Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 177 ~ Pledge of Loyalty

“Aaah!! That’s right! I remember Bukubukuchagama-chan saying that~!!”


All eyes immediately turned towards her, a look of surprise apparent on all their faces aside from Lelouch. 




An adorable giggle escaped her luscious red lips, the mere act of doing so causing her voluminous breasts to jiggle. 


“I remembered Bukubukuchagama-chan telling me about it after her little brother gave Shalltear those feelings and asked me if I was okay with it. 


She was afraid that I’d be bothered if Shalltear hold such an intense romantic feelings towards you, my hubby~”


Bukubukuchagama initially wanted to stop Peroroncino from giving Shalltear those kinds of settings. After all, even though she was just an NPC, Aika might not like it. 


But in the end, she couldn’t stop him after finding out that her little brother did it to express how grateful he was to Yuuji for having taken care of him as well as her, his big sister, all this time. 


It wasn’t much, objectively, to simply add a few lines in an NPC’s background settings which wouldn’t affect any gameplay; just a pure addition to Shalltear’s lore. But to Peroroncino, this was almost akin to him giving Yuuji his daughter’s hand. 


Just from hearing Peroroncino’s reason, Bukubukuchagama could tell how much he admired, respected, and thankful he was towards Yuuji. And this was how he, in his own perverted and weird way, wanted to express those feelings. 


Thus, she went to Aika to ask her directly what she thought of it. If she was bothered by Peroroncino’s addition to Shalltear’s background setting about how she would become Yuuji’s, essentially, sex and love pet, she would stop her brother from doing it and make him express his gratefulness another way. 


But to her surprise…


“And I said it’s an amazing idea~!”




The same look of surprise stayed in all their faces, all except for Shalltear, whose smile became brighter upon hearing the supreme being’s words. 


“I even worked with Peroroncino with the wordings and made it even more romantic, sexy, and perfect~!!!”


“T-Then, A-Aika-sama-!”

Aika slowly approached the small true vampire floor guardian with a soft smile and placed a hand on her pale white cheek, softly rubbing it. 


She looked into Shalltear’s blood red eyes deeply. 


They were filled, overflowing, with excitement, anticipation, love, lust, devotion, and obsession, all for her hubby. And she couldn’t help but thank the group chat for devising such a thing~


At first, she thought she would only be able to get Albedo and the Pleiades to join her hubby’s harem when she came to this world. After all, Shalltear was known to have a fetish for necrophilia, and would most likely prefer Momonga, who was an undead skeleton overlord. And she wouldn’t have any reason to have Momonga change her settings specifically to make her fall in love with Yuuji. 


But to think the group chat would do all the work for her… She didn’t expect to get a legal vampire loli as an extra reward for coming to this world!


‘Fufu~ A legal loli, huh~ I can’t wait to see just how she would handle Yuuji’s massive dragon rod~’






The loli true vampire looked up to the dazzling, stunning visage of the great demoness and wife of her beloved Yuuji with anticipation bubbling within her heart and her crotch. 


“While I have agreed with your creator’s wishes, it doesn’t mean that you could immediately throw yourself at Yuuji. So… Do your best to receive his favor. If you do… Then I won’t mind having you in our bed and serve him together~”


Her crimson red eyes immediately brightened as her entire doll-like face shined in happiness and excitement. 


“Yes, Aika-sama! I shall do my best to serve Yuuji-sama to the best of my abilities, even if I have to grind myself to dust! Thank you very much!”


Shalltear bowed deeply and kneeled down before the great demoness herself. 


Although the mere action of kneeling wouldn’t be enough to even represent a fraction of how grateful she was to Aika for giving her the chance to serve Yuuji and gain his favor, she knew that Aika would appreciate it more if she were to show it through her actions, and she planned on doing just that. 


As she kneeled down, Aika turned towards Yuuji with a smug, wide grin and mischievous eyes. 


‘Here you go, hubby~ I brought you another cute bride to add to your harem~ And I didn’t even have to do anything~ Aren’t I a great wife~? But remember to share her with me too, okay~?’


Knowing Aika’s personality and perversion deeply, Yuuji could easily imagine her saying it without even needing her to actually say it. 


He couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. 


