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Chapter 16

The busiest time of the day had finally passed. 


It was such an extremely hectic morning that even Yuuji felt very exhausted after his time working as a waiter in her aunt’s cafe, Rose. 


Dealing with the constant gaze from female customers, trying his best to reject their advances politely, and juggling between all his responsibilities all at once. He was physically fine, given his [Divine Physique], but he was quite mentally exhausted. 


Though, it wasn’t all that bad. 


He got to be reunited with Ran-chan, his childhood friend, as well as getting to meet some of her friends. He was very surprised to see Ranko with tanned skin and bleached hair, but she still looked as beautiful as she was in the past. Her playfulness still hasn’t changed as well, including her perverted part. 


He could still remember when she would also rub Yuna and Nina’s chest when they were young, saying how much she envies them since they would have large breasts just like their mother when they grew up. And now, she also has an extremely alluring figure herself. 


Her friends were also all very beautiful, especially Yukana, who seemed to be her best friend. Her style really reminded her of Aika, though their personality was different. 


Yuuji let out a deep sigh as he changed back from his uniform into his casual clothes. It was a long day, indeed. But considering he got to reunite with his old childhood friend and also see how happy his aunt was, that exhaustion quickly disappeared into the wind.


Just then, a knock came on the changing room.


“Yuuji~? Have you finished changing?”


“Yes, I have, Aika-nee.”


Aika entered the room after she heard his reply and looked at him with a brilliant smile.


“Yuuji~ Thank you so much~! We managed to survive this busy morning thanks to you~!”


Yes, it was this smile that made everything worth it, Yuuji thought inwardly. 


“Don’t mind, Aika-nee. I’m happy to help. Please do tell me when you need my help again. I’ll go whenever you need me.”


“Mm~ You’re such a good boy~ Here’s your reward~!”


Yuuji’s heart skipped a beat when Aika tip-toed and petted his head softly, ruffling his hair, with a sweet smile on her face. 


She was standing very close to him and he could smell her sweet fragrance mixed with her sweat and pheromones… Just a whiff of her scent could drive any man crazy, and now, Yuuji was smelling it up close with his heightened senses. 


He almost pulled her into his embrace just now…


…S-Should I do it…?


Yuuji began to deliberate. H-He really wanted to hug her now, hug her beautiful and sweet Aika-nee. Embrace her soft and warm body with his and pull her as close as possible to him. He wanted to take in a lungful of her sweet fragrance and hug her tightly. 


But he was worried that she might find it uncomfortable… Perhaps, she wouldn’t like it if he hugged her.


As he hesitated, Aika took her hand away from his head and was about to take a step back. 


And the moment he felt that loss of warmth, Yuuji made his decision.


Ah! Screw it!


In one smooth movement, Yuuji wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, pressing her massive breast onto his as he moved his head close to her ear.


“I want this as my reward instead, Aika-nee.”


His deep, smooth, and velvety voice sent shivers down Aika’s spine as snapped out of her shock from being pulled into his embrace. And before she could do anything, she felt a tickle on the side of her neck where Yuuji was.


I-Is he sniffing me?! O-Oh no! I-I was super sweaty!!! 


She began to struggle a bit, fidgeting in his embrace. She tried to push him away, but without any strength in her arms, his strong arms embracing her, and the desire deep inside her to not separate from him, she only amounted to patting his hard chest. 




“Do you hate it, Aika-nee…? If you do, I’ll let you go…”


Once again, his voice sent electricity up her entire body, making her lose any strength in her feet. The only thing holding her up was his arms as she leaned on his broad, hard, manly chest for support. 


Her face blushed redly and her heart felt like it was about to burst. If this goes on, her heart won’t be able to take it!!!


How unfair… I-If you say it like that…


But in the end, she didn’t say anything and just rested her head on his shoulder.


“N-no… I don’t hate it…”


“I’m glad… I’ve always wanted to hug you like this, Aika-nee…”


Aika’s heart skipped a beat once again when she heard his words. This hug… It wasn’t a hug a nephew would give to his aunt. 


He was embracing her so tightly, as if not wanting to let her go ever again. His strong arms wouldn’t budge in the least, yet still felt so gentle around her, as if he was holding his most precious treasure. It was a hug of a man towards the woman he loves.


A–Am I overthinking things…?


Aika sincerely hoped she wasn’t. And from the way Yuuji was sniffing her and holding her like this, she was quite hopeful. But she just can’t be sure yet…


Within the silent room, Yuuji kept Aika in his embrace for quite a while.


