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Chapter 187 ~ Rivals

A few days have passed since Momonga and Lelouch’s encounter with the Sunlight Scripture. 


Upon returning to Nazarick, the two quickly handed over the obedient Sunlight Scripture members to Demiurge, explaining the entire events that happened, and asked him to have his subordinates hand the puppets to Neuronist to gather information from them. 


Later that night, Momonga gathered all the Guardians in the throne room to make his announcement. 


To spread Ainz Ooal Gown’s name to the ends of the world and let it be revered. And to make Ainz Ooal Gown an eternal legend. 


After discussing with Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch, Momonga had decided to announce this, just like he did in the anime. 


But this time, he did not do it solely for the faint hope of it reaching his previous guildmates, who might also be transported into this world. 


It was also for the mission. The mission to subjugate at least one nation.


While Albedo, Demiurge, and the other bright minds in Nazarick might be able to guess his intention even if he did not say it outright, after seeing how much his casually-spoken words could be interpreted wildly by them, Momonga had decided to be more vocal about his intentions now, fearing it might be unintentionally twisted. 


And since Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch were here with him, they’d be able to help rein in Albedo and the others if they were to go too far. 


After his big announcement, Momonga decided to go take a rest and excitedly prepare for his adventuring life. 


With Yuuji and Lelouch working together with Albedo and Demiurge, he only needed to sign off some documents for a few hours a day before returning to his preparation and planning for their plan on becoming adventurers. 


Amongst the numerous facilities and rooms within the ninth floor of the great underground tomb of Nazarick were the offices of the Supreme Beings. 


Each one possessed an office of their own, despite none of them finding a use for it in the game. Normally, most members of the guild would either hangout in the Round Table room, their workshops and labs, or outside, exploring, farming, or going on raids. 


After all, why would they stay in a room all alone while logged in Yggdrasil. 


But now, Lelouch and Yuuji often stay in their offices to work. 


Said office was filled with tasteful and exotic furniture with every single piece being of exquisite design and decor. 


The crimson carpet upon the floor was thick and soft, swallowing the footsteps of those who trod upon it. And a flag bearing the insignia/emblem of the owner hung upon the wall in the depths of the room. 


An imposing mahogany desk sat in the center of the office. Its owner, the half angel and half devil man, sat behind it upon a black leather chair.


Before it, two large pure white couches sat with a coffee table made of Statuarietto marble between it. Upon it, sitting across from each other, were two succubus of otherworldly beauty. 


With Ainz letting Yuuji, who was infinitely smarter than him, be in charge of their plans to conquer the Kingdom and Empire through their economy, Yuuji cooperated with Albedo to prepare plans that would be executed while he was out becoming an adventurer. 


Reports and drafts of their plans littered Yuuji’s desk and the coffee table, filling every available space, leaving barely any space for their cups of tea and tea pots. 


Albedo sat in silence, her eyes carefully reading through the documents Yuuji had written detailing the first phase of his plans to be done during the first few months of Lelouch and Shalltear’s stay in the royal capital of the Re-Estize kingdom. 


While the angelic smile never left her beautiful face, there was cold determination and solemnity reflected in her eyes. 


The greatest supreme being had entrusted her with such an important task; to be his hands in executing his ingenious plans that would conquer a kingdom in less than a year. 


She would not disappoint him. She must show him that she was capable… and worthy. 


Opposite of her, Aika laid on her back as she lifted her long, slender, seductive legs up on the arms of the couch while the twin yin-yang slimes rested on her massive, soft, twin peaks. 


Her eyes glanced once in a while towards the succubus, a mischievous smile on her lips. 


‘Fufu~ She’s glancing at hubby again~’


Albedo’s subtle, unconscious, glances at Yuuji did not escape Aika’s perceptiveness towards anything related to her hubby. 


And she couldn’t help but be amused by it. 


In the anime, Albedo never failed to express her love to Ainz, since her settings clearly indicated that she would be in love with him. 


Now, she only had her “destined one”. But she didn’t know who it was. 


So, she desperately tried to find him. The one she could dedicate her entire heart, body, and soul to. 


Yuuji was the prime candidate, given his strength and character. But even then, she could not be sure if he was her “destined one”. 


Like a young girl trying to understand love, Albedo tried to get close to Yuuji, be someone he would love, and perhaps learn about it by seeing how he would love her. 


Then perhaps, she could finally ascertain if Yuuji was her “destined one”, or if not, try to find someone she would truly love. 


