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Chapter 197 ~ Respite in Carne

The following travels went peacefully without any other encounters with monsters. 


Before even the sun began to set, they could see tall, wooden fences with sharpened peaks in the distance, signifying civilization. And the only civilization they knew would be within their vicinity, if they did not somehow go the opposite way, would be Carne Village. 


However, the sight caught Nfirea, the one who knew of Carne Village the most, by surprise. 


“Eh…? That’s…”


“What’s wrong?”


Peter asked, and Nfirea responded with half doubt. 


“Those tall wooden walls… I don’t recall Carne Village having them. It is supposed to be a very small, rural village…”


Lukrut focused his eyes at the distant view of the village. 


“Hm… They seemed to be built quite sturdily. They even sharpened the top of each stake. For a rural village, that’s quite impressive.


“Maybe they just built it recently?”




Nfirea didn’t want to simply brush off Ninya’s words, as there might be some truth to it. However, he knew more than anyone here how limited the resources Carne Village had in their possessions, may it be in building material or human resources. 


Unless a generous and rich merchant or noble somehow decided to help such a small village with building such defensive structures out of nowhere, it’d be impossible for Carne Village to acquire such tall walls. 


However, without any other plausible answer, Nfirea stayed silent and continued making his way to the village. 


Upon arriving closer, the sight of the tall and thick wooden stakes firmly buried to the ground and connected with thick hemp ropes became even more impressive, considering it was a small, rural village. While it may not be that effective against a group of bandits or large, powerful monsters, it was sufficient to deter groups of goblins or wolf packs that seeked to attack the village. 


The raised, rocky ground to the side of the road with tall grasses and shrubberies were also details Nfirea hadn’t seen before. 


But what caught his and everyone else’s attention wasn’t the structure that was only impressive for a village, but the group of goblins, much more muscular and armed with steel weapons and leather armors, standing by the gates, as if guarding it. 


“Are those goblins…?!”


Lukrut, being the first one to see the group of goblins, quickly drew his bow and knocked an arrow to its string. 


Peter and the rest of the Swords of Darkness similarly went into formation, surrounding Nfirea who sat on the head of the carriage. 


“Who the hell are you guys?!”


One of the goblins drew his own bow and arrow. And the moment he did, a number of goblins appeared from between the tall grasses and shrubberies around them, immediately surrounding them. 


The sight of these many goblins, armed with weapons, sent Peter and the rest into high alert.


These were clearly not ordinary goblins. One was even capable of speaking, which proved how different they were from the mindless, savage goblins they encountered just the day before. 


Moreover, with such numbers, Peter didn’t know if they would be able to defeat them, if not for Alexander and his party. 


But just as he was calculating on what to do, another goblin, the one wielding a broadsword, spoke up. 


“Hey guys, we don’t want to fight if we don’t have to. Especially that full-plated guy! You give off a real dangerous feeling!”


The goblin pointed its sword at Alexander, who was standing silently, not drawing his sword. 


Yuuji, Aika, and Momonga knew who these goblins were, and knew they were not hostile. While Lupu, seeing as her masters did not make a move, also stood silently. 


Of course, although she could easily decimate the small group of goblins easily, she did not lower her guard entirely. After all, if something were to somehow happen to her masters, no matter how small or insignificant, she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself. 


Hearing the words of the goblin, Peter became just as conflicted as he was confused. 


Being outnumbered while having a bunch of weapons pointed at them by goblins was something he registered as a threat based on his experience. 


The goblins had said that it didn’t wish to fight for fear of Alexander. However, he still couldn’t let his guard down, as they might still attack when he did. 


But just then, a young girl with sunny blonde hair, dressed in a regular village girl outfit of leather and cotton, appeared amidst the group of goblins and approached the one who had just spoken to them. 


“Mister goblin? What’s wrong? What’s with the commotion?”


And that was when Nfirea finally broke his silence in recognition of the girl. 




The wind blew past the vast, grassy fields upon a small hill overlooking a sizable flattened ground near the edge of the village. 


Yuuji sat down on top of a blanket on the ground, his jet-black hair swaying with the wind having removed his helmet, as he held a black, starry slime in his hand and caressed it softly. 


He looked over to the grounds beneath the small hill. There, he could see an old woman, rotund, dressed in a plain shirt, a faded pink long skirt, and a off-white headscarf, pulling the arrow she had knocked onto her bow. 


To her side, one of the goblins he had seen upon arriving in the village was there, seemingly instructing her on her form and the basics of wielding a bow. 


She let go. The arrow flew in a wobbly arc in the midst of the gently blowing winds, and struck the lower half of a makeshift target made of hays and a cloth that had been painted with circles. 


Several other villagers, from middle-aged men, young boys, to women of various ages all took turns shooting the bow or swinging wooden sticks while the goblins instructed them. 