He was not against gaining Shalltear’s affection and perhaps developing some sort of romantic relationship with her… In fact, perhaps due to the libido from his [Divine Physique] affecting his thought process, his tendency to easily fall in love, or both, he had become quite attracted to the loli vampire as well after seeing how much she adored him. 


But there was still one thing he had to do before accepting her.


Yuuji glanced at Momonga, who was still standing frozen and staring at Shalltear in shock. 


And perhaps sensing Yuuji’s gaze, he snapped out of his daze and turned towards him. 


With his [Insight Proficiency] a brief exchange of gaze, was all it took for Momonga to understand what Yuuji meant to say with that gaze. 


And in the end… he nodded. 


This… should be better than Shalltear being attracted to him like she did in the anime. 


Momonga had always seen the NPCs created by his friends and guildmates as his children… And it would always stay that way. 


As a father, it was impossible for him to see his daughters in such a manner. 


Thus… it was better for her to find another love and have it realized and reciprocated, instead of holding onto a love that would never bloom into anything. 


And who better candidate to be his precious daughter’s lover than Yuuji, the young man who he respected greatly and treated as a little brother. 


While he was entangled with many girls, Satoru knew that Yuuji loved each and every one of them greatly, and he would do anything to make sure they were happy.


He would be able to leave Shalltear in his hands without a worry. 


Seeing the nod from Momonga, Yuuji nodded back with a small smile and approached Shalltear. 


He lifted her up from her kneeling position by her arms and held her shoulders. 




To hear the beautiful, melodic voice of her destined beloved call her name so softly was something she would have only dreamed of. Even now, she didn’t know if she was dreaming or not, as everything that had happened was a dream to her. 


She looked up, her eyes shaking slightly along with her body. Nervousness and excitement mixed together in a torrent of emotion slowly filling her to the brim as she stood before the one… Her one. 




Yuuji smiled softly and cupped her cheek, causing her to flinch slightly out of shock before quickly melting into his touch. 


Unknowingly, she leaned into his touch, nuzzling to it as if seeking more of his touch, as she continued looking up to him with eyes glazed with tears of happiness and excitement. 


“I thought I knew all about you before… I thought Peroroncino had told me everything about you. But it seems… there’s still many I didn’t know. So… let’s get to know each other well, from now on. And if you still feel the same way about me then…”


“Y-Yes! Absolutely, Yuuji-sama! I-I look forward to it!”




Shalltear melted, staring dazedly at Yuuji with heart shapes in her eyes, as he looked at her with a loving smile and rubbed her cheek softly with his thumb. 


It was something Yuuji did unconsciously out of habit whenever he’d touch someone he held great feelings for. And with every touch, he was sending Shalltear higher and higher to heaven. 


And he would’ve stopped if he could see the drenched mess Shalltear was making beneath her gown dress. If he were to continue… She would’ve made a puddle of her love juice right underneath where she was standing. 


‘Fufufu~ Hubby’s luck with girls is impressive as always~’


Aika giggled inwardly as she secretly glanced at Albedo, who was staring at Yuuji and Shalltear with envy, yearning… and hope. 


After seeing her fellow floor guardian be accepted by the one she was destined and ‘made’ to love, Albedo must’ve slowly become more and more envious and frustrated at her own lack of progress for finding her destined one


Aika knew that she was. She could see it within her eyes the moment she met her in the throne room. 


And that is why she had been showing off Yuuji to be the most perfect candidate to be her destined one by showing her his loving, charming side, and his prowess in battle. 


In terms of intelligence, with Yuuji’s many proficiencies, she knew he’d be able to impress her in that regard as well. 


The only tough obstacle Aika would have to get pass in order to make Albedo fall in love utterly and completely with Yuuji was the barrier between a Supreme Being and a servant. 


But now, that wall has been broken by Shalltear. 


Seeing Shalltear be accepted as a potential lover by Yuuji had broken the notion that a servant was “unworthy” to love and be loved by a supreme being. 


And now… the floodgates have opened. 


Albedo, and the rest of the women in Nazarick, would now see Shalltear as a shining example that they could also, perhaps, gain the affection and favor of a Supreme Being… Of Yuuji. 


Everything… was going even better than Aika planned. 


And now, she could proceed with the next phase of her plan… And soon, Yuuji will never have to worry about his rampaging libido hindering him again. 



“It. Seems. I. Have. Arrived. Late. Much. Apologies. My lieges.”


