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Chapter 34

Walking through the silent hallway basked in the afternoon sun, Yuuji and Aika enjoyed the peaceful silence.


Aika hugged Yuuji’s side tightly, acting super spoiled like she usually would in their home, while Yuuji wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer as they walked.


They spent a lot more time than expected in the toilet making love with each other and most students had already gone home by this time, so the hallways were empty. 


Aika had already told Erika that they’ll go home a bit late as well, and judging by the way Aika was giggling while texting her, Yuuji was sure she told her what they’re doing to make them go home late. 


So, since they’ve already told her they’ll be late home, they decided to enjoy the rare emptiness of the school and flirt in the open while they’re heading back to their class to take their bags.


Just then, in the empty hallway, they saw a familiar figure peeking through a slightly opened door into an empty classroom. 


“Hm? Is that Mizuki? Wait, this is…”


“Hm…? Ah! It must be that event! Yuuji, I choose you! Go!”


Aika raised her hand forward and pointed at Mizuki while holding the side of her waist with her other hand and commanded her p*kemon to go.


“Wha- What am I, a p*kemon?!”


“Just go!”




Yuuji dashed towards Miyuki as she ducked down and screamed. With his elemental sight, he could see an ancient magic spell charging towards her. He immediately waved his hand towards it and used Gram Demolition to erase the spell and stood in front of her. 


“Who are yo-! Wait… You are…”


A look of shock flashed across the face of the young man before him, replacing the glare that he had when unleashing his spell. 


“My name is Tsubakihara Yuuji. I have no intention of fighting with you. I’m simply protecting her from your spell.”


He finally snapped out of his daze and quickly lowered his head. 


“Ah… I’m sorry… That was never my intention.”


“Don’t mind it. It wasn’t your fault. Mizuki disturbed a spell-caster’s composure and you simply retaliated with a reaction that is ingrained into you.”


“E-Eh?! I-I’m to blame?”


“Mizuki-chan~ That was dangerous you know~? Don’t go peeking around like that again, okay~?”


Aika appeared and hugged Mizuki from behind!


“Kya-! A-Aika-san?! What are you…”


“K-Kiryuu… Aika…?”


“Yes yes~ That’s me~ Who are you~?”


Aika grinned and waved her hand at the clearly blushing young boy before her as he began to nervously introduce herself.


“A-Ah, m-my name is Yoshida Mikihiko from Class 1E.”


“Oh, so you’re in the same class as Tatsuya?”




Mikihiko then turned towards Yuuji and lowered his head once again.


“Thank you, Tsubakihara-kun. Because of you, I avoided injuring Shibata-san…”


“It’s fine. Anyway, that was one of the Ancient Magic Spells, Spirit Magic, wasn’t it?”


Yuuji and Aika noticed Mikihiko flinching at Yuuji’s words before a sigh escaped his lips.


“Well, there’s no use in hiding it now… It is, as you say, Tsubakihara-kun. I was using water spirit to practice my summoning spell.


“Water spirits, huh… Mizuki, I saw you peeking through the door earlier. What… were you seeing?”


Yuuji glanced towards Mizuki, who became even more flustered from being in such close proximity with Yuuji and Aika at the same time. Yuuji’s appearance alone was enough to make her heart go crazy, but even Aika made her heart go even crazier!


“E-Eh?! I-I-I saw something floating around… T-They’re like orbs of light in shades of blue-”


“What?! You could see the different shades of color of the spirits?!”


Yuuji immediately put his body in front of Mizuki and Aika hugged her even tighter when Mikihiko suddenly raised his voice and took a step forward.

“Calm down, Yoshida.”


“Yoshida, if you act like that, you’ll scare this cute girl away!”




“I-I’m sorry…”


Mikihiko snapped out of his shock and bowed apologetically towards Mizuki.


“When I thought you might actually possess the Crystal Eyes, I just couldn’t help myself…”


“Yoshida, I agree that Mizuki’s golden eyes are super beautiful, but you still can’t lunge forward like that!”



“T-That’s not what I meant! I-I meant that she has the eyes to see spirits!”


“Oh? So you’re saying her eyes are not beautiful? How dare you!”

“T-That’s not what I meant either!!!”


Yuuji sighed helplessly as he watched this. He knew Aika was gaslighting Mikihiko and using this chance to hug and make herself look good in front of Mizuki. 