Of course, Aika wanted her hubby to be Albedo’s destined one. After all, that’s the entire reason why she worded her settings to be so. 


And from all the shoujo manga she had read, there was one sure way to have the main heroine finally realize her feelings towards the main love interest that worked every time. 


Introducing a rival.


*Knock* *Knock*


Yuuji looked up from his paper and stopped writing, shifting his gaze towards the double doors of his room.


His [Elemental Sight] activated automatically as soon as he wondered who was behind the door, and he saw the beautiful, petite, true vampire girl Aika had been egging him to fuck ever since they find out about the setting Peroroncino gave her. 


He could not help but smile helplessly at the thought. But a real smile still found its place in his expression. 


While he might not be fucking Shalltear any time soon, he still liked her quite a bit. She was a very attractive and interesting character who he was quite fond of when he watched the anime. And after meeting her in real life, he couldn’t help but be attracted to her as well. 


“Come in.”


The door opened to reveal the familiar figure of the beautiful, pale-skinned true vampire dressed in her usual crimson-red dress. 




Her lips curled into a delighted grin, her melodic, youthful voice dripping with sweetness and delight. 


She entered the room, taking every step with elegance as she clasped her hands neatly just above the billowing part of her crimson red ball gown dress skirt. 


Her long silver hair swayed as she walked, and her ample bosom – which did not match her apparent age – wobbled mightily with every step she took.


She displayed a mannerism of elegance. But to Yuuji, Aika, and Albedo, they could clearly see the pep in her step and the clear excitement and affection in her eyes the moment she laid them on his figure. 


“Greetings, Yuuji-sama~”

“Shalltear. It’s nice to see you. What brings you here?”


His smile grew as he gazed at Shalltear’s figure. He couldn’t help but admire her beauty, which was far beyond the anime could even hope of depicting. 


She was created – meant – to be a true beauty by her creator. And her appearance truly captured the perfect balance of a beautiful seductress and the innocence of a youthful doll. 


The ideas that Aika had planted in his mind about how fun it would be for him to fuck the brains out of her petite figure flashed across his mind. And he couldn’t help but entertain the idea now that he saw her lovestruck figure once more. 


“Of course, it is to admire your perfect figure, Yuuji-sama~!”


Albedo’s left eye twitched ever so slightly. 


Was this the reason why she disturbed them while they were working? 


Was this the reason… why her quiet (quality) time with her master was disturbed? 


Albedo wanted to send her away as soon as possible and return to her work alongside Yuuji. But before she could, Yuuji responded to her first. 


“I see. I’m happy to see you as well, Shalltear.”


Her eyes glowed crimson as her lips curled into a wide grin, saliva almost trickling down the left corner of her lips. 


She could feel her undergarments immediately dampening upon hearing those words.


While it sounded like a normal response, to a maiden madly in love (obsession), it sounded much different. To Shalltear, as well as Albedo, his words could be interpreted as such. 


‘He’s happy to see me?! That means… he likes my appearance! He loves seeing me~! He’s in love with me?! Ah~ I’m so happy~ Yuuji-sama~! Please let me respond to your love with my body!’


Her body twitched as she held herself back from pouncing on Yuuji.


She could barely keep herself from soiling her undergarments completely. Even though she had been making do with her vampire brides while imagining and fantasizing the things Yuuji would do to her in bed, she was still pent up with desires and a thirst that won’t ever be quenched by anyone else but Yuuji. 


But soon, she was snapped out of her horny fantasy when she heard Yuuji speak once more. 


“But that shouldn’t be all, am I right? Aren’t you going to be going out of the tomb soon?”


“Yes~ I will be meeting with Lelouch-sama and Sebas afterwards to fulfill the task set for me. Since I may not be able to return to Nazarick for some time, I came to bid farewell to you before I left.”


“I see. But Shalltear, we may be able to meet once we reach the royal capital as an adventurer. Right, Aika?”


Shalltear’s eyes widened in shock. She hadn’t been told about this. 


But if it was true… then he’s right. She might be able to see him again sooner than she expected!


Shalltear turned towards the beautiful succubus laying on the couch, the epitome of all that was beautiful, alluring, and loving, with hopeful eyes. And she nodded.


“Uhn~ That’s right~”


“I-I’m so happy~! I look forward to that time!”


Yuuji nodded, a soft, gentle smile still ever present on his expression. 


“Do you have a world item with you right now?”


Shalltear nodded.


