Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 162 ~ A Favor

Suzuki Satoru: “Everyone…. Yggdrasil is shutting down in a few days…”


Yuuji’s eyes widened the moment he saw the message Satoru had sent in the group chat. 


The shutting down of Yggrasil was not shocking news to anyone, not even those in Satoru’s world. The announcement for its shut down had been made and known for long before, and rumors of it, even longer. 


To most, the shutdown of a long-since-dying game which its main player base had left it for a long time was not special in any way. Many would simply brush it off or perhaps reminisce about the game they’ve played years ago for a few moments, before simply accepting it as regular information. 


But to Satoru, it was a massive and devastating news. 


Yggdrasil was not simply a game to him. It was… his escape. A world much better than his own with reality much more preferable to him than his real world. A world where his life was filled with excitement, wonder, friendship, and a sense of belonging. A world he can escape to when his work and the dreary toxic world had become too much for him to handle for the day. 


The escape he had been clinging onto for dear life for the last few decades, trying his best to keep it from disappearing even if his friends had long since abandoned it, was now disappearing in a few days. 


Although he was not completely alone now, the disappearance of something that had been a massive part of his life must’ve still been devastating to him. 


Even through text, Yuuji could feel the sadness and loneliness he must be feeling right now…


Yuuji began typing on his phone and responded to him. 


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Satoru-san… Are you okay?”


Suzuki Satoru: “I’m… fine. I’ve been trying my best to cope with it for a while now, so… I’m doing better.”


Kiryuu Aika: “<3 <3 <3!!! Sending you lot’s of love, Satoru-san!!!”


Lelouch Lamperouge: “We are here for you. Please tell us if you need anything.”


One by one, the members of the group began sending him encouraging and comforting messages. 


Suzuki Satoru: “Thank you very much, everyone. I truly appreciate your feelings m(_ _)m. It is only thanks to everyone here that I’ve not been moping around in Nazarick lifelessly.”


Suzuki Satoru: “I am actually here to get your advice on what I should do before the “transfer”. I’ve been doing a few things, but… I want to know what I should be doing more to prepare.”


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “I see… What have you been doing, Satoru-san?”


Suzuki Satoru: “I’ve been raiding some dungeons and empty bases to gather as many resources as I can.”


Suzuki Satoru: “I’ve also been checking Nazarick’s treasury to see what we have and what we’d need, and buying a ton of useful and powerful cash items.”


Shiba Tatsuya: “How about increasing the levels of the NPCs?”


Suzuki Satoru: “Ah yes! I’ve also been increasing the levels of the Pleiades and the area guardians. I’ve also been sorting out their weapons and inventory to give them an upgrade.”


Chiba Erika: “Hm, I think you’ve prepared well enough. I can’t think of anything to add…”


C.C: “ I am still a bit unfamiliar with the world you will be transferring to, so I won’t be able to offer any good advice.”


Lelouch Lamperouge: “I would recommend you stock up on information gathering items to bolster your intelligence gathering network.”


Tsubakihara Yuuji: “I agree with Lelouch. And… well perhaps this is not something to do in Yggdrasil, but perhaps you can buy a proficiency in management or leadership to help you? Perhaps business too.”


Suzuki Satoru: “Yes! I was just thinking of doing it! Thank you, Lelouch-kun, Yuuji-kun! I’ll take your advice!”


Satoru currently has the Etiquette and Insight proficiency in addition to the Charisma passive skill he had just received from the mission to Lelouch’s world. And although they would help him in his acting, it’d be better if Satoru could truly act as a leader and perhaps not be absolutely clueless on management and business. 


Kiryuu Aika: “Don’t forget to change Albedo’s settings too!!!”


Suzuki Satoru: “A-Ah… That’s right. I’ve… actually been thinking about it, but I don’t have any good idea yet…” 


Satoru wanted to erase the setting of being a “slut” Albedo had that would become a reality upon his transfer. After all, even though it was his good friend Tabula himself that gave that setting, he didn’t want Albedo, who he saw as his own daughter, to follow that setting. 


