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Chapter 62 ~ Premonition Coming Through

October 29, 2095 AD. 12:15 am. 


Within a private room of a luxurious Chinese restaurant in Yokohama’s China city, two men sat on opposite sides of the polished wooden table, sitting on a comfortable floor chair with immensely soft cushions. 


On the low table, a tray with a crystal chalice of powder gold and whisky kept inside a volumetric flask-shape maroon bottle sat at the center of the table in between the two while they had a shot glass within arm’s reach. 


However, Chen Xiang Shan hadn’t poured himself a glass of the alcohol served. In such a dire situation, he was in no mood for such a thing. 


“Mr. Zhou. I’ve been notified that my home country will be sending us a warship. Thanks to you, we can launch our next operation.”


Zhou Gong Jin, the slender man who helped special ops members of the Great Asian Union come into Yokohama, listened with his eyes closed as he shook his shot glass in a circle, swirling his whisky and the powder gold that had submerged into the bottom. 


“I’m honored to have been able to assist you.”


“However, fortune seemed to have deserted us and my second-in-command has fallen into the enemy’s hands.”


Zhou Gong Jin placed his glass back onto the table upon hearing the news. His thin lips curled into a small frown as his brows furrowed slightly. 


“Truly, that could only have been the worst of luck. To think that Master Lu would be…”


“It’s a colossal disgrace, but all the same, our country needs this soldier.”


A still silence fell upon the room. Zhou Gong Jin took a sip of his pleasantly sweat whisky, knowing what kind of words would soon come out of the special ops captain’s mouth. And the words came as he expected. 


With a bow, Chen Xiang Shan made his request.


“I wonder if you can help us with this?”

“Ah, of course I can, my lord.”


He smiled ever so softly, like a friend ready to help out his comrade in times of desperate need. 


“As it turns out, Master Lu is scheduled to be transported to the foreigners’ prison in Yokosuka tomorrow.”


“Is that true?”


A ray of hope began to alight in Chen Xiang Shan’s eyes. Losing Lu Gong Hu, an S-ranked magician whose prowess has been proven time and time again to be invaluable to the Great Asian Union in battle, would be no small loss for his country. Without him, the power they’ve amassed would take a massive blow, spelling disaster for the entire nation. 


At this point, his rescue may be even more important than their original plan.


“Yes, the timing couldn’t be better. And in exchange, if I may put it that way… during tomorrow’s operation, if you could stay away from this city…”


A solemn nod. Chen Xiang Shan readily agreed to his request in exchange for his assistance.


“But of course. I’ll see to it that this Chinatown is spared from harm as much as possible. That said, our number one target, the Kanto Branch of the Magic Association, is located right near Chinatown. Not only that, but if we’re going after the magicians heading to the Thesis Competition and their research data… Some skirmishing will be unavoidable.”


The risk of harm onto Chinatown outlined by the special ops captain was understandable. Given they wouldn’t simply let the invaders come and steal data, battle and skirmishes would most definitely happen.


However, a smile never left Zhou Gong Jin’s countenance.


“I am grateful for your consideration.”



October 29, 2095. 10:31 am. 


It was supposed to be a normal class day for most students of First High. But, with the Annual Thesis Competition happening the day after, most classes ended early to let those who would be participating in the competition, both directly or supporting, prepare and get ready for the big day. 


Tatsuya class’s lessons have just ended as well. But as he was about to head out to meet up with Yuuji and Aika before heading to where Hirakawa Koharu, Suzune, and Isori Kei were, Erika suddenly approached him.


“Tatsuya, you, Aika, and Yuuji will be arriving at the convention center tomorrow at 8 o’clock in the morning, right?”

“That’s right. The competition starts at 9, so we’ll be arriving at 8. The first high’s turn on the stage would be around three, if I’m not mistaken.”


“Hm… So you’re all meeting up there after all, uh?”


Sitting close to each other’s seat, Mizuki, Mikihiko, and Leo also listened in to their conversation with great interest since they’ll also be going to the competition as guests. 


