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Chapter 26

Led by the chairwoman of the Disciplinary Committee herself, Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya soon arrived at the headquarters of the committee, and they were immediately welcomed by a… surprising sight. 


The large, wooden table at the center of the room was filled with boxes, papers, CADs, and various other things, spared around in a complete mess. But that wasn’t the end. The entire room was filled with things messily spread around, boxes stacked on top of each other, opened boxes that could barely hold the things shoved in there, as well as papers and CADs of various types, size, and shapes, covering the floor to the point that even walking around would risk bumping into or stepping onto something. 


“Welcome to the Disciplinary Committee headquarters! This will be where you’ll be spending the majority of your time while you’re not in class or patrolling. So I hope you find it comfortable!”


Mari walked casually into the room, as if the mess didn’t exist in her eyes, and welcomed the three, who were stunned by the sight, with a smile. 


“Uhm… May I clean up this room, first and foremost, Watanabe-senpai? As someone aspiring to be a magic engineer, the state of this room is unbearable for me.”


“I would like to help as well, senpai. Even as someone not aspiring to be a magic engineer, this is just…”


“Mm… Even for me, this is a little…”

Mari blinked a few times in surprise.


“Alright… Wait. Tatsuya-kun, why do you aspire to be a magic engineer? With your combat capability, wouldn’t you be able to easily get a license?”


Tatsuya picked up a CAD and began cleaning up the fragile devices first before moving on to the others as Yuuji and Aika also began cleaning up.


“No… At my skill level, I can’t hope for more than a C-level license.”


After a while and with the four of them cleaning up, the room had become completely different from when they first entered. 


Things that were all around the place were put tidily into a box which is moved to a place where people won’t bump into them or into a cabinet, and the CADs are also properly placed on the shelves for the members’ ease of access. 


Just then, two males entered the room. One of them was a built man with a strong jaw, square chin, and spiky hair, while the other had a softer, younger look. Both of them were course 1 students, judging by the flower emblem on the side of their shoulder, and a band signifying their status as members of the Disciplinary Committee.




“Good morning!”


“Oh, ane-san! So you’re here, huh?”


The man with spiky hair said as soon as he saw Mari present in the room.


“Chairwoman, we have completed today’s patrol mission. No arrests have been made.”




Just then, with rolled up papers in hand, Mari smacked the spiky haired man across the face and continued to beat him on the head.


“Don’t call me ane-san! How many times do I have to tell you that! Is that head of yours just an empty ornament?!”


“P-Please don’t beat me up like that!”




The man sighed and looked around, and his eyes immediately widened in shock. The other man, the one with a softer, younger look, also widened his eyes in shock.


“C-Chairwoman, w-why are the two sensations of the school here right now? C-Could it be…? A-Are they joining this committee?!”


“Yes, they are. Let me introduce you. This is Tsubakihara Yuuji and Kiryuu Aika. I fought tooth and nails to have them in our ranks so you better treat them well.”


Yuuji and Aika stepped forward and lowered their head in a bow. 


“It is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to working with you.”


“It’s nice to meet you~! Please take care of me~”


“My name is Sawaki Midori. Likewise, Tsubakihara-kun, Kiryuu-kun.”


Midori shook both of their hands and turned towards his friend. He was being very silent, considering he was boisterous most of the time.


He saw him staring at Aika in a daze, absolutely mesmerized by her beauty. His eyes were wide and unmoving, and there was a slight blush on his cheeks. 


But almost immediately after, a loud slapping sound resounded as Mari began pounding on his cheeks with her rolled up papers and yelled at him.


“Why are you looking at your juniors like that?! Do you have no manners?! How could you stare at a girl that blatantly!”


“I-I’m sorry! Please, stop that!”


A few more slaps later, Mari stopped with a huff, and the beaten up man finally introduced himself.


“M-My name is Tatsumi Koutarou. Uhm… Sorry for staring like that. I was really surprised when I saw the two of you. I’ve only heard of you in rumors. I hope I didn’t offend you.”


“No no~ It’s fine~ It’s nice to meet you, Tatsumi-senpai~”


“It is nice to meet you as well.”


Koutaro then slapped Yuuji’s arms a few times and grinned widely.


“Oooh! You’re really well-built! And now that I can see you upclose, I can definitely say that those rumors weren’t exaggerations after all! If I was a girl, then I would definitely be head over heels for you like my female classmates.”


