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Chapter 5

As soon as the bell signaling the start of class rang, the front door of Classroom 1-A slid open, revealing the figure of a beautiful woman in a long white overcoat, vest, white shirt, and black pants.


Her graceful long pitch-black hair fluttered as she firmly walked in front of the class, charisma emanating from her entire figure. 


“Alright, get to your seats! The bell has rung.”


Despite her harsh tone, her beautiful and powerful voice was pleasing to the ears. Though, to those who recognized her voice, their intention would be immediately turned towards her, usually accompanied by a flinch, especially from her students. 


With his enhanced vision, Yuuji could see clearly even from the furthest back of the class. He was amazed once again by his homeroom teacher’s beauty. 


Beautiful, smart, kind, and charismatic… If only she’s not violent, she would’ve become super po-


Suddenly, a chill traveled down his spine, snapping him out of his daze. The next moment, he saw a stick of chalk only a few distances away from his face. 


In a flash, he caught the chalk just before it hit his forehead.


S-So this is the famous chalk cannon… I-I can’t believe a stick chalk can go so fast and get this hot from just her throwing it. 


He could feel cold sweat on his back right now. If he didn’t have [Divine Physique] and caught it… He’s sure there would be a big swell on his forehead right now.


“You were thinking of something strange, didn’t... you… Eh…? Tsubakihara… kun?”


“A-Ah, yes, Hiratsuka-sensei. I’m Tsubakihara Yuuji.”


Yuuji answered awkwardly, seeing Shizuka’s utterly shocked expression.


“...What the hell happened?”


Her eyes twitched as she stared at him and mouth agape.




Silence fell upon the entire classroom. 


“I-I see. I don’t think your mother would allow you to have plastic surgery, so I doubt you did that…”


She mumbled, but her words could be clearly heard in the silence.


“It’s not!”


“Okay, I get it! S-Sit down. I’ll start the roll-call.”


Shizuka quickly averted her gaze away from him and began her roll-call as Yuuji sighed and sat back down in his seat. 


He stared at his violent yet beautiful teacher once again. But this time, he noticed a red tinge on her cheeks. 


Ah… A blushing Hiratsuka-sensei… Cute…


The sight of his usually tough and charismatic teacher blushing pulled some strings in his heart. It was an absolutely cute sight. The gap-moe is too good!!


Hm… has Hiratsuka-sensei always been this cute?


He couldn't help but wonder.


Somehow… After receiving his [Divine Physique], he couldn’t help but notice that all the girls he’s close with seemed to have made an even deeper impression on him this morning.


Was it because of his enhanced senses that he could notice the details of their beauty even more? Or was it something else...


Did I miss something from [Divine Physique]’s description…?


Yuuji began recalling the description of the [Divine Physique]. From the description, there was no statement saying such things. He was confident in this since he could recall it clearly, thanks to his enhanced memory.


Could it really be just my Divine Sense that made me notice their beauty more…?


He recalled the time he smelled his sisters' fragrance. Even until now, he could still remember it clearly.


It was… amazing.


O-Ow! A-Ah, dammit! Don't get a boner now! I know their smell is very arousing, but it's starting to hurt! My pants are already so tight because you go too big!


Yuuji began concentrating on calming his dragon rod.


By the time he snapped out of it, Shizuka was no longer there. In her place, the middle-aged male physics teacher had come and was staring at him with an expression of utter shock and disbelief. 


Once again, he had to use his hard-to-belief “puberty” excuse that could only be half-heartedly accepted by the teacher before class finally started. 


...Guess this will happened every time I meet my teachers.


He sighed and shook his head. 


Let’s focus on the lesson.


With his goal of becoming successful and giving his family a lavish life of happiness, Yuuji had always been a diligent student that is reflected by his above-average results. 


But today, all the lessons he’s learning were so much more easily digested by his mind. No, even when he’s reading his textbook, everything is easily absorbed into his mind. 


