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Chapter 160 ~ Phone

All the memories of her childhood with him, all the blissful recollections, filled her mind the moment Sena recognized Yuuji. 


At first, she was actually shocked to find such a handsome guy she had never seen before in her living room, talking with her parents. 


Why was he here…? Who was he? Why did they seem to get along so well…?


But after looking at him a few seconds longer, he seemed… a bit familiar. 


Then, she turned towards the two girls by his side, and her eyes immediately widened in recognition.


They were Yuna and Nina, her two childhood best friends that she had missed all so dearly. 


And only now did it click… 


Sena turned towards the ikemen, and the figure of her kind, gentle, reliable, and cute childhood friend she had always played with was juxtaposed against his figure. 


Was this… really her Yuu-kun…? 


He changed so much…? He became… so h-handsome!!! How could someone change so drastically…?!


Objectively, appearance wise, her Yuu-kun was ordinary. She considered him cute, but to the eyes of others, he was just an ordinary child with an ordinary appearance. 


But now… they couldn’t be more wrong. 


He had the appearance of all the prince charming she had always dreamed of!


A sense of… happiness, excitement, and pure joy to be reunited with him again filled her heart. 


But soon, she recalled something that made him… a bit angry. 


His promise… Didn’t he promise her that he’ll always be there for her…?


Didn’t he promise her that he’ll never leave her alone…?


But then… he left and never talked to her again…


Of course, she knew he couldn’t help it since he had to return to his home. But she’s still upset!!!


She could remember crying her eyes out for a week since he left…


It was… the last time she had any true friends. 


And now that he has returned… Although she’s beyond happy, she can’t simply forgive him for breaking his promise so easily!!!


He’ll need to make it up to her and win her back!!! Or, she won’t ever forgive him!!!”





The moment Sena came, Yuuji noticed the look of recognition in her eyes, and the happiness he also felt when he finally saw her again. 


But… in just a few moments, she suddenly glared at him, pouted her lips, and averted her face away from him.


‘Eh…? What just happened…? What did I do…?’


It all happened in a matter of seconds… She looked so happy to see him. But the next moment, she was throwing a tantrum… What is going on in her mind…?!


Yuna, Nina, and Aika, who saw her change in expression, also seemed confused. Even Tenma, her father, didn’t know what caused her sudden swing in mood.


Only Estelle and Mira giggled as they quickly saw through the little, adorable, tsundere. 


“Oh my~ Sena-chan, come and take a seat~!”


“Y-Yes… m-mom.”


Sena meekly walked towards the couches and bowed her head towards Mira and Aika.


“U-Uhm… I-It has been a while since we’ve last met, Aunt Mira, Aunt Aika. P-Please take care of me.”


“Ufufufu~ Long time no see, Sena~ You’ve grown into such a beauty~”


“Mm, I’m also glad you’re doing fine.”

Sena’s lips curled into a shy smile, before her attention turned towards Yuna and Nina, who were waving and smiling at her respectively. And she waved back at the two. 


Although she couldn't completely remember everything from her childhood, she remembered how close they were then.


Along with Yuuji, the four of them were inseparable and they would always be together night and day, until they returned home. 


So now… Although a long time has passed since, she still felt some sort of closeness to them. 


She felt extremely happy… Friends… She has friends now… 


Her years of being alone and surrounded only by boys who wished to court her was over!!! Now, she can proudly tell everyone that she has friends!!!


Then, her eyes met with Yuuji, who smiled ever so warmly at her. 


Her heart skipped a beat. Her face reddened. 


But before he could even wave, Sena snapped out of her daze and averted her face away from him with a hmph, leaving him speechless and confused… 


“Fufu~ Ah, I’m so happy that we can gather like this again~ It’d be even better if Noel and Hana could also join us, but they’re unfortunately busy…”


Estelle cupped her cheek with a hand and leaned towards it, letting out a disappointed sight. 


The four of them and their family used to be so close with each other. But now, they’ve gone on separate paths life took them on. 


“I agree. But don’t worry~ I’m sure we’ll have other opportunities in the future~”



Estelle then turned towards Stella, the daughter of her “sister” Noel, and asked with a soft smile.


“Stella, is lunch ready~?”


“Yes. It is ready.”


Stella answered with a bow.


“Great~! Then, let’s have an early lunch after you’ve all settled in your rooms~! I’m sure you’re all hungry from the trip~! After that…”


Estelle then turned towards her daughter. 


“Sena, can you show Yuna, Nina, and Yuuji around our house~?”






Silently following them from behind while Sena led them around her home, Yuuji walked with a soft smile as he watched Sena slowly opening up to his sisters.


At first, Sena was still visibly nervous when Yuna and Nina talked to her. Having not seen each other for almost a decade, it was only natural for her to not be able to immediately get along with the twins just as she did in the past. 


Thankfully, with Yuna’s natural cheerfulness and Nina’s attentiveness, Sena was able to slowly open up and relax. 


Or at least… She was beginning to join in the conversation. 


Now that he recalled more of his childhood memories with her, Sena was very tough to befriend at first. 


