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Chapter 166 ~ Arrival


For a brief moment, an instant, as pure white filled his vision, there was nothing. 


Yuuji felt his lung hurt, collapsing, as if air had suddenly been rendered absent in that instant. 


Then, a rush of wind. 


In a moment of panic and self preservation, Yuuji gasped. He breathed in a lungful of air. 


Then, the familiar sensation of dizziness and headache hammered his head; a sensation he least looked forward to during these missions. What’s more, this time, the sensation was far more intense than before. 









Voices. His own, and others familiar. But at this very moment, even with his enhanced intelligence and mental capacity, Yuuji simply had no leeway to even recognize them as a myriad of information and “memories” rushed into his mind in but a brief instant. 


Like trying to force a book into a full shelf and forcefully bending and pushing aside other books, all the information regarding his class, race, abilities, skills, spells, stats, equipment, and 16 years worth of memories rushed into his mind like an unstoppable, surging wave. 


‘Ngghh… Hah… Hah… Hah… Seriously… Why does it hurt so much, this time…? Was it because of the amount of information…? Or does it relate to the level of power we got…?’


He held his head with his left hand, and felt a sharp sensation as his fingers touched his head. 


But once again, the pain overwhelmed all other thoughts that briefly flashed across his mind.


While the worst had come to pass, there was still a slight buzz in his mind as the pain slowly disappeared… 


And after it fully vanished, only then could he think clearly once more… Or rather, he felt… strangely refreshed, as if he had just taken a long night’s sleep. 


His mind became clear, clearer than ever before. As if his mind had finally been liberated from the shackles he didn’t know existed.


He blinked his eyes, slowly getting used to the light again after being blinded by the blinding light from the teleportation. 


And as his eyes slowly adjusted, the first thing he saw was a beautiful, bewitching woman with long black hair that shined like the starry night sky. 


She stood one step below him, on the marbled stairs adorned with a crimson red carpet with gold trimmings, and the first thing that captured his attention was the pair of beautiful golden jewels with a slit of darkness in the middle that were her eyes. 


The woman had the face of an ever smiling Goddess, and the purity and holiness of her figure was further accentuated by the shoulderless, pure white dress, a stark contrast to her lustrous jet-black hair that reached down to her slim waist. 


However, Yuuji knew that she was not a Goddess, despite her possessing the beauty of one. For she had a pair of horns, a slitted pupil, and behind her waist, a pair of black-feathered wings that shrouded the lower half of her wide hips, milky thighs, and long, slender legs. 


Her slender, lithe arms were covered in a pair of lustrous silken gloves, and in her hand she held a wand of some sort with a jet-black orb hovering at its end, floating lightly in the air and yet affixed in its position. 


She wore a golden necklace that was patterned like a spiderweb, which extended from her shoulders down to her impressively sized, milky white breasts that, thanks to his elevated position, was in full view for him, including her deep, soft, mountain valley that was filled with all men’s dream. 


And for a moment, Yuuji was stunned by her figure. After all, to see such a beautiful woman on par with even Aika and Mira so suddenly would shock even him, even for a moment. 


But soon, he snapped out of his daze, and immediately recognized the beautiful woman before him. 


Albedo. The Guardian Overseer of Nazarick, second only to Momonga within the underground tomb of Nazarick, and the most beautiful woman in this world, at least according to him.


Then, standing behind her, below the stairs, were the familiar figure of five maids of various races and appearance with beauty being the only constant, dressed in a familiar battle maid outfit, and a familiar older gentleman in suits. 


The Pleiades and Sebas Tian. 


Yuuji was also quite shocked by their appearance. Now that he was here in reality, Sebas appeared more handsome and refined than he was in the anime. 


And the pleiades… They all looked absolutely stunning. Like beings handcrafted by the very heavens to be perfect in their respective charm. At the very least, they were on par with the most beautiful celebrities he knew in his own world.


Yuuji’s eyes gleamed with a look of admiration, before his eyes landed on Albedo once again, who was still smiling ever so beautifully at him. Her gentle, downturned golden eyes looking straight into his. And he couldn’t help but be enraptured by her once again. 