That said, he didn’t know what he should change it to. Replacing it with “Loves Momonga” was denied immediately by him and everyone in the chat group. Satoru himself didn’t want to place such feelings upon his own daughter forcefully, and he wouldn’t have in the anime if he knew it would become a reality. 


That said, he also didn’t know what he could replace it with that would not go against her own nature and Tabula Smaragdina’s “gap moe” setting on her.


Kiryuu Aika: “Hehe~ Don’t worry! I’ve actually prepared it!!!”


Suzuki Satoru: “Oh? Then by all means, please tell me, Aika-san.”


Yuuji waited in bated anticipation along Satoru and the others, as Aika typed her response. 


Kiryuu Aika: “Fufu~ You can make her a “Goudere” who will only love her destined one~!!!”


Suzuki Satoru: “Gou… dere?”


Yuuji also tilted his head slightly. He had never heard of the tem “Goudere” before… Was it similar to Tsundere or Yandere…?


Chiba Erika: “Aika, what’s a goudere?”

Kiryuu Aika: “Let me explain!!! Goudere is the best dere there is!!! “Gou” means overwhelming, and dere means love. So a Goudere is someone whose love and passion for their beloved is overwhelming!!!”


Kiryuu Aika: “She’s the kind of girl who would put their beloved above everything else and wants to help their beloved achieve anything they wish! And she’ll let nothing stop her from realizing her beloved’s wishes!!!”


Suzuki Satoru: “I see. That… does sound like the Albedo in the anime…”


Kiryuu Aika: “That’s right! Albedo in the anime is a Goudere! So, in reality, we won’t be changing much of her settings. Just that she’ll be free to choose whoever her beloved would be!”


Suzuki Satoru: “I see…! That is a great idea, Aika-san. I would also like for her to find someone she truly loves and be as devoted as she was in the anime to them…”


Towards Albedo, who he saw as his own daughter, Satoru’s wish was to see her be happy and safe, and find someone she could truly be in love with and spend a life of happiness with that person. 


Well, he won’t accept just anyone to be his beloved daughter’s partner… And he also won’t let it be anyone that might cause a disruption within his family. 


But, this was still a good idea. 


Suzuki Satoru: “Thank you very much, Aika-san. I’ll be taking your advice and modify her settings now!”


Kiryuu Aika: “Uhn~ You’re welcome~”


Suzuki Satoru: “Then, I’ll be returning to Yggdrasil for now and continue the preparation!!! See you guys soon!”

Tsubakihara Yuuji: “Good luck, Satoru-san.”


Lelouch Lamperouge: “+1”


Shiba Tatsuya: “+1”


Chiba Erika: “+1”


C.C: “+1”


Kiryuu Aika: “+1”


With the group disbanded temporarily as everyone returned to their activities, Yuuji put his phone back in his pocket, and continued to accompany the girls in their exploration. 


And soon, they quickly made their way back to the mansion, picked up by Stella, so they could arrive before dinner time. 



The cold night wind blew gently as Yuuji, unperturbed in the slightest by such small breeze, sat silently on a chair in one of the balconies on the second floor. 


A wine cup filled with water, because there wasn’t any other type of cup in the household aside from cups normally used for fancy alcohol, rested on the marble table before him. 


After finishing dinner and taking a bath, Yuna, Nina, and Sena decided to have a girls’ night to catch up and tell stories from the time they were separated. 


And given they gather in Sena’s bedroom, Yuuji decided to remove himself from the gathering, to Yuna and Nina’s disappointment, and spend some time under the night sky. 


He chatted with Aika, Erika, C.C, and Mayumi on his phone. And while waiting for them to reply, he went through his inventory and explored the shop for a bit to see if there’s something that could help them with the mission in Satoru’s world. 