“A-Ahahaha… Thank you for the… compliment?”


Yuuji forced a smile and held his arm where Tatsumi slapped him. It didn’t hurt at all, but the sensation that lingered made him unconsciously hold it. 


“Don’t mind him, Tsubakihara-kun. A pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard many amazing things about you. I look forward to working with you.”


“Likewise, Sawaki-senpai. I will be relying on you from now on.”


Midori nodded and turned towards Aika with a soft smile as well.


“Kiryuu-kun as well. I look forward to working with you.”


“Hehe~ Please take care of me too, senpais~!”


“Oh! And if you ever have any trouble during your patrols, just say it to your radio. I’m sure all the guys will immediately come rushing to help you!”


“Hehe~ Of course~”


Well, I won’t need them since Yuuji will definitely come to me at a moment's notice~


Aika added in her mind. 


Koutaro’s grin disappeared after a while as he glanced towards Tatsuya. He then turned back towards Mari and began.


“By the way, Chairwoman… Seems like these two aren’t the only new faces here… An emblemless, huh?”


“Tatsumi-senpai, I believe your choice of word may run afoul of the banned words regulations. In this case, the correct term for it would be Course 2 student.”


Mari smiled helplessly and crossed her arms.


“You guys, you’re going to get the rug pulled out from under you if you think so simplistically like that.”


She sat on the wooden table and leaned in slightly. 


“Between you and me, Hattori just got himself royally tripped up a little while ago.”


“Eh?! You mean…”

The two immediately turned their eyes towards Tatsuya in shock. 


“...that guy defeated that Hattori?”


“That’s right, and in an official match too.”


“What the… To think that Hattori, who had been undefeated ever since he entered this school, was defeated by a new student… We’ve got ourselves not only two, but three phenomena, huh chairwoman… This is amazing.”


“That’s really reassuring! I’m glad we have him on our side!”


Mari then turned towards Tatsuya with a smile.


“Surprising isn’t it?”


Tatsuya met her gaze and she continued.


“This school, with its asinine Bloom/Weed labeling, is teeming with people either wallowing in their sense of superiority, or drowning in their sense of inferiority. To tell you the truth, I’ve been fed up with it all. Fortunately, both Mayumi and Juumonji of the Extracurricular Activities Federation know what kind of personality I have. They’ve used their recommendation slots to pick people who are relatively immune to those kinds of sensibilities. Their feelings of superiority may not quite be zero and they might not be as… nondiscriminatory as your friends here. But they’re good guys who can evaluate others’ skills fairly. I don’t think this place will be all that uncomfortable for you.”


Koutaro then approached Tatsuya with his hand raised towards him. 


“I’m Tatsumi Koutaro of Class 3-C. I look forward to working with you. Able guys like you are more than welcome here!”


“I’m Sawaki Midori of Class 2-D. I look forward to working with you as well, Shiba-kun. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask us.”


Tatsuya paused for a moment. Even though he had seen this scene happen once in the anime, to experience it in reality himself… This sense of acceptance, and not discrimination was… nice.


He grabbed the hand Koutaro held up to him and shook it.


“I'm a first year student, Shiba tatsuya. Likewise… I look forward to working with you as well.”




Within the underground level of his mansion, Yuuji sat behind a desk, looking at the holographic screen before him as his hand typed with lightning speed on the keyboard. At first glance, he seemed to be typing on a touch screen or the sort as there was no mechanical keyboard. But in reality, it was yet another hologram projected onto the immaculate surface of his desk that would receive input from his fingers just like a normal keyboard would. 


It was a technology that needed to get used to, but with his accelerated learning and the overall convenience and ease of use of the technology, Yuuji was able to use it masterfully in but a few days.


By his side was the golden gun-shaped CAD, placed upon a rectangular-shaped device around 30cm by 30cm by 5cm in length, width, and height. It was a device used to connect his CAD to his computer wirelessly, without the need for cables or the sort. It resembled the wireless charging technology he heard of from his mother, who got the info from her friend that worked in a world-leading technological company. 


But instead of charging, it could transfer files between his CAD and his computer at high speed, a technology neither his or Aika’s world has at the moment. Perhaps, the only other world that has such technology was Suzuki’s, given he already has a full, hyper realistic, virtual reality game. 


Yuuji had stayed in his lab for quite a few hours, ever since he returned home after school. He had learned how to program and use both “Gram Demolition” and “Gram Dispersion” from Tatsuya, and given the fact that he had “Elemental Sight”, he was able to use these two most powerful counter-magic within Non-Systematic Magic easily. 