She was proud, in addition to being shy, the combination of which caused her to put up a high wall first before slowly lowering it. And when she fully accepted them as friends, she was the cutest and sweetest little girl. 


Yuuji didn’t expect their relationship to return to the way it was during their childhood. But at the very least, he hoped they could get along with her again. 


“Ah! I’m sorry, Sena-chan~ Can you show me where the bathroom is…?”


“Me too… I’d like to go to the bathroom.”


“Ah, it’s the second door to the end of this hallway… Here, let me guide you!”


“It’s fine~ We’ll be quick~ In the meantime, you should accompany Yuu-kun~!”


“Thank you for the direction. We’ll be back soon.”




The twins left quickly, heading to the bathroom as indicated by Sena, leaving her and Yuuji alone in the hallway. 


Her face blushed, and her heart began to thump nervously as awkward silence filled the air…


Yuuji stood silently, secretly glancing at Sena, who was averting her gaze from him and refusing to talk. 


“...Uhm, it has been a while since we’ve last talk hasn’t it, Sena…?”




“...How have you been…?”




Completely ignored, Yuuji couldn’t help but sighed inwardly… Why was she ignoring him…?


He had been silent all this time since he didn’t want to disturb his sisters when they’re talking with her. 


But now that they’re alone, she’s… ignoring him.


“...Sena? Are you… ignoring me…?”



Sena snorted through her nose and crossed her arms under the breasts, and continued ignoring him. 


She was… definitely ignoring him for some reason… Did he do something…?


Yuuji began racking his brain… Going through everything he did towards her starting from the present, and slowly going to the past…


And soon, he noticed something that might answer why she was upset with him.


“...Is it because of the promise?”


While slight, Yuuji didn’t miss the flinch Sena did the instant he mentioned about the promise…


‘Ah… So that’s it…’


He let out a deep sigh of relief… having finally realized what made her upset.


“...I’m sorry I couldn’t fulfill my promise… I’m sorry I couldn’t stay with you just like how I said I would…”


Yuuji apologized sincerely… 


Although it couldn’t be helped… he still apologized for having brought up her hope of not leaving her alone, even though he knew he needed to return home. 


Yuuji knew Sena didn’t have any friends before them… And them leaving must’ve caused her great sadness. Moreso when he gave her hope in the form of a promise that he won’t leave her alone. 


The thoughtless promise he made when he was a child ended up causing her even more sadness.


“...It’s… It’s fine. I-It can’t be helped, anyway! You had to go…”




Sena stopped crossing her arms, and instead began hugging herself as she slowly turned her head forward, no longer averting it away from Yuuji. 


Inwardly, she knew it couldn’t be helped that Yuuji had to return home. But, she was just a bit upset at him and wanted to teach him a lesson!


B-But… W-Who would’ve expected that he’d apologize so quickly and ruin all her plans…! 


He also apologized with such sincerity and such… gentle, soothing voice…! She couldn’t keep being upset at him!!!


“But still… I’d like to make it up to you now.”


Yuuji brought out his phone and showed it to Sena, causing her to finally turn her face towards him and look at his phone.


“How about we exchange contacts? Then, we can talk with each other whenever we want, even after I return home. We can even send each other pictures, videos, or even do a video call.”

Her eyes immediately widened as they shined in excitement. Her lips parted slightly in awe as she looked at Yuuji’s phone in reverence. 


But soon, she deflated once more.






“...I don’t have one.”


Sena pouted her lips as she looked down, her hands clutching the ends of her skirt in frustration. 


“You… don’t have a phone?”


Yuuji couldn't believe it when Sena nodded to his question.


In this day and age… How could a teenage girl not have a phone…? 


He looked at her, and saw the frustration, sadness, and embarrassment displayed entirely on her face. 


“I see… Did your dad prohibit you from owning a phone…?”

“...No. I simply never needed one… Stella would always pick me up on time at school. And if I need to call papa from school, I can always use the school phone to do it. And… I… I have no…”




Perhaps out of embarrassment or sadness… Sena couldn’t finish the last bit of her sentence. But with context clues and knowing Sena’s personality, Yuuji could easily guess what she meant to say… 


Especially when Sena seemed about to burst into tears…


He sighed inwardly and revealed a small, soft smile.


“I see… Then, shall we go to town later and buy a phone? I saw a pretty large department store on the way here, so they might sell some phones.”


Sena immediately looked up to him, her beautiful sky blue eyes regaining her luster as her pink, luscious lips curled into a bright smile.


“R-Really? You’ll go with me…?”

“Mm. Let’s all go together! Yuna and Nina can also recommend which phones are good!”


“Y-Yes!!! I-I’ll go!!! I wanna go!!! I-I’ll go ask dad!!!”


Sena immediately dashed past Yuuji, presumably going to find her dad to ask for permission. 


And just as she left, Yuna and Nina returned from the restroom, and saw Sena running away in a hurry.


“Hm…? What happened?”


Yuuji smiled and answered.


“We’ll be going shopping tomorrow.”





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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