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Chapter 152 ~ Haruka and Hibiki

The next morning. 


Yuuji woke up with the soft, squishy, naked bodies of his sisters pressing against him.


They laid their heads on his chest as their breasts pressed against him like a pair of warm, heavenly pillows. He wrapped his arms around them as their legs wrapped around each of his legs, preventing him from moving. 


And because he could clearly feel their naked bodies pressing against him, his penis had erected a massive tent from under the covers as usual. 


Thankfully, Est did not appear on his chest this morning. Because if she did… It’d be a bit awkward to explain to his sisters why Est would sleep on his chest while being naked. 


Yuuji turned towards the peacefully sleeping twin, their cheeks still slightly rosy and their skin still flushed from their intense workout last night. They still had plenty of kiss marks peppered all throughout their bodies; their neck, their collarbone, their breasts, arms, belly, thighs, and butts. Yuuji did not let any part of them go unmarked by his love. And they, in turn, also marked their beloved brother all over. 


With his [Divine Physique], the scratches they’ve made when they were going at it wildly didn’t cause a single mark on his body. But, he did let their love bites mark him all over. After all, they looked so delighted when they saw their love bite on his body, and became even wilder. 


It was a fun night… Despite their lack in skills, especially when compared to Aika, they more than make up for it with sheer intensity, passion, and love for him. 


And… Yuuji could simply teach them so they could improve their techniques. He would teach them himself and even let them use his body for practice. 


He was a good teacher, so he would be able to make them improve rapidly and make their nights together even more fun. 


Yuuji kissed the two on their forehead and began stroking their heads. 


Then, a few moments later, the two began fluttering their eyes open and looked at Yuuji with a wide, beaming smile.


“Good morning, Yuu-kun.”


“Good morning, Yuuji.”


“Good morning, Yuna, Nina.”


They shared a morning kiss together and the two began snuggling up to him. 


“Mmnghhh~ Haaaaahh… I feel so refreshed… Even though we did it for so long yesterday.”


“Yes… Yuuji’s… magic is very effective. I thought we would be extremely tired the day after.”


The two nuzzled closer to Yuuji as they took a deep breath, breathing in a lungful of his scent. 


They felt extremely comfortable… To be able to feel Yuuji’s warmth on their body as well as inside their body, they couldn’t help but feel so happy and loved. Even if they were slightly sticky from sweat and liquids down below, they didn’t feel uncomfortable in the slightest bit. 


“Aaah!!! I just realized! Y-Yuu-kun r-released a lot of it inside us! Nina, what should we do?!?!”

“That’s right…! I-it’ll be fine… We can ask mom or Aika-nee to buy us some morning pills!”


The two began to panic slightly. 


Although they would love to have children with Yuuji, they wanted to have his children in the future. Right now, they were still in their first year of high school, and they also planned on going to a university to begin forging their own path! They were still not ready for children!


But just as they were about to raise up and go to their mom or aunt, Yuuji held them and pulled them back into his embrace on the bed, and stroked their backs. 


“Yuna, Nina, it’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry.”


“B-But, Yuu-kun…!”

“Yuuji, even if we’re not struggling financially, a lot of time and attention would be needed to bear a child. And… we’re not ready for such a thing.”


Yuuji smiled softly and nodded.


“I know. Although I would like to have children, it’s a wish of mine for the future. Right now, I want to enjoy my time with you and spend our youths together carefreely. All I’m saying is, there’s no need for you to be afraid of getting pregnant.”


“Y-Yuu-kun, I-It’s true that today is our safe day, but…”


“We can never be too sure…”


“Of course. But even if it’s not your safe day, you won’t have to worry.”




The twins tilted their heads and looked at him confusedly. 


“I have another ability called Fertility Control, which allows me to control the virility of my seed. And I’ve made sure to make it so that my seed won’t be able to fertilize your eggs when we have sex.”


Their eyes widened in shock as their mouths hung open. 


“I-Is that true?”


“Yes. But, if you still wish to take the morning pill to ease yourself, you’re free to do so.”


Although Yuuji had told them about his skill, he’d still understand it if they wished to take a morning pill to completely make sure they won’t get pregnant. After all, in a world without magic, such an ability like “Fertility Control” was unbelievable. 


The only reason why the twins seemed to consider his words seriously and felt a slight bit of relief was due to the things Yuuji had shown them and their trust in him. 


The twins looked at each other for a few moments, before nodding.


“Yuu-kun… We believe you. But… Right now, I still can’t rest easily without taking a morning pill. So… I-It’s not that we don’t trust you!”


“Yuna’s right, Yuuji… It’s just… too difficult to comprehend for now… ”


“B-But next time, we’ll feel more comfortable with not taking the morning pill, so…!”


Yuuji pulled the twins into a tighter embrace and kissed their cheeks with a small giggle.