“What about the demo device?”


“Hm? Did you not hear from the student council president or Yuuji?”




Erika tilted her head. She tried recalling all the things they talked about in the last few days when Mayumi came to stay overnight in their mansion, but all she could remember were Yuuji’s sweet whispers and Aika encouragement to “attack” him with her femininity. Even Mayumi wasn’t spared by their teasing. 


“The student council hired a transport company. And I heard from Ichihara-senpai that Yuuji is also helping with its acquisition. Why do you ask?”


“O-Oh, well… It’s just…”


Then, Leo suddenly inserted himself into the conversation. 


“Hey, regarding the guard detail for that demo device and stuff… Could you let us help out, too?”

A look of confusion briefly appeared on Tatsuya’s expression. But they were soon replaced by an expression of realization. 


“Do you want to show off the results of your special training?”


“Ah?! H-How did you know?”


“Yuuji had shared stories about how Erika has been beating you into shape, literally.”






Erika laughed weakly. She… She did go all out with the guy’s training so he could help her, Yuuji, and Aika in the troubles to come, so Tatsuya’s words were not exactly an exaggeration. 


“Don’t worry. You will have your time. Because I don’t think nothing’s going to happen anymore.”


“Huh? But I thought the incident was already resolved.”


Mikihiko questioned. In his knowledge, the academic spy culprit, Sekimoto Isao, has been apprehended, and the unknown soldier who came to the detention center to, most likely, get rid of a potential leak in the form of the third-year high school boy has also been defeated by Yuuji, Mayumi, Mari, and Tatsuya. The incidents should all have been resolved.


“It’s not as if these incidents are a one-and-done thing. The Thesis Competition is targeted every year, so troubles might still happen during the event.”


“I see…”


“Mm, Aika had said something to that effect as well. Though she doesn’t seem worried in the least, so I thought she was just kidding. But now that I think about it, that does seem plausible.”


Erika muttered as she fell into a thought. Almost everything Yuuji and Aika predicted had been true thus far. So, despite her joking tone, Erika still took her words seriously. 


Except for the sexual harassment that came out of those lips…


“In that case, will you let me on guard duty too?”


“If there’s anything I can do, please let me know as well. I will be happy to help.”


Mikihiko and Mizuki both volunteered.


“Alright. But as for now, cheering for our school’s team from the audience will be enough.”


“Eh?! Why are we just audiences’?!”

Leo complained. Erika was also unsatisfied by just being an audience member. She wanted to at least be with Yuuji and Aika during the event and help them out with the security detail.


But to stop his outburst, Tatsuya raised his hand, gesturing to him to let him continue. 


“If there’s some kind of incident, no one will complain if the audience helps pick up the pieces. That’s where you can come in.”


“I see… Help, huh?”


Now, the four new security detail “volunteers” let out a smile in satisfaction. And Erika couldn’t wait to surprise Yuuji with her appearance in the event.


Dressed in a beautiful wine red dress, Fujibayashi Kyouko sat with a glass of delectable wine in a high class restaurant and a neutral, yet beautiful, smile on her face. Before her, totally mesmerized by her appearance was Erika’s eldest brother, was Chiba Toshikazu in a full suit with a glass of wine before him as well.


“What a sweet and delectable smell.”


“I’m glad you like it. Thanks to you, it looks like we’ll be closing this case soon. So this is my way of thanking you personally.”


“...Inspector, did you invite me here today just to thank me?”



Her smile grew, but she didn’t let her teasing smile surface on her expression. After all, although the full grown inspector had a cute reaction, she exclusively saved her teasing side for her adorable “little brother” who had the cutest reaction. She would only show any other man aside from him her professional side, that of a soldier, and save her woman, sisterly side for him. 


Unfortunately, even her neutral smile and words alone were able to send the heart of the single man in his mid-twenties fluttering in anticipation. 