He just couldn’t have enough of her warmth, softness, and smell. He had been sniffing her neck all this time, and even though he knew she’d find out, he just couldn't stop. 


Do I have a smell fetish…? No, it’s Aika-nee’s fault for having such a sexy smell.


Breathing in one last lungful of her scent, Yuuji let Aika go of his embrace and smiled sweetly at the dazed Aika.


“Thank you. It’s the best reward I could ask for.”


At his words, Aika snapped out of her daze and immediately headbutt his chest softly to cover her redly blushing face as she clenched onto his shirt.


“Y-Y-You little pervert… H-how could do this to your a-aunt… I-I was really sweaty, you know?”


S-She found out after all…


At this point, there’s no denying it. So instead of doing that, Yuuji hugged her once again and shyly whispered his answer.


“I-It’s your fault for smelling so nice, Aika-nee… I-I like your smell…”


“!!! Y-You little…”


Yuuji felt his heart skip a beat when he felt her flinch a bit at his words. His aunt is just so cute!!!


Just then, Aika let go of his shirt and put both of her hands on either side of his face, and looked at him straight in the eyes. 


“T-This is just a bonus to your reward for doing such a good job.”


Before Yuuji could understand what she meant, Aika’s face got closer to him and felt her soft, luscious lips on his cheek.




She quickly let go of him and turned around. 


“Y-You have somewhere to go after this, right?! Just go already! Good work for today! Thank you!”


And just like that, Aika run away and exited the breakroom, leaving Yuuji dumbfounded with a redly blushing face. 




Slowly, his shock turned into embarrassment, and then into happiness as he realized what this meant.


His heart jumped out in joy ass his lips curled into an uncontrollable wide grin.




As Yuuji made his way home, everyone around him immediately stopped on their tracks, may they be men or women, as if time has stopped the moment they saw the brilliant smile on his face.


But Yuuji ignored the gazes he would’ve minded before as the image of his aunt’s redly blushing face filled his mind. 




With a happy smile still on his face even though his excitement had calmed down a bit, Yuuji arrived in his home and saw Yuna and Nina already waiting for him on the couch, ready to go. 


They were both wearing a long, one-piece dress with flower patterns all over and frills at the end of their puffed-up short sleeves and the edge of their dress. Nina wore the one with blue flowers while Yuna wore the yellow flowers. On their sides were two bags, filled with their swimsuits, towel, and other necessary things they’d need for the pool.


“Ah! You finally return~!”


“Welcome home, Yuuji.”


“Mm, I’m home Yuna, Nina. Can you wait for a bit? I’ll go change my clothes and bring down my bag.”




“Of course.”


Yuuji climbed up the stairs to the second floor and headed to his room. And just as he was about to enter it, Mira popped out from her room and immediately trained her eyes on him the moment she saw him. 


“Ara~ You’re home~?”


“Yes, mom. I was going to change my clothes and grab my bag.”


“I see. How was your day in Aika’s cafe?”


“It was very fun, and I got to meet with Ranko there. She visited the cafe in the morning.”


“Ranko? Aaahh, Ran-chan! It has been a while~ How was she?”


“She’s doing fine. She has tanned skin and bleach hair now.”


“Oh really? Ufufufu~ I’d like to meet her~”


“She gave me her contact. Yuna and Nina also haven’t met her, so maybe it’ll be a good idea to invite her over.”


“Uhn uhn~ Do that~ Did she come alone?”


“No, she came with her friends. There’s four of them total.”




Mira suddenly went silent, having fallen into a thought. Yuuji wondered why she suddenly went silent, but before he could ask, her usual beautiful smile returned to her face.


“Ufufufu~ Are they cute~?”


“Hm? They’re all beautiful girls.”


“I see~ Alright~ Go ahead and do what you need to do. You have to go soon, right?”


“Ah, yes. Then, I’ll go ahead.”


“Yes~ Don’t forget your hoodie, okay~?”




“Ah, also don’t forget about tonight~ I’d like to see the result of your investments and trades, okay?”


“Yes, mom. I’ll be there.”


“Uhn~ Good boy~”


Mira smiled sweetly as Yuuji entered his room and closed his door.  


“So Ran-chan finally gets to reunite with her first love~ Ufufufu~ I wish I could see her reaction when she saw Yuuji’s appearance~”


Mira giggled as she imagined Ranko’s surprised the moment she saw Yuuji. She must’ve been super shocked at how handsome her beloved son had become.