“Yes. Ainz-sama have graciously granted me the world item, Billion Blades, temporarily for safekeeping and a means of last resort for my safety.”


“Good. Exercise caution, even if you are confident of victory. Lelouch, Sebas, and Solution will also be with you on this journey, so I doubt anything could threaten you. But, if there is ever an unexpected situation, prioritize all of your safety, and if needed, retreat using “Gate”. Your lives are more important than anything else.”


Yuuji punctuated every point with gravity in his voice as he looked straight into Shalltear’s crimson eyes. 


He was not being perfunctory. He meant every single word he had spoken. Their safety was more important than anything else. 


Even the World Items in their possession. 


And his feelings reached Shalltear, causing her to blush and nod meekly; a picture of a demure, innocent, young girl. 


“Yes… Yuuji-sama…~”


Albedo also felt the gravitas of his words. She could truly feel the care Yuuji had for Shalltear and her safety. And the fact made her envious.


How she wished to be the one those beautiful, loving, caring eyes were gazing at. Just imagining it made her heart feel so warm, butterflies to fly in her stomach, and her womb to tingle in anticipation. 


“And one more thing.”


Yuuji raised up from his seat and approached Shalltear. 


An alarm immediately blared within Albedo’s mind. 


For him to approach her… Would he be embracing her?! Just like how a lover would when their beloved was about to leave for an extended period of time?!


Shalltear thought of the same thing, and her lips immediately curled into a nervous, yet expectant, smile. 


She lowered her head, shutting her eyes tightly, and made herself slightly smaller, so that her entire body would be enveloped by her beloved’s embrace. 


But when he arrived before her, his warm embrace never came…


“Take this.”


Shalltear opened her eyes, and she saw Yuuji’s hand with a ring on top of it. 





“Oh my~”


All three girls exclaimed in unison. One in delight. One in shock. And one in pure amusement. 


Albedo even raised to her feet the moment she saw the ring on Yuuji’s hand. Her heart sank down to the pits of her stomach… 


Was she too late…? 


“This is a “Ring of Whisper”. It will allow you to send a message 5 times a day. You may use this to communicate with me and the others.”


“Aah… I see…”




Yuuji tilted his head slightly at the unexpected reaction he was getting from Shalltear and Albedo…


Why did Shalltear look disappointed? Why did Albedo look relieved? And why was Aika giggling so much?


He was just giving them an item that would allow Shalltear to communicate with them freely during her travels. It would make it easier and quicker for her to send reports or ask for help during an emergency. 


Of course, as a Cleric, Shalltear did have the ability to cast “Message”. But having a magic item that would allow her to cast it without using mana would still be helpful if she were to get into a situation where she used up all her mana. 


“Thank you very much, Yuuji-sama. I shall use it with care.”


“You’re welcome. Then, you may go.”

“Yes~ Please excuse me~”

Shalltear bowed, and left the room. 


Yuuji then turned around. But instead of returning to his seat, he approached Albedo and handed her the same ring he gave Shalltear.

“Albedo, I want you to have this as well. This way, you’ll be able to communicate with me more freely during my travels.”


The guardian overseer looked at the ring in his hand for a moment, and her lips curled into a smile. 


She stood up, and bowed towards Yuuji.


“Thank you very much, Yuuji-sama. I shall live up to your expectations and work harder to be worthy of this gift.”


“You’re welcome. But there is no need for you to push yourself too hard. You are doing well.”


“Yes. Thank you very much.”


Yuuji nodded and returned to his seat. 


And as he did, Albedo stared at his back silently. 




She held the ring in her hand tightly, holding it close to her chest. 


Albedo didn’t wear it immediately… After all, Aika was right in front of her. If she were to put the ring in her left ring finger in front of her, it would seem like she was challenging her for the position of Yuuji-sama’s main wife, which she wouldn’t dare to do. 


So, she would hold it tightly in her hand for now. And after she left… she would wear it, and never remove it. Not until it was replaced by a true wedding ring.


Seeing her actions, Aika let out a subtle smile. She knew very well what Albedo was thinking. 


It was obvious. And she was satisfied with this result. 


Yes… This was what she needed. The push that would make Albedo fall into her and Yuuji’s bed. 


‘Hm~ Maybe I should reward Shalltear for the nice assist~’


Her eyes narrowed at Albedo, before shifting her attention away to the twin slimes resting on her breasts. 


Perhaps one of these days, she could invite her to one of her love-making nights with Yuuji and give her Yuuji’s D. 









AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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