The trauma, pain, and loss they’ve experienced just a few weeks ago had pushed these regular villagers, who only knew how to avoid dangers by staying within the confine of their village, to take arms and learn how to protect themselves and their families, and face the dangers that may come to harm all they cared for. 


As he looked at them, he could see the fear, desperation, and most of all, determination they all held within themselves. 


And for a moment, he could see himself in them.


The version of him if he didn’t come across the group chat.


If he were to still be powerless, he wouldn't be able to protect his dear sisters from the many unscrupulous perverts who only saw them as the object of their disgusting desires.


He wouldn't be able to protect his mother and aunt, who similarly attracted the attention of many men whose mind was only filled with the selfish desire to obtain them and lust for their bodies.


And if something unfortunate did happen to them… he would have the same gaze as the villagers here as well.


He dared not ponder on such a tragedy for long and quickly shook his head. His action earned him the attention of Aria, who turned towards him from on top of his palm with a look of confusion.


He smiled softly. Brought her up towards his face and kissed her head, causing the starry, black slime to shine in delight before shivering in embarrassment.


Aika asked what he's thinking.


Yuuji looked up to her. The girl from beyond his universe. The girl who existed only in fiction as far as he knew previously. The girl who accepted his everything. 


The girl who gave him courage. The girl who loved him. The girl who changed his life completely. 


He wouldn't be who he was right now if not for her. 


With the sun behind her, Aika, though her countenance was covered by the fox's mask, shined so brightly and beautifully like none other. 


He smiled and shook his head. 


"I'm just thinking about how glad I am to meet you."


"Awww~ You have such a sweet tongue, honey~ Hehe~"


Aika giggled and moved herself closer, nuzzling to him. 


The bright, white, rainbow-colored slime jumped down from Aika's head onto Yuuji's shoulder and jumped up and down, trying to get his attention. 


"And of course, I'm so glad to have met you too, Alice. Aria."


Yuuji kissed the adorable white slime on her head, and she began to shine even brighter as she jumped up and down energetically. 


Aria, who stayed in his hand, also began to fidget and began nuzzling to his hand as well. A gesture of affection. 


Yuuji tilted his head and rested it on Aika as the two silently enjoyed the gently blowing winds and fresh, natural air untainted by pollution and dust. 


In the distance, Momonga watched them with a small smile on his face. 


Seeing the two people he considered his little brother and sister, though they were both much more capable and smarter than him, so close warmth his heart. A warmth he wouldn't have been able to feel in his overlord form filled his chest and beating heart. 


A warmth he hadn't felt for years... perhaps, decades. The warmth of a family. 


Solitary had always been the only companion Satoru had since... as far as he could remember. 


Although he had parents, their presence and attention, or lack thereof, only served to accentuate his loneliness. 


He was alone in his school. And loneliness continued to follow him to his workplace. 


The only time he wasn't on his own was when he's within Yggdrasil. That was the only time he had ever felt alive. 


But, even that came to an end.


The pain he felt... And the realization that loneliness had never truly left him. 


Perhaps, it would've hurt less if he never knew such a life in the first place, if only to have it robbed from him once more. 


But then... a miracle came. 


People from beyond his own world came to his life, connected by an "App" beyond comprehension. 


And for the first time, he saw yet another light at the end of the dark, long, lonely tunnel. 


Apprehension, stemming from his fear of loss, closed his heart to them for a time. 


But these people... They knew him. They knew how he felt, his true feelings, his pain, his loneliness... 


And despite knowing all of that, they still chose to befriend him. To rid him off his loneliness. To be with him. 


They quickly get to know each other more, and grew closer. And they get to find out things even their "stories" didn't get to tell. 


Their bonds grew as they went through missions. They taught him how it felt to be cared for. 


The warmth of a family. 


And before he knew it... he had considered all of them his little brothers and sisters. 


"Hah... But those lovebirds should learn the time and place for such pda..."


He shook his head with a helpless smile. 


Just then, Momonga noticed his shadow shifting and began to ripple. 


"What is it?"


A telepathic message came into his mind as the deep, wispy voice of a Shadow Demon resounded within. 


"Momonga-sama... I have come to report."


"Tell me."


"We have spotted two beings within the crypt near E-Rantel accumulating a great amount of negative energy. It is as you have foretold, my lord."


The shadow demon lowered his head in deep reverence over the omniscience his lord seemed to wield. Truly, it was the joy of his life to be of service to someone so great and wise as him. 


"I see. Continue to monitor the situation within the crypt. Also, have the other shadow demon follow the golden-haired woman. Tell me if she comes to E-Rantel."


"As you command."


Momonga let out a sigh as he thought of the busy next few days, when they will be hailed as heroes and move on to the next phase of the plan. 








AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~!

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