He didn’t know if he would join… But Aika would most definitely ask Satoru if she could join so could gain a power that would allow her to protect herself better in her world. 


With the matters about the Fallen Angel and the incoming conflict between Rias’s peerage and the Phenex, she wanted the power that would allow her to, at the very least, keep herself safe from those conflicts. 


And Yuuji also wished the same for her. 


But, the world of Overlord was dangerous. Although she’d be surrounded by powerful beings and she would also gain a powerful ability from the “support” given by the group chat, there was still the existence of “World Items”. 


In the Overlord World, World Items are extremely powerful and are capable of affecting even max level players and NPCs, such as Satoru and the other members of Nazarick. 


Even Aika might not be safe from such items…


Although she has an SSR, Aika’s Full-Body Potential Unlock didn’t give her any protection against magical effects. She might be able to resist the effects of regular magic items and magical effects. But Yuuji doubted she’d be protected from a magical effect from a World Item, such as the brainwashing effect of the “Downfall of Castle and Country” which was owned and used by the Theocracy in the Overlord anime 


But, there was a way to resist the effect of a World Item. That is, to have another world item themselves. 


Someone with a world item would not be affected by the effects of another world item. 


Thus, if Aika were to borrow one of the World Items that belonged to Ainz Ooal Gown, she’d be able to resist other world items. 


This fact gave Yuuji a bit of peace… But Aika still needed to get stronger. 


After all, they won’t be able to rely on World Items all the time… As powerful as they were, each World Item still has a downside that would make them “balanced” to exist in the game. 


For instance, the “Downfall of Castle and Country”, which could affect even a level 100 NPC Character, could only be used to charm 1 target at a time and could not affect the Platinum Dragon Lord, Tsaindorcus Vaision. 


If she were to somehow encounter the dragon lord that gave even Satoru and Albedo a tough fight… Yuuji didn’t even want to imagine what would happen to her.


So, he would need to find something that could help protect her if he couldn’t be there to do it before she gets stronger…


“Ah… So you’re here.”


Yuuji snapped out of his daze and turned towards the entrance of the balcony to see Sena’s father, Tenma, standing there. 


He was dressed in a gray yukata with his hands slipped in his long loose sleeves, with a small smile on his face as he looked at Yuuji. 




Just as Yuuji was about to stand up and greet him, Tenma waved his hand and approached him, taking the seat beside him. 


He leaned back on his chair and looked up to the night sky, the moon shining brightly in the midst of the starry darkness that encompassed everything. 


“Hah… Let me relax here for a little bit. I just managed to escape from those two, and I need a place to hide for a while.”


“Aah… Escape…?”


Tenma let out a deep sigh and shook his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 


“Those two… They’ve been talking non-stop since dinner… And Stelle has been revealing every single embarrassing and dark memory I’ve been trying my best to suppress to Mira…! It’s like highschool all over again…!”


“A-Ahh… I see…”


From his words alone, and the trembling of his hands, Yuuji could feel the embarrassment and pain he’s suffering… 


But… All he could do was give him an apologetic look and his pity. For he has no power to do anything about it. No man in the world does… Not when it comes to their wife/beloved.


“Hah… Well, forget about that. How have you been, Yuuji-kun? The last time I saw you, you were just this little thing. But now, you’ve grown so much… I couldn’t help but wonder how you’ve been all this year.”


Yuuji smiled softly and responded.


“Thanks to the loving family I’ve been blessed with, I have been living well. And I’m now trying my best to be able to repay them for the love and care they’ve given me…”


“Good man. Oh, and I’ve also heard from Mira that you’ve been dipping your toes into investment. She bragged about how talented you are.”


“I’m still just an amateur compared to my mother, but I am learning as much as I can so I may one day support them on my own, and let them live a life without the need to worry about money.”


A look of surprise flashed across Tenma’s face. This… wasn’t the sort of response he’d expect from a child his daughter’s age. 


