years old and is missing a toe."

"His animagus form was a rat... Sirius! He's been in Azkaban for ten years! And I just left him there." Remus says dejectedly.

"Yeah, well, you can lament later, right now you should go talk to Amelia Bones and tell her everything I just told you."

"Why would she believe me? She knows Sirius was my friend."

"You have proof. As long as he's in Hogwarts, he'll show on the Marauder's Map. Besides, she can't risk not doing anything, only for you to be proven right in the future.

Now go, you can disapparate." I say before Remus disappears, leaving me with the Maledictuses.

"You can all go too." I say as some of them look hesitant and stay, while a few among them disappear.

"What's wrong?" I ask the ones who stayed.

"We don't really have anywhere to go. We were trapped in our Maledictus forms for many years so we don't have homes or families to return to." The Python lady, who I've identified as Nagini, says.

"Hmm, you have each other. You're all in the same situation, that's something.

Also, you still have the ability to turn into your animal forms and you can still communicate with animals. These are definitely skills you can use to make a living wherever you choose to go." I say, reassuring them somewhat.

As the last people I helped today go along their way, I still keep my Aura spread across the world as I now summon the twelve worst wanted Dark Wizards and Witches. I then bind them, make them lose consciousness and extract memories of their most heinous crimes as further proof, in case it's needed.

I then apparate to the Ministry of Magic in Whitehall, London.

I appear inside the Atrium where many people are coming and going, using the floo-network.

My unusual height and appearance draws a lot of attention, especially since Lethy, my Lethifold, chooses this exact, unfortunate moment to wake up.

"AAAH! A Lethifold!" A woman starts screaming, causing mass panic as everyone immediately starts running around like headless chickens. "It has him, kill it!"

"Whoa, calm down people. Nobody is in danger here." I say, trying to reassure people as I'm being surrounded by Aurors.

"The poor chap's delirious, he don't know what he's saying. Everyone, use your Patronus." One of the Aurors says, aiming his wand at me.

"Don't do that. It'll hurt her." I say just before the Aurors fire off their Patronus.

""Expecto Patronum."" The Aurors chant as streams of light are released from the tips of their wands.

Without lifting a finger, I release a pulse of pure magic from my body in all directions, reflecting their Patronus charms back at the Aurors, knocking them on their asses.

"I told you not to do that. I assure you all, this Lethifold is harmless. She wouldn't want to hurt a fly." I say, before I continue walking into the Ministry Headquarters, while ignoring the Aurors who still try to stop me.

Stunners, jinxes and even curses have no effect, so they use transfiguration to try to bind me. I keep walking while their transfigured ropes, chains and walls all disintegrate as I walk through them.

I reach a service desk, but there's no one here. By now it's obvious they won't be able to stop me as the Aurors have ceased their attempts to do so.

Seeing as I won't be helped by anyone at the service desk, I turn to the Auror in charge. "The office of The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, please."

A few minutes later, I'm standing in the elevator, surrounded by a dozen Aurors and Unspeakables. All of them scared as hell, while I'm humming along with the elevator music.

When the elevator stops, I notice the walls, ceiling and floor are exactly as the Department of Mysteries was described in the books.

"This is not Fudge's office. You're not trying to lead me into a trap, are you? That would be most ill-advised. I might just decide to retaliate."

"N-No sir, Minister Fudge is here. There is a hearing about Sirius Black." The Unspeakable in charge tells me nervously as we get out of the elevator.

I walk into a corridor with a black ceiling, floor and walls. It has no windows and only one door at the end, but instead of going through the door, the Unspeakables and Aurors lead me down a flight of stairs on our left.

We then walk through another corridor that leads to a courtroom. I see Remus sitting on a seat in the middle of the room as he's surrounded by the members of the Wizengamot, led by Minister Fudge sitting behind a judge's bench.

Albus Dumbledore, the Chief Warlock, appears to not be present at all.

"Surely you can't expect us to just believe what you are saying? It sounds so ridiculous." A man with long blond hair says with an arrogant tone, immediately causing others to speak up in a cacophony of arguments and counterarguments.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!* Fudge hits his gavel on his block. "Order! Order in the courtroom! Mister Lupin, do you not have any actual evidence to present, other than stories and theories?" Fudge asks.

"Well, no, but-"

"Then I have no choice." Fudge says, interrupting Remus before slamming down the gavel one more time. *Bang!* "This hearing is adjourned!"

"What?! No!" Remus looks around the room, desperate for someone who might help him, when he sees me surrounded by Aurors and Unspeakables.

"Wait! That's him! The one who said he's a god." Remus says, pointing at me. "He told me about Sirius and Peter."

"Remus, I told you to go straight to Amelia Bones. I didn't tell you to summon the whole damn Wizengamot." I say, looking a little irked, while the Unspeakables and Aurors around me are hung up on Remus' words, specifically the god part. "Do I have to do everything myself?"

I summon Pettigrew in his rat form and I summon Sirius from Azkaban.

I then forcibly turn Peter back into his human form, shocking most people in the room.

"You traitorous rat! I'll kill you!" Sirius screams the moment he sees Peter.

"See? Peter Pettigrew is alive and Sirius Black is innocent. Now, could we talk... in private?" I ask Fudge, ignoring Sirius chasing Peter around the courtroom.

It took another twenty minutes to get everything sorted and get the facts straight, resulting in Sirius Black's official vindication and immediate release from Azkaban.

I'm now sitting in Cornelius Fudge's office, on his chair, while he's sitting on a chair in front of his desk, sweating buckets.

Per Fudge's request, a few of his most trusted Aurors are also in the room, standing off in the corner.

"So, Fudge, I've come to visit. And it is my understanding when you visit someone unexpectedly, you don't come empty handed. So I've brought you a gift." I say before I summon all the twelve criminal dark Wizards I prepared before.

"These are wanted Wizards from all over the world. For example, this Chinese man." I say, raising the man in the air with telekinesis. "He led a group of people who catered to influential Asian Wizards.

They would kidnap pretty muggle women, deliver them to an undisclosed location, and when their clients were done doing whatever they wanted, they would erase their memories and throw them out on the street.

Meanwhile, they would gather evidence of their clients' misdeeds and blackmail them for information, money or other favors. Wanted by fourteen countries."

I then drop the man to the ground and raise a woman. "This Brazilian lady is a potion's master, specializing in poisons. She's been using her craft to assassinate influential South-American muggle politicians and business owners without leaving a single trace of poison for the police to detect, making it look like a heart attack. Wanted by seven countries."

I then raise another man into the air. "This American man has been using the Imperius Curse to extract information from politicians and businessmen, both magical and muggle, from all-over the world and has been selling those secrets to the highest bidder.

Compared to the others, he seems rather tame. But in order to increase demand for his services, he's also been steering nations towards war, most notably in Africa and Southeast Asia. He's directly responsible for the escalation of three armed skirmishes into all-out wars. Wanted by MACUSA and fifteen other countries."

"They're all wanted by multiple nations for heinous crimes, while some nations want them for the wealth of information they possess." I explain to Fudge. "I don't care what you do with them, as long as you don't release them."

Fudge looks quite happy at first, but he can't help thinking his luck has never been this good before so there must be a catch.

"You're probably wondering, 'Well, what's he want in return?', go ahead, ask me."

"W-What do you want?" Fudge says nervously.

"Well, funny you should ask. I want..."

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