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Chapter 184 ~ First Member of Aika’s Household

Created by the maid “maniac” himself whose name was inspired by the classical headdress worn by maids, Whitebrim, along with Herohero and Coup De Grace, the 41 homunculus maids were responsible for the various miscellaneous jobs within Nazarick. 


Specifically, they were in charge of the cleaning and maintenance of the 9th and 10th floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. 


All 41 maids were created to be unique, each with their own unique appearances, personality, character, and behavior. However, the 41 sisters were united in their purpose and fervor; to serve the Supreme Beings and Nazarick to the best of their meager abilities. 


There was no mundane task for them, for even dusting down the curtains enchanted with self-cleaning magic was a sacred task bestowed upon them by their creators which they would happily do. 


They would do anything to be of use for their Gods. 


And now… their head maid, Pestonya Shortcake Wanko, had gathered them as well as the Pleiades under the order of one of the Gods and the sole remaining female supreme beings. 


Her reason for gathering them was unknown. However, every single one of them did not even question her orders and lined up neatly before the Goddess of beauty, wisdom, and strength. 


And as Aika stood before them with a soft smile on her transcendentally beautiful visage, they all looked in awed reverence… 


Her beauty had always been known throughout Nazarick and beyond. She was the epitome of beauty itself, possessing both the divine grace of a Goddess and the devilish charm of a succubus. 


They’ve been standing before the Goddess for more than five minutes, and no one had snapped out of their awe yet. 


And if there was no echoing sound of the double doors to the halls opening, they would’ve still been trapped in a daze. 


Aika turned towards the door and saw a cute, petite maid with golden short hair rushing in before bowing deeply towards her in a panic. 


“Please forgive my tardiness, my lady! I had just finished my task of serving tea for Yuuji-sama, Lelouch-sama, Albedo-sama, and Demiurge-sama for their meeting…!”


As beings created to serve, every single maid here knew that tardiness could not be tolerated no matter the reason. 


Even if she was attending to the other supreme beings, the fact that she was late and made a supreme being wait for her presence remained as a great sin. 


For that, she was prepared to receive any punishments that Aika would give. 


The clacking sound of heels hitting marble echoed throughout the halls, slowly getting louder and louder as Aika approached Foire. 


The little maid clenched her eyes and gritted her teeth. But to her shock, a soft, gentle hand landed softly on her head and began patting her. 


“You’ve done well, Foire. There’s no need to apologize.”


Then, Aika held her by the arms and raised her up from her bow. And for the first time in the life of a humble maid of Nazarick, Foire saw the visage of her Goddess from up close. 


“Did Yuuji enjoy the tea you made?”


The movement of her luscious red lips was enough to hypnotize Foire into a daze… But thankfully, she managed to snap out of her daze and answered the supreme being before her. 


“Y-Y-Yes, A-Aika-sama! Y-Yuuji-sama seemed to find my tea… satisfactory.”


“Fufufu, I’m sure it was more than satisfactory for him, since it was tea made by you. We all love anything that you make with such dedication, care, and love.”




Tears began to pool in the corners of her eyes as her words touched the very center of her heart. 


And it wasn’t only her. All the maids that had lined up also teared up, and some even sobbed. 


The words of love from the supreme beings… It was truly the greatest reward they could’ve asked for. 


Aika smiled softly, wiped some of the tears that had fallen down from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks with her fingers, and petted her head once more.


“Now now. Don’t sully your beautiful face with tears. Go and join your sisters. I have something I wish to tell all of you.”


“Y-Yes, Aika-sama!”


Foire bowed, and as Aika walked back to her place before the maids, she joined her sister and lined up at the back. 


And with all 41 maids now present as well as the Pleiades, Aika began her announcement. 


“Now then~! Now that everyone is there, let’s get down to the reason why I’ve gathered everyone today~!”


Aika clapped her hands as her lips curled into a wide smile. An energetic and cute gesture that brought smiles onto all the maids present. 


But then, all of them began to sense the air vibrating… No, it was the magic in the air that started to tremble and shake. 


While they were merely a level 1 homunculus, which was only ever so slightly stronger than an average human farmer with no skills for magic or battle, they were still  capable of sensing magic, just like any other living beings in the world. 