As he expected, his girlfriend is really crafty and perverted after all. 


“Alright alright… Aika, stop teasing the poor man.”


“Hehe~ Okay~”


Yuuji smiled helplessly and turned towards Mikihiko, who could finally breathe a sigh of relief.


“Anyway, can you explain to us what you mean by Crystal Eyes?”


“Sure… It’s not a great secret anyways… We, who could manipulate Spirits, identify these spirits by color. But not in the literal sense since we can’t really see them in a true sense.”


“Hm… So you’re identifying them by interpreting their vibrations through magic.”


“Exactly. It varies by school, but my school sees water as blue, fire as red, and so on.”


“I see… And Mizuki is capable of literally seeing them.”


“Yes. And she could also perceive the different levels of power and nature of the water spirits as different shades of color. Such eyes are known as “eyes that could see God”, the Crystal Eyes, in my school.”


“I see… So Mizuki is the kind of person you’d sell your soul to possess, right?”


“Right… A year ago, I would’ve been mesmerized and claimed her for myself by force.”




“You can’t, Yoshida! Mizuki is mine! I won’t give her to you! I love her!”


“A-A-A-Aika-san! W-What are you talking about?! Geez!”


“T-that’s not what I mea-! I-I don’t have those kinds of desires or tendencies anymore, okay?! But still, that doesn’t mean that other practitioners would feel the same way as me…”


“Humu… Mizuki-chan is a super cute and nice girl with huge boobs, after all. Ouch~!”

“Stop harassing Mizuki. Can’t you see she’s overheating right now?”


Yuuji bonked Aika on the head softly with a chop before she turned towards Mizuki. She’s already super red to her ears and was fidgeting in her embrace. 


“Ara~ I’m sorry, Mizuki-chan.”


“I-It’s okay…”


“But all my words are true, you know~”



Yuuji sighed softly and turned towards Mikihiko.


“Let’s keep this matter between ourselves.”


“Mm, I agree. It’ll be dangerous if word got out that Shibata-san has Crystal eyes.”


Mikihiko turned his gaze towards Mizuki, but immediately averted them again with a blushing face since Mizuki was still being embraced and teased by Aika.


Seeing such a spicy action between two extremely beautiful and cute girls had definitely made his teenage hormones act up, and he couldn't possibly show it right now. 


“Then, we’ll return first. You can continue your training. I’m sorry for disturbing you.”


“A-Ah, u-uhn… See you.”


Mikihiko watched in a daze as Yuuji held both girls’ shoulders and left together before returning to his training.




August 1st, 2095.


On a clear, sunny day, Yuuji and Tatsuya stood outside of the bus that will be carrying them to the hotel near the site of the Nine Schools Competition to wait for Mayumi. 


They had a list which Tatsuya would check for every student/member of the team who had already arrived and entered the bus. So they had to stand outside in the blazing heat to wait for the last person to arrive.


As the head of the Disciplinary Committee and because the last person they’re waiting for was her close friend, Mari originally wanted to be the one to stand outside along with Tatsuya. However, Yuuji insisted on taking on the role since he didn’t want her to stand in such a blazing heat. With his [Divine Physique], such heat wouldn’t affect him regardless, so it’s better for him to be the one to stand outside.


The chairman of the Disciplinary Committee blushed, and finally acquiesced to his suggestion before thanking him meekly. 


It has been almost one and a half hours since, and Yuuji had just been chatting with Tatsuya. 


“I heard from Aika that you are practicing using two CADs at once. How is it going?”

“Oh, she told you? Yeah, it’s been going pretty well. I managed to use both my Gun and bracelet to cast different spells at once. It was… simpler than I expected.”


“You are just that talented, Yuuji.”


“I think it’s more of my SSR’s effect than talent, but thank you.”


“Are you planning on using it during the event?”


“Perhaps. If the situation calls for it. I mean… I might be forced to use it if my team was really hit by that Battering Ram spell during Monolith Code…”


“Mm… Be careful. Although you’ve prepared layers upon layers of plan, there might be something you miss.”


“Thank you, Tatsuya. I’ll be careful. And in the worst case… I can have Aika heal me.”


“If you’re really hurt, then she and Erika might give you an even worse injury from being hurt before she healed you.”