He finished reading the entire thing a few minutes after class started, and he could understand each and every little thing written in it.


S-So this is the accelerated learning part of [Divine Physique]...


He understood everything far more clearly now than ever. Even the lessons that hadn’t been discussed yet. 


He was confident he could even place first in the next exam.


A small smile bloomed on his face. 


Even though he had [Investment Proficiency] to gain his money now, it wouldn’t hurt to have shining academic achievements. It will make everything so much easier for him after he graduates.  


Yuuji then began writing notes for the lessons, covering even the advanced chapters of the textbook, to reaffirm his understanding. Maybe, his sisters or his friends could also use this note to help them with the exam, though most of them may not need it considering how smart they are. 


Well… Raku and Yotsuba would definitely need it. 


As he immersed himself in writing in his notebook, the glances of all of his female classmates went unnoticed, including those close to him.


W-What in the world happened to Yuuji?! H-He suddenly became so h-h-handsome!


Y-Yuuji-san… J-Just what in the world happened? He was normal just a few days ago?!


D-Did the genes from Aunt Mira suddenly activate during his puberty?! No, he’s adopted by her. T-Then, just what in the world happened?!


Ai, Yotsuba, and Chitoge all stole glances at him throughout their classes, failing to tear their attention away from him, especially when he’s showing such a serious expression.


It was a lethal expression that would make any woman swoon, especially girls their age. 


Soon, all morning classes ended. The bell signaling the start of lunch rang.


Oh, it’s lunch already… Let’s go to Yuna and Nina’s class and-


“Yo, Yuuji! Let’s go to the cafeteria! Quickly! Raku, you too!”


Shu suddenly rushed from his chair and slammed his hand on Yuuji’s desk while dragging Raku by his collar with the other.


“E-Eh?! O-One sec!”


“Shu? W-Why the hurry?”


“Hehe~ I’m super hungry! Come one! Stop asking questions and start walking.”


He let out a sigh and stood up. Although he’s weird in general, Shu was acting especially weird right now.


“...Alright alright, I get it. Ai, Yotsuba, Chitoge, you want to come with? Ah, Onodera-san and Miyamoto-san, would you like to join us as well?”


“Y-Yes. I will join.”


“Y-Yes! I’ll join up!”


“Sure, if you insist.”


Ai, Yotsuba, and Chitoge also stood up from their seats and approached him. 


“Y-Yes, if you don’t mind.”


“Uhn. Let’s go.”


Yuuji nodded and they all exited the class, went to the neighboring classroom to pick up Yuna and Nina, and went to the cafeteria together. 


On their way, Yuuji watched his sisters happily chatting with the girls and let out a little smile. 


“Hehehe~ What beautiful flowers, huh~? Aren’t we lucky to be able to have lunch together with the top beauties of our school~?”


Yuuji sighed as Shu nudged him with his elbow with a foxy grin. 


“...Right. Anyway, what’s with you just now? You were acting weird, even by your standards.”


“That’s right. What’s wrong, Shu? Are you really that angry?”


Raku and him looked at Shuu confusedly.


“Tsk tsk tsk. Of course not. Hehe. Yuuji, you should be thanking me you know, my good friend~?”




“Didn’t you see the eyes of all the girls in our class?If I came just a second later, you’ll be swarmed by all the girls in class and wouldn’t be able to have any lunch, you know? Now, where’s my thanks~”


Ahh… So that’s why…


Yuuji finally realized Shu’s intention. Now that he thought back, he did saw a few girls staring at him and was about to stand up. 


He didn’t thought much of it, but now that Shu explained, he could certainly see the possibility.


“I see... Thanks, I owe you one. I’ll be more careful in the future.”


“You better~! With such a handsome appearance, a lot of trouble will come your way. I would know.”

“Ahahaha. Alright, sure.”


As the boys joked, the girls themselves were having their own conversations. 