“It’s fine. I know you trust me. And I’m not upset that you still want to take the morning pill. Do whatever makes you feel happiest.”


“Uhn… Thank you, Yuu-kun.”


“I’m glad… Thank you.”


The twins returned his embrace and kissed him on the cheeks. 


“Now, you should get up quickly since we need to go to school. You still need to wash up, and explain to Mira and Aika-nee why you’d need morning pills, right~?”

Their eyes quickly widened in realization, and their faces immediately turned red. 


“Oh no…! N-Nina, what do we do?!?!”

“Kuh… W-We have no choice… But… Yuuji, you need to help us!!!”


“T-That’s right! Y-Yuu-kun is also responsible!!! After all, y-you’re the one who… A-Anyway! You need to help us explain!”


“Ahahaha! Alright.”



Yuna and Nina walked together with Yuuji in between them, making their way to school together as usual. And just like any other day, they attracted the attention of many many people around them. 


However, compared to previous days, most of them seemed… even more entranced than usual. 


Yuuji could see the mesmerized looks on many of the boys from his school. There were even a few men in suits, some young and some old, who were similarly enchanted by them. 


He could see the hints of lust in their eyes, which happened quite often, to his irk. He could understand their sentiment, given Yuna and Nina were extremely beautiful and physically endowed. But it didn’t mean he’d tolerate other men ogling their bodies. 


Normally, he would flare his aura towards these men when they’d openly stare at their breasts and butts, which would immediately make them cower in fear and run away. 


But this time… Their lust was mostly overwhelmed by their awe and shock from his sisters’ beauty. 


After realizing their love for Yuuji and taking their first step into adulthood, Yuna and Nina seemed to glow and emanate an air of alluring beauty and bewitching maturity. 


Their innocence and purity were now tinted with an alluring sexiness of a mature, experienced, beauty. Although they didn’t have the sexiness and maturity of Mira or Aika yet, they were starting to show signs of developing into extremely sexy women. 


Mesmerized gazes filled with awe, and some looks from boys who had just fallen in love with the twins’ countenance continued to accompany them as they walked towards the academy. 


But none of them were noticed by Yuna and Nina. 


Normally, they would notice such gazes, although they wouldn’t give it much thought since they only have eyes for Yuuji. But this time, they didn’t notice it at all. 

And it was all because of the events that happened this morning. 


Right after waking up and washing up, the two had to ask their mother and aunt for morning pills and explain to them that they just had sex with Yuuji last night. 


It was extremely embarrassing. So much so that they were too embarrassed to meet them in the eyes, which made them miss the mischievous and happy glint in their mother’s eyes and a look of envy in their aunt’s. 


Thankfully, their mom didn’t tease them too much since they still needed to go to school. And after congratulating them, she gave them some of the morning pills she had stored. 


Yuna and Nina didn’t think much of it and were just happy she had some ready. They quickly took a pill each and thanked their mother, before getting ready for school.


But… Yuuji noticed something.


Why… did Mira have so many morning pills ready…?


He turned his eyes towards her, and saw her looking at him with narrowed eyes and a suggestive look. 


And in that moment… a realization that made his heart skip a beat and his crotch harden came to mind. 


Even now… he still couldn’t forget the sexy look Mira had. 


Although he was grateful for having [Divine Physique], sometimes he wished he could lessen the libido that was caused by the overwhelming amount of energy he had in his body. 


Even after making love to Yuna and Nina all night, a single look from Mira still made him hard…


It was… becoming tougher to hold back. 


“Ah! Yuna-chan~ Nina-chan~ A-And, Y-Yuuji-kun… G-Good morning!!!”


Yuuji and the twins looked back to the familiar voice and saw Haruka and Hibiki approaching them. 


Haruka was smiling brightly when she saw Yuna and Nina. But when she met Yuuji’s gaze, she couldn’t help but avert her eyes as her cheeks began to blush. 


“Ah, good morning, Morishima-senpai! Tsukahara-senpai!”


“Good morning.”


Yuna waved her hand at the two as Nina bowed courteously. 


“Good morning, Morishima-senpai, Tsukahara-senpai.”


Following his twin sisters, Yuuji greeted them as well with a soft, courteous smile that sent Haruka into a daze. 


“Good morning to you as well.”


Hibiki greeted with a soft, gentle smile before glancing at the dazed Haruka with a helpless smile. 


“U-Uhn! W-What a coincidence, huh~? Yuna-chan, Nina-chan, let’s walk together to school~!!!”




“Of course. Eh- Ah, Morishima-senpai? W-Wai-”


Cutting Nina off mid sentence, Haruka grabbed the twins’ hands and dragged them off, leaving Yuuji and Hibiki behind.


“Hah… That girl…”




Hibiki shook her head and turned towards Yuuji.


“I’m sorry for her behavior, Yuuji-kun. You know how she is.”