However, there was one other type of counter-magic that he wanted to create. One that protects him automatically, without the need for him to shoot the magic-unraveling bullet or wave, but one that would serve as an armor against all magic attacks. He could already defend against physical attacks by simply bending the space around him and deflecting it, but he didn’t have a solution for magic attacks aside from his natural high magic resistance he got from [Divine Physique]. 


He recalled someone having such magic, though he couldn’t recall the name since he had only seen it in a glance when he browsed through the forums discussing the anime. Thus, it was not impossible to create it, and with his knowledge about “Gram Demolition” and “Gram Dispersion”, he felt like he could recreate that magic. 


The basic principle of “Gram Demolition” and “Gram Dispersion” is the use of compressed Psion particles, without any structure nor magic ritual meant to modify an event, to forcibly blow away all accompanying activation sequence and magic sequence. Thus, to create an armor that would unravel any magic it came in contact with, he simply had to condense psions around his body into an armor of formless psions. 


With his immense psion reserve and control over it, Yuuji was able to recreate the effect. However, it is still a temporary one. He was simply brute forcing to create the effect. 


His goal was to recreate the effect without the need to focus on it constantly, be able to cast magic when using it, and being able to cast it on someone else.


This was yet another problem he encountered. When he attempted to cast magic, he found that the formless, structure-less group of psions began forming a structure, which would be susceptible to counter-magic like “Gram Demolition” and “Gram Dispersion”. Of course, his innate active magic wouldn’t be affected and he would be able to cast it normally, given it interferes directly with the structural information of reality. 


He came up with several ideas to perhaps solve this problem. One of them being storing it in a specialized CAD that would activate upon detecting the presence of magic within a certain vicinity. As for having it cast on someone else… all he could think of currently was to give the CAD with that spell to that someone, which wasn’t really his goal…


He spent the majority of his time trying to solve these problems, but even then, he failed to reach a solution. So he decided to stop for the day.


Yuuji stretched his body, picked up his CAD, and headed back up while looking at his phone.


“Oh, it’s already eight. Hah… I hope Aika didn’t wait for me and had some dinner herself.”


He ascended the spiraling stairs and began searching for Aika. Perhaps after having dinner, they could take a bath together before cuddling in their bed until they fell asleep. 


“Aika! Oooiii. Where are you?”


He yelled her name several times, but there was no reply. He searched her original room, or storage for her clothes, the kitchen, and the living room. But she was still nowhere to be found. 


“Where is she…?”


Yuuji let out a small sigh before closing his eyes and used “Elemental Sight” to search for her. And in an instant, he found her. 


He walked out to the swimming pool through the massive glass doors in the living room, and froze. 


Before him, dancing along the edges of the swimming pool, was Aika. 


She was in a tank top that accentuated her massive breasts and hot pants that hugged her round hips perfectly. 


However, the elegance of her movement, the gracefulness of her every step, and her solemn expression sucked Yuuji’s attention and breath away even more than her bewitching figure. In addition, the moonlight from above and the light reflected from the calm surface of the water, twinkling like the countless stars in the night sky, framed her heavenly figure in divine light, stealing his ability to breathe for a moment. 


Normally, Aika was an extremely cheerful, outgoing girl who was always confident in herself. She was never afraid to talk her mind, bold, and friendly to those who came to her without ill-intent. 


But now, basking under the heavenly lights, she looked ever so pure, innocent, graceful, and heavenly. Like a Goddess of the moon, her presence alone entranced Yuuji like never before.


He stared at her in silence for a moment until Aika finally noticed him. 


“W-Wha-?! Y–Yuuji?!”


She stumbled on her steps, fortunately not falling into the pool when she regained herself, and looked at him with eyes wide as saucers and face red as a tomato. 


But upon seeing Yuuji still entranced and in a desperate attempt to hide her own embarrassment from being seen doing such an uncharacteristic thing, she put on her teasing grin and approached Yuuji, leaning forward as she did to give him a full view of her cleavage. She was not wearing any bra at the moment, only a tank top, which would skyrocket the damage of her breasts. 


“A-Ara ara~ Were you entranced by my beauty, Yuuji~? Hehehe~ You’re so cute~”


Yuuji snapped out of his daze and became flustered. His heart beated extremely quickly when he realized he was caught staring and being entranced by her.