“Y-Yuna-chan, Nina-chan! W-What happened to Yuuji?! How did he suddenly change so much?!”


“I-I would like to ask as well. He was very normal last Friday, but now…”


Yotsuba, Ai, and all the girls turned their attention towards his sisters, hoping for answers. 


Something must’ve happened during the weekend, considering he was normal just last Friday and became this… super ultra handsome Adonis the next Monday! As his sisters, who live together with him, they must know something!




“W-We don’t know… Yuu-kun just suddenly became s-so handsome! We were also surprised to find the change in him this morning…”


“Y-Yes. We have no idea how he became so handsome so suddenly. The only explanation might be the things he had already said…”


Yuna and Nina blushed redly and stole a glance behind them. But the moment they saw Yuuji smiling and laughing while talking with Shu and Raku, they immediately turned their heads back. 


Their hearts skipped a beat and began thumping increasingly quickly and loudly. T-Their Yuu-kun/Yuuji’s appearance was just too handsome!


“B-But, for simply working out and puberty to change him this much…? Is it even possible…?”


“Kosaki… It is unbelievable, but I don’t think there are any other explanations for it. He didn’t do any plastic surgery, right?”


“No! Yuu-kun would never do that! He has no need for it, after all.”


“Nn. Moreover, our mother will never let him do such a thing. He’s perfect the way he was.”


“U-Uhn… He was perfect… And now… H-He’s beyond…”


“...Y-Yes. I agree.”


Yuna and Nina lowered their heads and covered them with their hands, trying to hide their super red faces, while the rest of the girls also began to blush even more.


They had to agree… His appearance right now was just beyond handsome…


Even Chitoge, who had seen her fill with the young and handsome son of her father and mother’s business partners or super popular male models under one of her mother’s fashion business, could confidently say that Yuuji was much much more handsome than them. 


It wasn’t even a competition.


He was the first friend she made when she entered this school. When she was depressed about having to fake dating Raku for the sake of her family, he befriended her and introduced her to his sisters, who quickly became her friends as well.


He was a very loving brother, or rather, a pure, genuine siscon. But he’s very friendly, kind, and never treated her differently after knowing her family’s background. She was truly shocked to know that his mother was friends with Raku’s father, the head of the Shuuei group, and was under his protection.


She felt very happy to have become his friend. Perhaps, at that time, there was a small part of her that wished it was him who would become her partner for this fake relationship.


Only now did she realize when her heart received a shock that made it thump so loudly for the first time. 


U-Uuuughh… What do I do now…


Chitoge pursed her lips as she glanced back at Yuuji, her eyes longing for him. 


The cafeteria was already crowded as usual the moment they arrived. There was already a line in front where they’d order food, while the bakery was already a warzone as well.


“Uwaa… I thought we could finally order our food in peace…”


“Hm… Should we maybe split up? Half of us could reserve the table while the other half stand in line and order the food.”


Yuuji suggested.


“Alright! Then, Raku and I will go stand in line. If you, your sisters, and the girls stand in line… it might make it even crowdier.”


Raku and the rest of the girls nodded in agreement, leaving Yuuji a bit speechless. 


He was just about to head into the battlefield with his friends and get his sisters’ orders as well. 


“Ah, then we’ll go as well. It’ll be difficult for just the two of you to get all of our orders. Right, Kosaki?”


“E-Eh?! R-Ruri-chan?”


“Oh! That’ll be appreciated! Alright, let’s go~!”




Shu and Ruri then headed to the end of the line, followed by Raku and Kosaki who seemed nervous and averting their faces away from each other.


Hm? Those two…


“Let’s go, Yuu-kun. Ai-chan, Chitoge-chan, Yotsuba-chan too!”


“Quickly. There are a few tables left.”


“Ah, yes!”


Fortunately, there were two free tables they could use. They immediately combined the two together so everyone could fit and sat. 