His eyes flashed with intrigue and admiration as he observed Yuuji more closely now more than ever. His impression of Yuuji had raised several levels now in his mind.


“I see. I wish you good luck in your endeavor. And if I may give you one piece of advice from someone who had dove into that world a bit earlier… Don’t bite more than you can chew.”


The words of advice from a man who had reached the heights few could attain reverberated deeply. Although he was now far beyond Tenma in terms of assets thanks to the group chat, Yuuji took his advice seriously as one from someone who attained such heights with his own ability. 


“Thank you very much for your advice. I have taken it to heart.”


Tenma nodded, his lips curled into a gentle smile, as Yuuji bowed his head in gratitude. 


“Well then. I’ve come not only to escape the ladies. I came to find you to ask you something.”


“What would that be?”


Tenma shifted his gaze towards Yuuji. His eyes looked straight into his. 


“Your trip this afternoon. How did it go?”


A look of surprise flashed across his face, not expecting a rather normal and mundane question to come from him when he looked so serious. 


But, Yuuji answered as seriously as he could. 


“It went very well. We had a lot of fun, and I believe the girls have reestablished their friendship quite well. They’ve been full of smiles all day long.”


Tenma’s lips curled into a small smile. His eyes softened as he seemingly imagined his daughter laughing and having fun with friends she never had since her childhood. 


The elegant, composed figure of the established man of nobility and position simply melted away, leaving behind the loving figure of a father who cared for his daughter dearly. 


“I see… I’m glad.”


He leaned back to his chair as a moment of silence fell between the two. 


The gentle night breeze blew past them as the rustling of leaves and faint clattering of branches from the forests all around them resounded in the background. 


“How about you? What do you think of Sena?”


Yuuji’s eyes widened in surprise once more, not expecting such a straightforward question to suddenly be asked…


He turned to Tenma, and saw him glancing at him relaxedly with a small smile on his lips. 


He asked the question casually, as if asking him for the weather. But from his eyes, Yuuji could tell how serious he was with this question. 


He was observing him closely. His eyes and ears carefully discerned the next few words he was going to say for lies and untruths. 


It would’ve been nerve wracking to be observed so closely once one noticed his true intention behind his relaxed demeanor. But Yuuji kept his calm, for he had nothing to hide. 


“Sena… The words she says could be very sharp and rude, and she could also be brash at times. But… I do now that those tough and spiky exterior were meant to protect her true nature, which is kind, shy, and well meaning.”


Yuuji leaned back to his chair and shifted his gaze up to the night sky. The stars twinkled ever so faintly as the moon shined its light brightly. 


“I had quite a bit of fun teasing and poking her tough exterior so I could enjoy her cute reactions. But all in all… I feel very comfortable when I’m with her and I’m glad we could be friends again.”


Silence fell once more between the two. Before a loud, roaring laughter erupted from Tenma, causing Yuuji to turn to him in surprise. 


“I see I see! Hahahaha! I’m glad you think of her that way!”


Tenma stood up, stretched his arms and body, and turned towards Yuuji once more.


“You’ve put me in a good mood. So I’ll have you accompany me for a drink to relish in this mood!”


A look of surprise flashed across his eyes. But seeing as Tenma wouldn’t back down from his demand, Yuuji let out a sigh and smiled helplessly. 


“I’m still a minor, Kashiwazaki-san… So I’ll just have water.”


“Good man! Hahahaha! Let’s go!”


Tenma walked briskly back into the manor, his wooden sandals clacking away, and Yuuji quickly followed after. 


They reached Tenma’s room, and he brought out a bottle of wine from his special stash in his room, and went ahead with his drink late into the night while Yuuji accompanied the man with all his shenanigans that began happening more and more as more wine entered his system. 


By the end of it, Tenma passed out on the table, forcing Yuuji to pick him up and put him in his bed, before leaving the room and returning to his. 





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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