Skilled magic casters could cast their spells silently, either by practicing it countless times or by using the metamagic “Silent Magic”. And they would also be able to conceal or hide the flaring of mana the moment a spell is cast, making it undetectable by those who were less sensitive to magic. 


Aika was naturally capable of concealing her magic, to the point that everyone, other than perhaps the floor guardians, wouldn’t be able to notice it. 


But, she had no reason to do it now. And thus, a tremendous amount of magical energy originating from Aika began to emanate as her hands began to glow with a brilliant, pinkish light. 


“The current situation that befell Nazarick had raised some alerts to the dangers that could possibly be harmful to the denizens of Nazarick. Aside from the Pleiades battle maids, being in the 9th and 10th floor, the deepest parts of the Nazarick, you girls have no need to worry about such things. However, all the supreme beings, including me, wanted all of you to have some extra protection. So, this is what I want to do…”


The Pleiades and homunculus maids all listened to her words carefully. Worry inevitably seeped into their heart as they listened to the possible dangers that might befall Nazarick and, in turn, the Supreme Beings. But soon, they were replaced by gratefulness and happiness as Aika expressed the supreme beings’ benevolence and attention for their safety. 


Then… their eyes shifted from Aika’s beautiful face to her hands as she separated them. 


In between her hands, a beautiful, shining, pinkish crystal appeared. And from it, even the homunculus maid could sense the tremendous magic it emanated. 


“This is the [Fallen Seed of Lust]. It would allow me to take you as a member of my household and turn you into a succubus, granting you the strength and magical capability of one and allowing you to protect yourselves.”


Their eyes all widened in shock… 


The Pleiades might’ve heard in passing items within the treasury capable of changing one’s race into a demon. But even they did not know the exact details and have never seen it themselves, chalking it up to just one of the many wonderful and unimaginable treasures that the Supreme Beings own within their illusory treasury. 


And this was no different. As such a thing was beyond their knowledge, the Pleiades simply could not comprehend the significance of Aika’s ability to change someone’s race without any requirements with a single spell. 


The homunculus maids were even more clueless. However, all of them do understand that such a thing must only be possible due to the might of a Supreme Being. And the tremendous magic it emanated only served to cement their beliefs. 


Then, the moment they heard of what it was and its capabilities, excitement filled the hearts of all the maids present. 


“So~? What do you think~?”


“Yes yes!!! I want it, Aika-sama!!!”


A brown-skinned beauty with an athletic look and crimson-red hair tied in two long braids that hung over her shoulders immediately raised her hand in excitement, earning the looks from her fellow sisters and the homunculus maids. She was Lupusregina Beta, a member of the Pleiades battle maids. 


As battle maids, all members of the Pleiades possessed quite the high level. Lupusregina, specifically, was a battle cleric and focuses on healing magic with the highest overall stats among the Pleiades as well as the highest physical defense and resistance stats. 


If Aika only considered her Job Class, then Lupu would be a prime candidate for her to turn into a succubus. 


Granting a battle cleric the inherent ability to fly and cast mind-affecting abilities to disable an enemy would give her the extra survivability which was extremely important for a supporting class, especially clerics. After all, as the one capable of healing and casting various supporting magic, they would be the first target in any battle. 


However, Lupu was a Werewolf, which granted her resistances to metals except for silver. While it was only 5 levels, Aika was still hesitant to possibly change her race completely. 


“I’m happy you seem enthusiastic to receive it, Lupu~ But, since I’ve never used this magic before, I don’t know if it would completely change your race into a succubus, or how it would affect you, who has several levels into your racial class. So, it would be better if I use it on a homunculus maid first, since they only have 1 level.”


“Awww… Is that so…? That’s too bad…”


Lupu dejectedly lowered her hand. And the rest of the Pleiades also felt a bit disappointed that they might not be able to receive the [Fallen Seed of Lust]. 


While they were proud of their own race, specified as intended by their creators, to be a member of Aika’s household, the greatest and final female supreme being who all of them had long since admired… It was a chance none of the Pleiades wanted to miss. 


However, in the end, they understood Aika’s concern and decided to obey her as they also did not want to completely abandon the race intended by their creators. 


