
Book 2 Chapter 1 – The Simple Life (Finale)

Luckily for me, I had two strong hands, was a confessed pervert, and had a Queen who I had been having sex with every morning for the past three weeks. Aclysia was still asleep by the time we woke up, so doing our usual business in the bed was out. Neither of us were willing to wait until she was gone either. Therefore, in the midst of my morning grogginess, I dragged Esther to the shower.

Drag was a big word for the context. I grabbed her by the wrist, led her through the mansion to the bathroom, and told her to undress. After that, I pushed her against the shower wall and into her as soon as she was wet enough. A fairly short wait, asserting myself was always to her liking. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have ended up together.

Two loads and the orgasm-caused collapse of her legs later, I had sufficiently made up for last night's aching end.

After that, the morning continued regularly. Esther remained in the bathroom to take care of her hair and I moved to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. While I was still scanning what I could make for three people instead of two, Arlethia came walking in. “How dead is he?” I asked.

“Alive where it matters,” the succubus chirped happily. She seemed more awake and happier than ever, despite having downed quite a few beers herself yesterday. I only had four small bottles, so I was just fine. Once the cup of coffee let me enjoy its awakening capabilities, I would feel the same as always. “I dunno what is wrong with his body, but every time after he gets shitfaced he just lies there and gets hard over and over again. It’s great!”

“Huh,” I made an interested sound. I wouldn’t have asked, but I didn’t mind that intel either. Perhaps it could be used to make fun of him at some point.

“Anything interesting happened during your night?”

“Nothing of particular note, although we’ll have a talk with Aclysia once she’s back in the land of the living.”

“Something serious?”

“Maybe?” I responded, finally deciding to go for a simple breakfast of bread and condiments. “Nothing unexpected or unwanted on either side. Most likely, we’ll just clarify where to go from here.”

“I’ll leave you to it then,” Arlethia said and left, after filling two glasses with water.

Aclysia stumbled into the room about twenty minutes later. For the first time since I had known her, her hair looked anything but perfectly combed. It retained most of its backwards orientation. Parts stuck out unevenly and one strand even had the audacity to be in front of her pointy ear. “Hey there, Sia,” I greeted her.

“…do you have a second bathroom?” she asked in a tiny, exhausted voice.

The mansion had a total of seven bathrooms, so the answer was obviously yes. Besides the one Esther and I tended to use, there were two on this floor. In one of them, incidentally the one I guided Aclysia to, was a bathtub big enough for four people.

Another two hours later, the three of us sat around the table, and Esther finished her breakfast. Her hair routine had been a much bigger delay than eating. Point put aside; it was time to finally address the big question. “So, you have decided you want to join my Anomalia?” I asked.

“I am convinced that I want to do that, yes,” Aclysia answered with a strong nod. “I would be elated if you two were to let me join.”

“I should remind you that we,” I gestured to my Queen and myself, “are not exactly regular people. You know even more about Esther’s past than I do, because you have access to the school files.” I said that neutrally. Whatever Esther was keeping to herself, I trusted she did so for a good reason. Until I shared my own secrets, I couldn’t blame her for anything. “As for myself, there’s something unsaid too. Nothing that should put you in undue danger, I hope, but something that may complicate our future a little bit… there’s more to it than I can predict.” That was as much as I was willing to let on.

Aclysia fell silent for a moment, then shook her head. “Many times, I pondered this and my conclusion remains the same.” Emerald eyes pleadingly danced back and forth between us. Now that she repeated her conviction in a sober state, there was nothing holding me back. However, it was not solely my decision. Ultimately, I looked to Esther, and so did Aclysia.

Who stared back, like a predator focused on her prey. Without knowing her any better, it was easy to misunderstand that concentrated glare as a gesture of intimidation. In reality, Esther was sorting her thoughts and choosing her words carefully. “I hesitate for two reasons, one personal and the other cautious,” she finally spoke up. “There is an issue with my body that I need to reveal before you should join, one that I find difficult to show.”

“I swear every oath that I would never share it,” Aclysia promised.

“I believe you. Yet, this is… difficult,” Esther continued. “Caution and advice from the Anomalia Management classes further tells me to try your resolve once more. At the end of the semester, I will show what I hide and you may join our Anomalia.”

“Sounds acceptable to me,” I agreed. The semester ended in another two months. That was a long time, but not unreasonably long. Esther could brace herself and Aclysia would have the time to seriously think this over. We could still spend time as we had.

“May I ask for two additions?” Aclysia asked.

“Let’s hear them,” I said. As much decision-making power as I surrendered to Esther on this topic, I never wanted to be left out or even appear disconnected. I was still the King of this Anomalia.

“First, I would like a date, only you and I, when the time comes to join your Anomalia,” Aclysia said.

“Absolutely,” I agreed.

“Secondly, I would like to move in today.”

That was a bit more difficult, since it carried with it the risk that Aclysia may see what she wasn’t supposed to ahead of time. “I would be fine with it,” I gave my side and looked to the lady of my love.

“You’ll have your own bedroom until your proper joining,” Esther stated. “Yesterday was an exception.”

“I understand,” Aclysia respectfully lowered her head.

“Then you may pick whichever,” the raven-haired lady said and got up. “Living with you will be pleasant.”

“Glad to have you here,” I added with a smile.

Sometimes, good things in life came about simply.

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