“If you’re available tomorrow, I’d like to request your company tomorrow as well.”


“H-Huh? Um… S-Sure! If you’re okay with me, then I’d be glad to!”


Assuming a more serious expression and saluting, Toshikazu gave the ravishing woman before him his promise. 


“Thank you very much. Then how’s eight-thirty tomorrow morning at Sakuragicho Station?”


“What? Morning?”

“Tomorrow, they’ll be holding the National High School Magic Thesis Competition at the International Convention Center. Are you not aware of it?”


“No, I’m aware of that, but…”


“Two boys and one girl I’m acquainted with will be taking part, so I’d like to go cheer them on. And if possible, please ask your subordinates to join us too.”



Kyouko continued to swirl her wine glass, letting the vintage red wine inside it move around in a slow vortex, as Toshikazu looked at her in shock. 


“If you could also come equipped with weapons and live ammo guns, that would be a huge help.”


“Ms. Fujibayashi… What’s brewing underneath all of this…?”


“...Nothing, of course. Or at least, that is what I’m hoping for.”


October 30, 2095. 8:35am. Yokohama International Convention Center.


The day of the National High School Magic Theory Thesis Competition had finally arrived. 


The student representatives from all nine magic university affiliated high schools of Japan had gathered in the Yokohama International Convention Center to present and publicize their work, and for some lucky ones, get their works known internationally. 


It is an event as prestigious as the Nine Schools Competition held earlier in the year, though not as conspicuous. While the NSC requires 52 students from each school to participate as their representative, the Thesis Competition only requires three. It is also the literary complement to the NSC’s practical contest of magic. 


Thus, for those who aim to be a magic engineer, this event was considered even more important than the NSC. With many individuals related to the Magic University and the magic theory community attending, it was the students’ chance for their names to be known. 


However, although Yuuji had been deeply involved with First High’s Thesis Competition preparations and close with his school’s representatives, his mind was focused more on the events that would happen during the competition. 


The Yokohama Disturbance arc… It has begun and the climax of the arc would happen in this venue. Although he, Aika, and Tatsuya had been preparing as much as possible, he was still… nervous. 


This wouldn’t be the first time that he’ll be troubled by terrorists, but the scale between what would happen here would be much more than what had happened during the NSC. 


He would be dealing with a literal invasion from another nation… Specifically, the Great Asian Union. In his world, such a thing would’ve been beyond what a high school student like him should be dealing with. But now… he will be dealing with the invaders along with his friends. 


He couldn’t help but muse what life would bring to him…


And… his current situation was also something he didn’t expect. 


Within the First High School’s meeting room, Fujibayashi Kyouko had come to visit in her civilian’s clothing. Inside the room were Tatsuya, Miyuki, Aika, and him, all of them sitting on a couch together. 


Tatsuya and Miyuki sat on one side, while Yuuji and Aika sat on either side of Kyouko. But unlike the first two, they weren’t sitting… upright. 


Aika was happily hugging her “Kyouko-neechan” and letting her pet her hair. On the other hand… Yuuji's face was being squished against the side of her chest as she held the back of his head and pulled him towards her. 


It was “siblings’ bonding time” as the “Electron Sorcerer” referred to it as, and Aika was certainly enjoying hugging her “big sister”. But Yuuji couldn’t help but think of it as humiliation since she was doing it right in front of Tatsuya and Miyuki, who was looking at him awkwardly. 


“Miyuki, it’s been a while~”


“Y-Yes… It has been a while… I don’t think we’ve met since that day in February…”


“Ms. Fujibayashi, are you sure it’s alright for you to be visiting the First High’s green room?”


Tatsuya asked. 


“T-That’sh right… Kyouko-nee… are you sure you can stay he- MMMPH!”

“Oh, it’s fine~ As a technical officer, there’s nothing strange about me visiting you, the students who unveiled such dazzling skills at the NSC~”


Kyouko said with a little giggle as she strengthened her grip on Yuuji’s head and kept him from escaping, leaving Yuuji in pure embarrassment and nervousness as she pressed his head to her breasts. 