“Ah, I’ll be telling my sisters that I’ll eat with you guys, okay~?”


“Yes~ It would be nice if we could invite them to eat together with us as well but…”


Yuna said regretfully. If Yotsuba were to have only one sister, then they could probably fit together. But… They were quintuplets. It was impossible to fit all five of them.


“Hehe~ It’s fine~! Then, I’ll go~!”


Yotsuba saluted and quickly dashed off into the crowd, leaving Yuuji, Yuna, Nina, Ai, and Chitoget on the table.


As the girls chatted together, Yuuji kept his silence and simply listened. Though, his attention was stolen by the contents of whispers of the students all around him that he could clearly hear due to his enhanced sense, and girls’ occasional shrieks. 


“Wooow~ He looks so handsome~ Isn’t he more handsome than the magazine models~?”


“H-he’s even more handsome than Hideo-sama… Ah, I can’t! I love Hideo-sama!”


“Oh my God~ Let’s get his phone number later~!”


“Wait! Isn’t that Yuna and Nina? The most popular first-year girls?!”


“What’s their relationship with him?!”


“Ah! The famous blonde-haired girl is also there!”


“Ahh… I wish I’m sitting there too~”


“...Kuh! Who the hell is that ikemen?! I never heard of anyone like that in our school! He’s even more handsome than the soccer and tennis club’s captains, for God’s sake!”


“He makes even the popular guys we know look average… Wait, then we’re-...?!”


“No! Don’t say it! All of us are thinking that, but don’t say it!!!”


“Kuuuh! This world is so unfair!”


Listening to their whispers, Yuuji couldn’t help but sweatdrop. 


Perhaps… Going to the cafeteria wasn’t that great of an idea...




During her children’s school time, Mira was also working within the office room of her home. 


Sitted on a premium office chair, black matching the hair color of her beloved son, a bespectacled and ponytailed Mira focused on all four screens of her advanced computer setup before her, each displaying the status of the foreign exchange market, an investment software, and various other software applications specifically used for her investment work. 


Her eyes were sharp and calculative, nothing like the eyes she would have when looking at her children and little sister, as she carefully watched over the market. Her hands that were holding her mouse and keyboard flowed and danced around swiftly and gracefully as she took positions, sold, and adjusted her trading strategies for various high-brand company names, both national and international.


“Mmmh~!! Hah…”


A few moments later, she let out a sigh and stretched her buxom yet slender body, a perfect figure that all women yearned for. 


She had made a tremendous amount of profit this morning by successfully short-selling some stocks from a few companies, but it was definitely lower than the amount of profit she gained normally.


She was distracted… She had been distracted all morning, ever since she saw the change in her son.


Even as she was working, his dreamy countenance would appear in her mind, distracting her completely from her work. He had… become too attractive for her. Like a high school girl who just had her first love, he was all she could think about, especially now that she was no longer working. 


The handsome countenance of his son and his dreamy voice had filled her mind completely, causing her heart to thump loudly in her chest. She could feel her face heating up from simply recalling his words just before he left for school. 


… I wonder what Yuuji wanted to talk about.


Asking for her time with such a lethally handsome serious face so closely… Her fantasy immediately went wild!


Ah~ You can’t, Yuuji~ B-But… I-If you insist… Then…


Her milky thighs began rubbing against each other as she hugged herself with her lithe arms, propping up her giant breasts, whose peaks were now standing stiff. 


A hot sigh escaped her wet lips as drool began flowing down the corners of her mouth. 


“Mmh~ Yuuji… You naughty boy…”


As she relished in her fantasy, her smartphone suddenly rang, snapping her out of her daze.




A small frown appeared on her face as annoyance began filling her heart. She was just getting to the good part of her fantasy, yet she was brought out of it before Yuuji even stuck his dragon rod inside her.