Ufufufu~ I can’t wait to meet her again~


After changing into a shirt and short pants and bringing the bag he had prepared the previous night, Yuuji went down to his sisters in the living room. 


When he arrived, his mother was also already there waiting with his sisters. 


“Thank you for waiting. I’m ready. Let’s go.”


“Uhn~! I’ve contacted Tsukahara-senpai too~! They’re on the way to the water park!”


“Let’s go. Even though we are closer to the water park, we can’t arrive later than them.”


“Yes. Let’s head out now. Mom, we’ll be going now.”


“Bye bye mom~! See you later~!”


“We will be leaving now.”


“Yes~ Stay safe~”


Yuuji, Yuna, and Nina headed out and quickly made their way to the train station. 


The water park was only two stations away from the nearest train station to their house, so they arrived fairly quickly even before Hibiki and Haruka, and waited for them at the entrance.


As usual, their presence attracted much attention from passersby. Before, it would only be men who would turn their attention towards Yuna and Nina. But now, there were a lot of females, including even young moms who were out with their husband and kids, who couldn’t help but stare at Yuuji dazedly. 


Fortunately, Yuna and Nina are with him, so no one approached him. Else… He would’ve been swarmed by girls…


A few minutes later, they saw Haruka and Hibiki’s figure walking towards them, waving their hands. 


“Everyone~! Hello~! Did you wait long~?”


“I’m sorry for coming a bit late. Haruka was talking a bit while choosing her swimsuit…”


“Hehehe~ I’m sorry~ But I was just too excited~!”


“It’s fine, Morishima-senpai, Tsuhakahara-senpai~! We didn’t wait long!”


“Uhn. We’ve just arrived ourselves.”


“Please don’t mind it.”


“Thank you~ Then, let’s enter the water park~! Go go go~!!”


Grabbing Yuna and Nina by their arms, Haruka dragged the twin sisters into the water park to buy their tickets and entered. 


“Hah…And there she goes. Let’s go as well, Yuuji-kun.”


“Yes, Tsukahara-senpai.”


Yuuji followed after Hibiki as they went after the three who had gone off on their own. As they walked, Yuuji couldn’t help but notice the difference in how Hibiki and Haruka dressed. 


Haruka was dressed very beautifully and fashionably in a white skirt that reached her knee and a shoulderless, light, pink sweater on top. On the other hand, Hibiki was dressed fairly plainly in comparison with just a simple blue t-shirt without any patterns or logo and long jeans. 


It was very becoming of her, but Yuuji couldn’t help but think of it as a waste. Hibiki has a fit and athletic figure while still retaining her very womanly curves. In addition to her cool and mature features and temperament, Yuuji reckoned she would be an extremely alluring cool and mature type of woman if she dressed up a bit. 


“Is there something wrong?”


“No. I was just lost in thought for a moment.”


“Would you like to share?”


Yuuji thought for a moment. Would it be rude if he said it? He didn’t want to impose his opinions on her. And maybe, this style of clothing is just what she likes! He didn’t want to offend her in any way!


However, Hibiki was staring at him unmovingly. And because they’re in a line, Yuuji can’t break away from this topic! 


“Uhm… Well, there’s something I’d like to ask you.”


“Oh? What is it?”


“...Well, respectfully, do you have any interest in dressing up, senpai? I believe that with your beautiful countenance and figure, you will become even more beautiful than now.”




Hibiki blushed for an instant in a fluster. She looked at him in shock, wondering if he was hitting on her. But when she saw his expression, she could see that he was genuinely wondering why she dressed this plainly. 


Hibiki quickly regained her calm and cleared her throat. She crossed her arms and avert her face away from Yuuji, hoping he wouldn’t see her blushing face.


“I don’t suit pretty dresses like Haruka, nor do I wish to suit them. So I opted to just wear anything comfortable to me.”


“I see… Well, “pretty” and “cute” dresses do fit women with Morishima-senpai’s type of appearance more than you. But I think you would look amazing in a more mature type of outfit… Have you considered wearing a turtle neck sweater with long sleeves?”


“...I do have those. But since it is almost summer, I don’t think it would be appropriate.”


“Ah, that’s right. Then how about a collared shirt and a skirt? I think they would look very nice on you. Well… I do think the outfit Morishima-senpai is wearing now would also look amazing on you.”


Hibiki blinked a few times as she stared at Yuuji, who became lost in thought, dumbfoundedly. This was… actually the first time she ever had this kind of conversation with a boy. 


The only other person she ever had this kind of conversation with was Haruka, where she’s always pushing her to try out her clothes. 