Seeing Lupu’s respond, Aika smiled at her before turning towards the homunculus maids. 


Pestonya, while similarly excited, knew that she was also in the same situation as the Pleiades. So, she quietly turned towards the rest of the maids to see who would be the first to receive Aika’s blessings. 


“I-It would be an honor, my lady, to be a member of your household!”


From the midst of the 41 homunculus maid, one raised her hand and voice high. 


A beautiful young girl with long golden hair and golden eyes that reached the back of her waist. Amongst her sisters, she was slightly below the average in terms of height. However, she had two massive bulges on her chest that made it appear even larger due to her height, even though her size was average when compared to her other sisters. 


“Ah, Cixous-chan~ I’m so happy~ Are you really sure~?”


“Y-Yes! I-It would be my honor!”


While she was normally calm and collected, in contrast to her bright and youthful appearance, Cixous bravely raised her hands and let her desires control her for a moment. 


And her excitement was shared by all the maids present as well. If she was only a few seconds late, many others would have raised their hands as well. 


“Alright~ Then come closer to me~”




Nervously, Cixous made her way towards her greatest idol and Goddess while trying her best to maintain a modicum of etiquette as a maid of the Supreme Beings. 


Once she stood before Aika, she stopped and her eyes were locked onto the visage of the very epitome of beauty that shined more beautifully than the crystal in her hands. 


“Then, are you ready?”




Finally, she looked down on the crystal as Aika brought it closer to her. And within it, Cixous could see a faint shape of a rose with thorns spiking out of its stalk. 


“Alright. Here we go~!”

Aika let the crystal, the Fallen Seed of Lust, float towards Cixous, who was now closing her eyes and steeling herself for what’s to come. And when it touched the center of her chest, it simply phased through her clothing, her body, and entered. 


Immediately, Cixous shined brightly with a pinkish light, blinding those closest to her aside from Aika. 


Then, after a few moments passed, the light slowly dissipated, and the Pleiades and all the maids all looked at Cixous in shock…


A pair of jet-black bat wings was now present on her back, piercing through the curtain of gold that was her luscious golden hair. And from the base of her butt was a long, black tail with a heart shape tip, swaying around in the air. 


At first glance, apart from those features, no apparent features seemed to change in Cixous’s appearance… 


But as their vision recovered, they noticed that it wasn’t the case at all. 


Her breasts had noticeably become larger, most likely a cup or two larger than before. If her maid uniform was not a magic item capable of instantly adjusting to her size, it would’ve been visibly stretched greatly. 


Moreover, her hips had also noticeably gotten fuller and larger, as shown by the shape of her skirt curved by her butt.  


Her eyes were now slitted, a trait shared by all succubus. Her skin had gotten brighter and smoother, and her features had also become more beautiful. 


In addition, she also seemed to have grown a bit taller. 


While all 41 homunculus maids were made to have been equally beautiful, Cixous had noticeably become much more beautiful than her sisters… Perhaps even surpassing the Pleiades. 


Meanwhile, unaware of her own change in appearance, Cixous looked at her hands in shock as she began trying to clench and unclench her fists. 


Her body… she felt much stronger and full of energy now. It was as if she had been living while bound by shackles and weighed down by heavy steel before. It was a world’s difference. 


“How do you feel~? Do you feel something wrong~?”

“No… Not at all, Aika-sama… In fact, I feel… so invigorated…!”


Cixous relished in the sensation as a warm sensation inside her womb began spreading all over her body. 


And as she did, she unknowingly emanated pheromones that affected all of her sisters with lustful desires. Only Aika, the Pleiades, and Pestonya were not affected by it given the difference in level. 


“Thank you very much for your blessings, Aika-sama! From now on, I shall work harder for Nazarick and not shame you as a member of your household!”


Cixous bowed deeply towards Aika, who was now truly her Goddess in name and nature. 


“Uhn~ I’m happy to have you, Cixous~!”


Aika then turned towards the rest of the homunculus maids, and her smile grew wider as she saw the excitement and anticipation now even more than before within their eyes. 


‘Fufufu~ Soon… Yuuji and I will have our own personal maid harem~!’





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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