“...I can see that happening actually.”


They shared a small laugh together.


And soon, a beautiful, bell-like voice resounded accompanied by hurried clacking of heels that became louder and louder as she approached them. 


“I’m so sorry~!!!”


“President. Good morning.”


Yuuji greeted her with a slight nod and a brilliant smile that naturally appeared on his face when he saw Mayumi’s outfit.


She looked… sexy yet innocent at the same time in a white, flowery, sundress. Her exposed shoulders that reddened slightly from the heat made her unblemished, porcelain skin appear healthy and mouthwatering. And not to mention the sun hat which further completed her look of innocence as a flower girl.


She was absolutely beautiful. 


“Good morning, Yuuji-kun~ Tatsuya-kun as well, I’m very sorry for making you wait.”


“It is fine, president. Then, if you’d please excuse me.”


Tatsuya bowed and left to head to the truck where the engineers would be on. 


“Yes, thank you~”


Mayumi waved at Tatsuya and turned her gaze meekly towards Yuuji with her hands on her back.


Seeing her obvious nervousness and red cheeks, Yuuji’s smile further widened from her adorableness. 


“You look very beautiful, president. I almost mistook you for a fairy who stumbled into this world after losing her way in the Fey realm.”




Mayumi shrieked in surprise and her face turned a shade of red deeper as she looked at Yuuji in disbelief. She was super happy, evident in how fast her heart was beating right now, but she still couldn’t believe he’d compliment her without even batting an eye.


And at that observation, a thought that made her pout came to mind.


“...Yuuji-kun, are you used to complimenting girls?”


His eyes widened slightly, surprised by her sudden question and pout. But he quickly realized the reason.


With most, if not, all of his time spent with Aika and Erika, he had been subconsciously getting used to complimenting girls on their looks. So when he saw how beautiful she looked, he said the truth like he always did. 


“I simply told you how I really feel, president. You look… absolutely stunning.”


He quickly averted his gaze after he slowly looked at Mayumi’s figure from top to bottom… He couldn’t simply lower his gaze down because even her legs and feet are beautiful and made him feel things! And this was not the place for it! 


“E-Eh? T-Thank you…”


Mayumi averted her gaze shyly and lowered her sunhat slightly to hide her redly blushing face from Yuuji as she fidgeted nervously. This was the first time she had ever felt this way from a compliment on her looks. 


It felt like there were butterflies in her stomach and her heart felt as if they’re about to burst!


Finally, unable to stand the awkward atmosphere anymore, Mayumi raised her voice, causing it to slightly crack.


“L-Let us enter the bus and depart!”


“Y-Yes! Please, after you.”


“T-Thank you…”


Yuuji offered his hand to help her climb up the stairs to the bus before entering after her. And the moment they entered, all the students who have been watching them from the windows welcomed them with stares.


Mayumi lowered her head in embarrassment once again before quickly making her way to her seat beside Suzune and averted her face away from everyone. While Yuuji simply smiled wryly before heading back to his seat beside Aika. 


And when he sat down, he could see Aika smirking at him and giving him a thumbs up. Just from her eyes, he could see her saying “Good job on making the pres fall in love with you! Now, I can sleep with her too~!”


He let out a sigh and leaned back to his seat as their bus began to move and make their way to the hotel.


The trip was peaceful and pleasant. Aika was having fun chatting with Miyuki, Honoka, and Shizuku and sharing snacks while Yuuji occasionally joined in on their conversation. 


But as they were going through the highway, the “event” happened as promised. 


A tire from a jet-black car on the other road on the highway parallel to them suddenly popped. It spun out of control and hit the concrete barrier and launched up into the air and dropped onto their lane before bursting into flames. 


The bus driver quickly hit the brakes and spun it until it was horizontal, and with the help of a spell, managed to stop the bus. But the flaming car was still approaching fast, skitting across the concrete road and sending sparks flying everywhere. 


In a panic, Kanon, Shizuku, and Shun stood up from their seats and began casting spells.








“Idiot! Stop it!”


“Stop your spells!”


“Everyone, calm down!”


Mari, Yuuji, and Mayumi all raised their voices in a panic, knowing that spells launched in a disorderly manner would cancel each other out, rendering them useless.