Hibiki didn’t hate those kinds of clothing. But considering her looks and tall figure, she didn’t think those kinds of clothes would suit her.


But now… This handsome junior of him was saying it’ll look amazing on her…


A small smile appeared on her face as her cheeks flushed slightly red. 


“You seem to know fashion quite well, Yuuji-kun.”


“Ahahaha… Well, I have lived with four beautiful women my whole life. It’s difficult to not pick up some knowledge in fashion.”


“I see. I’ll keep your opinions in mind. Perhaps, I’ll try out a few clothes in the future and you can tell me what you think.”


“It’ll be my honor, Tsukahara-senpai.”


Tsukahara shook her head inwardly and let out a small sigh when she saw this junior of her giving her such a beautiful smile. 


He didn’t seem like he was trying to hit on her, but his every action just said otherwise. Not only was he complimenting her looks, but he was also showing off his knowledge and qualities that would skyrocket him to the top of “boyfriend material”. 


Moreover… That smile… Just how many female hearts had he stolen with just that one smile…?


A few minutes later, they finally get to the ticket booth and bought five tickets to the waterpark. 


“Five adult tickets please.”


“Yes. Five adult tickets, yes? That will be-


The female receptionist suddenly froze. Her eyes became wide as saucers and her jaws slackened the moment she looked up and saw Yuuji. 


“That will be?”


“Ah! P-P-Please excuse me! T-That will be 4,500 yen each for the total of u-uhm… 22,500yen!”


The female receptionist quickly snapped out of her daze, her cheeks blushing redly, and looked down in embarrassment.


“Yes. Here you go.”


Yuna, Nina, Hibiki, and Haruka also paid for themselves following Yuuji and grabbed the ticket as they looked at the female receptionist. 


With just a glance, it was obvious to everyone how smitted she was to Yuuji.


“P-P-Please enjoy yourself.”


“Thank you. Let’s go, everyone.”




Leaving behind the dazed female receptionist, Yuuji and the girls entered the water park and quickly went to the changing room to change into their swimsuits. 


“Then, I will see you guys in a bit.”


“Uhn~! Let’s go, Nina, Morishima-senpai, Tsukahara-senpai~!”


“Mm. See you in a bit.”


“See you later, Yuuji-kun~!”


“You can wait for us here. We won’t take too long.”




With that, Yuuji separated from the girls and entered the men’s changing room.


Inside, there were still a fair amount of people changing into their swimwear or back into their clothes despite it being almost late in the afternoon. 


Having gotten the keys to a locker when he bought the tickets, he headed to the locker with the number matching the one tagged with his key and began taking off his clothes. 


He unbuttoned one, two buttons from his white shirt and took it off over his head. In that moment, he could hear gasps from all around him. 


Yuuji looked around, and saw everyone around him looking at him in shock with their eyes as wide as saucers. Their gasps invited more attention, and they too gasped, creating a chain reaction until everyone in Yuuji’s line of sight were all looking at him in pure shock and amazement. 


Then soon after, some of the guys who saw him quickly hid their bodies, while some hurriedly change into their swimsuit or their casual clothes and left the changing room as fast as they could.


Yuuji’s lips twitched before he let out a deep sigh and continued changing into his the black hoodie with a gold-colored zipper that he brought. He zipped it up completely to the top. 


Then, Yuuji took off his pants, eliciting another gasp from the remaining people around him that he did his best to ignore, and put on his swimming trunks.


Ah… Dammit! It’s tight!


The swimming trunks fitted him perfectly around his waist and thighs, but this crotch area felt extremely tight.


When he looked down, he could see the obvious massive bulge on his crotch area. His swimming trunks was fortunately black, so it wasn’t that obvious at first glance. But with a second glance, it would be… very, very obvious.


Hah… I should’ve brought boardshorts instead… 


Yuuji never had this kind of problem, and because he had his mind full with Aika’s case, he had forgotten all about this.


If he knew it would be this obvious, he wouldn’t have brought swimming trunks! 


Yuuji sighed deeply before putting in his bags inside the locker in defeat and pocketed his phone. 


But just as he was about to walk out, he noticed that everyone was still looking at him, or rather, looking slightly downward at him...


Now that his heaven-sculpted body was hidden under the hoodie, their attention quickly gravitated towards a massive bulge in his pants as they stared at it with eyes as wide as saucers. 


Yuuji’s size wasn’t only above average. He was massive, even when he wasn’t erect at all. And if he was… They couldn’t even begin to imagine how massive it would be…


This time, even more men started moving away. Some changed faster, and even exited the changing room as quickly as possible, completely avoiding him.