Shrouded in chilled air and a frightening cold aura, a heteromorphic being, the source of the strange, inhuman, monotonous voice, approached Yuuji and the rest. 


It stood at two and a half meters tall, and resembled a bipedal insect. Its appearance resembled that of a terrifying amalgamation of a praying mantis and an ant that could only be done by a devilish fiend. The long tail behind it, twice as long as its body, was covered in sharp spikes, resembling icicles. And it had thick, powerful-looking mandibles that could snap a grown man in half with a single bite. 


Its exoskeleton was a dull blue and sparkled like diamond dust with protrusions, which looked like icebergs, bulging up from its back and shoulders. 


A platinum halberd was held in two of its hands, and in its two other hands were a masterfully-crafted mace wreathed in black aura and a gnarled-looking broadsword. 


With the way in which it presented itself, along with its courteous manner of speech, he was a quintessential warrior; be it in personality or body. 


He was the Guardian of the Fifth Floor, “Ruler of Glaciers”, Cocytus. 


“You’ve come, Cocytus.”


“I. Came. Immediately. At. The. Time. Of. Your. Summons. Momonga-sama.”


The water in the air froze with a crackling sound as it made contact with the white vapor puffing out of his mouth as he spoke. 


The hilt of his halberd slammed into the arena floor as a form of a warrior’s salute, and the ground around it began to crack and freeze. 


The sheer coldness from him simply existing was enough to cause anyone standing near him to suffer the effects of extreme low temperatures, perhaps even frostbites. It was only due to the fact that everyone here had resistance or immunity to fire, cold, and acid attacks that they were not affected in the least. 


Momonga smiled fondly upon seeing the guardian of the glaciers, the son of Warrior Takemikazuchi. He could see he inherited his creator’s manner of speech and warrior’s spirit. 


“You must have been very free with no intruders around, no?”




His mandibles clacked repeatedly, creating the threatening noise of numerous agitated wasps. However, Momonga and all others could tell he was simply laughing. 


“Even. So. There. Are. Still. Things. Which. Must. Be. Done. So. I. Was. Not. Free. At. All.”


“Oh? What things are they, may I ask?”


“Training. In. Order. To. Be. Ready. To. Deploy. At. Any. Time.”


While he was already one of the strongest warriors within Nazarick, especially when it comes to offense, his mentality of always seeking to better himself was truly in line with his warrior spirit. 


After all, the pinnacle in which Cocytus sought to catch a glimpse of was the height of his creator, Takemikazuchi, and Yuuji, the greatest supreme being. Compared to them, he was but a frog in a well, staring up into the heavens above the sky. 


“You’ve done all this for Nazarick. You must have worked hard. My thanks.”


“After. Hearing. Your. Praise. The. Task. Is. Not. As. Tiring. I. See. Demiurge. Have. Arrived.”


Momonga, Yuuji, and the rest all turned towards the direction Cocytus was looking, at the entrance of the Amphitheatre, and saw a man with pointed ears. 


Once he got close enough, the man bowed in reverence. 


“Forgive me for keeping everyone waiting.”


He was about 180cm tall and his skin was darkened from the sun. His jet-black hair was neatly combed back, sleek, and the eyes under his pince-nez glasses could not even be said to be narrowed. 


He was dressed in a western suit with matching tie, which only served to accentuate the impression of being a professional businessman or a skilled lawyer he was giving off. 


However, despite his immaculate gentlemanly appearance and mannerism, they were still hard-pressed to hide the evil air emanating from his very being. 


A tail sheathed in silvery metal extended behind him, tipped by six sharp spikes. His entire being was limned with flickering jet-black flames. 


He was the Guardian of the Seventh Floor, “Creator of the Blazing Inferno”, Demiurge. The demon designed to be the defense commander of Nazarick. 


Momonga nodded at the demonic gentleman. 


Upon finding out all the devilish things he had done to sinners and innocents alike, and all the hell he had unleashed onto nations for the benefit of Nazarick from the anime, Momonga couldn’t help but feel shocked. For a moment, he could not help but feel… appalled by all the things he had done. 


However, those feelings only stayed for a moment. 


In the end, he was still the son of his close friend, Ulbert Alain Odle, and the child of Nazarick. Everything he had done and will do, he did in the name of the Nazarick’s success and safety. No matter what, he would still love him like he would any other children of Nazarick. 