Mira grabbed her smartphone from the table. It was the newest smartphone released by iApple that she got from her friend, a member of the iApple Japan’s branch board of directors. She had asked her friend if she could provide four more for her children and little sister. But unfortunately, it would be quite difficult to do so since it wasn’t meant to go public yet. Mira only received it exclusively because she was a very good friend of hers. 


When she looked at the screen, her eyes widened in shock.


She accepted the call and immediately heard the familiar beautiful voice of her dear friend.


[AN: Italicized lines inside quotation marks (“”) signify they’re speaking in another language other than Japanese. After all, the story is set in Japan, so they’re normally speaking in Japanese evne though it is written in english. 


In this instance, they’re speaking in English.


Not to be confused by italicized lines without quotation marks, which signifies a person’s inner monologue and thoughts in this story.]


Hello, Mira~ It's been a while~ I’ve missed you so much~!


Illya? It has been a while~ I’ve missed you so much too~ What’s wrong~?


Oh~ Does something have to be wrong for me to call you~? Ahahaha!


Mira smiled helplessly and shook her head.


You know that’s not what I mean, Illya. I’m happy for your call~ I know we’re both busy, but let’s call more often~”


Yes~ I’ve missed talking to you as well.”


“So~? Why did you call this time?”


“Mm, actually, I have a favor to ask.”


Oh? A favor?”


After years of being friends with her, Mira was quite surprised to hear her friend asking her for a favor.


She had always been an extremely independent and strong woman who almost never asked for a favor, even from her late husband before he passed from his type-1 diabetes a few years ago. 


If such a person went out of her way to ask her for a favor… She truly wondered what favor she’d ask of her.


Of course~ What is it?


“Actually, my eldest daughter had been planning to attend school in Japan. She’s a very curious little girl, and ever since I told her about our meeting, she’s been very interested in Japan.


“Oh, I see~ Ufufufu~ Is she going to attend Bonyari High school as well~?”


“Yes. I admitted her into that school since I know your children go there.”


“Will she come next term?”


“No. Originally, she was supposed to arrive as soon as the start of the school year. But, miscommunications occurred and she had troubles with her visa, so she’ll arrive next Sunday. I’ve already contacted the school, so there should be no problem on that end.”


“I see. That’s unfortunate. Though, knowing little Viktoria, I doubt she’ll have any problems with her academics, right?”


“Of course~! Who do you think teaches her~!”


“Ufufufu~ Yes yes~ So? Would you like her to stay in my house?”


“Ah, I’ve already prepared an apartment for her, so she’ll be living there instead. I only asked if you and your children could take care of her in school. Although she has no problems with other subjects, she’s still not that good in Japanese...”


“Of course, we will. I’m sure Yuna, Nina, and Yuuji will take care of her~”


“Hehe~ That Yuuji boy better protect my daughter from flies who’ll try to get close to her! Visha is a beauty, after all~”


“Ufufufu~ Don’t worry~ Yuuji is a gentleman. He’ll definitely protect your daughter~ But…”




A glint flashed from the corner of Mira’s eye as her lips curled into a grin.


“If she falls in love with him, then I won’t bear any responsibilities, okay~?”


The other side of the call went silent for a second before Mira heard her friend burst into laughter.


“Ahahaha! If he could capture Visha’s heart, then I wouldn’t mind! Or rather, wouldn’t it be nice if we were to be related~?”


“Oh my~ Ufufufu~ I agree~ It would be nice to enjoy the protection of the Major General Illya Ivanova Serebryakov~ Fufufufu~”


“Heh! As if anyone with the right mind would even try to harm someone who has her hands on all the top business within and outside of Japan.”


The two mothers giggled happily, just like how they would during high school. The period when Illya did a student exchange program into Mira’s high school where they became best friends were short, but it was still an unforgettable year for the both of them.


“Though… would you be fine with that? I mean… It's not a secret between us that you love him… right?