But upon seeing her faltering smirk and realizing what she was hiding, Yuuji steeled his heart and teased her back.


“Yes… I was entranced by your beauty…”

He slithered his arms around her slim waist, pulled her into his embrace, whispered softly right into her ear, and bit it lightly. 




Immediately, he could feel Aika shivering in pleasure before her body completely lose its strength and she leaned her entire body weight on him.


And as Yuuji separated himself slightly to see her face, he saw blood flowing down her nose.


"Ah?! What happened?!"


Aika snapped out of her daze at his shout and immediately felt something dripping down her nose.


"Wha-?! Aaaah! I-I-It's all your fault!!!!"


She yelled upon seeing the blood on her fingers after she wiped her nose. 


"H-How is it my fault?!”


"Ahhh! It’ll stain my nightwear!”


“Ah, come on, raise your head and look up!"


Panicking, Aika raised her head up and pinched her nose as Yuuji held her shoulders.


“I-It’s still dripping!”


"Aaahh, you need to lie down! Keep holding your nose!


"Eh?! Uwoooh!"


Yuuji carried her in a princess carry and flew to his room with his magic. He immediately laid her down on his bed and brought her a box of tissue, helping her wipe off the blood before it dripped on her clothes or his bed.


After wiping off the blood that flowed down her hand and stuffing her nose, Yuuji couldn’t help but smile at her.


“How can you get a nosebleed just from that? We’ve done even more embarrassing things, right?”


They’ve had sex countless times ever since they arrived in this world. They’ve done much more embarrassing things together and exposed every nook and cranny of their body to each other. Enough that Yuuji couldn’t think of anything they hadn’t shown each other. 


But to think she would get a nosebleed from just a whisper. He couldn't help but think how adorable it was. 


“Y-You caught me by surprise! A-And uhm… I-I love that kind of whisper… I-I used to masturbate to nsfw ASMR drama cd of hot sounding guys…”


Yuuji giggled at her pouting before laying down next to her and pulled her into his embrace.


He kissed her forehead softly, then her cheeks, and finally her lips before he pulled her head to his chest and began stroking her hair softly.


“I see. I know ASMR and drama cds from anime, but I didn’t know there’s an nsfw version of it. That’s quite interesting.”


“Uhn! I’ve listened to a lot of hot sounding guys whispering to me and moaning in my ears!! B-But… Even when compared to them… Y-Your voice is number one. L-Like seriously! I-I really love your voice…”


Yuuji smiled softly at her attempt to reassure him. But in truth, there’s really no need for her to try this hard. After all, she had cummed after he whispered his confession to her ear, and now, that she had a nosebleed just from his whisper. 


“...Do you want me to do it for you more often?”


Seeing how much she loved it, Yuuji couldn't help but ask. After all, he wanted to satisfy her kinks too and make her happy..


“...Will you?”


Aika raised her head and looked up at him, resting her chin on his chest.. 


“Of course. Though not in public. We can whisper to each other when we cuddle at night or when we’re relaxing. ”


Aika gulped. Just imagining it makes her feel butterflies in her stomach and heat brewing from down below.


“T-That sounds… amazing! T-Then… H-How about recording your voice…? I-I want to be able to listen to you always… Not just at night when we’re about to go to sleep… I-I’ll write the script! You just have to say it and record it!”


“E-Eh? Aaaah… Sure. But I’ve never done anything like that, so I don’t know how it’ll turn up.”


“Don’t worry! Your voice is super hot! I know I’ll cum at least 5 times before I reach the 10  minute mark! I’ll also buy a super nice microphone for you!”


Yuuji looked at her speechlessly as her eyes sparkled in excitement, looking at him with vigor. 



“Hehe~ I can’t wait~ I’m super inspired right now~!!!”


“...Why do I feel anxious?”


He let out a sigh. He accepted her request in the heat of the moment, but after thinking about it further, he realized just what kind of things she might ask him to record.


“Don’t worry~ I’ll just be making you say romantic things, sexy things, and sexy moans~ As for the scenario… Hehehe~ Look forward to it~!”


“...Alright. But nothing extreme, okay?”


“I get it, already~! Now, take off those pants!!! I’ll be having your cum as dinner instead! I’m super hungry, so I’ll suck you dry! Consider it your punishment for making me wait on you!”


“You know I can just make something real quick, right?”


“Then, I’ll suck you off while you cook!”