Looking at their reaction, Yuuji couldn’t help but get even more worried… It seems like it was even more… obvious than he thought.


If he went to the water park with Shu or Raku, he wouldn’t feel this troubled. The problem was he’s here with girls. While it would still be embarrassing, it wouldn’t be that bad if his sisters notice it since they’re family. But what about Haruka and Hibiki?! It would be extremely embarrassing if they notice it!


Yuuji looked down once again and sighed… He knew it’s impossible not to notice the massive bulge in his pants, but he could only hope and pray for a miracle… 


Exiting the men’s changing room, Yuuji took out his phone and chatted with Tatsuya while he waited for the girls. Aika and Lelouch seemed to be busy while Satoru was busy grinding in Yggdrasil. Tatsuya was the only one free at the moment since school still hadn’t start for him.


But just like usual, he could still notice a lot of eyes, especially those of females, gazing towards him from his peripheral. Perhaps even more so than usual…


They were all looking at him with redly blushing cheeks, some whispering excitedly to their friends while still locking their gazes onto him while some shifted their gazes down and shrieked or gasped in excitement and awe.


T-This might be… worse than school…


While girls in his school were also showing their interest in him, they were still quite subtle with their appeal. But the females here, who seemed to be mostly in university or young adults, were on a whole different level… 


Some didn’t even try hiding their thirst for him the moment they saw his face and the massive bulge in his pants. Even through his peripheral, he could see a beautiful girl stopping in her tracks the moment she saw him and bit her lips when she looked down to his crotch, even though her boyfriend was right beside her. Another was even silently trying to take pictures of him with her phone. 


And in just a few minutes, a beautiful girl approached him and became to first of many that would eventually swarm him, surrounding him with an army of girls in swimsuits who didn’t seemed to know the concept of “personal space”. 


“Hey hey~ Are you a model~? You look soooo handsome~”


“What are you doing standing here, handsome~? Come play with us~ My friends will be so happy to have you~ And after that, we could go to some karaoke for an after party~”


“Hey, why are you wearing that hoodie~? Come on, take it off~ We’re in a water park, you know~ Or are you shy~?


“Ah~! Excuse me~! I’m so clumsy~ Oh my, you’re so muscular~ Do you workout~ I love men who workout~”


Eventually, they started becoming more and more physical. Touching and squeezing his arms or even trying to touch his chest or “fall” into his embrace because someone “accidentally” pushed them. 


It was a truly heavenly, dream-like paradise for some people. The girls with a more mature and curvaceous body leaned in towards Yuuji and propped up their bikini clad breasts up, showing off their curves to entice him, while the ones who seemed younger appealed with their cuteness. 


But for Yuuji, it was a hellish place. They’re all looking at him like hungry and thirsty predators in front of the most delicious meal they’ve ever seen in their lives. 


If he was surrounded by his mother, sisters, aunt, Aika, Ranko, Hibiki, Haruka, and girls he’s close with, he would’ve been elated and flattered, especially if they’re looking at him with such lustful eyes. He would’ve still stopped them, but at least he’ll know that they want him and would pursue them to the ends of hell!


But this was different! He wasn’t interested in random strangers, no matter how beautiful they are!!! 


I-I take it back. This is definitely worse than school!!!!


Yuuji tried his best to reject and lay them down nicely, prying of their hands gently, and backing off. But his smile, his soothing, honey-like voice, and that gentlemanly action just backfired on him and only served to make them even more eager to convince him to come with them. 


He just showed them that he wasn’t a f*ckboy, for the lack of a better word, but an actual gentleman. How can they not husband such a hunk gentleman up immediately?! 


Their eyes lit up even more after realizing how much rarer of man Yuuji actually was! He’s a prince they’d hear in fairytales!!!


But just as they were about to ramp up their offensive, four girls forced their way through the crowd and immediately separated them from their target.


Many glared at them for a moment, but their eyes quickly widened in shock after seeing their beauty. 


They’ve all got sexy supermodel-level bodies and they all beauties, especially the orange-haired twins and long-haired beauty. 


And to make things worse, the twins immediately hugged each of his arms and glared at them.


“He’s with us, so please don’t bother him!”


“I’m sorry for the wait. Let’s get going, Yuuji.”




Then with Hibiki and Haruka paving the way for them, Yuna and Nina dragged their beloved step brother out of the swarm of girls with a pout on their faces. 