But perhaps… he could at the very least lessen the evil he unleashed upon the innocents.


With Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch here with him, they might not need to resort to such horrible acts to achieve their goals. 


And, he had no doubt that if he gave him the order, the bright, intelligent boy would find a way to fulfill his wishes. 


“It seems everyone is here.”


“—Momonga-sama, there are two more people who have not yet arrived.” 


A resonant voice that seemed to pour into one’s heart resounded. 


It was Demiurge; his words empowered by a passive skill called [Command Mantra] which could instantly turn the weak-minded into puppets of his strings. 


It was far inferior to Aika’s passive skill [Evil Monarch’s Conspiracy], which allows her to completely dominate those below level 60, cause paranoia, fear, and anxiety to those below level 80, and cast doubt upon the target that they can’t ignore and perceive her words as truths.


Both passive skills had no effect on the people present, so to everyone here, their voices simply sounded good. 


“No. Those two Guardians are only to be moved under special circumstances. Therefore, there is no need to call them over at the moment.”


“I see.”


“...My. Allies. Have. Not. Arrived. Yet.”


The words Cocytus uttered froze both Aura and Shalltear on their feet, as well as Albedo’s immaculate smile. 


Given Cocytus’ insectoid race… they could easily guess which “allies” he was referring to. 


“...That, that fellow is just an Area Guardian in one of the floors which I… which we are in charge of.”




Shalltear and Aura smiled stiffly, while Albedo nodded vigorously in agreement.


“...Kyouhukou, is it. Indeed, it would be good to inform the various Area Guardians. Then, let the Area Guardians like Guren and Grant know about it as well. I will leave that task to the various Floor Guardians.”


There existed two kinds of guardians within the Great Underground tomb of Nazarick. 


Floor Guardians, who were present before Momonga, Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch, were the ones responsible for one or more floors. While Area Guardians were responsible for an area or location within a floor. 


These Area Guardians would be under their respective Floor Guardians and be in charge of a specific domain. 


And due to their numbers and limited influence, the term Guardian didn’t usually refer to them, but instead, a Floor Guardian. 


Thus, with his words understood by all floor guardians, Albedo commanded:


“Then, everyone, let us pledge our loyalty to the Supreme Ones.”


All Guardians nodded as one and lined up before the four Supreme Beings. 


Albedo stood at the front, while other guardians formed a neat line behind her; all donning solemn, respectful expressions which reflected their genuine and unbreakable loyalty and respect to the supreme beings.


Shalltear, who stood on one end of the line, stepped forward.


“Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floors, presents

herself to the Masters.”


She went to one knee, one hand pressed against her chest, and bowed deeply. A thin smile she failed to hide due to the overwhelming joy of the recent events still overflowing from within her. 


Then, Cocytus stepped forward.


“Cocytus. Guardian. Of. The. 5th. Floor. Presents. Himself. To. The. Masters.”


Much like Shalltear had, he knelt before the Supreme Beings like a vassal before a lord.


Then, it was the twin dark elves’ turn.


“The Guardian of the 6th Floor, Aura Bella Fiora, presents herself to the Masters.”


“Al-also a Guardian of the 6th Floor, Mare Bello Fiore, presents himself to the Masters.”


After that, Demiurge advanced in a dignified manner.


“The Guardian of the 7th Floor, Demiurge, presents himself to the Masters.”


Following his crisp words, Demiurge went to one knee in a graceful descent, as though expressing his heart through his actions. Finally, Albedo stepped forward as well.


“The Guardian Overseer Albedo presents herself to the Masters.”


She smiled, and knelt like the other Guardians. However, Albedo continued speaking in a high and clear voice as she delivered her report to Momonga.


“With the exception of the 4th Floor Guardian Gargantua and the 8th Floor Guardian Victim, all the Floor Guardians are gathered before you. Thus do we offer up our utmost loyalty to the Masters.”


Momonga could not speak as he looked at the six lowered heads before him. A

strange pressure veiled the entire area, and perhaps only Momonga could

bear the painful, crushing air.


Even after knowing this would happen, actually being subjected to the loyalty and reverence of all the floor guardians still froze him.


And Yuuji, Aika, and Lelouch could not help but pity, and at the same time, laugh at him inwardly. 





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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