"Ufufufu~ I don't think that would be a problem~"


"Hm? How so… Ah, I see. Japan's new policy that allows polygamy marriage…"


While she was quite surprised when she heard such a policy being legitimize in a country with such a reserved culture like Japan, she could see the reason behind it. 


While the country has been steadily growing in terms of technology and economy, Japan had been suffering from a decrease in population for years, probably decades. With better education, livelihood, as well as an increase in living cost, many opted to focus on their careers rather than settling down and building a family after considering how costly it would be. Thus, decreasing the number of children born in almost all areas of Japan. 


Many suburban cities have already been abandoned as the young go to large cities to find employment, leaving only the old to stay until the end. The majority of Japan’s entire population was focused on large cities such as Tokyo, Shinjku, and Yokohama. Even cities near these highly populated metropolitan cities were no longer as populated as they were in the past. 


Japan’s population had decreased to barely a hundred million, and it was expected to decrease even further in the next few decades. Thus, after years of debate, the policy allowing a man to marry more than one woman, given their ability to support their family was guaranteed after extensive investigations, was passed in a desperate attempt to stop the decreasing birthrate and population. 


"Uhn~! With that, my daughters and I can marry him without a problem~ But… what do you think…?"


After all, while her country didn’t outright ban polygamy by law, it was not a widespread culture either. For Illya, who was in a monogamous relationship with her late husband, Mira was worried about what she would think if her daughter were to possibly enter a polygamous relationship with her son.


"...If Visha truly falls for him and she doesn't mind it, then I won't mind either. She's very open-minded, but I don't know if she would accept it that easily. She grows up with her father only having me, after all."


"I see. Ufufufu~ Well, it's nothing to be worried about for now."


"You're right… Ah, I’ll have to go. Please take care of her when she comes.”


“Of course~ See you, Illya~”


“Mm. I will see you later. Thank you, Mira.”


“Uhn~ You’re welcome, Illya~”


Mira hung up from the call and stared at the wallpaper of her phone with a soft smile.


It was the picture she took when her daughters, her little sister, and she welcomed Yuuji into their family. A day she will never forget.


He was such a cute boy in the photo. But now… He had grown into such an irresistible young man.


She could imagine him being surrounded by girls right about now. After all, as a woman who had seen, met, and be courted by countless handsome and rich men from all over the world, Yuuji was objectively the most handsome of them all after his sudden change. 


Even now, she couldn’t believe how much he had changed. It happened so suddenly. She thought she was watching him grow every day, but before she knew it, he had become the man of her dreams…


Ufufufu~ You’ve grown into such a sinful man haven’t you, Yuuji~? To steal mommy’s heart like this~ And I’m sure you’ve also stolen the hearts of many other girls in your school, right~?


She giggled mischievously as she leaned back to her seat and looked at the ceiling. 


It seems like our family will grow so big in the near future. Perhaps, it would be a good idea to start searching for a mansion that could house everyone~


Mira fell into her daydream for a while before she returned to her room and plopped down on her bed. 


She slipped her hand beneath her sheets and took out the boxer Yuuji wore just this morning. The thick, manly scent mixed with the smell of his sweat still prominent on it; a rare and precious piece she immediately took from the laundry before it was washed.


Immediately, Mira buried her face straight into the crotch part of his boxers and breathed in a lungful of his scent.


“Mmmh~! Yuuji~ It’s so thick~! I love your manly smell~!”


As she pressed his boxers into her nose, her other hand slithered down from her breasts to between her thighs and began to rub her moistened sacred flower from above her pants.


It has been her morning routine to fantasize about his son with a piece of his clothing ever since Yuuji had his first ejaculation. Every day, when Yuuji and her daughters went to school, she will pleasure herself to calm her ever-increasing lust for her son until he would make her dreams a reality himself. 


After seeing his change this morning and the manly gaze in his eyes when he looked at her, she could feel that the time will not be much longer.


“Fufufufu~ I wonder how he will ravage me with his big thing~ Mmnhh~”





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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