After a while, they’ve finally arrived in a place with fairly few people around.


“Hah… Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry to have bothered you.”


Yuuji lowered his head apologetically to his sisters and seniors.


“No no~ You don’t need to apologize!”


“That’s right. You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, it is our fault for taking so long…”


“That’s right… I’m sorry, Yuu-kun…”


“Mm. We had a bit of trouble putting on our swimsuits, so it took us a bit longer. I’m sorry.”


“No no. If I could’ve rejected them a bit better, it wouldn’t have become that bad.”


“Hehe~ You’re such a gentleman, aren’t you~?”


“It ended up backfiring at me, though…”


Yuuji smiled helplessly at Haruka’s beaming smile. 


“Well, let’s forget about that~ By the way, Yuuji-kun. What do you think of my swimsuit~?”


Haruka put her hands behind her and slightly crossed her legs in a shy pose with slightly blushing cheeks as she showed off her blue bikini with yellow stars. 


As Yuuji had expected, she has a very curvaceous body. Her breasts were beautiful and sizeable, her waist was slim while also having a bit of fat to make it seem very soft and supple, and her hips were round and wide. In addition to that shy smile, she is beautiful enough to mesmerize men with but a glance, including Yuuji.


But having been around his Goddess-like mother, beautiful sisters, and alluring aunt, Yuuji was able to regain his calm quicker than other men. 


“It looks very becoming of you, Morishima-senpai. You look very beautiful and cute at the same time.”


“Thank you~ Hehehe~”


Haruka giggled shyly as she felt her heart flutter from his words. They were words of compliment she often heard from others. But somehow, the way he said it was just… different. He didn’t stutter, become flustered, or tried to look away. He looked at her in the eyes with a smile and complimented her with such genuinity. It was… a very refreshing thing for her. 


“H-How about us, Yuu-kun?”




Yuuji turned to his sides and saw both of his beautiful sisters staring at him expectantly. 


Yuna wore a frilly orange bikini that looked extremely beautiful on her. Even though she has an extremely bewitching figure, the frills hid the full power of her sexiness and lended her an adorable look that matched her cheery smile.


Meanwhile, Nina wore a white bikini with cross straps, both top and bottom, that wrapped around her neck and waist. The design of her bikini and her expression made her look extremely mature, but the pure white color also gave her an air of innocence and purity, creating a gap-moe Yuuji can’t get enough of. 


*Gulp* Calm down, Yuuji… You can’t get erect now… I know they’re beautiful, but you can’t get erect now!!!!


Taking a deep breath, Yuuji smiled at them brightly and answered.


“Both of you look extremely beautiful. So much that I was mesmerized for a moment.”


“Ehehehe~ Thank you~”


“M-Mm… Thank you.”


Yuna hugged Yuuji’s arm tighter, inevitably pressing her massive breast against his arm, as she giggled happily. On the other hand, Nina averted her face away from him. But Yuuji could still see how red her ears were and felt how tighter she’s clutching his arm. 


Ah… They’re too cute… I can’t believe my sisters are this cute!!!!


Yuuji fell into his own sis-con delusions for a moment before snapping out of it after realizing something. 


He turned towards Hibiki, who was just standing there in her black bikini and pareo around her waist with a helpless smile. 


But then, she noticed Yuuji’s gaze and looked towards him, meeting his gaze.


“You look very beautiful as well, Tsukahara-senpai. As expected of the captain of the swimming club. You have a toned and shapely figure that would suit any kind of swimwear and outfit.”


Haruka’s cheeks immediately blushed at his words before she faked a cough and answered him.


“Eh?! Ah… *A-Ahem* Thank you…”


She slowly averted her gaze away from him, but just as she looked slightly down, she noticed something. 


Immediately, her cheeks grew even redder and her eyes became as wide as saucers before she whipped her head away in shock.


“Hm? What’s wrong, Hibiki?”


“I-It’s nothing!! Come on, let’s not stand around and swim now!”


“E-Eh? O-Okay…”


Haruka tilted her head slightly before following after Haruka as she briskly made her way to one of the nearby pools. 


Ah… S-She saw it…


Yuuji couldn’t help but blush and sigh deeply when she realized what made Hibiki act that way.


Well, at least Morishima-senpai hadn’t noticed it…


He watched his two seniors walking away with a sigh, but just as he was about to tell his sisters to follow after them, he saw both Yuna and Nina staring down with eyes as wide as saucers and cheeks blushing like tomatoes.


A-Ah… It’s over… What am I going to do with this awkwardness…





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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