“All right, enough with the pleasantries. The mobile suit we discussed has been completed. Lieutenant Sanada told me to let you know that they’ll be delivering here by tonight.”


Pausing from petting Aika’s head, Kyouko took out a small chip from inside her blazer’s pocket and held it up, showing it to Tatsuya and Yuuji. 


“They finished already? Impressive, as always.”


“And one more thing… This incident doesn’t look like it’s over just yet.”


Kyouko’s voice turned solemn as the heavy premonition weighted on her heart, causing her voice to deepen and her grip on Yuuji’s head to lessen, allowing him to look up to her troubled face. 


“Kyouko-nee… Did you encounter any trouble?”


She looked down with a smile and petted her handsome little brother’s head. She placed the chip she took out on the table before her. 


“Take a look at this for more information. I’ve taken some precautions myself, but… You never know. A battle might be brewing.”


“Understood. We’ll be sure to be prepared.”

“Mm. We’ll be careful, Kyouko-nee.”


“Good. If anything happens… I’ll be counting on you.”


“Of course.”


“Uhn~! Leave it to me, nee-chan!!!”


12:00pm. Yokohama International Conference Center. 


“Sekimoto Isao was after the Thesis Competition materials. Today, after interrogating him further, we learned that he’d been subjected to mind control. The organization that’s using Sekimoto and the others to target the thesis might take drastic measures.”


Within the security headquarters, Kirihara Takeaki and Hattori Hanzo stood before Juumonji Katsuto, who was sitting behind the large desk with documents resting on it, and Yuuji, who was standing by his side with a glass tablet in his hand. 


“Saegusa-senpai wished for you and Tsubakihara to keep a close eye on the site as much as possible.”


“... It seems like your premonition is coming true once again, Tsubakihara.”


Yuuji let out a sigh and shook his head. Things were getting bad, as he expected. And by this time, he assumed that Kyouko-nee had also gotten intel about Lu Gang Hu’s escape during his relocation to prison. 


Things were really ascending to the climax, after all…


“Ah… Unfortunately. How are the distributions of the bulletproof vests?”


Yuuji asked, turning his attention towards Hattori and Kirihara.


“Everyone patrolling the site has one equipped already, and we have some on reserves as well.”


“That’s great. But if you can, have not only the patrolling members, but all other members of the Joint Security Detail wear bulletproof vests as well.”




“Thank you. For now, please monitor the perimeter of the venue and report immediately back to myself or Juumonji-senpai if you see anything wrong. And please… be careful. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but… things don't seem right now.”


“Ah… I think so as well. I came to check out the venue a week ago, but there seems to be too many foreigners around here now.”


“You think so too, Hattori?”


Hattori nodded his head to Kirihara. 


“How about you, Kirihara?”


Juumonji asked. 


“Yes, sir. Compared to the convention center, the atmosphere in the city seems strangely more menacing.”


“Yeah… I feel that too…”


Yuuji shook his head with a helpless smile. Things were indeed about to go down from now on…


“Chairman, although I will have to leave the headquarters and protect Hirakawa Koharu-senpai as her personal bodyguard, I will keep my line active for the entirety of the event. Please don’t hesitate to call on me if you encounter any trouble.”


Yuuji turned towards Juumonji in a soldier-like manner and looked at him with grave seriousness in his eyes. 


And with a similar graveness in his eyes, Juumonji nodded. 


“Mm. I’ll be counting on you.”


Yuuji nodded back and turned towards the Kendo club captain and student council vice president.


“If my premonition is right and something did happen, the danger you encounter might be on a whole different level than the NSC incident. So please be careful on your patrol.”


“Alright. You too. If they’re going to attack the Thesis Competition for data, you, who will be protecting our school’s representatives, might be in the most danger.”


“That’s right. You take care of yourself.”


“I will. Good luck.”




AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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