“Yuuji-kun… Aika-san… Lelouch-kun… Are you alright…?”


Just then, a deep, gruff voice resounded throughout the massive throne room, snapping him out of his daze. 


He turned to look, and to his left, a massive skeleton with a crimson red orb where its abdomen should be, adorned in a mythical, beautiful, dark purple robes sat upon a massive jet-black throne throne that seemed to have been carefully and masterfully carved from a single mass of obsidian. 


With but a glance, it was easy for Yuuji to recognize him as Momonga, Satoru’s Yggdrasil Avatar. 


“I-I’m okay…”


Yuuji responded, nodding at the skeletal face of his friend. Then, his gaze shifted towards the figure standing to Momonga’s left. 


“I-I’m fine as well…”


Yuuji immediately recognized his voice and his figure. Unlike Satoru who transformed into a skeleton, Lelouch still looked like himself, with a few changes. 


He was dressed in a beautiful, long, jet-black overcoat with platinum white embroideries, chains, ornaments, and armor adorning his outfit. Under his overcoat, he wore a jet-black shirt with two buttons opened, revealing the geass symbol right above his clavicle. 


Behind him, six pairs of dark-feathered wings emerged from his back, unfurled in all of its glory like the expansive, starless night sky. 


“U-Uuuu… My head hurts…”


Hearing the familiar, yet somehow a bit more mature, and even more melodic and alluring, he looked to his right, and saw a figure that stunned him to his very core. 


She was an impossibly beautiful woman, charming and stunning beyond words, with gold, light brown hair that seemed to glow and shine like the afternoon sun. 


She wore a shoulderless, pure black evening gown dress with a vertical slit at the center of her stomach, revealing her belly button, and a slit that started from her hips, down to her legs. Her pure black dress accentuating the stark contrast to her pure jade white skin.


She had golden irises, just the way Yuuji remembered. But instead of regular circular pupils that humans had, they were vertically slitted, which was somewhat odd. 


In addition, a pair of curled, pure white horns sprouted from the sides of her head; both pairs adorned with beautiful, shining platinum-white jewelries and black, obsidian gems that seemed to be glowing with crimson radiance from within. 


A pair of jet-black wings adorned with similar platinum white jewelries and black, obsidian and crimson gems also emerged from her waist. 


Around her neck, an immaculate pure white necklace, adorned with similar obsidian with crimson radiance within extended from her shoulders to the top of her breast, curving along the shapely curvature of her massive womanly assets. 


Her lithe, slender wrists were covered in a pair of jet-black, laced, silken gloves that went extended up to her arms. And finally, a platinum white ring with a jet-black diamond that sparkled with crimson radiance adorned the ring finger of her right hand. 






He could hardly believe his eyes… 


His beloved Aika was already the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life, in all the worlds he had been to. She was the epitome of beauty. 


But now… he realized how wrong he was…


How… How in the world could she become even more beautiful, sexy, betwitching, and cute…? 


While Yuuji observed her appearance in a daze, Aika was similarly stunned by his unique appearance.


He was unlike Aika, Lelouch, Momonga, or any other beings within this room, who had a singular theme to their appearance… 


The right half of his figure was that of a heavenly angel with long, white hair and golden streaks that reached his hips. His eye was golden with a circular shape within his iris that seemed to shine with heavenly, radiant light. 


Adorning his heavenly physique was an immaculate, ceremonial plate armor of white and gold, and a white cape with golden trimmings. And on his right hand, a jet-black ring with a beautiful, purplish pink diamond adorned his ring finger.


And behind him, six white and gold feathered wings emerged from his back, accentuating the air of heavenly divinity and holiness that his figure exuded. 


Meanwhile, the left half of his figure was… a complete opposite. 


With jet-black hair and crimson red streaks, a crimson-red eye with a similar circular shape within his iris, but that seemed to shine ominously with a promise of destruction, the left half of his figure was that of the Devil himself.  