The next day. 


It was the first day of the new members' invitation week, when all the clubs within the prestigious Magical University Affiliated First High School would show off their club activities and recruit freshmen to their circle. 


With the expected commotion and troubles born from excitement and passions of the students in trying to recruit promising talents into their club, the Disciplinary Committee gathered in their headquarters the first thing in the morning for a briefing by the chairwoman before they patrol the school and handle the aforementioned troubles. 


“Once again this year, the week of unbridled shenanigans is upon us. As the snagging of talented club members is a crucial task that directly influences the power map of each club, it is unfortunately not uncommon for the ensuing mad scramble to degrade into no-holds-barred fistfights or magic shootouts.”


Mari then turned towards Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya who were sitting at the end of the long, wooden, meeting tables and smiled proudly.


“Luckily, this year we were able to replace our departing graduates in time. And with incredible and promising talents as well. Let me introduce you to them. Stand up.”


The three of them stand up, and immediately, all eyes fall unto Yuuji and Aika, not only for their transcendent beauty, but the prestige they’ve accumulated since they first entered the school as well. It is well known that they were ranked second and third in the entrance exam as well as having displayed tremendous knowledge in magic and general studies that impressed teachers and students alike. It is no wonder that everyone here has been eyeing them the moment they arrived in the headquarters. 


“As all of you might already know, this is Tsubakihara Yuuji and Kiryuu Aika of Class 1-A, and Shiba Tatsuya of Class 1-E. They’ll be joining the patrol detail right away.”


Koutarou and Sawaki glanced at them secretly and smiled, a look of pride in their eyes for perhaps knowing about them and becoming acquainted with them sooner. 


“That’s amazing, chairwoman… I can’t believe these two would become a Disciplinary Committee member…”


Other whispers of agreements and awe followed as they all looked at Yuuji and Aika in amazement. Especially Aika, as most of them were also entranced by her beauty except for Koutarou and Sawaki. 


But then, one of them pointed towards Tatsuya with his thumb and asked.


“Are they going to be useful?”


“Don’t worry. They’re all competent. I’ve already observed Shiba-kun’s skills in person, and I believe none of you would doubt the skills of these two celebrities here?”


The room became silent. While some were still doubting Tatsuya’s skill, they all held their tongue, knowing the kind of personality their chairwoman has. 


“Very well. Then, let’s send you on your way. Mobilize!”




The seniors all exited the room and began their patrols while Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya stayed for a bit to get their arm band and recording device. 


Disciplinary Committee members are permitted to carry their CADs on the school grounds. They are also free to use it as they see fit without the need to request anyone’s permission. However, if it is found that they used it inappropriately, they will not only be relieved of their post, but their punishment will also be more severe than a regular student committing the same offense. 


“I have a question. Are we allowed to use the Disciplinary Committee’s equipment as our CAD.”

“That’s fine, but those are old-school, you know?”


“That is true. They may be out-school, but they’re all the high quality devices calibrated for experts for their time.”


“If that’s the case, then feel free to use them. They’re just sitting there collecting dust anyway.


“Thank you very much. Then, I will be borrowing these two.”


“Two of them? You’re really an interesting one, aren’t you? How about you, Tsubakihara-kun, Kiryuu-san?” 


“We will be using these if you don’t mind, chairwoman.”


Yuuji and Aika both shifted their sleeves up a bit, revealing a beautiful, titanium bracelet around two centimeter wide on their wrists. 


They’re high quality CAD devices Yuuji borrowed from Tatsuya that he had calibrated a few days ago for the both of them. Numerous spells have been programmed into Aika’s CAD, which would allow her to defend herself easily. 


Meanwhile, he also programmed some spells into his CAD as well as the lesser version of his innate active magic, a spell similar to telekinesis. It is a very more powerful and advanced spell, even more than the level of spells most students would be able to wield, though still much more limited than his “Gravity”, which is capable of bending the literal space around him. But his ability to use it could be easily explained by his exam rankings and the skills he had shown thus far. 


Mari looked at the two bracelets back and forth and smirked with a teasing look.


“That’s fine, but matching CADs, huh?”




Yuuji smiled helplessly as Aika gave Mari a peace sign. 


“Alright. Just don’t mistake this as a chance for a date. You’re still on the clock, okay?”




“Of course.”


“Then go. Be careful, and good luck.”