Yuuji quickly raised his left sleeves, revealing his bracelet CAD, and took out his golden Gun-shaped CAD from his holsters he wore inside his blazer that shocked everyone.


I’m counting on you to erase that, Tatsuya! I don’t wanna reveal that I can use Gram Demolition since there might be unwanted eyes watching us!


“Yuuji-kun, what are yo-”


Mari stopped mid-sentence when she saw the magic circles from the spells Kanon, Shizuku, and Shun cast suddenly shattered. 


Then in quick succession, Yuuji activated his bracelet and erased the raging flames with a powerful ice spell before firing his gun to lift up the car into the air. 




The bus went silent as they stared shockingly at Yuuji, who was slowly placing the car back down. 


“Yuuji… kun…”


Yuuji slowly turned towards Mari and Mayumi, who was staring at him with widened eyes along with the others, and said the line he had been preparing since he and Tatsuya came up with a plan to tackle this event with an awkward smile.


“T-That was close, wasn’t it?”




The bus carrying the First High School’s athletes and the other cars carrying their engineers and equipment stopped at the side of the road after the accident. 


They’ve taped off the site of the crash and Tatsuya along with other members of the staff were recording every detail of the scene, may they be physical and magical. 


Both Yuuji and Tatsuya hope they could capture the driver alive since they knew that the driver caused the accident deliberately using magic. If they could capture and question him, they might be able to direct Mayumi, Mari, and Juumonji attention to the looming danger that would await them during the competition. 


That is the whole reason why Yuuji had to be the one to handle it. If Miyuki and Juumonji were to be the one to stop it, the driver would’ve died from crashing into Juumonji’s Phalanx spell. 


But unfortunately, it didn’t go as well as they planned. When they checked the car, the driver had been found dead from poisoning. It seemed like he had taken his own life using a lethal pill, or L-pill, when he realized that he had failed. 


Yuuji clenched his fist as he focused his gaze on the crashed car. 


I didn’t expect they would kill themselves… Seems like they’re crazier than I expected.


He knew that anyone who would kill themselves for an organization like No Head Dragons were already insane. But he didn’t expect them to be crazy enough to actually use an L-pill. 


Hah… I need to be careful… Even more so than I already have…


He turned his gaze to Aika and recalled Erika’s figure in his mind as he renewed his decision. This was no longer all about clearing the mission anymore. This was now to protect her loved ones and friends from such dangerous individuals and organizations. 


Just then, Mayumi’s bell-like voice brought Yuuji out of his daze and made him turn his gaze towards her. 


“Thank you very much, Yuuji-kun~ Thanks to you, the bus came out unscathed~ And I didn’t expect you to be able to use two CADs at once~!”


“Mm. You’ve done well. I am impressed at your spells as well as your decision making abilities.”


Juumonji said with a rare smile, albeit slight, and a solemn nod.


“I was surprised too. Since when could you dual wield CADs?”


Mari asked with an impressed look that was shared with almost everyone in the bus.


“Thank you very much. I have been practicing this technique in hopes of using this as a secret weapon during the events. I did not think I would use it in such a manner. But, the fact that I can prepare my spells properly was all thanks to Ichihara-senpai for using a Deceleration spell to stop the bus.”


Yuuji smiled towards Suzune, who simply replied with a node and a smile.


“Ichihara-senpai did that…”


“Whereas you, on the other hand… Morisaki and Kitayama are first years, so it’s still tolerable. But how could you, as a second year, lead the charge in creating that mess? You know that spells launched disorderly will cancel each other out and render them useless, don’t you?”

Mari reprimanded after lightly knocking Kanon on the forehead.


“I’m very sorry…”


“In times of crisis, the first thing to do is stay calm. And do not forget the importance of communicating.”


Mari said to the whole class before turning her gaze towards Yuuji. 


A beautiful smile and rosy cheeks bloomed on her face before she lowered her head slightly in a show of gratitude for him. If they was no one here, she would’ve ran straight up to him and jump into his embrace to give him the biggest hug as a reward! But maybe… since they would be spending the next few weeks together, there might be a chance for them to rendezvous…?


No, what are you thinking, Mayumi! Such a thing… I-I need to focus on the competition!!!


She tried her best to shake those thoughts away. But as soon as she saw Yuuji sweetly smiling towards her, everything but Yuuji immediately flew away from her mind.





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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