Instead of the beautiful, white and gold armor of a divine knight, the left half of the armor was a spiky, jet-black armor that radiated a dark aura and seemingly glowed with an ominous crimson light.


Then, emerging from his back six black and crimson feathered wings emerged, instead of white and gold. And from the side of his head, a curved, jet-black demon horn with a cracking pattern that shined with a radiant crimson glow emerged. 


The two halves were a stark contrast to each other with non sharing even the slightest of similarities. But, there was one unifying part that the two halves shared. 


A shining, golden halo with golden thorns wrapped along its length, dripping with golden liquid that disappeared into particles of light upon dropping a few centimeters from it, floated behind Yuuji’s head. 


Still, the two halves of his appearance represented something that couldn’t be more different than each other. An abomination that would’ve sent both the heavens and hell into a frenzy. 


And yet… it looked… absolutely stunning. 


Aika couldn’t help but gawk at her hubby’s new appearance. 


She thought he was already the most handsome man in the world… in all worlds. In fact, he must’ve already been the epitome of handsomeness in the universe!!!


But… H-How could he become even hotter?!?!?!


His left half exuded the dangerous sexiness of a handsome, devilish, yet loving young master that all girls dreamed to be dominated by. From just simply looking, she’s already having the tingles in her womb, begging to be teased and played with by him~!


But at the same time, his right half exuded the comforting gentleness and kindness of an elegant, affectionate, and loving young master who any girl would swoon over!


He… He had the best of both worlds!!! How was this even fair for her poor, innocent, maiden heart?!?!


E-Even now, she’s extremely conflicted…! 


S-She would love to have a romantic, lovey-dovey sex with him to celebrate their reunion after so long. B-But… there was an urge in her heart that would love for him to tie her up and dominate her into his submissive little perverted wife!


Which one should she choose?! No, is choosing even possible?!?!?


It’s not!!!


Then maybe… B-Both?!


At first, he would tie her up, tease her, play with her body, and drive her to the edge without giving her the release she begged for. 


And then… he would suddenly become super loving and tell her how much he loved her, hug her tightly, and pushed his big, sturdy, manly cock deep into her flooding pussy, pressing the tip against her hungry baby-making room, and push her over the edge as he impregnate her with his love!!!!


A-Aaaahhhh!!!! T-That’d be too much!!! E-Even for her, it’d be too much for her heart to handle!!!


B-But… at the same time… P-Perhaps they could try it… once? Or… a-a couple of times…?


Ah! N-No!!! Her heart wouldn’t be able to take it!!! 


After gawking at Yuuji for a few moments, Aika suddenly hid her beautiful face with her hands and turned around, squealing in embarrassment and panic from her own imagination!!!


Yuuji couldn’t help but look at her confusedly… And at the same time, he also felt a bit of disappointment since he couldn’t continue to admire her beauty longer. It had been such a long time since he last saw Aika in person, and he missed her very much. 


But then, Yuuji noticed something peculiar.


When Aika squealed and turned around… Yuuji didn’t notice any change in her expression, which was odd.


If they were already in the new world… then they should be able to show their expression, just as they would in reality. 


Momonga couldn’t do it since he’s a skeleton, but Aika and Lelouch, who had human features, should be able to do it!


If they couldn't… then could it be…?


It was only then that Yuuji realized the HUD in his field of vision had been minimized for him all this time. And when he willed it to appear, the game screen of Yggdrasil did appear before him, hovering in a fixed position mid air in front of him. 


On the top left, he could see his name, “Yuuji”, a long red line and a blue one below it signifying his HP and MP, and an artistic depiction of an angel and devil’s wing as a symbol to its left. 


On the top middle was the name of his current location. “The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick > Tenth Floor > Throne Room”


To his bottom left was a UI for the chat box, menu, event, and system interface. And to his bottom right was something akin to a minimap with several dots around him, signifying himself and his friends. 


And lastly, to the top right of his HUD was the server time, showing “23:50:21”.




‘Wait… We’re not in the new world yet…?’





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~!

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