Patrolling outside, where tents have been erected along the center road in between the two massive courtyards leading up to the main entrance of the First High School where all students walk through every morning, Yuuji looked around vigilantly, alone. 


Unfortunately, Aika and Tatsuya were assigned somewhere else; Aika in the gymnasium and Tatsuya in the entrance at the end of the road he’s currently walking. So for the first time ever, he walked alone in this school. 


As usual, eyes gathered towards him, most in awe and mesmerized, some in jealousy and envy; all things he was used to. However, despite having worn the armband of the Disciplinary Committee, signifying his membership to the organization, a few clubs still approached him and asked if he would like to join them. 


The female members of clubs quickly approached him, grasping at any chance they could get to have Yuuji enter their club, as the male members failed to stop them and looked at him with a glare. But Yuuji gently rejected their invitation and proceeded to continue with his patrol. 


Right after he rejected the ninth club invitation from a beautiful, ponytailed, third-year female student with an extremely well-endowed figure, he noticed a crowd of recruiters surrounding a familiar student.


Is that… Erika?


Her unmistakable and beautiful red-orange short hair was all he needed to recognize her in the midst of the crowd. And with his keen senses, he could hear faint sounds and voices of struggle from within.


“Please forgive my rudeness, but I must go, senpai.”


“Aah… Then please come and visit the tea-ceremony club on the third floor! I’ll always welcome you!”


Ignoring the sultry, slightly disappointed, voice of the girl, Yuuji quickly made his way through the crowds with amazing speed, comparable to when people use magic to accelerate their steps. In fact, many thought so. But he was purely running with his physical prowess, without any enhancement by magic. 


In a few seconds, he could see Erika's figure being fought over. Some grabbing onto her arms, some on her blazer, causing it to slide off her shoulders slightly. 


Immediately, he tapped his CAD once and Erika began to float up a few meters from the ground into the sky.


“Uwah! W-What’s happening?!”

And right after those words left her mouth, she felt a gentle embrace and the bright blue sky covered by Yuuji’s figure. 


“Don’t talk, or you’ll bite your tongue.”


As if time had slowed down, Erika felt her heart thump loudly when she saw his smile and felt the sensation of his touch around her body… 


Her panic seemed to just suddenly disappear when she saw him, and was replaced by a feeling of pure relief, safety, and warmth in his arms.


Yuuji glanced down and saw her staring at him in a shock, and decided to quickly let her down. Holding Erika in a princess carry, he landed softly on the ground and run from the crowds, leaving behind the dazed group of students who just saw someone being lifted into the sky and another jumping meters above the ground, catching her, and then run off after landing without a noise. 


Yuuji quickly brought the still frozen erika to a more desolate part on the side of the school and put her down gently. 


“Alright, we’re safe now. So? How was your first experience flying?”


Yuuji smirked before he gently put her blazer back on with his eyes close and turned around. 


And seemingly snapping out of her daze, Yuuji could hear the rustles of clothes for a moment before she began to speak.


“Y-You…! Was that you?! How could you just toss someone in the air?! You almost made my heart burst!”


Yuuji turned around and saw Erika, properly dressed once more, but glaring at him with red blushing cheeks. He was a bit confused why she was blushing but ignored it for a moment and smirked.


“It’s my magic. Calm down, it’s just meant to make you float up for a while.”


“That scared me, you know?! Hah… I don’t need this early in the morning…”


“It’s better than a cup of coffee, isn’t it?”




Yuuji’s eyes widened in realization when he saw Erika glaring at him, her body trembling, and a bit of tears pooling at the corner of her eyes. He finally realized that unlike him or Aika, who was used to flying around with his magic, being lifted up into the air so suddenly must’ve been shocking for anyone. 


“I-I’m sorry… I’m used to this kind of stuff, so I forgot how shocking it must be for you…”


Yuuji lowered his head, genuinely sorry for scaring her with his magic. Now that he recalled the events that just happened, he remembered the same thing happening to Tatsuya instead of him. 


I could’ve just used the magic Tatsuya used…


He was distracted by a lot of things at that moment. Trying to reject the girls approaching him without hurting them, and keeping an eye on any trouble in the midst of this chaos. He simply had no leeway of remembering every single scene from the anime he watched a few weeks ago. 


Her glare softened when he bowed. And now that the shock had subsided, she was no longer that upset at him. She just had a small pout as she looked at him. 


“...If you’re that sorry, then keep me company after this, alright?”







AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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