“It’s fine, senpai. Let’s also make our way to school.”




The two began making their way to the school, side by side, as Yuuji began talking with her. 


Hibiki tried her best to appear calm and composed. But inside… she was actually quite nervous. 


Although she was never one to judge or be captivated by someone’s appearance, Yuuji’s appearance was… perfectly to her liking. 


He had a neat and clean appearance with a kind and gentle, yet also manly, face. His posture and body language were also elegant and polite. And while he was interacting with her, she noticed him being considerate and keeping an appropriate distance between them while also being friendly. 


Even when they were in the pool, where most men there ogled at her body, he always kept a respectful gaze when looking at her. 


At first, she felt a bit conflicted. Although she wasn’t as beautiful as Haruka, she was quite confident with her figure. Having done swimming quite frequently, she was quite physically fit, and thanks to her genes, she also had quite generous “assets” that would attract the attention of many, especially when she was in her swimsuit. 


But during the course of their outing, she did notice him trying his best to not look down from her eyes. 


It was… quite adorable seeing him trying to hard to be respectful to her. She would’ve… forgiven him if he took a peek at least once, given how much he had done his best. But he never did. 


That means… He was attracted to her, but was respectful enough to not ogle at her without her permission. 


A major plus point to her impression of him.


Another major plus point was how well spoken he was, much more than what she would expect from a young boy his age. It was as if she was talking to someone her age with her level of maturity, or even more mature. Yet, he didn’t seem like he was talking down on her either. She felt… very comfortable in his presence. 


In addition to his… handsomeness and his comforting presence, there was no way Hibiki would not be attracted towards him. 


But still, she tried her best to not reveal it. After all… Haruka was clearly also attracted to this junior of theirs. 


And although the law allowed, or even encouraged, men to have more than one spouse, she didn’t want to become Haruka’s rival…


So… at the very least… She’ll enjoy this brief sweetness she felt in her heart right now.


“It has been a while since we’ve last talked, senpai. Ever since our outing to the pool. How have you been?”


“I’ve been well. Having just started the school year, there hasn’t been much to do yet aside from introducing the first-year students to the club and preparing for the mid-term exams. How about you?”


“I’ve been well as well. I’ve been helping Yuna and Nina, and some of my friends with their study for our mid-terms as well.”


“Oh? I… Didn’t know you were well-versed in your academics.”


Hibiki looked at him surprised. 


Yuna and Nina were known to excel academically. And for him to actually help them study meant that he’s at least on par with them. 


“I’m just helping them with a few things they are having trouble with. It’s nothing much. Also, it helps me with my revision as well, so in a way, they’re also helping me study.”


“I see.”


Her impressions of him increased once more… 


To be humble and have the willingness to help others… he’s checking more and more of her checkboxes to be her dream partner.


“Ah, I’ve also heard that you’ll be playing for our school’s basketball team for a spar game they’ll have against another school.”


“Ah, yes. You’re right. I’m surprised you’ve heard of it, senpai.”


Yuuji widened his eyes in slight surprise. He didn’t expect this matter to be known by even a third year student.


“I’ve heard of it from my juniors in the swimming club. And it has actually been spreading throughout the school.”


“I see…”


“To be requested by the captain of the basketball club personally, you must be very good.”


Hibiki narrowed her eyes inquisitively as she smiled. And in her heart, she also couldn’t help but feel yet another surge of affection filling her heart when she heard that he was also quite the athlete. Another point they share. 


When she heard of this, her mind immediately fantasized how fun it would be to do some sports with him. Together… Just the two of them.


“Ahahaha… I’ve just started playing but I hope I can at least meet your expectations.”


Her smile widened and she closed her eyes for a moment, relishing in the warmth she felt in her heart, before replying to him. 


“I’ll be looking forward to watching you play. Haruka and I will be coming to watch. She was extremely excited to cheer you on, and so am I. So do your best.”


“If that’s the case, then I’ll definitely work even harder, knowing that my two beautiful seniors are watching.”


Her eyes widened as her whole body froze in shock upon hearing his words. Her heart skipped a beat, and it immediately began thumping faster and louder when she saw his beautiful smile. 


Ah… This is bad…’


There was no way she could hide it anymore… 


To be calling her beautiful… Yuuji might only be giving her lip service. He might be telling the truth when he referred to Haruka, but considering her appearance, there’s a bigger possibility that he’s only saying it to be polite. 


But… Being told beautiful in such a genuine manner… It still made her heart flutter. 


“Y-Yeah… Do your best.”


“Ah, Tsukahara-senpai, please wait!”


Hibiki quickly hastened her steps and covered the lower half of her face as to not let this stupidly charming junior of hers see how embarrassingly red she was from a few words of his and his stupid handsome smile. 


She could only hope she could calm down upon arriving at school. Otherwise… she wouldn’t know how to explain it to Haruka. 





AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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